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Page 1: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will

JPRS-TND-92-02316 JULY 1992


SERVICE 'PRS Report'--


19980112 021


Page 2: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will


JPRS-TND-92-023 CONTENTS 16 July 1992

[This report contains foreign media information on issues related to worldwide proliferation and transfer activities innuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, including delivery systems and the transfer of weapons-relevanttechnologies.]


Sea-Based Missile-Launching Drill Held 22 Jun [Haikou Radio] ............................................................... IIndigenous Nuclear Power Plant To Operate Fully [AFP] .......................................................................... I



Objections to Plutonium Shipments Rejected [KYODO] ................................................................. 2


Accord With IAEA on Routine Nuclear Inspection [Seoul YONHAP] ............................................. 2



Trucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq [BTA] .................................................................... 3



Nuclear Reactor Reactivated After 17 Years ITELAM] ................................ 4


Nuclear Agency Restricts Nuclear Vessels [Brasilia Radio] ............................................................ 4Germany Agrees To Finance Angra-2 Nuclear Plant [Brasilia Radio] ............................................ 4


Juragua Nuclear Power Station Near Completion [Havana Radio] ................................................. 4



Rao Briefs House on Nuclear Talks in Japan [Delhi Radio] ............................................................. 5AEC Chairman on Plans for Heavy Water Reactor [THE HINDU 30 May] ................................. 5Missile Production Program To Begin 1993 [Delhi TV] ................................................................. 5


Commentary Denies Nuclear Weapons Development [Tehran Radio] .......................................... 5

Page 3: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will

JPRS-TND-92-02316 July 1992 2


UN Suspects Hiding of Ballistic Missile Data [Paris AFP] ............................................................... 6


Reserve General Urges Changing Nuclear Policy [HADASHOT 9 Jul] .......................................... 6


Shaposhnikov Addresses News Conference ................................................................................................... 8On Role of Armed Forces [ITAR-TASS] ........................................................................................... 8More On Strategic Forces [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 9 Jut] ................................................................. 8

U.S.-Russian Nuclear Reduction 'Unprecedented' [NEZAVISIMAYA GAZETA 18 Jun] ........................ 8U.S. 'Uranium War' Against Russia Viewed [MOSCOW NEWS FAX DIGEST 30 Jun] ........................ 9Russian Parliament on Chemical, Biological Arms ................................................................................... 10

"Successor' to U.S.-USSR Accords [ITAR-TTASS] ............................................................................. 10Reaffirms Chemical Arms Ban [INTERFAX] ................................................................................. 10Scrapping To Cost 100 Billion Rubles [INTERFAX] ...................................................................... 10

Navy on Salvaging Komsomolets Nuclear Warheads [IZVESTIYA 3 Jul] ................................................ 11Russo-German Ties, Chemical Arms Ban Eyed [ITAR-TASS] ................................................................... 11DPRK Urged Not To 'Tempt Fate' Over Inspections [ROSSIYSKAYA GAZETA 27 Jun] ................... 12UN Chemical Arms Experts To Tour Azerbaijan ........................................................................................ 12

To Conduct Biochemical Analysis [ITAR-TASS] ............................................................................. 12To Check Armenia's Chemical Arms Use [ASSA-IRADA] ............................................................. 13

Byelarus Advises Caution in N-Arms Withdrawal [POSTFACTUM] ...................................................... 13Georgia's Shevardnadze on CIS Nuclear Strategy [INTERFAX] ............................................................. 13Ukraine's Kravchuk Speaks in Brussels on N-Arms .................................................................................... 13

Promises To Destroy Arsenal [AFP] ............................................................................................... 13To Ratify Treaty on Reduction [IZVESTIYA 9 Jul] ...................................................................... 13

Tomsk Seen as Storage Site for Nuclear Warheads [Moscow TV] ........................................................ 14

Page 4: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will


JPRS-TND-92-023 issues related to worldwide proliferation and transfer

16 July 1992 activities in nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons,

PROLIFERATION ISSUES including delivery systems and the transfer of weapons-relevant technologies.]

[This report contains foreign media information on

Page 5: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will

JPRS-TND-92-02316 July 1992 CHINA 1

Sea-Based Missile-Launching Drill Held 22 Jun which is aimed at training the organization and com-HK2806052592 Haikou Hainan People's Radio mand capabilities of commanders and quick reaction ofNetwork in Mandarin 2300 GMT 27 Jun 92 the troops under complicated conditions; enabling the

troops to get in advance the target in the complicated seaarea, quickly find the position of the target, and rapidly

[Text] The South China Sea Fleet conducted a large-scale launch the missile to hit the target; and improving thesea-based missile-launching drill on 22 June. Major combined operation effectiveness of the troops underGeneral Xu Zhengzhong, deputy commander of the modem conditions.South China Sea Fleet; Major General (Liu Jinshan),deputy chief of staff of the fleet; Major General (Bao Indigenous Nuclear Power Plant To Operate FullyHucai), commander of the Yulin base; Major General HK1007043292 Hong Kong AFP in English 0357 GMT(Jian Guoxing), political commissar-, Major General Liu 10 Jul 92Weidong, deputy political commissar; and other leadersdirected the drill on the spot. [By Philippe Massonnet]

(Li Zhimin), standing committee member of the provin- [Excerpt] Qinshan, China, July 10 (AFP)-China's firstcial party committee; (Liu Xizhen), director of the indigenous nuclear power plant, capable of generatingprovincial labor and personnel department; (Liu 300 megawatts of electricity, will be running at 100Yongqi), secretary of Sanya City; Sanya Mayor (Wang percent capacity in the coming days, marking the start ofYongchun); and other leaders, and Chen Yufeng, assis- a new energy policy.tant manager of the Xiwen Company, and other enter- The slogan "safety first" is omnipresent at the plant onprise officials totaling 46 persons watched the missile- Hangzhou Bay, 90 kilometers (60 miles) from Shanghai.launching drill. It can be seen in giant red letters on the walls, and heard

The purpose of the current large-scale sea-based missile- from the lips of management.launching drill is to improve the Army's training quali- "All inspections have concluded that our plant is per-ties, test the training results of the missile troops, and fectly safe," said vice director Zhang Huailin in a calmgenuinely give full play to the Army's role of escorting but firm voice.reform and opening up. The International Atomic Energy Agency sent twoIn the course of the missile-launching drill, the fleet inspection missions to Qinshan, in 1989 and 1991.leaders carried out command and conducted the ground- "Their final report indicated that the plant is of highsea-air coordination drill strictly according to the plan, quality," Zhang said. [passage omitted]

Page 6: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will

JPRS-TND-92-0232 EAST ASIA 16 July 1992


Accord With IAEA on Routine Nuclear Inspection

Objections to Plutonium Shipments Rejected SKI007093792 Seoul YONHAP in English 0922 GMT10 Jul 92

0W0907110292 Tokyo KYODO in English 1050 GMT9 Jul 92 [Text] Seoul, July 10 (OANA-YONHAP--North Korea

put into effect Friday an agreement with the Interna-tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that paved the way

[Text] Tokyo, July 9 KYODO-Japan does not plan to for routine inspection on its nuclear materials and facil-obtain permission for shipments of plutonium that may within the 200-mile economic zone of other The subsidiary arrangement, a post-agreement to thenations, a Foreign Ministry official said Thursday. nuclear safeguards accord in force from April 10, wentThe comment followed South Africa statement earlier into effect immediately after the North Korean Embassythis week objecting to Japanese ships carrying plutonium in Vienna notified the IAEA headquarters that it will

accept the text worked out between Pyongyang and thethrough waters within its 200-mile offshore boundary. agency, Foreign Ministry officials here said.

