proposal sample 1

This is a proposal writing sample for reference only 1 PROFORMA FOR SUBMITTING R&D PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR SEEKING FINANCIAL SUPPORT SUMMARY SHEET 1. Title of Project: Developing a Web-based Social Networks Monitoring and Management Application Software and Techno-Legal Capacity Building Training Module for Police and Civil Administration. 2. Organisation Indian Institute of Management Kashipur (a) Address Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, Bazpur Road, Kashipur 244713, Uttarakhand (b) Legal Status Autonomous Institution under Ministry of HRD, Govt of India. (Regd under S R Act, 1860) 3. Chief Investigator Prof XYZ (a) Designation: Chair (Administration & Finance) (b) Department Communication (c) Address Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, Bazpur Road, Kashipur 244713, Uttarakhand Tel: 05947-262xxx / 83928-111xx Email: [email protected] 4. Nature of Project (Check one) a. Research, Development & Engineering (RD & E) leading to production capability. b. Application oriented Research, Design and Development (R,D&D) having production potential c. Basic R&D 5. Objectives of the Project a. To study the existing technical tools available to monitor the contents on the web, specially the Social Networking sites and develop a simple, ready to use application program (key word & context based data-mining) for the police and civil administration officials. b. To study the legal provisions under Indian Laws, Criminal Procedure Code and Indian Peal Code regarding the ‘legally’ acceptable use of social networking and “unacceptable” contents on the web and develop a handbook for the officials. c. To study the liability provisions vis-à-vis privacy laws and to prepare a guideline for handling data and monitoring of the cyberspace. d. To pilot the techno-legal training programme for 100 district level heads of police and civil administration (DMs/SSPs/SPs). e. To incorporate the feedbacks from pilot training programmes and deliver a scalable a capacity building training module and application on Social Media/Network Monitoring (self-help product) for police and civil administration officials in India.

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1. Title of Project: Developing a Web-based Social Networks Monitoring and Management Application Software and Techno-Legal Capacity Building Training Module for Police and Civil Administration.

2. Organisation Indian Institute of Management Kashipur

(a) Address Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, Bazpur Road, Kashipur 244713, Uttarakhand

(b) Legal Status Autonomous Institution under Ministry of HRD, Govt of India. (Regd under S R Act, 1860)

3. Chief Investigator Prof XYZ (a) Designation: Chair (Administration & Finance) (b) Department Communication (c) Address Indian Institute of Management Kashipur,

Bazpur Road, Kashipur 244713, Uttarakhand Tel: 05947-262xxx / 83928-111xx Email: [email protected]

4. Nature of Project

(Check one)

a. Research, Development & Engineering (RD & E) leading to production capability.

b. Application oriented Research, Design and Development (R,D&D) having production potential

c. Basic R&D

5. Objectives of the


a. To study the existing technical tools available to monitor the contents on the web, specially the Social Networking sites and develop a simple, ready to use application program (key word & context based data-mining) for the police and civil administration officials.

b. To study the legal provisions under Indian Laws, Criminal Procedure Code and Indian Peal Code regarding the ‘legally’ acceptable use of social networking and “unacceptable” contents on the web and develop a handbook for the officials.

c. To study the liability provisions vis-à-vis privacy laws and to prepare a guideline for handling data and monitoring of the cyberspace.

d. To pilot the techno-legal training programme for 100 district level heads of police and civil administration (DMs/SSPs/SPs).

e. To incorporate the feedbacks from pilot training programmes and deliver a scalable a capacity building training module and application on Social Media/Network Monitoring (self-help product) for police and civil administration officials in India.

