province of north cotabato vs grp

7/17/2019 Province of North Cotabato vs GRP 1/43  EN BANC  THE PROVINCE OF NORTH COTABATO, duly represented by GOVERNOR JESUS SACDAAN !nd"#r VICE$GOVERNOR E%%ANUE PIO, &#r !nd 'n ('s #)n be(!l&, Petitioners,  $ *ersus $  THE GOVERN%ENT OF THE REPUBIC OF THE PHIIPPINES PEACE PANE ON ANCESTRA DO%AIN +GRP, represented by SEC- RODOFO GARCIA, ATT.- EAH AR%A%ENTO, ATT.- SEDFRE. CANDEARIA, %AR/ R.AN SUIVAN !nd"#r GEN- HER%OGENES ESPERON, JR-, t(e l!tter 'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s t(e present !nd duly$ !pp#'nted Pres'dent'!l Ad*'ser #n t(e Pe!0e Pr#0ess +OPAPP #r t(e s#$0!lled O&&'0e #& t(e Pres'dent'!l Ad*'ser #n t(e Pe!0e Pr#0ess, Respondents. x--------------------------------------------x CIT. GOVERN%ENT OF 1A%BOANGA, !s represented by HON- CESO - OBREGAT, C'ty %!y#r #& 1!2b#!n3!, !nd 'n ('s pers#n!l 0!p!0'ty !s res'dent #& t(e C'ty #& 1!2b#!n3!, Rep- %A- ISABEE G- CI%ACO, D'str'0t 4, !nd Rep- ERICO BASIIO A- FABIAN, D'str'0t 5, C'ty #&1!2b#!n3!, Petitioners,  - versus -  THE GOVERN%ENT OF THE REPUBIC OF THE PHIIPPINES PEACE NEGOTIATING PANE +GRP, !s represented by RODOFO C- GARCIA, EAH AR%A%ENTO, SEDFRE. CANDEARIA, %AR/ R.AN SUIVAN !nd HER%OGENES ESPERON, 'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s t(e Pres'dent'!l Ad*'ser #n Pe!0e Pr#0ess, Respondents. x--------------------------------------------x THE CIT. OF IIGAN, duly represented by CIT. %A.OR A6RENCE UCH CRU1, Petitioner,  $ *ersus  THE GOVERN%ENT OF THE REPUBIC OF THE PHIIPPINES PEACE PANE ON ANCESTRA DO%AIN +GRP, represented by SEC- RODOFO GARCIA, ATT.- EAH AR%A%ENTO, ATT.- SEDFRE. CANDEARIA, %AR/ R.AN SUIVAN7 GEN- HER%OGENES ESPERON, JR-, 'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s t(e present !nd duly !pp#'nted Pres'dent'!l Ad*'ser #n t(e Pe!0e Pr#0ess7 !nd"#r SEC- EDUARDO ER%ITA, 'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s E8e0ut'*e Se0ret!ry- Respondents. x--------------------------------------------x G-R- N#- 49:;<4 Present=  PUNO, C.J., QUISUMBING, YNARES-SANTIAGO, ARPIO, AUSTRIA-MARTINE!, ORONA, ARPIO MORA"ES, A!UNA, TINGA, #IO-NA!ARIO, $E"ASO, %R.,  NA#URA, REYES, "EONAR&O-&E ASTRO, ' BRION, JJ . Pro(u)*+ted  Otoer /0, 1223  G-R- N#- 49:>;5  G-R- N#- 49:9<:  

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Province of North Cotabato vs GRP


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&#r !nd 'n ('s #)n be(!l&,



$ *ersus $




ANCESTRA DO%AIN +GRP, represented by





t(e l!tter 'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s t(e present !nd duly$

!pp#'nted Pres'dent'!l Ad*'ser #n t(e Pe!0e

Pr#0ess +OPAPP #r t(e s#$0!lled O&&'0e #& t(ePres'dent'!l Ad*'ser #n t(e Pe!0e Pr#0ess,




represented by HON- CESO - OBREGAT,

C'ty %!y#r #& 1!2b#!n3!, !nd 'n ('s pers#n!l

0!p!0'ty !s res'dent #& t(e C'ty #& 1!2b#!n3!,

Rep- %A- ISABEE G- CI%ACO, D'str'0t 4,

!nd Rep- ERICO BASIIO A- FABIAN, D'str'0t

5, C'ty #&1!2b#!n3!,



- versus -




PANE +GRP, !s represented by RODOFO C-



HER%OGENES ESPERON, 'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s t(e

Pres'dent'!l Ad*'ser #n Pe!0e Pr#0ess,


THE CIT. OF IIGAN, duly represented by




$ *ersus








0!p!0'ty !s t(e present !nd duly !pp#'nted

Pres'dent'!l Ad*'ser #n t(e Pe!0e Pr#0ess7 !nd"#r

SEC- EDUARDO ER%ITA, 'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s

E8e0ut'*e Se0ret!ry-



G-R- N#- 49:;<4











$E"ASO, %R.,






Otoer /0, 1223


G-R- N#- 49:>;5


G-R- N#- 49:9<:


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1A%BOANGA DE NORTE, !s represented by

HON- ROANDO E- .EBES, 'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s

Pr#*'n0'!l G#*ern#r, HON- FRANCIS H- OVIS,

'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s V'0e$G#*ern#r !nd Pres'd'n3

O&&'0er #& t(e S!n33un'!n3 P!nl!l!)'3!n, HON-


C#n3ress)#2!n, 4st C#n3ress'#n!l D'str'0t, HON-

CESAR G- JAOSJOS, C#n3ress2!n,

:rdC#n3ress'#n!l D'str'0t, !nd %e2bers #& t(e

S!n33un'!n3 P!nl!l!)'3!n #& t(e Pr#*'n0e #& 

1!2b#!n3! del N#rte, n!2ely, HON- SETH










U1VI%INDA E- TORRINO,Petitioners,


$ *ersus $




PANE @GRP, !s represented by HON-


HER%OGENES ESPERON, 'n ('s 0!p!0'ty !s t(e

Pres'dent'!l Ad*'ser #& Pe!0e Pr#0ess,Respondents.






