project report on performance appraisal at jocil ltd guntur

Study on Performance Appraisal at JOCIL Ltd, Guntur A PROJECT REPORT Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements to School of Management Studies University of Hyderabad For the award of the degree MBA By Naveen Ravi Chandra Kumar 09MBMA63 Under esteemed Guidance Of Dr. V Sita M.A, M.Phil, PhD, PGDHRM, FDP (IIM-A) 1

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performance appraisal


Page 1: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

Study on Performance Appraisalat

JOCIL Ltd, Guntur


Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements to

School of Management StudiesUniversity of Hyderabad

For the award of the degree


ByNaveen Ravi Chandra Kumar


Under esteemed GuidanceOf

Dr. V SitaM.A, M.Phil, PhD, PGDHRM, FDP (IIM-A)

School Of Management StudiesUniversity Of Hyderabad



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The first and foremost words of gratitude go to my faculty guide, Dr. V Sita

professor in HR , School Of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad for her

invaluable support. .I thank cordially for her guidance provided for the completion

of project successfully.

I extend my sincere thanks to JOCIL Ltd, Gunutr providing me an

opportunity to do this project work entitled “Study on Performance appraisal at

JOCIL Ltd, Guntur”, and I also thank Mr N L Prasad L.O who guided me for

successful completion my project at JOCIL Ltd.

I specially thank to the Dean and the faculty members of the School of

Management Studies for having equipped me with the skill set and ability through

their inputs, which assisted me in the completion of the project.


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This is to certify that the Project work entitled “Study on Performance appraisal at

JOCIL Ltd, Guntur” has carried out and submitted by Mr. NAVEEN RAVI CHANDRA

KUMAR (09MBMA63) under my guidance by in partial and fulfillment of his Masters of

Business Administration at School Of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad.

Dr. V Sita



School Of Management Studies

University Of Hyderabad


Page 4: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur


I hereby declare that this project entitled “Study on Performance appraisal at

JOCIL Ltd, Guntur” has been done by me under guidance of Dr. V Sita . This project

partial fulfillment of the award of degree in ‘Masters in Business Administration’.


Date : 09MBMA63

School Of Management Studies

University of Hyderabad


Page 5: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur



1.1 Human Resource Management - 1

1.2 Performance appraisal - 3


2.1 Company profile - 9

2.2 Business and Strategies - 15


3.1 Research - 21

3.2 Research Methodology - 22


4.1 Analysis - 30


5.1 Findings - 49

5.2 Suggestions and conclusion - 50

I Questionnaire - 51

II Bibliography - 54


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Performance appraisal in is the basic activity of human resource management of which

employee will assess their strengths and weakness for the sake of providing

compensation , like increments and salaries. This concept adopted by the most of the

organizations as an important part of the organization. As a manufacturing unit JOCIL

Ltd. adopted the performance appraisal technique to assess their employees for the better

growth organization standards. To determine the satisfaction level of the employee and

level of knowledge to the people in the organization a study has been conducted and

results obtained were descriptively analysed. To crosscheck the results interaction with the

employee was also done.

The objective of study was designed to consider the fallowing objectives: To study the performance appraisal method conducting by the JOCIL Ltd.

To analyze the awareness and satisfaction of the employee in.

To identify how far organization succeed in conducting performance appraisal.

A sample of 80 employees was taken from different levels such as engineers, supervisors,

and operators. The data was collected from questionnaire which was prepared on the basis

of appraisal form of the company. And analysis of data was carried out basis of

questionnaire data and interview method. It could be concluded that employee were little

satisfied with the system and methodology of system found strictly fallowed by the



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Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the

management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually

and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business

“Human resource management is a collective implementation of managerial functions

such as planning, organizing, directing and, controlling to reach the organization goals”

Human Resource Management: Scope

1. Personnel aspect-This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement,

transfer, promotion, training and development, layoff and retrenchment, remuneration, incentives,

productivity etc.

2. Welfare aspect-It deals with working conditions, facilities and amenities such as canteens, rest

and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety, recreation

facilities, etc.

3. Industrial relations aspect-This covers union-management relations, joint consultation, collective

bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settlement of disputes, workers participation in

management etc.

Functions of HRM:

Based on the organization of task and implementation of methods we have two types of

functions, they are:

Managerial functions and

Objective functions


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Managerial functions are also called the core functionalities of human resource

management, which will be deals with the planning, organizing, Directing and, Controlling. Among

these directing is also called the leading.

Objective functions are the active functionalities of human resource management which

has substantially organizing capability in according to requirements of the organization. These are

drawn from the managerial functions for successful achievement of the organizational tasks.

These includes the...

Employee planning.


Training and Development.

Employee evolution.

Pay roll management.

Welfare of the employee.

Employee evolution is the major task for an organization because employee performance

will be done and motivation factor to the extent of the employee requirement. It includes the

Conducting the performance appraisal, feedback generation, giving the extra inputs that requires

for the employee, compensation planning, Reviewing and auditing manpower management in the

organization… etc.


Performance appraisal is a formal system that evaluates the quality of a worker’s

performance; an appraisal should not be viewed as an end in itself, but rather as an important

process within a broader performance management system that links:

• Organizational objectives

• Day-to-day performance

• Professional development

• Rewards and incentives


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What is the purpose of performance appraisal?

