protecting your business - osha's new chemical safety requirements

The Globally Harmonized System of Classifica9on and Labeling of Chemicals

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Are You Ready for the changes to chemical safety standards? December 1, 2013, is the due date for employers to complete the updated hazard communication training for any employees that work with or around hazardous chemicals. The new hazard communication standard is known as Globally Harmonized System or GHS for short. Under the GHS requirements, employees must be able to identify and work safety with hazardous chemicals found in their workplaces and moves all U.S. based businesses from the previous "Right to know" rationale to a "Right to Understand" policy when dealing with workplace chemicals. This GHS presentation given by G&A Partners' Safety Director, Doug Heywood, will familiarize participants with the updated hazard communication requirements to include the new Safety Data Sheets (SDS), warning labels, pictograms, and other key components of the new standard.


  • 1. TheGloballyHarmonizedSystemof Classica9onandLabelingof Chemicals

2. $1.09 3. CIRCA1994 CIRCA2012 LastupdatetotheHCS PartofOSHAini6a6ve Performancebasedapproach Righttoknow Conceivedin1992 PartofUNini6a6ve Standardsbasedapproach Righttounderstand 4. PhysicalHazards Thereare16Classica9ons 5. HealthHazards Thereare10Classica9ons 6. TheOcial GuidetoGHS OSHAAdopted TheUNs PurpleBook 7. HealthHazard 8. Flame 9. Oxidizers 10. Corrosive 11. ExplosiveBomb 12. GasCylinder 13. SkullandCrossbones 14. Exclama9onMark 15. Environment 16. SignalWords 17. Keepcontainer9ghtlyclosed.Storeincool,well ven9latedplacethatislocked. Keepawayfromheat/sparks/opename.No smoking. Onlyusenon-sparkingtools. Useexplosion-proofelectricalequipment. Takeprecau9onarymeasureagainststa9cdischarge. Groundandbondcontainerandreceivingequipment. Donotbreathevapors. WearProtec9vegloves. Donoteat,drinkorsmokewhenusingthisproduct. Washhandsthoroughlyaaerhandling. Disposeofinaccordancewithlocal,regional, na9onal,interna9onalregula9onsasspecied. InCaseofFire:usedrychemical(BC)orCarbon dioxide(CO2)reex9nguishertoex9nguish. Storage Response Preven6on Disposal Precau9onaryStatements 18. H201: Explosive; mass explosion hazard H202: Explosive; severe projection hazard H203: Explosive; fire, blast or projection hazard H204: Fire or projection hazard H205: May mass explode in fire H220: Extremely flammable gas H221: Flammable gas H222: Extremely flammable material H223: Flammable material H224: Extremely flammable liquid and vapor H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapor H226: Flammable liquid and vapor H227: Combustible liquid H228: Flammable solid H240: Heating may cause an explosion H241: Heating may cause a fire or explosion H242: Heating may cause a fire H250: Catches fire spontaneously if exposed to air H251: Self-heating; may catch fire H252: Self-heating in large quantities; may catch fire HazardStatements 19. AllContainersMustBeLabeled 20. 1.Iden9ca9onofSupplier 9.Physical&Chemical Proper9es 2.Composi9on 10.Stability&Reac9vity 3.HazardsIden9ca9on 11.ToxicologicalInforma9on 4.FirstAidMeasures 12.EcologicalInforma9on 5.FireFigh9ngMeasures 13.DisposalConsidera9ons 6.AccidentalReleaseMeasures 14.TransportInforma9on 7.Handling&Storage 15.RegulatoryInforma9on 8.ExposureControls&Personal Protec9on(PPE) 16.OtherRelevantInforma9on SafetyDataSheets 21. Eec6veComple6onDate Requirement(s) Who December1,2013 Trainemployeesonthenewlabelelementsand safetydatasheet(SDS)format. Employers June1,2015* December1,2015 Compliancewithallmodiedprovisionsofthis nalrule,except: TheDistributorshallnotshipcontainerslabeled bythechemicalmanufacturerorimporterunless itisaGHSlabel Chemicalmanufacturers,importers,distributors andemployers June1,2016 Updatealterna6veworkplacelabelingandhazard communica6onprogramasnecessary,and provideaddi6onalemployeetrainingfornewly iden6edphysicalorhealthhazards. Employers Transi6onPeriodtotheeec6vecomple6on datesnotedabove Maycomplywitheither29CFR1910.1200(the nalstandard),orthecurrentstandard,orboth Chemicalmanufacturers,importers,distributors, andemployers GHSRole-out 22. Enhance the protection of human health and the environment by providing an internationally comprehensible system Provide a recognized framework to develop regulations for those countries without existing systems Facilitate international trade in chemicals whose hazards have been identified on an international basis Reduce the need for testing and evaluation against multiple classification systems. BenetsofGHS 23. Ques9ons? Sendallques9onsandcommentsto: [email protected]