project paper_communication skill

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  • 7/30/2019 PROJECT PAPER_Communication Skill









    This is the project paper on Understanding Communication skills. The

    project paper submit by The Members of Group 6 of 2nd Batch of

    Information Technology Governance Training Program (for Treasury

    Person) Conducted by Yashwantrao Chavan Academy for Development

    Administration, Pune in the Co-ordination with Computer Society of

    India, Pune Chapter & Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries,Maharashtra State, Mumbai.

    A man is seldom better than his conversation.

    - German Proverb

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    Project Name:CommunicationSkill


    Present by:

    Batch-2, Group 6Mr. Chandrashekhar V. Raut, Yavatmal Treasury.

    Mr. Mangesh Charde, Wardha Treasury.

    Mr. Sandip S. Shende, Amravati Treasury

    I.T. Governance Training Program for Treasury Person 2012-13.

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    Contents At a Glance

    1. Introduction .... 4

    2. Abstract... 4

    3. Project Objectives........... 4

    4. Project

    4.1 Subject Introduction 5

    4.2 What is the Communication.... 5

    4.3 The Importance of Communication.... 5

    4.4 Defining Communication & Skills......... 6

    4.5 Communication Skill for. 64.6 The Communication Process... 6

    4.7 Key Element in the Communication... 7

    4.8 Communication Tools..... 7

    4.9 Classification of Communication.... 8

    4.10 Flowchart of Communication.. 9

    4.11 Perspectives in Communication.. 10

    4.11.1 Visual Perception .... 10

    4.11.2 Language...... 11

    4.12 Essentials of Good Communication.... 11

    4.13 Barriers in the Communication...... 11

    4.14 Improving Communication Skills... 12

    4.14.1 Basic Listening Skills .. 12

    4.14.2 Speaking Skills .... 13

    4.14.3 Writing Skills .. 15

    4.14.4 Feedback Skills ... 15

    4.14.5 Presentation Skills ... 16

    5. Presenter Comments... 16

    6. Reference.... 17

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    This is the project paper on Understanding Communication skills. The project paper

    submit by The Members of Group 6 of 2


    Batch of Information Technology GovernanceTraining Program (for Treasury Person) Conducted by Yashwantrao Chavan Academy for

    Development Administration, Pune in the Co-ordination with Computer Society of India, Pune

    Chapter & Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.


    Communication is the basic need for everyone to express their Ideas, and views. It isone of the basic skill of living body. It will help to improve Governance in the Public

    Administration. Communication is a vital part ofan individuals life. In fact, communication is

    one of the distinctive attributes of human kinds. If there is one factor that separates us from

    animals then it must be our ability to communicate. The story of human evolution is all about

    developing skills of language and communication. Communication techniques have kept

    assuming new forms during the course of our journey from ancient ages to 21st century. Life

    just cannot function without element of communication. Effective communication skills help us

    in living a better andricher life.

    Project Objectives

    This Project have the following main objective;

    To know What is the Communication and Skill also with What is the CommunicationSkills

    How Communication skills relate with the Interpersonal relations. How communication starts Today type of communication Way of Communication

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    Subject Introduction

    Communication if a complex two way process, involving the encoding, translation and

    decoding of massage. Effective communication requires the communicator to translate theirmassage in a way that is specifically designed for their intended audience

    What is Communication.

    Communication is a process of Sending, Receiving and Understanding Massages. It involve exchange of ideas, interests, understanding, and ability to speak fluently and

    clearly. Personal Process. Occurs between two people. Involves change in behavior. Means to influence others. Expression of thoughts and emotions through words & actions. Tools for controlling and motivating people. It is a social and emotional process.

    The Importance of Communication Inspires confidence Builds respect in business and social life Helps make friends Develops a distinct personality Reveals your ability to others

    Communication is the art and process of

    creating and shearing ideas. Effective

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    Defining Communication & Skill

    The term communication, derived from a Latin term communicare

    Communication : We can define Communication in many ways, but According the Oxford


    Communication means: the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking,

    writing, or using some other medium

    But it simple as;

    Information Transmitted or

    A verbal or Non-Verbal massage or

    A process by which information is exchanged between individualsthrough a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

    Skill :the ability to do something well; expertise

    Communication Skills For. . .

    Recognizing barrier in the communication process Finding the ways to Overcome Communication Barriers. Adding the new flavor in the communication Using simple ways/Networks to speared your massages

    The communication process

    Communication process involves following stages:

    Source Massage Encoding Channel Decoding Receiver Feedback

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    Key Element in


    Speaker, Audience, Speaker Massage

    Communication Tools :




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    Body Language Visual Images

    Classification of Communication

    General classifications

    Verbal and non-verbalVerbal Comm. : The information is sent to the receiver

    from sender through a talk

    Non-Verbal Comm. : The information sent through picture,

    facial expression, & actions.

    Common Classification(Type of Verbal Communication)

    Intra-personal communication skills :This implies individual reflection, contemplation and meditation.

    Example : prayers

    Interpersonal communication skills :This is direct, face-to-face communication between two persons.

    It is essentially a dialogue or a conversation between two or more


    It is personal, direct, as well as intimate and permits maximum interaction through

    words and gestures. Interpersonal communications maybe:

    Focused Interactions : Actual encounter between two persons. T Completely aware of the

    Unfocused interactions : Occurs while observes or listens

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    Announcements, Speech, etc.

    Non verbal communication skills :Includes aspects such as body language, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, well as the written and typed modes of communications.