• Professional development such as identifying strengths and weaknesses in performance,

implementing strategies for improvement

• Determining organizational training and development needs

• Making and validating administrative decisions like pay, promotion, placement, and


• Identifying systemic factors that are barriers to, or facilitators of, effective performance.

Objectives of Performance appraisal:

To review the performance of the employees over a given period of time.

To judge the gap between the actual and the desired performance.

To help the management in exercising organizational control.

Helps to strengthen the relationship and communication between superior – subordinates

and management – employees.

To diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals so as to identify the training

and development needs of the future.

To provide feedback to the employees regarding their past performance.

Provide information to assist in the other personal decisions in the organization.

Provide clarity of the expectations and responsibilities of the functions to be performed by

the employees.

To judge the effectiveness of the other human resource functions of the organization such

as recruitment, selection, training and development.

To reduce the grievances of the employees

Scope of Performance appraisal


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Provide employees with a better understanding of their role and


Increase confidence through recognizing strengths while identifying training

needs to improve weaknesses.

Improve working relationships and communication between supervisors and


Increase commitment to organizational goals; develop employees into future


Assist in personnel decisions such as promotions or allocating rewards, and

allow time for self-reflection, self-appraisal and personal goal setting.

Effects of Performance appraisal On Careers of Employee:

Performance appraisal helps to identify the hidden talents and potential of the

individuals. Identifying these potential talents can help in preparing the individuals for

higher responsibilities and positions in the future. The performance appraisal process in

itself is developmental in nature. It is also closely linked to other HR processes like helps to

identify the training and development needs, promotions, demotions, changes in the

compensation etc. A feedback communicated in a positive manner goes a long way to

motivate the employees and helps to identify individual career developmental plans. Based

on the evaluation, employees can develop their career goals, achieve new levels of

competencies and chart their career progression. Performance appraisal encourages

employees to reinforce their strengths and overcome their weaknesses

Fundamentals of an appraisal system

To develop a successful performance appraisal system, two criteria need to be met

• Relevance and applicability to everyday work practice

• Acceptability to appraisers and workers.

A systematic approach to performance appraisal can help ensure that these two important


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criteria are met.

How to conduct a performance appraisal

The following five-step approach to conducting a systematic performance appraisal is


1. Identify key performance criteria

2. Develop appraisal measures

3. Collect performance information from different sources

4. Conduct an appraisal interview

5. Evaluate the appraisal process.

Step 1: Identify key performance criteria

Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of setting up a performance appraisal is

deciding what to assess. In essence, four key dimensions of performance should be considered in

a performance appraisal.

Key Dimensions of Performance:

Competencies : Knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to performance

Behaviors : Specific actions conducted and / or tasks performed

Results / outcomes : Outputs, quantify able results, measurable outcomes

and achievements, objectives attained

Organizational citizenship

behaviors : Actions that are over and above usual job


To ensure that the performance criteria are relevant to work practice and acceptable to

appraisers and workers:

i. Base the performance criteria on an up-to-date job description

ii. Develop criteria in consultation with appraisers and workers

Step 2: Develop appraisal measures

Once clear and specific performance criteria have been developed, the next step is to

decide how to assess workers’ performance. It is recommended that a structured and systematic

approach is taken to assessing performance. Problems that arise when an unstructured “blank

sheet” approach is used include:

• Increased chance of appraiser errors

• Knowledge, skills and abilities most critical to job performance may be overlooked

• Reduced consistency between appraisers


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• Perceptions of “subjectivity” in evaluations, which may in turn, reduce workers’

satisfaction with, and acceptance of, appraisals.

Step 3: Collect performance information from different sources

Once the appraisal measures are developed, the next step involves collection of accurate

performance information. A common trap is to begin noting observations of workers just before

conducting appraisals. This is likely to give an inaccurate picture of a worker’s performance.

Ideally, workers’ performance should be observed in a systematic way over time .This method

ensures the accuracy of information about their performances.

Traditionally, it has been the sole responsibility of managers / supervisors to assess

performance. However, other organizational members can be a valuable source of information as

they are likely to have exposure to different aspects of a worker’s performance. This approach is

known as 360-degree feedback. For instance, coworkers can provide valuable information on

teamwork skills, and subordinates can provide useful information on leadership style.

Five different sources of performance appraisal information are considered here:

i. Manager / supervisor appraisals

ii. Self appraisals

iii. Coworker appraisals

iv. Subordinate appraisals

v. Client appraisals.

Step 4: Conduct an appraisal interview

The next step in a performance appraisal is to conduct the appraisal interview. The two central

purposes of the appraisal interview are to:

• Reflect on past performance to identify major achievements, areas that require

further development, and barriers / facilitators to effective performance

• Identify goals and strategies for future work practice.

Step 5: Evaluate the appraisal process

As with any organizational system, the performance appraisal process should undergo regular


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review and improvement.


Company Profile:

JOCIL is a Public Limited Company incorporated in February 1978 as Andhra Pradesh

Oil and Chemical Industries Ltd (APOCIL). Listed in National Stock  Exchange (NSE) Madras

and Hyderabad Stock Exchanges Renamed as “Jayalakshmi Oil and Chemical Industries

Limited” in 1982. Became a Subsidiary of “The Andhra Sugars Ltd” (ASL) on 27 October 1988.

