protecting firefighters workshop summary


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16th Annual

2009 Conference

Meeting Expectations



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16th Annual

2009 Conference

Meeting Expectations


Incorporated the …

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16th AnnualProtecting Firefighters

Preconference Workshop

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This Pre-Conference Workshop …

was part of an ongoing process

May 2009Workshop

Sept 200922

1Commencement of CRC Research D2.3

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Currently lead by …

May 2009Workshop

Sept 200922

Commencement of CRC Research D2.3

Contact Jen LumsdenEducation [email protected]: 03 9412 9605

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Currently lead by …Soon to be

May 2009Workshop

Sept 200922

Commencement of CRC Research D2.3

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The Bushfire CRC and the research have

come a long way to get to this point

May 2009Workshop

Sept 200922

Commencement of CRC Research D2.3

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44 people participated

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in a meeting of

minds between Researchers

Agency & Industry

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fromfire agencies

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fromfire agencies


land management

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fromfire agencies



fromland management

from universities, SES, local government & the private sector


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from every state & territory

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from every state & territoryincluding

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Whybring all these people together


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3 reasons

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1st Conversationsthat deepen agency and industry understanding about the Bushfire CRC Research …

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1st Conversations

2nd Relationships

that deepen agency and industry understanding about the Bushfire CRC Research …

strengthening the links between researchers, agency and industry staff …

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1st Conversations




Practical Action

that deepen agency and industry understanding about the Bushfire CRC Research …

strengthening the links between researchers, agency and industry staff …

ways of getting industry-wide adoption of research resulting in improved firefighter safety

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At the

centre of the workshop

were …

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3 pieces of Research rigorous

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Let’s look at a snapshot of all


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1 Safe Behaviour & Decision Making

Project Leader: Mary OmodeiEmail: [email protected]

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Understanding this …

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Fire Behavior

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Fire Behavior

… is essential to effective

bushfire fighting

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Understanding this …

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Human Behavior

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Human Behavior

… is critical to understand how human behaviours influence safety outcomes

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We all know this …

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The Fire Triangle

Air Heat


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Now we all need to understand this!

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a Human Factors Fire Triangle


king Relating


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a Human Factors Fire Triangle


king Relating


“these factors influence

safety on the fireground”


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One of the key lessons…

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We are good at managing the fire, but not good at managing


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Let’s build on this key lesson and look at

research topic


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1 Safe Behaviour & Decision Making

2 Firefighter Health & SafetyDr Brad Aisbett

Lecturer Deakin University

[email protected]

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“Cutting edge science based on real fireground work…helping fire agencies

preserve the health and safety of their personnel”

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This research puts

things under the forensic microscope


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Firefighter Health & Safety




Cardiovascular Health

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One of the key findings …

across 3 studies


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Firefighters not only leave the

fireground dehydrated

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They actually arrive


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Why is hydration


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leads to ...

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↑cardiac stress

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↑cardiac stress

decision makingabilities

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↑cardiac stress

decision makingabilities

risk of collapse↑

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↑cardiac stress

decision makingabilities

productivity↓risk of collapse↑

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A key message to communicate!

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Manage your hydration

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And!beyond hydration




Cardiovascular Health

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Manage your fitness

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These findings have BIG implications

way beyond health and safety!

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Less fit firefighters get injured more often

Injured firefighters ↓ workforce

Injured firefighters ↑ compen$ation

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is your workforce

Fit for duty??

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And now toresearch topic


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Drum roll please …

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1 Safe Behaviour & Decision Making


3 Information Flow & IMT effectiveness Dr Christine Owen

Program leader: Education and Training Project Leader: Enhancing Information Flow and IMT effectiveness Bushfire

Bushfire CRC –

Firefighter Health & Safety

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One of the key lessons…

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Effective Incident Management... is less about managing the fire

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Effective Incident Management

& more about information flow

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Incident management

is all about managing ...

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Incident management

is all about managing ...


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Incident management

is all about managing ...



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Incident management

is all about managing ...



& On-flow effects

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coordination blockages occur ...

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coordination blockages occur ...

during escalation

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coordination blockages occur ... during escalation

@ ICS Level 2-3

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coordination blockages occur ... during escalation

@ ICS Level 2-3

when multiple stakeholders involved

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coordination blockages occur ... during escalation

@ ICS Level 2-3

weak links between IMT & Firegroundwhen multiple stakeholders involved

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& one more thing …

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During Briefings …

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During Briefings …where one was received!

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Problems in hearing, seeing & speaking


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only 33% of respondents heard

alternative strategies …

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only 33% of respondents heard

alternative strategies …

even in incidents that were complex

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Ok, what ACTION is needed to achieve …

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Ok, what ACTION is needed to achieve …

and …

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… industry adoption of this research

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? industry adoption of this research

… effective decision making

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? industry adoption of this research


effective decision making

a safer and more efficient workplace

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Here’s a snapshot of practical actions

developed by participants on September 22

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the research & implications …

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Communicate by targeting the right people

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Communicate with simple language,

concrete images and …

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Communicate stories from the field!

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Spread knowledge

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Spread knowledge using credible sources

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Spread knowledge & using existing networks

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Spread knowledge & remember Word of Mouth

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Build research into

existing training

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Build research into

existing training

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Engage directly

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Engage directlyAt all levels



Fireground IMT



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Engage directly across all agencies

& organisations

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and finally …

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Practice what we Preach!

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So … who is going to take responsibility

for action implementation?

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So … me is going to

take responsibility for action implementation?

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So … you is going to

take responsibility for action implementation?

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So … us is going to

take responsibility for action implementation?

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all of us is going to

take responsibility for action implementation?

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all of us is going to

take responsibility for action impleme so that …


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… we achieve industry-wide adoption of the research

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improved firefighter health and safety

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improved decision making at all levels …

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a greater capacity for multi-agency

collaboration …

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in times of increasing uncertainty

& complexity!

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What did workshop participants “have to say” about the September workshop?


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I have to do more in relation to the research areas in my agency” Workshop Participant

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The empowerment to go back to my agency and begin to make a difference and guide my colleagues into becoming a HRO* for greater safety and decision making”Workshop Participant

*HRO = High Reliability Organisation

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Participants valued the interactions across diverse participating


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I learnt that people in all positions and levels have the same concerns for their staff and fellow workers” Workshop Participant

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A shared understanding about the level of change needed emerged

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It confirms that implementation of human factors into doctrine is on the right path for organisational change.”

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Consensus about the need for a National approach & at all levels

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The problems we have on firegrounds due to human factors are a ‘national issue’ ...

... and needs to be addressed at all levels, supported by AGENCY HEADS” Workshop Participant

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The importance of scenario planning

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The value of running a ‘worst case’ or ‘what if’ examination of real life scenarios as a training/learning tool”

Workshop Participant

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Ongoing communication about the research is critical

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The importance of communication: personal, agency, interstate, national.” Workshop Participant

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end The

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The Small Print

This Slideshow content came directly from the BCRC Sept 22 Protecting Firefighters Preconference workshop. It is a summary of the (mostly) qualitative analysis that came from the workshop activities and participants.

Participant feedback and quotes are based on an evaluation process held with the 44 participants at the end of the workshop.

The recommended next steps and actions also came from processes at the workshop involving the participants.

Slide story designed by Geoff Brown (Tangent Consulting) in conjunction with the workshop steering committee lead by Jen Lumsden of the Bushfire CRC.

Slideshow pictures were sourced from the AFAC Conference website at, from the CFA and from

Slide design by Geoff Brown (Tangent Consulting). Design inspired by designs from Garr Reynolds of Presentation and the book of the same name.

If you have any questions, or would like a full copy of the workshop proceedings, please contact Jen Lumsden at the Bushfire CRC – [email protected]
