project title: demonstrating nanobubbles technology for ...€¦ · decided to address the...

Deliverable A.1.1. STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION Life-NANOBUBBLES - LIFE17 ENV/ES/000434 Page 1 of 19 Project Title: Demonstrating Nanobubbles Technology for more Sustainable and Efficient Urban Wastewater Treatment Project Acronym: Life-NANOBUBBLES Project Reference: LIFE17 ENV/ES/000434 Project Website: Deliverable Title: A.1.1. Stakeholders Consultation Dissemination Level PU (Public) Responsible Beneficiary Juan Antonio Gascón, EKOTEK, S.L., [email protected] Participating Beneficiaries LUNA S.R.L. Date 07/09/2018

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Page 1: Project Title: Demonstrating Nanobubbles Technology for ...€¦ · decided to address the questionnaire to the most relevant stakeholders in the North/Central Italy and in Pais Vasco


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Project Title: Demonstrating Nanobubbles Technology for more Sustainable and Efficient Urban Wastewater Treatment

Project Acronym: Life-NANOBUBBLES

Project Reference: LIFE17 ENV/ES/000434

Project Website:

Deliverable Title: A.1.1. Stakeholders Consultation

Dissemination Level PU (Public)

Responsible Beneficiary Juan Antonio Gascón, EKOTEK, S.L., [email protected]

Participating Beneficiaries LUNA S.R.L.

Date 07/09/2018

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Associated action A1 – Stakeholders consultation

Document status FINAL

Keywords Stakeholders, Consultation, Requirements, WWT plants,


Date Rev N Version N Author Modifications list

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1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................. 5

2. CONSULTATION ACTIVITIES ......................................................................................................................................... 6

2.1. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6

2.2. THE SURVEY........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6

2 ASSESSMENT OF CONSULTATION RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 8

2.1. ITALY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

2.2. SPAIN .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

2.3. JOINT ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12

3. SELECTION OF THE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 15

4. ANNEX A : Questionnaire for Spanish Survey ........................................................................................................... 16

5. ANNEX B : Questionnaire for Italian Survey .............................................................................................................. 18

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MB Microbubbles

NB Nanobubbles

NBG Nanobubble generator

A.S. Aeration System

WWT Waste Water Treatment

LCA Life Cycle Assessment

SME Small and Medium Enterprise

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The objective of the stakeholders´ consultation is to survey the operators’ vision regarding the aeration processes (part of the WWT) and to collect their specifications / expectation concerning the life cycle of the aeration systems and the requirements that the operators suggest to take into consideration for introducing new technologies for upgrading old plants or plan new ones.

The activities carried out in this action have been:

- Identification and selection of the relevant stakeholders to participate in the survey. - Obtaining the contact details of the selected stakeholders. - Preparation of the questionnaire (Spanish and Italian) - Sending the questionnaire to the stakeholders by email and follow up - Collection of filled questionnaires returned - Questionnaires analysis and result assessment.

In order to assure a successful communication with the stakeholders and following up process, the partners decided to address the questionnaire to the most relevant Environmental Utilities that deal with Waste Water Treatment in the North/Central Italy and in Pais Vasco in Spain, which are the areas where the partners of the project are located.

The analysis of the answers obtained from the stakeholders´ consultation has allowed to define the requirement demanded by the stakeholders for the modernization of the aeration systems in urban waste water treatment plants. These requirements contemplate not only the current needs of stakeholders such as reducing energy consumption or reducing costs, but also future trends such as the elimination of emerging pollutants and the incorporation of remote control systems.

The analysis has been carried out for each of the countries individually (Spain and Italy) in order to find out the differences between the Spanish and Italian stakeholders´perception about the needs and limitations of the WWT Sector in their countries, as well as their expectations regarding new aeration systems. In addition, a joint assessment has also been carried out in order to group all the answers and obtain global conclusions that will led to the requirements to be incorporated in the technical specifications of the prototype of our LIFE NANOBUBBLE Project.

