properties of produced waters

Chapter 24 Properties of Produced Waters A. Gene Collins,* U S. DOE Bartlesville Energy Technology Center** Introduction and History Early U.S. settlements commonly were located close to salt licks that supplied salt to the population. Often these salt springs were contaminated with petroleum. and many of the early efforts to acquire salt by digging wells were rewarded by finding unwanted increased amounts of oil and gas associated with the saline waters. In the Appalachian Mts.. many saline water springs occurred along the crests of anticlines. In 1855 it was found that distillation of petroleum pro- duced a light oil that was similar to coal oil and better than whale oil as an illuminant.’ This knowledge spurred the search for saline waters that contained oil. Using the methods of the salt producers, Col. Edward Drake drilled a well on Oil Creek, near Titusville. PA. in 1859, He struck oil at a depth of 70 ft, and this first oil well produced about 3.5 B/D.’ The early oil producers did not realize the significance of the oil and saline waters occurring together. In fact, it was not until 1938 that the existence of interstitial water in oil reservoirs was generally recognized. 4 Torrey ’ was convinced as early as 1928 that dispersed interstitial water existed in oil reservoirs, but his belief was rejected by his colleagues because most of the producing wells did not produce any water upon completion. Occur- rences of mixtures of oil and gas with water were recognized by Griswold and Munn,6 but they believed that there was a definite separation of the oil and water, and that oil, gas, and water mixtures did not occur in the sand before a well tapped the reservoir. It was not until 1928 that the first commercial laboratory for the analysis of rock cores was established, and the first core tested was from the Bradford third sand (from the Bradford field. McKcan County. PA). The ‘Now with the Natl Ins1 of Petroleum and Energy Research Eartlesv~lle OK “The author of the or!gmal chapter on this topic I” the 1962 edlllon was J Wade W2fk,“< percent saturation and percent porosity of this core were plotted vs. depth to construct a graphic representation of the oil and water saturation. The soluble mineral salts that were extracted from the core led Torrey to suspect that water was indigenous to the oil-productive sand. Shortly thereafter a test well was drilled near Custer Ci- ty, PA, that encountered higher than average oil satura- tion in the lower part of the Bradford sand. This high oil saturation resulted from the action of an unsuspected flood. the existence of which was not known when the location for the test well had been selected. The upper part of the sand was not cored. Toward the end of the cutting of the first core with a cable tool core barrel. oil began to come into the hole so fast that it was not necessary to add water for the cutting of the second sec- tion of the sand. Therefore, the lower 3 ft of the Bradford sand was cut with oil in a hole free from water. Two samples from this section were preserved in sealed con- tainers for saturation tests, and both of them, when analyzed, had a water content of about 2O%PV. This well made about IO BOPD and no water after being shot with nitroglycerine. Thus, the evidence developed by the core analysis and the productivity test after completion provided a satisfactory indication of the existence of im- mobile water, indigenous to the Bradford sand oil reser- voir, which was held in its pore system and could not be produced by conventional pumping methods.’ Fettke’ was the first to report the presence of water in an oil-producing sand. However, he thought that it might have been introduced by the drilling process. Munn* recognized that moving underground water might be the primary cause of migration and accumula- tion of oil and gas. However, this theory had little ex- perimental data to back it until Mills” conducted several laboratory experiments on the effect of moving water and gas on water/oil/gas/sand and water/oil/sand systems. Mills concluded that “the up-dip migration of

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Propiedades de produccion de agua


  • In 1855 it was found that distillation of petroleum pro- duced a light oil that was similar to coal oil and better

    than whale oil as an illuminant. This knowledge

    spurred the search for saline waters that contained oil.

    saturation resulted from the action of an unsuspected flood. the existence of which was not known when the

    location for the test well had been selected. The upper

    part of the sand was not cored. Toward the end of the

    a cable tool core barrel. oil ole so fast that it was not

    the cutting of the second sec-

    the lower 3 ft of the Bradford

    hole free from water. Two

    ere preserved in sealed con-

    , and both of them, when

    tent of about 2O%PV. This

    and no water after being shot he evidence developed by the

    ctivity test after completion

    ation of the existence of im- Using the methods of the salt producers, Col. Edward Drake drilled a well on Oil Creek, near Titusville. PA. in

    1859, He struck oil at a depth of 70 ft, and this first oil

    well produced about 3.5 B/D.

    The early oil producers did not realize the significance

    of the oil and saline waters occurring together. In fact, it

    was not until 1938 that the existence of interstitial water

    in oil reservoirs was generally recognized. 4 Torrey was

    convinced as early as 1928 that dispersed interstitial water existed in oil reservoirs, but his belief was rejected

    by his colleagues because most of the producing wells

    cutting of the first core withbegan to come into the h

    necessary to add water for

    tion of the sand. Therefore,

    sand was cut with oil in a

    samples from this section w

    tainers for saturation tests

    analyzed, had a water con

    well made about IO BOPD with nitroglycerine. Thus, t

    core analysis and the produ

    provided a satisfactory indicChapter 24

    Properties of ProducedA. Gene Collins,* U S. DOE Bartlesville Energy Technology Ce

    Introduction and History Early U.S. settlements commonly were located close to salt licks that supplied salt to the population. Often these

    salt springs were contaminated with petroleum. and

    many of the early efforts to acquire salt by digging wells

    were rewarded by finding unwanted increased amounts

    of oil and gas associated with the saline waters. In the

    Appalachian Mts.. many saline water springs occurred

    along the crests of anticlines. did not produce any water upon completion. Occur-

    rences of mixtures of oil and gas with water were recognized by Griswold and Munn,6 but they believed

    that there was a definite separation of the oil and water,

    and that oil, gas, and water mixtures did not occur in the

    sand before a well tapped the reservoir.

    It was not until 1928 that the first commercial laboratory for the analysis of rock cores was established,

    and the first core tested was from the Bradford third sand

    (from the Bradford field. McKcan County. PA). The

    Now with the Natl Ins1 of Petroleum and Energy Research Eartlesv~lle OK

    The author of the or!gmal chapter on this topic I the 1962 edlllon was J Wade W2fk,< Waters nter**

    percent saturation and percent porosity of this core were

    plotted vs. depth to construct a graphic representation of

    the oil and water saturation. The soluble mineral salts

    that were extracted from the core led Torrey to suspect

    that water was indigenous to the oil-productive sand.

    Shortly thereafter a test well was drilled near Custer Ci-

    ty, PA, that encountered higher than average oil satura-

    tion in the lower part of the Bradford sand. This high oil mobile water, indigenous to the Bradford sand oil reser-

    voir, which was held in its pore system and could not be

    produced by conventional pumping methods.

    Fettke was the first to report the presence of water in

    an oil-producing sand. However, he thought that it might

    have been introduced by the drilling process.

    Munn* recognized that moving underground water might be the primary cause of migration and accumula-

    tion of oil and gas. However, this theory had little ex-

    perimental data to back it until Mills conducted several

    laboratory experiments on the effect of moving water and gas on water/oil/gas/sand and water/oil/sand

    systems. Mills concluded that the up-dip migration of

  • 24-2

    oil and gas under the propulsive force of their buoyancy

    in water, as well as the migration of oil, either up or

    down dip, caused by hydraulic currents, are among the

    primary factors influencing both the accumulation and the recovery of oil and gas. This theory was seriously

    questioned and completely rejected by many of his contemporaries.

    Rich I assumed that hydraulic currents, rather than

    buoyancy, are effective in causing accumulation of oil or

    its retention. He did not believe that the hydraulic ac-

    cumulation and flushing of oil required a rapid move-

    ment of water but rather that the oil was an integral con-

    stituent of the rock fluids and that it could be carried

    along with them whether the movement was very slow or

    relatively rapid.

    The effect of water displacing oil during production

    was not recognized in the early days of the petroleum in

    dustty in Pennsylvania. Laws were passed, however, to

    prevent operators from injecting water into the oil reser-

    voir sands through unplugged wells. In spite of these

    laws, some operators at Bradford secretly opened the

    well casing opposite shallow groundwater sands to start a watertlood in the oil sands. Effect of artificial

    watertloods were noted in the Bradford field in 1907,

    and became evident about 5 years later in the nearby oil

    fields of New York. Volumetric calculations of the

    oil-reservoir volume that were made for engineering

    studies of these waterflood operations proved that in-

    terstitial water was generally present in the oil sands.

    Garrison and Schilthuis gave detailed information

    concerning the distribution of water and oil in porous

    rocks, and of the origin and occurrence of connate

    water with information concerning the relationship of

    water saturation to formation permeability.

    The word connate was first used by Lane and Gor-

    don to mean interstitial water that was deposited with

    the sediments. The processes of rock compaction and

    mineral diagenesis result in the expulsion of large

    amounts of water from sediments and movement out of

    the deposit through the more permeable rocks. It is

    therefore highly unlikely that the water now in any pore

    is the same as that which was there when the particles

    that surround it were deposited. White redefined con- nate water as fossil water because it has been out of

    contact with the atmosphere for an appreciable part of a

    gcnlogic time period. Thus. connate water is distin-

    cruished from meteoric 2 water, which has entered the

    rocks in geologically recent times, and from juvenile

    water. which has come from deep in the earths crust and

    has never been in contact with the atmosphere.

    Meanwhile. petroleum engineers and geologists had

    learned that waters associated with petroleum could be

    identified with regard to the reservoir in which they oc-

    curred by a knowledge of their chemical characteristics.

    Commonlv, the waters from different strata differ con- siderably In their dissolved chemical constituents. mak-

    ing the identification of a water from a particular stratutn

    easy. Howjcvcr. in some areas the concentrations of

    dissolved constituents in waters from different strata do not ditfcr significantly, and the identification of such

    waters is difficult or impossible. The amount of water produced with the oil often in-

    creases as the amount of oil produced decreases. lfthis is edge water. nothing can be done about it. If it is botton- PETROLEUM ENGINEERING HANDBOOK

    water, the well can be plugged back. However, it often is

    intrusive water from a shallow sand gaining access to the

    well from a leaky casing or faulty completion and this can be repaired.

