
13 6 INDEX Sr.N o. Topics Pag e 1. Introduction of the Online Building Construction site 2 2. Objective and Scope of the Online Building Construction site 3. Project Analysis 4. Data Dictionary 5. E-R Diagram 6. Process Diagram 7. User Side Screen Shots 8. Admin Side Screen Shots 9. User Side Coding Pages 10. Admin Side Coding Pages 11. Testing 12. Software and Hardware Requirements 13. Limitations and Future Scopes of the Online Building Construction site Management System 14. References 15. Glossary

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Post on 26-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Proj_Rpt_0



Sr.No. Topics Page1. Introduction of the Online Building Construction site 22. Objective and Scope of the Online Building Construction site3. Project Analysis4. Data Dictionary5. E-R Diagram6. Process Diagram7. User Side Screen Shots8. Admin Side Screen Shots9. User Side Coding Pages10. Admin Side Coding Pages11. Testing12. Software and Hardware Requirements13. Limitations and Future Scopes of the Online Building Construction

site Management System14. References15. Glossary

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1. Introduction of the Online Building Construction Site Management System

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2. Objective and Scope of the Online Building Construction Site Management System

a. Objectivesb. Scope

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3. Project Analysis

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4. Data Dictionary

1. AdminMaster2. BookingMaster3. CityMaster4. CountryMaster5. CustModifyMaster6. CustomerMaster7. EnquiryMaster8. Gallary9. LocationMaster10. OverviewMast11. ParkingMast12. SampleFlateMast13. SiteFloorMast14. SiteLayoutmaster15. SiteMast16. SpecificationAmmentiesMaster17. StateMaster18. UserMaster


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsAdminId varchar(50) PK - NOT NULLAdminPassword varchar(50) FKSecreteQuestion varchar(50) FKSecreteAnswer varchar(50) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsBookingId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLBookingType varchar(50) FKBookingLocation varchar(50) FKBookingDate datetime FKBookingAmount numeric(18, 0) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsCityId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULL

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CityName varchar(50) FKCityAllias varchar(50) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsCountryId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLCountryName varchar(50) FKCountryAllias varchar(50) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsModId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLModType varchar(50) FKModDate datetime FKModRate datetime FKModMatQty numeric(18, 0) FKModMatType varchar(50) FKCustId numeric(18, 0) FKCustName varchar(50) FKCustMailId varchar(50) FKBookingId numeric(18, 0) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsCustId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLCustName varchar(50) FKCustAdd varchar(50) FKCustHomeNo1 numeric(18, 0) FKCustHomeNo2 numeric(18, 0) FKCustMobNo1 numeric(18, 0) FKCustMobNo2 numeric(18, 0) FKCustGender char(10) FKCustType varchar(50) FKCustMailId varchar(50) FKBookingId numeric(18, 0) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsEnqId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLEnqType varchar(50) FKEnqDate datetime FKEnqLocation varchar(50) FKEnqOfcNo1 numeric(18, 0) FKEnqOfcNo2 numeric(18, 0) FKEnqMobNo1 numeric(18, 0) FKEnqMobNo2 nchar(10) FK

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Field Name Data Type Allow NullsGallaryId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLSiteName varchar(50) FKSmallPic varchar(50) FKBigPic varchar(50) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsLocationId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLfkSiteId numeric(18, 0) FKLocationBigPic varchar(100) FKLocationSmallPic varchar(100) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsOverviewId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLOverviewText varchar(2000) FKfkSiteId numeric(18, 0) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsParkigAllotmentId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLfkSiteId numeric(18, 0) FKParkingBigPic varchar(100) FKParkingSmallPic varchar(100) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsSampleFlateId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLfksiteId numeric(18, 0) FKSampleFlateBigPic varchar(100) FKSampleFlateSmallPic varchar(100) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsFloorPlanId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLfkSiteId numeric(18, 0) FKFloorPlanBigPic varchar(100) FKFloorPlanSmalPic varchar(100) FK

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Field Name Data Type Allow NullsLayoutPlanId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLfkSiteId numeric(18, 0) FKLayoutPlanBigPic varchar(100) FKLayoutPlansmallPic varchar(100) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsSiteId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLSiteName varchar(50) FKSiteStartDate datetime FKSiteEndDate datetime FKContactPersonName varchar(50) FKAddress varchar(150) FKZipCode numeric(18, 0) FKState varchar(50) FKCountry varchar(50) FKPhone1 numeric(18, 0) FKPhone2 numeric(18, 0) FKPhone3 numeric(18, 0) FKEmailId varchar(50) FKRegNo numeric(18, 0) FKRemark varchar(50) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsSpecif_AmenId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLfkSiteId numeric(18, 0) FKSpecificationString varchar(2000) FKAmmenitiesString varchar(2000) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsStateId numeric(18, 0) PK – NOT NULLStateName varchar(50) FKStateAllias varchar(50) FK


Field Name Data Type Allow NullsUserId varchar(50) PK – NOT NULLPassword varchar(50) FKSecretQuestion varchar(50) FKSecretAnswer varchar(50) FK

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5. E-R Diagram

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1. AdminRegisterfrm.aspx2. AdminLoginfrm.aspx

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3. AdminForgotpwdfrm.aspx4. AdminChangepwdfrm.aspx5. AdminHomefrm.aspx6. AdminOverviewfrm.aspx7. AdminLayoutPlanfrm.aspx8. AdminFloorMastfrm.aspx9. AdminParkingfrm.aspx10. AdminLocationfrm.aspx11. AdminSpecAmmenfrm.aspx12. AdminBookingfrm.aspx13. AdminSampleFlatefrm.aspx14. AdminGallaryfrm.aspx15. AdminVideofrm.aspx16. CountryMastfrm.aspx17. StateMastfrm.aspx18. CityMastfrm.aspx

Admin Side Screen Shots


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Admin Register Form:

This form allows admin to register them selves by filling some information in the form like Username, Password, Retype Password, Secrete Question, Answer, etc. Here all the fields are validated using JavaScript & Ajax Toll Kit and this information will be stored in the database.

After filling all the desired information in the form, the user will become register user of the system and will be redirected to the home page of the system.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Username.


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Admin Login Form:

The above login form will allow admin to login to the system if s/he is already registered with the system. Otherwise admin will create his/her profile by clicking the given link Sign Up User.

If admin is already registered with the system then s/he will be redirected to the home page of the system.

Else admin will register them selves by Sign Up User link and redirected to the Admin Registration page.

This page also allows the register admin to retrieve their forgot password by clicking the link Forgot Password?

This page also allows the register admin to Change their password by clicking the link Change Password?


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Admin Forgot Password Form:

Using Above form Admin can get their forgotten password into their registered email address. Admin only need to write his/her registered Username and the Personal detail like, Secrete Question, Answer and then get password on screen.

If Admin is not register and tries this functionality then an error message comes.

If register Admin did some spelling mistake while writing the Username, Secret Question, Answer and the written Username, Secret Question, Answer is not equal to send an error message will be generated on screen.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Username.


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Admin Change Password Form:

Using this facility Admin can able to change their password. Here user will enter his/her Current Password and enter New Password and again Re-type New Password.

Old Password, New Password and Re-Type New Password are validated using JavaScript and Ajax Tool Kit.

If Old Password is not matched with the stored Password in the database then error will be thrown to the Admin. Same way New Password and Re-Type New Password will be compared if it is not same then again an error will be thrown to the Admin and Admin will get the according action.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Username.AdminHomefrm.aspx

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Admin Home Form:

If admin is registered and login into the system then s/he can get this home page in which s/he can able to edit profile, view profile and also able to change their password.

