providence emergency department recognized for excellence

April / May 2012 “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in every one. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-7 The Spirit of Providence is designed exclusively for our associates and friends: Ascension Health Health Professional Affiliates Medical Staff/Retired Physicians Providence Health Center Board of Trustees Providence Foundation Board of Trustees Founders Society Providence Forum Providence Healthcare Network Advisory Board Ethics Committee Providence Volunteer Services Providence Health Alliance Board of Directors Providence Nursing School Alumni Family Practice Residency Staff I N S I D E SHARING THE PASSION WITH FRIENDS AND ASSOCIATES OF PROVIDENCE HEALTHCARE NETWORK by Erin Rogers, Marketing Project Manager 2 A Letter from the President 2 Protecting Patient Privacy 3 Administrator Spotlight W. Hugh Maloney, M.D. 3 Dream in League with God 4 From the Heart 4 Notes from Sister C 4 Diabetes Management Center Making Providence Proud 5 2012 Providence Champagne Luncheon and Style Show 5 Going Blue 6 Providence Style Show Photos 7 Five Star Vision Winners 8 Providence Breast Health Center Now Offering Swedish Relaxation Massage 8 Providence Experience: Creating Excellent Experiences 9 National Healthcare Decision 9 Symphony Notes 10 Chaplain’s Corner 11 Picture This 12 Striking Back at Stroke The Providence emergency department was named one of HeartGrades’ Emergency Medicine Excellence Award recipients. Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence, continued on page 7... Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence W hile we don’t like to think about it, emergency care visits are likely to happen to you, or someone you love. In fact, over 123 million emergency department visits occur each year. In 2007, our Providence emergency department was re-designed with the patient and their families in mind—with state of the art technology and highly trained physicians and medical professionals, the Providence emergency department is ready to care for you. Each and every day, Providence emergency physicians, nurses and staff work hard to provide the most compassionate, comprehensive care, resulting in proper diagnosis and effective care. According to HealthGrades, a leading provider of comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals, not all emergency departments are the same. The Providence emergency department was recently named among the nation’s top 5% of performing hospitals for emergency medical care. Many measures of quality focus on wait times, door to doctor times and diagnosis. But HealthGrades takes a comprehensive approach when evaluating performance and the Emergency Medicine Excellence Award is “intended to measure the effectiveness of a hospital’s multidisciplinary teamwork and its ability to diagnose, triage and provide timely care to patients.” Only 263 emergency departments across the nation were found to be performing in the top five percent. The CDC names heart disease as the number one cause of death; therefore, timely, proper diagnosis and treatment is of utmost importance: it can mean life or death. With Central Texas’ first Certified Primary Stroke Center and an Accredited Chest Pain Center with PCI, the Providence emergency department is ready for life’s biggest emergencies. The HealthGrades study reveals that if ALL hospitals performed at the level of the Emergency Medicine Excellence hospitals from 2008 to 2010, an additional 170,856 people could have potentially survived their emergency hospitalization. Dealing with any type of medical issue can be stressful, and the quality of care Providence provides is care that you can trust. When medical surprises arise—big or small—where should you go for care? Primary Care Provider Unless you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, seek a primary care physician for treatment and diagnosis. You should visit a primary care physician for illnesses such as colds, flu, and sore throats; minor injuries, aches, and pains; or routine health exams.

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Page 1: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 2

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are

varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working,but it is the same God who inspires them all

in every one. To each is given the manifestation

of the Spirit for the common good.”


The Spirit of Providence is designed exclusively for our associates and friends:

Ascension Health

Health Professional Affiliates

Medical Staff/Retired Physicians

Providence Health Center Board of Trustees

Providence Foundation Board of Trustees Founders Society Providence Forum

Providence Healthcare Network

Advisory Board Ethics Committee

Providence Volunteer Services

Providence Health Alliance Board of Directors

Providence Nursing School Alumni

Family Practice Residency Staff



by Erin Rogers, Marketing Project Manager

2 A Letter from the President

2 Protecting Patient Privacy

3 Administrator Spotlight W. Hugh Maloney, M.D.

3 Dream in League with God

4 From the Heart

4 Notes from Sister C

4 Diabetes Management Center Making Providence Proud

5 2012 Providence Champagne Luncheon and Style Show

5 Going Blue

6 Providence Style Show Photos

7 Five Star Vision Winners

8 Providence Breast Health Center Now Offering Swedish Relaxation Massage

8 Providence Experience: Creating Excellent Experiences

9 National Healthcare Decision

9 Symphony Notes

10 Chaplain’s Corner

11 Picture This

12 Striking Back at Stroke

The Providence emergency department was named one of HeartGrades’ Emergency Medicine Excellence Award recipients.

Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence, continued on page 7...

Providence Emergency DepartmentRecognized for Excellence

While we don’t like to think about it, emergency care visits are likely to happen to you, or someone you love. In fact, over 123 million

emergency department visits occur each year. In 2007, our Providence emergency department was re-designed with the patient and their families in mind—with state of the art technology and highly trained physicians and medical professionals, the Providence emergency department is ready to care for you. Each and every day, Providence emergency physicians, nurses and staff work hard to provide the most compassionate, comprehensive care, resulting in proper diagnosis and effective care.

According to HealthGrades, a leading provider of comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals, not all emergency departments are the same. The Providence emergency department was recently named among the nation’s top 5% of performing hospitals for emergency medical care. Many measures of quality focus on wait times, door to

doctor times and diagnosis. But HealthGrades takes a comprehensive approach when evaluating performance and the Emergency Medicine Excellence Award is “intended to measure the effectiveness of a hospital’s multidisciplinary teamwork and its ability to diagnose, triage and provide timely care to patients.” Only 263 emergency departments across the nation were found to be performing in the top five percent.

The CDC names heart disease as the number one cause of death; therefore, timely, proper diagnosis and treatment is of utmost importance: it can mean life or death. With Central Texas’ first Certified Primary Stroke Center and an Accredited Chest Pain Center with PCI, the Providence emergency department is ready for life’s biggest emergencies. The HealthGrades study reveals that if ALL hospitals performed at the level of the Emergency Medicine Excellence hospitals from 2008 to 2010, an additional 170,856 people could have potentially survived their emergency hospitalization.