It has been noteworthy the interest that NB technology has aroused in all stakeholders surveyed (both in Spain and Italy), showing all of them their interest in receiving more information about NB technology and the LIFE-NANOBUBBLES project. Moreover, practically all stakeholders have demonstrated interest in replicating the NB Technology in one of their plants, so after the completion of the pilot demonstration at San Damaso it will be analysed this option.

Finally, the vision of the stakeholders about the WWT Sector as well as their knowledge and perception about the NB technology will be very useful for the partners of the project because it will allow us to establish a dissemination plan specifically adapted to the needs of the stakeholders and design a more effective strategy for the promotion of the NB Technology.

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Stakeholders’ consultation aims at developing productive relationships over the long term. It is expected that it will result in a relationship of mutual benefit that will help us to identify trends and emerging challenges which are currently or will in the future impact on the target domain. Stakeholders’ feedback is a valuable source of information that can be used to improve our project plans and identify potential risks. It can also stand for the basis for future collaboration and partnerships.

The consultation will enable us to identify and monitor the perceptions of the main stakeholders (public and private organizations which operate WWT plants) over our project objectives. The consultation main objectives are:

Identifying needs and expectations of the stakeholders Providing feedback concerning the novel NB technology Evaluating possible adaptation of the proposed solution to the needs identified Establish a first contact with potential clients.

Stakeholders consulted are potential customers; so their needs and suggestions will be highly taken in consideration both for the design and development of the prototypes and for the design of new products and services in the future. This will allow us to ensure that the Nanobubbles Solution developed within this project is suitable with the expectations and needs of potential customers.

The expected benefits are:

The collaboration of some stakeholders since the beginning of the project will be crucial for the success of the project development.

The early involvement of the stakeholders will grant them the possibility of engagement into the demonstration & replication activities, which would be of great value for the project outcomes.

Stakeholders and decision maker will be continually informed about the project activities and outcomes, what will increase their interest in the NB Techcnology.


Survey Instrument

A questionnaire (Annex A in Spanish and Annex B in Italian) was developed to survey public and private WWT plants operators to learn about current problems / limitations / needs / improvements that they are facing in their day to day operation of wastewater treatment plants, and in particular, in relation to the aeration systems in the secondary treatment. In addition, this first contact with the main stakeholders (which will be potential customers) has also been used to sound them out about their knowledge and perception of the Nanobubbles Technology, and to offer them the possibility to participate in the project within the activity B5: Replicability and Transferability.

Therefore, the questionnaire was organized around three question categories: (i) questions about the current operation of WWT plants; (ii) questions about the knowledge and perception of Nanobubble Technology; and (iii) questions about their interest to participate in the project and to receive information.

The draft questionnaire was pre-tested internally by the members of the consortium, and when the partners made their

comments and additions, the questionnaire was definitely approved and distributed by e-mail among the stakeholders


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Participant Development

Since the aim of the survey is to obtain a reliable view of the main problems and needs identified by the stakeholders in the wastewater treatment plants, for the selection of the profile of the participants it was very important to count with those stakeholders who face water treatment processes every day and, therefore, who have a deep and precise knowledge of the needs and improvements required to improve the performance of the WWT plants. Consequently, the best profile of participants was those organizations, public or private, that are in charge of operating the WWT plants, and in particular, it was especially important that the questionnaires were filled in by the person directly in charge of the operation of the plant in order to have reliable feedback based on the knowledge and experience. Therefore, it was established that the questionnaires were going to be distributed among Environmental Utilities that deal with Waste Water Treatment, and it was emphasized that the person filling in the questionnaire had to have a deep knowledge of the operation of the plant. In addition, in order to assure a successful communication with the stakeholders and following up process, the partners decided to address the questionnaire to the most relevant stakeholders in the North/Central Italy and in Pais Vasco in Spain, which are the areas where the partners of the project are located.

