proposal workshop manual

 unding Proposals Funding Proposals Participant Manual & Workbook Developed by the Swan Valley Enterprise Centre  P.O. Box 370 Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 Phone: (204 ) 734-3471 Info@SwanValleyCana 

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Participant Manual & Workbook

Developed by the Swan Valley Enterprise Centre  P.O. Box 370 Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 

Phone: (204) 734-3471 [email protected] 

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This workbook was written and developed by the Economic Development Manager with the Swan Valley Enterprise Centre Inc.120–6th Avenue North ~ P.O. Box 370 ~ Swan River, Manitoba ~ Canada ~ R0L 1Z0 

All materials contained therein are the property of the Swan Valley Enterprise Centre and may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

For reproduction permission or for information on the delivery of this program, please contact the Swan Valley Enterprise Centre at (204) 734-3417 or [email protected] 

Copyright 2005 

Planning is bringing the future 

into the present so that you can do something about it now.

~Alan Lakein 

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Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

Table of Contents

Introduction to Proposal Writing ............................................. 1 What is a Proposal .................................................................... 1

Proposal Components ............................................................... 1

The Writing Process .................................................................. 3 

Sentence Length ....................................................................... 3

Energize Sentences ................................................................... 3

Maintain Consistency ................................................................ 3

Clarity & Conciseness ................................................................ 4

 Avoid Deadwood ....................................................................... 5

  Avoid Jargon ............................................................................ 5

Do not Hedge or Waffle ............................................................ 6

 Abstract Words or Expressions .................................................. 6

Use Appropriate Tone ............................................................... 6

Sentence and Paragraph Structure ............................................. 7

Proposal Preparation ................................................................ 8 

 Analyze the Reader ................................................................... 8

Gather Project Detail ................................................................ 11

Pre-Evaluation ......................................................................... 12

Organizing the Information ...................................................... 13

Writing the Proposal ............................................................... 14 

Writing as a Team ....................................................................14

Cover Letter ............................................................................ 15Title Page ................................................................................ 16

Needs Assessment ................................................................... 17

Introduction ............................................................................ 19

Goals & Objectives ................................................................... 21

Methodology ........................................................................... 23

The Solution  ........................................................ 23

Timeline  .............................................................. 25

Client Group ......................................................... 26

 Administration & Staffing  ...................................... 26

Sustainability  ....................................................... 26Evaluation ............................................................ 27

Reporting  ............................................................ 29

Budget .................................................................................... 30

Qualifications & Resources ....................................................... 32

Conclusion .............................................................................. 33

 Appendix ................................................................................. 33

The Letter Proposal ................................................................. 35

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Polishing the Proposal ......................................................... 36

Formatting .............................................................................. 36

Using Graphics in a Proposal .................................................... 37

Editing & Revision ................................................................... 39

Packaging ............................................................................... 41

Funding Agencies .............................................................. 42

General Evaluation Process ...................................................... 42

Top 10 Reasons why Proposals Fail .......................................... 42

Follow-up ............................................................................... 43

Potential Funding Information .................................................. 44

Bibliography ...................................................................... 45

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Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

Introduction to Proposal Writing 


 A proposal is an offer proposing somethingto be accepted, adopted or considered.

~ Funk and Wagnalls dictionary 

Proposals are written to achieve one of the following objectives…

• win customers and make sales

• boost a person’s or organization’s visibility

• improve organizational productivity by implementing a new idea or procedure

•  obtain resources to fund a project, program or activity 

Workshop definition…

… a document that uses an orderly process to organize a project, programor activity with t he purpose of securing resources to assist with the

successful completion of the project, program or activity.

The main characteristics of a good proposal are…

• Thorough in research and preparation

• Good analytical thinking

• Systematic development of the flow of ideas

• Careful attention to find tuning and packaging


1. ______________________________________________________________ 

2. ______________________________________________________________ 

3. ______________________________________________________________ 

4. ______________________________________________________________ 

5. ______________________________________________________________ 

6. ______________________________________________________________ 

7. ______________________________________________________________ 

Introduction to Proposal Writing ~ Section 1 

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 


1. Once you have written a comprehensive project proposal, youcan submit it to multiple funding programs for consideration.

True False



2. Proposals may be solicited or unsolicited.

True False ___________________________________________________ 


3. If you are successful in receiving funding, your proposal is yourcontract with the funding agency.

True False



4. The proposal will primarily be judged on the relevance it has tothe mission of the organization proposing the project

True False ___________________________________________________ 


5. A formal proposal can be a 20 page document or it can bea three page letter.

True False ___________________________________________________ 


6. As long as the idea is good and the information is accurate,there is no need to worry too much about spelling, grammar orhow the document looks.

True False ___________________________________________________ 


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The Writing Process


Readers will lose interest in the message when sentences are too long.





One idea = One Sentence





Write in active tense, not passive







Maintain same sentence pattern



Exercise: Read the following sentence and use the space provided to rewrite the sentence using proper parallelism.

Plans are to identify clients, providing training , and a reporting system.