Dealing with any type of medical issue can be stressful, and the quality of care Providence provides is care that you can trust. When medical surprises arise—big or small—where should you go for care?

Primary Care Provider

• Unlessyouareexperiencingalife-threatening emergency, seek a primary care physician for treatment and diagnosis.

• Youshouldvisitaprimarycarephysicianforillnessessuchascolds,flu,andsorethroats;minorinjuries,aches,and pains; or routine health exams.

Page 2: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

2 • The Spirit of Providence

Exceptional. What does it mean? Some define exceptional as a “rare instance.” Others say it means “superior, unusual, and extraordinary.” Throughout our Providence Healthcare Network, we are working diligently as a teamtocreateexperiencesthatarejustthis:exceptional! When people choose our ministry for their healthcare

needs, we want them to leave each and every experience they have with us, saying, “that was exceptional.”

Our work toward exceptional experiences is one way of creating a model community of inspired people. Inspired doctors . . .inspired associates . . .inspired volunteers—working together to fulfill our original mission, our engaging vision, and our challenging core values.

Here at Providence, we believe that when our network associate family passionately and effectively presents a transformational vision . . .this will result in a clear compelling view of the future; and, that we will help others understand how clinical and ministry outcomes will be different when our vision is clear!

This cannot be done without four key behaviors: 1) we are relying on our doctors, associates, and volunteers to vividly paint the picture of exceptional experiences throughout our ministry; 2) we are calling our people to communicate with impact—to engage in two-way conversations which will result in a positive effect for everyone; 3) we believe everyone should demonstrate the benefits that come when individuals have exceptional experiences with us; and, 4) we believe that each of us is responsible for inspiring passion and building this true spirit of Providence.

These are foundational qualities that are not optional for us here at Providence. As the faith-based provider of healthcare . . .and, as McLennan County’s largest employer, it is our responsibility to select, develop and sustain leaders who combine these competencies with a deeply grounded sense of personal spirituality for service and a commitment to answer the call to leadership as a ministry.

As your President & CEO, I’m taking the lead role. I’ve surrounded myself with a team of administrators, directors, supervisors, and associates who are modeling leadership excellence and demonstrating strong personal integrity. Together, we are actively engaging our doctors, associates and volunteers to not only live our mission . . .but, to also realize our vision. One person at a time . . .one experience at a time . . .our calling can never be over-stated: Providence Healthcare Network is the one place where people want to come for healing; where doctors want to practice medicine; and, where associates and volunteers want to come to work. It’s this vision that defines our ministry. I cannot imagine a higher calling than the one we share . . .and count it a privilege to be surrounded by people who believe in this work!

IhopeyoufindafewminutestoenjoythisissueofThe Spirit of Providence—from cover to cover it’s filled with pictures and stories that detail theexceptionalexperiencewe’rededicatedto!Onpage3,youcanjoinusinwelcomingDr.HughMaloneyasournewestadministrator;onpage11,youcanreadaboutourVolunteerServicesandtheirspecialValentine’sDayRoseProject;and,onpage9,youcancatchuponourprogresstowardProjectSymphony—oureffortsatBridging the Future.

Remember, when it comes to exceptional experiences, you can count on Providence Healthcare Network,

Kent A. Keahey, FACHEPresident & CEO

Protecting Patient Privacy

Protecting Patient Privacy, continued on page 10...

by Diana Holub, Director of Corporate Compliance

Saturday, April 21, 2012 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • White Hall, Carleen Bright Arboretum

Founders Society Food & Wine Experience

For this festive event, we have quite a lineup of chefs and recipes this year. Our chefs include TV anchor Bruce Gietzen, with the appetizer, Evan Klaras with a “Greek” salad, Chris DeCluitt with a French soup, Johnny Mankin with his famous beef tenderloin, Terry Hayes with his famous recipe, “drunk chicken” and Leah Stewart from the Olive Branch with a decadent dessert chocolate dessert. Glazer’s will once again provide all of the wines that will be paired with this great food! Of course, we will have a champagne toast to kick things off. Watch for your invitation. We hope to see you on April 21st!

Stop! Take a moment and look around you. Look at all the private information surrounding you at this moment. Have you thought about your actions andhowthoseactionscouldjeopardizeyourpatients’privacy?

Scenarios to consider: A firefighter/first responder snaps pictures of a deceased person and posts it to his friends on Facebook with a caption: “Here’s whathappenswhenyouoverdose.”YouTweetaboutthelossofapatientorthebirthofanothertofollowers.AnurseinICUsendsunencryptedpatientdata via a personal communication device to a physician that is never received. Nursing students and their instructor are discussing this morning’s clinicals while having lunch in the cafeteria. Two therapists are discussing a case while riding in the elevator with visitors and other employees. Dr. S. is dictating an H. and P. while in the hallway. Dr. X. is discussing the surgical outcome of a patient with the family in a public waiting room. A unit clerk is reviewing the on-line medical records of several of her colleagues without a need to know the information. A laboratory technician accesses the record of his ex-wife who was recently hospitalized. A physician accesses the record of his mother-in-law who is hospitalized under a colleague’s care.

Page 3: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

The Spirit of Providence • 3

Hometown: I grew up on the East Coast in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Cleveland, Ohio. I have spent most of my adult life in Washington State with preliminary stop in Green River/Rock Springs, Wyo., for the National Health Service Corps, as my first physician position.



Family: I am married to my adventurous wife, Carol, and we have two children who are launched, employed and insured! My daughter, Kate, is the head women’s rowing coach at Williams College in Williamstown, Mass., and my son, Jeff, is an entrepreneur and bicycle shop owner in Oakland, Calif.

When did you come to Providence and what are your responsibilities presently?

IstartedatProvidenceonJanuary9.Astheseniorvicepresidentofphysicianalignment,Iwillencouragephysicians,bothemployedandassociatedwithProvidence, to become more tightly integrated with Providence Healthcare Network. We will work collegially to provide better care to more patients, at a cost that is sustainable for years to come.

What do you think you’ll enjoy most about working here?

The people! Everyone is warm, friendly, encouraging and supportive, and that is what makes this work environment such an excellent one. Working with people—physicians, patients, associates and volunteers—is a great opportunity.