Annex C and D contain the list of stakeholder consulted in Spain and Italy respectively. In Spain, the potential participants and their contact details were provided by ACLIMA, the Cluster Association of Environmental Industries of the Basque Country, as EKOTEK is member of ACLIMA since 2001. In the case of Italy, the potential participants were selected among the list of associated to the UTILITALIA association (

Distribution of the questionnaire

The questionnaire was e-mailed to the 43 contacts that were identified and selected (12 Spanish and 31 Italian). Participants were sent an e-mail with an invitation to participle in the survey, accompanied by a one-page summary of the objective of the survey and the project scope and goals, as well as a document for introducing the NB technology and “user cases” related to the introduction of the NB-based Aerator systems outside Europe. Confidentially was guaranteed to the respondents, and they were also informed that participation was voluntary and anonymous, and that results would be published only in aggregate form. Follow up process and assistance to solve doubts and questions were carried out by means of e-mail and/or direct phone calls depending on the stakeholder´s preference.

From the 43 organizations that were invited to participate, 12 questionnaires filled in were received, what means that a response rate of 28% was achieved.

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All responses initially were organized into a database by question number. As indicated above, to protect the confidentiality of the participants, all identifying information was stripped from the responses prior to aggregation by question. Data analysis began by first generating descriptive statistics for each question. If the question was open-ended, the responses were coded based on dominant categories identified in the data. Each question was analysed based on all responses provided, and in addition, responses were examined for biases. The data set is non-probabilistic i.e., not a random sample, since participants volunteered participation and were not selected at random.

2.1. ITALY

Seven questionnaires have been returned. It follows a short assessment of the answers given.

Question Answer assessment

1) Which are the main problems and limitations currently observed in the secondary treatment of Waste Waters?

Free text

Main issues:

- Too high energy costs - High production of waste sludge

Other issues

- Difficult removal of micro pollutant - Undersize of plants in some context.

2) Which are the major needs observed for the secondary treatment into your WWT plants?

3 predefined options + one free text

Main issues:

- Increase DO – 5 of 7 - Increase NH4 and nitrites removal – 6 of 7 - Decrease waste sludge production – 4 of 7


- Avoid bulking - Increase the treatment capacity to manage peaks

3) Which needs do you think the domain of WWT have when installing new plants for increasing the water treatment capacity?

Free text

Main issues:

- Reduce energy consumption - Increase of aeration and oxygenation - Reduce costs (CAPEX & OPEX)

Other issues

- Decrease of waste sludge production - New technologies uptake

4) Which improvements do you consider should be developed regarding the aeration systems for making them more effective?

Free text

Main issues:

- High efficiency and durability - Cheaper solutions

Other issues

- Remote control - Easy installation and maintenance

5) Do you consider that the improvements of the efficiency and of costs concerning the aerator systems is a need today for the WWT plants?

Yes / No

all operators:


6) What advantages do you expect to get by substituting or installing a new aeration system?

4 predefined options

- Improve the energy efficiency – 7 of 7 - Reduce the investment (CAPEX) – 5 of 7 - Reduce the operation and maintenance costs (OPEX) – 3

of 7 - Installation without stopping the plant – 3 of 7

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7) Which are the major parameters you would consider in case of substitution of your aeration systems?

3 predefined options

- Cost – 6 of 7 - Efficiency – 6 of 7 - Support service – 2 of 7

8) Are you aware about the technology of NANOBUBBLES?

- Yes – 3 of 7 - No – 4 of 7

9) In your opinion, why the NANOBUBBLE technology is still not used in Europe?

Free text

Main issues (all or majority of operators):

- No awareness and experience by private and public operators

10) Which requirements do you consider that the technology of NANOBUBBLE should meet for being considered interesting for your enterprise / sector?

Free text

Main issues:

- High efficiency - Reduced investment and operational costs - Easy to install and operate - Demonstration of positive user case

11) Are you interested in receiving information about the development of the project LIFE NANOBUBBLE

Yes / No

all operators:


12) Are you interested in replicating the technology of LIFE NANOBUBBLE in one of your plants?

Yes / No

all operators:


13) Where is located the plant where you would like to test the NANOBUBBLE Technology (if you answered YES to the preceding answer)

all operators:

Interested after a cost/benefit analysis

The first result that can be observed from the answers to the questionnaires is the great acceptance and expectations that the NB technology has created among the operators (both public utilities and private industries), since they see this technology as a promising solution to the main needs and deficiencies that they demand for their Sector. Among the main needs and requirements identified by the Italian stakeholders for the secondary treatment, we can highlight the following:

- Reduction in energy consumption per m3 of treated water.