"Basically, Japanese transport ships will make the But, North Korea is yet to approve the facility attach-voyage over 200 miles away from the coast, so I don't ment that determines which installations to include inthink there will be any problem," said the official, who the routine inspection and how long and often theasked to remain anonymous for security reasons. inspection should be, the officials said.

The official said that Japan plans to explain to Pretoria Pyongyang reported 16 nuclear-related facilities to thethat it is not legally required to obtain permission, and IAEA, including four core installations and parts that arewill also redouble its efforts to reassure South Africa of key to suspicions against its nuclear arms developmentthe safety of the shipments. program-its 5 megawatt nuclear reactor, radiochemical

laboratory which IAEA says will turn into reprocessingThis fall, Japan plans to start transporting plutonium plant once completed, nuclear fuel rod and sub-criticalfrom France and Britain back to Japan. The plutonium facilities.will have been reprocessed in those nations from Japan's The IAEA revised its regulations at last month's Board ofspent nuclear fuel. Governors' meeting, making it mandatory for its mem-

bers to report all nuclear-related facilities at least 180Earlier this week South Africa became the first country days before they are built.along the possible shipping routes to express reservationsabout shipments passing through its waters, the official Former regulations was more lax, requiring a report justsaid. 60 days before the installation goes into operation.

"Generally speaking, we have basic understanding of Under the revised rule, the four facilities in questioncountries concerned except for South Africa," he said. would have to be included in the facility attachment,officials said.

Japan has not yet settled on a route, but it has decided to North Korea has not yet answered whether it will followexplain its safety precautions to some 100 coastal coun- the former or revised regulations, and routine inspectiontries after the environmental group Greenpeace interna- will not begin until this decision is made, they said.tional urged governments to deny passage of the haz-ardous cargo. The ad hoc inspection team, currently on its second trip

in North Korea, will have to approve the facility attach-Japan maintains that the casks used for housing the ment to make sure that none of the listed installationsplutonium meet safety standards specified by the Inter- require further ad hoc inspection, they said.national Atomic Energy Agency. But, the IAEA can start routine inspection on agreed

The Foreign Ministry official said the shipments would facilities first, according to the officials.not make port calls or enter the nations' 12-mile territo- The IAEA has the final say on when to start the routinerial zone. inspection.

Page 7: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will

JPRS-TND-92-02316 July 1992 EAST EUROPE 3

BULGARIA organophosphorous substances and chemicals intendedfor the production of chemical warfare agents from

Trucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now,

A U0107172492 Sofia BTA in English 1705 GMT the Burgas branch of Ecoglasnost claims. The driversI Jul 92 have slept in the trucks' cabins in immediate proximity

to the cargo, which allegedly consisted of highly toxic[Text] Burgas, July 1 (BTA)-Three truck drivers of the radioactive substances.Somat Company have been hospitalized. One of themhas sustained severe injuries, suffering from mental and Ecoglasnost supporters say the deal had been madeblood circulation disorders and crumbling teeth. between the Bulgarian company and Mr. Bozhidar

Bozhilov, a Bulgarian living in Vienna who owns aAccording to the Burgas branch of a Bulgarian environ- forwarding company.mentalist organization, Ecoglasnost, the drivers hadbeen affected by the dangerous toxic cargo they had been Ecoglasnost warned that the trucks carrying toxic sub-transporting without being aware of it. The Somat long- stances to Iraq are loaded with citrus fruits and food onhaul trucks based in Sofia and Burgas have been carrying their way back to Bulgaria.

Page 8: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will

JPRS-TND-92-0234 LATIN AMERICA 16 July 1992

ARGENTINA Germany Agrees To Finance Angra-2 NuclearPlantPY1007005292 Brasilia Voz do Brasil NetworkNuclear Reactor Reactivated After 17 Years in Portuguese 2200 GMT 9 Jul 92

PY1007012492 Buenos Aires TELAM in Spanish1240 GMT 7 Jul 92 [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will

[Text] Cordoba, 7 Jul (TELAM)-The RA-10 nuclear be finished by 1997. This will be possible thanks to areactor intended for research and training purposes was financial agreement with Germany.operated again 17 years after it was completely deacti-vated. The reactor is at the facilities of the Mathematics, The Mines and Energy Press Advisory Department inPhysics, and Natural Science School of Cordoba Brasilia has reported that Minister Pratini de MoraesNational University. reached an agreement on 9 July with Germany to finance

the finishing of the Angra-2 -nuclear plant with $860The reactor that was dedicated in 1971 went into oper- million;ation after the work conducted by 10 experts from theNational Commission for Atomic Energy [CNEA]. It A consortium of German financial institutions will be inoperated until 1975, when its nucleus was removed and charge of the financing. The resources will be divided insent to Peru in the sale of nuclear technology to that two parts: the first is $580 million that already has beencountry. provided for since the signing of the nuclear agreement

in 1975, and the second is $280 million that was nego-University authorities reported the reactor will be used tiated during the minister's visit. The Brazilian Govern-for research and training purposes and to render services ment will contribute the rest in cruzeiros, amounting toto the official and private sectors, including the irradia- some $640 million.tion of foods and the sterilization of medical instru-ments, among others. The ministerial Press Advisory Department added thatwork on Angra-2 will resume this year, which will allow

the creation of 10,000 jobs. The nuclear plant must beBRAZIL finished by 1997.

Nuclear Agency Restricts Nuclear Vessels CUBAPY0207005892 Brasilia Voz do Brasil Networkin Portuguese 2200 GMT 1 Jul 92 Juragua Nuclear Power Station Near Completion

[Text] Starting today, nuclear vessels and submarines PA0207044192 Havana Radio Havana Cuba in Spanishcannot enter Brazil without authorization. This decision 0000 GMT 2 Jul 92is part of new National Commission for Nuclear Energy,CNEN, regulations that also affect the Brazilian Navy.

[Text] Jorge (Petinov), press chief for the Nuclear EnergyFrom now on, all nuclear vessels and submarines must Information Center, stated in Havana that after 12 yearspresent a series of documents regarding radioactivity of existence, the Cuban nuclear program is showingprotection and nuclear security 90 days before entering concrete and satisfactory results that justify continuingBrazilian ports and bays. The documents must include the program.plans for a nuclear emergency and for the vessel's oper-ation in port. According to CNEN President Jose Luiz According to (Petinov), the atom has become an efficientSantana de Carvalho, submarines will have to discon- worker in every aspect of everyday Cuban life as well asnect their nuclear power in order to enter Brazilian in other important branches such as medicine, agricul-territory. In emergencies, vessels will be immediately ture, mining, and industry. The application of nucleartowed outside ports and bays. Santana added that the energy is evident despite the serious economic limita-new regulation forbids the disposal of nuclear wastes in tions Cuba is currently undergoing.national waters, which was permitted by previous legis-lation approved in 197w1: The nuclear affairs executive secretariat official pointed

out that the public health system was the first user of the

[Begin recording] Now it will be completely forbidden to atom. Several provincial medical institutions currentlydispose of any radioactive materials from vessel reactors use gamma chambers for diagnostic and evaluationsor ships such as nuclear submarines in Brazilian waters. purposes.[end recording] Referring to nuclear energy, he also indicated that theThe rule regulating the use of naval nuclear rectors in construction of the Juragua nuclear power station inBrazilian waters complements the Tlatelolco Treaty for- Cienfuegos continues on schedule. The construction ofbidding the transportation of nuclear weapons in Latin the project is approximately 90 percent complete, whichAmerica. means the project is progressing at a normal pace.