$ *ersus $




PANE, represented by 'ts C(!'r2!n RODOFOC- GARCIA, !nd t(e %ORO ISA%IC


PANE, represented by 'ts C(!'r2!n











represented by 'ts %un'0'p!l %!y#r NOE N-





, represented by %A.OR CHERR..N P-




G-R- N#- 49:<;4


G-R- N#- 49:<5

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0!p!0'ty !s Pr#*'n0'!l G#*ern#r !nd ! res'dent #& 

t(e Pr#*'n0e #& Sult!n /ud!r!t,




RU. EIAS OPE1, &#r !nd 'n ('s #)n be(!l& 

!nd #n be(!l& #& Ind'3en#us Pe#ples 'n %'nd!n!#

N#t Bel#n3'n3 t# t(e %IF,





!nd RICHAE? G- JAG%IS, !s 0't'ens !nd

res'dents #& P!l!)!n,





x--------------------------------------------x%USI% EGA ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION,








x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x


D E C I S I O N 



Su4et o5 t6ese onso)id+ted +ses is t6e e8tent #& t(e p#)ers  o5 t6e President in pursuin* t6e pe+e proess. 76i)e t6e

5+ts surroundin* t6is ontrovers8 enter on t6e +r(ed on5)it in Mind+n+o et9een t6e *overn(ent +nd t6e Moro

Is)+(i "ier+tion :ront ;MI":<, t6e )e*+) issue invo)ved 6+s + e+rin* on +)) +re+s in t6e ountr8 96ere t6ere 6+s een +

)on*-st+ndin* +r(ed on5)it. Yet +*+in, t6e ourt is t+s=ed to per5or( + de)i+te +)+nin* +t. It (ust uno(pro(isin*)8

de)ine+te t6e ounds 9it6in 96i6 t6e President (+8 )+95u))8 exerise 6er disretion, ut it (ust do so in strit +d6erene

to t6e onstitution, )est its ru)in* undu)8 restrits t6e 5reedo( o5 +tion vested 8 t6+t s+(e onstitution in t6e 6ie5 

Exeutive preise)8 to en+)e 6er to pursue t6e pe+e proess e55etive)8.



On Au*ust >, 1223, t6e Govern(ent o5 t6e Repu)i o5 t6e P6i)ippines ;GRP< +nd t6e MI":, t6rou*6 t6e 6+irpersons o5 

t6eir respetive pe+e ne*oti+tin* p+ne)s, 9ere s6edu)ed to si*n + Me(or+ndu( o5 A*ree(ent on t6e Anestr+) &o(+in

;MOA-A&< Aspet o5 t6e GRP-MI": Tripo)i A*ree(ent on Pe+e o5 122/ in ?u+)+ "u(pur, M+)+8si+.


T6e MI": is + ree) *roup 96i6 9+s est+)is6ed in M+r6 /@30 96en, under t6e )e+ders6ip o5 t6e )+te S+)+(+t #+s6i(,

it sp)intered 5ro( t6e Moro N+tion+) "ier+tion :ront ;MN":< t6en 6e+ded 8 Nur Misu+ri, on t6e *round, +(on* ot6ers,

o5 96+t S+)+(+t pereived to e t6e (+nipu)+tion o5 t6e MN": +9+8 5ro( +n Is)+(i +sis to9+rds M+rxist-M+oist



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T6e si*nin* o5 t6e MOA-A& et9een t6e GRP +nd t6e MI": 9+s not to (+teri+)iCe, 6o9ever, 5or upon (otion o5 

 petitioners, spei5i+))8 t6ose 96o 5i)ed t6eir +ses e5ore t6e s6edu)ed si*nin* o5 t6e MOA-A&, t6is ourt issued +

Te(por+r8 Restr+inin* Order en4oinin* t6e GRP 5ro( si*nin* t6e s+(e.


T6e MOA-A& 9+s preeded 8 + )on* proess o5 ne*oti+tion +nd t6e on)udin* o5 sever+) prior +*ree(ents et9een t6e

t9o p+rties e*innin* in /@@D, 96en t6e GRP-MI": pe+e ne*oti+tions e*+n. On %u)8 /3, /@@, t6e GRP +nd MI":

Pe+e P+ne)s si*ned t6e A*ree(ent on Gener+) ess+tion o5 #osti)ities. T6e 5o))o9in* 8e+r, t6e8 si*ned t6e Gener+)

:r+(e9or= o5 A*ree(ent o5 Intent on Au*ust 1, /@@3.


T6e So)iitor Gener+), 96o represents respondents, su((+riCes t6e MOA-A& 8 st+tin* t6+t t6e s+(e ont+ined, +(on*

ot6ers, t6e o((it(ent o5 t6e p+rties to pursue pe+e ne*oti+tions, protet +nd respet 6u(+n ri*6ts, ne*oti+te 9it6

sinerit8 in t6e reso)ution +nd p+i5i sett)e(ent o5 t6e on5)it, +nd re5r+in 5ro( t6e use o5 t6re+t or 5ore to +tt+in undue

+dv+nt+*e 96i)e t6e pe+e ne*oti+tions on t6e sust+ntive +*end+ +re on-*oin*.1


E+r)8 on, 6o9ever, it 9+s evident t6+t t6ere 9+s not *oin* to e +n8 s(oot6 s+i)in* in t6e GRP-MI": pe+e proess. To9+rds t6e end o5 /@@@ up to e+r)8 1222, t6e MI": +tt+=ed + nu(er o5 (uniip+)ities in entr+)

Mind+n+o +nd, in M+r6 1222, it too= ontro) o5 t6e to9n 6+)) o5?+us9+*+n, "+n+o de) Norte.F In response, t6en

President %osep6 Estr+d+ de)+red +nd +rried out +n +))-out-9+r +*+inst t6e MI":.