- Reduction of costs (both operational costs and investment costs).

- Improvement of the COD/BOD removal efficiency.

- Acceleration of the nitrification process for increasing dissolution of Ammonia (NH4)

- Reduction of sludge production

- Avoid bulking

All these aspects are indeed addressed and improved through the NB technology, so apparently NB technology can be an effective answer to the needs that the WWT Sector is demanding.

If we focus on the aeration systems, the main improvements that Italian stakeholders are demanding for the current aeration systems used in their WWT plants are:

- Higher efficiency and durability - Cheaper solutions

- Easy installation and maintenance

In particular, as it can be observed in questions 6 and 7, the improvement of the energy efficiency and the costs reduction (mainly investment costs) are the most valuable characteristics identified by the Italian stakeholders in case of replacement of their current aeration systems by a new aeration system.

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It is noteworthy that less than half of the Italian stakeholders surveyed (43%) had previous knowledge about NB technology. However, all stakeholders surveyed have shown their interest in receiving more information about NB technology and the LIFE-NANOBUBBLES project. According to the stakeholders surveyed, what they expect from NB technology is:

- High efficiency

- Reduced investment and operational costs

- Easy to install and operate

- Demonstration of positive user case

Moreover, some stakeholder have demonstrated interest in assisting to the demonstration that will be carried out at the San Damaso pilot plant, so they will be invited to visit the pilot plant in order to see the prototype working in operational conditions. In addition, all stakeholders declared their interest in replicating the NB Technology in one of their plants, so after the completion of the pilot demonstration at San Damaso, the project partners will consider the possibility of replicating the demonstration experience in one or two new sites in Italy.

2.2. SPAIN

Five questionnaires were returned in Spain (42% of response rate). The main responses and conclusions obtained are summarized in the table below:

Question Answer assessment

1) Which are the main problems and limitations currently observed in the secondary treatment of Waste Waters?

Free text

Main issues:

- Optimization of the aeration systems - Aeration systems better integrated with the monitoring

and control system - Energy consumption too high - Oversizing of some installations, which have important

economic consequences. - Good separation of waste sludge is required

Other issues

- Bulking - Better knowledge of the microorganisms - Better adaptation to the changes of the bulk water

2) Which are the major needs observed for the secondary treatment into your WWT plants?

3 predefined options + one free text

Main issues:

- Increase DO – 4 of 5 - Increase NH4 and nitrites removal – 2 of 5 - Decrease waste sludge production – 2 of 5


- Removal of phosphorous - Advanced treatments for warranting the quality of the


3) Which needs do you think the domain of WWT have when installing new plants for increasing the water treatment capacity?

Free text

Main issues:

- Higher public investment to comply with the law - Treatments with higher energy efficiency - Treatments capable of removing emerging contaminants

4) Which improvements do you consider should be developed regarding the aeration systems for making them more effective?

Free text

Main issues:

- Reduction of the energy consumption - Increase the oxygen transfer efficiency - Improve the monitoring equipment and control systems - Increase their flexibility to better adapt to the necessities

of the treatment

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5) Do you consider that the improvements of the efficiency and of costs concerning the aerator systems is a need today for the WWT plants?

Yes / No

all operators:


6) What advantages do you expect to get by substituting or installing a new aeration system?

4 predefined options

- Improve the energy efficiency – 5 of 5 - Reduce the investment (CAPEX) – 2 of 5 - Reduce the operation and maintenance costs (OPEX) – 5

of 5 - Installation without stopping the plant – 2 of 5

7) Which are the major parameters you would consider in case of substitution of your aeration systems?

3 predefined options

- Cost – 3 of 5 - Efficiency – 5 of 5 - Support service – 4 of 5

8) Are you aware about the technology of NANOBUBBLES?

Yes / No

- Yes – 3 of 5 - No – 2 of 5

9) In your opinion, why the NANOBUBBLE technology is still not used in Europe?

Free text

Main issues (all or majority of operators):

- Lack of information about the technology, as well as lack of references of plants that have already used NB Technology

- It still needs industrial development to be implemented in large-scale plants.