Page 9: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will

JPRS-TND-92-02316 July 1992 NEAR EAST & SOUTH ASIA 5

INDIA Missile Production Program To Begin 1993BK0907073892 Delhi Doordarshan Television Network

Rao Briefs House on Nuclear Talks in Japan in English 1600 GMT 8 Jul 92BKO907092092 Delhi All India Radio Network [Excerpts] The new agricultural policy is likely to bein English 0830 GMT 9 Jul 92 tabled in parliament during the current session. This was[Text] The prime minister told the Rajya Sabha today disclosed by the agriculture minister, Mr. Balram Jakhar,that the question of proliferation of nuclear weapons while addressing the economic editors conference whichcame up in his talks with the Japanese prime minister concluded in New Delhi today. [passage omitted]during his recent visit to that country. Mr. Narasimha Discussing the defense sector, the minister of state forRao said he told Mr. Miyazawa that there is no change in defense, Mr. Krishnakumar told the editors that produc-India's stand on the NPT [Nuclear Nonproliferation tion of Prithvi [surface-to-surface missile with range ofTreaty] in the post-cold war context. Replying to ques- 250 km] and Trishul [surface-to-air missile with 12 kmtions in the house, Mr. Rao said in addition to the fact range] missiles will start next year, while Akash [surface-that the treaty is discriminatory, it should be coming up to-air] and Naag [anti-tank] missiles will go into produc-for review in 1995. Global changes are taking place and tion by 1995. He said efforts are on to increase exportsthe coming review of the NPT may not be the same as and also to diversify production of ordnance factories sothe previous ones. Therefore, there is no point in India that capacity utilization any assurance to any country on the signing of thetreaty, he said.

Mr. Narasimha Rao clarified that there is no pressure of IRANany kind from the Japanese Government for signing theNPT. The prime minister said he has clarified this in his Commentary Denies Nuclear Weaponspress conference at the end of his visit to Japan. Development

LD0807191492 Tehran Voice of the Islamic Republic ofAEC Chairman on Plans for Heavy Water Reactor Iran First Program Network in Persian 0957 GMT92 WPO25IA Madras THE HINDU in English 8 Jul 9230 May 92 p 4

[Text] Coimbatore, May 29. The Chairman of the [Station commentary]

Atomic Energy Commission [AEC], Mr. P.K. Iyengar, [Excerpt] In a letter to the UN secretary general yes-said today that Koodankulam in Tamil Nadu was still a terday Kamal Kharrazi, Iran's permanent envoy to thegood site for the establishment of a nuclear power United Nations, described reports and propaganda onstation. Iranian efforts to gain access to nuclear weapons as

baseless and announced the Islamic Republic of Iran'sMr. Iyengar, who is here on a private visit, told this full readiness to cooperate with the United Nations toreporter that in the absence of any external assistance for pursue the Iranian-initiated plan of comprehensivesuch a station at Koodankulam, the Commission would nuclear disarmament. We point out that Iran is one ofbuild its own 500 MWe Heavy Water Reactor (HWR). the signatories of the Nuclear Nonproliferation TreatyBut, resource crunch was the major constraint, and is committed to it.

The AEC might think of generating the resources locally The [nonproliferation] treaty calls on all countries of theas well as market borrowings. Some planning was being world to accept a legal undertaking not to implementdone in this regard. As of now, external assistance for plans leading to the proliferation of nuclear weapons.any nuclear power programme was unlikely because the The treaty divides world countries into two groups:countries concerned were fully aware of the constraints Either they sign the treaty and join the ranks of thebeing put on India for projects involving high technology world's nonnuclear [as heard] countries, or they refuse toin atomic energy, defence and space. "At this juncture, it sign the treaty and are then considered as a nuclearis necessary to rededicate ourselves to develop indige- country and subsequently accept all the dangers of suchnous capability in all our high technology areas like a electronics, new materials and defence relateditems," he said. The treaty also stresses that the nuclear countries should

consider themselves responsible for carrying out theirReferring to the ongoing nuclear projects, he said work commitments and should prevent the proliferation ofwas in progress for the plants planned at Kaiga in nuclear weapons in the nonnuclear countries.Karnataka, Tarapur and in Rajasthan which would in allprovide an additional 3,000 MWe. Two 220 MWe Iran, on the other hand, actively cooperates with theatomic power stations were under construction at International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA]. TheKakrapar in Gujarat-the first would start operating Islamic Republic continues its peaceful nuclear researchnext month and the second was expected to achieve work under the IAEA's supervision. IAEA inspectorscriticality a year later. have repeatedly visited Iran's nuclear research centers

Page 10: Proliferation - DTICTrucks Carry 'Chemical Warfare' Cargo to Iraq Western Europe to Iraq for over a year and a half now, ... [Text] The Angra-2 nuclear plant in Rio de Janeiro will

JPRS-TND-92-0236 NEAR EAST & SOUTH ASIA 16 July 1992

and their last inspection was on the 30 Bahman 1370 [19 A team of 16 weapons inspectors have maintained aFebruary 1992]. During this inspection of Iran's nuclear round-the-clock vigil outside the Agriculture Ministryresearch centers, as on previous occasions, the agency's since Sunday morning.inspection team did not produce any evidence corrobo-rating allegations by the mass media. This was at a time U.N. and Iraqi officials were to have a second round ofwhen Iran itself was the biggest victim of chemical talks on Thursday aimed at ending the standoff,weapons and weapons of mass destruction in the course informed Iraqi sources said. An apparently fruitless firstof the imposed [Iran-Iraq] war. round was held late Wednesday between Douglas

Englund, regional head of the U.N. special commissionIraq, a signatory of the Geneva Protocol of 1975, which overseeing the destruction of Iraq's weapons of massalso signed the existing Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty destruction, and Iraq's Husam Muhammad Amin, whoin 1968, on the one hand violated all of its commitments accompanies the weapons inspectors on their the aggression against Iran; and on the other hand No details were given of the hour- long meeting. Thethose countries which possessed chemical and nuclear commission's head Rolf Ekeus set Thursday as theweapons assisted Iraq to gain access to chemical deadline for Baghdad to allow the search to go ahead. Heweapons and weapons of mass destruction. said at U.N. Headquarters in New York that Englund

had been instructed not to negotiate given that underMost countries of the world are trying to utilize nuclear Security Council resolutions Baghdad was bound toenergy for purposes other than military applications; and allow access to any place designated by the inspectionIran is no exception to this rule. The utilization of commission. The inspection team suspects the ministrynuclear energy in the military for constructing nuclear contains data on ballistic missiles capable of deliveringweapons is only one of its many applications. During the chemical and nuclear payloads and details on Iraq'swar against Iraq, the Islamic Republic clearly proved foreign suppliers. [passage omitted]that it has no need to deploy such weapons, and it candefend its territorial integrity without having to use suchweapons. ISRAEL

