propellers and stern tubes

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  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


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  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Stern tubes

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Stern tubes (Sea Water lubricated)

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Stern tubesThe stern tube is normally constructed of cast iron slightly larger at

    the forward end to ease removal. The forward end is flanged and

    bolted to a doubler-plate stiffened aft peak bulkhead. The forwardend is supplied with a stuffing box and gland, the after end with a

    bearing comprising lignum vitae staves or similar, and is dove tailed

    into a brass bush. The wood is machined and cut on end grain. ie.

    The staves in the lower bearing area are cut and fitted in such away

    that the end grain is vertical to facilitate better life and staves at thetop part are cut with grain in the axial direction for economy. The

    bearing can be lined with Lignum Vitae , rubber composition (cutlass

    rubber or an approved plastic material (!ertain plastics possess

    good bearing properties being inert and very tolerant of slow speed

    boundary lubrication conditions. "or water lubricated bearing length

    shall not be less than # x the diameter of the steel shaft. $f the

    bearing is over %&'mm diameter forced water lubrication must be

    used, a circulating pump or other source with a water flow indicator.

    The shaft is withdrawn for examination every 3 years.

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Stern tubes

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Oil lubricated bearingsnlike for the water lubricated stern tube a shaft liner is unnecessary.

    )enerally a small one is fitted in way of the aft seal bolted on to the

    propeller boss. $n this way it excludes sea water contact with the main

    shaft and provides an easily replaceable rubbing surface for the seal.Lined with white metal are to have a bearing length so as not to exceed a

    bearing pressure from the weight of the shaft and propeller of * kg+cm.

    The limitations of a bearing are the load it can withstand without metal

    cracking or sueeing out and the temperature it can withstand without

    melting. Length of bearing not less than / 0 in any case. !ast iron andbrone bearings must have a bearing length not less than #0. Lubrication

    system must be capable of maintaining oil tightness despite varying

    temperature. )ravity tanks fitted with low level alarms, sual for aft peak

    to be filled with water to provide cooling low suction valve to be fitted to be

    locked shut.1ear down for the white metal should not exceed mm to avoid

    hammering out and the period for inspection is 2 years. 3 highly resilient

    reinforced plastic may be used in place of the white metal. $t is claimed to

    have greater load carrying capacity, high resistance to fatigue and shock

    loading, with good lubrication properties. !eramic liners can also be used.

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Oil lubricated bearings

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Oil lubricated bearings1hen large propellers are fitted the heavy overhanging weight

    greatly increases the load at the after end of the stern tube

    breaking down the hydrostatic lubrication causing metal tometal contact and seiure towards the aft end of bearing. To

    obviate this it is usual to angle the shaft downwards for about

    &mm over 4''m length thus attempting to ensure than the

    weight of the bearing is taken on the full length of the bearing.$t is good practice to leave the oil tank open to the stern tube

    when in port with machinery stopped, this prevents sea water

    leaking into the system. 5owever, water has been known to

    contaminate lubricating oil systems causing rusting of tail shaft

    particularly when shaft is stopped for periods long enough for

    water to settle in bottom of bearing.

    In ships with large changes in draught it is usual to fit two

    gravity tanks. The upper tank is used when fully loaded or

    there is water leaking in.

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Oil lubricated bearings

    If outboard seal leaks the following ste!s are to be

    taken• Fresh water in gravity tank to emulsify and coagulate it, oil

     pumped around system to seal and lubricated .• Recharge with high viscosity oil  

    Disconnect oil supply line and reconnect to 45 gallon drum

    which is supported by block and tackle in order to give avariable head. By raising and lowering the drum the oil

     pressure in the system can be made to match the water

     pressure from outside taking into account the difference in


  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Sim!lex shaft seal

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    simplex seal 3 very common arrangement for oil lubricated stern tube bearings. 3

    simplex seal arrangement is fitted to both inner and outer ends.The replaceable chrome liner prevents damage to the prop shaft which

    would be expensive to repair.

    6ot shown is a rope guard bolted to the hull which prevents material from

    being 7wound7 into the gap and damaging the seal. 8ope cutters may be

    fitted with a fixed blade attached to the hull and a moving blade to thepropeller.

    9il pressure is fed to the area between the two opposite facing seals.

    This pressure is governed by the draught of the vessel and is often

    supplied via tanks situated at set heights. This pressure balances the sea

    water pressure on the seal and prevents sea water ingress, by opening

    the correct tank the pressure exerted by the oil is insufficient to cause oil

    to leakage out.

    :tern tube seals with oil lubrication have tended to use rubber rings

    increasingly. Viton with additives has been shown to be more effective

    than nitrile butadiene rubber for seal rings

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    "stablishing Shaft #entre line

     3 telescope with cross wire is set up at the shaft centre line on the foreword end

    of the engine room. 3 plain cross wire target is established at the aft end on the

    same axis. 1ith both in use the centre of the engine room and the centre of the

    shaft on the aft peak bulkhead can be marked prior to hole cutting for the stern

    tube. The reuired centre of the aperture in the stern frame boss can then be

    found by the line of sight using a crosswire in an ad;ustable spider.