    Enormous quantities of water are produced with the oil

    in some fields, and it is necessary to separate the oil from

    the water. Most of the oil can be removed by settling.

    Often, however, an oil-in-water emulsion forms, which

    is very difficult to break. In such cases, the oil is heated

    and various surface-active chemicals are added to induce


    In the early days, the water was dumped on the

    ground, where it seeped below the land surface. Until

    about 1930, the oilfield waters were disposed into local

    drainage, frequently killing fish and even surface vegeta-

    tion. After 1930, it became common practice to

    evaporate the water in earthen pits or inject it into the

    producing sand or another deep aquifer. The primary

    concern in such disposal practice is to remove all oil and

    basic sediment from the waters before pumping them in- to injection wells to prevent clogging of the pore spaces

    in the formation receiving the waste water. Chemical

    compatibility of waste water and host aquifer water also

    must be ensured.

    Waters produced with petroleum are growing in im-

    portance. In years past, these waters were considered

    waste and had to be disposed of in some manner. Injec-

    tion of these waters into the petroleum reservoir rock serves three purposes: it produces additional petroleum

    (secondary recovery), it utilizes a potential pollutant.

    and in some areas it controls land subsidence.

    The volume of water produced with petroleum in the U.S. is large. In 1981 domestic oil production was about

    8.6~ IO B/D and the amount of water produced with

    the oil ranges from 4 to 5 times the oil production.

    Therefore, the water production, assuming a factor of 4.5, would be about 38.7~ IO BID.

    Secondary and tertiary oil recovery processes that use

    water injection usually result in the production of even

    more water along with the oil. To inject these waters into

    reservoir rocks, suspended solids and oil must be re-

    moved from the waters to prevent plugging of the porous

    formations. Water injection systems require xepardtors,

    filters, and, in some areas, deoxygenating and bacteria

    control equipment with chemical and physical methods

    to minimize corrosion and plugging in the injection


    In waterflooding most petroleum reservoirs, the volume of produced water is not sufficient to rccovcr the

    additional petroleum efficiently. Therefore, supplemen-

    tal water must be added to the petroleum reservoir. The

    use of waters from the other sources requires that the

    blending of produced water with supplemental water

    must yield a chemically stable mixture so that plugging

    solids will not be formed. For example, a produced

    water containing considerable calcium should not be

    mixed with a water containing considerable carbonate

    because calcium carbonate may precipitate and prevent

    injection of the tloodwater. The design and successful

    operation of a secondary or tertiary recovery operation requires a thorough knowledge of the composition of the waters used.

    Chemical analyses of waters produced with oil are

    useful in oil production problems. such as identifying the


    source of Intrusive water, planning watcrfood and

    saltwater disposal projects. and treating to prevent corro-

    sion problems in primary, secondary, and tertiary

    recovery. Electrical well-lo g interpretation rcquircs a

    knowlc$Fc of the dissolved solids concentration and

    composltton of the interstitial water. Such information

    also is useful in correlation of stratigraphic units and of

    the aquifers within these units. and in studies of the movcmcnt of xubsurfacc waters. It is impossible to

    understand the processes that accumulate petroleum or

    other minerals without insight into the nature of these


    Sampling The composition of subsurface water commonly changes

    with depth and also laterally in the same aquifer. Changes may be brought about by the intrusion of other

    waters. and by discharge from and recharge to the

    aquifer. It is thus difficult to obtain a representative sari--

    pie of a given subsurface body of water. Any one sample is a very small part of the total mass. which may vary

    MJidely in composition. Therefore. it is generally

    necessary to obtain and analyze many samples. Also. the

    samples may change with time as gases come out of

    solution and supersaturated solutions approach


    The sampling sites should be selected, if possible, to

    fit into a comprehensive network to cover an oil-

    productive geologic basin.

    There is a tendency for some oilfield waters to become more diluted as the oil reservoir is produced. Such dilu-

    tion may result from the movement of dilute water from

    adjacent compacting clay beds into the petroleum rescr-

    voir as pressure declines with the continued removal of

    oil and brine.

    The composition of oilfield water varies with the posi-

    tion within the geologic structure from which it is ob-

    tained. In some cases the salinity will increase upstruc-

    ture to a maximum at the point of oil/water contact.

    Few of the samples collected by drillstem test (DST)

    arc truly representative formation-water samples. During

    drilling. the pressure in the wellbore is intentionally maintained higher than that in the formations. Filtrate

    from the drilling mud seeps into the permeable strata.

    and this filtrate is the first liquid to enter the test tool.

    The most truly representative formation-water sample

    usually is obtained after the oil well has produced for a period of time and all extraneous fluids adjacent to the

    wellhore have been flushed out. Samples taken im-

    mediately after the well is completed may be con- taminated with drilling fluids and/or with well complc-

    tion fluids. such as filtrate from cement, tracing fluids,

    and acids. which contain many different chemicals.

    Sampling methods are discussed in publications of the American Petroleum Inst. (API), American Sot. for

    Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the Natl. Assn. of

    Corrosion Engineers (NACE). I8

    Drillstem Test

    The DST, if properly made, can provide a reliable for-

    mation water sample. it is best to sample the water after each stand of pipe is removed. Normally, the total

    dissolved solids (TDS) content will increase downward

    and become constant when pure formation water is ob- 24.3

    tained. A test that ilows water will give even higher

    assurance of an uncontaminated sample. If only one DST

    water sample is taken for analysis. it should bc taken just

    above the tool. since this is the last water to enter the tool

    and is least likely to show contamination.

    Analyses of water obtained from a DST of Smackovcr limestone water in Rains County. TX. show how errors

    can be caused by improper sampling of DST water.

    Analyses of top, middle. and bottom samples taken from

    a SO-ft fluid recovery show an increase in salinity with

    depth in the drillpipe. indicating that the first water wa\

    contaminated by mud filtrate. I) Thus. the bottom sam-

    ple was the most representative of Smackovcr water.

    Sample Procedure

    No single procedure is universally applicable for obtain-

    ing a sample of oilfield water. For cxamplc. inthrmation

    may bc desired concerning the dissolved gas or

    hydrocarbons in the water or the reduced species present.

    such as ferrous or manganous compounds. Sampling

    procedures applicable to the desired infomlation must be


    Some of the special information and sample location

    cases, with appropriate procedures or references cited for

    proper sampling. follow.

    Sample Containing Dissolved Gas. Knowlcdgc of ccr- tain dissolved hydrocarbon gases is used in

    exploration. OZ

    Sampling at the Flowline. Another method of obtaining a sample for analysis of dissolved gases is to place a

    sampling device in a flowline. Fig. 24. I illustrates such

    a device. The device is connected to the flowline. and water is allowed to flow into and through the container.

    which is held above the flowlinc. until 10 or more

    volumes of water have flowed through. The lower valve

    on the sample container is closed and the container removed. If any bubbles are present in the sample, the

    sample is discarded and a new one is obtained.

    Sampling at the Wellhead. It is common practice in the oil industry to obtain a sample of formation water from a

    sampling valve at the wellhead. A plastic or rubber tube

    can be used to transfer the sample from the sample valve

    into the container (usually plastic). The source and sam-

    ple container should be flushed to remove any foreign

    material before a sample is taken. After flushing the

    system. the end of the tube is placed in the bottom of the

    container, and several volumes of fluid are displaced bcforc the tube is removed slowly from the container and

    the container is sealed. Fig. 24.2 illustrates a method of

    obtalnmg a sample at the wellhead. An extension of this

    method is to place the sample container in a larger con- tainer. insert the tube to the bottom of the sample con-

    tainer. allow the brine to overflow both containers. and

    withdraw the tube and cap the sample under the fluid.

    At pumping wellheads the brine will surge out in heads

    and be mixed with oil. In such situations a larger con-

    tainer equipped with a valve at the bottom can be used as

    a surge tank or an oil-water separator or both. To use this

    device, place the sample tube in the bottom of the large

    container, open the wcllhead valve, rinse the large con- tainer with the well fluid, allow the large container to

  • 24-4






    Fig. 24-l-Flowline sampler.

    fill, and withdraw a sample through the valve at the bot-

    tom of the large container. This method will serve to ob- tain samples that are relatively oil-free.

    Field Filtered Sample. In some studies it is necessary to obtain a field filtered sample. The filtering system shown

    in Fig. 24.3 was designed and has proved successful for

    various applications. Fig. 24.2-Example of the method used for obtaining a sample at the wellhead. PETROLEUM ENGINEERING HANDBOOK

    This filtering system is simple and economical. It con-

    sists of a SO-mL disposable syringe, two check valves.

    and an inline-disk-filter holder. The filter holder takes

    size 47-mm diameter, 0.45pm pore size filters, with the

    option of a prefilter and depth prefilter.

    After the oilfield brine is separated from the oil, the

    brine is drawn from the separator into the syringe. With

    the syringe, it is forced through the filter into the collec-

    tion bottle. The check valves allow the syringe to be used

    as a pump for filling the collection bottle. If the filter becomes clogged, it can be replaced in a few minutes.

    About 2 minutes are required to collect 250 mL of sam-

    ple. Usually two samples are taken, with the one being

    acidified to pH 3 or less with concentrated HCI or HN03. The system can be cleaned easily or flushed with

    brine to prevent contamination.

    Sample for Stable-Isotope Analysis. Stable isotopes have been used in several research studies to determine

    the origin of oilfield brines. 22-24

    Sample for Determining Unstable Properties or Species. A mobile analyzer was designed to measure pH, Eh (redox potential), Oz, resistivity, S=, HCOT,

    CO,, and CO2 in oilfield water at the wellhead. When

    oilfield brine samples are collected in the field and

    transported to the laboratory for analysis, many of the

    unstable constituents change in concentration. The

    amount of change depends on the sampling method,

    sample storage, ambient conditions, and the amounts of the constituents in the original sample. Therefore an

    analysis of the brine at the wellhead is necessary to ob- tain reliable data.