76en President G)ori+ M++p+*+)-Arro8o +ssu(ed o55ie, t6e (i)it+r8 o55ensive +*+inst t6e MI": 9+s suspended +nd t6e

*overn(ent sou*6t + resu(ption o5 t6e pe+e t+)=s. T6e MI":, +ordin* to + )e+din* MI": (e(er, initi+))8 responded

9it6 deep reserv+tion, ut 96en President Arro8o +s=ed t6e Govern(ent o5 M+)+8si+ t6rou*6 Pri(e Minister M+6+t6ir 

Mo6+((+d to 6e)p onvine t6e MI": to return to t6e ne*oti+tin* t+)e, t6e MI": onvened its entr+) o((ittee to

serious)8 disuss t6e (+tter +nd, eventu+))8, deided to (eet 9it6 t6e GRP.0


T6e p+rties (et in ?u+)+ "u(pur on M+r6 10, 122/, 9it6 t6e t+)=s ein* 5+i)it+ted 8 t6e M+)+8si+n *overn(ent, t6e

 p+rties si*nin* on t6e s+(e d+te t6e A*ree(ent on t6e Gener+) :r+(e9or= 5or t6e Resu(ption o5 Pe+e T+)=s Bet9een

t6e GRP +nd t6e MI":. T6e MI": t6ere+5ter suspended +)) its (i)it+r8 +tions.>


:or(+) pe+e t+)=s et9een t6e p+rties 9ere 6e)d in Tripo)i, "i8+ 5ro( %une 12-11, 122/, t6e outo(e o5 96i6

9+s t6e GRP-MI": Tripo)i A*ree(ent on Pe+e ;Tripo)i A*ree(ent 122/< ont+inin* t6e +si prinip)es +nd +*end+ on

t6e 5o))o9in* +spets o5 t6e ne*oti+tion Se0ur'tyAspet,  Re(!b'l't!t'#n Aspet, +nd An0estr!l D#2!'n Aspet. 7it6re*+rd to t6e Anestr+) &o(+in Aspet, t6e p+rties in Tripo)i A*ree(ent 122/ si(p)8 +*reed t6+t t6e s+(e e disussed

5urt6er 8 t6e P+rties in t6eir next (eetin*.


A seond round o5 pe+e t+)=s 9+s 6e)d in 8er4+8+, M+)+8si+ on Au*ust >-, 122/ 96i6 ended 9it6 t6e si*nin* o5 

t6e I(p)e(entin* Guide)ines on t6e Seurit8 Aspet o5 t6e Tripo)i A*ree(ent 122/ )e+din* to + e+se5ire st+tus et9een

t6e p+rties. T6is 9+s 5o))o9ed 8 t6e I(p)e(entin* Guide)ines on t6e #u(+nit+ri+n Re6+i)it+tion +nd &eve)op(ent

Aspets o5 t6e Tripo)i A*ree(ent 122/, 96i6 9+s si*ned on M+8 , 1221 +t Putr+4+8+, M+)+8si+. Nonet6e)ess, t6ere 9ere

(+n8 inidene o5 vio)ene et9een *overn(ent 5ores +nd t6e MI": 5ro( 1221 to 122F.


Me+n96i)e, t6en MI": 6+ir(+n S+)+(+t #+s6i( p+ssed +9+8 on %u)8 /F, 122F +nd 6e 9+s rep)+ed 8 A) #+4 Mur+d,

96o 9+s t6en t6e 6ie5 pe+e ne*oti+tor o5 t6e MI":. Mur+ds position +s 6ie5 pe+e ne*oti+tor 9+s t+=en over 8

Mo6+*6er I+).D


In 122>, sever+) exp)or+tor8 t+)=s 9ere 6e)d et9een t6e p+rties in ?u+)+ "u(pur, eventu+))8 )e+din* to t6e r+5tin* o5 t6e

dr+5t MOA-A& in its 5in+) 5or(, 96i6, +s (entioned, 9+s set to e si*ned )+st Au*ust >, 1223.


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Be5ore t6e ourt is 96+t is per6+ps t6e (ost ontentious onsensus ever e(odied in +n instru(ent t6e MOA-A& 96i6

is +ss+i)ed prinip+))8 8 t6e present petitions e+rin* do=et nu(ers /3F>@/, /3F>1, /3F3@F, /3F@>/ +nd /3F@D1.


o((on)8 i(p)e+ded +s respondents +re t6e GRP Pe+e P+ne) on Anestr+) &o(+in +nd t6e Presidenti+) Adviser on t6e

Pe+e Proess ;PAPP< #er(o*enes Esperon, %r.


On %u)8 1F, 1223, t6e Provine o5 Nort6 ot++to3 +nd $ie-Governor E((+nue) Pio) 5i)ed + petition, do=eted

+s G-R- N#- 49:;<4, 5or M+nd+(us +nd Pro6iition 9it6 Pr+8er 5or t6e Issu+ne o5 7rit o5 Pre)i(in+r8 In4untion +nd

Te(por+r8 Restr+inin* Order .@ Invo=in* t6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion on (+tters o5 pu)i onern, petitioners see= to o(pe)

respondents to dis)ose +nd 5urnis6 t6e( t6e o(p)ete +nd o55ii+) opies o5 t6e MOA-A& in)udin* its +tt+6(ents, +nd

to pro6iit t6e s)+ted si*nin* o5 t6e MOA-A&, pendin* t6e dis)osure o5 t6e ontents o5 t6e MOA-A& +nd t6e 6o)din* o5 