10) Which requirements do you consider that the technology of NANOBUBBLE should meet for being considered interesting for your enterprise / sector?

Free text

Main issues::

- Improve the energy efficiency and the treatment performance

- Reduce the costs (CAPEX and OPEX) - Higher versatility to adapt to the different operation

conditions and oxygen requirements - Improve the rate oxygen transfer / cost - Easy installation

Other issues

- Reduce the noise - Good technical support service

11) Are you interested in receiving information about the development of the project LIFE NANOBUBBLE

Yes / No

all operators:


12) Are you interested in replicating the technology of LIFE NANOBUBBLE in one of your plants?

Yes / No

all operators:


13) Where is located the plant where you would like to test the NANOBUBBLE Technology (if you answered YES to the preceding answer)

Free text

Sestao, Loiola, Hondarribia, Vitoria

As in the case of Italy, it is remarkable the great acceptance and expectations that the NB technology has created among the Spanish stakeholders. The main needs and requirements identified by the Spanish stakeholders for the secondary treatment are:

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- Reduction in energy consumption per m3 of treated water.

- Optimization of the aeration systems.

- Improvement of the COD/BOD removal efficiency. - Good separation of waste sludge

- Avoid bulking

It is important to note that, unlike Italian stakeholders, Spanish stakeholders have not identified costs as an important limitation in the WWT Sector, while in the case of Italian stakeholders, it was a limitation identified by most of the stakeholders. However, in Spain, greater importance is given to the efficiency of the treatment, to guarantee higher qualities of the effluent, and to the elimination of emerging contaminants.

Regarding the aeration systems, the main improvements that Spanish stakeholders have identified for making them more effective are the following:

- Reduction of the energy consumption

- Increase the oxygen transfer efficiency

- Improve the monitoring equipment and control systems

- Increase their flexibility to better adapt to the necessities of the treatment

As indicated in questions 6 and 7, all the Spanish stakeholders surveyed have identified the improvement of the energy efficiency as a critical parameter in relation to the aeration systems, just as it happened in Italy. In question 6 it can be observed that all the Spanish stakeholders surveyed also consider that the reduction of the operation and maintenance costs (OPEX) is a key aspect in a new aeration system, when in previous questions this aspect had not been mentioned. However, in question 7, only 3 of the 5 stakeholders surveyed identify the costs as a parameter to be taken into account when replacing their aeration system, compared to 100% (5 of 5) in the case of efficiency and 80% (4 of 5) in the case of support service. From these results, it can be deduced that, obviously, costs are important, but for the Spanish stakeholders, costs are not a critical parameter when deciding if they replace their aeration system, as it is the efficiency or the support service. This fact is considerably different from what it is observed in Italy, where 86% of the stakeholders surveyed consider that costs are a key parameter to be considered in the case of replacing their aeration system.

In the case of Spain, the 60% (3 of 5) of the stakeholders were aware about the NB technology, and all the stakeholders surveyed surveyed have shown their interest in receiving more information about NB technology and the LIFE-NANOBUBBLES project. According to the stakeholders surveyed, what they expect from NB technology is:

- Improve the energy efficiency and treatment performance

- Reduce the costs (CAPEX and OPEX)

- Higher versatility to adapt to the different operation conditions and oxygen requirements

- Improve the ratio oxygen transfer / cost

- Easy installation.

As in Italy, all stakeholders have shown their interest in replicating the NB Technology in one of their plants, so after the completion of the pilot demonstration at San Damaso, the project partners will consider the possibility of replicating the demonstration experience in one or two new sites in Spain.


In this section, a joint assessment of the answers received by the stakeholders from both Spain and Italy will be carried out, although the results obtained in both countries have been quite similar. This analysis will be carried out for the 3 questions categories in which the questionnaire was organized:

Current operation of WWT plants

Making a global assessment of the main needs and requirements identified by stakeholders to address the current problems and limitations in the secondary treatment of WWT plants, we can highlight the following aspects:

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- Reduction in energy consumption per m3 of treated water.

- Reduction of costs (both operational costs and investment costs).