    8eplacement of the crosswire with a plug with a centre gives a location for a

    divider to be used for marking off the boss for boring.

    Telescope and the cross wire system can be used to check up the accuracy of

    the boring operation, installation of the stern tube and siting of the shaft


  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Shaft alignment

     3t the for7d end of the

    engine room a light boxemitting light through a

    pin hole is fixed from the

    design height of the

    crankshaft. sing the

    sighting gear in sternframe boss with solid

    piece fitted. The stern

    frame boss is marked off

    for boring . The solid

    piece is then exchanged

    for a sighting piece

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


     3 second sighting gear with sighting piece is fitted to the bore hole in the aft peak

    bulkhead. This is ad;usted until the light source can be seen through the boss and

    aft peak bulkhead sighting pieces. The sighting piece is replaced by the fixedpiece and the bulkhead may be machined. The stern tube is scribed out and the

    p.c.d. of the bolts which will support the stern tube flange marked off. 3 similar

    procedure is repeated for other bulkheads. 1hen boring out is completed the

    stern tube is hauled into position, wood packing being fitted under the flange

    before bolting up at the aft peak bulkhead, the external stern tube nut is screwed

    up hard making a rigid connection at the after end. The tail end shaft is now fittedinto the stern tube, subseuent to the installation of bearing. The flange of the tail

    end shaft is now the standard by which the remaining line shafting will be aligned.

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Shaft alignment

    Taut wire method ($ilgrims wire)

    !onsists of steel wire anchored above shaft at one end of system and

    led over a pulley with suspended weight at the other end.

    The height of the pulley and fixed anchorage are ad;usted so that they

    are the same distance above the shaft and are positioned vertically

    over the shaft centre line. 3 microstaff is employed to measure the

    differences in height at bearing support points between shafts and wire,

    an allowance being made for wire sag.

     3 master inclinometer is employed to monitor ships movement during

    the aligning process.

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Tailshaft keys and keyways

     3brupt changes of shape of section cause stress concentrations to build up

    due to interruption of the stress flow lines.

    This build up in stress causes cracks to develop and supports crack

    propagation. 1ith this in mind it can be seen that shapes or sections which

    may be sub;ect to great stresses< should be well rounded or gradually tapered

    off to give smooth stress flow.

    St i t il h ft

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Stresses in tail shafts

    0ue to the considerable weight of the propeller, the tail shaft is sub;ect

    to a bending stress. There are however other stresses which are likely

    to be encountered. There is a torsional stress due to the propellerresistance and the engine turning moment, and a compressive stress

    due to the prop thrust. 3ll these stresses coupled with the fact that the

    shaft may be in contact with highly corrosive sea water makes the

    likelihood of corrosion attack highly probable.

    "xamining a tail shaft and stern tube%efore the !eriodic ins!ection the bearing wear down should

    be measured&

    'fter shaft removed given thorough examination&

    On water lubricated shafts the integrity of the fit of the brone

    liner should be checked by ta!!ing with a hammer along itslength listening for hollow noise indicating a se!aration&

    easure wear of shaft&

    "xamine key way for cracks es!ecially the nut thread area&

    re!lace rubber rings 

    Sh ft % i

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Shaft %earingsThe intermediate shafting if supported in plain or tilting pad bearings, has an

    after most bearing which is lined top and bottom. 8oller bearings are installed in

    some vessels.

    $lain and tilting !ad bearingsThe shaft supported in a plain ;ournal bearing, will as it rotates, carry oil to its

    underside and develop a film of pressure. The pressure build up is related to

    speed of rotation. Thus oil delivered as the shaft turns at normal speed, will

    separate shaft and bearing, so preventing metal to metal contact. =ressure

    generated in the oil film, is effective over about one third of the bearing area

    because of oil loss at the bearing ends and peripherally. Load is supported andtransmitted to the ;ournal, by the area where the film is generated. The

    remaining two thirds area does not carry load

    8eplacement of the ineffective side portions of the ;ournal by pads capable of

    carrying load will considerably increase its capacity. Tilting pads based on those

    developed by >itchell for thrust blocks are used for the purpose. ?ach pad tilts

    as oil is delivered to it so that a wedge or oil is formed. The three pressurewedges give a larger total support area than that obtained with a plain bearing.

    The tilt of the pads automatically ad;usts to suit load, speed and oil viscosity.

    The wedge of oil gives a greater separation between shaft and bearing than

    does the oil film in a plain ;ournal. The enhanced load capacity of a tilting pad

    design permits the use of shorter length or less bearings.

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    Shaft %earings

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    S*+ (uff) cou!ling

    9utside dia7s at end of

    outer muff measured

    before fitting

     3fter fitted, dia7s should

    be approx. '.*mm

    greater 8estraining

    devices must be fitted

    to prevent the muffs

    separating too uickly

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    #ou!ling bolts

    ?longation of a bar produces a related reduction in cross sectional area.