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The Writing Process ~ Section 2 

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 


Do not hide your message


 Avoid inflated words _____________________________________________________ 





Exercise: Review the list of ‘inflated’ words phrases. In the space  provided, write a ‘common’ word with the same meaning.

  Anticipate _____________________

  Ascertain _____________________

Cognizant __________________________

Eventuality __________________________

Initiate / Implement __________________________

Substantiate __________________________

Trimming Wordy Phrases

Page 4

In stead of... Use... In stead of... Use...

• The reason for

• Due to the fact that

• On the grounds that




•  As regards

• In reference to

• Concerning the

matter of 


• Despite the fact that

• Regardless of the

fact that




• Is able to

• Is in a position to Can

• In the event that

• If it should transpire

• Under circumstances

in which


• It is crucial that

• There is a need for

• Cannot be avoided



• On the occasion of 

• In a situation in which

• Under circumstances

in which

When • It is possible that

• There is a chance that

• It could happen that





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Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 


No wordy expressions and needless phrases or words







Exercise: Read the sentence below and identify any deadwood that can be eliminated while maintaining the message. Rewrite the message in the space provided.

By the reasons stated previously in an earlier section of the proposal, it is clear that the need for 

a unique, specialized reading program for youth is required to be delivered to the school aged children in our local school. (40 words) 





Eliminate vocabulary peculiar to a trade, profession or group







Jargon = ___________________ 

Exercise: Write ‘jargon’ words, phrases or acronyms that are common to your organization.

  ________________________________ ________________________________

  ________________________________ ________________________________

  ________________________________ ________________________________

  ________________________________ ________________________________

  ________________________________ ________________________________

  ________________________________ ________________________________

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The Writing Process ~ Section 2 

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 


Non-inclusive statements







Convey little meaning to the reader






Tone can positively or negatively effect reader response




Be positive


Exercise: The words and phrases listed below could have a negative 

reaction to a reader. Identify a positive or neutral word or  phrase that could be used instead.

Problem __________________________

It is obvious that __________________________

You must / have to __________________________

You Claim that __________________________

Page 6

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a 

lightning bug.

Mark Twain 

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First and last words in a sentence are important


Topic sentences start paragraphs




Bullets are useful elements



Transitions are ‘roadsigns’ for the reader



Opening & Closing Paragraphs are short



Writing Tips & Hints

• Be sure that every word has a purpose

• Fully write out abbreviations - writer appears lazy

Writing in the third person is more professional• Use gender neutral language

• Convey ‘helping’ versus ‘wanting’ attitude

• Use consistent terminology throughout

• Never write when you are angry

• Readers absorb information faster when it is written slightly below their normalcomprehension ability

Notes: _______________________________________________________________ 






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The Writing Process ~ Section 2 

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

Proposal Preparation

 Analyze the Reader

Gather Details  ____% effort

Organize Information

Write Proposal  ____% effort

Rest  _____ hr s  

Edit & Revise  ____% effort  

Goals of the proposal are to…

•  ________________________________________________ 

 ________________________________________________ •  ________________________________________________ 

•  ________________________________________________ 


Funders do not ‘give money away’, they ‘invest’…

 A local non-profit organization has a great idea to address a 

 pressing concern and has the capacity to carry it out, but unfortunately, it lacks the financial resources to do so.

There is a funding agency that has the same concerns as the organization and it has funds, but alas, it lacks the ideas and the people to carry out the work.

 Aha! If these two can effectively come together to share their resources, the result will be a dynamic collaboration between 

 project partners! What a beautiful thing! 

Questions to answer…

• What are the agency’s needs and priorities?

• Is there a good match between the project and the

funding agency?• What does the reader want to know?

• What does the reader need to know?

• Do you need to create an emotional response?

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Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

The checklist on the next page can be used to gather useful information about thefunding program and the funding agency. The information will be used to determinecompatibility between the funder and your program, and also to help guide in the writingof the proposal should you decide to proceed.

Sources of Funding Program information…•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

 Always do your homework before you contact the funding agency directly…

• Shows funder you are familiar with the program

• Respects the agency contact’s time by only asking questions not answered inagency literature (printed or electronic)

Funding Program Guidelines 

•  Agency’s objectives & priorities Eligible and ineligible expenses

• Eligibility criteria Evaluation process and criteria

• Submission deadline(s) Proposal review timeline

•  Acceptable proposal format Contact for more information

• Budget detail to include

Notes: _______________________________________________________________ 

 ______________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________ 





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Proposal Preparation~ Section 3 