Plus, I am a mission driven individual. Providence’s mission and vision of compassionate, excellent healthcare is right in line with my own personal set of core values.

What drew you to health care?

I knew I wanted to be a doctor since the age of three. Being able to fulfill that dream has been rewarding. I decided to get into healthcare administration inthe90’s,duringthefirstroundofhealthcarereform.Iwantedtoparticipateinchangingtheprofessionofmedicineandthebusinessofhealthcare.Itisan exciting time to be involved.

Considering that you have seen a myriad of changes in health care over your career, from your perspective, what has been the most significant change?

I have seen two significant trends: the continuous development of new medical technology, procedures and medications is remarkable, allowing us to provide better care for our patients when they need us the most. But, the second trend, the unsustainable increase in healthcare costs, is disheartening. These trends somehow need to be reconciled.

Obviously, you will spend a lot of your time at Providence. What are your interests outside of Providence?

Ienjoybeingactiveoutdoors.Iliketoridemybicycle,waterskiandsnowskiinthePacificNorthwest.CarolandIliketotravelandlookforwardtoseeing all that Texas has to offer.

Finally, what is one thing about you that most people would not know that you would be willing to share?

My wife and I have extensive family in Croatia and Italy. I love to visit them whenever we have the opportunity!

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired men and women everywhere to take a stand for something we sometimes take for granted today: equality. Dr. King represented more than that, however. Hislegacy,whichlivesontoday,isoneofjustice,compassionandhope.

Providence’s own Nabota “Bot” Hilliard, Rehabilitation Services, brought smiles to all as he warmly introduced Providence’s 27th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Celebration keynote speaker, Rev. Delvin Atchison. Rev. Atchison is the Senior Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church in Waco. He maintained the atmosphere set by Bot, with a smile that lit the room and words that warmed the hearts of all in attendance.

Rev. Atchison referenced several profound thinkers throughout his speech, but certainly made his point with a reference everyone could relate to. He compared our relationship with God to the scene inDisney’s“TheLionKing”whereSimbagazesintothewaterandconfuseshisownreflectionwithhis father’s. Just as Simba realized, in that moment, he was the same as his father, Rev. Atchison asked everyone to realize they were made in the image of our Heavenly Father and can therefore do all things through and with Him.

Guests were urged to remember Dr. King and his ability to dream big. However, Rev. Atchison challenged everyone to not only follow the incredible example set by Dr. King, but that of a higher power as well.

“Do not dream in the actual, but partner with God to dream in the amazing,” Rev. Atchison said.

Dream in League with Godby Brenna Middleton, Marketing Intern

Dream in League with God, continued on page 7...

Reverend Delvin Atchison

Page 4: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

4 • The Spirit of Providence

Dear Providence Hospital,

This is Specialist Richter of the 236th

Engineer Company, writing on behalf of

myself and my sisters in arms. We are all

so grateful for the gifts we received from y’all

this past Christmas. We sat on a mountain top,

with long days and sub-zero temperatures, and

the constant anxiety of the enemies outside.

Christmas was the first day that we had off in over

a month and it just happened (under a four-star

directive) that all of your gifts got to us on that

special day. I got to play Santa Claus as I placed

the stockings, gifts, goodies and blankets on my

girls’ respective bunks. I wish that you could

have enjoyed how their smiles widened and eyes

brightened as I did on that day. It was so cold,

and the blankets were probably our favorite gift

of all. At the end of the day, though, it was so

much more than blankets and perfumes and

trinkets: It was a reminder that back home, we

had wonderful people who loved and cared about

us, without ever having even met us, and it

helped light our lives in that dark little place

we didn’t choose, but volunteered to go to.

I don’t think I could ever thank you enough

for the perfect Christmas you gave us—it

was a beautiful gift in an ugly place. We

sincerely thank you all.

Many Blessings,

SPC Richter, Jessica,

and the women of the

236th Engineer Company

Dear Providence Hospital

I was a patient in outpatient surgery, and

I would like to thank everyone for the care and

concern I received that day. I especially want

to thank my surgical nurse…I began to get

apprehensive and she patted me on the shoulder

three times…that touch was very calming and

gave me a sense of assurance. That was the last

thing I remember and I want to thank you for that

physical act of kindness. I pray God will bless you

all, and please know you are all appreciated even

though we patients don’t tell you often enough.

Thank you again,

A sincerely grateful patient

From the Heart, continued on page 8...

Twoyearsago,weplantedsomebluebonnetseedsinaflowerpotinthe yard of our house on Colcord. Last year there were a couple of green sprouts and a lot of disappointment on our parts—were those

green things really bluebonnets? So we hoped for better luck next time, and this year, we found a pot full of bluebonnets!

BeingaChicagonative,I’mnotsofamiliarwithwhatittakestogrowthesemagnificentwildflowers,but I understand that it takes all the “right stuff” (sun, rain, time,) to come together to cause the delight we all feel during spring.

So as I reflect on these bluebonnets, it reminds me of the excitement we want our patients and families to experience with their Providence experience—we want them to say WOW, (like I did when I saw our pot full of bluebonnets!) And as everything has to come together to produce the bluebonnet, WOW, everything here has to come together perfectly to produce that Providence WOW.

Each and every encounter a patient and family has, either makes or breaks their Providence experience. From a friendly greeting as they come in through admitting to the compassionate care they receive on thefloorsandtotheirdischargeandbeyond…itallcounts!Andeachofushasaroletoplayandaresponsibility to make it happen.

Ourdelightinthewildflowersisgreatbutitisjustasmallhintofhowapatientfeelswhenthey“experience the Providence WOW!” Youareallgreat! See you around,

Sister CP.S. I’m taking the pot of bluebonnets with me as we move from our house on Colcord to our house onOld McGregor—right behind DePaul!

WOW — Bluebonnets, WOW — Providence!

Diabetes Management Center,Making Providence Proudby Brenna Middleton, Marketing Intern

Diabetesaffects25.8millionpeopleinAmerica.Thatis8.3percentoftheU.S.population—roughly the same as the population of Texas.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, new cases of blindness and non-traumatic lower-limb amputations among American adults.Diabetesisalsoamajorcauseofstrokeandheartdisease.ItistheseventhleadingcauseofdeathintheUnitedStates.