    Sample Containers. Containers that are used include polyethylene, other plastics, hard rubber, metal cans,

    and borosilicate glass. Glass will adsorb various ions

    such as iron and manganese, and may contribute boron

    or silica to the aqueous sample. Plastic and hard rubber

    containers are not suitable if the sample is to be analyzed

    to determine its organic content. A metal container is

    used by some laboratories if the sample is to be analyzed for dissolved hydrocarbons such as benzene.

    The type of container selected depends on the planned

    use of the analytical data. Probably the more satisfactory

    container, if the sample is to be stored for some time Fig. 24.3-Example of field filtering equipment.

  • 24-5






    relatively high amounts of metal contributed by catalysts Produced Injection Generation Disposal

    in their manufacture. The approximate metal content of

    the plastic can bc determined by a qualitative emission

    spectrographic technique. If the sample is transported

    during freezing temperatures, the plastic container is less

    likely to break than is glass.

    Tabulation of Sample Description. Information such as that in Table 24.1 should be obtained for each sample of

    oilfield water.

    Analysis Methods for Oilfield Waters Analytical methods for analyzing oilfield waters are im-

    proving with respect to precision, accuracy, and speed.

    There have been at least two groups trying to standardize

    methods of oilfield water analysis during the past 20

    years. They are the API and ASTM. The API published

    Recommended Practice 45 for Analysis of Oilfield


    The ASTMs Committee D-19 standardizes methods of analyzing oilficld brines. Methods standardized by

    rigorous round-robin testing by several laboratories and

    subsequent ASTM committee balloting procedures are

    found in Ref. 17. Table 24.2 illustrates the analyses for various proper-

    ties or constituents of oilfield water. Methods to deter-

    mine most of these properties or constltucnts can bc

    found in Refs. 16, 17, and 25 through 30.

    Chemical Properties of Oilfield Waters

    Water Water Water Water

    PH Eh Speciilc resistwty

    Speciitc gravity Bacteria

    Barium Bicarbonate Boron

    Bromide Calcium Carbonate

    Carbon dioxide Chlonde

    Hydrogen sulfide Iodine IlOll

    Magnesium Manganese

    Oxygen Potassium

    Residual hydrocarbons Sodium Silica Strontium Sulfate Suspended solIds Total dissolved solids

    X = usually requesm O=somellmes requested


    0 X X



    :: 0 X

    :: X

    0 0 X


    0 0


    0 0 X






    ; X


    :: 0




    Sample Number Farm or lease ~ of Section Townshlp County State Operators address (main office) Sample obtained by Address Sample obtained from (lead line, separatory flow tank, etc.)

    Completion date of well Name of productive zone from which sample is produced Sand Shale Name of productive formation Depths: Top of formation

    Top of producing zone Top of depth drilled

    Bottomhole pressure and date of pressure Bottomhole temperature Date of last workover Are any chemicals aWell production Initial PreseOil, BID Water, B/D Gas, cu ft/D

    Remarks: (such as casing leaks, communication or other pay in

    before analysis. is the polyethylene bottle. Not all

    polyethylenes are satisfactory because some contain Oilfield waters are analyzed for various chemical and

    physical properties. Most oilfield waters contain a varie-

    ty of dissolved inorganic and organic compounds. Well No. ~ in the Range


    Date Representing

    Lime Other ames of formations ell passes through ottom of formation ottom of producing zone esent depth

    ded to treat well If yes, what? t Casing service record,

    Method of production (primary, secondary, or tertiary)

    me well, lease or field)



  • 51,200 10,200 60,700 2,330


    few of

    because money p


    for rcinje

    oilfield w


    The com

    dilute wawater an

    Tables 2

    duced wa

    1962 edi

    The ta

    lihted alpareas of t

    the smal

    or gcosy



    t in-








    the Ap- 10 Upper Devonian

    12 Mississippian

    Pennsylvania3 38

    IO Devonian

    7 Devono- Mississippian

    12 Devontan

    West Virginia39

    29 Mtssisstppian

    6 Mississippian

    21 Mississippian

    44 Pennsylvanian

    43 Devonian

    First Water Big Lime Berea

    5,175 to 5,300

    401 to 1,592



    Bradford III




    Big lnjun 1,390 to 3,215

    Squaw 1,908 to 2,019

    Maxton 1,287 to 3,259

    Salt Sand 450 to 1,960

    Oriskany 3,036 to 8,089

    25,900 4.100 21.600 29,600 1O;OOO 861400 4,600 1,500 25,000

    11,900 3,000 43,900

    40 30 1,600 - 32,400 1,940 39,500 - 7,000 70 3,600 -

    82,000 2,020 16,000 - 420 40 300 -

    16,900 2,530 39,200 -

    30 300 50 1,730 3,910 52,200

    630 200 6,300 8,920 2,250 38,100

    100 40 3,800 15,300 2,740 35,100

    400 340 2,500 20,600 2,650 50,900 2,500 480 34,000

    33,600 3,800 98,300

    270 2,370

    120 220

    IO 750 290 340 30


    3,6:: 200


    oil producers usually are interested in only a

    the macro properties. This is understandable

    oil producers wish to spend the least amount of ossible. Therefore, they will look at only the

    s that are necessary to evaluate any treatment

    ction to recover more oil or to dispose of the


    ition of Oilfield Waters , ,,

    position ot otltteld waters varies from relatively

    ters to heavy brines. Several thousand oilfield

    alyses are available on computerized files.

    4.3 through 24. I4 show characteristics of pro

    ters. and much of the text was taken from the

    tion of this book.

    bulated data on water analyses following arc

    basin, a large area not generally otherwise identifia

    This division has been made arbitrarily for convenie

    and because of the lack of a uniform system and is no

    tended as a precedent for any system of classificati

    The states or provinces from which reliable analy

    were available are listed alphabetically in the ta

    under each area.

    The reader is referred to the original indicated sou

    of analytical data for more complete information.

    Appalachian Area. The Appalachian area was the in the U.S. in which petroleum was produced comm

    cially and is one of the best known and studied geolo

    features of North America. Table 24.3 gives characteristics of some waters produced from

    palachian fields. F--~, 24-6


    Number of Analyses* System


    4 Devonian-Silurian

    8 Mississippian

    5 -

    Ohi0 35.36

    8 Mississippian

    7 Ordovician

    8 Mississrppian





    Blue Lick

    Sub Trenton

    Second Water Big Lime habetically in order of general oil-productive he U.S.. Canada. and Venezuela. rather than by

    ler subdivisions of basins. geologic provinces.

    nclines. An exception to this is the Illinois PETROLEUM ENGINEERING HANDBOOK


    Subsurface Depth


    400 to 1,506

    1,390 to 2,618

    939 to 1,534

    1,843 to 3,263

    3,820 to 5,815

    2,175 to 3,270

    Constituents (mg/L)

    Ca Mg Na

    1,520 670 9,520 12,160 3,350 44,740 1,700 990 15,700 3,400 2,180 33,600

    370 130 1,860 830 320 15,500

    1,390 650 10,500 9,230 2,900 33,600

    11,000 2,700 39,500 44,000 6,600 58,600 32,300 5,180 36,000


    120 1,290 ND*

    ND ND ND

    150 1,510

    0 2,890 1,950 Petroleum and associated water are produced from

    more than 50 strata in systems from the Cambrian to the

    Permian. Most of the productive strata are sandstones,

    although some limestones are productive. Many of the

  • O00000


    0000000 1,900

    - Trace 30 210 114,200 ND 1,230 1.125 167,540












    of m













    Trace 230 550 193.100 ND 2,100 1.211 324,350 - 0 20 0 52,700 ND 320 1.063 84,260 - 1,800 20 60 93,400 ND 520 1.115 154,820

    - -

    - -

    - - -

    30 30 1,100 - - - 560 1,080 83,200 - - -

    0 260 30,900 - 0 1,270 75,300 - - - 0 0 490 - - -

    40 1.080 97.600

    2,790 158,680 41,830

    176,590 1,260


    Trace 10 IO 5 70 Trace Trace 1.001 300 830 70 320 121,000 20 1,750 1.149

    0 0 0 0 11,330 2 80 1.010 540 70 40 10 81,130 10 700 1.101

    IO 5 10 20 5.830 Trace Trace 1.007 1,500 220 1,680 530 89,900 10 500 1.115

    10 2::

    10 5 2,500 Trace 5 1.004 870 1,330 400 125.000 10 780 1.159 20 Trace Trace 10 44,300 2 40 1.059

    760 1.570 270 900 170,000 30 2,500 1.219

    475 191,580 18,832

    132,110 9,825

    148,090 5,810

    206,430 51,552


    dstones are nonuniform and discontinuous. although

    Big In.jun and Berea sands have been traced across

    e areas. The oil-producing states included in the Ap-

    chian area from which analyses were available arc

    tucky, Ohio. Pennsylvania. and West Virginia. The

    centrations ofdissolved salts in waters produced Gth

    oleum range from a few hundred to more than

    ,000 IllgiL.

    ifornia. In different fields of California. oil is pro- ed from many reservoirs, ranging in age from

    aceous to Pleistocene. Sandstones and sands are the

    cipal productive rocks. Many of the formations arc

    assive thickness. and much folding and faulting are

    ent. In general. mineralized water produced with

    oleum from California reservoirs is by no means as

    entrated as that from reservoirs in many other areas.