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

 Agency Objectives, Priorities & Needs 

key goals of the organization

projects approved in the past

similar projects that have been approved

Proposal Development 

application deadline - delivery date or postmark 

agency ability to review draft before final submission

partnerships - an advantage or a necessity

reporting system is required


level of detail required in budget

eligible expenses (ie. rent, tax on purchases, travel)

eligible in-kind contributions

program pricing guidelines - travel, meals, et cetera

partner funding guidelines (ie. maximum governmentcontributions)

expenditure proof to be provided


number of copies required

special package requirements

proposal to be sent as hard and / or electronic copy

address for proposal submission; to whose attention


decision making process - request copy of scoresheet

most important criteria

decision makers

Funding Program 

maximum amount of funding available

average size of funding provided percentage of applications received that are funded

typically provide the full amount requested or a portion

Page 10

Funding Agency



Funding Program



Proposed Project



Other Information







 _______________  _______________ 







Gather info from:

• Past recipients

• Past proposals

• Program guide

•  Agency website

• Printed materials

•  Agency Contact

 Funding Program Checklist 

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Sources of information…

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

 At this point, you only need to identify an overall picture of the areas listed. Additionaldetails will be developed later in the process.

 Project Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

 ___ Client group to be served by the project

  ___ Project goals and objectives

  ___ Funding required

  ___ Project start date

  ___ Length of project

  ___ Project partners

  ___ Other sources of funding

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjust accordingly.

Notes: _______________________________________________________________ 







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Proposal Preparation~ Section 3 

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 


Once you have gathered the necessary data on the fundingprogram and the proposed project, you will need to determine thechance of success. Take a moment and evaluate your potential for

success. Use the Pre-Evaluation Form below.

 Pre-Evaluation Form

If the funding program looks like a good match, you shouldproceed with writing the proposal. If it is not a good match, youhave the following options…

•  _______________________________________________ 

•  _______________________________________________ 

•  _______________________________________________ 

•  _______________________________________________ 

Page 12

Element to Consider forSuitable Match between Funding

Program and Project

Poor to Good Match

1 2 3 4 5

Mission / goals / objectives

Client group (beneficiaries of project)

Proposing organization qualifications

Funding available

Timeline for project completion

Detail required in proposal

Other project partners

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

 Writing the Proposal

 Agreeable Point Introduce Idea State Benefits Explain Action Call to Action

 A well-defined proposal will include most or all of the followingtypes of information…

• Statement of problem to be solved or opportunity to bepursued

• Introduction to the project

• Outline of benefits to be realized

• Discussion of solution or method to achieve opportunity

• Project timelines

• Project evaluation

• Reporting process

• Costs

• Qualifications of proposer and any project partners

• Conclusion

• Supporting materials

When writing is a team effort, there are benefits and challenges.



 ___________________________________________________  ___________________________________________________ 












Page 14

Proposal Structure  














1 pg

1 pg

1-2 pg

1 pg

1 pg

4+ pg

1.5 pg

1 pg

1 pg


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Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

COVER LETTER •  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

 _________________________________________________________________ •  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

Content to be included…

•  Acknowledges any previous contact with funding agency

• Introduces organization

• States reason for and amount of funding requested

• Mentions a few points from proposal to generate interest

• Indicates how proposed project furthers funding agency’s objectives and meetsfunding program guidelines

• Indicates project contact person

Page 15


Name, Title (Funding Agency contact)Foundation, Bank, Corporation (Funding Agency)


RE: Name of Funding Program

Dear _____ (name of contact),

(Name of organization) is pleased to submit this request for your review. We look forward to yourpartnership in our cooperative efforts to rebuild (name of community).

Our proposal requests $ (amount of request) to launch our creative adult student revolving loanprogram to provide a matching 50/50 contribution for registration fees to enable the low- andmoderate-income residents of (name of community) an opportunity to further their education.

Our loan model is creative in promoting learning opportunities for the clients of (name of organization). This project supports the (funding agency) objectives to promote educationopportunities in rural Manitoba.

We have secured $ (amount) to seed the program, have pre-qualified more than 50 communityresidents for the loan program and bring a a 50/50 match for every dollar in this request.

For the last fifteen years, the (organization) has successfully located suitable learning opportunitiesfor local residents. We have delivered more than 60 learning programs in our own community.

 Your investment in our project will enable us to continue to effectively serve our impoverishedcommunity and its working poor residents who seek greater opportunities through education.

Thank you for your interest in (name of organization). We envision building upon our collaborativesuccess by developing our adult student revolving loan program with you.


(Name of Chair / President)(Title of Chair / President)

Writing the Proposal~ Section 4 

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

Sample Cover Letter 


Other information that may be included on the Title Page…

• Names and / logos of project partners

• Photograph that supports your project (if appropriate)

•  Additional contact information (fax, email, mailing address)

• Name of the project contact person

Exercise: Develop a suitable title for your project idea.



Page 16

 Assessing Literacy Skills: A Planning Tool for Childcare Providers 

Submitted to: Children’s Literacy Coalition

Healthy Foundations Program

3548 Avonlee LaneOttawa, ON

L4W 5Cl

Phone: 1-800-977-4321

Submitted by: 

Little Tots Daycare154 Playground Road

  Anytown, Manitoba R7G 2N3Phone: (204) 555-1234

Submitted: November 12, 2005

Mary Young . Chairperson 






Project Title 

• Descriptive but


• Use subtitle if 

more focus isneeded

•  Avoid filler


• Single


Provide keyidea of project

Funding Agency 

• Ensures funder

you know who

proposal isgoing to

• Sign of respect

Project Proposer 

• Tells who the

proposal issubmitted by

• Easy access

to contactinformation

Submission Date 

• Used for

reference bythe funding



• Confirms the

organization’sapproval of theproposal


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Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 


Use the Title Page Checklist below to ensure all necessary information has been included on the title page of your proposal.