+ pu)i onsu)t+tion t6ereon. Supp)e(ent+ri)8, petitioners pr+8 t6+t t6e MOA-A& e de)+red unonstitution+)./2

 T6is initi+) petition 9+s 5o))o9ed 8 +not6er one, do=eted +s G-R- N#- 49:>;5, +)so 5or M+nd+(us +nd

Pro6iition// 5i)ed 8 t6e it8 o5 !+(o+n*+,/1 M+8or e)so "ore*+t, Rep. M+. Is+e))e )i(+o +nd Rep. Erio

B+si)io :+i+n 96o )i=e9ise pr+8 5or si(i)+r in4untive re)ie5s. Petitioners 6erein (oreover pr+8 t6+t t6e it8

o5 !+(o+n*+ e ex)uded 5ro( t6e B+n*s+(oro #o(e)+nd +ndHor B+n*s+(oro %uridi+) Entit8 +nd, in t6e +)tern+tive,

t6+t t6e MOA-A& e de)+red nu)) +nd void.


B8 Reso)ution o5 Au*ust 0, 1223, t6e ourt issued + Te(por+r8 Restr+inin* Order o((+ndin* +nd diretin*

 pu)i respondents +nd t6eir +*ents to e+se +nd desist 5ro( 5or(+))8 si*nin* t6e MOA-A&./F T6e ourt +)so reuired

t6e So)iitor Gener+) to su(it to t6e ourt +nd petitioners t6e o55ii+) op8 o5 t6e 5in+) dr+5t o5 t6e MOA-A&, /0 to 96i6

s6e o(p)ied./>


Me+n96i)e, t6e it8 o5 I)i*+n /D 5i)ed + petition 5or In4untion +ndHor &e)+r+tor8 Re)ie5, do=eted +s G-R- N#-

49:9<:, pr+8in* t6+t respondents e en4oined 5ro( si*nin* t6e MOA-A& or, i5 t6e s+(e 6+d +)re+d8 een si*ned, 5ro(

i(p)e(entin* t6e s+(e, +nd t6+t t6e MOA-A& e de)+red unonstitution+). Petitioners 6erein +ddition+))8 i(p)e+d

Exeutive Seret+r8 Edu+rdo Er(it+ +s respondent.


T6e Provine o5 !+(o+n*+ de) Norte,/

 Governor Ro)+ndo Yees, $ie-Governor :r+nis O)vis, Rep. ei)i+%+)os4os-+rreon, Rep. es+r %+)os4os, +nd t6e (e(ers/3 o5 t6e Sangguniang Panlalawigan o5 !+(o+n*+ de) Norte

5i)ed on Au*ust />, 1223 + petition 5or ertior+ri, M+nd+(us +nd Pro6iition, /@ do=eted +s G-R- N#- 49:<;4. T6e8

 pr+8, inter alia, t6+t t6e MOA-A& e de)+red nu)) +nd void +nd 9it6out oper+tive e55et, +nd t6+t respondents e

en4oined 5ro( exeutin* t6e MOA-A&.


On Au*ust /@, 1223, Ernesto M+ed+, %e4o(+r Bin+8, +nd Aui)ino Pi(ente) III 5i)ed + petition 5or Pro6iition,

12 do=eted +s G-R- N#- 49:<5,  pr+8in* 5or + 4ud*(ent pro6iitin* +nd per(+nent)8 en4oinin* respondents 5ro(

5or(+))8 si*nin* +nd exeutin* t6e MOA-A& +nd or +n8 ot6er +*ree(ent derived t6ere5ro( or si(i)+r t6ereto, +nd

nu))i58in* t6e MOA-A& 5or ein* unonstitution+) +nd i))e*+). Petitioners 6erein +ddition+))8 i(p)e+d +s respondent t6e

MI": Pe+e Ne*oti+tin* P+ne) represented 8 its 6+ir(+n Mo6+*6er I+).

$+rious p+rties (oved to intervene +nd 9ere *r+nted )e+ve o5 ourt to 5i)e t6eir petitions-Ho((ents-in-

intervention. Petitioners-in-Intervention in)ude Sen+tor M+nue) A. Rox+s, 5or(er Sen+te President :r+n=)in &ri)on +nd

Att8. Ade) T+(+no, t6e it8 o5 Is+e)+1/ +nd M+8or 6err8)8n S+ntos-A=+r, t6e Provine o5 Su)t+n ?ud+r+t11 +nd Gov.

Su6+rto M+n*ud+d+tu, t6e Muniip+)it8 o5 "in+(on in "+n+o de) Norte, 1F Ru8 E)i+s "opeC o5 &+v+o it8 +nd o5 t6e

B+*oo trie, Sangguniang Panlungsod  (e(er M+rino Rid+o +nd usiness(+n ?isin Bux+ni, ot6 o5 ot++to it8

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+nd )+98ers +r)o Go(eC, Ger+rdo &i)i*, Nes+rio A9+t, %ose)ito A)isu+*, Ri6+)ex %+*(is, +)) o5 P+)+9+n it8. T6e

Mus)i( "e*+) Assist+ne :ound+tion, In. ;Mus)+5< +nd t6e Mus)i( Mu)ti-Setor+) Move(ent 5or Pe+e +nd

&eve)op(ent ;MMMP&< 5i)ed t6eir respetive o((ents-in-Intervention.


B8 suseuent Reso)utions, t6e ourt ordered t6e onso)id+tion o5 t6e petitions. Respondents 5i)ed o((ents on

t6e petitions, 96i)e so(e o5 petitioners su(itted t6eir respetive Rep)ies.