Here Admin can also have the Listed menu which will be created using JavaScript. Using which admin can Add, View, Update or Delete user etc.

This page allows Browse page facility to the admin by clicking on screen listed different links.


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Admin Overview Form:

Admin can select site id from dropdown list and s/he can see result of overview of site in the given textbox.

Admin can fetch data by select data from dropdown list and reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field site id.


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Admin Layout Plan Form:

Admin can select site Name from dropdown list and s/he can upload layout plan big picture and layout plan small picture by the given browse button.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin Floor Master Validation Form:

Admin Floor Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to his page showing the message that 1st File upload field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin Parking Master Validation Form:

Admin Parking Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that 2nd File upload field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin Location Master Form:

Admin Location Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that 1st or 2nd File upload field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin Specification Amenities Form:

Admin Specification Amenities Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Specification of Site and Amenities field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin Booking Chart Form:

Admin Booking Chart Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Specification of Site and Amenities field can’t be blank.

Admin can only see the stored record by selecting dropdown list and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin Sample Flat Master Form:

Admin Sample Flat Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that 1st or 2nd File upload field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin Gallery Form:

Admin Gallery Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that 1st or 2nd File upload field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin Video Form:

Admin Video Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that File upload field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin Country Master Form:

Admin Country Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Country Alias field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field Country name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Country name.


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Admin Site Master Form:

Admin Site Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Country Alias field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field Site name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site name.


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Admin City Master Form:

Admin City Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that City Alias field can’t be blank.

Admin can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field City name.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field City name.


1. ClientRegisterfrm.aspx2. ClientLoginfrm.aspx 3. ClientForgotPwdffrm.aspx

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4. ClientChangePwdfrm.aspx5. ClientHomefrm.aspx6. ClientOverviewfrm.aspx7. ClientLayoutPlanfrm.aspx8. ClientFloorPlanfrm.aspx9. ClientParkingfrm.aspx10. ClientLocationfrm.aspx11. ClientSpecAmmenfrm.aspx12. ClientSampleFlatfrm.aspx13. ClientGalleryfrm.aspx14. ClientVideofrm.aspx15. ClientEnquiryfrm.aspx16. ClientSiteMastfrm.aspx17. ClinentInfoMastfrm.aspx18. CustModificatoinMast.aspx

User Side Screen Shots


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Client Register Form:

This form allows Client to register them selves by filling some information in the form like Username, Password, Retype Password, Secrete Question, Answer, etc. Here all the fields are validated using JavaScript & Ajax Toll Kit and this information will be stored in the database.

After filling all the desired information in the form, the user will become register user of the system and will be redirected to the home page of the system.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Username.


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Client Login Form:

The above login form will allow client to login to the system if s/he is already registered with the system. Otherwise Client will create his/her profile by clicking the given link Sign Up User.

If client is already registered with the system then s/he will be redirected to the home page of the system.

Else client will register them selves by Sign Up User link and redirected to the Client Registration page.

This page also allows the register client to retrieve their forgot password by clicking the link Forgot Password?

This page also allows the register admin to Change their password by clicking the link Change Password?ClientHomefrm.aspx

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Client Home Form:

If client is registered and login into the system then s/he can get this home page in which s/he can able to edit profile, view profile and also able to change their password.

Here client can also have the Listed menu which will be created using JavaScript. Using which admin can Add, View, Update or Delete user etc.

This page allows Browse page facility to the client by clicking on screen listed different links.


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Client Forgot Password Form:

Using Above form Client can get their forgotten password into their registered email address. Client only needs to write his/her registered Username and the Personal detail like, Secrete Question, Answer and then get password on screen.

If client is not register and tries this functionality then an error message comes.

If register client did some spelling mistake while writing the Username, Secret Question, Answer and the written Username, Secret Question, Answer is not equal to send an error message will be generated on screen.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Username.


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Client Change Password Form:

Using this facility client can able to change their password. Here user will enter his/her Current Password and enter New Password and again Re-type New Password.

Old Password, New Password and Re-Type New Password are validated using JavaScript and Ajax Tool Kit.

If Old Password is not matched with the stored Password in the database then error will be thrown to the client. Same way New Password and Re-Type New Password will be compared if it is not same then again an error will be thrown to the client and Admin will get the according action.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Username.ClientOverviewfrm.aspx

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Client Overview Form:

Client can select site name from dropdown list and s/he can see result of overview of site in the given textbox.

Client can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site name.

Client can fetch data by select data from dropdown list and reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field site name.


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Client Layout Plan Form:

Client can select site id from dropdown list and s/he can see the images by click on show image button then display layout plan big picture and layout plan small picture on the page.

Client can fetch data by selecting dropdown list and click on show image button then user can see the stored images on page.


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Client Floor Master Validation Form:

Client Floor Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Client can select site id from dropdown list and s/he can see the images by click on show image button then display Floor plan big picture and Floor plan small picture on the page.

Client can fetch data by selecting dropdown list and click on show image button then user can see the stored images on page.


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Client Parking Master Validation Form:

Client Parking Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Client can select site id from dropdown list and s/he can see the images by click on show image button then display Parking plan big picture and Parking plan small picture on the page.

Client can fetch data by selecting dropdown list and click on show image button then user can see the stored images on page.


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Client Location Master Validation Form:

Client Location Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Client can select site id from dropdown list and s/he can see the images by click on show image button then display Location Master big picture and Location Master small picture on the page.

Client can fetch data by selecting dropdown list and click on show image button then user can see the stored images on page.


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Client Specification Amenities Form:

Client Specification Amenities Page is validated using JavaScript.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Specification of Site and Amenities field can’t be blank.

Client can store record by clicking on save button and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field site id.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Site id.


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Client Floor Plan Master Validation Form:

Client Floor Plan Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Client can select site id from dropdown list and s/he can see the images by click on show image button then display Floor plan big picture and Floor plan small picture on the page.

Client can fetch data by selecting dropdown list and click on show image button then user can see the stored images on page.


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Client Booking Chart Form:

Client Booking Chart Page is validated using JavaScript. And also use Ajax Tool kit for Calendar.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Booking Location, Booking Date and Booking Amount field can’t be blank.

Client can only see the stored record by selecting dropdown list and reset button to clear all fields and reset cursor to the first field Booking type.

If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Booking type.


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Client Floor Plan Master Validation Form:

Client Floor Plan Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Client can select site id from dropdown list and s/he can see the images by click on show image button then display Floor plan big picture and Floor plan small picture on the page.

Client can fetch data by selecting dropdown list and click on show image button then user can see the stored images on page.


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Client Gallery Form:

Client can only see the stored images by clicking on Previous and Next button.


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Client Location Master Validation Form:

Client Location Master Page is validated using JavaScript.

Client can select site id from dropdown list and s/he can see the images by click on show image button then display Location Master big picture and Location Master small picture on the page.

Client can fetch data by selecting dropdown list and click on show image button then user can see the stored images on page.


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Client Enquiry Form:

Client Enquiry Page is validated using JavaScript. And also use Ajax Tool kit for Calendar.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Enquiry type, Enquiry Date, Enquiry Place, Enquiry office contact no1 , Enquiry office contact no2, Enquiry office contact no3, Enquiry mobile no1 and Enquiry mobile no2 field can’t be blank.

Client can store the record by click save button and If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Enquiry type.


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Client Site Master Form:

Client Site Master Page is validated using JavaScript. And also use Ajax Tool kit for Calendar.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Name of Site, Start Date, End Date, Contact Person, Address, Zip code, State, Country, Contact no1, Contact no2, Contact no3, E-mail id, Registration no, Remark field can’t be blank.