ASL Group of Companies have diversified interests in Sugar, Chemicals such as Caustic

Soda, Acetic Acid, Industrial Alcohol, Sulfuric Acid, Aspirin etc., Petrochemicals and Textiles

at various locations in Andhra Pradesh, India. ASL is also the Sole Supplier of Rocket Fuel

(UDMH) to ISRO. It renamed once again as “Jocil Limited” in 1992. 30 years of experience in

the field of manufacture of Stearic Acid Flakes, Fatty Acids, Toilet Soap, Soap Noodles and

Refined Glycerin. Stearic Acid Flakes are available in various grades for use in

Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Textiles, Paints, Plastics, Tyres, Tread Rubber, Metal Polish and

Other Industries. A 6 Mw Biomass Cogeneration Power Plant commissioned in 2001, to meet

captive requirements of Steam & Power, Exports Surplus Power to APSPDCL (Public Utility

Company). Continuous unbroken dividend paying record since 1988 – 89. It has Celebrated

Silver Jubilee in the year 2003. Company has Awarded ISO 9001:2000 Certification by DNV in

year 2004, Ventured into Wind energy in the Year 2005.Wind farm is registered as CDM

Project with UNFCCC in Year 2009.


The Directors of the Company hereinafter referred to as "The Board" is committed to adopting,

besides any of its obligations under relevant laws or regulations, the best relevant practices for

corporate governance.

This Code of best practices represents a blend of law, regulation and appropriate voluntary

practices that will enable the Company to attract financial and human capital, perform efficiently

and to generate economic value for shareholders while respecting the interests of stakeholders

and society as a whole.

The principal attribute of the code is to ensure effective corporate governance, to enable the Board

to approve the Company's strategy and major business plans and decisions.

A code of conduct (hereinafter referred to as "Code") is adopted as per the stipulations of Listing


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Agreement which is applicable to all the Directors of the Company.


The Board will operate within all applicable laws and regulations. The Board will act within and in

accordance with the powers granted to them by the Company's articles

The Board will act bonafide in the Company's interest, to use its powers and information

available for the business purposes and not exercise them for any collateral purpose and will

ensure that the Company is managed with due diligence, due regard to the interest of all

stakeholders, and essentially for the benefit of all its shareholders. The Board will in all

sincerity endeavor that the Company's activities ultimately add to the economic development

of the Country and further the national interest.

The Board will function within the framework of the economic, development and legal policies of

the Government of India and shall not undertake nor participate in any task, debate or

conversation that can reflect unfavorably on the dignity of our Nation or go against its interests

The Board will meet regularly, at least once every quarter with prime concentration on

strategic issues and their approval, policy and control, delegation of powers, specifying issues

that remain in the Board's domain

The Board will consider the following matters as and when deemed appropriate.

Annual operating plans and budgets and any updates.

Capital Budgets and any updates.

Quarterly results for the Company and its operating divisions or business


Minutes of meetings of audit committee and other committees of the Board.

Show cause, demand, prosecution notices and penalty notices which are

materially important.

Fatal or serious accidents, dangerous occurrences, any material effluent or

pollution problems.

Any material default in financial obligations to and by the Company, or

substantial non-payment for goods sold by the Company.

Any issue which involves possible public or product liability claims of

substantial nature.


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Details of any joint venture or collaboration agreement.

Transactions that involve material payment towards goodwill, brand equity,

intellectual property.

Significant labour problems and their proposed solution. Any significant

development in Human Resources/Industrial Relations front like signing of

wage agreement, implementation of Voluntary Retirement Scheme, etc.

Sale of material nature of investments, subsidiaries, assets, not in normal course

of business.

Quarterly details of foreign exchange exposures and the steps taken by

management to limit the risks of adverse foreign exchange rate movement, if


Non-compliance of any regulatory, statutory nature or listing requirements and

shareholders service such as non-payment of dividend, delay in share transfer.

Board will present a balanced, clear assessment of the Company's position. The Board will

ensure that the Directors' report shall include a narrative consistent with the figures in the

accounts of the performance and prospects.

The Board will ensure that the Annual Report shall include, inter-alia , a Management's

Discussion and Analysis Report as per SEBI guidelines and the Board's Report on Corporate

Governance (duly certified by the Auditors).


The Code of Ethics & Conduct for the Senior Managers of the Company helps to maintain the

standards of business conduct for Jocil Limited and to ensure the compliance with legal

requirements. The purpose of the Code is to deter wrong doing and promote ethical conduct.

The matters covered in this Code are of utmost importance to the Company, Shareholders,

business partners and other stakeholders. Further these are essential so that the Company

can conduct the business in accordance with high ethical values. Managers of the Company

are the custodians of Information and assets. As such, the Code of Ethics for the Senior

Managers of the Company is codified as under


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The Code is applicable to the Senior Managers of the Company (hereinafter referred to as

"Managers") as stipulated by the Management by way of Office Circular from time to time.

Code of Ethics & Conduct for the Senior Managers of the Company:

Managers will -

Affirm the code on annual basis as required by the revised clause 49 of the

Listing Agreement.

avoid accepting any offer, payment, gift or anything of value from customers,

vendors, consultants etc. that is perceived as intended, directly or indirectly, to

influence any business decision, any commitment of fraud or opportunity for

the commitment of any fraud.

Proactively promote and be an example of ethical behavior as a responsible

partner among peers, in the work environment and the community.

