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National Institute of Technology, Delhi 3D touch through IR sensor matrix

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National Institute of Technology, Delhi3D touch through IR sensor matrix

Page 2: Project ppt 1


Abhishek Gupta Krishna ReddyKaran Tanwar

100102 110112110107EEE Final year EEE Final yearEEE Final year


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Gesture Recognition

About the project

Circuit diagram

Flow chart






Code segments

Facts about Atmega 16

Applications & limitations

Chalanges & learnings








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IntroductionObjective:Implementation of 3D touch (Gesture recognition) by using IR sensors. Shape recognition by using an IR sensor matrix and displaying the shape on a LED matrix.

Idea:Purpose of building this module is to replace image processing devices like Kinect, since power consumed by IR sensor is much less as compared to the existing image processing devices. There are commercial devices like leap motion and medusa which work on similar concepts.

Software required:oAtmel studiooAVR dudeoProteus Hardware required:oAtmega 16oIR sensors


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Gesture RecognitionoGesture recognition is a topic in language technology with the goal of interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms.o Gestures can originate from any bodily motion or state but commonly originate from the face or hand.oCurrent focuses in the field include emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition.oHowever, the identification and recognition of posture, gait, proxemics, and human behaviors is also the subject of gesture recognition techniques.o Gesture recognition can be seen as a way for computers to begin to understand human body language.oAlgorithms : 1. 3D model-based 2. Skeletal-based 3. Appearance-based


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ExamplesPast Present Future

Wired gloves Leap motion Haptic technology

Depth aware cameras Sixth sense Nokia Mclaren

Single camerasMedusa: A Proximity Aware Multi-

touch Tabletop 3D touch holograms

Controller based gestures


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About the projecto Gesture recognition through IR sensor matrix. An IR sensor is an object

detection sensor in digital mode and it can be used for measuring distance between object and sensor in analog mode. By using multiple IR sensors we can add another dimension to input data, for example IR sensor touch screen (based on position of touch on a 2D plan).

o A 2D array of these sensors can provide a 3 dimensional data(i.e. displacement values[x,y,z] in a given space) of any object within its range.

o This ‘object’ can be a human hand for gestures or a spherical ball for 3D modeling.

o Our project is about gathering that 3D data represent it on a 8x8 led matrix.


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Circuit Diagram

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Flow chart of the code

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Code (//not the final code for tomorrow ) o int main(void)o {o DDRA=0x00;o DDRB=0xFF;o DDRC=0xFF;o DDRD=0XFF;o adc_init();o int a[8][8];o int z=1,s,i;o while(1)o {o for(s=0;s<8;s++)o {o PORTD=z; o z*=2;o for(i=0;i<8;i++)o {o adc_conversion(i);o a[s][i]=adc_data;o _delay_ms(1);o }o }


o int x=1,y=0,w=1;o for(s=0;s<8;s++)o {o PORTC=x;o x*=2;o for(i=0;i<8;i++)o {o if(a[s][i]==1)o a[s][i]=0;o if(a[s][i]==0)o a[s][i]=1; }o for(i=0;i<8;i++)o {o y=power(a[s][i],i);o z+=a[s][i]*y;o }o PORTC=z;o }//for;oo }//while;o return 0;o }

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Atmega-16Some of the features of Atmega16 are:•16KB of Flash memory•1KB of SRAM•512 Bytes of EEPROM•Available in 40-Pin DIP•8- Channel 10-bit ADC•Two 8-bit Timers/Counters•One 16-bit Timer/Counter•4 PWM Channels•Serial USART•Digital to Analog Converters

Basic features of Atmega 16

We will be working on Atmega16 microcontroller, which is a 40-pin IC and belongs to the MegaAVR category of AVR family.


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IR SensorThere are two part of the sensors: 1. Emitter 2. Receiver Emitter converts the electrical current in the Infra-Red Radiation. Receiver receive the IR radiation when the radiation reflect back after the collision from the obstacle and then this IR radiation is converted into electrical current.Operating Modes:Our IR sensor can work in two modes:Analog Mode: - In this the output is continuously changes depending upon the reflections from the objects.Digital Mode: - In this the output is constant either high or low depending upon reflections.Operating voltage: 5VRange: - 15 to 25 cm LED Details: generic led is used in simulation


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ADCo Microcontroller understands only digital language.o To convert the analog output from the sensors to digital we need.o In AVR family of microcontroller we have inbuilt ADC on PORTA. Each pin in

PORTA has an ADC circuit connected behind it. Thus we have 8 channels of ADC.

o The resolution of ADC output is 10 bit i.e. the output from the ADC is any number between 0 to 1023.

o Registers used: ADMUX, ADSCRA,ADCL & ADCH.


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Applications Better interaction between human and computer can be used in many fields. By using this module with better processors we can have many applications like:oEntertainment industry: better games and applications, hence more profit.oSocial cause: interaction with machines is a big issue for people suffering from autism and ADHD, this can help in filling that gap and improve their living standards.oThis can help in building of better sensors for object detection in robotics.


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Limitations o Shape detection is static in nature.o Representing the data gathered, in an 8x8 led matrix leads to loss of

information.o It doesn’t detect motion in z axis.o Not a significant method of representing the data.


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Modifications Modification can be done in order to increase the usefulness of the module: oUsing IR sensors in analog mode to detect motion i.e. adding another dimension to the data we can access .oUsing PWM in led(s) to depict the motion of object. oThrough above modification we can achieve different operations like modeling for animations, better interaction between machine and humans.oExporting the project to Ardunio and Raspberry pie.

By adding these modification the algorithm to access the data will change and we would require working on higher end microcontrollers and microprocessors like Raspberry pie, beaglebone, etc.


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Challenges o Accuracy and usefulness.o Limitations of the equipment.o Image noise.o Issue for viability of the technology to general usage.

Problems:o Lack of access of flash memory in Atmega 16 memory.o Simulation errors.o Environment dependence of equipment.o Accuracy


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Learnings o IR sensor is a pretty device, but it can be used for many complicated

operations like shape detection, distance measuring etc.o First experience with human computer interaction through natural language.o By working on this project we encountered many fields which can provide

huge exposer in research. Example haptic technology, AI etc.o After this we would like to work on generation of surface modeling.


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References o Wikipedia

o Google


o ATMEL Corporation

o Codeproject



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