- Optimization of the aeration systems to make the processes more efficient. - Improvement of the COD/BOD removal efficiency.

- Acceleration of the nitrification process for increasing dissolution of Ammonia (NH4)

- Reduction of sludge production and good separation of waste sludge

In addition to these main aspects, there are also other issues that several stakeholders from both Spain and Italy have identified, and which should be taken into consideration when establishing the requirements of NB technology:

- Avoiding bulking. Bulking can be said to have occurred in activated sludge plants when the sludge does not settle easily and has an excessive volume. This can lead to carry over from the final effluent clarifies. The cause of bulking is normally due to either excessive filamentous growth or micro-organisms producing extracellular such as polysaccharide, which have been related to nutrient deficiency, low dissolved oxygen and configuration of the aeration basin. Therefore, a good and effective aeration system is of crucial importance to maintain the correct level of dissolved oxygen in the process to avoid bulking.

- Currently, many plants are oversized because they have to be prepared to treat a wide range of wastewaters that vary greatly in quantity, characteristics, pollutants, etc., which has important economic consequences since the plants are not optimized. Therefore, better adaptation to the changes of the bulk water and increase the flexibility of the aeration systems to better adapt to the necessities of the treatment and to manage peaks is required.

- New technologies and advanced treatments capable of removing emerging contaminants (such as micro-pollutants) and guaranteeing the quality of the effluents are needed.

- Monitoring equipment and control systems in aeration systems need to be improved and better integrated.

If we focus on the aeration systems, as can be seen in Figure 1, the main advantage that stakeholders expect to obtain from the replacement or installation of a new aeration system is the improvement of the energy efficiency, since the 12 stakeholders surveyed (100%) have answered positively to this option. In relation to the reduction of costs, both investment (CAPEX) and operation and maintenance (OPEX), they are also considered as important advantages for the 58% and 67% respectively of the stakeholders surveyed, but certainly they are not so important as the improvement of energy efficiency. Finally, the installing without needing to stop the plant is an expected advantage for the 42% of the surveyed stakeholders.

Figure 1 – Advantages expected by stakeholders when replacing or installing a new aeration system.

If we assess the main parameters that stakeholders have in consideration for the replacement of their aeration systems, we see in Figure 2 that, again, efficiency is the most important parameter for the 92% of the stakeholders, followed by costs with the 75%, and by support service in last place with the 50%.












Improve energyefficiency

Reduce CAPEX Reduce OPEX Installation withoutstopping



er o

f st




Advantages expected

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Figure 2 – Major parameters considered by stakeholders in case of replacing their aeration system.

Knowledge and perception of NB Technology

It is noteworthy that only half of the stakeholders surveyed (50%) had previous knowledge about NB technology, what demonstrate that we should intensify the promotion of the technology and the dissemination of the results of the project. However, all stakeholders surveyed have shown their interest in receiving more information about NB technology and the LIFE-NANOBUBBLES project.

Figure 3 – Knowledge about the NB technology by the stakeholders

According to the stakeholders surveyed, what they expect from NB technology is:

- Improve the energy efficiency and treatment performance

- Reduce the costs (CAPEX and OPEX)

- Higher versatility to adapt to the different operation conditions and oxygen requirements

- Improve the ratio oxygen transfer / cost











Cost Efficiency Support service



er o

f st




Major parameters


Knowledge about NB Technology



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- Easy to install and operate

- Good technical support

It is important for the project partners to have knowledge about the perception of the NB technology by the stakeholders and why they consider that the NB technology is still not being used in Europe, because it will help us to address this situation and promote the results of the project in the right way. According to the stakeholders, the main reasons are the lack of information and awareness about the technology by the operators, as well as a lack of references of plants that are already using this technology. Therefore, specific dissemination activities should be designed and implemented for the information about the main features of the NB Technology to the stakeholders.