Diabetes can be scary, but the Providence Diabetes Management Center provides patients with the education and resources they need to effectively manage their disease.

This comprehensive approach includes classroom instruction and one on one interaction in order to develop a unique care plan for each patient based on the following areas: healthy eating, active lifestyle, monitoring, medication, problem solving, healthy coping and reducing risk.

“Our main goal is for individuals to self-manage diabetes so that they can improve and maintain a better quality of life,” Aimee Dupree, diabetes nurse educator, said.

Those at the Diabetes Management Center have gone above and beyond to provide exceptional, compassionate care to those who are suffering from this disease. The impact the team has on the patients’ lives is remarkable!

Here’s what patients have to say:

For more information about diabetes education at the Providence Diabetes Management Center, contact Nancy Lewis, RN, diabetes nurse educator and Diabetes Management Center manager, or Aimee Dupree, RN, diabetes nurse educator, at 254-751-4257.

“You guys are obviously making a big difference in people’s lives.”

“I love the class; I’m happy I took it. [It] made me a happier, better person.”

“Aimee showed us everything on how to check my mother’s sugar. She was great!”

Page 5: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

The Spirit of Providence • 5

On March 2, Providence participated in the Colon Cancer Alliance “Dress in Blue Day” to raise awareness about colon cancer. This was the third year the Providence Cancer Program has sponsored this awareness day, and educational material was distributed to over 100 employees and visitors.

TheColonCancerAlliance(CCA)firstlaunchedtheDressinBlueDayprogramin2009tobringnationwideattention to colon cancer and to celebrate the courage of those affected by this disease. Today, individuals, businesses and community groups across the country participate by wearing blue and urging others to do the same. By “going blue,” we hope to raise public awareness and get people talking about this cancer.

ColoncanceristhesecondleadingcauseofcancerdeathsintheUnitedStates.Why?Coloncancertypicallyhasnosymptomsuntilithasalreadyprogressed to later stages—making it much more difficult to treat. The good news is that a routine colonoscopy every 10 years starting at age 50 could help save thousands of lives in this country every year: preventative care can find and allow physicians to remove polyps before they have a chance to turn into cancer, or can detect colon cancer in its early stages when treatment is most effective.

Going Blueby Deanna Garon, Assistant Director of Radiology

On Friday, February 24, the Providence Foundation brought “New YorkFashionWeek”toWacoforaspringstylepreviewfeaturingWaco’s best chic boutiques, a delightful champagne luncheon

providedbyGeorge’sCateringandanexcitingLuxuryRaffle!Over880guestsenjoyedagreattimeforanevengreatercause—thisfestivefashionféte netted over $104,000 to support Providence!

Afterenjoyingcomplimentaryvaletparking,guestsenteredtheBellinireception and sipped on peach Bellinis while visiting with friends, getting their shopping fix at the on-site Providence Volunteer Services fashion boutique and eyeing the Luxury Raffle Prizes! Luxury Raffle prizes included a “His and Hers” Tag Heuer Watch set valued at over $4,000, generously donated by Boozer’s Diamonds & Premier Timepieces; a $3,000 Spa Package, generously donated by NuGenesis MedicalSpa;aLouisVuittonhandbagvaluedat$900;a $1,000 Neiman Marcus Gift Card; a $1,000 Travel Voucher and a Girls Trip for six for lunch, a fashion presentation and makeup/skincare consultations at historic Neiman Marcus Downtown Dallas, with limo transportation generously provided by Limousines Limited of Waco!

We’d like to express our grateful appreciation to all our generous sponsors and supporters that made the 2012 Champagne Luncheon & Style Show a great success!YourvitalcontributionshelpadvancetheProvidence Healthcare Network’s mission to provide quality healthcare services for all, with particular attention to the sick, poor and vulnerable. Funds raised help purchase life-saving medical equipment and services, fund capital expansions and improvements and provide continuing education for nurses—all of which positively impacts thelives of our neighbors, friends and loved ones here in Central Texas. Because of your and others’ wonderful support, nearly $20 million has been provided in grant funding to the Providence Healthcare Network fromtheProvidenceFoundationsinceitsinceptionin1993.

Congratulations to our incredible Development Committee! Their dedicated planning and hard work made this a fashion fundraising event

by Heather Beck, Providence Foundation Development Officer

2012 Providence Champagne Luncheon & Style Show

to remember. We’d like to thank our event Co-Chairs, Development Committee Chairwoman Cindy Hayes and Volunteer Services Director PattyHawk,fortheirtirelessdedicationandselflessservicetoProvidence.Joining them in the planning and execution of the Style Show were Development Committee members Lynnette Allmon, Penny Aynesworth, Sheryl Carroll, Scott Felton, Nancy Goodnight, Johnny Mankin, Sister Cecile Matushek, D.C., Pat Nowotny, Kim Stevens and Jana Whitaker. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped support this event—you are a blessing to Providence!

Thank you to the stunning models for strutting their stuff on the catwalk! Amy Akins, Ashley Munn, Dr. Bill and Amy Peper, Brooke Lewis, Carrie Kuehl, Dr. Chad Latino, Chip and Joanna Gaines, Courtney Pahmiyer,

Holly Helmer, Irene Phelps, James Recks, Dr. Rich and Janyce Haskett, Dr. Jeff and Michelle Sanders, Jenny Peel, Jonathan Ford, Dr. Kai’Iah James, Dr. Katherine Haynes, Dr. Katy Britt-Sharp, Kristin Hill, Dr. Leanne Howell, Lesley Swartz, Libby Starr, Linda Arceneaux, Lisa Salganik, Lynnette Allmon, Marlo Collins, Merle Chapman, Mike and Beth Raymond, Nancy Goodnight, Naseem Khozein, Patty Hawk, Shanna Attai, Sheryl Carroll, Tara Brown, Ted Teague, Vee Kucera and Whitney Richter.