Client can store the record by click save button and If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Name of Site.


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Client Information Master Form:

Client Information Master Page is validated using JavaScript. And also use Ajax Tool kit for Calendar.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Customer Name, Address, Customer Home Contact no1, Customer Home Contact no2, Customer Mobile no1, Customer Mobile no2, Customer Gender, Customer Type, Customer E-mail id and Booking id field can’t be blank.

Client can store the record by click save button and If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Customer Name.


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Client Requirement Modification Master Form:

Client Requirement Modification Master Page is validated using JavaScript. And also use Ajax Tool kit for Calendar.

Here simple JavaScript is used to validate this page. If user forgot fill up any field then error message will be generated and user will again redirected to this page showing the message that Modification Type, Modification Date, Modification Rate, Modification Material Quantity, Modification Material Type, Customer id, Customer Name, Customer E-mail id and Booking id field can’t be blank.

Client can store the record by click save button and If click on reset button to clear all fields, message and reset cursor to the first field Modification Type.

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Admin Side Code


19. AdminRegisterfrm.aspx20. AdminLoginfrm.aspx21. AdminForgotpwdfrm.aspx22. AdminChangepwdfrm.aspx23. AdminHomefrm.aspx24. AdminOverviewfrm.aspx25. AdminLayoutPlanfrm.aspx26. AdminFloorMastfrm.aspx27. AdminParkingfrm.aspx28. AdminLocationfrm.aspx29. AdminSpecAmmenfrm.aspx30. AdminBookingfrm.aspx31. AdminSampleFlatefrm.aspx32. AdminGallaryfrm.aspx33. AdminVideofrm.aspx34. CountryMastfrm.aspx

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class AdminRegisterfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

public void Reset() { lblmsg.Text = ""; txtusrnm.Text = ""; txtpwd.Text = ""; txtretypepwd.Text = ""; txtans.Text = ""; dpsecretquestion.SelectedIndex = -1; txtusrnm.Focus(); }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtusrnm.Focus(); txtpwd.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password; txtretypepwd.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;

try {

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if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); con.Open();


} catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); }

} protected void btnregister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlCommand cmd;

if(txtpwd.Text == txtretypepwd.Text) { cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into AdminMaster values('" + txtusrnm.Text + "','"+ txtpwd.Text +"','" + dpsecretquestion.SelectedValue + "','" + txtans.Text + "')", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); lblmsg.Text = "User has been added Successfully..."; cmd.Dispose(); } else { lblmsg.Text = "Original Pass and Retype Pasword does not Match "; }

} catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); }

} protected void btnreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); } protected void lnkLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminLoginfrm.aspx"); } protected void lnkRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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{ Response.Redirect("AdminRegisterfrm.aspx"); }}


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class AdminLoginfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

public void Reset() { lblmsg.Text = ""; txtusrnm.Text = ""; txtpwd.Text = ""; }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtusrnm.Focus(); txtpwd.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password; con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); }

protected void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = "select count(*) from AdminMaster where AdminId='" + txtusrnm.Text + "' and AdminPassword='" + txtpwd.Text + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con); con.Open(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

int Cnt = Convert.ToInt16(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

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cmd.Dispose(); con.Close();

if (Cnt == 1) { Response.Redirect("AdminHomefrm.aspx"); } else { lblmsg.Text = "Wrong user Name or Password..."; }

} protected void lnkbtnforgotpwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminForgotpwdfrm.aspx"); } protected void lnkbtnchangepwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminChangepwdfrm.aspx"); } protected void lnkbtnsignup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminRegisterfrm.aspx"); } protected void lnkbtnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminLoginfrm.aspx"); } protected void lnkbtnregister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminRegisterfrm.aspx"); }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class AdminForgotpwdfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

public void Reset() { lblmsg.Text = ""; txtusername.Text = ""; txtanswer.Text = ""; dpsecretquestion.SelectedIndex = -1; txtusername.Focus(); }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtusername.Focus(); //txtanswer.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;

con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString());

} protected void btnchangpwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); string str = "select AdminPassword from AdminMaster where AdminId = '" + txtusername.Text + "' and SecreteQuestion='" + dpsecretquestion.SelectedValue + "' and SecreteAnswer='" + txtanswer.Text + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Dispose();

string Pass = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

if (Pass != "") { Response.Write(lblmsg.Text = Pass); }

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else { lblmsg.Text = "UserId SecretQuesion and SecretAns does not exist..."; con.Close(); }


protected void btnreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

protected void lnkLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminLoginfrm.aspx"); }

protected void lnkRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminRegisterfrm.aspx"); }}


using System;

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using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class AdminChangepwdfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

public void Reset() { lblmsg.Text = ""; txtusername.Text = ""; txtoldpassword.Text = ""; txtnewpassword.Text = ""; txtretypepassword.Text = ""; }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtusername.Focus(); txtoldpassword.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password; txtnewpassword.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password; txtretypepassword.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password; con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString());


protected void btnchangpwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); string str = "select count(*) from AdminMaster where AdminId='" + txtusername.Text + "' and AdminPassword='" + txtoldpassword.Text + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con);

int Cnt = Convert.ToInt16(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

if (Cnt == 1) { if (txtnewpassword.Text == txtretypepassword.Text) { str = "update AdminMaster set AdminPassword ='" + txtnewpassword.Text + "' where AdminId='" + txtusername.Text + "' "; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(str, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); lblmsg.Text = "Password has been Changed..."; cmd.Dispose(); } else

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{ lblmsg.Text = "New Password and Confirm Password does not match..."; } } else { lblmsg.Text = "Either UserName or Password is wrong..."; } con.Close();

} protected void btnreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset();

} protected void lnkLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminLoginfrm.aspx");

} protected void lnkRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("AdminRegisterfrm.aspx");

} }


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

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public partial class AdminHomefrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {



using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class AdminOverviewfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); con.Open(); bindd(); } }

public void bindd() { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from OverviewMast", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); drpSiteName.DataSource = red; drpSiteName.DataValueField = "fkSiteId"; drpSiteName.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

public void Reset() { txtOverviewText.Text = ""; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpSiteName.Focus(); }

protected void drpSiteName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from OverviewMast where fkSiteId='" + drpSiteName.SelectedValue + "' ", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (red.Read()) { txtOverviewText.Text = red["OverviewText"].ToString(); } red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.IO;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class AdminLayoutPlanfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mySql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { bindSiteName(); }

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public void bindSiteName() { String strg = "Select SiteId,SiteName from SiteMast"; mySql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpSiteName);


public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; drpSiteName.Focus(); }

protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { String strg = "Insert into SiteLayoutmaster(fkSiteId,LayoutPlanBigPic,LayoutPlansmallPic) values ('" + drpSiteName.SelectedValue + "','" + fluploadBigPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "','" + fluploadSmallPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "')"; mySql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been Inserted Successfully "; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record Cant be Inserted , " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

protected void btnsmallpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename = fluploadBigPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadBigPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\images\\") + filename); //imgbigpic.ImageUrl = "~\\images\\" + filename.ToString(); }

protected void btnbigpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename = fluploadSmallPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadSmallPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\images\\") + filename); //imgsmallpic.ImageUrl = "~\\images\\" + filename.ToString(); }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.IO;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class AdminFloorMastfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mySql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { bindSiteName(); } }

public void bindSiteName() { String strg = "Select SiteId,SiteName from SiteMast"; mySql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpSiteName);

