"prophet ibrahim and idols workship"

“Prophet Ibrahim and Idols Workship” Start

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Post on 29-Jul-2016




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First, I thanks into our God "Allah SWT" who has been giving me mercies and blessings, so i can publising story from "Zaky" and i developing the story became e-book with my design, Secondly, May sholawat and salam always be given our prophet Muhammad Saw the last messenger Of Allah. Third, Respected Mr. Ahmad Makki Hasan as the lecture of Source and Media learning. This is true story about Prophet Ibrahim AS and Idols Workship. Prophet Ibrahim was born in a family of idolaters but from early childhood. that Prophet Ibrahim argued to Peoples and Namrud King, he totally rejected the existence of statues to workship. And make statue with peoples hands are wrong to workship. Ibrahim realized the fallacy of the idol; he noticed that these idols did not eat, drink, or talk, and that they could not even turn themselves right-side if someone turned them upside-down. How could then people believe that such statues could harm or benefit? That reason it was story begin.....


“Prophet Ibrahim and Idols Workship”


True Story about Prophet Ibrahim


True Story about Prophet ibrahim

Prophet Ibrahim decided.He Would show them just how silly their beliefes were.

He made a plan to destroy all their idolsBut he did not tell anyone what he what he was going to do.he what he was going to do.

There was a big celebration soon, which all the people usually go to outside of the town

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

So Prophet Ibrahim waited until the whole town was empty and took an axe.He went inside the big temple where all the idols were kept.Statues of all shapes and sizes were sitting there, covered with decorations. There were plates of food in front There were plates of food in front of them and Prophet Ibrahim Jokingly asked the idols“Why don’t you eat your food? It’s getting cold!”How silly were people to offer food to statues

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

So Prophet Ibrahim started to smash the Idols, one by one until they were all broken and ruined, axcept for one the biggest statue in the temple.Prophet Ibrahim hung the axe around it’s neck and quickly went homeThe next day when the people The next day when the people went to temple to pray to their idols. They were shocked to see all the statues broken into many pieces. They all gathered around the damage in wonder trying to work out who

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

Could have done all of this “We heard a young man talking agains our gods?”They remembered “His name was Ibrahim”The people found Prophet Ibrahimand brought him into the templeThey asked him “Are you the one who has done this to our gods?”who has done this to our gods?”Prophet Ibrahim thougtfully replied “ it was this statue here, the biggest of them at ask that statue, if it can speak” The people became annoyed and said

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

The people became annoyed and said” You know very well that these Idols don’t speak!”so Prophet Abraham replied.“Then Why do you Worship thing that can’t speak or see, or even defernd themselves? Have you lost your minds?”The people looked around in shame.around in shame.Because Their minds and their hearts were telling them the truth is with Prophet Ibrahim, but they had too much pride and wouldn’t accept it if they did, it would mean they and their forefathers were wrong for many

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

Their forefathers were wrong for many generations! They started yelling and shouting” Burn him!burn him, take revenge for our gods!”For several days, the people of the kingdom gathered sticks and fuel for the fireThe fire was so big That the The fire was so big That the people near it were getting burn them selves!

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

Prophet Ibrahim was not scared, because he trusted in Allah and knew that he would not let anything bad happen to himNews of this travelled very far, and people from lots of different towns came to watch, different towns came to watch, the fire was finaly readyThe flames rose so high that even the bird could not fly across anymore because of the force of the heat

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

The people of the kingdom tied Prophet Ibrahim hands and feet and pleced him on a catapult, a machine that would throw him into the fireIbraham was thrown into the air heading staight towards the fire.At that moment, the AngelAt that moment, the Angel

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

Jibril came to Prophet Ibrahim and asked him

”Is these anything you wish for?”

Ibrahim could have wished to be saved from the fire, but all he said waswas

“I only wish for Allah to be pleased with me”

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

The fire submitted to the will Allah becoming cool and safe for Ibrahim.

It only burned theropes tying him and he sat in the midst of the fire

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

Fire as if he were sitting in a garden. He glorified and praised Allah the Almighty with a heart contained only his love for His Creator.When the fire Finished burning, When the fire Finished burning, Prophet Ibrahim walkied out in perfect condition,

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

The people were shocked and amazed to see that Prophet Ibrahim was not harmed at all This miracle shamed the tyrants, but it did not cool the flame of anger in their hearth.

He tried every means to convince them, however in spite of his love them, however in spite of his love then care for dumb and arrogantpeoples and the last Prophet Ibrahim leave them.

True Story about Prophet ibrahim

Name: Firdausi Nurharini

NIM : 14140058

Major : PGMI

Class :ICP-E

Born :Pasuruan,08 November pip

<Sensor for year>

Hobby: Drawing, Writing, Reading,

Eating, Day Dreaming,

Teasing her Mother,

Money Counting (true


Money Counting (true


Family: First daughater from

two sisters

Account: Firda Harini(FB,IG, Telegram)

Bbm (5C897011)


Her boyfriend name is Muhammad

Lenovo( that’s computer? Yeah

That’s Right.)

Motto : She has many motto

You will sleepy if you listen she

Begin talk (Talkactive). Oh God.

Name: Firdausi Nurharini

NIM : 14140058

Major : PGMI

Class :ICP-E

Born :Pasuruan,08 November pip

<Sensor for year>

Hobby: Drawing, Writing, Reading,

Eating, Day Dreaming,

Teasing her Mother,

Money Counting (true


Money Counting (true


Family: First daughater from

two sisters

Account: Firda Harini(FB,IG, Telegram)

Bbm (5C897011)


Her boyfriend name is Muhammad

Lenovo( that’s computer? Yeah

That’s Right.)

Motto : She has many motto

You will sleepy if you listen she

Begin talk (Talkactive). Oh God.