    Mass communication :Tools of modern mass media includingsocial media marketingbooks, the press, cinema, television, radio, etc

    Flowchart of Communication

    Upward Or Downward



    Joint Director

    Treasury Officer

    Sub Treasury Officer

    Dy. Accountant

    Jr. Account/Accts Clerk















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    Horizontal Or Lateral

    Perspective of Communication

    We have our own filter for the communication exchange that are follows:

    Visual Perception

    See the picture of an old man, this gives information,

    An old man seated,

    but if we carefully watch him then,

    An old man setting at a corner. He is waiting for someone. He is sad.

    Joint Director

    TO, Amravati TO, Yavatmal TO, Akola TO,Washim

    STO,Arni STO,PusadSTO,Darwha STO,Wani STO,Ner

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    He have a stick.Both visuals are possible. And both are valid. We have to recognize that there is more than one

    way to perceive a visuals.


    Every massage have certain tone to it The perception of tone colored the way that you might have responded. The same words can have very different meaning depending on how we are

    interpreting them.

    So while communicating use specific word in a certain order.Example : A women without her man is nothing


    A women, without her, man is nothing

    Essentials of Good Communication

    Knowledge Organizing your thought Participating in the discussion Tone of Voice Body Language : Show Vs Tell Being a Good Listeners : Listening Vs Hearing Always think ahead about what you are going to say. Use simple words and phrases that are understood by everybody. Increase your knowledge on all subjects you are required to speak. Speak clearly and audibly. In case of an interruption, always do a little recap of what has been already said. Always pay undivided attention to the speaker while listening. While listening, always make notes of important points. Always ask for clarification if you have failed to grasp others point of view. Repeat what the speaker has said to check whether you have understood accurately.

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    Barriers in Communication

    Environmental Noise

    Difference in Language & cultural Background

    Physical Disability Finishing other sentence Preparing your response before the appointment finish


    Use of technical terms Poor Listening skills Poor Personal Hygiene

    Improving Communication SkillsBasic Listening Skills

    Most Listeners retain less than 50% of what they hear. If you talk 1 Hour, half amountlisteners heard Which results miscommunication

    Vital skill to communicate effectively. We listen for

    To build relationships To Understand others To be entertained To learn To gather Information

    Good listening Gives More productive at work More Connected in relationships More efficient in the task. Helps to persuade and negotiate with other To avoid misunderstanding

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    Self Awareness Good Listener become aware of his own behavior, feeling and habits while


    To become a good listener, test our self at different scenarios and changeaccordingly.

    Active Listening Means Attentive in communication. Need to relay whole massage This required concentration and practice.

    Become a Good Listener Pay Close Attention Demonstrate physically that you are listening Check for understanding Dont Interrupt! Respond Appropriately

    Speaking Skills

    What to say & How to sayAsking Question

    1. Close-ended Question for clarify2. Open-ended Question for getting information3. One Point Solution for indentify urgent concern

    Focus on one issue

    Force a Choice

    Leads to specific solution

    Gender-neutral Language

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    Use gender neutral language to avoid impact of one gender. We can change itby practice.

    Example: You should slow your car when approaching a work zone.Instead off

    A driver should slow his/her car when approaching a work zone.

    Conflict, Criticism, And Anger Management

    Dealing with conflictListen carefully to determine the nature of the conflictIdentify areas of agreement.Allow the other person a way out.

    Dealing with CriticismDirect your criticism at behavior, not the person.Say something Positive.Indentify behavior that can be fixed or changed.

    Avoid use of the word YOUOffer specific ways to make changes in the behavior.

    Controlling Anger We are not born angry. We learn Anger. So we have to overcome it. Anger can be healthy if we use it to Help us understand our reactions to


    Negotiation : An Arrangement or managing through discussion or compromise

    If you are right,Then there is no need to get angry

    And if you are wrong,

    Then you dont have any right to get angry.

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    Persuasion : To Move by argument to a new position or belief.

    Mediation : Intervening in conflict with intent to resolve through discussion.

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    Writing Skills

    Written ways of communication we use For Sharing information To get massage clearly Meeting Notices Quick Questions, Clarification If amount of Discussion is more, complex then avoid written communication, use


    Lengthy discussion by written communication are not efficient. For effective Writing use following tips.

    Subject lines Put main point first Know you Audience Organization of Massage.

    Feedback Skill

    Positive feedback is more readily and accurately perceived than negative feedback Positive feedback fits what most people wish to hear and already believe about


    Negative feedback is most likely to be accepted when it comes from a credible source ifit is objective in form

    Rewards other for their better ideas, views and work.Developing Effective Feedback Skills

    Focus on specific behaviors Keep feedback impersonal Keep feedback goal oriented Make feedback well timed Ensure understanding Direct feedback toward behavior that is controllable by the recipient

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    Presentation Skill

    This is skill for Public Speaking for convey our Ideas, concepts and Issues to audience. It required fearless behavior of presenter. Structure the content in line with the audiences needs. What do you want to tell audience? What are your objectives? Prepare keeping in mind the time allotted. Collect material from a verity of source Arrange point logically and sequentially.

    Presenter Comments

    No matter what the different types of communication skills are,communicating is an ever-continuing process that is going on all the time.

    It is as important to human life as is day-to-day existence.

    To be a good person, you should have to good listener, Speaker, Writerthat means you should have the good communication skill.

    Communication process like a river water through which number of ideaexpressed and gather result an Ocean of knowledge.

    Improvement in Communication Skills = Improvement in personality.

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    1. Toni Rosenbaum ; Effective Communication Skill,( MTD Training: Effective Communication Skills:www.bookboon.com3. Google image search.4.