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public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpSiteName.Focus(); } protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { String strg = "Insert into SiteFloorMast(fkSiteId,FloorPlanBigPic,FloorPlanSmalPic) values ('" + drpSiteName.SelectedValue + "','" + fluploadBigPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "','" + fluploadSmallPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "')"; mySql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been Inserted Successfully "; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record Cant be Inserted , " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); } protected void btnsmallpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename = fluploadBigPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadBigPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\Pics\\") + filename); //imgbigpic.ImageUrl = "~\\Pics\\" + filename.ToString(); } protected void btnbigpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename =fluploadSmallPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadSmallPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("//C:/rahul/pancham_net_11/Pics/") + filename); //imgsmallpic.ImageUrl = "//C:/rahul/pancham_net_11/Pics/" + filename.ToString(); }


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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class AdminParkingfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mySql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { bindSiteName(); } }

public void bindSiteName() { String strg = "Select SiteId,SiteName from SiteMast"; mySql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpSiteName); }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpSiteName.Focus(); }

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protected void drpSiteName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {


protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { String strg = "Insert into ParkingMast(fkSiteId,ParkingBigPic,ParkingSmallPic) values ('" + drpSiteName.SelectedValue + "','" + fluploadBigPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "','" + fluploadSmallPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "')"; mySql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been Inserted Successfully "; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record Cant be Inserted , " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

protected void btnsmallpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename = fluploadBigPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadBigPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\images\\") + filename); //imgbigpic.ImageUrl = "~\\images\\" + filename.ToString(); }

protected void btnbigpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename = fluploadSmallPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadSmallPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\images\\") + filename); //imgsmallpic.ImageUrl = "~\\images\\" + filename.ToString(); }


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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class AdminLocationfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mySql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { bindSiteName(); } }

public void bindSiteName() { String strg = "Select SiteId,SiteName from SiteMast"; mySql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpSiteName);


public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; drpSiteName.Focus(); drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; }

protected void drpSiteName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {

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protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { String strg = "Insert into LocationMaster(fkSiteId,LocationBigPic,LocationSmallPic) values ('" + drpSiteName.SelectedValue + "','" + fluploadBigPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "','" + fluploadSmallPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "')"; mySql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been Inserted Successfully "; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record Cant be Inserted , " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); } protected void btnsmallpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename = fluploadBigPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadBigPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\images\\") + filename); //imgbigpic.ImageUrl = "~\\images\\" + filename.ToString(); } protected void btnbigpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename = fluploadSmallPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadSmallPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\images\\") + filename); //imgsmallpic.ImageUrl = "~\\images\\" + filename.ToString(); }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class AdminSpecAmmenfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mySql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { bindSiteName(); } }

public void bindSiteName() { String strg = "Select SiteId,SiteName from SiteMast"; mySql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpSiteName); }

protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {


protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String strg = "insert into SpecificationAmmentiesMaster(fkSiteId,SpecificationString,AmmenitiesString) values('"+ drpSiteName.SelectedValue +"','" + txtSpecificationstring.Text + "','"+ txtAmmenitiesstring.Text+"')"; mySql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been Inserted Successfully "; }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

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Reset(); }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; txtSpecificationstring.Text = ""; txtAmmenitiesstring.Text = ""; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpSiteName.Focus(); }


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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class AdminBookingfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { drpBookingType.Focus();

if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); } }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; txtBookingLocation.Text = ""; txtBookingDate.Text = ""; txtBookingAmt.Text = ""; drpBookingType.SelectedIndex = -1; drpBookingType.Focus(); }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

protected void drpBookingType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from BookingMaster where BookingType='" + drpBookingType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (red.Read()) {

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txtBookingLocation.Text = red["BookingLocation"].ToString(); txtBookingDate.Text = red["BookingDate"].ToString(); txtBookingAmt.Text=red["BookingAmount"].ToString(); } red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); //drpBookingType.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }}


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;

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using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class AdminSampleFlatefrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mySql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { drpSiteName.Focus();

if (!IsPostBack) { bindSiteName(); } }

public void bindSiteName() { String strg = "Select SiteId,SiteName from SiteMast"; mySql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpSiteName);


public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpSiteName.Focus(); }

protected void drpSiteName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {


protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { String strg = "Insert into SampleFlateMast(fkSiteId,SampleFlateBigPic,SampleFlateSmallPic) values ('" + drpSiteName.SelectedValue + "','" + fluploadBigPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "','" + fluploadSmallPic.PostedFile.FileName.ToString() + "')"; mySql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been Inserted Successfully "; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record Cant be Inserted , " + ex.Message.ToString();

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} }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); } protected void btnbigpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename = fluploadBigPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadBigPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\images\\") + filename); //imgbigpic.ImageUrl = "~\\images\\" + filename.ToString(); } protected void btnsmallpic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string filename = fluploadSmallPic.FileName.ToString(); //fluploadSmallPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~\\images\\") + filename); //imgsmallpic.ImageUrl = "~\\images\\" + filename.ToString(); }}


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;

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using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class AdminGallaryfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mySql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { drpSiteName.Focus(); if (!IsPostBack) { bindSiteName(); } } public void clean() { drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; lblMsg.Text = ""; }

public void bindSiteName() { String strg = "Select SiteId,SiteName from SiteMast"; mySql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpSiteName);


protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String FilePath1 = "~\\images\\ImageS\\" + fluploadSmallPic.FileName.ToString(); String FilePath2 = "~\\images\\ImageL\\" + fluploadBigPic.FileName.ToString();

String FileDirection1 = Server.MapPath("~\\images\\ImageS\\" + fluploadSmallPic.FileName.ToString()); fluploadSmallPic.SaveAs(FileDirection1); String FileDirection2 = Server.MapPath("~\\images\\ImageL\\" + fluploadBigPic.FileName.ToString()); fluploadBigPic.SaveAs(FileDirection2);

try { String strg = "Insert into Gallary(SiteName,SmallPic,BigPic) values ('" + drpSiteName.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + FilePath1 + "','" + FilePath2 + "')"; mySql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been Inserted Successfully "; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record Cant be Inserted , " + ex.Message.ToString();

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} }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblMsg.Text = ""; drpSiteName.Focus(); } }


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class AdminVideofrm : System.Web.UI.Page{

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public mySqlHandler mySql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { bindSiteName(); } }

public void bindSiteName() { String strg = "Select SiteId,SiteName from SiteMast"; mySql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpSiteName);


protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String FilePath1 = "~\\images\\ImageS\\" + fluploadSmallPic.FileName.ToString(); // String FilePath2 = "~\\images\\ImageL\\" + fluploadBigPic.FileName.ToString();

String FileDirection1 = Server.MapPath("~\\images\\ImageS\\" + fluploadSmallPic.FileName.ToString()); fluploadSmallPic.SaveAs(FileDirection1); //String FileDirection2 = Server.MapPath("~\\images\\ImageL\\" + fluploadBigPic.FileName.ToString()); // fluploadBigPic.SaveAs(FileDirection2);

try { String strg = "Insert into SiteFloorMast(fkSiteId,FloorPlanSmalPic) values ('" + drpSiteName.SelectedValue + "','" + FilePath1.ToString() + "')"; mySql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been Inserted Successfully "; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record Cant be Inserted , " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpSiteName.Focus(); }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

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protected void drpSiteName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {



using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class CountryMastfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mysql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { drpCountryName.Focus();

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if (!IsPostBack) { } }

protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strg = "Insert into CountryMaster(CountryName,CountryAllias) values('" + drpCountryName.SelectedValue.ToUpper() + "','" + txtCountryAllias.Text.ToUpper() + "')"; mysql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been added succesfully..."; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record can be inserted, " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblMsg.Text = ""; txtCountryAllias.Text = ""; drpCountryName.Focus(); }}


