project scope 2

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  • 8/13/2019 Project Scope 2


    Midland Cancer Network Project Scope and Plan

    Project Details

    Project Title Midland Medical Oncology Service Plan 2011-2021

    Project Sponsor Jan Smith, Manager, Midland Cancer Network

    Project Manager Mo Neville, Project Manager Midland Cancer Network

    Document Control

    Plan compiled by Mo Neville

    Associated documents Midland Cancer Network Strategic Plan 200-201!

    Midland Cancer Network 2011-12 "ork Plan

    Non-S#rgical Cancer $reatment Service% Plan &or the Midland 'egion (200!)

    Midland 'egion Non-S#rgical Cancer $reatment Service* Progre%% 'e+ort 200*m+lementation Plan 200-2010 (200)

    Cranleigh .ealth Model% o& Care re+ort / d#e +#lication in Octoer 2011

    "aikato 'adiothera+y %ervice +lan 2010Midland% . %ervice +lan 201132012

    Medical Oncology N#r%ing "ork&orce 4oreca%t Modelling (MO.)


    Background to project Cancer a&&ect% one in three +eo+le in the New 5ealand +o+#lation6 Medicaloncology co-ordinate% the a%+ect o& cancer care related to %y%temic thera+y,incl#ding cytoto7ic chemothera+y, targeted hormonal and molec#lar thera+yor imm#nothera+y, and a%+ect% o& %#++ortive care and i% o&ten #%ed inconj#nction with other &orm% o& cancer treatment %#ch a% radiation thera+yand 3 or %#rgery6

    8cce%% to &le7ile treatment o+tion% are a nece%%ary +art o& the jo#rney &ormany cancer +atient% with #+ to 9:o& all cancer +atient% ene&iting &romchemothera+y a% +art o& their treatment +lan6 Medical oncology +lay%an im+ortant +art in oth c#rative and +alliative (%ym+tom relie& in inc#ralecancer) treatment &or cancer

    t i% now recogni%ed that the increa%e in oncology treatment rate% i% greater thanthe increa%e in cancer incidence6 8vailale data &rom New 5ealand cancercentre% indicate% variale #t con%i%tent ongoing growth in medical oncologyactivitie% at a++ro7imately : ann#ally$hi% contin#ing growth in medical oncology activitie% i% elieved to e d#e to;

    increa%ing #%e o& adj#vant chemothera+y (e6g6 &or rea%t and colon cancer)

    increa%ing #%e o& comined chemothera+y and radiothera+y (e6g6 &or cervical,

    and head and neck cancer%) the develo+ment o& e&&ective treatment% o& cancer% that were +revio#%ly

    +oorly re%+on%ive to chemothera+y (e6g6 %econdary colorectal cancer and+otentially non-%mall cell l#ng cancer)

    increa%ing cancer incidence and +revalence rate%, and ri%ing e7+ectation% o&


    management o& common malignancie% with m#lti+le co#r%e% o& thera+y, a%

    more e&&ective +alliative care i% eing develo+ed

    an increa%ing n#mer o& +atient% who +revio#%ly were tho#ght to e

    #n%#itale &or treatment% (e6g6 eca#%e o& age)

    $he develo+ment o& treatment% with &ewer %ide e&&ect%6

    Matched again%t thi% i% an increa%ing di&&ic#lty in recr#iting trained medicaloncologi%t%6 $here i% a need to develo+ new, innovative #t clinically e&&ective


  • 8/13/2019 Project Scope 2


    work +ractice%6

    Project inkages New !ealand Cancer Control Strategy "#$$%&'>oal =, ojective 1, action !!; 'eview o& Non-S#rgical Cancer treatmentPlanProvi%ion o& o+timal treatment &or tho%e with cancer6 Provi%ion o&

    diagno%tic and treatment %ervice% within de&ined %+eci&ication%>oal action 1; m+roved ca+acity and ca+aility o& the cancer n#r%ingwork&orceCranleigh .ealth Model% o& Care re+ort - im+lementation o& recommendation%

    Project (oal $he +#r+o%e o& thi% +lan i% to o#tline the %trategic direction and o+erationalre?#irement% &or medical oncology within the Midland Cancer Network over thene7t ten year%

    Project )bjecti*es denti&y key i%%#e% a&&ecting the c#rrent medical oncology %ervice% at each o&the .@%

    O#tline the key %trategic con%ideration% &or im+roving the ?#ality and %a&etyo& +atient care over the ne7t ten year%

    denti&y and +rioriti%e the key action% re?#ired at %hort 3 medi#m and longterm at a regional and . level

    denti&y the co%t% to im+lement the +lan

    Deli*erables Midland Cancer Network Non-S#rgical Cancer $reatment "ork >ro#+

    ra&t %ervice +lan &or di%c#%%ion y Midland Cancer Network A7ec#tive


    ra&t %ervice +lan &or di%c#%%ion 3 agreement y Midland . CAO@%

    4inal %ervice +lan &or +#lication and im+lementation

    Benefits of project 8%%i%t% individ#al .% within the Midland region thro#gh develo+ing

    e&&ective and e&&icient +roce%%e% and %y%tem% to enale timely acce%% to

    chemothera+y within limited re%o#rce% m+roved acce%% and %ervice% &or chemothera+y +atient% acro%% the region

    S#++ort% e%t +ractice &or +atient% and their &amilie% acro%% the region

    Co*erage "inclusion& Chemothera+y and a%%ociated thera+ie% admini%tered to ad#lt% a% in+atient% 3o#t+atient% acro%% ay o& Plenty, Bake% and "aikato .%

    Co*erage "e+clusions& Chemothera+y &or +aediatric%'e%ol#tion o& day to day o+erational i%%#e%


    -ey stake,olders ay o& Plenty, .% 'o%emary avie% / CNM Oncology O#t+atient%

    Chemothera+y n#r%e%

    Medical oncologi%t% - 'ichard North

    Clinical n#r%e manager% (or e?#ivalent)

    Service manager% / Neil Mcelvie

    irector o& n#r%ing - D J#lie 'oin%on

    Chie& o+erating o&&icer%


    Alaine "arner, CNM chemothera+y

    Chemothera+y n#r%e%

    Medical oncologi%t%

    Clinical n#r%e manager% (or e?#ivalent) Service manager% / Jane Chittenden

  • 8/13/2019 Project Scope 2


    irector o& n#r%ing - D >ary Bee%

    Chie& o+erating o&&icer%


    ate Eeo / N#r%e Manager, Oncology

    Shona .oggart / CNM oncology o#t+atient%

    >ay 'eynold% - CNM oncology in+atient%

    Medical oncologi%t% / Michael Jame%on, an ennedy, Marion #+er

    4ra%er $#mai / N#r%e Ad#cator

    "endy $homa%, CNM Clinical $rial%

    Service manager% / Sharon onnell

    Jac?#i Mitchell - $hame%

    Chemothera+y n#r%e%

    irector o& n#r%ing / S#e .ayward

    Chie& o+erating o&&icer% / Mark S+ittle 3 Jan 8dam%

    Midland Cancer Network A7ec#tive >ro#+

    Midland Cancer Network Non-S#rgical Cancer $reatment "ork >ro#+

    )t,er stake,olders Peo+le receiving chemothera+y treatment and their &amily3whFna# - all

    ethnic gro#+%

    Oncology +harmaci%t%

    a7ter +harmace#tical com+o#nding

    Other allied health +ro&e%%ional%

    N>O 3 Maori +rovider%

    Primary care %ta&&

    Communication Plan nitial meeting% with key %takeholder re+re%entative% +rior to develo+ment o&+roject %co+e &ollowing +#lication o& Cranleigh Gnew model% o& care@ re+ortProgre%% re+ort% to Midland Non S#rgical Cancer $reatment "ork >ro#+ andMidland Cancer Network A7ec#tive >ro#+

    -ey Constraints 8vailaility o& acc#rate data to in&orm c#rrent and t#re demand

    Project Approac, and Management

    Project approac, "ork with key %takeholder% to gather in&ormation ao#t c#rrent %ervice delivery andt#re +lanning #tili%ing a mi7 o& &ace to &ace interview%, ?#e%tionnaire% andwork%ho+%denti&y c#rrent activity 3 demandCon&irm c#rrent vol#me% and +redict t#re vol#me% &or chemothera+yBiterat#re review o& e%t +ractice related to chemothera+y incl#ding chemothera+ywork&orce &ramework%, and ca+acity tool%Bink +roject initiative% with national Cranleigh work c#rrently #nderway

    .oriHon %canning &or t#re %ervice model% and technology develo+ment%

    Project start date J#ne 2011 Project completion date Novemer 2012

    .inancial summary $he Midland Cancer Network will %#++ort the +roject lead and a%%ociatedo+erational co%t%6 . %ta&& will e %#++orted y their organi%ation to +artici+ate inthi% +roject a% +art o& #%ine%% a% #%#al6

    Milestones Date

    Project %co+e %igned o&& J#ly 2011

    Biterat#re review inc Cranleigh re+ort 8#g#%t 2011

    n&ormation gathering thro#gh interview% and ?#e%tionnaire% Se+temer 2011ra&t ver%ion 1 ecemer 2011

  • 8/13/2019 Project Scope 2


    4inal re+ort Novemer 2012

    m+lementation ongoing

    /0S-S AND /0S- MANA(1M1NT

    /isks Probability(low, med, high)

    0mpact(low, med, high)

    /isk management strategy

    "ork +re%%#re% e7+erienced y%takeholder% com+romi%e theirengagement

    M M Maintain e7cellent comm#nicationand &ollow-#+ mi%%ed d#e date%

    ata availaility / known i%%#e% givenman#al collection in "aikato

    M . "ork clo%ely with Midland CancerNetwork analy%t and clinical n#r%emanager% 3 local S %ta&& to re%olvei%%#e%

    Stakeholder e7+ectation% e7ceedavailale re%o#rce% M B A7ec#tive leader%hi+ and %#++ortwith clear comm#nication ao#t%co+e o& thi% +roject

    National recommendation% are di&&erentto local e7+ectation

    B . Monitoring thro#gh reg#larcomm#nication withCranleigh


    Project Sponsor Date


    arer J6 200!6 Non-Surgical Cancer Treatment Services Plan for the Midland Region6$a#ranga; Midland i%trict .ealth oard%6

    Cancer Service% Collaorative m+rovement Partner%hi+6 20I Moderni%ing chemothera+y%ervice% / a +ractical g#ide to rede%ign6

    'oyal College o& Phy%ician%6 2006 Making your chemotherapy service more patient-friendly6'etrieved &romhtt+;33www6rcr6ac6#k3doc%3oncology3+d&3PatientChemo