Share knowledge and maintain skills important and relevant to stakeholders'


Act in good faith, responsibly, with due care, competence and diligence,

without misrepresenting material facts or allowing one's independent judgment

to be subordinated.

comply with rules and regulations of all Public Authorities in all the

geographies in which Jocil Limited operates

Respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of one's work

except when authorized or otherwise legally obligated to disclose.

provide all stakeholders with information that is accurate, complete, objective,

relevant, timely and understandable.


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Strive to achieve responsible use of and control over all assets and resources

employed or entrusted not use confidential information acquired in the course

of one's work for personal advantage.

act with honesty and integrity, avoiding actual or apparent conflicts of interest

in personal and professional relationships

The Company has well defined policies for


Consumer Safety

Safety, Health and Environment (SHE)

Company's Philosophy:

To Conduct its Operations with Honesty, Integrity and Transparency

To be the Market Leader in its Field of Operations through Continual

Improvement in Efficiency and Quality of Products & Services.

To be a Successful Profit Making Organization

To Serve Society through Industry

To care for the Environment and the World in which we live

To have Concern for Employees, Shareholders, Customers and Business

Associates alike.


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Business and Strategies :

1. Business ---> Oleochemicals ---> Stearic Acid --->


Product offered in the form of free flowing flakes, in different grades and to suit various industrial


User Industries:

* Rubber


* Cosmetics

* Metal Polish

* Paints

* Tyres

* Food Pharmaceuticals

* Speciality Chemicals.

Customers :


* Elgitread

* Nestle


* Clariant


* Century harma

* Sun Pharma etc.

Also manufactures

High purity products like 90% minimum Stearic Acid

Customer specific grades to suit specific industrial applications

2.Business ---> Oleochemicals --->Distilled Fatty Acids --->



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Distilled Fatty Acids Manufactured from Vegetables Oils like Coconut Oil, Palm Kernel Oil, and

Rice Bran Oil.

User Industries

* Toilet Soap

* Speciality Chemicals 

* Industrial Greases etc.

Customers include



* Emami

* Bayer ABS Limited.

Fractionated Products Manufactured –

Caprylic, Capric, Lauric, Myristic, Palmitic, Stearic, Oleic, Erucic & combination of these fractions,

with the Technology – Sulzer. A few of these are under trial production and will be available soon

for commercial sale. Refined Glycerine is a byproduct from the process of vegetable

oi ls during the manufacture of fatty acids. Grades Offered are CP (Chemically

Pure) and IW (Industrial White)

. Business ---> Soap ---> Toilet Soap

Decades of Association with FMCG majors Trusted Partners for Brand Introduction

Contract Manufacturing

Present Soap Brands

Liril 2000 for HUL

Life Buoy Skin Guard for HUL

Superia Lemon Fresh for ITC

Superia Soft Sandal for ITC

Superia Milky Glow for ITC

Superia Fragrant Flower for ITC

Superia Natural Glow for ITC

Superia Healthy Glow for ITC

Vivel Satin Soft for ITC

Vivel Ayurveda Essence for ITC

Manjal for MARICO


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Parachute Jasmine for MARICO

Past Soap Brands

Liril Icy Cool Mint for Hindustan Lever

Savlon for Johnson & Johnson

Chek Beauty (4 Variants) for Henkel India

Margo Natural Care for Henkel India

Lux Skin Carefor Hindustan Lever

Rexona Coconut for Hindustan Lever

Breeze for Hindustan Lever

Margo for Calcutta Chemical Company

Shikakai for Swastic Surfactants and

Product can be offered to suit  Customer Requirments


Flexibility to Manufacture Five Diffrent Grades at a time, 250 tpd of Installed Capacity.

Translucent Noodles and Premium Noodles of High Quality

Our Customers are:



* Marico

* Reckitt Benckiser

* Emami 

* Jyothy Labs 

* Henkel India etc.,

Extending support in the areas of Research & Development of New Soap Products,

Coloured Noodles,Strands and Bits

Premium and Translucent Soaps l ike

* Lir i l Icy Cool

* Savlon

* Margo Natural


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* Chek etc., brands have been developed at Jocil .

Contract Manufacturing

Well known for

* Product know-how

* Strong Quality Control

* Modern Facil i t ies

* Total Commitment

* Responsiveness

* Team Work

Long Standing and Continuing Association with FMCG majors


* Johnson & Johnson

* Henkel India

* Reckitt Benckiser

Trusted for

* High Quality of Products

* Meeting Delivery Commitments

* Accommodating Changing Customer Schedules

Highly Responsive to Customer

* Enquires

* Suggestions

* Complaints

Support for R&D of Introductory Products

Company Achievements

Continuous unbroken dividend paying record since 1988-89. Celebrated Silver Jubilee in

the year 2003. ISO 9001:2000 Certification by DNV in year 2004. Ventured into Wind energy in


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the Year 2005. Wind farm is registered as CDM Project with UNFCCC in Year 2009.



“Research is simply a systematic and refined technique of thinking, employing specialized tools,

instruments, and procedures in order to obtain a more adequate solution of a problem than would

be possible under ordinary means. It starts with a problem, collects data or facts, analysis these

critically and reaches decisions based on the actual evidence. It evolves original work instead of

mere exercise of personal. It evolves from a genuine desire to know rather than a desire to prove

something. It is quantitative, seeking to know not only what but how much, and measurement is

therefore, a central feature of it.”