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class StateMastfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mysql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { drpStateName.Focus();

if (!IsPostBack) {

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} } protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strg = "Insert into StateMaster(StateName,StateAllias) values('" + drpStateName.SelectedValue.ToUpper() + "','" + txtStateAllias.Text.ToUpper() + "')"; mysql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text="Record has been inserted succesfully..."; } catch(Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text="Record can not be inserted, " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblMsg.Text = ""; txtStateAllias.Text = ""; drpStateName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpStateName.Focus(); }}


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class CityMastfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mysql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { drpCityName.Focus(); if (!IsPostBack) { } }

protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

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try { string strg = "Insert into CityMaster(CityName,CityAllias) values('"+ drpCityName.SelectedValue.ToUpper() +"','" + txtCityAllias.Text.ToUpper() + "')"; mysql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been inserted succesfully..."; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record can not be inserted, " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblMsg.Text = ""; txtCityAllias.Text = ""; drpCityName.Focus(); }}

Client Side Code


19. ClientRegisterfrm.aspx20. ClientLoginfrm.aspx 21. ClientForgotPwdffrm.aspx22. ClientChangePwdfrm.aspx23. ClientHomefrm.aspx24. ClientOverviewfrm.aspx25. ClientLayoutPlanfrm.aspx26. ClientFloorPlanfrm.aspx

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27. ClientParkingfrm.aspx28. ClientLocationfrm.aspx29. ClientSpecAmmenfrm.aspx30. ClientSampleFlatfrm.aspx31. ClientGalleryfrm.aspx32. ClientVideofrm.aspx33. ClientEnquityfrm.aspx34. ClientSiteMastfrm.aspx35. ClinentInfoMastfrm.aspx36. CustModificatoinMast.aspx


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientRegisterfrm : System.Web.UI.Page

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{ public static SqlConnection con;

public void Reset() { LblMsg.Text = ""; TxtUserName.Text = ""; TxtPwd.Text = ""; TxtRetypePwd.Text = ""; TxtAnswer.Text = ""; DrpSecretQuestion.SelectedIndex = -1; TxtUserName.Focus(); }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { TxtUserName.Focus(); TxtPwd.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password; TxtRetypePwd.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;

try { if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); }

} protected void BtnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

if (TxtPwd.Text == TxtRetypePwd.Text) { cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into UserMaster values('" + TxtUserName.Text + "','" + TxtPwd.Text + "','" + DrpSecretQuestion.SelectedValue + "','" + TxtAnswer.Text + "')", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); LblMsg.Text = "User has been added Successfully..."; cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); } else { LblMsg.Text = "Original Pass and Retype Pasword does not Match "; }


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catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); } } protected void BtnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }}


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientLoginfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

public void Reset() { LblMsg.Text = ""; TxtUserName.Text = ""; TxtPassword.Text = "";

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); TxtUserName.Focus(); con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString());


protected void BtnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = "select count(*) from UserMaster where UserId='" + TxtUserName.Text + "' and Password='" + TxtPassword.Text + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con); con.Open(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

int Cnt = Convert.ToInt16(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close();

if (Cnt == 1) { LblMsg.Text = "Wrong user Name or Password "; } else { Response.Redirect("ClientHomefrm.aspx"); }


protected void LnkBtnForgotPwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("ClientForgotPwdffrm.aspx"); } protected void LnkBtnChangePwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("ClientChangePwdfrm.aspx"); } protected void LnkBtnSignUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("ClientRegisterfrm.aspx"); }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientForgotPwdffrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

public void Reset() { LblMsg.Text = ""; TxtUsername.Text = ""; TxtAnswer.Text = ""; }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { TxtUsername.Focus(); con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString());

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} protected void BtnGetpwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); string str = "select Password from UserMaster where UserId = '" + TxtUsername.Text + "' and SecretQuestion='" + DrpSecretQuestion.SelectedValue + "' and SecretAnswer='" + TxtAnswer.Text + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Dispose();

string Pass = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

if (Pass != "") { Response.Write(LblMsg.Text = Pass); } else { LblMsg.Text = "UserId SecretQuesion and SecretAns does not exist..."; con.Close(); }

} protected void BtnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientChangePwdfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

public void Reset() { LblMsg.Text = ""; TxtUsername.Text = ""; TxtOldpwd.Text = ""; TxtNewpwd.Text = ""; TxtRetypepwd.Text = ""; TxtUsername.Focus(); }

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { TxtUsername.Focus(); con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString());


protected void btnchangpwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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{ con.Open(); string str = "select count(*) from UserMaster where UserId='" + TxtUsername.Text + "' and Password='" + TxtOldpwd.Text + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con);

int Cnt = Convert.ToInt16(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

if (Cnt == 1) { if (TxtNewpwd.Text == TxtRetypepwd.Text) { str = "update UserMaster set Password ='" + TxtNewpwd.Text + "' where UserId='" + TxtUsername.Text + "' "; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(str, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); LblMsg.Text = "Password has been Changed..."; cmd.Dispose(); } else { LblMsg.Text = "New Password and Confirm Password does not match..."; } } else { LblMsg.Text = "Either UserName or Password is wrong..."; } con.Close();

} protected void BtnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class ClientHomefrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class ClientOverviewfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mysql = new mySqlHandler(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { drpSiteName.Focus(); Master.ApplicationName = "Overview";

if (!IsPostBack) { bindSiteName(); } }

public void bindSiteName() { String strg = "Select SiteId,SiteName from SiteMast"; mysql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpSiteName);


protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { String strg = "insert into OverviewMast(fksiteId,OverviewText) values('" + drpSiteName.SelectedValue + "','" + txtOverviewText.Text.ToUpper() + "')"; mysql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been Added Succesfully "; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }

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protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; txtOverviewText.Text = ""; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpSiteName.Focus(); }}


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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientLayoutPlanfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{

public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); con.Open(); bindd(); } }

protected void btnShowImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SiteLayoutmaster where fkSiteId='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "'", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DataList1.DataSource = red; DataList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }

public void bindd() { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SiteLayoutmaster", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList1.DataSource = red; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "fkSiteId"; DropDownList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }


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using System;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

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using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientFloorPlanfrm : System.Web.UI.Page { public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); con.Open(); bindd(); }


public void bindd() { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SiteFloorMast", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList1.DataSource = red; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "fkSiteId"; DropDownList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); } protected void btnShowImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SiteFloorMast where fkSiteId='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "'", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DataList1.DataSource = red; DataList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }}ClientParkingfrm.aspx

using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

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public partial class ClientParkingfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); con.Open(); bindd(); } }

public void bindd() { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from ParkingMast", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList1.DataSource = red; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "fkSiteId"; DropDownList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = -1; DropDownList1.Focus(); }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

protected void btnShowImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from ParkingMast where fkSiteId='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "'", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DataList1.DataSource = red; DataList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = -1; }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientLocationfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) {

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con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); con.Open(); bindd(); } }

public void bindd() { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from LocationMaster", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList1.DataSource = red; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "fkSiteId"; DropDownList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = -1; DropDownList1.Focus(); }

protected void btnShowImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from LocationMaster where fkSiteId='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "'", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DataList1.DataSource = red; DataList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = -1; } protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientSpecAmmenfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); con.Open(); bindd(); }

public void bindd() { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SpecificationAmmentiesMaster", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