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6. Brief outline of the project with specific technology fall-outs:

In spite of the many benefits of the internet, it has been abused by numerous unscrupulous elements to spread hate content against people, communities, religions and various sections. Given the infinite reach of internet, the spread of such damaging content can be rampant and it’s almost impossible to get hold of the culprits. The authorities have to take reactive approach to resolve any issues related to such situation. Against this back drop, this project will study major approaches for accessing information stored on the Web: keyword-based search or topic-directory, deep Web sources and random surfing that follows Web linkage pointers. The success of these techniques, especially with the more recent page ranking in Google and other search engines, shows the Web’s great promise to become the ultimate information system. However, defining how to design an intelligent data mining tool presents a major research challenge. Although keyword-, address-, and topic-based Web search engines already support information searches, data mining will play an important role in Web intelligence because the Web’s current incarnation still cannot provide high-quality, intelligent services. The present project aims to deal with this problem and develop a simple ready to use application program (key word & context based data-mining) for the laymen. Technology fallout: Web-based Social Networks Monitoring and Management Application Software

7. Expected outcome in physical terms (mark as applicable)

a. Specifications of

subsystem/system (as


Web-based Social Networks Monitoring and Management Application Software

b. Nature of documents for

technology transfer Techno-Legal Capacity Building Training Module for Police and Civil Administration.

c. Manpower trained 100 i) Level of training DM/SSP/SP ii) Nos. (industry/outside

R&D / Internal) 100 person-weeks

8. Agency with which link up is

established/proposed Collaboration with following institutions proposed: 1. Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of

Administration, 2. Mussoorie-248179 (Uttarakhand) 3. 2. Bureau of Police Research and Development

Ministry of Home Affairs Block No. 11,3/4th Floor CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi - 110003 3. SVP National Police Academy, Shivaramapalli,

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Hyderabad - 500 052

9. Duration of Project 24 Months (2 Years)

10. Year-wise break-up of

physical achievements with

specific intermediate

milestones (in terms of aims

and objectives)

YR-1 1-6 Months (25%): Research on data mining tools, free & open source software, Legal research on IT Law and related CrPC/IPC issues. 7-12 Months (25%) : Development of Software and Training Modules, Handbooks. YR-2 13-18 Months (25%): Pilot Testing of the Software and Training Modules. 19-24 Months (25%): Finalization of the Software, training modules and resource handbook. Production & dissemination of the software and handbook.

11. Likely End User(s) 1. Civil Service Officers / Executive Magistrates / SDMs/DMs.

2. Police Officials; SSPs, SPS, DSPs, SHOs 3. Judicial Officers.

12. Name of other organizations

jointly participating in the

project (incl org abroad)

13. Total Budget outlay 150.00 Lakhs

Head Year 1 Year 2 Total (Rs in lakhs)

Capital Equipment 30.00 20.00 50.00

Consumable stores 5.00 10.00 15.00

Manpower 15.00 15.00 30.00

Travel & Training 25.00 25.00

Contingencies including TA/DA

for Project review meetings

10.00 10.00 20.00

Overheads, if any 5.00 5.00 10.00

Grand Total 65.00 85.00 150.00

14. a) Contribution of Project

Implementing / & other Organisation in

Total Budget Outlay

Not foreseen in R&D/Training Project. However, contribution will be in kind to the tune of Rs. 50.00 Lakhs against use of institute’s facilities and human resources.

b) DIT Contribution Rs. 150.00 Lakhs

(Dr XYZ)

Signature of Chief Investigator

(Dr XYZ)

Signature of Head of the Institution/Organization

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Designation: Chair (Admin & Fin)

Date____ OCT 2012

Designation: DIRECTOR

Date_____ OCT 2012

Additional Information Required

1. Wherever applicable, Under S.No.13, share of the industry, collaborating agency, any other

assistance and DIT’s support required in the total cost of the Project may be provided under

various budget heads.

2. Brief history of the electronics company including products being made, capacities, related

collaborators, achievements, capabilities etc. may be provided (including recent annual

reports and company brochure)

3. Please indicate recent major achievements of in-house R&D Unit of the electronics company

in development of new products/processes, technology export, patent taken etc. and whether

in-house R&D unit of the firm is recognised by DSIR.

4. Any other information in support of the proposal.

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1. Title of Project: Developing a Web-based Social Networks Monitoring and Management Application Software and Techno-Legal Capacity Building Training Module for Police and Civil Administration.

2. (i) Chief Investigator: Prof XYZ

(ii) Co-Investigator

3. Other Investigators of the Project with their


4. Brief Bio-data of Chief Investigator and

other Investigators (including

publications/patents) (Please attach

separate sheets)

Attached as Annexure:________

5. Competence of Investigator in Project Area

(Including Industry interaction/Technology


a. Served as ICT & e-Government Specialist with UN agencies for almost 10 years b. Developed ICT/Telecom Policy for many countries on behalf of UN. c. Conducted two major projects under MHRD at NIT, Silchar

6. Other Commitments of the Chief

Investigator and Co-Investigators

(including lectures, research projects

responsibilities etc.) - Indicate the

percentage of time the Chief Investigator

and Co-Investigator would devote to the


Chief Investigator: 25% of time Investigator (AA): 100% of time

7. Details on each of the ongoing/completed

projects with the Chief Investigator/Co

Investigator/R&D Team

a. Project Title

b. Funding Agency (or Internal


c. Brief Project Summary

d. Technical Status vis-a-vis


e. Financial Status (Total Project

outlay, expenditure to date)

f. Duration and year of initiation

g. Expected date of completion

Details attached as Annexure:________

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8. Brief summary of other project proposal

(submitted by any of the Investigators)

awaiting consideration of DIT and other

funding agencies like DST, DRDO, DSIR,



9. Infrastructure and other facilities available

at the institute for undertaking this project.

a. List of major equipment along with

model numbers, specifications etc.

Computers, Networked with 10 Mbps Leased Line connectivity

b. Existing manpower and other

personnel with names available for

the project on full-time basis.

1. Academic Associate 2. System Admin 3. Network Assistant

10. Expensive Equipment / facilities available

elsewhere which could be made use of for

the project.

Dept. of Computer and Information Technology Gauhati University, Guwahati 781014

11. Details of collaborating agencies, if any

Dept. of Computer and Information Technology Gauhati University, Guwahati 781014

12. Additional information, if any


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1. Aim and Scope of the project (in terms of specific physical achievement)

The project aims to study the existing technical tools available to monitor the contents on the web, specially the Social Networking sites and develop a simple, ready to use application program software (key word & context based data-mining) for the police and civil administration officials. It also aims to incorporate a comprehensive Training Module with supporting Resource Materials regarding the ‘legally’ acceptable use of social networking and “unacceptable” contents on the web and develop a handbook for the officials. The project will test run the Software and Training Module/Materials through a techno-legal training programme for 100 district level heads of police and civil administration (DMs/SSPs/SPs). 2. Detailed description of the Project

The development of simple Social Networking Content Monitoring software that can be used by an average official with no technical expertise, the project will examine various applications and approaches (key word & context based data-mining). It will also test run the Software and accompanying Training Module/Materials. The project activities may be divided into following phases:

Phase 1: Examining the existing technical tools available to monitor the contents on the web, specially the Social Networking sites and develop a simple, ready to use application program (key word & context based data-mining) for the police and civil administration officials. Phase 2: Analysing the legal provisions under Indian Laws, Criminal Procedure Code and Indian Peal Code regarding the ‘legally’ acceptable use of social networking and “unacceptable” contents on the web and develop a handbook for the officials. Developing a resource / handbook covering “dos and don’ts” guideline for handling data and monitoring of the cyberspace while taking care of the liability provisions vis-à-vis privacy laws. Phase 3: Piloting the techno-legal training programme for 100 district level heads of police and civil administration (DMs/SSPs/SPs). The training programme will be of one week duration and conducted in four batches. The proposed Training Programme will deliver a comprehensive module that will equip the trainee officials with the basics of Information Technology Law, its cross-cutting links with the Indian Penal Code, Monitoring tools for Social networking sites, defamation, data protection and privacy Issues. It will help the civil/police administrators to decide more effectively what kind of contents are in violation of the laws and identify postings as inciting, threatening, racial, damaging or libelous towards others that may lead to violence or break of peace. It will also allow them to examine what kind of data handling is happening against the law. Above all where and how can we draw the line between freedom of expression guaranteed by Indian constitution and monitoring cyberspace, ie, when is it legal and when is it justified?

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Phase 4: Finalizing the software and training modules based on the feedbacks from pilot study and deliver a scalable a capacity building training module and application on Social Media/Network Monitoring (self-help product) for police and civil administration officials in India.