We’d also like to express our sincere appreciation to the thirteen retailers who helped provide a beautiful variety of looks for the 2012 Providence Style Show. Please remember them and shop locally when shopping for yourselves and your families! Ann Taylor Loft, Baby Wait, Chesney’s Boutique,

Chico’s, Dillard’s, Georgio’s Bridal & Prom, JoS. A. Bank, Plum Boutique, Prefontaine, Rock Bottom Boutique, Roots Boutique, Soma Intimates and The Bear Mountain.

Save the date for next year! The 2013 Providence Champagne Luncheon & Style Show will be held Friday, March 22 at the newly remodeled City of Waco Convention Center. We look forward to seeing all our favorite fashion devotees there!

• Approximately 150,000 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer every year• Colon cancer often has no symptoms until it’s at an advanced stage• Colon cancer is up to 90% preventable• You can reduce your risk through regular screenings• Beginning at age 50 (or earlier if you have a family history), everyone should talk to a doctor about getting a screening test for colon cancer

Colon Cancer


Providence Champagne and Luncheon Style Show photos, continued on page 6...

Page 6: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

6 • The Spirit of Providence

2012 Providence Champagne Luncheon & Style Show

Foundation Food and Wine

AmericAn clAssifieds

Runway Sponsor

F.M. and Gloria Young • Equipment Depot • Green Life Interiors • Neiman Marcus Downtown Dallas • NuTone Cleaners • Soma Intimates • The Bear Mountain • Twin Liquors

Special Donors

Ann Taylor Loft • Baby Wait • Chesney’s Boutique • Chico’s • Dillard’s • Georgio’s Bridal & Prom • JoS. A. Bank • Plum Boutique • Prefontaine • Rock Bottom Boutique • Roots Boutique • Soma Intimates • The Bear Mountain

Amy Akins, Amy Peper, Ashley Munn, Beth Raymond, Dr. Bill Peper, Brooke Lewis, Carrie Kuehl, Chad Latino, D.D.S., Chip Gaines, Courtney Pahmiyer, Holly Helmer, Irene Phelps, James Recks, Janyce Haskett, Dr. Jeff Sanders, Jenny Peel, Joanna Stevens Gaines, Jonathan Ford, Dr. Kai’Iah James, Dr. Katherine Haynes, Dr. Katy Britt-Sharp, Kristin Hill, Leanne L. Howell, Lesley Swartz, Libby Starr, Linda Arceneaux, Lisa Salganik, Lynnette Allmon, Marlo Collins, Merle Chapman,

Michelle Sanders, Mike Raymond, Nancy Goodnight, Naseem Khozein, Patty Hawk, Dr. W. Richard Haskett, Jr., Shanna Attai, Sheryl Carroll, Tara Brown, Ted Teague, Vee Kucera, Whitney Richter

Special Thanks to our Retailers and Models

Allen SAmuelS DoDge ChrySler Jeep rAm • AlliAnCe BAnk of CentrAl texAS • AmA nyStrom • AutomAtiC Chef CAnteen Billy JACkSon ACouStiC & tile • BkD CpAS AnD ADviSorS, llp Boozer’S DiAmonDS AnD premier timepieCeS • BrAzoS higher eDuCAtion • BuSh’S ChiCken • CApStone meChAniCAl • CArter BlooDCAre • CentrAl nAtionAl BAnk • ChAnDler Woolley

Community BAnk & truSt • Don & mAryAnn pArkS • eDuCAtorS CreDit union • extrACo BAnkS • firSt nAtionAl BAnk of CentrAl texAS • firSt nAtionAl BAnk of mCgregor

firStCAre heAlth plAnS • fulBright WinniforD, pC • hAmpton inn AnD fAirfielD inn & SuiteS, lACy-lAkevieW • h-e-B • higginBothAm & ASSoCiAteS • inDepenDent BAnk

kenny StevenS reAl eStAte • loChriDge-prieSt, inC. • mClennAn Community College • mClennAn County emergenCy phySiCiAnS • merrill lynCh • nSight grAphiCS & DigitAl DeSign

nugeneSiS meDiCAl SpA • nutone CleAnerS • proviDenCe DepAul Center • proviDenCe heAlthCAre netWork • proviDenCe home CAre AnD DurABle meDiCAl equipment

proviDenCe hoSpiCe • proviDenCe pArk • proviDenCe SurgiCAl Weight loSS Center • proviDenCe volunteer ServiCeS • qti promotionS & AppArel • SCott & White heAlth plAn texAS fArm BureAu • texAS firSt StAte BAnk • texAS life inSurAnCe • trAutSCholD millWork • WACo grounDS keeper • WACo rADiology • WellS fArgo

Stylist Sponsors

AmeriCAn BAnk • extrACo eventS Center • finAnCiAl Control ServiCeS • grAnDe CommuniCAtionS • penDley pArty proDuCtionS & rentAlS

proviDenCe Stroke Center AnD heArt hoSpitAl • rBDr ArChiteCtS • tom AnD mArthA SAlome • WACo CArDiology • WACo Center for Women’S heAlth

Celebrity Sponsors

Photo Shoot SponsorspoWer Control SyStemS engineering, inC. • SpeCiAlty property, ltD.

proviDenCe BreASt heAlth Center

Table Favor Sponsor

Tara Brown

Irene Phelps Vee Kucera Amy Akins

Dr. Katy Britt-Sharp, Brooke Robinson and Dr. Kai’Iah James Lynnette Allmon

Dr. Rich Haskett and Dr. Jeff Sanders Shanna Attai, Holly Helmer and Marlo Collins James Recks, Chip Gaines and Dr. Chad Latino

...continued from page 5

Page 7: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

The Spirit of Providence • 7

1. Lesley Heck, Providence Volunteer Services • 2. Cynthia Mullins, Providence Park • 3. Brittany Milam, Providence Clinics 4. Marie Washington, Providence DePaul Center • 5. Rhonda Baker, Providence Home Care

The most recent Five-Star Vision Award winners have been announced. These individuals are honored for exhibiting the Five-Star Vision based on the six Core Values of our Ascension Health System: Service of the Poor, Reverence, Integrity, Wisdom, Creativity, and Dedication. It

shows in their attitudes, their smiles, and their willingness to go the extra mile for patients, co-workers physicians, and guests. These “shining stars” help to maintain a compassionate, caring atmosphere across our Network. We congratulate them for a job well done!