The only objective of reports and propaganda allegingthat Iran is striving to gain access to nuclear weapons is Reserve General Urges Changing Nuclear Policyto put pressure on Iran. The best proof of this claim is TA0907143892 Tel Aviv HADASHOT in HebrewIsrael, which has refused to sign the Nuclear Nonprolif- 9 Jul 92 p 10eration Treaty. It possesses the biggest arsenal of nuclearweapons now. While pursuing extensive programs of [Report by Aharon Klein]uranium enrichment, Israel possesses nuclear weapons;and no doubt the Zionist regime's nuclear programs, [Text] Reserve Brigadier General Aharon Yariv saidbeing pursued outside the framework of international yesterday that the Israeli Government should considerregulations, are considered a very serious threat to changing its policy governing statements on the nuclearsecurity and stability of the region and the world. [pas- issue. Yariv was addressing a military correspondents'sage omitted] news conference held by the Jaffe Center for Strategic

Studies at Tel Aviv University on the occasion of thepublication of its annual report covering the years of

IRAQ 1990-1991.

Israel's existence is not threatened in the immediateUN Suspects Hiding of Ballistic Missile Data future or in the short range, Yariv said. There is aNC0907111692 Paris AFP in English 1104 GMT potential threat from Syria, Iraq, and Islamic fundamen-9 Jul 92 talism. Syria, which is a partner to the peace process, has

the ability to surprise Israel and launch a sudden attack.Iraq is making every effort to regain the power it had

[Report by Farouk Choukri] before the Gulf war. "As long as Saddam is in power, hewill not rest until he regains his full strength," he said.

[Excerpt] Baghdad, July 9 (AFP) - Iraq categorically Regarding the threat posed by Islamic fundamentalism,refused to allow weapons inspectors to search its Agri- Yariv maintained that it cannot be said that it is "sweep-culture Ministry on Thursday despite a U.N. deadline ing" us. The Arab countries are making efforts to curb it.and last ditch talks aimed at ending the deadlock.

The arms race continues in full force, Yariv said. "InAgriculture Minister 'Adb-al-Wahhab Mahmud al- 1991, the United States alone sold Middle East countriesSabbagh told a news conference that Iraq would not some $16 billion worth of weapons." Iran, Iraq, Syria,authorise the search of a "civilian ministry which has Libya, and Algeria have been trying to attain nuclearnothing to do with the United Nations and its resolu- ability, with Algeria being the closest to it.tions." He accused the United Nations of being a tool ofthe United States and said that the "Bush administration The more momentum the peace process gathers, theis using international terrorism against Iraq." more the race for nuclear arms control will develop.

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JPRS-TND-92-02316 July 1992 NEAR EAST & SOUTH ASIA 7

Arms control talks, Yariv said, will produce harsh dis- Referring to the same issue, Dr. Dore Gold said that theputes: Each country will claim the need to defend itself U.S. Administration holds two attitudes toward theand will argue that its very existence is at stake. United Nations. The State Department under JamesAccording to him, there is no way to prevent the devel- Baker maintains that, in the event of war, any U.S. moveopment of nuclear weapons through the peace talks, must be made in an international framework under theYariv added that Israel should reconsider changing its UN umbrella, as was the case in the war against Iraq. Onpolicy governing statements on the nuclear issue, which the other hand, Defense Secretary Richard Cheneyso far has been summed up in the announcement that it believes that the United States should rely on its ownwould not be the first to introduce nuclear arms into the power and might, and prevent the occurrence of powerregion. "This change should be made carefully and centers that counter its status as a superpower--evengradually," he said. among its allies.

On the other hand, Professor Shlomo Gazit maintained The Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia, continuethat new declarations would be of little value because the procuring weapons, Prof. Ze'ev Eytan said. As could beArab countries already believe that Israel owns such expected, the two countries most damaged by the Gulfweapons. "They need no reinforcement of their belief war were Iraq and Kuwait.that Israel has nuclear capability."

-Iraq's Saddam Husayn lost nearly half his army, but heDr. Yosi Alper told the reporters that Israel must face the still is a dangerous foe. "If war breaks out in therefugee problem, and that it cannot ignore as the pre- region, he will send troops. Though they will be fewervious government did. "The refugee problem is the root than he has sent in the past, he is still able to sendof the Palestinian problem. Israel should address it and troops."work to solve it." According to him, Israel should attendthe discussions of the multilateral committee on refu- -Kuwait lost its Navy, but it is investing billions ofgees, where it should bring up the need for the Arab dollars in renewed procurement.countries to take part in the rehabilitation of refugees.

-Saudi Arabia exhibits the extreme attitude in the armsAlper also noted that the Gulf war made the world race, investing enormous sums in arming itself. It nowrealize that the need to promote the Middle East peace has 260 planes, compared with 220 in 1990, and anprocess between Israel and the Arab countries is not less additional 150 tanks.urgent than the Palestinian problem.

-Iran is modeling its Army on that of the shah's era. ItProf. Gazit referred to the growing strength of the is buying high-quality weapons, though not in giantUnited Nations as an influential and determining factor deals. It mainly buys Russian-made weapons such asin the international arena. The United Nations' strength T-72 tanks and Sukhoi-24 and MiG-29 planes.grew after the USSR dissolved, and last year it imposedsanctions on Iraq, Libya, and Yugoslavia. In the future, -Egypt has not enlarged its Army, but it is constantlyIsrael may be a target of such sanctions. "The United modernizing it. Egypt will soon start assembling theStates can no longer dictate to the United Nations, and it new U.S. M-1 tank, and its Air Force is about tomust comply with pressures from UN member countries, receive 24 Apache helicopters, and Patriot missileIf, for example, following a major terrorist attack, Israel batteries. Its Navy will receive two submarines thatshould decide on a massive expulsion of Palestinians, it will be built in Germany with U.S. funds.might be threatened with UN sanctions. The same mightfollow a provocative settlement act or a military opera- -Israel, according to the report, has not expanded itstion in Lebanon." Army, but continues modernizing it.

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Shaposhnikov Addresses News Conference republics and resolve the questions that have arisen. Anagreement on the air defense system was signed. [passage

On Role of Armed Forces omitted]LD0807132192 Moscow ITAR-TASS in English The marshal of aviation outlined the structure of the1244 GMT 8 Jul 92 Commonwealth military system. The Main Command is

subordinate to the Council of Heads of State. There will[By ITAR-TASS correspondent Andrey Naryshkin] also be a collegial organ-the Council of Defense Min-

isters. It will hold sessions as necessary, or once every[Excerpts] Moscow July 8 TASS-The basic functions of two or three months. A committee for the coordinationthe main command of the CIS Armed Forces will include of nuclear strategy and a secretariat are to be set upsingle control and centralised management of strategic under the Council of Defense Ministers. Then there isnuclear arms, coordination of military doctrines and the Strategic Forces command, to which the nuclearmilitary reforms of CIS countries, settling of armed triad is subordinate, and then the directorate responsibleconflicts both inside the Commonwealth on along its for the maintenance of nuclear weapons, and the stra-borders. A special structure headed by deputy CIS Coin- tegic support organs. [passage omitted]mander-in-Chief Boris Pyankov will be in charge offulfilling the latter task, Yevgeniy Shaposhnikov, the CIScommander-in-chief, said at a press conference on U.S.-Russian Nuclear Reduction 'Unprecedented'Wednesday. [passage omitted] 92UMI I77A Moscow NEZA VISIMA YA GAZETA

The Council of Defence Ministers will have a committee in Russian 18 Jun 92 p 1

on coordinating nuclear strategy and a secretariat. Thestrategic forces command will unite strategic missile [Article by Yuriy Leonov: "Yeltsin and Bush Have Madeforces, air and sea-based strategic forces, space defence, Their Meeting Historic: An Unprecedented Reductionthe management in charge of nuclear weapons, and in the Nuclear Arsenals of the Two Biggest Nuclearstrategic intelligence. [passage omitted] Powers Has Been Announced"]

[Text] By the start of the 21 st century-by the year 2003More On Strategic Forces or 2000 even-the total number of warheads in the

PM0907113092 Moscow KRASNA YA ZVEZDA arsenals of Moscow and Washington will have beenin Russian 9 Jul 92 p 1 reduced from 21,000 to 6,000-7,000 weapons. This was

announced in Washington in a joint statement by U.S.[Report by correspondent Lieutenant Colonel A. President George Bush and Boris Yeltsin, president ofDokuchayev on 8 July at Moscow press conference by the Russian Federation. In the period leading up to theMarshal of Aviation Ye. Shaposhnikov, commander in year 2003 or the year 2000 (the shortening of thechief of the CIS Joint Armed Forces: "Commonwealth timeframe is connected with Russia being rendered theJoint Armed Forces Will Live On, Marshal of Aviation corresponding assistance on the part of the UnitedYe. Shaposhnikov Believes"] States) our countries will reduce the number of warheads

in their nuclear arsenals to 3,000-3,500 per side, and[Excerpts] It is well known that a session of the Council each of them will itself here determine the structure of itsof Heads of State of the Commonwealth was held in forces within the said limits. As a result of a two-stageMoscow 6 July. Yesterday Marshal of Aviation Ye. reduction ground-based intercontinental ballistic mis-Shaposhnikov, commander in chief of the Joint Armed siles with separating warheads (MIRV'd ICBM's) will beForces, held a press conference at 41, Leningrad Pros- eliminated entirely, and a cap of 1,700-1,750 warheads ispekt. The meeting of heads of state, he said, was charac- established for ballistic missiles on submarinesterized by a constructive and dynamic approach. Six (SLBM's). The presidents intend shortly putting thedocuments were signed on military matters. agreements which have been reached down on paper,

signing a brief document, and presenting it for consider-Among the most important is the agreement on the ation and ratification to the legislative bodies of Russiacomponent parts of missile early warning systems and and the United monitoring [kontrol kosmicheskogo prostranstva]systems. It amounts to the following. The facilities Commenting on the new character of bilateral relationscomprising these systems are the property of the repub- with the United States, President Yeltsin emphasized:lics in which they are located, but they fulfill a common "We will not fight one another. We are switching to agoal. There is nothing so terrible about the fact that path of partnership and friendship, and these relationsMoldova did not sign the document, because it has no will be enshrined in a special charter." This charter,missile early warning stations on its territory, but there is together with a sizable package of other Russian-such a station in Azerbaijan-near Mingechaur. What is American documents, was signed on Wednesday by theto be done about that now? What about the station in Russian and American presidents in the White House.Latvia? Marshal Shaposhnikov expressed the view that During the negotiations, the presidents adopted a deci-Russia, as the USSR's successor in the strategic arms sion on the creation at a high level of a group for thesphere, must enter into a talks process with the sovereign practical implementation, in contact with allies and

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other interested countries, of measures pertaining to the [Text] In late 1991, the American labour unions andformulation and realization of a concept of a global uranium manufacturers complained about the USSRsystem of protection against limited strikes employing having snapped up $15.8 million in profits in 1990 aloneballistic missiles. and that the figure was rapidly increasing thereby threat-

ening the U.S. uranium mines with total ruin. TheyThe disarmament accords which have been reached, charged the USSR with exporting uranium at dumpingwhich Yeltsin and Bush announced in a joint statement, prices and demanded a trial. The court examinationimpart a truly historic character to the first Russian- attended by the six uranium producing countries of theAmerican summit. Such is the opinion not only of the Commonwealth (Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajiki-participants in the top-level negotiations but also of stan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) did take place. Russiarepresentatives of the administration of both countries, will have to pay import duties of 115.85whence comments on the first impressive results of themeeting in Washington are coming. . The final verdict will be delivered on August 11. This

would at least double the price of Russian uranium. MNA spokesman for the head of the British Government file: Russia accounts for more than 45welcomed "the success of this meeting, which has far-reaching consequences," as he addressed journalists at of the world's uranium and uses a centrifugal technologythe prime minister's London residence. A similar state- of enrichment which is unequalled anywhere in thement was made in Tokyo on behalf of the Japanese world. In 1991 alone, exports of uranium fetched RussiaGovernment by Koichi Kato, general secretary of the more than $500 million. But, Russia's share in the worldJapanese Cabinet, who pointed out that the Russian- exports of enriched uranium set by the IAEA is nowhereAmerican accord, which had been reached under condi- higher than 7tions of the end of the "cold war" within an extremelyshort space of time, was of an epoch-making nature. although the country could already now supply one in"The present accord has considerably exceeded our every four tons on the world market. The blow dealt byexpectations," Kato acknowledged. the U.S. at one of the few areas that constitute a

legitimate pride of Russian exporters primarily affectsThe joint statement of the Russian and American pres- Russia because it is in Russia that the corporationidents has evoked considerable argument in parliamen- Techsnabexport, known as Tenex in the West, is head-tary and military circles of Russia. Parliament is of the quartered. This is a very potent company that, in aopinion that whereas fulfillment of START signed by matter of several years, managed to build an edge on itsGorbachev and Bush is possible, albeit attended by West European and American competitors. Tenex wascertain financial difficulties, a more radical reduction in and remains the sole exporter of enriched uranium fromnuclear arsenals could prove questionable on account of the USSR and now from Russia. Founded 30 years ago,Russia's lack of resources. In Russian military circles, on the company is at home on the world market. When thethe other hand, there is particular uncertainty con- huge uranium reserves proved unnecessary for defensecerning the extent to which the reductions declared by puposes, and nuclear material for bombs was enough tothe presidents have been thought out. last many years, the decision was made at the top to