3. Need, forecast and urgency for the technology proposed to be developed with

justification such as importance of know-how, import substitution role, pay off w.r.t.

purchase of know-how or development of technology competitiveness, technology

exports, international alliances possibilities etc.

State responses to social networking and user generated contents have been varied across the nations. Many have commented on the emerging power of social media in the hands of protesters and activists, but it remains a challenge to define state responses to contents in social networking during any outbreak of pre-planned rumor mongering prior to and after any violence in an area. Twitter and Facebook, as well as being possible instruments of protest, can also help security and intelligence agencies to identify and locate activists and protesters. The capabilities of such a surveillance mechanism can be amplified by social networking platforms like Facebook that link an online identity to (most often) a user's real name, place of residence and work, interests, pictures, and network of friends. In august 2012, India has seen a darker side of social networking, as doctored videos of violence in Assam and text messages warning of retaliation went viral in the wake of ethnic clashes the state. The messages have caused panic among thousands of Indians living in metro like Bangalore who started rushing back to their homes in Assam. In an attempt to calm the situation, India banned the ability to send mass text messages which was relaxed later on. A limit of 100 messages per user per day was imposed last year in an attempt to reduce spam and later increased to 200, but this was overturned by the courts in July. India has been aware of the danger of high-tech rumour-mongering and inflammatory content on the site that could lead to violence in India. Facebook, Google and several other Internet firms are presently on trial for failing to remove offensive material from their sites in response to complaints. The recent case of Northeastern students being the target of malicious and threatening SMS asks for not only laws & regulations but a proactive action by police and administrative officials who can monitor web contents regularly and take preventive action against potentially harmful contents immediately before such contents lead to large scale rumours and law and order situations. Hence, there is a dire need for pro-active preparations in terms of training and a capacity building self-help tool for civil administrators and police officials. It is therefore proposed that a system-wide brief and customized training module and a handy self-help learning tool with data mining application program may be developed. With the help of this tool and accompanying resource materials, a District / Sub-Divisional level Civil or Police administrator can act as the focal point where citizens can report such abuse at the very first instance and preventive action may be initiated without delay. These trained officials will have the necessary hands on training in areas of Social Network monitoring, abuse reporting and blocking by third party content providers in tandem with the Indian penal code as well as Information technology laws.

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4. Specific manner in which knowhow generated here is envisaged to be translated into

production, details regarding

a. The end product (with

specifications to be attained


As the project aims at developing a software solution for easy monitoring of social networking space against illegal contents, the (open source) software will enable government departments / police administration to offer this as a handy tool for the officials at various levels. The accompanying training module and Resource Handbook may be made freely available to government institutions and agencies for adoption into the basic police/civil service training programmes.

b. Availability of pilot

production facility in the


All pilot production facilities will be available under the ongoing project.

5. (a) Name of production

agencies willing to

productionize / use and

market surveys if any made

by them regarding demand

for the product

Various Administrative Staff Colleges and Police Training Institutions are already imparting training on cyber-crime and other IT related issues. The proto-type developed under this project may be adopted by one of the institutions or the concerned Ministry for mass production & distribution.

(b) Alternative production /

user agencies.

4. Bureau of Police Research and Development, 5. Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India, New Delhi -


6. Period required for

completing the project

Two years from the date of availability of funds. As the work is to be got done mainly through the Masters/PhD Scholars and project staff, it is envisaged that software developed in the first 12 months will be operationalized and piloted in the succeeding 12 months period. Hence a 2 year period is envisaged to include field trials and validation.

7. Details of work already done

by present investigators/

R&D team in this or other


a. Successfully completed

on schedule

b. Currently in progress

c. Abandoned

The CI has successfully delivered and completed on schedule several international projects under UN agencies, that included:

- Two National ICT Policies & Strategies for the UN - Two regional economic groups’ ICT/e-Govt

strategies (EAC & COMESA) - Conducted extensive, multi-country user survey

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d. Industry



and evaluation studies for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP) and African Countries (AfDB).

8. Summary of similar work

being done elsewhere in the


The present project – combining both key-word and context based data-mining – is a unique work of its kind incorporating technological and legal aspects of Internet-monitoring issues. To our knowledge, no similar work is going on at present.