    U.S. Gulf Coast. For many years since the Spindletopdome was discovered in 1901, copious quantities of oi

    have been produced from Tertiary and Quaternary for

    mations on the flanks, in the caprock, and in structure

    abovle the capmck of massive salt domes. usually considered intrusive in nature. During recent years. offshore

    drilling has focused attention on drilling oft the coasts o

    Louisiana and Texas. Some waters produced from gul

    coast fields are quite fresh; others have concentrations o

    dissolved salts as high as 170.000 nngit, (Table

    24.5). 4L44

    Illinois Basin. The Illinois basin. divided roughly intohalves by the LaSallc anticline. comprises much of II-

    linois and southwestern Indiana. Oil is produced here

    from many fields, principally from Pennsylvanian andPROPERTIESOF PRODUCED WATERS


    Ba Sr

    Constituents (mg/L)

    HCO, SO, Cl

    - 0 - 630 - ND - ND

    ND ND

    628: 10 19,6

    690 93,9060 910 31,70

    230 3,320 61,00120 50 14,0250 3.200 26.00

    Trace 110 30 18,2- 315 380 380 77,6- 0 20 150 113,5- 900 510 490 189,4- 0 60 30 113,0

    1,240 140 100 216,3cially the midcontincnt. Table 24.4 gives the

    racteristics of some water produced from California s, JO.41 24-7


    Specific Gravity

    I Br 60/600 TDS


    Trace 120 10 820 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND

    1.022 1.120 1.036 1.070 1.020 1.039

    31,600 158,330 51,060

    103,730 16,530 46,100

    0 0 0 1.025 31,030 IO 570 1.089 125,180

    0 10 150 1.150 167,030 0 30 600 1.224 304,020 0 ND 580 1.151 189,100 0 ND 1.240 344,110 Mississippian sandstones and. to a smaller extent. from

    limestones. TDS in the produced waters range from

    about I.000 to more than 160,000 mg/L (Table 24.6).j5

  • 2,900 1,300 15,015 510 1,020 10 3 2,050 0 1,700 80 140 7,090 340 3,900

    Tertiary Zone A 18 110 27,100

    1,300 9,560

    47,995 5,064

    21,200 90


    Montana. New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming from many 24. I3 present the characteristics of some waters from fields in the Rocky Mt. area. The principal production is

    from rocks of the Cretaceous system, although oil and

    Canadian fields in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatche- wan, hObh5


    Constituents (mg/L) Subsurface Depth


    2,579 to 11 400

    40610 1 100

    1.305 to 3.296

    FormatIon or field Mg

    50 Cl

    TDS (m9L)

    5 700 116900

    353 4 500




    171.300 18.900



    Number of

    Analyses' System

    42 Terilary


    6 Oligocene

    6 Upper Eocene

    5 Oligocene

    Ca Na

    2.240 40.600

    60 1.330



    3.600 61.000












    0 3.180 69.100

    20 2.130 6.300


    6.100 105000


    Norm Coastal

    Goose Creek


    Damon Mound

    Barber HIII Dome









    Trace 1.750 270



    775 to

    250to 11 300


    110 4 Pliocene-Miocene 70 'Upper ligure in each column IS m~n~murn value and lower figure IS maximum va

    Midcontinent Area. The midcontinent oil productive area is the largest geographically of all oil-productive

    areas in the U.S. For purposes of this section, it is con-

    sidered to include Arkansas, Kansas. northern Loui-

    siana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma. and all of Texas except the gulf coast fields.

    Oil and associated brines are produced from many sandstones and limestones, as well as from other types of

    formations, in geologic systems ranging from the Cam-

    brian through the Upper Crctaceous. Waters produced

    with petroleum from midcontinent fields have a wide

    range of concentration of dissolved salts, from little

    more than 1,000 to more than 350.000 mg/L. Tables

    24.7 through 24.9 present the characteristics of some

    produced waters from the midcontinent fields of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.36-

    Rocky Mt. Area. Petroleum is produced in Colorado, Powell-Mexla 6 ue for number of analyses ndlcated '+I'

    associated waters also are produced from Jurassic, Per-

    mian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian rocks. Pro-

    duced waters from Rocky Mt. fields have comparatively

    low concentrations of dissolved salts and often are

    characterized by comparatively high concentrations of

    bicarbonate. Tables 24.10 and 24.11 give the

    characteristics of some waters produced from Rocky Mt.

    fields of Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. 55m5y

    Canada. The principal oil-productive areas in Canada are the lower Ontario Peninsula, where oil is produced

    from rocks ranging from Ordovician to Devonian age,

    and the western provinces, principally Alberta, Sas-

    katchewan, and the Northwest Territories. Reservoir rocks in western Canada range in age from Devonian to

    Cretaceous. Although many of the waters produced with

    petroleum have quite low concentrations of dissolved

    salts, others are quite concentrated. Tables 24.12 and 24-a PETROLEUM ENGINEERING HANDBOOK


    Subsurface Constituents (mg/L)

    Depth (fi) Ca Mg Na a

    --z- 10 HCO,

    1,104 to 1,916 40 50 180 390 340 3,290 480 360

    1,495 to 3,250 20 IO 910 0 180 2,890 690 13,250 360 360

    2,270 to 3,550 60 20 3,650 0 50 1,280 570 11,650 90 4,270

    400 to 3,000 10 10 50 0 20 20 1,550 390 7: - 200 140 4,770 150 0

    220 230 7,640 460 0 - 200 10 1,300 0 4



    TDS Number of Analyses



    System Formation

    Tertiary Coalinga

    Tertiary Midway

    Tertiary Sunset

    Tertiary Kern River

    Tertiary Lost Hills

    Tertiary Maricopa


    90 2,520 1,010

    23,550 4,360

    21,420 10 60

    FwU 580

    7.260 14,640 2,140

    42,120 8,145

    39,320 80

    2,130 13,020 21,120

    10 1,380

    5 40





    0 20 20

    630 2

    7,740 11,950 1,170 2,686 1.710 11.490 36400




    230 10


    610 6.700

    21 600

    550 30


  • Venezuela. The principal productive formations in oilfield waters are sodium, calcium, and magnesium.


    Speclflc Number01 Depth ~ Gravely TDS Analyses System Formamn tft) ca blq N.3 Ba HCO, so, Cl I Br (60160~) (mg,L)

    -~ 87 Pennsylvanian Kansas C~fy Lansmg 1.228 lo 3.409 2 040 840 16940 4 5 0 34.100 2. 30 1040 53.959 16 DO0 3 950 77.000 70 450 2 160 158.800 15 400 1 159 256.830

    8 Ordovlclan WllCOX 3.500 to 3 800 790 5.560 10800 0 20 80 10,870 Trace 80 1015 28.120 14400 68500 142,500 0 530 300 142600 3 x50- 1140 369.180

    123 Ordowaan Arbuckle 2.750 lo 3 770 700 240 6 820 0 50 0 12.300 0 Trace ,014 20.180 19 BOO 10.900 34 450 0 640 2 700 79200 Trace 60 1 091 145.060

    76 Ordoviaan VIOla 2091 lo 4 14, 620 230 5240 0 IO 20 330 0 5 1012 6,455 11 000 3.110 52000 0 650 1180 112.700 10 90 1116 160.740

    27 Pennsylvania Bartlesvllle 625 to 3 200 420 1EO 7550 0 10 1 12.600 2 20 1016 20.782 12 100 3,480 69.800 10 520 750 141 200 10 200 1 141 224.870

    20 Mississippian Mississippian 1010 to 4 679 560 220 9 150 0 30 0 14.400 1 2 ,017 24.363 12 900 2.660 59300 20 670 3540 122000 60 3 1140 201.153

    8 Basal Pennsylvaman Conglomerate 3320 to 3469 1 000 360 11 600 0 0 0 20.700 0 200 1023 33.850 8 480 2.000 47.000 0 180 700 58,300 Trace 400 1 105 116.660

    24 PWlSlWllX Chat 2697f0 3 365 3.120 640 24400 0 30 0 42,700 2 10 1 088 70,902 13480 1.950 66,500 0 130 2.200 137700 3 420 1143 222,383

    12 SllUrlan HlO 2 390 to 2 893 230 90 3610 0 70 100 5,300 0 10 1007 9.410 5 220 1.460 36600 3 480 1,230 68.400 2 70 1075 113.460

    10 Basal Pennsylvanian Gorham 33ooto 3 854 920 280 6 560 0 160 40 11.300 0 5 1019 19.265 3 960 1.030 17100 10 840 3.010 36,000 0 10 ,045 58,940 Venezuela are Tertiary sandstones and Cretaceous

    limestones. In general. the various waters produced with

    petroleum have low concentrations of dissolved salts

    (Table 24. 14).66m69

    Inorganic Constituents

    Petroleum companies often analyze oilfield waters to

    determine their major dissolved inorganic constituents.

    The major constituents usually are sodium, calcium,

    magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate, and sulfate. The analytical data are used in studies such as water iden-

    tification. log evaluation, water treatment, environmen-

    tal impact, geochemical exploration, and recovery of

    valuable minerals. 26


    The presence of various cations and anions in oilfield

    waters can cause solubility, acidity, and redox (Eh)

    potential changes as well as the precipitation and adsotp-

    tion of some constituents. The major cations in most 9 Pennsylanlan PrUe 1 032 to 2.400 2.310 11 300

    12 Cambraan Reagan 3175f03609 1 390 5 250

    Upper fqure I each column IS mlnimum value and lower hgure IS maximum value The concentrations of these ions can range from less than

    10.000 mg/L for sodium, and from less than I .OOO mg/L

    to more than 30,000 me/L for calcium and/or


    Other cations that often are present in oilfield waters in

    concentrations greater than 10 mg/L are potassium,

    strontium, lithium, and barium. Some oilfield waters

    contain concentrations in excess of IO mg/L of

    aluminum, ammonium, iron, lead, manganese, silicon, and zinc, 26.70.71


    The major anion in most oilfield waters is chloride. The

    chloride concentration can range from less than 10,000

    to more than 200,000 mg/L. There are exceptions to

    this-e.g., some Venezuelan oilfield waters contain

    more bicarbonate than chloride.