To study the performance appraisal method conducting by the JOCIL Ltd.

To analyze the awareness and satisfaction of the employee in.

To identify how far organization succeed in conducting performance appraisal.


Does the Performance Appraisal at JOCIL Ltd. give the positive and effective response from



Conducting study on Performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd, Guntur, which is having all type of

employees as it is manufacturing unit for different products. Rating Scale Performance appraisal is

using by the company by the last few years with effective and deliberate response form the

employees. Performance Appraisal is one of the key factor for analyzing the employee strength

and weakness to provide compensation according to their performance which is for the growth of

the organization.


The present project is Descriptive in nature, the data based on facts collected with the help of the

tools and presented in the form of pie chart and bar-charts, and percentages, describing present

status of the appraisal technique adopted by the organization.

Sample size : 80 employees(Engineers, Supervisors, and operators)

Mode of data collection : Questionnaire and interview method


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Data collection tool : Questionnaire.


There are basically two types of approaches to research: Qualitative and Quantitative.

Quantitative: This approach involves generation of data in the quantitative forms, which is

subjected to rigorous analysis, this approach was includes the statistical analysis.

Quantitative: This approach is more subjective with respect to attitudes and opinions. This

approach has been adopted by administering a questionnaire to collect the data for study.


Data is the collection of the individual records in the form of numerical, words…etc for the

evidence of research. This can be done using the collection from different methods.

PRIMARY DATA: The data that has been analyzed and observed by the researcher for the first

time to their knowledge. It is considered more reliable.

Primary data collected form Engineers, Supervisors and Operators, with respect to

the content like their satisfaction, knowledge, feedback, Objectives of appraisal


SECONDARY DATA: This data is the statistics not gathered form immediate study at hand but for

some other purpose. The secondary data for the study was collected mainly from appraisal form,



It is definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the technique or the

procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample.

POPULATION: It refers to the aggregate of data source or any aggregate from which data is

collected .Unrevised is the target group of study and is finite.

SAMPLE SIZE: A sample is a small portion of the population. In the study a sample of 80

employees who are engineers, supervisors and operators.


The basic tools used for the study were questionnaire and interview methods.

QUESTIONNAIRE: A questionnaire handed with engineers, supervisors, and operators based on

the various aspects of performance appraisal form. Questionnaire was prepared on the basis

content in appraisal form of the company which is helpful to understand and brings the awareness


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about the technique.

INTERVIEW: Continuous interaction with various industry people provided me knowledge on

various helpful industry activities. And satisfaction and assessment level employee, training

programs within in the organization came to figure in mind.

The following are the techniques used to analyze the data collected.

PIE DIAGRAM: The circle is divided into number of sectors representing the values of the data in

identifying the accurate distribution.

TABULATION: The classified data is represented in an orderly way and this calls for systematic

representation of data.


The analysis of data took place form the questionnaire and company appraisal form. And

questionnaire date has been analyses on the basis of the pie-charts and tabulation. The quality

factor has been converted into quantity factor to measure and presented the data and the

inference has provided.


The chapterisation has been done according to the design of the study and it has been carefully

divided into five chapters.

1. The first chapter describes the introduction to the topic of the training and also

elaborates the importance of appraisal for the organization. It also provides major

objects and scope of the study.

2. The second chapter gives the organizational, providing vision and mission of the

organization and business strategies and philosophy’s.

3. Third chapter describes the research methodology, the types of research

conducted, the source of data collection, and techniques used in the analysis.

4. The fourth chapter displays the data analysis

5. Final conclusions and findings are dealt with in the fifth chapter.


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Rating scales of performance appraisal form: As JOCIL Ltd using the method of rating scale

mechanism for conducting appraisal of the employee the questionnaire was designed on the basis

of the content in the appraisal form.


1. Quality of work

• Consider accuracy, thoroughness, effectiveness.

• Pressure, ability to meet standards of quality.

• Use of time and volume of work accomplished.

• Work output matches the expectations established.

2. Quantity of work

• Competence, thoroughness, and efficiency of work regardless of volume.

• Neatness and accuracy.

3. Teamwork:

• Establish and maintain effective working relationship with others.

• Shares information and resources with others

• Follows instructions of supervisor and respond to requests from others in the team in a

helpful manner.

• Contributing work and effort to group performance to meet agreed upon objectives and

achieve team success

4. Job knowledge

• Application of appropriate level of technical and procedural knowledge in specific field

• Degree of technical competence

• Understanding of job procedures, methods, facts and information related to assignments.

• Perform duties with minimal supervision but seek guidance where and when appropriate

to the job, consults the appropriate staff


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5. Initiative

• Consider the extent to which the employees sets own constructive work practice and

recommends and creates own procedures.

• Self-starter, develop and implement new methods, procedures, solutions, concepts,

designs and/or applications of existing designs or procedures.

• Accepts additional challenges and responsibilities and willingly assist others, self-reliant.

• Completes assignment on time.

6. Interpersonal relations

• Consider the extent to which the employee is cooperative, considerate, and tactful in

dealing with supervisors, subordinates, peers, faculty, students and others.

7. Health and safety compliance

• The degree to which he or she complies with or over sees the compliance with university

safety rules.

• The following are also to be completed for supervisory personnel and members of the

administrative staff.

8. Communications abilities

Performance appraisal of communications includes elements as:

• Ability to listen and understand information;

• Presents information in a clear and concise manner.