Respondents, 8 M+ni5est+tion +nd Motion o5 Au*ust /@, 1223, st+ted t6+t t6e Exeutive &ep+rt(ent s6+))

t6orou*6)8 revie9 t6e MOA-A& +nd pursue 5urt6er ne*oti+tions to +ddress t6e issues 6ur)ed +*+inst it, +nd t6us (oved to

dis(iss t6e +ses. In t6e sueedin* ex6+n*e o5 p)e+din*s, respondents (otion 9+s (et 9it6 vi*orous opposition 5ro(



T6e +ses 9ere 6e+rd on or+) +r*u(ent on Au*ust />, 11 +nd 1@, 1223 t6+t t+=)ed t6e 5o))o9in* prinip+) issues


/. 76et6er t6e petitions 6+ve eo(e (oot +nd ++de(i

 ;i< inso5+r +s t6e mandamus +spet is onerned, in vie9 o5 t6e dis)osure o5 o55ii+) opies o5 t6e

5in+) dr+5t o5 t6e Me(or+ndu( o5 A*ree(ent ;MOA< +nd


;ii< inso5+r +s t6e prohibition +spet invo)vin* t6e "o+) Govern(ent Units is onerned, i5 it is

onsidered t6+t onsu)t+tion 6+s eo(e fait accompli 9it6 t6e 5in+)iC+tion o5 t6e dr+5t


1. 76et6er t6e onstitution+)it8 +nd t6e )e*+)it8 o5 t6e MOA is ripe 5or +d4udi+tion


F. 76et6er respondent Govern(ent o5 t6e Repu)i o5 t6e P6i)ippines Pe+e P+ne) o((itted *r+ve+use o5 disretion +(ountin* to )+= or exess o5 4urisdition 96en it ne*oti+ted +nd initi+ted t6e

MOA vis--vis ISSUES Nos. 0 +nd >

 0. 76et6er t6ere is + vio)+tion o5 t6e peop)es ri*6t to in5or(+tion on (+tters o5 pu)i onern ;/@3

onstitution, Arti)e III, Se. < under + st+te po)i8 o5 5u)) dis)osure o5 +)) its tr+ns+tions invo)vin*

 pu)i interest ;/@3 onstitution, Arti)e II, Se. 13< in)udin* pu)i onsu)t+tion under Repu)i

At No. /D2 ;"OA" GO$ERNMENT O&E O: /@@/<


I5 it is in t6e +55ir(+tive, 96et6er prohibition under Ru)e D> o5 t6e /@@ Ru)es o5 ivi) Proedure is

+n +ppropri+te re(ed8


>. 76et6er 8 si*nin* t6e MOA, t6e Govern(ent o5 t6e Repu)i o5 t6e P6i)ippines 9ou)d e BIN&ING



+< to re+te +nd reo*niCe t6e B+n*s+(oro %uridi+) Entit8 ;B%E< +s + sep+r+te st+te, or + 4uridi+),territori+) or po)iti+) sudivision not reo*niCed 8 )+9


 < to revise or +(end t6e onstitution +nd existin* )+9s to on5or( to t6e MOA 

< to onede to or reo*niCe t6e )+i( o5 t6e Moro Is)+(i "ier+tion :ront 5or +nestr+) do(+in in

vio)+tion o5 Repu)i At No. 3F/ ;T#E IN&IGENOUS PEOP"ES RIG#TS AT O: /@@<,

 p+rtiu)+r)8 Setion F;*< ' 6+pter $II ;&E"INEATION, REOGNITION O: ANESTRA"&OMAINS<


I5 in t6e +55ir(+tive, 96et6er t6e Exeutive Br+n6 6+s t6e +ut6orit8 to so ind t6e Govern(ent o5 

t6e Repu)i o5 t6e P6i)ippines

 D. 76et6er t6e in)usionHex)usion o5 t6e Provine o5 Nort6 ot++to, ities o5 !+(o+n*+, I)i*+n +nd

Is+e)+, +nd t6e Muniip+)it8 o5 "in+(on, "+n+o de) Norte inH5ro( t6e +re+s overed 8 t6e

 pro4eted B+n*s+(oro #o(e)+nd is + 4ustii+)e uestion +nd


. 76et6er desist+ne 5ro( si*nin* t6e MOA dero*+tes +n8 prior v+)id o((it(ents o5 t6e Govern(ent

o5 t6e Repu)i o5 t6e P6i)ippines.10


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T6e ourt, t6ere+5ter, ordered t6e p+rties to su(it t6eir respetive Me(or+nd+. Most o5 t6e p+rties su(itted

t6eir (e(or+nd+ on ti(e.




As + neess+r8 +=drop to t6e onsider+tion o5 t6e o4etions r+ised in t6e su4et 5ive petitions +nd six petitions-in-

intervention +*+inst t6e MOA-A&, +s 9e)) +s t6e t9o o((ents-in-intervention in 5+vor o5 t6e MOA-A&, t6e ourt t+=es

+n overvie9 o5 t6e MOA.


T6e MOA-A& identi5ies t6e P+rties to it +s t6e GRP +nd t6e MI":.


Under t6e 6e+din* Ter(s o5 Re5erene ;TOR<, t6e MOA-A& in)udes not on)8 5our e+r)ier +*ree(ents et9een

t6e GRP +nd MI":, ut +)so t9o +*ree(ents et9een t6e GRP +nd t6e MN": t6e /@D Tripo)i A*ree(ent, +nd t6e :in+)

Pe+e A*ree(ent on t6e I(p)e(ent+tion o5 t6e /@D Tripo)i A*ree(ent, si*ned on Septe(er 1, /@@D durin* t6e

+d(inistr+tion o5 President :ide) R+(os.


T6e MOA-A& +)so identi5ies +s TOR t9o )o+) st+tutes t6e or*+ni +t 5or t6e Autono(ous Re*ion in Mus)i( Mind+n+o

;ARMM<1> +nd t6e Indi*enous Peop)es Ri*6ts At ;IPRA<,1D +nd sever+) intern+tion+) )+9 instru(ents t6e I"O

onvention No. /D@ onernin* Indi*enous +nd Tri+) Peop)es in Independent ountries in re)+tion to t6e UN

&e)+r+tion on t6e Ri*6ts o5 t6e Indi*enous Peop)es, +nd t6e UN 6+rter, +(on* ot6ers.


T6e MOA-A& in)udes +s + 5in+) TOR t6e *eneri +te*or8 o5 o(p+t ri*6ts entren6(ent e(+n+tin* 5ro( t6e re*i(e

o5 dar-ul-muahada  ;or territor8 under o(p+t< +nd dar-ul-sulh ;or territor8 under pe+e +*ree(ent

< t6+t p+rt+=es t6e

n+ture o5 + tre+t8 devie.


&urin* t6e 6ei*6t o5 t6e Mus)i( E(pire, e+r)8 Mus)i( 4urists tended to see t6e 9or)d t6rou*6 + si(p)e di6oto(8 t6ere

9+s t6e dar-ul-Islam ;t6e Aode o5 Is)+(< +nd dar-ul-harb ;t6e Aode o57+r<. T6e 5irst re5erred to t6ose )+nds 96ere

Is)+(i )+9s 6e)d s9+8, 96i)e t6e seond denoted t6ose )+nds 96ere Mus)i(s 9ere perseuted or 96ere Mus)i( )+9s

9ere out)+9ed or ine55etive.1 T6is 9+8 o5 vie9in* t6e 9or)d, 6o9ever, e+(e (ore o(p)ex t6rou*6 t6e enturies +s

t6e Is)+(i 9or)d e+(e p+rt o5 t6e intern+tion+) o((unit8 o5 n+tions.


As Mus)i( St+tes entered into tre+ties 9it6 t6eir nei*6ors, even 9it6 dist+nt St+tes +nd inter-*overn(ent+) or*+niC+tions,

t6e )+ssi+) division o5 t6e 9or)d into dar-ul-Islam +nd dar-ul-harbeventu+))8 )ost its (e+nin*. Ne9 ter(s 9ere dr+9n up

to desrie nove) 9+8s o5 pereivin* non-Mus)i( territories. :or inst+ne, +re+s )i=e dar-ul-muahada  ;)+nd o5 o(p+t


+nd dar-ul-sulh  ;)+nd o5tre+t8< re5erred to ountries 96i6, t6ou*6 under + seu)+r re*i(e, (+int+ined pe+e5u) +nd

ooper+tive re)+tions 9it6 Mus)i( St+tes, 6+vin* een ound to e+6 ot6er 8 tre+t8 or +*ree(ent. Dar-ul-aman ;)+nd

o5 order<, on t6e ot6er 6+nd, re5erred to ountries 96i6, t6ou*6 not ound 8 tre+t8 9it6 Mus)i( St+tes, (+int+ined

5reedo( o5 re)i*ion 5or Mus)i(s.13


It t6us +ppe+rs t6+t t6e o(p+t ri*6ts entren6(ent e(+n+tin* 5ro( t6e re*i(e o5 dar-ul-muahada+nd dar-ul-

 sulh si(p)8 re5ers to +)) ot6er +*ree(ents et9een t6e MI": +nd t6e P6i)ippine *overn(ent t6e P6i)ippines ein* t6e )+nd

o5 o(p+t +nd pe+e +*ree(ent t6+t p+rt+=e o5 t6e n+ture o5 + tre+t8 devie, tre+t8 ein* ro+d)8 de5ined +s +n8 so)e(n

+*ree(ent in 9ritin* t6+t sets out underst+ndin*s, o)i*+tions, +nd ene5its 5or ot6 p+rties 96i6 provides 5or +

5r+(e9or= t6+t e)+or+tes t6e prinip)es de)+red in t6e MOA-A&.1@


T6e MOA-A& st+tes t6+t t6e P+rties #A$E AGREE& AN& A?NO7"E&GE& AS :O""O7S, +nd st+rts 9it6 its (+in



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T(e 2!'n b#dy #& t(e %OA$AD 's d'*'ded 'nt# &#ur str!nds, n!2ely,

C#n0epts !nd Pr'n0'ples, Terr't#ry, Res#ur0es, !nd G#*ern!n0e-




T6is str+nd e*ins 9it6 t6e st+te(ent t6+t it is t6e irt6ri*6t o5 +)) Moros +nd +)) Indi*enous peop)es o5Mind+n+o to

identi58 t6e(se)ves +nd e +epted +s B+n*s+(oros. It de5ines B!n3s!2#r# pe#ple +s t6e n+tives or ori*in+)

in6+it+nts o5 Mind+n+o +nd its +d4+ent is)+nds in)udin* P+)+9+n +nd t6e Su)u +r6ipe)+*o at the time of conquest or 

colonization, +nd t6eir desend+nts 96et6er (ixed or o5 5u)) )ood, in)udin* t6eir spouses. F2


T6us, t6e onept o5 B+n*s+(oro, +s de5ined in t6is str+nd o5 t6e MOA-A&, in)udes not on)8 Moros+s tr+dition+))8

understood even 8 Mus)i(s,F/  ut +)) indi*enous peop)es o5 Mind+n+o +nd its +d4+ent is)+nds. T6e MOA-A& +dds t6+t

t6e 5reedo( o5 6oie o5 indi*enous peop)es s6+)) e respeted. 76+t t6is 5reedo( o5 6oie onsists in 6+s not een

spei5i+))8 de5ined.


T6e MOA-A& proeeds to re5er to t6e B!n3s!2#r# (#2el!nd, t6e o9ners6ip o5 96i6 is vested ex)usive)8 in t6eB+n*s+(oro peop)e 8 virtue o5 t6eir prior  ri*6ts o5 oup+tion.F1 Bot6 p+rties to t6e MOA-A& +=no9)ed*e

t6+t +nestr+) do(+in does n#t  5or( p+rt o5 t6e pu)i do(+in.FF


T6e B+n*s+(oro peop)e +re +=no9)ed*ed +s 6+vin* t6e ri*6t to se)5-*overn+ne, 96i6 ri*6t is s+id to e rooted on

+nestr+) territori+)it8 exerised ori*in+))8 under t6e suCer+in +ut6orit8 o5 t6eir su)t+n+tes +nd t6e  Pat a Pangampong u

 !anaw. T6e su)t+n+tes 9ere desried +s st+tes or ara"aan#adatuan rese()in* + od8 po)iti endo9ed 9it6 +)) t6e

e)e(ents o5 + n+tion-st+te in t6e (odern sense. F0


T6e MOA-A& t6us *rounds t6e ri*6t to se)5-*overn+ne o5 t6e B+n*s+(oro peop)e on t6e p+st suCer+in +ut6orit8 o5 t6e

su)t+n+tes. As *+t6ered, t6e territor8 de5ined +s t6e B+n*s+(oro 6o(e)+nd 9+s ru)ed 8 sever+) su)t+n+tes +nd,

spei5i+))8 in t6e +se o5 t6e M+r+n+o, 8 t6e Pat a Pangampong u !anaw, + on5eder+tion o5 independent prinip+)ities

; pangampong < e+6 ru)ed 8 d+tus +nd su)t+ns, none o5 96o( 9+s supre(e over t6e ot6ers.F>


T6e MOA-A& *oes on to desrie t6e B+n*s+(oro peop)e +s t6e F'rst N!t'#n 9it6 de5ined territor8 +nd 9it6 + s8ste( o5 

*overn(ent 6+vin* entered into tre+ties o5 +(it8 +nd o((ere 9it6 5orei*n n+tions.

T6e ter( :irst N+tion is o5 +n+di+n ori*in re5errin* to t6e indi*enous peop)es o5 t6+t territor8, p+rtiu)+r)8 t6ose =no9n

+s Indi+ns. In ANA&A , e+6 o5 t6ese indi*enous peop)es is eu+))8 entit)ed to e +))ed :irst N+tion, 6ene, +)) o5 t6e( +re usu+))8 desried o))etive)8 8 t6e p)ur+) :irst N+tions. FD To t6+t extent, t6e MOA-A&, 8 identi58in* t6e

B+n*s+(oro peop)e +s t(e :irst N+tion su**estin* its ex)usive entit)e(ent to t6+t desi*n+tion dep+rts 5ro( t6e +n+di+n

us+*e o5 t6e ter(.


T6e MOA-A& t6en (entions 5or t6e 5irst ti(e t6e B!n3s!2#r# Jur'd'0!l Ent'ty ;B%E< to 96i6 it *r+nts t6e +ut6orit8

+nd 4urisdition over t6e Anestr+) &o(+in +nd Anestr+) "+nds o5 t6e B+n*s+(oro.F




T6e territor8 o5 t6e B+n*s+(oro 6o(e)+nd is desried +s t6e )+nd (+ss +s 9e)) +s t6e (+riti(e, terrestri+), 5)uvi+) +nd

+))uvi+) do(+ins, in)udin* t6e +eri+) do(+in +nd t6e +t(osp6eri sp+e +ove it, e(r+in* t6e Mind+n+o-Su)u-P+)+9+n

*eo*r+p6i re*ion.F3


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More spei5i+))8, t6e ore o5 t6e B%E is de5ined +s t6e present *eo*r+p6i +re+ o5 t6e ARMM t6us onstitutin* t6e

5o))o9in* +re+s "+n+o de) Sur, M+*uind+n+o, Su)u, T+9i-T+9i, B+si)+n, +nd M+r+9iit8. Si*ni5i+nt)8, t6is ore

+)so in)udes ert+in (uniip+)ities o5 "+n+o de) Norte t6+t voted 5or in)usion in t6e ARMM in t6e 122/ p)eisite.F@


Outside o5 t6is ore, t6e B%E is to over ot6er provines, ities, (uniip+)ities +nd +r+n*+8s, 96i6 +re *rouped

into t9o +te*ories, +te*or8 A +nd +te*or8 B. E+6 o5 t6ese +re+s is to e su4eted to + p)eisite to e 6e)d on

di55erent d+tes, 8e+rsAPART  5ro( e+6 ot6er. T6us, +te*or8 A +re+s +re to e su4eted to + p)eisite not )+ter t6+n

t9e)ve ;/1< (ont6s 5o))o9in* t6e si*nin* o5 t6e MOA-A&. 02 +te*or8 B +re+s, +)so +))ed Spei+) Intervention Are+s, on

t6e ot6er 6+nd, +re to e su4eted to + p)eisite t9ent8-5ive ;1>< 8e+rs 5ro( t6e si*nin* o5 + sep+r+te +*ree(ent t6e

o(pre6ensive o(p+t.0/


T6e P+rties to t6e MOA-A& stipu)+te t6+t t6e B%E s6+)) 6+ve 4urisdition over +)) n+tur+) resoures 9it6in

its internal 9+ters, de5ined +s extendin* 5i5teen ;/>< =i)o(eters 5ro( t6e o+st)ine o5 t6e B%E +re+ 01 t6+t t6e B%E s6+))

+)so 6+ve territorial  9+ters, 96i6 s6+)) stret6 e8ond t6e B%E intern+) 9+ters up to t6e +se)ines o5 t6e Repu)i o5 t6e

P6i)ippines ;RP< sout6 e+st +nd sout6 9est o5 (+in)+nd Mind+n+o +nd t6+t 9it6in t6ese territorial 9+ters, t6e B%E +ndt6e entr+) Govern(ent;used inter6+n*e+)8 9it6 RP< s6+)) exerise #'nt 4urisdition, +ut6orit8 +nd (+n+*e(ent over 

+)) n+tur+) resoures.0F  $otabl%, the "urisdiction o&er the internal waters is not similarl% described as "oint.