    Most oilfield waters contain bromide and iodide. The

    concentrations of these anions range from less than 50 to

    more than 6.000 mg/L for bromide and from less than IO PROPERTIES OF PRODUCED WATERS 24-9


    Number of Formatton



    Analyses System of field (N

    12 Misswloolan Wallersbura 1.994

    2 437

    18 M~ss~ss~pp~an Tar Springs 1.125

    2,596 57 M~ss~ss~pp~an Cypress 1.045


    17 Ordowclan Trenton 672 to 4,000

    134 Mwssipplan St Geneweve 1.104 to 3.519



    2.970 960

    6.020 840




    1.900 16.430

    Constituents (mg/L)

    MC! Na HCO_, so,

    640 22.660 30 0 1.020 32.220 390 1 620

    IO 240 20 0

    1.730 42.810 1.050 980 510 3.970 10 10

    1,660 47.900 1.660 3.840 40 340 20 30

    1.830 41.830 960 1.350

    910 8.740 20 30 3.460 47.660 1.470 2.990


    38 300

    56 700 700

    76 000

    25 800

    83 200

    200 82 400

    14000 95 400




    93 920 62 930

    i 28 590 31 140


    680 135870

    25 600


    Upper figure in each column IS minimum value and lower llgure IS ma~~rnum value for number of analyses Indicated 720 14300 0 20 0 28.000 0 0 1033 45.350 2.610 68 700 10 330 50 138.900 0 0 1 139 221.900

    310 9 300 0 80 30 14,700 NO ND ,021 26.810 1.370 43000 0 410 2,570 76,900 ND ND 1088 126.930

    for number of analyses Ind~caled %+



    Subsurlace Constituents (mg/L)

    Speclflc Depth

    ~--~ _~ Grady TDS

    ut1 -~Ca Mg Na Ba HCO, SO, Cl (60/600) (mg/L)

    4.489 to 5,524 1.900 910 12,100 0 0 0 24 100 1031

    3,436 to 7.233

    1,240 10 4.800

    542 to 6.094

    1.48070 5430

    1,800 to 2,490

    1,837 lo 4.872

    3.927 10 5.977

    1.258 to 6.025

    1.213 lo 6.495

    1,030 to 4.567

    1.876 to 2 300

    3.197 lo 5,021

    2.403 to 4.650

    3.458 to 5.004

    2.267 to 3.587

    982 to 3.163

    2 417 to 3,254

    790 to 5.000

    1.882 to 3.218

    2.173 to 7,569

    83.800 730 48.300 0 80.230 130 31.300 0 79.000 380 14,000 0 63.800 110 34.600 1 51.500 20 42.500 1 57.700 200 43,600 2 72.000 30

    19000 2.740 6.800 1.400 18500 3300 5.300 1,800 18900 4.300 2.200 900 18.800 2,700 4,600 1.400 11.900 4.300 5,900 2.000

    13.300 2.600 6400 2000

    22,400 2,500 4.600 1.100

    18.400 3.200 1 700 600

    15.800 3.100 5.600 1.200

    17,600 3,000 6.200 1.500 18.700 3.200 6600 1,500 12700 2.500

    300 80 28.900 4,300 9.700 1.700 19.600 2.600

    200 60 16000 2,400 8.500 1.300 11,700 3.100

    740 230 7.300 2,900

    14.000 2.200 17.400 3.100 10,900 1,800

    300 20

    160 10 80 0

    850 0

    29,500 0 76.000 10 17,600 10 61.300 280

    310 15

    120 10 80 30

    24.400 0 71,900 2 31,700 0

    I390 144.000 0 91.300

    720 163.000 0 34,900

    510 160.000 0 33,000

    1.880 127.000 0 65,000

    1.130 113.500 0 81.600

    200 115.000 24 84.200

    430 157.000 60 55,400

    1.920 156,000 0 29.800

    2,750 121.000 0 50.900

    440 140.000 30 64,100

    450 139.000 0 90,000

    110 20 90

    67,400 IO 42,500 0 56,500 240 4.000 0

    0 110 IO


    75.900 170 42,800 5 71.700 220 2900 0

    62,000 10 43,400 5

    5 140 15

    660 3

    680 117,000 0 8,200

    7.010 142,000 0 101.000

    72,900 20 10800 0

    20.000 3.500 5.500 900 13.900 2.000

    700 400 22.400 3.500

    27,900 50 23800 0 76400 5 43200 2 69,000 40 32.000 0 54700 10 11 500 10 80500 450

    170 40

    940 50

    120 20

    380 0

    50 20 133 50 130

    1 175 1 103 1170 1075 1179 1.034 1 147 1073 1 130 1.091 I 129 1095 1 173 1.066 1 173 1.039 1 134 1059 1.159 1075 1157 1.103 1.131 1012 1155 1115 1 164 1005 1137 1 110

    1 158 1022 1076 1 160 1 171 1 109 1 163 1073 1 122 1024 1 183

    370 149,000 0 4,400

    980 122,000 30 86.300

    480 142.000 2 18.600

    40 63,600 130 132,800 370 156.200 15 99,300

    260 149.000 40 45,500

    760 108.000 0 19,500

    920 167,000

    39.010 251 460 147.820 266.010 73.310

    263.170 50,100

    214.140 105 701 182,660 132,016 189,120 136.212 254440 90,690

    250,640 49.730

    204.320 82.100

    233.042 103,540 228.890 141.050 189.760 11.995

    258.948 155.208 243.660

    7.600 204.330 139.885 230,320 30.392

    102,170 172.930 253,525 155,235 241.930 86.900 179,500 32,110


    Number of Analyses System Formaflon














    Red Fork








    75 PennsylvanEln

    94 Ordovlclan

    25 Pennsyfvanlan

    28 Ordovua"

    I9 Pennsylvanian

    12 Pennsylvanian

    22 M~ss~ss~pp~an

    18 Mlssisslpplan

    I7 Pennsylvaman

    10 Ordowan

    22 Pennsylvania"

    22 Pennsylvama

    22 Siluro-Devontan

    27 Pennsylvania

    12 Ordowclan

    20 Pennsyfvan,an

    13 Pennsylvanian

    15 Pennsylvanian

    24 Pennsylvanian

    15 Pennsylvanian

    14 Ordowuan


    Number of Analyses System

    Subsurface Specific Depth Constituents (mg/L) TDS _ Grawty

    Formation (ft) Ca Mg Na so4 HCO, Cl (60~160~) (m9Q

    North-Central Texas 50-52

    33 Upper Pennsylvanian

    El Upper Pennsylvaman

    7 Upper Pennsylvanian

    13 Upper Cretaceous

    20 5 10,700 2.450

    1,884 !O 2,081 14,400 2,440

    16.700 2.860 2.540 to 2,668 10.200 2,030

    13,800 2,440

    3.844 to 4.446 3.100 370

    7,900 600






    61,000 32.100





    0 300

    0 520 0 630

    10 740 130 250

    410 370




    139,800 106,000







    ND ND







    226.680 171,360




    160 6.030 0 IO 10.000 1.015 16,700 3,000 60,400 180 400 134,000 1.157 221,080 640 15,700 10 40 31,400 1044 50,010

    2,300 57,100 650 4,840 109,500 1 145 188,390

    350 12,000 4 20 25,300 1.035 39,374

    2,850 55.700 1,840 2.140 130,500 1 173 214,330 810 25,500 2 2 82,900 1.105 112,414

    3,500 74,300 710 710 161,800 1212 262,320 310 4.400 210 350 19,000 1.033 25,010

    7,900 67.000 1.840 4,900 140,500 1 154 241,940

    200 210 0 160 890 ND 1,710




    North and West Texas5354

    21 Pennsylvanian

    35 Pennsylvanian

    47 Cambro-Ordovcian

    56 Pennsylvanian

    50 Permian

    42 Permian





    San Andres

    Big Lime

    700 IO 1.950 500


    2.200 IO 7.000 2.200 14.000

    3,800 to 8.370 1.700

    22.300 1,700 to 6,900 3,200




    - 250 3,700 122,500 0 8,600 212,000 ND 356.600 9.800


    Constrtuents (mg/L)





    Cretaceous Dakota 2.819 to 5.830

    Cretaceous Frontrer 1,230 IO 3.464

    Eocene Wasatch 2,230 to 5.283

    Jurasw Morrtson 3,020 to 4.395

    Jurassrc Sundance 4,564 lo 6,263

    Ca Mg


    NC3 co3 HCO3 so, TDS

    Cl ml/L)

    310 0 210 40 40 560

    13,000 160 3,600 890 22,100 41,220

    820 0 340 0 820 1,980

    8,200 240 4.900 90 12.800 26.490

    1,800 0 120 20 2,000 3.990

    10,600 150 2,000 870 18,900 33,830

    1,400 0 540 160 260 2.360

    3,600 120 3,350 980 5,000 13,160

    1,070 0 200 0 260 1,530

    5,250 0 3,030 1,040 8,060 17.840

    3.900 220










    0 140 0 10 4,050

    0 2,000 1,850 5,530 9,770

    0 260 0 280 1,250

    0 1,400 250 8,800 16,900

    0 500 0 10 790

    0 4,900 290 6.000 16.010

    0 1,670 0 370 3,150

    0 4,040 820 2.890 11,060

    0 150 1,310 10 1.560

    0 400 5.540 440 8,470

    0 220 trace 10 250

    Number of










    Upper Cretaceous

    Lower Cretaceous

    Upper Jurasw


    Upper MIssIssippian

    Lower Missrssippian







    Montana -

    Colorado -

    Kootenar -






    0 1,180






















    90 trace
















    500 430 2,330 0 4,830 2,110 2,790 12,990


    Constttuents (mg/L) -

    CO, HCO, Na

    410 trace 280

    5,560 230 1,900

    550 trace 1,270

    20,000 1,050 7,800

    200 trace 1,000

    5,320 320 5.460

    1,740 trace 890 7,000 590 6.950

    1,040 trace 110

    6,210 300 2,290

    180 trace 230

    13,000 280 6,900

    630 trace 1.000 5.560 380 3.680

    180 0 480

    430 60 980

    520 0 410

    6,800 330 6.850

    140 0 210

    5,170 0 1.690

    5 0 30 790 10 1,000

    20 trace 20

    580 20 1,080

    630 0 190

    1,670 0 550




    900 to 1,300

    1,000 to 3.080

    TDS Number of

    Analvses System Ca Mg 10


    so, 0


    trace 240







    20 980

    trace 60




    5,880 190



    2,500 50

    1,940 1,930


    Cl @WLl

    20 ~ 730




    First Wall Creek

    Second Wall Creek












    24 Cretaceous

    7,670 19.650

    70 1,890 27,900 57.340

    220 1,420 5,940 17.230

    1,170 3,800 6,600 22.070

    150 1,300

    7,590 16,630

    20 450

    19,200 40,750

    110 1,740 1,930 11.730

    40 760

    90 2.420

    140 1.110

    35 Cretaceous

    45 Cretaceous

    50 Cretaceous

    14 Jurassrc

    22 Jurasstc

    24 Jurasstc

    5 Jurassrc

    60 Jurassic

    20 Permian

    50 Pennsylvaman

    19 Mississippian

    20 Triassic

    trace trace

    220 130

    trace trace

    30 100

    trace trace 40 10

    trace trace

    110 20

    trace trace 230 160

    trace trace 60 60

    irace trace

    40 trace

    0 0

    400 60

    140 30 630 220

    40 10

    720 250

    20 trace

    870 180 250 50

    450 60


    1,400 to 1.500

    4,050 to 4.505

    4,353 to 8.500


    - 7,700 28,020

    10 620

    3,930 17,430

    3 98

    1,080 6,350 4 114

    1,070 5.740

    250 3,300

    610 7,210




  • 31 200 - 1 033 25 680

    many oilfield waters. Their concentrations can range volume per unit water volume per psi change in pressure. from none to several thousand milligrams per liter.

    Other anions found in oilfield waters include arsenate, This is expressed mathematically as

    borate, carbonate, fluoride, hydroxide, organic acid I av (',,. = -- ( >


    salts, and phosphates. Boron concentrations in excess of T, _. _. (la)

    100 mg/L can affect electric log deflections. 26 v ap

    This sechon. except for the pH and Eh, was writlen by Howard B Bradley


    Subsurface Number of Depth Constituents (mg/L)


    Analyses System Formatron (W Ca Mg Na Gravrty TDS

    CO, HCO, SO, Cl (60/600) (ma/L) 27 Cretaceous Blafrmore 998 to 3,713 ~ ~ trace trace 2,200x---- 190 - 2.800









    Shaunavon 3,205 to 3.413

    Gravelbourg 3.290 to 4.175

    Mfssron Canyon 3,700 to 5,785

    Ntsku 4,682 to 6,927

    Duperow 2,253 to 4,024

    Mississippian 4,487 to 5,665

    Lodgepole 2.305 to 4,470

    80 1,300 - 190

    - 300

    - 140

    - 350

    - 60

    - 440

    - 200

    - 2,350

    - 100

    - 860 - 120

    110 850

    - 480

    - 600

    - 70 - 2,600

    - 40

    - 1,580

    1 000 6,190









    Viking 2,395 to 3,026

    Devonian 3,356 to 6,605

    2,300 870 20,300 170 100 8,800

    1,850 230 t 2,400 470 220 11,700 620 370 t 2.900 100 130 760

    7.100 3,100 73.700 740 190 1,000

    14,100 7.150 73,000 680 170 940

    9,000 900 17.700 trace trace 4,300 5,600 1,600 71,000 730 90 1,400

    2.800 610 27,000

    trace trace 1,100 190 100 9,300

    0 0 0

    1,100 1,200 69,100

    3,500 2,100




    3,200 Trace



    5,000 340




    38,900 1.048 67,250 890 1.007 12.250

    t 3,800 1.014 31.580 14,500 1 022 27.300 20,100 1.026 36.440

    280 1.001 1.330 155,000 1 093 242.540

    640 1 002 2.770

    142,800 1 186 242.600 700 t ,002 4,790

    31,100 1.040 64,560 5,700 1.004 10.460

    123,800 1 150 206,860

    580 1.004 6,680 45,700 1 061 80,610

    0 2,100 1.002 3,270 790 12,700 1.014 25,680 190 4,800 1.012 5,030

    2,400 111.000 1.160 185,380 1,322 lo 2 553


    1.698 to 3 717

    to more than 1,400 mg/L for iodide. 26 Bromide concen-

    tration is important in determining the origin of an

    oilfield brine and is an important geochemical marker

    constituent. Bicarbonate and sulfate are present in a Jurassic Jurassfc shale 3,105 to 4,325 trac8,10

    Upper ftgure tn each column IS mmmum value and lower figure is maxmum value 530 8.800 7.900

    173.500 14.300

    154 900

    - 1 002 1 840 - 1 025 25 780 - 1 025 16.120 - 1180 290.070 ~ 1 026 26 760 - 1176 264,300

    Physical Properties of Oilfield Waters* Compressibility

    The compressibility of formation water at pressures

    above the bubblepoint is defined as the change in water 24-12 PETROLEUM ENGINEERING HANDBOOK


    Number of AllalySeS System Formalton

    Subsurface Depth


    Specllic Constltenls (mJ/L, GLWy TDS

    Ca Mg Na CO, HCO, SO, Cl I Br ~60/60l (mg/L)

    215 10 1,890

    1.670 10 2 072

    2 706 10 2,744

    10 10 660 0 320 5 50 10 3.000 80 790 600 70 20 6400 0 580 20

    620 230 19.000 60 640 40 29.200 5 60 1 030 0 180 0 670

    1.250 190 9.100 410 1250 2500 - -

    1.570 to 3 323

    2.200 to 2 942

    3.000 lo 3 422

    870 to 2 060

    980 850 0 100 1 000 67 340 44.900 40 2.140 4,600

    240 4.900 0 110 900 2.000 81.400 30 360 4.900

    550 21.300 0 80 3900 1 400 72.800 80 780 4.300

    200 4.500 6.400


    - -


    850 94,900

    7.000 149.600

    34 900 120 700


    ND ND ND 1 205 NO ND ND 9,030

    10 10 1010 13.510 40 620 1 060 64.160

    ND ND 1 006 2.145 ND ND 1 032 25.700

    0 10 - - 20 460 - -

    2 20 - - 20 220 - -

    3 90 ~ - 10 110 - -

    2 200 - - 20 1.500 - -

    - 1010 3.940 - ,089 150 380 - 1016 14.150 - 1157 248.990 ~ 1031 62 930 - 1136 203 880 - 1 004 3 150 - 290

    - 1,320

    e trace 4,300 0 160 10,900

    0 2,800 1.002 7,390 3,600 15,400 1.029 39,480

    far number of analyses mdlcafed 65

  • or

    1 v*--v, T,=-

    ( > v PI--P2 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    Bw2 -B,I c,.= - B,.(p, -p2), . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



    CkV = water compressibility at the given pressure

    and temperature, bbl/bbl-psi,

    -cw = average water compressibility within the

    given pressure and temperature interval,


    V = water volume at the given pressure and

    temperature, bbl,

    V = average water volume within p and T inter-

    vals, bbl,

    PI and p2 = pressure at conditions 1 and 2 with p r >pz,

    psi, B,,, and B 4 = water FVF p I and ~2, bbl/bbl, and B,. = average water FVF corresponding to V,


    Eq. 2 was fit for pressures between 1,000 and 20,000

    psi, salinities of 0 to 200 g NaClIL, and temperatures

    from 200 to 270F. Compressibilities were independent

    of dissolved gas.

    solution on compressibility of water with NaCl concen-

    trations up to 200 g/cm3 is essentially negligible. Osifs

    results show no effect at gas/water ratios (GWRs) of 13

    scf/bbl, at GWRs of 35 scf/bbl probably no effect, but

    certainly no more than a 5% increase in the com-

    pressibility of brine. Laboratory measurements 74 of water compressibility

    resulted in linear plots of the reciprocal of compressibili-

    ty vs. pressure. The plots of l/c, vs. p have a slope of

    m r , and intercepts linear in salinity and temperature. Data points for the systems tested containing no gas in

    solution resulted in Eq. 2.

    l/c~,=m~p+m~C+m~T+m4, (2)


    cw = water compressibility, psi - ,

    p = pressure, psi,

    C = salinity, g/L of solution,

    T = temperature, F,

    ml = 7.033,

    m2 = 541.5,

    lfl3 = -531, and



    Number of












    System Formation or Fteld

    Tertiary Zeta (Quiriquire)








    Eta (Quiriquire)

    Cabtmas field, La Rosa formation

    Lagunillas field,

    lceota formatlon

    Bachaquero field,

    Pueblo Viejo main sandstone

    Mene Grande field,

    Pauji and Mason-Trujillo range

    La Conception field. Punta Gorda sands and deeper sands

    La Paz field,

    Guasare formation



    S. El Mene field,

    El Salto formation

    Oficma and W. Guard ftelds

    OF, sand

    AB, sand

    D, sand Du and Eu sands

    F, sand

    H sand

    L, sand M sand

    P sand

    S sand

    U sand

    Upper tlgure I each column 1s minimum value and lower figure IS maximum valueIn an oil reservoir, water compressibility also depends

    on the salinity. In contrast to the literature, laboratory

    measurements by Osif 74 show that the effect of gas in 24-l 3


    Constituents (mg/L) TDS

    Ca Mg Na CO, HCO, SO, Cl -- ~


    170 100 1,750 0 3,050

    330 270 5.150 0 5.400

    70 50 400 300

    60 60

    10 60

    40 60

    2:040 0 12,360 0

    1,740 0

    2,000 120

    4,610 0

    1,800 100

    4,700 1,900

    3;050 7.410




    30 20 3,570

    50 20 30

    30 20 6,000 80 1,230

    30 50 2,660 0 1,130

    30 40 3,000 0 1,130

    150 50 9,000 0 2,440

    50 20 1,260 0 2,330

    40 30 1,360 0 2,780

    40 30 3,080 0 1,100

    40 60 4,000 0 1,430

    140 70 7,900 0 3,500

    70 70 8,400 0 2,050

    160 100 7,300 0 4,420

    110 30 7,700 0 2,100

    140 80 7,800 0 970

    330 80 8,600 0 1,700

    940 180 11,800 0 1,100

    4 1,910 7,190

    10 5,420 16,260

    5 710 6,900 30 11 ,170 36,500

    0 1,780 5,643

    0 90 5,260

    5 3,700 14,657

    0 690 6.210

    0 6,250 12,955

    0 8,550 15.911

    0 3,450 7,320

    0 1,260 5,460

    0 9,000 20,640

    140 640 4,424

    60 560 4,830

    130 4,230 8,520 0 5,500 11,030

    150 10,500 22,260

    10 12,090 22,690

    trace 9,260 21,240

    20 10,900 20,860

    0 11,600 20,590 100 13,050 23,860

    0 19,800 33,820

    for number ot analyses mdlcated - Where conditions overlap, the agreement with the

    results reported by both Dorsey 75 and Dotson and Stand-

    ing 76 is very good. Results from the Rowe and Chou

  • voir pressure. Note that for oil reservoirs below the bub-

    blepoint, the saturated-with-gas curves should be

    used; for water considered to have no solution gas, the no-gas-in-solution curves should be used. These

    curves were computed from data given by Ashby and

    Hawkins. 24-14

    Fig. 24.4-Specific gravity of salt solutrons at 60F and 14.7 psia.

    equation agree well up to 5.000 psi (their upper pressure

    limit) but result in larger deviations with increasing

    pressure. In almost all cases, the Rowe and Chou com-

    pressibilities are less than that of Eq. 2.


    The density of formation water is a function of pressure,

    temperature. and dissolved constituents. It is determined

    most accurately in the laboratory on a representative

    sample of formation water. I7 The formation water den-

    sity is defined as the mass of the formation water per unit

    volume of the formation water. For engineering pur-

    posts, density in metric units (g/cm) is considered

    equal to specific gravity. Therefore, for most engineer-

    ing calculations density and specific gravity are

    interchangeable. e

    When laboratory data are not available, the density of

    fomration water at reservoir conditions can be estimated

    (usually to within & 10%) from correlations (Figs. 24.4 through 24.6). The only field data necessary are the den-

    sity at standard conditions, which can be obtained from

    the salt content by use of Fig. 24.4. The salt content can PETROLEUM ENGINEERING HANDBOOK

    Fig. 24.5-Density of NaCl solutions at 14.7 psia vs. temperature.

    be estimated from the formation resistivity (obtained

    from electric log measurements) by use of Fig. 49.3 (see

    Chap. 49). The density of formation water at reservoir

    conditions can be calculated in four steps.

    I. Using the temperature and density at atmospheric

    pressure, obtain the equivalent weight percent NaCl

    from Fig. 24.5.

    2. Assuming the equivalent weight percent NaCl re-

    mains constant. extrapolate the weight percent to reser-

    voir temperature and read the new density.

    3. Knowing the density at atmospheric pressure and

    reservoir temperature, use Fig. 24.6 to find the increase in specific gravity (density) when compressed to reser- 4. The density of formation water (g/cm) at reservoir

    conditions is the sum of the values read frotn Figs. 24.5

    and 24.6. They can be added directly since the metric


    units are referred to the common density base of water (1

    g/cm3). The metric units can be changed to customary

    units (1 bmicu ft) by multiplying by 62.37.

    Also the specific gravity of formation water can be estimated if the dissolved solids are known. The equa-

    tion is

    y,*>=1+c,~xo.695x10-6, . . . . . I.. . .(3)

    where Csd is the concentration of dissolved solids

    (mgfL). For precise but very detailed calculations, the reader is

    referred to a recent paper by Rogers and Pitzer. 79 They

    tabulated a large number of values of compressibility, expansivity and specific volume vs. molality ,

    temperature, and pressure. A semiempirical equation of

    the same type found to be effective in describing thermal

    properties of NaCl (0.1 to 5 molality) was used to

    reproduce the volumetric data from 0 to 300C and I to

    1,000 bars.

    Formation Volume Factor (FVF)

    The water FVF, II,., is defined as the volume at reser-

    voir conditions occupied by 1 STB of formation water

    plus its dissolved gas. It represents the change in volume

    of the formation water as it moves from reservoir condi-

    tions to surface conditions. Three effects are involved:

    the liberation of gas from water as pressure is reduced,

    the expansion of water as pressure is reduced. and the

    shrinkage of water as temperature is reduced. The water FVF also depends on pressure. Fig. 24.7 is

    a typical plot of water FVF as a function of pressure. As the pressure is decreased to the bubblepoint, ph. the FVF

    increases as the liquid expands. At pressures below the

    bubblepoint. gas is liberated, but in most cases the FVF still will increase because the shrinkage of the water

    resulting from gas liberation is insufficient to counter-

    balance the expansion of the liquid. This is the effect of the small solubility of natural gas in water.

    The most accurate method of obtaining the FVF is from laboratory data. It also can be calculated from den-

    sity correlations if the effects of solution gas have been

    accounted for properly. The following equation is used

    to estimate B,,. if solution gas is included in the laboratory measurement or correlation of P,.~:

    H,,=L,.. VW P r

    . . (4)


    V,. = volume occupied by a unit mass of water at reservoir conditions (weight of gas

    dissolved in water at reservoir or standard

    conditions is negligible), cu ft,

    V,,. = volume occupied by a unit mass of water at standard conditions, cu ft,

    p,(. = density of water at standard conditions,

    lbmicu ft, and

    prc. = density of water at reservoir conditions,

    lbmicu ft. The density correlations and the methods of estimating

    P,,~ and prc. were described previously. Fig. 24.6--Specific gravity increase with pressure--salt water


    Fig. 24.7-Typical plot of water FVF vs. pressure

  • the Eh. In buried scdimcnts, it is the aerobic bacteria that 24-16

    The FVF of water can be less than one if the increase

    in volume resulting from dissolved gas is not great

    enough to overcome the decrease in volume caused by increased pressure. The value of FVF is seldom higher

    than I .06.


    The resistivity of formation water is a measure of the

    resistance offered by the water to an electrical current. It

    can be measured directly or calculated. The direct-

    measurement method is essentially the electrical

    resistance through a 1 -m cross-sectional area of I m7

    of formation water, The fomlation water resistivity,

    R ,, $, is expressed in units of Q-m. The resistivity of for- mation water is used in electric log interpretation and for

    such use the value is adjusted to formation

    temperature. i (See Chap. 49 for more information).

    Surface (Interfacial) Tension (IFT)

    Surface tension is a measure of the attractive force acting

    at a boundary between two phases. If the phase boundary

    separates a liquid and a gas or a liquid and a solid, the at- tractive force at the boundary usually is called surface

    tension; however. the attractive force at the interface

    between two liquids is called IFT. IFT is an impor-

    tant factor in enhanced recovery processes (see Chap.

    47. Chemical Flooding, describing Low-1FT Proc-

    CSSCS and Phase Behavior and IFT in the

    Miccllar/Polymer Flooding section).

    Surface tension is measured in the laboratory by a ten-

    siometer. by the drop method, or by other methods. Descriptions of these methods arc found in most physical

    chemistry texts.


    The viscosity of formation water, p,, , is a function of

    pressure. temperature. and dissolved solids. In gcncral,

    brine viscosity increases with increasing prcsaure, in-

    creasing salinity. and decreasing tempcraturc.

    Dissolved gas in the fomlation water at reservoir condi-

    tions generally results in a negligible effect on hater

    viscosity. There is little information on the actual

    numerical cffcct of dissolved gas on water viscosity.

    Gas in solution behaves entirely differently from gas in

    hydrocarbons. * In water the presence of the gas actually

    causes the water molecules to interact with each other

    more strongly, thus increasing the rigidity and viscosity of the water. However. this effect is very small and has

    not been measured to date. In the physical chemistry

    literature there is an enormous amount of indirect

    evidence to support this concept. For the best estimation of the viscosity of water. the

    reader is referred to a paper by Kestin (11 (11. Their cor-

    relating equations involve 32 parameters for calculating

    the numerical effect of pressure, temperature. and con- ccntration of aqueous NaCl solutions on the dynamic and

    kinematic viscosity of water. Twenty-eight tables

    gcncratcd from the correlating equations cover a

    temperature range from 20 to 150C. a pressure range from 0. I to 35 mPa. and a concentration range from 0 to


    Figs. 24.X through 24. IO may be used to approximate water viscosity for engineering purposes. These figures

    show the effects of pressure, temperature, and NaCl con-

    tent on the viscosity of water. They may be used when

    the primary contaminant is sodium chloride.

    Some engineers assume that reservoir brine viscosity

    is equal to that of distilled water at atmospheric pressure

    and reservoir temperature. In this case it is assumed that

    the viscosity of brine is essentially independent of

    pressure (a valid premise for the pressure ranges usually


    The pH

    The pH of oilfield waters usually is controlled by the COfibicarbonate system. Because the solubility of CO?

    is directly proportional to temperature and prcssurc, the

    pH measurement should be made in the field if a close- to-natural-conditions value is desired. The pH of the

    water is not used for water identification or correlation

    purposes. but it does indicate possible scale-forming or

    corrosion tendencies of a water. The pH also may in- dicate the presence of drilling-mud filtrate or well-

    trcatmcnt chemicals.

    The pH of concentrated brines usually is less than 7.0.

    and the pH will rise during laboratory storage. indicating

    that the pH of the water in the reservoir probably is ap-

    preciably lower than many published values. Addition of

    the carbonate ion to sodium chloride solutions will raise

    the pH. If calcium is present, calcium carbonate precipitates. The reason the pH of most oilficld waters

    rises during storage in the laboratory is because of the

    fomlation of carbonate ions as a result of bicarbonate


    The Redox Potential (Eh)

    The redox potential often is abbreviated Eh, and also

    may be referred to as oxidation potential. oxidation-

    reduction potential, or pE. It is expressed in volts. and at

    equilibrium it is related to the proportions of oxidized

    and reduced species present. Standard equations of

    chemical thermodynamics express the relationships.

    Knowledge of the redox potential is useful in studies

    of how compounds such as uranium. iron. sulfur. and

    other minerals are transported in aqueous systems. The

    solubility of some elements and compounds depends on

    the redox potential and the pH of their environment. Some water associated with petroleum is interstitial

    (connate) water, and has a negative Eh: this has been

    proved in various field studies. Knowledge of the Eh is

    useful in determining how to treat a water before it is

    rein.jected into a subsurface formation. For example. the

    Eh of the water will be oxidizing if the water is open to

    the atmosphere, but if it is kept in a closed system in an

    oil-production operation the Eh should not change ap-

    preciably as it is brought to the surface and then rein-

    jetted. In such a situation. the Eh value is useful in deter-

    mining how much iron will stay in solution and not

    deposit in the wellbore.

    Organisms that consume oxygen cause a lowering of attract organic constituents, which remove the free oxy-

    gen from the interstitial water. Sediments laid down in a shoreline environment will differ in degree of oxidation


    I I191111 I I

    1000 10,000


    Fig. 24.8-Effect of pressure on the viscosity of water

    compared with those laid down in a deepwater environ-

    ment. For example, the Eh of the shoreline sediments

    may range from -50 to 0 mV, but the Eh of deepwater sediments may range from - 150 to - 100 mV.

    The aerobic bacteria die when the free oxygen is total-

    ly consumed; the anaerobic bacteria attack the sulfate

    ion, which is the second most important anion in the

    seawater. During this attack. the sulfate reduces to

    sulfite and then to sulfide; the Eh drops to -600 mV,

    H 2 S is liberated, and CaCO 3 precipitates as the pH rises

    above 8.5.

    Dissolved Gases

    Large quantities of dissolved gases are contained in

    oilfield brines. Most of these gases are hydrocarbons;

    however, other gases such as CO2 , N?. and HzS often

    are present. The solubility of the gases generally

    decreases with increased water salinity, and increases

    with pressure.

    Hundreds of drillstem samples of brine from water- bearing subsurface formations in the U.S. gulf coast area

    were analyzed to determine their amounts and kinds of

    hydrocarbons. 2o The chief constituent of the dissolved

    gases usually was methane, with measurable amounts of ethane, propane, and butane. The concentration of the

    dissolved hydrocarbons generally increased with depth

    in a given formation and also increased basinward with

    regional and local variations. In close proximity to some

    oiltields, the waters were enriched in dissolved

    hydrocarbons, and up to I4 scf dissolved gasibbl water

    was observed in some locations. A more detailed discus-

    sion of this topic is given in Chap. 22.

    Organic Constituents

    In addition to the simple hydrocarbons, a large number

    of organic constituents in colloidal, ionic, and molecular

    form occur in oilfield brines. In recent years, some of these organic constituents have been measured quan-

    titatively. However, many organic constituents are pre-

    sent that have not been determined in some oilfield 24-17


    Fig. 24.9-Viscosity of sodium chloride solutions as a function of temperature and concentration at 14.7 psia.

    brines primarily because the analytical problems are dif-

    ficult and very time-consuming.

    Knowledge of the dissolved organic constituents is im-

    portant because these constituents are related to the

    origin and/or migration of an oil accumulation, as well

    as to the disintegration or degradation of an accumula-

    tion. The concentrations of organic constituents in

    oilfield brines vary widely. In general, the more alkaline

    the water, the more likely that it will contain higher con-

    centrations of organic constituents. The bulk of the

    organic matter consists of anions and salts of organic

    acids: however, other compounds also are present.

    ; 0.611 I I / I 1 i- m 0 0.5. ,o


    Fig. 24.10-Effect of temperature on viscosity of water.

  • lustrate the relative amount of each radical present. The 24-18

    Knowledge of the concentrations of benzcnc. toluene,

    and other components in oilfield brines is used in ex-

    ploration. The solubilities of some of these compounds

    in water at ambient conditions and in saline waters at elevated tern eraturex

    determined. x3. f:

    and pressures have been

    However. the actual concentrations of these and other organic constituents in subsurface oilfield brines is

    another matter. It has been shown experimentally that

    the solubilities of some organic compounds found in

    crude oil increase with temperature and pressure if

    pressure is maintained on the system. The increased

    solubilitiea become significant above 150C. The

    solubilities decrease with increasing water salinity.

    Waters associated with paraffinic oils are likely to con-

    tain fatty acids. while those associated with asphaltic oils

    more likely contain naphthenic acids.

    Quantitative recovery of organic constituents from

    oilfield brines is difficult. Temperature and pressure

    changes. bacterial actions. adsorption. and the high

    inorganic/organic-constituents ratio in most oilfield

    brines are some reasons why quantitative recovery is


    Interpretation of Chemical Analyses Oilfield waters include all waters or brines found in

    oilfields. Such waters have certain distinct chemical


    About 70% of the world petroleum reserves are

    associated with waters containing more than 100 g/L

    dissolved solids. A water containing dissolved solids in

    excess of 100 g/L can be classified as a brine. Waters

    associated with the other 30% of petroleum reserves con-

    tain less than 100 g/L dissolved solids. Some of these

    waters are almost fresh. However, the presence of

    fresher waters usually is attributed to invasion after the

    petroleum accumulated in the reservoir trap. Examples of some of the low-salinity waters can be

    found in the Rocky Mt. areas in Wyoming fields such as

    Enos Creek, South Sunshine. and Cottonwood Creek.

    The Douleb oil field in Tunisia is another example.

    The composition of dissolved solids found in oilfield

    waters depends on several factors. Some of these factors

    are the composition of the water in the depositional en-

    vironment of the sedimentary rock, subsequent changes by rock/water interaction during sediment compaction.

    changes by rock/water interaction during water migra-

    tion (if migration occurs), and changes by mixing with

    other waters, including infiltrating younger waters such as meteoric waters. The following are definitions of

    some types of water.

    Types of Water

    Meteoric Water. This is water that recently was in- volved in atmospheric circulation: furthermore, the age

    of meteoric groundwater is slight when compared with

    the age of the enclosing rocks and is not more than a

    small part of a geologic period. I

    Seawater. The composition of seawater varies somewhat, but in general will have a composition

    relative to the following (in mg/L): chloride--19.375, bromide-67, sulfate-2,712. potassium-387. sodium

    - 10,760, magnesium- 1,294, calcium-4 13, and stron-


    Interstitial Water. Interstitial water is the water con mined in the small pores or spaces between the minute

    grains or units of rock. Interstitial waters are .snl,yc,,trric'

    (formed at the same time as the enclosing rocks) or cyigcrwric (originated by subsequent infiltration into


    Connate Water. The term connate implies born. produced. or originated together-connascent. There-

    fore. connate water probably should bc considered an in-

    terstitial water of syngenetic origin. Connate water of

    this definition is fossil water that has been out of contact with the atmosphere for at least a large part of a geologic

    period. The implication that connate waters are only

    those born with the enclosing rocks is an undesirable


    Diagenetic Water. Diagenetic waters are those that have changed chemically and physically, before. during, and

    after sediment consolidation. Some of the reactions that

    occur in or to diagenetic waters include bacterial. ion ex- change, replacement (dolomitization). infiltration by

    permeation, and membrane filtration.

    Formation Water. Formation water. as defined here, is water that occurs naturally in the rocks and is present in

    them immediately before drilling.

    Juvenile Water. Water that is in primary magma or derived from primary magma is juvenile water.

    Condensate Water. Water associated with gas sometimes is carried as vapor to the surface of the well

    where it condenses and precipitates because of

    temperature and pressure changes. More of this water

    occurs in the winter and in colder climates and only in

    gas-producing wells. This water is easy to recognize because it contains a relatively small amount of dis-

    solved solids, mostly derived from reactions with

    chemicals in or on the well casing or tubing.

    Water analyses may be used to identify the water

    source. In the oil field one of the prime uses of these

    analyses is to determine the source of extraneous water

    in an oil well so that casing can be set and cemented to

    prevent such water from flooding the oil or gas horizons.

    In some wells a leak may develop in the casing or ce-

    ment, and water analyses are used to identify the water-

    bearing horizon so that the leaking area can be repaired.

    With the current emphasis on water pollution prevention.

    it is very important to locate the source of a polluting

    brine so that remedial action can be taken.

    Comparisons of water-analysis data are tedious and time-consuming; therefore. graphical methods are com-

    monly used for positive, rapid identification. A number

    of systems have been developed. all of which have some


    Graphic Plots

    Graphic plots of the reacting values can be made to il- graphical presentation is an aid to rapid identification of

    a water and classification as to its type. Several methods

    have been developed.

  • deposited under marine conditions, while 15% were PROPERTIES OF PRODUCED WATERS

    Tickell Diagram. The Tickell diagram was developed using a six-axis system or star diagram. X5 Percentage

    reaction values of the ions are plotted on the axes. The

    percentage values are calculated by summing the equivalent proton masses (EPMs) of all the ions.

    dividing the EPM of a given ion by the sum of the total

    EPMs, and multiplying by 100.

    The plots of total reaction values, rather than of

    percentage reaction values, are often more useful in

    water identification because the percentage values do not

    take into account the actual ion concentrations. Water

    differing only in concentrations of dissolved constituents cannot be distinguished.

    Stiff Diagram. Stiff plotted the reaction values of the

    Reistle Diagram. Reistle devised a method of plotting

    ions on a system of rectangular coordinates. 87 The cat-

    water analyses by using the ion concentrations. * The

    ions are plotted to the left and the anions to the right of a

    vertical zero line. The endpoints then are connected by

    data are plotted on a vertical diagram. with the cations

    straight lines to form a closed diagram, sometimes called a butterfly diagram. To emphasize a constituent that

    plotted above the central zero line and the anions below.

    may be a key to interpretation, the scales may be varied

    by changing the denominator of the ion fraction. usually

    This type of diagram often is useful in making regional

    in multiples of 10. However, when a group of waters is being considered, all must be plotted on the same scale.

    correlations or studying lateral variations in the water of

    a single formation because several analyses can be plot-

    ted on a large sheet of paper.

    Many investigators believe that this is the best method of comparing oilfield water analyses. The method is sim-

    ple. and nontechnical personnel can be easily trained to

    construct the diagrams.

    Other Methods. Several other water identification diagrams have been developed, primarily for use with

    fresh waters, and they are not discussed here. The Stiff

    and Piper diagrams, 87