Title Page Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

  _____ Information is attractively formatted

  _____ Project title communicates meaningful information

  _____ Funding agency information is stated

  _____ Applicant and contact information is provided

  _____ Submission date is indicated

  _____ Has been signed by appropriate person (if applicable)

  _____ Photograph (or clipart) is appropriate (if applicable)

  _____ Names and / or logos of partners are present

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjust accordingly.

Comments: __________________________________________________________ 




Purpose: To lay out the situation and show value in your project (the solution). 

It may be useful to start the section with a 1-2 sentence Purpose Statement that sumsup the need for the project. Rational and supporting information can then be provided.

This section will answer the following questions:

• What ____________________________________________________________ 

• Why _____________________________________________________________ 

• Is _______________________________________________________________ 

• How _____________________________________________________________ 

• How _____________________________________________________________ 

 Needs Assessment Tips

• Do not overkill a point… state it, support it, move on

• Do not be overly dramatic in stating the situation

• Identify other places that have similar needs to illustrate the value of the projectbeyond your project area (transferability)

• Identify any long-range consequences if the need is not addressed now

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

• Communicate urgency, concern and a sense of importance

Use the Needs Assessment Checklist below to ensure all necessary information has been included in this section.

 Needs Assessment Checklist   Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

  _____ Purpose statement is clear and strong

  _____ Stated need is important and alsosolvable (no doom & gloom)

  _____ Need directly relates to purpose and goalsof the proposer

  _____ Target client group is clearly stated

  _____ Need focuses on value to client group

  _____ Need is supported by third-party researchor evidence

  _____ Evidence is up-to-date and specific to theproblem / opportunity

  _____ Evidence is provided in order of importance

  _____ Good balance between volume of infopresented and the size of the project

  _____ Main focus is on ‘solving’ the problem, not

the problem itself 

  _____ Creates reader interest

  _____ Does not use jargon

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjustaccordingly.

Comments: _______________________________________ 







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Purpose: To overview the upcoming ideas for your proposed project.

 “If you haven’t told us what you want by the end of the thirdparagraph, chances are you are not going to get it.” 

~ John West, Phillips Petroleum Foundation 

Develop a strong concept that FITS…

F  ________________________________________________________ 

I ________________________________________________________ 

T ________________________________________________________ 

S ________________________________________________________ 

Key points…

• Make reference to need

• Illustrate why project is timely

• Build upon similar work done previously by your organization or others

• Confirm that situation can be altered or solved within the timeframe of fundingwith positive and realistic results

• Indicate any steps already taken

• Clearly identify the target client group (beneficiaries)

• Clarify where will the project take place (service area)

• Briefly show relationship between funder’s priorities and the project

• State why your organization is suited to do the project (include supporting info)

• Modestly emphasize organization’s history of success

• Highlight any project partners

• Identify and address any existing or potential problem areas

• Briefly note financial requirements (provided, secured and requested)

Notes: _______________________________________________________________ 



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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

Use the Introduction Checklist below to ensure all necessary information has been included in this section.

 Introduction Checklist   Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

  _____ Identifies the proposer and related abilities

  _____ Recognizes the problem or opportunity

  _____ References the purpose of the project

  _____ Identifies target client group

  _____ Creates confidence in the proposer’s abilityto manage and complete the project


_____ Overviews the project methods  _____ Includes total costs, funding already

secured, and amount of funding request

  _____ Clear how benefits outweigh costs or risks

  _____ Is consistent with rest of proposal

  _____ Generates interest

  _____ Is brief, clear and free of jargon

  _____ Language is strong, specific, optimistic andthought-provoking

  _____ States any steps taken to date

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjustaccordingly.

Comments: ________________________________________ 










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Purpose: Clearly identify what the project will accomplished.

Means to an End

Means _________________________________________________________________ 

Example: To provide, To establish, To Create 

End ___________________________________________________________________ 

Example: To increase, To decrease, To reduce 


•  _________________________________________________________________ 

 _________________________________________________________________ •  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 


•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

•  _________________________________________________________________ 

S ustainable

M easurable

 A ttainable





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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

R ealistic

T imely

Use the Goals & Objectives Checklist below to ensure all necessary information has been included in this section.

Goals & Objectives Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

  _____ One-two goals have been identified foreach need determined in the needsassessment section

  _____ At least one objective has been identifiedfor each goal

  _____ Clear overlap between project objectives

and funder objectives  _____ Describes problem related outcomes

  _____ Objectives do not describe methods

  _____ Objectives are SMART

  _____ Define the specific populations to benefitfrom the project

  _____ Identifies outcomes in numerical terms(if possible)

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjust


Comments: _______________________________________ 











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The methodology section includes information on the solution, the timeline for activities,the client group (beneficiaries), staff and administration requirements, sustainabilityissues, and reporting and evaluation processes.