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SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); drpSiteName.DataSource = red; drpSiteName.DataValueField = "fkSiteId"; drpSiteName.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; txtAmmenitiesstring.Text = ""; txtSpecificationstring.Text = ""; drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpSiteName.Focus(); }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); } protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SpecificationAmmentiesMaster where fkSiteId='" + drpSiteName.SelectedValue + "' ", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (red.Read()) { txtSpecificationstring.Text = red["SpecificationString"].ToString(); txtAmmenitiesstring.Text = red["AmmenitiesString"].ToString(); } red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); drpSiteName.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientSampleFlatfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); con.Open(); bindd(); } }

public void bindd() { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SampleFlateMast", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList1.DataSource = red; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "fksiteId";

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DropDownList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = -1; DropDownList1.Focus(); } protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

protected void btnShowImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SampleFlateMast where fksiteId='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "'", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DataList1.DataSource = red; DataList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = -1; }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientGalleryfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); this.BindData(); Master.ApplicationName = "Gallery"; } }

#region "Data Row Paging" PagedDataSource pdsData = new PagedDataSource();

public void BindData() {

try { con.Close(); con.Open(); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

string str = "select * from Gallary";

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//string str = "select * from ItemMaster where '" + dt.ToString() + "' >= Itemstartdate and '" + dt.ToString() + "' <= ItemEndDate and Statusflag='Unsold'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

DataTable dtTable = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(); adpt.SelectCommand = cmd; adpt.Fill(dtTable);

if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 0) { pdsData.DataSource = dtTable.DefaultView; pdsData.AllowPaging = true; pdsData.PageSize = 4; pdsData.CurrentPageIndex = DataCurrentPage; lnkbtnNextData.Enabled = !pdsData.IsLastPage; lnkbtnPreviousData.Enabled = !pdsData.IsFirstPage; //hidScript.Value = ""; DataList1.DataSource = pdsData; DataList1.DataBind();

doDataPaging(); dlDataPaging.Visible = true; if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 1) divPaging.Visible = true; else divPaging.Visible = false;

//HtmlGenericControl countbox = (HtmlGenericControl)DataList1.Items[0].FindControl("countbox"); //string strScript = "LoadCounter(2011,0,18,9,4,30,'" + countbox.ClientID + "');"; //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), strScript, true);

} else { DataList1.DataSource = null; DataList1.DataBind(); divPaging.Visible = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); } } protected void DataList1_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { //HtmlGenericControl countbox = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Item.FindControl("countbox");

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//DateTime dtEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "ItemEndDate").ToString()); //string strMonth = (dtEndDate.Month - 1).ToString(); //string strDate = dtEndDate.Date.ToString("dd"); //string strYear = dtEndDate.Year.ToString(); //string strHour = dtEndDate.Hour.ToString(); //string strMinute = dtEndDate.Minute.ToString(); //string strSecond = dtEndDate.Second.ToString(); //string strScript = "'" + strYear + "','" + strMonth + "','" + strDate + "','" + strHour + "','" + strMinute + "','" + strSecond + "','" + countbox.ClientID + "'"; //hidScript.Value += strScript + "@"; ////ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), strScript, true); // Image imgProduct = (Image)e.Item.FindControl("imgProduct"); ImageButton imgProduct = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("imgProduct"); //imgProduct.OnClientClick = "loadImage('"+ ResolveUrl(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem,"FloorPlanBigPic").ToString()) +"'); retuen false;";

imgProduct.OnClientClick = "loadImage('" + ResolveUrl(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "BigPic").ToString()) + "');return false;"; // imgProduct.OnClientClick = "loadImage('" + ResolveUrl(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "FloorPlanBigPic").ToString()) + "');return false;"; }


protected void DataList1_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e) {


protected void dlDataPaging_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e) { LinkButton lnkbtnPage = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lnkbtnPaging"); HtmlGenericControl divPage = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Item.FindControl("divPage"); if (lnkbtnPage.CommandArgument.ToString() == DataCurrentPage.ToString()) { lnkbtnPage.Enabled = false; lnkbtnPage.Font.Bold = true; divPage.Style.Add("background-image", "url(images/page_no_box.png)"); } } protected void dlDataPaging_ItemCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName.Equals("lnkbtnPaging")) { DataCurrentPage = Convert.ToInt16(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); BindData();

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} } protected void lnkbtnPreviousData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataCurrentPage -= 1; BindData(); } private void doDataPaging() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("PageIndex"); dt.Columns.Add("PageText"); for (int i = 0; i < pdsData.PageCount; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = i; dr[1] = i + 1; dt.Rows.Add(dr); }

dlDataPaging.DataSource = dt; dlDataPaging.DataBind(); } protected void lnkbtnNextData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataCurrentPage += 1; BindData(); } public int DataCurrentPage {

get { if (this.ViewState["DataCurrentPage"] == null) return 0; else return Convert.ToInt16(this.ViewState["DataCurrentPage"].ToString()); }

set { this.ViewState["DataCurrentPage"] = value; }

} #endregion


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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientVideofrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); this.BindData(); Master.ApplicationName = "Gallery"; } }

#region "Data Row Paging" PagedDataSource pdsData = new PagedDataSource();

public void BindData() {

try { con.Close(); con.Open(); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

string str = "select * from Gallary"; //string str = "select * from ItemMaster where '" + dt.ToString() + "' >= Itemstartdate and '" + dt.ToString() + "' <= ItemEndDate and Statusflag='Unsold'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

DataTable dtTable = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(); adpt.SelectCommand = cmd;

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if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 0) { pdsData.DataSource = dtTable.DefaultView; pdsData.AllowPaging = true; pdsData.PageSize = 4; pdsData.CurrentPageIndex = DataCurrentPage; lnkbtnNextData.Enabled = !pdsData.IsLastPage; lnkbtnPreviousData.Enabled = !pdsData.IsFirstPage; //hidScript.Value = ""; DataList1.DataSource = pdsData; DataList1.DataBind();

doDataPaging(); dlDataPaging.Visible = true; if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 1) divPaging.Visible = true; else divPaging.Visible = false;

//HtmlGenericControl countbox = (HtmlGenericControl)DataList1.Items[0].FindControl("countbox"); //string strScript = "LoadCounter(2011,0,18,9,4,30,'" + countbox.ClientID + "');"; //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), strScript, true);

} else { DataList1.DataSource = null; DataList1.DataBind(); divPaging.Visible = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); } } protected void DataList1_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { //HtmlGenericControl countbox = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Item.FindControl("countbox"); //DateTime dtEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "ItemEndDate").ToString()); //string strMonth = (dtEndDate.Month - 1).ToString(); //string strDate = dtEndDate.Date.ToString("dd"); //string strYear = dtEndDate.Year.ToString(); //string strHour = dtEndDate.Hour.ToString(); //string strMinute = dtEndDate.Minute.ToString(); //string strSecond = dtEndDate.Second.ToString();

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//string strScript = "'" + strYear + "','" + strMonth + "','" + strDate + "','" + strHour + "','" + strMinute + "','" + strSecond + "','" + countbox.ClientID + "'"; //hidScript.Value += strScript + "@"; ////ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), strScript, true); // Image imgProduct = (Image)e.Item.FindControl("imgProduct"); ImageButton imgProduct = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("imgProduct"); //imgProduct.OnClientClick = "loadImage('"+ ResolveUrl(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem,"FloorPlanBigPic").ToString()) +"'); retuen false;";

imgProduct.OnClientClick = "loadImage('" + ResolveUrl(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "BigPic").ToString()) + "');return false;"; // imgProduct.OnClientClick = "loadImage('" + ResolveUrl(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "FloorPlanBigPic").ToString()) + "');return false;"; }


protected void DataList1_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e) {


protected void dlDataPaging_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e) { LinkButton lnkbtnPage = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lnkbtnPaging"); HtmlGenericControl divPage = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Item.FindControl("divPage"); if (lnkbtnPage.CommandArgument.ToString() == DataCurrentPage.ToString()) { lnkbtnPage.Enabled = false; lnkbtnPage.Font.Bold = true; divPage.Style.Add("background-image", "url(images/page_no_box.png)"); } } protected void dlDataPaging_ItemCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName.Equals("lnkbtnPaging")) { DataCurrentPage = Convert.ToInt16(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); BindData(); } } protected void lnkbtnPreviousData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataCurrentPage -= 1; BindData(); } private void doDataPaging() {