Interest of the stakeholders in participating in the project

In both Spain and Italy, stakeholders have showed great interest in the LIFE-NANOBUBBLES project. Moreover, practically all stakeholder have demonstrated interest in replicating the NB Technology in one of their plants, so after the completion of the pilot demonstration at San Damaso, the project partners will consider the possibility of replicating the demonstration experience in one or two new sites in Italy and/or Spain. In addition, some Italian stakeholders have also showed interest in assisting to the demonstration that will be carried out at the San Damaso pilot plant, so they will be invited to visit the pilot plant in order to see the prototype working in operational conditions.


After analyzing the questionnaires answered by the stakeholders and determining the needs and expectations of the stakeholders regarding aeration systems, it can be concluded that the main requirements that should be considered in the development of a new aeration system in order to have a good acceptance among the stakeholders, are the following:

- High efficiency and durability

- Reduced energy consumption - Cheap (to acquire and to operate and maintain)

- Easy to install and maintain

- High oxygen transfer efficiency

- High COD/BOD removal efficiency

- Low sludge production

- Avoiding bulking.

- High versatility to adapt to the different operation conditions and oxygen requirements

- Reliable monitoring equipment and control systems

- Capable of removing emerging contaminants and guaranteeing the quality of the effluents.

- Good technical support

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4. ANNEX A : Questionnaire for Spanish Survey


ENTIDAD: _______________________________________________ Ciudad:__________________________________ Responsable: ____________________________________________________________

POR FAVOR, RESPONDA A LAS SIGUIENTES PREGUNTAS 1) ¿Cuáles son los principales problemas / limitaciones actuales que detectas en el tratamiento secundario de las aguas residuales?? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ¿Cuáles son las principales necesidades que detectas en el tratamiento secundario de las aguas residuales?

Aumentar y mantener estable la cantida de oxígeno disuelto Aumentar la cantidad eliminada de NH4, NO2 y NO3 Disminuir la cantidad de fangos generados Otro: ________________________________________________

3) ¿Qué tipo de necesidades consideras que tiene el sector del tratamiento de aguas residuales para que se instalen más plantas de tratamiento, y por lo tanto, aumente la capacidad de tratamiento de agua? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ¿Qué mejoras consideras que se deberían desarrollar en los sistemas de aireación para hacerlos más efectivos? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ¿Consideras que la mejora de la eficiencia/costes de los aireadores es una necesidad hoy en día en las plantas de tratamiento


6) ¿Qué ventajas esperaría obtener al adoptar un nuevo sistema de aireación?

Mejorar la eficiencia (reducción del consumo de energía) Reducir la inversión (menor coste de adquisición) Menores costes de operación y mantenimiento Instalación sin necesidad de parar el sistema

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7) ¿Cuáles son los principales parámetros que tendrías en cuenta a la hora de cambiar tu sistema de aireación?

El coste La eficiencia El servicio de asistencia Otro: ________________________________________________

8) ¿Conoces la tecnología de Nanoburbujas? ¿Has oído hablar alguna vez de ella?


9) ¿Por qué crees que la tecnología de Nanoburbujas todavía no se utiliza en Europa? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10) ¿Qué requisitos crees que debería cumplir la tecnología de Nanoburbujas para considerarla interesante para tu empresa / sector? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11) ¿Estaría interesado en recibir información sobre el desarrollo del proyecto LIFE NANOBUBBLES?


12) ¿Estaría interesado en replicar la tecnología de Nanoburbujas del proyecto LIFE NANOBUBBLES en su instalación?


13) ¿Dónde se encuentra la instalación en la que le gustaría experimentar la tecnología de Nanoburbujas? (Si ha respondido afirmativamente a la pregunta anterior). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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5. ANNEX B : Questionnaire for Italian Survey





!1)! Quali! sono! i! principali! problemi! e! limitazioni! attualmente! rilevati! nel! trattamento!secondario!delle!acque!reflue?!__________________________________________________________________________________________________________!__________________________________________________________________________________________________________!!2)!Quali!sono!le!principali!necessità!rilevate!nel!trattamento!secondario!delle!acque!reflue!nei!vostri!depuratori?!!











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!7)!Quali!sono!i!principali!parametri!che!terrebbe!in!considerazione!nel!momento!della!sostituzione!dei!vostri!sistemi!di!aerazione?!!! Il!costo!

! L’efficienza!

! Il!servizio!di!assistenza!