• Knows appropriate way of communicating with immediate superiors and the


• Demonstrates respect for all individuals in all forms of communication

9. Planning and organizing:

• Adapting to changes and using resources effectively;

• Maintains confidentiality as appropriate.

• Setting objectives, establishing priorities, developing plans;

• Arranging work schedules and prioritizing work to meet deadlines.

• Know when to ask for clarification before proceeding on a work project.


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10. Problem analysis and decision making

• Anticipating problems and facilitate problem resolution.

• Willingness to make necessary and immediate decisions given incomplete information.

• Understanding practical and workable solutions.

11. Staff development

• The extent to which the individual provides guidance and opportunities to his or her staff

for their development and advancement in the university.

12. Dependability

• Starts work at appropriate time.

• Respects time allowed for breaks and lunch.

• Helps ensure work duties are covered when absent.


Page 28: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur


Analysis of data has taken out based on the data collected with questionnaire

methodology of 80 employees as sample is the interpretation of the data for the

evaluation of performance appraisal system with the organization.

1. Do you have knowledge on performance appraisal system fallowed by your organization?

Parameters Yes Partly No Well-knownResponses 43 35 0 2Percentages 53.75 43.75 0 2.5

Performance appraisal system is which for calculating employee strengths

and weaknesses of the employee. The above inference shows that awareness of PA

system in the organization which is 54% people known about this and 44% people

known partly, which is required much awareness among the employees. Because

employees will assess on the basis of their performance and they get compensation

on the basis of this, which is helps to improve the productivity.


Page 29: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

2. Why performance appraisal system required?

 Responses yes % No %

To give the promotions 68 85 12 15

To increase the salaries 77 96.25 3 3.75

To evaluate the employee ability 68 85 12 15

To give the training where it needed 40 50 40 50

For job rotations 33 41.25 47 58.75

Company will conduct the performance appraisal to give the

promotions, increments, and training assessments where it required, which

gives the clear idea about the employee status at the workforce. From the

above inference training requirements based capturing is less in the

employee during appraisal it has balanced opinion about the training.


Page 30: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

3. Who will appraise you?

Parameters supervisor immediate superior HR department othersResponses 18 44 7 11Percentages 22.5 55 8.75 13.75

Performance appraisal conducted by the different people on the basis of employee

designation and cadre of the employee in the company. Form the above inference the

performance appraisal will conduct by the supervisors superiors HR department and by the head

of the departments. As it is manufacturing based company 22% are supervisor for asst. operators,

55% are immediate superiors for operators, and 9% are HR department for the mangers.


Page 31: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

4. On what basis does performance appraisal will conduct?

Parameters based on work

relationship with superiors

presence and productivity Others

Responses 59 12 5 4Percentages 73.75 15 6.25 5

Performance appraisal will conduct on the basis work and productivity of the

employee. From the inference we can observe that 74% employees binding

towards the work appraisal but it has to consider the productivity, because these

two are the proportional to each other. When the strategic enlargement is required

in a company should focus on the work, presence of the employee with the



Page 32: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

5. What kind of performance appraisal will conduct?

Parameters raking scale

check list method

confidential report critical incident

performance test

easy method

Responses67 1 5 7 0 0

Percentages83.75 1.25 6.25 8.75 0 0

Jocil Ltd is fallowing the grading mechanism which suitable for the manufacturing

unit. Here the employee will give the grading to their performance and presence

which will helps to identifying the key positioning roles with their roll. This type

of mechanism will gives the employee frequency towards the work this will be

given on the basis of qualification, work position, experience...Etc.


Page 33: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

6. How often performance appraisal does conducts?

Parameters once in a year once in 6 months

every week

once in 3 months

Responses 66 10 2 2Percentages 82.5 12.5 2.5 2.5

Jocil Ltd conducts the appraisal yearly once to give the increments and

promotions. From the above inference the company will conducts the appraisal

yearly once is 82% will is the reliable. Company wants to conduct the appraisal

for estimation of the employee increments, which is the better way for giving the



Page 34: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

7. What do you feel about this system?

Parameters good average badAbove aveg.

Responses 35 38 6 1Percentages 43.75 47.5 7.5 1.25

Although the appraisal will conducts to estimate the employee capability

but the company appraisal among the employee is satisfactory, we can know from

the inference of the employee.


Page 35: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

8. Does performance appraisal give the potential to your work?

Parameters true partly not true very trueResponses 31 36 9 4Percentages 38.75 45 11.25 5


The above inference implies that people are satisfied with the PA system in

Jocil Ltd believe that it provides scope for developing their potential. This may be

due to the fact that the self-appraised of the appraise invites suggestions on job

enrichment, training needs and steps to be taken to improve individual’s

effectiveness. Whereas the above inference showing that potential level of

increment is 45% partly so company has to improve in the sense of giving

complete backup to the employee.


Page 36: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

9.9.Do you have self-appraisal system?

Parameters yes noResponses 44 36Percentages 55 45

The presence of self-appraisal procedure in the PA appraisal system is an

important reason for the above inference. The self-appraisal includes questions on

major achievements, constraints in performance, type of training required, tasks or

activities undertaken successfully during the year, problems faced etc. It also

includes suggestions on making the job interesting and challenging and plans to

improve effectiveness. Due to this fact, most of the employees may have felt that

they were participating actively in their own appraisal by self -review and

reflection on various issues.