One way or another it is obvious that regardless of the expand exports of low-cost uranium to the West. Russia

attitude toward the Russian-American disarmament played by the rules, albeit imprudently. Dumping is

accords achieved at the summit meeting, the joint state- selling a product at a price below the cost of production.ment of Yeltsin and Bush has not only become the main The falling rouble and the plunging living standards

event of the summit, which concludes today, but is also made the cost for recovery and enrichment of uranium

in a sense a fateful landmark on the path leading away lower than in the rest in the world. The rouble ratein asene afatful andarkon he pth eadng way against the dollar covers all expenses and turns uraniumfrom the dangerous nuclear confrontation of the two int the d os allfexpbne anditurs uranustates and toward a stable and secure world, responsi: into one of the most profitable commodities. The real-bility for the future of which the great democratic powers Atnat hevis t enaes tenexs Viresidentare prepared to share. It is to this category that America Arkady Chuvin to counter with a shade of irony: "Whoprevents our partners (the US--V.O.) from producingis disposed to attribute Yeltsin's Russia. President Bush, uranium as efficiently?" According to the U.S. Depart-incidentally, compared the Russian leader with Peter the ment of Energy, the American uranium industry isGreat, who helped Russia understand itself anew, unviable commercially. Local uranium ore is inferior toterming Yeltsin the first leader in the history of our ei ali orcanda. Its enicme ps usecountry whose power is based not on a confluence of either Australian or Canadian. Its enrichment plants usecistountrycal whomseoers basedunot on a de icnencte. o obsolete technology. 4,000 employees in the industryhistorical circumstances but on a democratic mandate. face dismissal. But the Department of Energy pays $3.3

million to Washington-based law firms to try to stopU.S. 'Uranium War' Against Russia Viewed Russia's uranium intervention. But the affair does notPM0207133392 Moscow MOSCOW NEWS FAX end there. A number of long-term contracts that theDIGEST in English 30 Jun 92 department signed with its customers abroad terminate

in a couple of years (the price of uranium under these[Article by Vladimir Orlov: "U.S. Uranium War Against contracts is ten times that of short-term contracts).Russia"] Demand for uranium is expected to grow. Urenco and

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Cogema (France) plan to exploit this opportunity to try Reaffirms Chemical Arms Banto elbow the U.S. from the European and Asian markets 0W0807144592 Moscow INTERFAX in Englishand to expand their own participation in the U.S. 1311 GMT 8 Jul 92market. Russia is the odd man out. In the meantime, it isready to earn already next year at least $1 billion from [From "Diplomatic Panorama"; transmitted viauranium sales. The Russian idea to set up a uranium KYODO]pool like OPEC so far has no backing in the U.S. It ratherprefers to reserve the smallest quota for Russia and to let [Text] Russia's parliament has adopted a resolution onit operate only on the short-term contracts market. The ensuring the fulfilment of the country's internationalU.S. is using any damning facts, even hearsay and commitments in the area of chemical and biologicalrumours about uranium leaks which cannot be con- weapons.firmed. The uranium war can affect at least 300,000people in the former USSR-mainly Russians threat- The document reaffirms Russia's adherence to the com-ened with the loss of their jobs. Americans, too, would be mitments made under the convention on banning theaffected, who rely on the nuclear energy industry. By the development, production and accumulation of bacterio-way, theU.S., which speaks much about the dangers of logical (biological) and toxic weapons and on scrappinguranium ending up in third world dictator regimes, is them. It also reaffirms devotion to the Soviet-Americaninstigating this from the fledgeling Central Asian coun- agreements on control over chemical arms and theirtries of the CIS. While the export control in Russia is scrapping, as well as to the intention to sign a globalrather tough, Kyrgyzstan or Uzbekistan may be prepared convention on banning chemical sell their uranium to any country if they lose their The Russian President is recommended to submit to themarkets in Europe and America. International pledges parliament draft bills on banning the development, pro-would not bar them from it: they have not made any, nor duction and accumulation of bacteriological (biological)are they members of the IAEA or the London Club of and toxic weapons, and on making government officialsNuclear Suppliers. The uranium issue only reveals for accountable for their failure to comply with these com-Russia's fledgling business the way of thinking of their "across the Atlantic". We will be willinglyhelped to graduate from the preposchool of capitalism to The parliament found it expedient to make specialhigh school. After that, we can hardly hope for an allocations, also in hard currency, to ensure the fulfil-enthusiastic attitude: the world markets have been ment of Russia's commitments in connection with chem-divided without us. We are too busy at the moment with ical and biological weapons.our own crisis to think about tomorrow where, at best wewill be blocked on all sides. We will have to use our Russia's government is instructed to submit to the par-elbows to get through. liament before September 15 composite programs for

scrapping chemical arms.

Vitaliy Vitebskiy, deputy chairman of the committee onRussian Parliament on Chemical, Biological Arms industry and power-engineering, has said that it was

decided to allocate in the current year 8 billion rubles for

'Successor' to U.S.-USSR Accords the scrapping of chemical and biological weapons.According to him, this will make it possible to start

LD0807132692 Moscow ITAR-TASS in English negotiations with Italy and Germany on the possibility1244 GMT 8 Jul 92 of granting Russia aid in this connection. American aid

has already been promised.

[By ITAR-TASS correspondent Roman ZadunaiskyJ Scrapping To Cost 100 Billion Rubles

0W0807151092 Moscow INTERFAX in English[Text] Moscow July 8 TASS-Russian parliament on 1311 GMT 8 Jul 92Wednesday adopted a resolution "on Russia's interna-tional obligations on chemical and biological weapons". [From "Diplomatic Panorama"; transmitted viaThe resolution stipulates that Russia is USSR's legal KYODO]successor in its obligations on the convention on prohi-bition of development, production and accumulation of [Text] Russia proclaimed its intention to sign a globalbacteriological (biological) and toxic weapons, on bilat- convention on banning chemical arms and pledged toeral agreements with the U.S.A. and in its adherence to scrap their stockpiles. The implementation of theseachieving a global convention on the prohibition of commitments is in a critical state, however, said Dr. A.chemical weapons. Kuntsevich, chairman of the committee on conventional

problems connected with chemical and biologicalThe Russian Government was obliged to work out weapons, in his report.diverse programmes on the destruction of chemicalweapons and present them to parliament by September He pointed to the lack of a concrete program or schedule15. for the scrapping of chemical arsenals and to the absence

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of a special industrial base needed for this purpose. "The Norwegian sea. This was the conclusion reached by anexperimental facility built for this purpose in Chapa- expedition organized by scientists of the Oceanologyyevsk is besieged by the public. Local government bodies Institute and Kurchatov Institute, and also by represen-refuse to authorize the construction of facilities for the tatives of the Navy Main Staff. During its 10 days ofscrapping of chemical arms on their soil", he said. work the expedition discovered previously unnoticed

Besides, A. Kuntsevich mentioned difficulties connected damage and cracks in the hull of the ship.

with the financing of specialized research centers and Of course, it is still too soon to draw final conclusions,"former facilities for the production of chemical arms but specialists are already predicting a 90-percent chancewhere work is suspended". This leads to a loss of that if the submarine were raised to the surface it would".unique specialists" experienced in handling toxic sub- split apart and there would be an explosive discharge ofstances, radioactive substances into the water. This is almost the

final blow to the plan of the Dutch specialists who wereUnder the circumstances, the committee led by A. Kunt- proposing to raise the Komsomolets to the surface forsevich suggests in accordance with the Russian Presi- $200 million, but were not guaranteeing that the opera-dent's decree of June 12 that a network of plants for tion would succeed.scrapping chemical arms should be created step by step.

"Today the radiation danger does not threaten theThe committee finds it necessary to resume, as the first ecosystem around the submarine," Ruben Kosyan,step, "limited work at a plant built for the production of director of the Oceanology Institute Southern Depart-chemical arms in order to process (scrap) chemical ment, believes. "Measurements of background radiationarsenals with subsequent reconstruction aimed at immediately around the hatch containing the nuclearincreasing its capacity". According to committee mem- warheads showed no deviations from the norm."bers, this is the most economical way making it possiblefor Russia to draw nearer the time when it will begin to Similar conclusions were reached by specialists from thefulfil its international commitments. Norwegian Radiation Hygiene Institute, who conducted

The committee also believes that, at the same time, it is experiments independently of our scientists.

necessary to ensure "readiness for scrapping" the old It is too soon to feel reassured, however. According totoxic substances kept in storage reservoirs in Udmurtia specialists' estimates, destruction of the titanium casingand in Saratov Region. Besides, it is necessary to design of the nuclear charges will begin to occur from 1995. But,a "mobile complex" for scrapping chemical arms and set whereas even a year ago it would have been necessary toup a national control center, laboratories and "other construct a sarcophagus like that at Chernobyl in orderorganizations for accomplishing conventional tasks". to protect them, the military now have "know-how" on

their side-polymers that swell in water and create anThe committee also calls for taking measures aimed at impenetrable casing immediately around the warheads.ensuring social security for those who work at the facil-ities for scrapping chemical arms, and at improving the R. Kosyan also rejected the possibility that nuclearliving standards of people who reside in the vicinity of warheads from the Komsomolets might fall into thesuch plants. hands of extremist organizations.

In his report Dr. A. Kuntsevich estimates that the annual "Only five submersibles-three in the West and two inexpenses connected with the efforts to scrap chemical Russia-are (theoretically) capable of raising them fromweapons might amount to 5 or 10 billion rubles. It is a depth of 1,720 meters (and only theoretically)," heimperative to allocate no less than 1.8 billion rubles for said. "However, taking all the technical and naturalthese needs in the current year. As for the overall factors into account, it is unrealistic to recover nuclearexpenditure connected with the scrapping of chemical weapons from the Komsomolets."weapons, it will make up no less than 100 billion rublesthat can be partially compensated by means of con-verting various chemical arms components into products Russo-German Ties, Chemical Arms Ban Eyedfor civilian needs". LD3006124492 Moscow ITAR-TASS in English

1012 GMT 30 Jun 92

Navy on Salvaging Komsomolets NuclearWarheads [By ITAR-TASS]PM0807143792 Moscow IZVESTIYA in Russian [Text] Moscow June 30 TASS-Deputy Russian Foreign3 Jul 92 Morning Edition p 1 Minister Fyodor Shelov-Kovedyayev received on

Monday German Ambassador Klaus Blech at the latter's[Report by Yevgeniy Shestakov: "Expedition to Site of request, ITAR-TASS learned from the Russian ForeignSinking of Nuclear Submarine Komsomolets Over"] Ministry on Tuesday. The ambassador handed over a

personal message from German Foreign Minister Klaus[Text] It will scarcely be possible to raise the nuclear Kinkel to Russian Foreign Minister Andrey Kozyrevsubmarine Komsomolets, which sank in 1991 in the about the conclusion in Geneva of the work on the draft

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convention on comprehensive ban of chemical weapons. Arm-twisting is not the best way of winning someone'sThere was an exchange of opinions on problems of favor. Love cannot be compelled, as the saying goes. Ichemical disarmament, stepping up of all-round Russo- think that this is also a reason why the DPRK refused toGerman cooperation, prospects for the development of open its arms to visitors from Vienna. Knowing as I dothe Commonwealth of Independent States and Russo- quite a few North Koreans, I can believe that assurancesUkrainian relations. Other problems were also dis- of their good intentions from their lips are more thancussed. sufficient. Not sufficient, however, to convince the IAEA

of the sincerity of the North Korean leadership con-DPRK Urged Not To 'Tempt Fate' Over cerning its nuclear plans. In the specialists' opinion, trueInspections sincerity involves allowing them access to the facilities

PM0707150592 Moscow ROSSIYSKA YA GAZETA which interest them on DPRK territory.

in Russian 27 Jun 92 First Edition p 7 A last point. It is well known that North Korea was thefirst to put forward the idea of turning the Korean

["Commentary" by Sergey Kukhar: "If the United peninsula into a nuclear-free peace zone. This proposalNations Says 'You Must' But Pyongyang Says 'No"'] lay at the basis of the joint declaration of both Koreas on

their future relations. I personally therefore see no[Text] North Korea has not managed to convince the reason for Pyongyang's rejection of simultaneous inter-International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that its Korean inspections of each other's nuclear facilities andnuclear program is as pure as the Blessed Virgin Mary. military bases. In the final analysis, the DPRK could alsoThis is the message of a communication from Vienna, dispel its own doubts concerning its neighbor's inten-where the IAEA headquarters is located: In the opinion tions.of a group of its inspectors recently returned from theDPRK Pyongyang could be concealing a significant The goal of special checks, carried out with minimumquantity of plutonium from the outside world and using prior notification, is to prevent efforts to hide devices forits reactor for the production of plutonium-239, the manufacturing plutonium-239. There is, true, one fur-substance needed to create nuclear weapons. ther possibility for carrying out snap inspections. But

this is the sort of emergency case which presumes UNDoubts regarding, so to speak, the "virginity"-that is, Security Council sanctions. This is what happened, forthe exclusively peaceful character--of the North Korean instance, during the inspection of the Husayn regime'snuclear program emerged some years ago. However, the nuclear potential.persistent demands of the IAEA and certain membercountries of the "nuclear club" that they be permitted to I would like to know how Pyongyang would reply if thesatisfy themselves to the contrary have until recently world community were to say "you must." Or is it betterbeen categorically rejected by Pyongyang. Sometimes for it not to tempt fate after all?with an assumed air of coquetry (what kind of girl do youtake me for?), sometimes with pronounced inflexibility. UN Chemical Arms Experts To Tour Azerbaijan

For understandable reasons this was not to the interna-

tional community's liking. (Let us recall the case of Iraq,which had thoroughly concealed its nuclear program To Conduct Biochemical Analysisfrom all "prying" eyes). Moreover, the stability of the LD0407121992 Moscow ITAR-TASS in EnglishKim Il-song regime is increasingly in question. So the 1126 GMT 3 Jul 92prospect of discovering one fine day that Pyongyang hasgotten hold of its own nuclear bomb appeals to hardlyanyone.... [By AZERINFORM-TASS]

Only after the North Koreans had come to understand [Text] Baku July 4 TASS-Facts of the use of chemicalthat, for example, Washington would never enter into weapons on the territory of Azerbaijan by Armenianrapprochement with them in any guise until the DPRK armed formations are to be presented to U.N. experts inopened all its "nuclear" doors to IAEA specialists, after the republican Ministries of Defence and Health. TheJapan had taken a largely similar position, and after, experts arrive here on Saturday afternoon.finally, Moscow had also openly declared its concernover Pyongyang's nuclear development projects, did the A spokesman at the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry toldlatter sign the so-called agreement on nuclear guarantees. AZERINFORM that the U.N. experts, including twoIt was this which allowed the IAEA experts to visit North specialists from the United States, one from SwitzerlandKorea for the first time. and one from Belgium, will tour the Zangelan, Kubatly,