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DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("PageIndex"); dt.Columns.Add("PageText"); for (int i = 0; i < pdsData.PageCount; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = i; dr[1] = i + 1; dt.Rows.Add(dr); }

dlDataPaging.DataSource = dt; dlDataPaging.DataBind(); } protected void lnkbtnNextData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataCurrentPage += 1; BindData(); } public int DataCurrentPage {

get { if (this.ViewState["DataCurrentPage"] == null) return 0; else return Convert.ToInt16(this.ViewState["DataCurrentPage"].ToString()); }

set { this.ViewState["DataCurrentPage"] = value; }

} #endregion



using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;

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using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class ClientEnquityfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mysql = new mySqlHandler();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtEnqType.Focus();

if (!IsPostBack) { } }

protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strg = "Insert into EnquiryMaster(EnqType,EnqDate,EnqLocation,EnqOfcNo1,EnqOfcNo2,EnqMobNo1,EnqMobNo2) values('" + txtEnqType.Text.ToUpper() + "','" + txtEnqDate.Text.ToString() + "','" + drpEnqPlace.SelectedValue.ToUpper() + "','" + txtEnqOfcNo1.Text + "','" + txtEnqOfcNo2.Text + "','" + txtEnqMobNo1.Text + "','" + txtEnqMobNo2.Text + "')"; mysql.myInsertData(strg); lblmsg.Text="Record has been inserted succesfully..."; } catch(Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text="Recored cant be inserted, " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

public void Reset() { lblmsg.Text = ""; txtEnqType.Text = ""; txtEnqDate.Text = ""; txtEnqOfcNo1.Text = ""; txtEnqOfcNo2.Text = ""; txtEnqMobNo1.Text = ""; txtEnqMobNo2.Text = ""; drpEnqPlace.SelectedIndex = -1; txtEnqType.Focus(); }

protected void btnreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }}

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using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

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using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class ClientSiteMastfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public static SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList1.Focus();

if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); con.Open(); bindd(); } }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; txtEndDate.Text = ""; txtStartDate.Text = ""; txtContectPersName.Text = ""; txtSiteAddress.Text = ""; txtZipCode.Text = ""; txtContectNo1.Text = ""; txtContectNo2.Text = ""; txtContectNo3.Text = ""; txtEmilId.Text = ""; txtRegNo.Text = ""; txtsiteRemark.Text = ""; drpStateName.SelectedIndex = -1; drpCountryName.SelectedIndex = -1; DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = -1; DropDownList1.Focus(); }

public void bindd() { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SiteMast", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList1.DataSource = red; DropDownList1.DataTextField = "SiteName"; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "SiteId"; DropDownList1.DataBind(); red.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }

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protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {

try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from SiteMast where SiteId='" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "' ", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (red.Read()) { txtStartDate.Text = red["SiteStartDate"].ToString(); txtEndDate.Text = red["SiteEndDate"].ToString(); txtContectPersName.Text = red["ContactPersonName"].ToString(); txtSiteAddress.Text = red["Address"].ToString(); txtZipCode.Text = red["ZipCode"].ToString(); drpStateName.Text = red["State"].ToString(); drpCountryName.Text = red["Country"].ToString(); txtContectNo1.Text = red["Phone1"].ToString(); txtContectNo2.Text = red["Phone2"].ToString(); txtContectNo3.Text = red["Phone3"].ToString(); txtEmilId.Text = red["EmailId"].ToString(); txtRegNo.Text = red["RegNo"].ToString(); txtsiteRemark.Text = red["Remark"].ToString(); } red.Close(); cmd.Dispose();

} catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); }



using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class ClinentInfoMastfrm : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mysql = new mySqlHandler();

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtCustName.Focus();

if (!IsPostBack) { bindData(); } }

protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strg = "Insert into CustomerMaster(CustName,CustAdd,CustHomeNo1,CustHomeNo2,CustMobNo1,CustMobNo2,CustGender,CustType,CustMailId,BookingId) values('" + txtCustName.Text + "','" + txtCustAddress.Text + "','" + txtCustHNo1.Text + "','" + txtCustHNo2.Text + "','" + txtCustMobNo1.Text + "','" + txtCustMobNo2.Text + "','" + drpCustGender.SelectedValue.ToString() + "','" + drpCustType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "','" + txtCustEmailid.Text + "','" + drpBookingId.SelectedValue + "')"; mysql.myInsertData(strg); lblmsg.Text = "Record has been inserted succesfully..."; drpBookingId.SelectedIndex = -1; drpCustGender.SelectedIndex = -1; drpCustType.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = "Record cant be inserted, " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

public void Reset() { lblmsg.Text = ""; txtCustName.Text = ""; txtCustAddress.Text = ""; txtCustHNo1.Text = ""; txtCustHNo2.Text = ""; txtCustMobNo1.Text = ""; txtCustMobNo2.Text = ""; txtCustEmailid.Text = ""; drpCustGender.SelectedIndex = -1; drpCustType.SelectedIndex = -1; drpBookingId.SelectedIndex = -1; txtCustName.Focus(); }

protected void btnreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

public void bindData() { try {

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String strg = "Select BookingId,BookingType from BookingMaster";

mysql.myBindDropDownList(strg, drpBookingId); } catch (Exception ex) { lblmsg.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } } }


using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Xml.Linq;using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class CustModificatoinMast : System.Web.UI.Page{ public mySqlHandler mysql = new mySqlHandler(); public SqlConnection con;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { TxtModifyMatType.Focus();

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if (!IsPostBack) { con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PanchamCon"].ToString()); binddata(); bindd(); } }

protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strg = "Insert into CustModifyMaster(ModType,ModDate,ModRate,ModMatQty,ModMatType,CustId,CustName,CustMailId,BookingId) values('" + TxtModifyType.Text + "','" + txtModifyDate.Text.ToString() + "','" + TxtModifyRate.Text + "','" + TxtModifyQty.Text + "','" + TxtModifyMatType.Text + "','" + DrpCustomerId.SelectedValue.ToString() + "','" + DrpCustomerName.SelectedValue + "','" + TXtCustMailId.Text + "','" + DrpBookingId.SelectedValue.ToString() + "')"; mysql.myInsertData(strg); lblMsg.Text = "Record has been inserted succesfully..."; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Record cant be inserted," + ex.Message.ToString(); } }

public void Reset() { lblMsg.Text = ""; TxtModifyType.Text = ""; txtModifyDate.Text = ""; TxtModifyRate.Text = ""; TxtModifyQty.Text = ""; TxtModifyMatType.Text = ""; TXtCustMailId.Text = ""; DrpCustomerId.SelectedIndex = -1; DrpCustomerName.SelectedIndex = -1; DrpBookingId.SelectedIndex = -1; TxtModifyType.Focus(); }

protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Reset(); }

public void binddata() { try { String strg = "Select CustId,CustName from CustomerMaster"; mysql.myBindDropDownList(strg, DrpCustomerName); } catch (Exception ex1) {