Page 37: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

10. Does employee get the regular feedback?

Parameters Yes noResponses 35 45Percentages 43.75 56.25

The above inference shows that the PA system Company does not giving the feedback

about performance to its employees. It helps anticipating work needs in order to arrange work in

logical order. It also helps in devising efficient methods to attain pre-determined plans. Again due

to flexibility in job content, some people may have found problems in planning their performance



Page 38: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

11. How much you have satisfied with the system?.

Parameters a.10-30% b.40%-60% c.60%-80% d.100%Responses 14 28 30 8Percentages 17.5 35 37.5 10

The employees do not want a fixed increment for their great performance.

The company should make recommendations related to salary on the basis of

regular performance feedback about every employee since the frequency of

performance measurement varies from department to department; it is difficult to

carry out this work smoothly so the satisfaction level low.


Page 39: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

12. Do you feel the fallowing are necessary for employee appraisal?

  Yes % No %

Discipline 80 100 0 0

Attendance 79 98.75 1 1.25

Job knowledge 78 97.5 2 2.5

Relation with employee 80 100 0 0

Plan of work 78 97.5 2 2.5

Decision making 75 93.75 5 6.25

Guidance 74 92.5 6 7.5

  Performance 80 100 0 0

  Absenteeism 57 71.25 23 28.75

Integration 74 92.5 6 7.5

Dependency 75 93.75 5 6.25

Participation 80 100 0 0

A performance appraisal system, which is perceived as bias -free by its

executives, is an achievement for the organization. In the PA system the reporting

officer appraises a section of people whereas the reviewing officer appraises the

performance of an entire department. Also the reviewing officer is the immediate

superior of reporting officer. Any disagreement between the assessments of an

employee has to be duly discussed and recorded. Also, any noticeable difference of

opinion between self-appraisal and appraisal by reporting officer has to be

accounted for. All the above factors help in correcting the biases, if any of

reporting officer.


Page 40: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

13. Are you facing any fallowing problem during appraisal?

yes % No

Analysis of skill 17 21.25 63 78.75

Usage of logics 8 10 72 90

Self-opinion description 12 15 68 85

Participation in decision making 6 7.5 74 92.5

Unable to reveal self description 15 18.75 65 81.25

Jocil Ltd. Performing the appraisal in a sequential manner like

appraisal by the supervisor, immediate superiors which makes the proper

meaning like ordering in the top to bottom which is a correct in the sense of

analyzing the employee by the their superios.


Page 41: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

14. Do you think performance appraisal system gives the real justice?

Parameters yes partly noResponses 18 50 12Percentages 22.5 62.5 15

Performance appraisal will give the employee ability to the organization

and compensation in the form of increments and promotions. If the implementation

reaches the in the parallel level this system will gives the real justices for every

employee. From the inference 65% of the people are satisfied with their appraisal.


Page 42: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

15. Have been selected for any training after PA system conducted?

Parameters yes noResponses 29 51Percentages 36.25 63.75

Performance appraisal is major asset for employee estimation it gives the

employee status whether he require the training or not and the require areas for

training. So performance appraisal will choose the employee for training.


Page 43: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

16. Does training will effects your performance?

Parameters yes noResponses 52 28Percentages 65 35

For every employee training is required to take the right job at the right

place at the same time when the new work is entered in the organization training is

needed for analyzing the new operations. So the company needs training to

increase the efficiency and to polish the work where they are in.


Page 44: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

17. Does Performance appraisal give the improvement in promotions and salaries?

ParametersYes Partly No

Responses28 43 9

Percentages35 53.75 11.25

The performance appraisal is completely need based the organization

recognizes and promotes high achievers only if there are vacancies available in the

organization by finding their strengths and weaknesses. This has a negative impact

on people who are not rewarded and promoted duly for their good performance.

There should be a system of rewarding employees either in monetary terms or in

terms of recognition.


Page 45: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

18. Does your company conduct the counseling after the appraisal?

Parameters yes partly noResponses 18 36 26Percentages 22.5 45 32.5

For growth of the company employee counseling is more important to

reach the organization goals, Jocil Ltd. is providing the counseling on safety

measurements and welfare activities only.


Page 46: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

19. What kind of an appraisal system will bring out the best of you?

Parameters Appraisal by all superiors

Appraisal by immediate superior

Appraisal by reference team

Appraisal by reference team and self

Responses 8 50 10 12Percentages 10 62.5 12.5 15

This shows that the relationship between appraiser and appraise, in Jocil Ltd, with respect

to planning the performance is quite good. The subordinate in planning his performance. The

appraiser helps appraise in testing the soundness of his goals as well as of his plans for achieving

them. This implies that there is active participation of both appraiser and appraise in performance

planning. The reason behind ‘Not True’ answer may be due to the fact that many jobs in Jocil are

not well defined and therefore an elaborate planning on them is not done.


Page 47: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur



1) Presence of a firmly implemented career plan- good sense of growth.

2) High proportion of routine work- during training and immediately after.

3) Organization climate-

Well analyzed goals are set.

Good and effective performance appraisal strategies applied.

All the strategies are fair and objective.

The employees are well aware of what is expected of them.

Proper feedback is not given by management.

Supervisors are patient with the employees’ problems.

Good performance leads to annual increments and promotions.