The message Rev. Atchison emblazoned on the hearts of attendees was clear. Today’s society has progressed far past that of Dr. King’s day; however the road to true equality has no end. If we have the courage to set aside our own meager ambitions and pursue those of God, nothing can stop us. Dr. King paved the way for all of us with unrivaled faith and bravery. Just as he did over half a century ago, we should today, dare to, “dream in league with God.”

Dream in League with God

...continued from cover

...continued from page 3

Providence Emergency Department Recognized for ExcellenceUrgent Care Centers

• Ifyouneedquickmedicalattentionfornon-emergency health concerns after primary care physician office hours, go to an urgent care center. Examples includeearinfections,sprains,simplecutsandburns,andeyeinjuries.

Emergency Department

• Life-threateningmedicalconditions require immediate medical attention at a hospital emergency department.

• Call911ordrivetotheemergencydepartmentwheneverconditionscauseseveresymptomsand/orputyourhealthatseriousrisk.Examplesinclude heart attacks, poisoning, severe bleeding, and broken bones.

Page 8: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

8 • The Spirit of Providence

To the staff of St.Catherine Center,

I would like to compliment the staff of

St.Catherine Center for the care my mother

received while rehabilitating from a leg

fracture. Karen in admissions made her

transfers from the hospital to SACU, and

then to the 3rd floor smooth and effortless for

the family. Teresa, 3rd floor activity director,

was great and encouraged mom’s participation

in activities on the floor and in the community

room. She made her feel special and loved. Peggy,

3rd floor nurse supervisor, was outstanding! Her

care and concern for her patients exemplify the

mission of compassionate healthcare Providence is

known for. The P.T. and O.T. staff were kind and

very helpful to get mom to the goal of recovery, and

able to return to St. Elizabeth Place. And as for

the transportation staff—I don’t think I ever saw

anything but smiles on the faces of these wonderful

men. They were awesome.

Thank you for the excellent care everyone gave

my mom!



To St.Catherine Center,

We want to express our sincere thanks to

the St. Catherine Center for making the last

years of momma’s life comfortable, fun and

happy. She loved her home and considered

each of you to be part of her extended family.

Knowing that she was loved and well taken

care of made being away from her easier to bear.

Thank you for loving her.

The Providence Breast Health Center was designed to look and feel like a spa and our patients receive care with the comfort, privacy and compassion every woman deserves. Our guests areofferedawaffleweavesparobetowearandgourmetcoffeeorteawhiletheywaitinthe

lounge for their exams. Spa music plays softly overhead and the décor features intricate lighting, rounded walls and waterfalls. Our patients often say the only thing missing in their visit is a massage!

In response to these comments, we are now pleased to offer Swedish Relaxation Massage by DixieHelm,LMT.DixieiscertifiedinSwedishRelaxationMassage,pregnancy,reflexology,sportsand other techniques with more than 16 years of experience. She also performs specialty massages with hot stones, bamboo, and aromatherapy. Our guests are booking 15, 30, and 55 minute massages with their mammograms, what a great reward for getting this vital exam!

Youdonothavetobescheduledforabreastexamtotakeadvantageofmassagetherapy.Manywomen (and men too!) come in regularly to de-stress or for therapeutic reasons. Gift cards are also available all year long for those special people in your life. Come put your stress in Dixie’s hands, and relax!

Call 254-235-3535 for more information or to schedule a massage.

by Jennifer Furrer, Providence Breast Health Center Coordinator

Providence Breast Health Center Now Offering Swedish Relaxation Massage

Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.15 minutes - $20 • 30 minutes - $40 • 55 minutes - $65

It takes all units, departments and areas to ensure that the mission of compassion and vision of excellence is provided to our patients, families and visitors each and every day at Providence Healthcare Network. We are dedicated to providing excellent care and service to all and would

like to highlight four high performing areas for their commitment to creating excellent experiences through the care and service provided.

3 East was awarded the Faces of Excellence trophy, which is awarded to the highest performing area regarding patient satisfaction results. Many patients and families provided positive feedback on their Providence experience and one stated, “I appreciate all the nurses and doctors that took care ofme.Theydidagreatjob.”Anotherpatientstated,“Itwasaniceexperience.Theunithadaverycaring staff that attended to all your needs.”

Getting feedback from patients on how we do things well or how we can improve is always beneficial as we strive for excellence with each patient and family interaction. Assistant Director of3 East said, “Becoming the assistant director of 3 East in January, I was amazed at how hard working and dedicated our staff is. Providing excellent patient care is our number one goal and I feel we do a greatjobatit.Iamsoproudofallofthemandfeelprivilegedtobeapartofthisteam.”

The Lab Department was awarded the Excellence Support award by 3 East to for being a big partner and team player in providing the care and service our patients desire.

3 South was awarded the Drivers of Excellence trophy for their commitment to providing compassionate care and excellent service. This is a unique unit which houses our medical and surgical patients as well as our pediatric patients. All patients compliment this unit for the care and service provided. “All of it was outstanding including the nursing care and how attentive they were. They came in and checked on me on a continuous basis,” one patient said. Many other commentsechoedthesamesentimentincludingthisone:“Theattitudeofthenurseswasjustreally

Providence Experience: Creating Excellent ExperiencesbyLoriMexia,DirectorofOrganizationalDevelopment

3 South were recognized as Drivers of Excellence for 2nd quarter. Inpatient PT/OT were selected as Teamwork of Excellence for 2nd quarter.

Providence Experience: Creating Excellent Experiences...continued page 10 sidebar

...continued from page 4

After 17 years of service, Pam Deville retired. Pam began working at Providence in August of 1995 and has been an essential part of the pulmonary department ever since. Pam will continue to work PRN, but has great plans to travel with her husband, Jay.

HappyRetirementPam Deville!

Page 9: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

The Spirit of Providence • 9

Bridging the Futureby Jana Whitaker, VP of Marketing and Volunteer Services

Providence Healthcare Network, along with other national, state and community organizations, is leading a massive effort to highlight the importance of advance healthcare decision-making—an effort

that has culminated in the formal designation of April 16 as National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD).

As a participating organization, Providence is providing information and tools for the public to talk about their wishes with family, friends and healthcare providers, and execute written advance directives (medical power of attorney and living will) in accordance with Texas state laws. These resources are available at

Specifically, on April 16, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Providence will welcome the public throughout the day, with free information about the Vial of L.I.F.E. (Life-saving Information For Emergencies), advance care planning and advance directive forms. This special information booth will be located in the Main Lobby Entrance.

“As a result of National Healthcare Decisions Day, we hope people in our community can be encouraged to have thoughtful conversations about their healthcare decisions and complete reliable advance directives to make their wishes known,” said Michelle Myers, RN, Palliative Care Program Coordinator. “Fewer families and healthcare providers will have to struggle with making difficult healthcare decisions in the absence of guidance from the patient, and healthcare providers and facilities will be better equipped to address advance healthcare planning issues before a crisis and be better able to honor patient wishes when the time comes to do so.”

For more information aboutNational Healthcare Decision Day, please visit or

National Healthcare Decisions Day is April 16 at Providence

It has been fun to see what other Ascension hospitals have used for their locally branded

Symphony logo to personify their ministries: Providence Hospital in Mobile, Alabama capitalized

on their location near the bay, and St. Thomas Health in Nashville, Tennessee referenced their rich

country music roots. When our Providence Symphony team began to think about a local identifier,

the Waco suspension bridge came to mind. In the late 19th century, the bridge significantly changed

commerce. Before the bridge was built, the only way to cross the Brazos River was by ferry. This

proved to be time-consuming and at times, dangerous. To support commerce, the Waco suspension bridge was built, connecting the Brazos banks making

it easier to drive cattle overland from ranches in Texas to Kansas railheads. It remains significant to Wacoans today, as many of you have taken evening

walks across it, or posed for prom, engagement or family portraits on it! The bridge also represents the work we are doing here at Providence, and across

Ascension Health, through the Symphony initiative. A bridge is a structure that allows passage across an obstacle; a transitional passage connecting two

subjects or movements; something that provides a link, connection, or means of coming together.

I like the words “coming together” the most. As Providence moves forward through this exciting new era with the Symphony initiative, and as we get

closer to our “Go Live” date in September, all of our associates have begun to see many changes in our ministry. In some way, each of us will face a new

way of how we work….change is good, but at times, it can be challenging. One thing we do know about the associates here at Providence, is that we are

a team. Together we will find the best ways to lead, plan, create, train, support, communicate and ultimately, make a successful transition to this new

world of standardized business processes. Because that’s who WE are!!

We have a FABULOUS team of associates on the ground working EVERY DAY to ensure that we make this transition as smooth as possible! These

extraordinary people are listed on our Symphony Notes page on FOCUS…please check them out again and pat them on the back, as well as yourself, for the

work you and they have done and will continue to do together as we move towards the future!

Enjoy some trivia provided by our very own CFO, Karen Richardson, who put the magnitude of this great bridge into perspective when she provided

us facts about the bridge from a paper she wrote over two years ago, coincidentally, when our Symphony journey actually began!

• The Waco suspension bridge opened in 1869

• It contains three million bricks

• It spans 475 ft. across the Brazos River

• The tolls in 1869 were five cents per head of cattle

• The plaque on the tollhouse claims it was the longest single-span bridge in the world at the time

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10 • The Spirit of Providence10 • The Spirit of Providence

Providence Experience: Creating Excellent Experiences

...continued from page 8

by Chaplain Shannon Eckley

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” (John 1:14)

The Invitation of Calvary

While we go through the Easter season, we are reminded of the sacrifice that Christ made for each of us. Hopefully, that sacrifice plays an important role in the ministry that we have here at Providence and hopefully, it compels us to love a little harder and feel

compassion a little deeper.

As we walk into the rooms and through the halls of Providence, there is one thing that is consistently visible, the Cross. The cross seems to be everywhere and at times, things that are everywhere can become familiar or commonplace to us. We can become distant to what the Cross stands for and what it means in our everyday lives.

Our mission statement says that we, as a family, are rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus Christ as healer. As we take a look at both sides of the cross, I want to encourage you to again accept the invitation that Jesus has extended to you to be a part of that ministry in an active way. When Christ went to the cross on a Friday some 2,000 years ago, it was not only a pivotal time for all of humanity, it was also the time when He became intimately acquainted with the loneliness, desolation and hopelessness that people so often feel. When patients come to stay with us, they can also find themselves in the midst of “a Friday” in their own lives. How many times do we see people who are hurting and grieving and lonely? Many have concerns about not only their health issues, but also their families, finances and their mortality.

It is in that place that the invitation of the cross comes alive. As those who come to this place to actively use the gifts that God has given to us, we know the truth about that Friday. In Luke 23 it recounts the death of Jesus; the earth became dark as the sun stopped shining. The curtain in the temple was torn as Jesus took his last breath. It appeared that hope was lost.

But we know that is not the end of the story!

Hope breeds life and love. That Friday gave way to a Sunday that would forever change the course of our lives. We have the hope of forgiveness and healing and eternity. That is what we carry to our patients every single day. When we walk into a room and feel the darkness someone is in, we canaccepttheinvitationtospeaklifetothatperson,toprovidehope,tobethesmilethatbringsjoyor the patient listener they so desperately need.

I pray that as each of us plays our part here, when we see the cross, we are reminded that Jesus didcome.HopefullyweareremindedthatHebecamefleshandmadeHisdwellingamongusandthat His resurrection is our invitation to walk with Him each and every day. It’s our invitation to be hope and healing to the spirit of those we work with and those we serve.

Protecting Patient Privacy

Thank you Providence, for starting you year

with donating blood! During our February

blood drive, Carter BloodCare collected 22 units

of blood. Remember, the blood we collect helps

the patients we care for each and every day.

Each unit of blood can help save 3 lives!

Mark your calendars for the remaining 2012 Blood Drives:

• April 18 • June 13 • August 10 • October 12 • December 14

outstanding. They were all just so sweet.”

The Physical/Occupational Therapy

department was awarded the Excellence

Support award by 3 South for being a strong

team member in providing care for all.