The Solution 

Purpose: To provide a detailed project description that clearly supports achievement of the identified goals and objectives

WHO• Client group to benefit from project

• Benefits to others beyond your service area

WHAT• Clear descriptions and explanations of project activities

• Operational technicalities are clearly explained

WHEN • Reference to previous work done (and when it was done)• Indication of project length including start and end dates

WHERE• Indicate the service area for the project

• Identify specific locations for activities such as training space


• Reference to the needs assessment and project objectives

• Rational behind this course of action over alternatives

• Importance of activities to client group

HOW• Unique and innovation solutions (competitive edge)

• New approach to old ideas

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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

The Solution Tips

• Show clear link between objectives and activities

• Provide specific details that are realistic, practical and logical

• Provide step-by-step descriptions (if appropriate)

• Show careful and thoughtful consideration of issuesconcerning the need

• State any supporting data and reference to its location inthe appendix

• Indicate project will encourage groups to partner to address

need (if applicable)

Use The Solution Checklist below to ensure all necessary information has been included in this section.

The Solution Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

    _____ Flows naturally from problem statementand objectives

  _____ Client group has been identified

  _____ Service area has been indicated

  _____ States reason for selection of activities,noting alternate solutions (if applicable)

  _____ Clearly describes program activities

  _____ Reasonable scope of activities that can beaccomplished in the time allotted

  _____ Identifies length of program

  _____ Activities can reasonably be completed

with the available / identified resources  _____ Ability of proposer to complete the tasks

is apparent

  _____ Appendix items are referred to

  _____ Shows creativity and innovation

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjust

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Swan Valley Enterprise Centre  AdjustProject


Comments: ________________________________________ 

 ____________________________________________________  ____________________________________________________ 






Purpose: To illustrate the timing sequence of 

  project completion date 

When developingthe structure of yourtimeline…

• Considerevery project


• Ensure the timeline is clear, complete, accurate and realistic

Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Recruit new staff   

Staff training  Prepare program material    

Recruit 50 participants    

Conduct program  


Project Task Date of Completio n

Recruit new staff January 25

Staff training February 18

Prepare program material March 31

Recruit 50 participants April 5

Conduct program April 28

Evaluation May 15








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Writing Funding P roposals 

Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

• Ensure it fits with the needs of clients, partners or resourcesinvolved

• Could use charts, graphs or tables to show tasks andsubtasks

Gantt chart: a time-phased bar chart that represents the timing andduration of the various sequential phases of a project.

Table: a table that indicates the tasks to be completed and theplanned completion date

Flowchart:  is a means of visually presenting the sequence of 

operations to be performed

Client Group

Purpose: To clearly identify the beneficiaries of the project  

This section should provide information on the following…

• Service area of the project (geographic, departmental, etc.)

• Client group particulars

• Support from the client group

• Involvement of client group in preparation of project

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Swan Valley Enterprise Centre 

• Other agencies involved with the client group and any participation in the project

• Benefit to funder in assisting the client group

 Administration & Staffing 

Purpose: To clarify the project’s need for organizational and human resources 

 Administration of the project is a very important aspect.

•  Administrative plan

• Existence, characteristics and responsibilities of a steering committee

• Note in-kind contributions

Staffing includes permanent, casual and contract staff including consultants. This may ormay not be a requirement of your project, but if it is, incorporate the followinginformation into this section…

• Qualifications of existing personnel

• Role and importance of each position

• Note in-kind contributions


Purpose: To show the long-term capacity of project 

The funding agency will need to know if the project is finite (defined start & end dates)or is intended to be on-going. If it is expected to continue past the term of funding,describe how this will be achieved.

Continued or new project partner involvement• Project self-sufficiency or ability to generate revenue

•  Attractive to other funding agencies


Purpose: Provide data to determine effectiveness of project as related to the stated goals and objectives 

Formative: Evaluates ________________________ 





Summative: Evaluates _______________________ 


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Outside evaluator• May be more objective

• May assist with design of evaluation program

• Reputation may enhance (or detract) from project credibility

• Will likely involve a cost

Inside evaluator

• Greater knowledge of project issues

• May be hesitant to provide accurate negative results

• May not have necessary skills

Steps to designing an evaluation

1. Confirm project objectives are clear and measurable

2. Determine potential audience for the results

3. Identify information audience will need

4. Determine evaluation type (formative, summative or both)

5. Clarify if cost vs. benefit analysis is to be included

6. Determine if evaluation will be completed by an outsideevaluator or someone within the organization

7. Determine how the data will be collected

8. Identify how the data will be analyzed

9. Determine how the information will be reported

Use Evaluation Checklist below to ensure all necessary information has been included.