Training and development programs are not very effective and helpful.

The purpose of Performance Appraisal System followed in the company is fulfilled.


Page 48: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur


The JOCIL Ltd adopted the rating scale performance appraisal mechanism which most

suitable for the manufacturing unit, since it is an agro based manufacturing company. The

employee satisfaction average compare to the executive level employees. The certainty in the

technique is being maintained from the last 10 years in the company. Organization is widely

using the appraisal method for the beneficiary of the employee in the sense of promotions and

increment in salary.

The finding can be found from the analysis of data collected in JOCIL Ltd.

1. The knowledge on performance appraisal to the employee is good and

some of them are having just knowledge on the technique.

2. Most of the employees are known that who will conduct the appraisal and

when it will conduct but reaching the knowledge of appraisal system to

every employee is required.

3. Majority of the employee satisfaction is 47.5% average on the technique

used within the organization.

4. Employees are feeling the performance appraisal technique will gives the

good result if the utilization is implements perfectly.

5. The chance for improving the self-appraisal should be more because 45%

of the employee feeling there is no chance for self-appraisal, it will increase

potential to the organization.

6. Proper feedback should be given to the management cadre staff at fixed time

periods, so that the employee increase the performance based on their remarks.

7. Training and counseling classes are less in according to the data; it should be

improved for the befit of the organization goals and Effective training and

development programs should be held.

8. Exemplary rewards should be given for unique achievements of the


9. Employees are facing some problem with decision making in the work culture and

in the Free hand in decision making.


Page 49: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

10. Performance appraisal system should be extensively used in job rotation AND up

gradation of basic qualification of all workers to be taken in future based on their


11. Uniform growth is required in the salaries and promotions, because it will gives the

employee satisfaction in high level which is for the achievement of the


Performance appraisal technique is meant for assessing the employee strengths and

weakness, to provide compensation to the employee. So that company should concentrate

more on individual development and reward for employee work should be there. If

implementation and analysis on the paper implements in more physical activity the

satisfaction level of the employee will increase as well as path to reach the organization

goal also easy.


Page 50: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur


Employee details:

Name : Age :

Sex : Experience :

Job details :

1. Are you aware that your organization fallowing the performance appraisal system?

a) yes b) partly c) no d) well known

2. Why performance appraisal system required? Yes No

a) To give the promotions ( ) ( )b) To increase the salaries ( ) ( )c) To evaluate the employee ability ( ) ( )d) To give the training where it needed ( ) ( )e) For job rotations ( ) ( )

3. Who will appraise you? a) supervisor b) immediate superior c) HR department d) others

4. On what basis does performance appraisal will conduct? a) based on work b) relationship with superiors c) presence and productivity d) others

5. What kind of performance appraisal will conduct? a) raking scale b) check list method c) confidential report d) performance test e) critical incident f) easy method

6. How often performance appraisal does conducts? a) once in a year b) once in 6 months c) every week d) once in 3 months

7. What do you feel about this system? a) good b) average c) bad d) above average

8. Does performance appraisal give the potential to your work?

a) true b) partly c) not true


Page 51: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

9. Do you have self appraisal system? a) Yes b) no

10. Does employee get the regular feed back? a) Yes b) no

11. How much you have satisfied with your company PA system? a) 10-30% b) 40-60% c) 60-80% d) 100%

12. Do you feel the fallowing are necessary for employee appraisal? Yes No

a) Discipline ( ) ( )b) Attendance ( ) ( )c) Job knowledge ( ) ( )d) Relation with employee ( ) ( )e) Plan of work ( ) ( )f) Decision making ( ) ( )g) Guidance ( ) ( )h) Performance ( ) ( )i) Absenteeism ( ) ( )j) Dependency ( ) ( )k) Integration ( ) ( )l) Participation ( ) ( )

13. Are you facing any fallowing problem during appraisal?Yes No

a) Analysis of skill ( ) ( )b) Usage of logics ( ) ( )c) Self-opinion description ( ) ( )d) Participation in decision making ( ) ( )e) Unable to reveal self description ( ) ( )

14. Do you think performance appraisal system gives the real justice? a) yes b) partly c) no

15. Have been selected for any training after the appraisal conducted? a) yes b) no

16. Does training will effects your performance? a) yes b) no


Page 52: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur

17. Does Performance appraisal give the improvement in promotions and salaries? a) true b) partly c) not true d) very true

18. Does your company conduct the counseling after the appraisal? a) yes b) partly c) no

19. What kind of an appraisal system will bring out the best of you? a) appraisal by all superiors b) appraisal by immediate superior

c) appraisal by reference team c) appraisal by reference team and self


Page 53: Project report on performance appraisal at JOCIL Ltd Guntur


T V Rao, 1999, Appraisal & Development ,Managerial Performance , T V Rao Learning

systems Pvt. Ltd, Excel Books

Carey and Janice Keefe, 2003, Performance appraisal Phrase Book , Adams Media

Carl G.Thor ,2004, Designing Feedback , Viava Management Library.

Angelo S.DeNisi, 1996, A Cognitive approach to performance appraisal, published in the

Taylor & Francis e-Library.

Jan Jonker & Bartjan Pennink, 2010, The Essence of Research Methodology, Springer-

Verlag Berlin Heidelberg .

P. Subba Rao, 2006, Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial

Relations, Himalaya Publishing House.

Web Resources: