project organization and management

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  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management



    ARSP 1Written Report

    ‘‘Project Organization andManagement’’

    (Group 3)

    Submitted by:

    Baa!a" #ion$%&a%%e!gon" 'em$

    Padi%%o" oraine Beao%edo" *ir!tie

    +rmeneta" Pau% ,i%arce

    Submitted to:

    Arc’t- Mercedita Ba%ero

  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    • arvey - evine /01102 mentions that there are three classic organizational

    structures available or dealing with pro"ects these are the basic types o


    4P2S O& ORGA./0A/O.A SR++R2S

    • A- 5e &unctiona% Organization6

    ▫ It is the traditional organization or perorming ongoing work. Its ocus

    is on operational discipline. It is best or routine work and the

    maintenance o standards.

    • B- 5e Project Organization6

    ▫ It was designed or isolated kind o work with a strong ocus on the


    • - 5e Matri7 Organization6

    ▫  #he limitations o both the classic unctional organization and the pure

    pro"ect organization, it is understandable that a new type o

    organization would emerge. #he matri$ organization, which gained

    popularity in the 3451s, o!ers the best o both worlds solution but not

    without problems.

    • #- 5e ompo!ite Organization6

    ▫ It is an organization may be created or special pro"ect team to handle

    a critical pro"ect. 6ntil now, there has been no (uantitative modeling

    used or the evaluation o a pro"ect's communication e7ciency under

    di!erent organizational structures

     A.FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION• A unctional organizational structure is a structure that consists o

    activities such as coordination, supervision and task allocation. #he

    organizational structure determines how the organization perorms or

    operates. #he term organizational structure reers to how the people in

    an organization are grouped and to whom they report. ne traditional

    way o organizing people is by unction.

    •  #his organizing o specialization leads to operational e7ciency where

    employees become specialists within their own realm o e$pertise. #he

  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    most typical problem with a unctional organizational structure is

    however that communication within the company can be rather rigid,

    making the organization slow and in8e$ible.

    • As a whole, a unctional organization is best suited as a producer o

    standardized goods and services at large volume and low cost.

    9oordination and specialization o tasks are centralized in a unctionalstructure, which makes producing a limited amount o products or

    services e7cient and predictable. oreover, e7ciencies can urther be

    realized as unctional organizations integrate their activities vertically

    so that products are sold and distributed (uickly and at low cost.

      Memer! o8 a 8unctiona% organization

    • %unctional organization /%2:▫

    %unctional manager▫ ;ro"ect anagement 7ce /;2 central at other 9ompany.▫ Industrial Saety central at mother company▫ uman

  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    ▫ < in pro"ect.▫ %inance and sales in pro"ect.▫ All reports o employs to the pro"ect manager.

    C.MATRIX ORGANIZATION•  #he matri$ structure groups employees by both unction and product.

     #his structure can combine the best o both separate structures. A

    matri$ organization re(uently uses teams o employees to accomplish

    work, in order to take advantage o the strengths, as well as make up

    or the weaknesses, o unctional and decentralized orms. An e$ample

    would be a company that produces two products, >product a> and

    >product b>.

    • ?eak)%unctional atri$: A pro"ect manager with only limited authority

    is assigned to oversee the cross& unctional aspects o the pro"ect. #he

    unctional managers maintain control over their resources and pro"ect


    • @alanced)%unctional atri$: A pro"ect manager is assigned to oversee

    the pro"ect. ;ower is shared e(ually between the pro"ect manager and

    the unctional managers. It brings the best aspects o unctional and

    pro"ectized organizations. owever, this is the most di7cult system to

    maintain as the sharing o power is a delicate proposition.

    • Strong);ro"ect atri$: A pro"ect manager is primarily responsible orthe pro"ect. %unctional managers provide technical e$pertise and

    assign resources as needed.

      Memer! o8 a Matri7 organization

    •  #he matri$ organization /2:▫ ;ro"ect manager.▫ ; o the entire pro"ect but give reports to pro"ect manager and the

    central ; o the company.▫ Industrial saety in pro"ect give reports to pro"ect manager and the

    central to the company▫ < in pro"ect give reports to pro"ect manager and the central to the

    company%inance and sales in pro"ect give reports to pro"ect manager and the central

    to the company


  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    • In a composite organization structure, organizations may use any

    combination o the above given types o structures.

    • Suppose your organization is a unctional organization and it needs a

    small building, and your organization has the capability to construct

    this building on its own. In this case, your organization will create a

    separate small pro"ect team to complete this task.• 9omposite organization is basically a combination o all other

    organization types /unctional, pro"ectized, matri$2. #hink o it an

    organization where one pro"ect is being done in @alanced atri$ way,

    while another is being done in %unctional way. And then they also have

    another pro"ect being done as ;ro"ectized way. So in a sense there is no

    f$ organization type but a combination o all others.

      Memer! o8 a ompo!ite organization

    •  #he composite organization/92:▫ ;ro"ect manager.▫ ; o the entire pro"ect or another pro"ects but give reports to pro"ect

    managers and the central ; o the company.▫ Industrial saety in pro"ect or in more than pro"ect gives reports to

    pro"ect manager and the central to the company.▫ < in pro"ect or in more than pro"ect gives reports to pro"ect manager

    and the central to the company.▫ %inance and sales in pro"ect or in more than pro"ect give reports to

    pro"ect manager and the central to the company

    PR/./P2S O& ORGA./0A/O.

    • 3. ;rinciple o unity o ob"ectives: rganizational goals, departmental goals,

    and individual goals must be clearly defned. All goals and ob"ectives must

    have uniormity. ?hen there is contradiction among di!erent level o goals

    desired goals can't be achieved. #hereore, unity o ob"ectives is necessary

    • 0. ;rinciple o specialization: Sound and e!ective organization believes on

    organization. #he term specialization is related to work and employees. ?hen

    an employee takes special type o knowledge and skill in any area, it is

    known as specialization. odern business organization needs the

    specialization, skill and knowledge by this desired sector o economy and

    thus, e7ciency would be established.

  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    • . ;rinciple o coordination: In an organization many e(uipment, tools are

    used. 9oordination can be obtained by group e!ort that emphasize on unity

    o action. #hereore, coordination acilitates in several management concepts

    • B. ;rinciple o authority: Authority is the kind o right and power through

    which it guides and directs the actions o others so thatthe organizational goals can be achieved. It is also related with decision

    making. It is vested in particular position, not to the person because authority

    is given by an institution and thereore it is legal. It generally 8ows rom

    higher level to lowest level o management. #here should be unbroken line o


    • C. ;rinciple o responsibility: Authentic body o an organization is top level

    management, top level management direct the

    subordinates. Departmental managers and other personnel take the direction

    rom top level management to perorm the task. Authority is necessary to

    perorm the work .only authority is not provided to the peoplebut obligation is also provided. So the obligation to perorm the duties and

    task is known as responsibility.

  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    • 33. ;rinciple o communication: 9ommunication is the process o

    transormation o inormation rom one person to another o di!erent levels.

    It involves the systematic and continuous process o telling, listening and

    understanding opinions ideas, eelings, inormation, views etc, in 8ow o

    inormation. =!ective communication is important.

    • 30. ;rinciple o personal ability: or sound organization, human resources are

    important. =mployees must be capable. Able employees can perorm higher.

    ainly training and development programs must be encouraged to develop

    the skill in the employees.

    • 3. ;rinciple o 8e$ibility: organizational structure must be 8e$ible

    considering the environmental dynamism. Sometimes, dramatically change

    may occur in the organization and in that condition, organization should be

    ready to accept the change

    3B. ;rinciple o simplicity: this principles emphasizes the simplicity oorganizational structure, the structure i organization should be simple with

    minimum number o levels do that its member an understand duties and


    O.SR+/O. O& ORGA./0A/O.A ,AR

  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    • In this simple chart, the relationship between the 9onstruction anager and

    the wner)9lient is obvious. Go matter how large the pro"ect, there must be a

    bona fde relationship between the owner and the 9 that shows that the

    construction manager was operating in the wner's best interest.

    • In your organizational chart, you are re(uired to list the titles and names othe individuals who worked with you on the pro"ects/s2 that you are

    submitting as (ualiying or the BF months

  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    ▫ ;arallel processing whereby the pro"ect is divided into independent

    parts such that all stages are carried out simultaneously.▫ Staggered processing whereby the stages may be overlapping, such as

    the use o phased design&construct procedures or ast track operation.• It should be pointed out that some decomposition may work out better than

    others, depending on the circumstances. In any case, the prevalence odecomposition makes the subse(uent integration particularly important. #he

    critical issues involved in organization or pro"ect management are:▫ ow many organizations are involvedH▫ ?hat are the relationships among the organizationsH▫ ?hen are the various organizations brought into the pro"ectH

    •  #here are two basic approaches to organize or pro"ect implementation, even

    though many variations may e$ist as a result o di!erent contractual

    relationships adopted by the owner and builder. #hese basic approaches are

    divided along the ollowing lines:

    Separation of orani!ation". Gumerous organizations serve as consultants

    or contractors to the owner, with di!erent organizations handling design and

    construction unctions. #ypical e$amples which involve di!erent degrees o

    separation are:▫  #raditional se(uence o design and construction▫ ;roessional construction management

    Interation of orani!ation". A single or "oint venture consisting o a

    number o organizations with a single command undertakes both design and

    construction unctions. #wo e$tremes may be cited as e$amples:▫ wner&builder operation in which all work will be handled in house by

    orce account.▫  #urnkey operation in which all work is contracted to a vendor which is

    responsible or delivering the completed pro"ect

    • Matri7 Organization e7amp%e

  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    • A Project9Oriented Organization

    •  27amp%e o8 on!truction Management on!u%tant


  • 8/16/2019 Project Organization and Management


    Recommendation! 8or Organizationa% !tructure!

    • rganization type in all scales o pro"ects must be well selected beore

    starting e$ecution.

    ▫ During construction phase selected manager and planner must re

    ad"ust the organizational relations to have smooth e$ecution according

    to their e$perience.

    ▫  #he best is to choose the suitable planner then the suitable manager

    then the suitable organization type and lastly the pro"ect team.

     #he proposed tool and 8ow chart will add to the easy choice oorganization type.