Kelbadjar, and Fizuliy districts of the republic and theThe DPRK is not indifferent either to the possibility of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic.receiving economic support from its mighty southernneighbor, South Korea. But Seoul has made its relations The purpose of the tour is to get acquainted with thewith Pyongyang directly dependent on its problems with local situation, to take samples of the earth, water, soilsthe IAEA being settled. and air for biochemical analyses. Experts are to meet

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with residents of Azerbaijani populated areas and ser- In the morning on Friday the representatives of thevicemen and, if necessary, will take the laboratory Defense Ministries of 1 I republics of the former USSRreports of the wounded for research. are discussing 12 issues at the session of the CIS Defense

Ministers' Council in Moscow. These issues are con-The experts are also to be provided with documents cerned with the systems of warning on a missile attacktestifying to facts of the use of chemical weapons by and control of the space, with the composition of theArmenian armed formations in areas of combat action. strategic forces, with the council of the collective secu-

rity, with the military doctrine and nuclear strategy ofTo Check Armenia's Chemical Arms Use the CIS countries, with the air defense system, etc. The

NC0207071892 Baku ASSA-IRADA in English representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Byelarus, Kaza-1630 GMT 1 Jul 92 khstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan,

Uzbekistan, and Ukraine are participating in this[Text] Baku 01.07.92 (ASSA-IRADA)-Armenians used meeting. A Georgian representative is present at thechemical weapons again. This happened during the meeting as a supervisor. A representative of Moldova isshelling of Jerrail Province, lower Karabakh, June 28-29, absent. [passage omitted]ASSA-IRADA was told by Health Ministry of Azerbai-jan. The number of casualties is being specified. The UN Ukraine's Kravchuk Speaks in Brussels onexperts on chemical weapons are to arrive in Baku by the N-Armsend of the week to confirm facts of repeated use ofchemical weapons. Promises To Destroy Arsenal

A U0707194092 Paris AFP in English 1829 GMTByelarus Advises Caution in N-Arms Withdrawal 7 Jul 92LD0807181792 Moscow POSTFACTUM in English [Text] Brussels, July 7 (AFP)-Ukraine intends to1710 GMT 8 Jul 92 destroy all of its nuclear arsenal as quickly as possible,

Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk said here[From the "Military News" section] Tuesday [7 July].

[Text] [No dateline as received]-The Byelarus deputy Speaking briefly to journalists during his visit to Brus-defence minister. Byelarus should not be in a hurry to sels, Kravchuk said: "If we have the chance to liquidateproclaim its non-nuclear status and withdraw strategic our nuclear arms before the allotted time, we will do itnuclear weapons as the developments in the CIS are with pleasure.unpredictable possession of nuclear weapons will beinstrumental in Byelarus achieving the situation when "Let me repeat, that we shall not be moving these armsduring the first period of its independence taking root it elsewhere, but destroying them," he added.will be reckoned with in the world, the deputy defence Belgian Foreign Minister Willy Claes said he had spokenminister, Colonel-General Petr Chaus also said in an with the Ukrainian president about the importance ofinterview to the Byelarusian newspaper ZVYAZDA of conforming with the START treaty agreed to by theJuly 7. According to Chaus, there has never been a United States and former Soviet Union on reducingsituation when a state should renounce nuclear weapons, strategic nuclear arms.on the contrary, everybody is seeking to have them.Speaking on Byelarus' neutrality, Petr Chaus said, in Kravchuk's comments come in the wake of criticism thatparticular, that Austria, Sweden and a number of other Ukraine has shown some ambiguity in presenting itselfneutral states, following the disintegration of the Warsaw as a nuclear power while agreeing to sign the nuclearTreaty, seek to give up pure neutrality and there is a lot non-proliferation treaty.of sense in this kind of policy, he said. At a CIS summit in Moscow on Monday [6 July],

Ukraine annoyed other members of the Community ofGeorgia's Shevardnadze on CIS Nuclear Strategy Independent States by insisting on "administrative"0W0307104792 Moscow INTERFAX in English control over strategic forces rather than handing them0959 GMT 3 Jul 92 over to central control.

[Transmitted via KYODO] To Ratify Treaty on ReductionPM1007131592 Moscow IZVESTIYA in Russian

[Excerpts] From now on we can speak with a greater 9 Jul 92 Morning Edition p 5confidence that Georgia will become a worthy partner ofRussia on the international arena, the Chairman of the [Report by Maksim Gan: "Ukraine Does Not Intend ToGeorgian State Council Eduard Shevardnadze declared Delay Elimination of Nuclear Weapons"]making comments on the signing of the protocol onestablishing Russian-Georgian diplomatic relations in a [Text] Ukraine's position on the question of the with-TV address on July 2. [passage omitted] drawal of nuclear weapons to Russian territory remains

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unchanged. But nuclear warheads must where possible which opens the way to the conclusion of an interstatebe destroyed on the spot, Ukrainian President Leonid treaty between the two countries. In the very near futureKravchuk, who is on a working visit to Belgium, told a group of Belgian experts and specialists will go tojournalists. Ukraine and will study the state of affairs and elaborate

a specific plan of cooperation.According to the president, Ukraine is "pleased" to

eliminate its nuclear weapons earlier than planned andthe Ukrainian parliament will soon ratify the treaty onthe reduction of strategic arms with Russia, Kazakhstan, LD0207215 792 Moscow Russian Television Networkand Byelarus. In Brussels Kravchuk also intends to in Russian 1900 GMT 2 Jul 92discuss with NATO representatives the possibility ofdeveloping relations, since NATO "now plays a political [Video report by A. Pelta from Tomsk; from the "Vesti"rather than a military role." newscast]

To all appearances Kravchuk's visit to Belgium is pro- [Text] Five days after a visit by an American delegation,ceeding in a supremely fruitful way. The Ukrainian it has become obvious that representatives of NATO andpresident was the only one of the leaders of the CIS the U.S. Government were worried not as much withcountries to attend the international conference on problems of reforms in Tomsk as with the constructionantisemitism in Brussels. Kravchuk not only announced of a nuclear cellar in our territory. In essence, it will be athe imminent opening of a Ukrainian embassy in Israel unique installation-a 41 -hectare underground bunkerbut also set out Ukraine's position on the question of where containers with warheads will be stored. Theprotecting the rights of national minorities, in particular Americans have undertaken the financing of the con-of the Jewish population, whose position in the former struction. Additional investments will be made in theUSSR republics is causing increasing alarm among the economy, the social sphere, and in new working sites. Itworld public. The president said that his country has seems the president's spokesman should not try to evadegranted national minorities more rights than any other the fact that a nuclear cellar for the oblast is a magicCIS state. Ukraine has chosen the path of building a wand in the post-perestroyka collapse. But, you and Idemocratic and not a strictly ethnic states and that is a might be worried by only one question: Will there not besource of stability and interethnic consensus, Kravchuk too many atoms in Tomsk with plutonium nuclearsaid. charges that keep splitting for as many as 24,000 years?

However, the Russian Government has not yet made aA declaration on the principles of mutual relations decision on the burial site.between Belgium and Ukraine and a protocol on the freemovement of diplomats were also signed in Brussels, [Announcer] Another candidate is Chelyabinsk.

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