9. Information regarding

specific intermediate

milestones (year-wise)

By the end of the 1st year : 1. Development of prototype software 2. Draft Training manual/handbook ready for testing. By the end of 2nd year : 1. Pilot study conducted successfully training 100 senior

officials (Civil & Police) on the software 2. Final products (Software, training manual &

handbook) ready for production/dissemination.

10. (a) Specific problems, hold-

ups and difficulties foreseen

in the implementation of proj.

(b) If the answer is not Nil,

how does Chief Investigator

propose to overcome them?

1. Delay in release of funds at various stages. 2. Delay in nomination of suitable officials for training. 3. Multi-lingual nature of the states 1. UCs/Reports are submitted on time 2. Prior nomination/letters of intent sought at the beginning of the project. 3. Feasibility on a multi-lingual version of the training manual and software will be explored.

11. Detailed PERT/BAR Chart

Attached as Annexure: 1

12. Details of possible alternative

arrangements if the Chief

Investigator leaves institution

or is unable for any other

reason to continue on this


Two additional faculty members are to be closely associated with the project including the Director the IIM, Kashipur. One of them will take over as CI and continue the work. Moreover, the project staff will continue to work on the project

13. Name of other organizations

in India/Abroad jointly

participating in this effort,

extent of their involvement,

specific division of

responsibility, accountability

Dept. of Computer and Information Technology, Gauhati University, Guwahati 781014 will extend its advance computing facilities and services of its research scholars (volunteers) to design and develop the software.

14. List the personnel already

working in the organization

who would be transferred to

work full time on this project.

All the development work is to be carried out by Masters/PhD students in 2nd year project and by Project Engineers to be recruited temporarily for trials, training and monitoring work.

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15. Name of experts whom the

Chief Investigator would

invite to join the proj team as

full time/part time member

No full time experts will be required. However, if required, consultation on specific issues will be arranged.

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Table - 1 Yearly Break-up

Budget requirements for the Year (Please provide separate breakup for each year of the project




Head Yr-1

(In Lakh



(In Lakh



(In Lakh


Part 3 to be

borne by

participating /

other org

Amt payable

by DIT

(In Lakh Rs)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 Capital Equipment 30.00 20.00 50.00 50.00

2 Consumable stores 5.00 10.00 15.00 15.00

3 Manpower 15.00 15.00 30.00 30.00

4 Travel & Training 25.00 25.00 25.00

5 Contingencies

including TA/DA

for Project review


10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00

6 Overheads, if any 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00

Total 65.00 85.00 150.00 150.00

Table II: Subsystem wise Break-up



Item description

Capital Equipment

Total cost

(In Lakh Rs)


1 Computers 10.00

2 Software 10.00

3 Peripherals 5.00

4 Communication & Networking equipment 5.00

Total 30.00


5 Software reproduction equipment 5.00

6 High end Servers and Data Mining Software 10.00

7 Communication & Networking and training lab equipment 5.00

Total 20.00

Grand Total 50.00

Table-III Manpower Details




Scientific/Technical posts



No of


Total expenditure Total

salary Year 1 Year 2

1 Networking & Cyber

Security Engineer

25,000 2 6,00,000 6,00,000 12,00,000

2 Cyber Law Expert / Trainer 25,000 2 6,00,000 6,00,000 12,00,000

3 Project Manager 15,000 1 1,80,000 1,80,000 3,60,000

4 Project Assistant 10,000 1 1,20,000 1,20,000 2,40,000

Total 15,00,000 15,00,000 30,00,000

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The grant is for the specific project as approved by Department of Information Technology

(DIT) and shall be subject to the following conditions:

1. The grant amount shall be spent for the project within the specified time,

2. Any portion of the grant which is not ultimately required for expenditure for the approved

purposes shall be duly surrendered to DIT.