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lblMsg.Text = "1" + ex1.Message.ToString(); } }

public void bindd() { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from BookingMaster", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red1 = cmd.ExecuteReader();

DrpBookingId.DataSource = red1; DrpBookingId.DataValueField = "BookingId"; DrpBookingId.DataBind(); red1.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); }

protected void DrpCustomerId_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from CustomerMaster where CustId='" + DrpCustomerId.SelectedValue + "' ", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red2 = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (red2.Read()) { DrpCustomerId.Text = red2["CustId"].ToString(); } red2.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex2) { lblMsg.Text = "2" + ex2.Message.ToString(); } }

protected void DrpCustomerName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from CustomerMaster where CustName='" + DrpCustomerName.SelectedValue + "' ", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red3 = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (red3.Read()) { DrpCustomerName.Text = red3["CustName"].ToString(); } red3.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex3) { lblMsg.Text = "3" + ex3.Message.ToString();

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} }

protected void DrpBookingId_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from BookingMaster where BookingId='" + DrpBookingId.SelectedValue + "' ", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataReader red4 = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (red4.Read()) { DrpBookingId.Text = red4["BookingId"].ToString(); } red4.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex4) { lblMsg.Text = "4" + ex4.Message.ToString(); } }}

11. Testing

Unit Testing

Test Phase Unit TestingFunctionality Login into the system

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Procedure 1. Click on the login button without entering username or password.2. Click on the login button after entering some username leaving password field blank.3. Click on the login button after entering some password but leaving username field blank.4. Click on the login button after entering some wrong username but correct password and vice versa.

Expected Outcomes The user should not login into the system and some error message follows.

Step No. Data Used Actual Outcome

1. Click on login button without entering username or password.

A Message came to enter username.

2. Click on login button after entering some username but keeping password field blank.

A Message came to enter password.

3. Click on login button after entering some password but keeping username field blank.

A Message came to enter username.

4.Click on login button after entering some wrong username but correct password.

A Message displayed on login page.

Test Phase Unit TestingFunctionality Recover password if user forgot password to use the online exit

poll system.Procedure Click on the button without entering registered email addressExpected Outcomes The user should not get password to use the system and some

error message follows.

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Step No. Data Used Actual Outcome

1. Click on the button without entering registered email address.

A Message came to user to enter registered email address.

Test Phase Unit TestingFunctionality Security TestingProcedure Login into the system with valid username and password. Note

down the URL address for user’s area and logout. Now try to get the URL noted directly from browser.

Expected Outcomes The user should not get user’s area and s/he should be taken forcibly to login page.

Step No. Data Used Actual Outcome

1. Login into the system with valid username and password. Note down the URL address for user’s area and logout. Now try to get the URL noted directly from browser.

The index page is displayed.

12. Software and Hardware Requirement

Due to the use of 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 combination, the system can be called platform independent. However; a recommended setup is given below.

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Hardware Requirement

The server on which this project is to be installed may have the following minimum hardware requirements:

• Intel Core2duo 2.20 GHz or more.

• 2 GB RAM.

• At least 1GB free space for the installation of Development Server – Port-1031, 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

• CD/DVD writer for backup purpose.

• Leased line internet access with a bandwidth of at least 2 Mbps since this system is to be on internet. The client side any low end computer with internet access facility can be used.

Software Requirement

The software platform on the server side may be as follows:

• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher Relational Database Management System.

•, C# or higher server side scripting language.

• Development Server – Port-1031 web server.

• Windows or Linux server.

The tools that will be required to develop the system will be as follows:

• Server (Active Server Page).

• Flash.

On the client side the sole requirement is any html compatible browser which supports JavaScript e.g. Microsoft Internet explorer /Firefox/Opera etc.

13. Limitations and future scope of the Online Building Construction Site Management System [OBCSMS].

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OBCSMS has been primarily targeted for a medium sized community and has been tested. It is possible that the system may not function as well or within the prescribed parameters if deployed in a different environment.

Security policy is dependent on password protection only.

Future Scope of the project.

The strength of the open source SQL Server/ combination used in the project means that OBCSMS will be a cheaper option than any other closed-source. OBCSMS and the large user community and support services will ensure that any future development and extensions can be undertaken with ease.

14. References



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A popular Web-server used to host websites in the World Wide Web

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

Active Server Pages (ASP). A specification for a dynamically created web page. Allows a script or ASP application to be executed on a web server to generate a web page sent to a viewer. JSP Pages generated using ASP generally has the file extension of .asp

Data Dictionary

Common Gateway Interface (CGI). Interface standard allowing programs to interface to web servers. CGI programs can be written in any compile able language. CGI programs are executed on the server, normally in response to some input from a web page

A collection of descriptions of the data objects or items in a data model for the benefit of programmers and others who need to refer to them.

Entity-Relationship Diagram

A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system.

GANTT chart

A data modeling technique that creates a graphical representation of the entities, and the relationships between entities, within an information system.

A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart developed as a production control tool in 1917 by Henry L. Gantt, an American engineer and social scientist. Frequently used in project management, a Gantt chart provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project. Gantt charts may be simple versions created on graph paper or more complex automated versions created using project management applications such as Microsoft Project or Excel.

A graphical (rather than purely textual) user interface to a computer.

Abbreviation of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pronounced I-triple-E. Founded in 1884 as the AIEE, the IEEE was formed in 1963 when AIEE merged with IRE. IEEE is an organization composed of engineers, scientists, and students. The IEEE is best known for developing standards for the computer and electronics industry.

Microsoft Internet Information Server (or Services). This is the standard web server available under Windows (from NT4 onwards).

Integration Testing

Also known as integration and testing (I&T), is a software development process which program units are combined and tested as groups in multiple ways. In this context, a unit is defined as the smallest testable part of an application. Integration testing can expose problems

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with the interfaces among program components before trouble occurs in real-world program execution.

A Web Based Online Building Construction Site Management System.

A very popular open source database system. SQL Server is a multiuser, multi-threaded database server, which is suitable for office database uses and for on web-servers.

Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)

A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project. PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique, a methodology developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s to manage the Polaris submarine missile program. A similar methodology, the Critical Path Method (CPM) was developed for project management in the private sector at about the same time.

Active Server Page (ASP)

A general purpose (server side) scripting language for web development that can be embedded in HTML. ASP is a popular alternative to ASP and ASP.NET, because it is cross platform, free and open source. ASP is a recursive acronym for "ASP: Active Server Page".


The organization or structure for a database. The activity of data modeling leads to a schema. (The plural form is schemata. The term is from a Greek word for "form" or "figure." Another word from the same source is "schematic.") The term is used in discussing both relational databases and object-oriented databases. The term sometimes seems to refer to a visualization of a structure and sometimes to a formal text-oriented description. DFD (Data Flow Diagram) GUI IEEE IIS SQL Server

Software Requirement Specification (SRS ) Software Requirement Specification as per IEEE 830-1998, which is the latest revision.

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A comprehensive description of the intended purpose and environment for software under development. The SRS fully describes what the software will do and how it will be expected to perform. Methods of defining an SRS are described by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) specification 8301998 Unit Testing Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation. Unit testing is often automated but it can also be done manually.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Uniform Resource Locator, the unique address of any resource on the web.

W3C The W3C is an industry consortium which seeks to promote standards for the evolution of the Web and interoperability between WWW products by producing specifications and reference software. Although W3C is funded by industrial members, it is vendor-neutral, and its products are freely available to all.


A Package combining Microsoft SQL Server and ASP .net ***************************************************************************

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