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Quick start guide Propoza for Magento 2 Start here

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Quick start guide Propoza for Magento 2

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Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of Propoza. You are almost in business! This quick start guide helps you set up Propoza. If you need support, look at our more extensive manuals, request e-mail support.

Set up your free account ① Visit select Sign up for Free and enter your details

1 Installation

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Installation Requirements: A Magento 2 installation is required for Propoza to work, please make sure these requirements are met:

① Copy the Propoza files Unpack the Propoza files and copy these to your /app/code directory.

② Execute your database scripts To make sure all setup scripts are executed run the following command in your terminal from your Magento root directory: php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade

③ Refresh your cache After this you need to refresh your cache, empty the folder with static content and delete the compilated files. You can do this in the Magento admin panel or from the command line.

rm -rf var/generation/* var/cache/* pub/static/frontend/* pub/static/adminhtml/* var/page_cache/* var/di/* var/di

④ Dependency injection php -f bin/magento setup:di:compile

⑤ Static content deploy php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

⑥ Reindex data php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex

After completing these steps, Propoza is succesfully installed

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2 Setup

Setup the API connection ① Login to your Magento 2 admin panel ② Navigate to Stores / Configuration / Propoza / Configuration / General ③ Enable Propoza ④ Fill in your sub-domain in the Sub-domain field ⑤ Fill in your API key (Received in your email) in the Api key field ⑥ Test your connection by pressing Test Connection

When the connection test is not successful, compare your sub-domain entry and you API key with

the details in the e-mail you received.

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3 Request a Quote

After the successful installation Test the quotation process. Go to your store’s front-end and add a product to your shopping cart. On your shopping cart page a new button is visible: “Request a Quote”. Click this new button to open the quote submit form.

Note: depending on the theme you use the button may be just a text link on the shopping cart or not be visible at all. Contact [email protected] if you need help to make the Propoza button visible.

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Submit a test request Enter test details in the quote request submission form and check if the new request appears in your Propoza Merchant Dashboard. You will find your Propoza Merchant Dashboard at or via your Magento 2 admin panel under main menu: Sales / Quotes

Learn more Take a look at our more extensive manuals for the configuration of Propoza; translating the module, troubleshooting, modifying the quote form and more:

Online User Manual

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