3. The grantee institution shall maintain an audited record in the form of a register in the

prescribed proforma for permanent, semi-permanent assets acquired solely or mainly out

of DIT grant;

4. The assets referred to in (ii) above will be property of DIT and should not, without prior

sanction of DIT, be disposed off or encumbered or utilised for the purposes other than

those for which the grant has been sanctioned. An undertaking shall be given by the

grantee institution that they agree to be governed by these conditions;

5. At the conclusion of the project, DIT will be free to sell or otherwise dispose of the assets

which are the property of DIT and grantee institution shall render to DIT the necessary

facilities for facilitating the sale of these assets;

6. The grantee institution shall send to the Department of Information Technology at the

end of each financial year as well as at the time of seeking further instalments of the grant

a list of assets referred to in (ii) above;

7. Should at any time grantee institution cease to exist, such assets etc., shall revert to DIT;

8. The grantee institution shall render progress-cum-achievement reports at interval of not

exceeding six months on the progress made on all aspects of the project including

expenditure incurred on various approved items during the period.

9. The grantee institution shall render an audited statement of accounts to DIT.

10. The audited statement of accounts relating to grants given during financial year together

with the comments of the auditor regarding the observance of the conditions governing

the grant should be forwarded to the Department of Information Technology within six

months following the end of the relevant financial year;

11. The utilisation of grant for the intended purposes will be looked into by the Auditor of

grantee institution according to the directives issued by the Government of India at the

instance of the Comptroller and Auditor General and the specific mention about it will be

made in the audit report;

12. DIT or its nominee/s will have the right of access to the books and accounts of the

grantee institution for which a reasonable prior notice would be given;

13. The grantee institution should maintain separate audited account for the project. If it is

found expedient to keep a part or whole of the grant in a bank account earning interest,

the interest, thus earned should be reported to this Department. The interest so earned

will be treated as a credit to the grantee to be adjusted towards future instalment of the


14. Sale proceeds of components, prototype, pilot project etc. fabricated as a result of the

development of the project arising directly from funds granted by Department of

Information Technology, shall be remitted to DIT;

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15. The know-how generated by the project shall be property of DIT. Any receipt by way of

sale of knowhow transfer, royalties etc shall accrue to DIT. DIT may, in its discretion,

allow or direct a portion of such receipts to be retained by the grantee organisation;

16. DIT will have the right to call for drawings, specifications and other data necessary to

enable the transfer of know-how to other parties and the grantee shall supply all the

needed data at the request of DIT;

17. Application by grantee institution for any other financial assistance or receipt of

grant/loan from any other Agency/Ministry/Department for this project should have the

prior approval of Department of Information Technology.

18. The Grantee institution is not allowed to entrust the implementation of this project for

which grant-in-aid is received to another institution and to divert the grant-in-aid received

from Department of Information Technology as assistance to the later institution.

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Endorsement by the Head of the Institution

1. I have read the terms & conditions given at PART IV of this document governing the

grant-in-aid and I agree to abide by them.

2. I certify that I have no objection to the submission of this research proposal for

consideration by the Department of Information Technology.

3. In case the project is approved, I undertake to make available facilities to carry it out, to

arrange for the submission of periodic progress reports and other information that may be

required by the Department of Information Technology and In general to ensure that the

conditions attached to the award of such grant are fulfilled by my institution/organisation.

4. I certify that in case present chief investigator is not available for any reason to continue

work on this project, the following persons will be available to carry it maintain through

to completion:

S No Name Designation

1 Prof XYZ Director

2 Prof XYZ Assoc. Professor

5. I certify that the facilities mentioned in the body of this report are available at my


6. I certify that I shall ensure that accounts will be kept of the funds received and spent and

made available on demand, as specified and required by the Department of Information


7. I certify that I am the competent authority, the virtue of the administrative and financial

powers vested in me by the Board of Governors to undertake the above stated

commitments on behalf of my institution.

Signature of the Head of the Institution

Designation: DIRECTOR

Date:______ OCT 2012

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Title of Project: Developing a Web-based Social Networks Monitoring and Management Application Software and Techno-Legal Capacity Building Training Module for Police and Civil Administration.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Recruitment of Staff

Desk Research

Procurement of Equipment

Collaboration / Partnerships

Development of Software

Drafting of Training Manual

Compilation of Resource materials

Nominations of Trainees


Feedback incorporation in SW and Manual

Final SW, Manual & Handbook

Reporting / UC