     3 bar with the same elastic properties in all directions will have a constant

    relationship between axial strain and lateral strain. This is termed the =oissons

    8atio and given by the symbol n.

     3 bolt when tightened similarly causes a loss in area and diameter. $n a

    clearance hole this is not a problem. 1ith a fitted bolt however, the positivecontact or 7fit7 between the accurately machined bolt and reamed hole would be


    :haft coupling bolts are tightened to force the faces of the flange together so the

    friction between the faces will provide some proportion of the drive. 5owever,

    fitted bolt shanks are also designed to take a proportion of the drive. 3 clearance

    bolt could provide the first reuirement but not the second. 3 fitted bolt whentightened and sub;ect to reduction in cross section would also fail on the second

    count and probably be damaged by fretting. 3 tapered bolt may be used instead

    of a conventional coupling bolt to obtain a good fit and reuired tightening.

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    #ou!ling bolts$arallel shank fitted bolts

    have $nterference fit in holes so that in the event of loss of frictional grip between

    flanges then each bolt will take on eual share of the shear stress due to toruetransmission.

    =arallel bolts become slack after one or two refits. Therefore taper shank bolts

    have been used. 3n alternative is the sleeved coupling bolts.

    The fit of the bolt is achieved by the tensioning of the taper shank bolt. :hould

    wear occur in the sleeve then this can be renewed, reusing the rest of the


  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    ,ydraulically fitted bolts&The pilgrim or margrip hydraulic bolt

    uses the principal embodied by =oissonratio to provide a calculated and definite

    fitting force between bolt and hole

    !enter load rod fitted into hollow

    coupling bolt and hydraulic head fitted.

    5igh pressure oil pumped into head

    pushing down, seal, piston and rod.This action stretches the bolt ( within its

    elastic limit and reduces its diameter

    sufficiently for a sliding fit into the hole.

    "luid pressure is released allowing bolt

    to expand and tightly grip within the holewith a radial grip of about .%2

    @g+mm . :imultaneous longitudinal

    contraction of the bolt having already

    fitted the nut hand tight, exerts

    considerable compressive force whichis about 4+ x greater than that which

    $I-./I 01T

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    $I-./I 01T

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    $I-./I 01T'ssembly

    =ropeller bedded to tail shaft and ;acked up to usual shop mark. The =ilgrim nut

    is then screwed on the shaft with the loading ring against the prop boss. 1iththe lever operated, high pressure grease gun, grease is pumped into the inner

    tube inside the nut at around 2'' bar, ( w.p. stamped on nut, not to be

    exceeded, the prop will be pushed sufficiently up the taper to give the reuired

    frictional grip. The pressure is then released and the nut is rotated until it is hard

    up against the aft face of the prop hub and locked, fair water cone then fitted

    /emoval 3fter removal of fair water cone and the locking plate, the pilgrim nut is

    removed, reversed and together with a loose shock ring is screwed back onto

    the shaft. 3 strong back is fitted and secured with studs to the prop boss.

    )rease is now inserted to the system expanding the inner tube forcing the

    loading ring, strong back, withdrawal studs and prop aft.

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    #ontrollable $itch $ro!ellers

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    #ontrollable $itch $ro!ellers

    The !== consists of a flange mounted hub inside which a piston arrangement

    is moved fore and aft to rotate the blades by a crank arrangement. The piston

    is moved by hydraulic oil applied at high pressure (typically 4#' bar via an 9il

    transfer tube (9T tube This tube has and inner and outer pipe through which

     3head and astern oil passes. The tube is ported at either end to allow oil flowand segregated by seals.

    9il is transferred to the tube via ports on the shaft circumference over which is

    mounted the 9T box. This sits on the shaft on bearings and is prevented from

    rotation my a peg. The inner bore of the box is separated into three sections.

    The ahead and astern and also an oil drain which is also attached to the

    hydraulic oil header to ensure that positive pressure exists in the hub andprevents oil or air ingress

    The 9T tube is rigidly attached to the piston, as the piston moves fore and aft

    so the entire length of the tube is moved in the same way. 3 feedback

    mechanism is attached to the tube, this also allows for checking of blade pitch

    position from within the engineroom.

  • 8/19/2019 Propellers and Stern Tubes


    #ontrollable $itch $ro!ellers 3dvantages 

    'llow greater maneuverability'llow engines to o!erate at o!timum revs

    'llow use of $TO alternators

    /emoves need for reversing engines

    /educed sie of 'ir Start #om!ressors and receivers

    Im!roves !ro!ulsion efficiency at lower loads


    .reater initial cost

    Increased com!lexity and maintenance re2uirements

    Increase stern tube loading due to increase weight of assembly

    the stern tube bearing diameter is larger to acce!t the largerdiameter shaft re2uired to allow room for OT tube

    -ower !ro!ulsive efficiency at maximum continuous rating

    $ro! shaft must be removed outboard re2uiring rudder to be

    removed for all !ro! maintenance&

    Increased risk of !ollution due to leak seals