 Evaluation Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

    _____ Formative evaluation techniques have

been clearly identified    _____ Indicates how formative results will be

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used for program improvements

    _____ Summative evaluation techniques have been clearly identified

    _____ Indicates who will do the evaluation and why

    _____ Defines the evaluation criteria

    _____ Defines the data gathering methods

    _____ Explains test instruments to be used (survey, interviews, etc.)

    _____ Describes data analysis process

    _____ Test instruments have been included in the Appendix

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjust accordingly.

Comments: ________________________________________ 


 ____________________________________________________  ____________________________________________________ 








Purpose: To identify process of sharing project results 

Methods for sharing results…

  _______________________ _______________________ 

  _______________________ _______________________ 

  _______________________ _______________________ 

  _______________________ _______________________ 

  _______________________ _______________________ 

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Notes: _______ 
























Use Reporting Checklist below to ensure all necessary information 

has been included.

 Reporting Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

    _____ Describes reports to be produced

    _____ Identifies the recipients of results

    _____ Identifies the type of data to be included

    _____ Identifies the methods of sharing the

results    _____ Includes timeline for completing and

sharing results

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjustaccordingly.



Purpose: To provide details regarding a costs and revenue sources 

Steps to preparing a budget…

1. Review narrative and itemize all potential project costs



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2. Research actual costs


 ___________________________________________________ 3. Determine eligible and ineligible expenses


4. Confirm internal, partner and in-kind funding





5. Identify other sources of revenue


6. Develop budget following categories provided by funder



Proposer Project ABC



Personnel: wages, salary, benefits

11 months x $1000 plus 11% MERCS 4,000 6,000 2,000 12,000

Consulting services 5,000 5,000

Training 1  2,500 1,500 4,000

Materials & supplies

Communication: phone, postage, fax, I-net 1,000 1,500 2,500

 Advertising & mark eting 3,000 500 3,500

Rent of lease of facilities 4,000 4,000

Travel 1,500 500 2,000

Equipment, instruments, tools 500 500 1,000

Reporting 500 500 1,000

Evaluation 500 1,500 2,000

 Administration fees 3,000 3,000

Other expenses 500 500 1,000

TOTALS $7,000 $3,000 $18,500 $13,500 $31,000

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7. Check for accuracy in numbers


8. Have someone else review

Sample Detailed Budget 1 Revenue received from training registrations

Use the Budget Checklist below to ensure all necessary information has been included.

Budget Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

    _____ Categories meet funding programrequirements

    _____ All expenses are included

    _____ Costs have been verified for accuracy

    _____ All revenue sources are included

    _____ Other sources of contributions have beenconfirmed

    _____ Appropriate level of detail is provided

    _____ Footnotes are complete and accurate

    _____ Funding request meets funding guidelines

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjustaccordingly.


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Purpose: To assure funding agency that the proposer possesses or has access to the necessary skills for successful completion of the project 

Information in this section should support…

•  _______________________________________________ 

•  _______________________________________________ 

•  _______________________________________________ 

•  _______________________________________________ 

Information should be concise and relevant.

• Organization… programs and activities, similar projects involved in, clientele,service statistics, accomplishments, long-range goals, level of expertise

• Evidence of board involvement, key staff qualifications, administrative competence

• Other resources and the skills and experience they bring to the project

Qualifications & Resources Tips

• Do not assume the funding agency is familiar with your organization

•  A brochure or other prepared document may be sufficient

• Focus on experience in the project area

• Incorporate knowledge about subject to portray expertise (ie. recent HealthCanada survey indicates…)

•  A quote from client, agency or public figure as an opening or as supportingevidence


Purpose: To provide a concise summary of your proposal 

This is the final appeal for your project and should be a brief review of the proposal.

• The needs

• The solution

• Why it is important

• The sources and uses of project funds

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• Why the proposer is best suited to undertake the project

• Emotional appeal


Purpose: To provide secondary information that supports the information presented in the project proposal 

The appendix can include a variety of information, however, itshould only include supporting documents that are relevant andnecessary . If an appendix item is not referred to in the proposal,do not include it in the appendix. Check with funding agency toconfirm items to include.

 An appendix may include the following types of information…

• Glossary

Bibliography• Evaluation instruments (draft)

• Detailed reporting plan

• Descriptions of partnering agencies and organizations

• Letters of support

• Certificate of incorporation and by-laws

• Listing of officers and Board of Directors

• Financial statements for last completed fiscal year

• Current general operating budget

• List of clients served

• Biographies of key personnel or resumes

• Commitment letters from project consultants orsubcontractors

Use the Proposal Checklist below to ensure the proposal will deliver the message that is intended in a positive manner. It may be beneficial to have a third party review the completed proposal and then rate the areas indicated the checklist.