These teams are a reflection of our

associates living out the core values and

mission of Providence. We know that

anyone with a Providence badge represents

what this ministry is all about and can

make a difference in creating excellent

experiences. Thank you to all of the

Providence team members for making

Providence an excellent ministry!

3 East were recognized as Faces of Excellence for 2nd quarter.

The Lab was selected as the Teamwork of Excellence for the 2nd quarter.

Blood Drive Results:

...continued from page 2

These scenarios are actual events. The Privacy Rule from the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act has been in effect since 2003 and is not new to any one of us, in or outside healthcare business. It is imperative that we all keep patient information private. Public health information doesn’t refer to just one thing or another. Each of the items below is independently considered PHI—they don’t have to all be together to be considered PHI:

• Information that includes demographic information • Information that relates to an individual’s physical or mental health • Information that relates to the provision of or payment for health care • Any Information that identifies the individual

With the above in mind, think about what is posted on the doors of our patient rooms that could be considered “private.” Signage should be posted inside the patient’s room or maybe on the inside of the restroom door, not on the hallway doors. Patient information on whiteboards should be at a minimum and never include the patient’s full name.

Nomatterourjobdescription,wehavebeenentrustedwiththeprotectionofpatientinformation.Think about yourself and what kind of information you might want shared about you or about someone you love. Remember to only access information if you need it to provide care. Never take photographs in the work environment. Talk to your patients about whom they want you to share information with and honor those requests.

Page 11: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

The Spirit of Providence • 11

Heather Beck, Providence Foundation development officer, was named one of Girl Scouts of Central Texas Women of Distinction. This outstanding recognition identifies women as “outstanding members of their community through individual excellence and high levels of achievement…women who are role models for all of [Girl Scouts] members, girls and adults alike, showing them that with hard work and perseverance, anything can be accomplished.” The Girl Scouts of Central Texas will celebrate the 2012 recipients during their annual banquet, to be held April 19 at the Killeen Convention Center. Congratulations, Heather!

Pictured: Heather Beck, Providence Foundation development officer, is joined by friends, family and coworkers as she is notified of being named one of the 2012 Women of Distinction.

Providence Volunteers Mary Chambers, Denise Kammlah and Rita Self worked together

to arrange 59 dozen (that’s over 700!) roses into beautiful arrangements.

The rose and floral sale made over $4,900! Pictured in the center: Providence Volunteer Neva Amyett. Our volunteers had no trouble selling delicious sweet treats. The bake sale made over $800.

Pictured on the right: Providence Volunteers Norma Russell, Judy Mulhall and Curtis McLemore. Proceeds fund projects that help us carry out our mission and vision of compassionate, excellent care.

It is always important to tell your friends and family how much they are loved….and on Valentine’s Day, our Providence gift shop and volunteers helped us do just that! Many of our volunteers worked hard to make this day extra special….from a gift shop full of sweet treats, cards and balloons to a bake sale and fresh rose sales, love was definitely in the air at Providence!

The fourth graders of Brook Avenue were honored for their academic excellence during a special assembly. Each student who made the grades

to be named an honor roll student was presented with a special certificate. Thank you, Judy Butts, Education, for making the certificates so special!

Loraine Ehlinger and Teresa Gilliam, both of Education, attended the assembly to help present the certificates and congratulate the students.

Woman of Distinction: Heather Beck

Providence Volunteers Help Share the Love on Valentine’s Day

Partners in Education, Partners in Excellence!

Make plans to attend the annual Providence Family Picnic on the Green Lot! Saturday, May 19, 2012 • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Join us for great food, fun and won’t want to miss it!

Save the Date for our Annual Providence Family Picnic!

Page 12: Providence Emergency Department Recognized for Excellence

12 • The Spirit of Providence

Opinions or assertions contained herein are

the private views of the authors and are not

to be construed as official or as reflecting the

views of Providence Healthcare Network,

its staff or attending physicians.

Submissions may be edited.

© 2012 Providence Healthcare Network







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The Spirit of Providence is published bimonthly for associates and friends of

Providence Healthcare Network.

For address changes or corrections, write or call Providence Marketing and Public Policy,

6901 Medical Parkway, Waco, Texas 76712, (254) 751-4070.

Jana WhitakerExecutive Editor

Jana Whitaker, Jonathan Ford, and Erin Rogers

Contributing Editors

NSight Graphics & Digital DesignPatti Neckar




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by Jennifer Jenkins, Stroke Center Coordinator

Striking Back at Stroke

Providence Healthcare Network has attained advanced certification by The Joint Commission. This means that this center provides the next generation of stroke care and has met and seeks to maintain The Joint Commission’s high standards in providing stroke care.

May is National Stroke Awareness Month

The Stroke Center at Providence is committed to raising stroke awareness—giving you the tools to Strike Back at Stroke! It is important to manage risk factors and understand the stroke signs and symptoms of stroke. Rapid recognition and response improves the chance of recovery.

A Stroke is a Brain Attack

The brain needs a constant supply of blood, which carries the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function. A stroke occurs when one of the arteries that supply blood to the brain is blocked or bursts. As a result, part of the brain does not get the blood it needs, so it starts to die. When a stroke damages a certain part of the brain, that area may no longer work as well as it did before the stroke, which can cause problems with walking, speaking, seeing or feeling.

STOP Stroke

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in Americans and the leading cause of disability. It affects more than 780,000 people annually. The good news is that up to 80% of strokes can be prevented if the risk factors are addressed! High blood pressure is the number one cause of stroke. Other controllable risk factors include high cholesterol, previous “mini-strokes” (transient ischemic attack or TIA), diabetes, smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity and heart diseases, i.e. atrial fibrillation. Ask your doctor for tips on managing these health conditions to reduce your risk for stroke.

Act F.A.S.T.

Acting F.A.S.T. is key to receiving proper treatment. It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of stroke and seek immediate emergency medical attention. Emergency treatment with a clot-buster drug called t-PA can help minimize disabilities but it must be given within 3 hours of symptom onset. Remember to think F.A.S.T.

F= Face Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?

A=Arms Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

S= Speech Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Does the speech sound slurred or strange?

T=Time Ifyouobserveanyofthesesigns,thenit’stimetocall9-1-1.

For more information on stroke and stroke prevention, contact The Stroke Center at Providence: 254-751-4036.