 Proposal Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)    _____ Proposal presents an original idea

    _____ Solution is interesting and practical

    _____ Rational for project is strong

    _____ Purpose is clear and compelling

    _____ Outcomes are clear

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    _____ Outcomes are desirable

    _____ Value of outcomes outweigh the cost of project implementation

    _____ Project is of a manageable scope

    _____ Proposer has relevant experience

    _____ Appropriate partnerships have been identified and secured

    _____ Proposal is focused

    _____ Tone is honest, factual and objective

    _____ Conveys competency and sincerity

    _____ The message is concise and complete

    _____ Writing is comprehensive

    _____ Proposal is professional and attractive

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5) and adjust accordingly.

Comments: ________________________________________ 









 A letter proposal may be requested by a funding agency. Generally two to three pages inlength, it follows same principles as a full proposal.

Letter proposal outline…

1. Ask for the funding

• Reference prior contact with funder

• State why you are writing

• Indicate amount of funding being requested

2. Describe the need

• Only enough detail to raise interest

• Identify project outcomes

3. Provide organizational information

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• Mission statement

• Brief description of programs and activities

• Main client group

• Service statistics

Staff, Board of Director and volunteer information4. Budget Data

•  As part of letter or as attachment

• Comprehensive categories

• Total project budget

•  Amount of request

5. Closing

•  Very brief review of need and project

• Use strong concluding statement

6. Attachments

•  Additional information as required by funding agency


Polishing the Proposal


Document formatting will directly effect how the reader respondsto the proposal. It is important to follow generally acceptedprinciples when writing professional documents.

Follow these guidelines to increase the attractiveness andreadability of your proposal.

• Proper use of white space _______________________________________________ 



•  Avoid ‘Rivers of White’ 

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• Type and single space document

• One or two fonts that are easy to read




•  Avoid closed boxes



• Comparisons side by side or in graphic format



• Text formatting for emphasis only




•  Appropriate space for binding document




Purpose: To communicate ideas quickly and easily  

 A survey done by Statistics Canada showed that one in ___ Canadians have difficulty interpreting a line graph.

Points to consider when using graphics

• Graphics can reduce the overall number of pages in your document

• Use to enhance and explain concepts and relationships… do not overuse

• Say what the reader will see and then show it

• Call each table, chart or graph a figure and number sequentially

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• Give each figure a descriptive title

 An effective graphic is readable, understandable and makes aneeded statement.


• Strong, in-text introduction

• Right-side-up

• In appropriate location

• Picture on left and text / numbers on right

• Simple drawing more effective than complex illustration

• Color can attract, emphasize, clarify and / or decorate


• Message is understood in very short time

• Clear without having to read title or action caption

• Clear to non-technical reader

• Simple and logical

•  Appropriate type for information being presented

• Strong title and / or action caption

Makes a needed statement

• Tells something important to the reader or unique to theproposer

• Illustrates a theme

• Illustrates features and resulting benefits of outcome

Complete the Graphics Suitability Test on the next page to ensure that each graphic element in your proposal is useful in supporting your message.

Graphics Suitability Test 

  Yes No

  Graphic grabs the reader’s attention in less than10 seconds

  Overall message of the graphic is understood in

less than 30 seconds

  Graphic’s message is clear without reading thetitle or action caption

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  General graphic message is clear to a non-technical reader

  Graphic presentation is logical (ie. clear start and end to flow chart)

  Graphic type and layout is the best way to state and sell the intendedmessage

  Message conveyed is one the reader wants to needs to know

  Graphic complements / supplements the text with minimalredundancy and enhances the message

  Action caption matches the graphic, summarizes the graphic andenhances the message

  Graphic sells the theme or feature and the resulting benefits of theproposal


0-3 yes Not suitable, toss and start over

4-5 yes Not usable, major revisions required

6-7 yes Marginally usable, upgrade if possible

8-9 yes Usable

10 yes Highly usable

*Herndon, Dave. “Developing Effective Proposal Graphics.” 


There are three steps to a good and thorough editing check.


Goal:   _____________________________________

Read:   ____________________________________

• Punctuation, spelling, grammar, pronoun agreement, verb agreement

• Numbers (accurate, two vs. 2), indents, page numbers, references to other pages


Goal:   _____________________________________

Read:   ____________________________________

• Clarity, tone, readability, consistency

• Word precision, wordiness, omitted words, redundancy, passive words

• Proper tone, level of formality is consistent, technicality of words match reader

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• Sentence patterns, sentence length, sentence openings,paragraph sequencing


Goal:    ____________________________________

Read:   ____________________________________

• Message follows logical order

• Overall pattern of organization and structure

(headings, bullets, underlining, indents, spacing, et cetera)

• Clear transitions, appropriate proportion of parts

•  Accuracy of index, glossary, table of contents

Common Errors

• Often found at the beginning of pages, sentences,paragraphs, sections

• Proper nouns (names, cities, agencies)

• Middle of long words

• Double typed words (the the)

• Sequences of numbers and letters

• Changes in types of typeface (heading to subheading, bold,italics)

• Next to other typographical errors

• In ALL CAP copy

• Reference to other material

• Text in punctuation sets: brackets, parenthesis, quotations,dashes

• Numbers and totals (check your math and proper placementof commas in large numbers)

 Editing & Revision Tips

• Have someone else proof your document (fresh set of eyes)

• Set aside for at least two hours (24 is better) if you areediting your own work 

• Look for transposed letters (from versus form), missing

letters in words, missing words in sentences• Touch each word and say out loud (slows you down)

• Read backwards to check for spelling

• Read aloud to check for tone, message, grammar

• Read pages out of sequence

• If proofing on computer, zoom in so text is larger

• Double space and print hard copy (provide room for editing)

If you try to write and edit at the same time, you will do neither.

~ Charles H. Sides 

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• Track errors and watch for patterns (ie. double space after sentences or ‘sue’ instead of ‘use’)

• Turn upside down and check for spacing and placement inconsistencies

Use the Editing & Revision Checklist below to ensure all necessary edits have been completed.

 Editing & Revision Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

    _____ Margins are consistent

    _____ Spacing is consistent

    _____ Indents are consistent

    _____ Formatting is consistent

    _____ Pagination is correct & consistent

    _____ Footnotes are narrative

    _____ Only necessary graphics are included

    _____ Proposal has been reviewed for Mechanics, Style and Structure

    _____ An index or table of contents has been included (if applicable)

Review any of the items that did not rate a five (5), make appropriate changes to thedocument.

Comments: _________________________________________ 



First impressions are lasting so ensure that an appropriate package is sent to the fundingagency in the proper form with the correct information. Use the following list as a guide.

• Send an original (not copied) proposal

• Follow any special requirements

• Cautious use of covers and binding

• Environmental awareness of extra materials

• Hard copy and / or electronic copy

Use the Packaging Checklist below to ensure the proposal package is complete and ready for presentation to the funding agency.

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 Packaging Checklist 

  Yes No Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent)

    _____ Binding is neat and attractive

    _____ Packaging is not excessive reflectsappropriate message

    _____ High quality copy is being sent to thefunding agency

    _____ Appropriate number of copies have beenprepared

    _____ Electronic copy is ready for transfer (if applicable)

    _____ Only the material requested by the fundingagency and materials that directly support

the proposal have been includedReview any of the items that did not rate a five (5), makeappropriate changes to the packaging of the proposal.


Funding Agencies


Proposals may be evaluated by an individual or a committee. Oftenproposals will be subject to a short-listing process before going tothe decision makers for approval.

Things that evaluators generally look for in a proposal…

• Understanding of the funding program’s needs and priorities

• Philosophical match between innovative and conservative

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• Realistic and complete budget costs

• Practical proposal activities

• Good probability of achieving objectives

Support from larger community (client group, partners)• Experienced proposer and / or project partners

Top 10 Reasons why Proposals Fail

1. The proposal is outside the scope of the funding agency

2. The subject is not suitable for replicated solutions in other areas

3. The methodology appears flawed

4. The proposer has not included measurable outcome indicators in the proposal

Project Title: __________________________ Date Sent: _________________ 

Deadline Date: ________________________  Hard Copy Electronic Copy

Funding Program: ______________________ Phone: ____________________ 

Contact Name: ________________________ Email: _____________________ 

Expected Date for Decision: ______________ 

To be notified by: Phone Mail Email Fax

Communications with Contact

Date: _______ ___________________________________________________ 

Date: _______ ___________________________________________________ 

Date: _______ ___________________________________________________ 

Date: _______ ___________________________________________________ 

Date: _______ ___________________________________________________ 

Date: _______ ___________________________________________________ 

Date: _______ ___________________________________________________ 

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5. The funding agency is not the most appropriate source of funds for the proposed project

6. The funding agency has already funded the same project foranother organization

7. The funding agency’s priorities and interests have changed

8. The proposed project does not allow for the highest and bestuse of the agency’s funds

9. The proposer failed to demonstrate fiscal accountability

10. The proposer has used the ‘shotgun’ approach in seekingfunding for project


The proposal may have been sent, but the work is not done.Follow-up is important to knowing the ongoing status of thefunding proposal.

• Call approximately one week after submission

• Emailed copy? Request verification of receipt (software andrecipient)

• Determine how and when you can expect to be contacted

• Be prepared to answer questions about the proposal orprovide additional information

• Use a Tracking Form to monitor progress of the proposal•  After decision is made, inquire about strengths and

weakness of proposal

• Send thank you note

• If not approved, can it be resubmitted

Sample Follow-up Tracking Form 

Potential Funding Information

Some sources of funding program information…

• Internet

• Funding directories

• Local provincial and federal government offices or websites

• Economic development office

• Canada / Manitoba Business Service Centre

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1-800-665-2019 or

• Funding agencies at trade shows

• Network of colleagues

• Organizers of similar projects

• Private and community-based foundations

• Corporations

Notes: _____________________________________________ 





















Cramer, Pat and Debra Smith. How to Create High-Impact Reports and Proposals.CareerTrack 

Fischer, Beth A. and Michael J. Zigmond. Grantspersonship: An Instruction Manual. TheSurvival Skills and Ethics Program, University of Pittsburgh