T6e MOA-A& 5urt6er provides 5or t6e s(!r'n3 o5 (iner+)s on t6e territorial 9+ters et9een t6e entr+) Govern(ent +nd

t6e B%E, in 5+vor o5 t6e )+tter, t6rou*6 prodution s6+rin* +nd eono(i ooper+tion +*ree(ent. 00 T6e +tivities 96i6

t6e P+rties +re +))o9ed to ondut on t6e territorial 9+ters +re enu(er+ted, +(on* 96i6 +re t6e exp)or+tion +nd

uti)iC+tion o5 n+tur+) resoures, re*u)+tion o5 s6ippin* +nd 5is6in* +tivities, +nd t6e en5ore(ent o5 po)ie +nd s+5et8

(e+sures.0>'here is no similar pro&ision on the sharing of minerals and allowed acti&ities with respect to

theinternal waters of the (J). 



T6e MOA-A& st+tes t6+t t6e B%E is 5ree to enter into +n8 eono(i ooper+tion +nd tr+de re)+tions 9it6 5orei*n ountries

+nd s6+)) 6+ve t6e option to est+)is6 tr+de (issions in t6ose ountries. Su6 re)+tions6ips +nd underst+ndin*s, 6o9ever,

+re not to in)ude +**ression +*+inst t6e GRP. T6e B%E (+8 +)so enter into environ(ent+) ooper+tion +*ree(ents.0D


T6e e*ternal  de5ense o5 t6e B%E is to re(+in t6e dut8 +nd o)i*+tion o5 t6e entr+) Govern(ent. T6e entr+) Govern(ent

is +)so ound to t+=e neess+r8 steps to ensure t6e B%Es p+rtiip+tion in intern+tion+) (eetin*s +nd events )i=e t6ose o5 t6e

ASEAN +nd t6e spei+)iCed +*enies o5 t6e UN.T6e B%E is to e entit)ed to p+rtiip+te in P6i)ippine o55ii+) (issions +nd

de)e*+tions 5or t6e ne*oti+tion o5 order +*ree(ents or protoo)s 5or environ(ent+) protetion +nd euit+)e s6+rin* o5 

ino(es +nd revenues invo)vin* t6e odies o5 9+ter +d4+ent to or et9een t6e is)+nds 5or(in* p+rt o5 t6e +nestr+)



7it6 re*+rd to t6e ri*6t o5 exp)orin* 5or, produin*, +nd ot+inin* +)) potenti+) soures o5 ener*8, petro)eu(, 5ossi) 5ue),

(iner+) oi) +nd n+tur+) *+s, t6e 4urisdition +nd ontro) t6ereon is to e vested in t6e B%E +s t6e p+rt8 6+vin* ontro)

9it6in its territori+) 4urisdition. T6is ri*6t +rries t6e pro&isot6+t, in ti(es o5 n+tion+) e(er*en8, 96en pu)i interest so

reuires, t6e entr+) Govern(ent (+8, 5or + 5ixed period +nd under re+son+)e ter(s +s (+8 e +*reed upon 8 ot6

P+rties, +ssu(e or diret t6e oper+tion o5 su6 resoures.03


T6e s6+rin* et9een t6e entr+) Govern(ent +nd t6e B%E o5 tot+) prodution pert+inin* to n+tur+) resoures is to e >1>

in 5+vor o5 t6e B%E.0@

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T6e MOA-A& provides t6+t )e*iti(+te *riev+nes o5 t6e B+n*s+(oro peop)e +risin* 5ro( +n8 un4ust dispossession o5 

t6eir territori+) +nd propriet+r8 ri*6ts, usto(+r8 )+nd tenures, or t6eir (+r*in+)iC+tion s6+)) e +=no9)ed*ed. 76enever 

restor+tion is no )on*er possi)e, rep+r+tion is to e in su6 5or( +s (utu+))8 deter(ined 8 t6e P+rties. >2


T6e B%E (+8 2#d'&y #r 0!n0el t6e 5 orest onessions, ti(er )ienses, ontr+ts or +*ree(ents, (inin* onessions,

Miner+) Prodution +nd S6+rin* A*ree(ents ;MPSA<, Industri+) :orest M+n+*e(ent A*ree(ents ;I:MA<, +nd ot6er )+nd

tenure instru(ents *r+nted 8 t6e P6i)ippine Govern(ent, in)udin* t6ose issued 8 t6e present ARMM.>/



T6e MOA-A& inds t6e P+rties to invite + (u)tin+tion+) t6ird-p+rt8 to oserve +nd (onitor t6e i(p)e(ent+tion o5 

t6e C#2pre(ens'*e C#2p!0t. T6is o(p+t is to e(od8 t6e det+i)s 5or t6e e55etive en5ore(ent +nd t6e (e6+nis(s

+nd (od+)ities 5or t6e +tu+) i(p)e(ent+tion o5 t6e MOA-A&. T6e MOA-A& exp)iit)8 provides t6+t t6e p+rtiip+tion o5 

t6e t6ird p+rt8 s6+)) not in +n8 9+8 +55et t6e st+tus o5 t6e re)+tions6ip et9een t6e entr+) Govern(ent +nd t6e B%E. >1


T(e !ss#0'!t'*e rel!t'#ns('p

bet)een t(e Centr!l G#*ern2ent

!nd t(e BJE


T6e MOA-A& desries t6e re)+tions6ip o5 t6e entr+) Govern(ent +nd t6e B%E +s !ss#0'!t'*e, 6+r+teriCed 8

s6+red +ut6orit8 +nd responsii)it8. And it st+tes t6+t t6e struture o5 *overn+ne is to e +sed on exeutive, )e*is)+tive,

 4udii+), +nd +d(inistr+tive institutions 9it6 de5ined po9ers +nd 5untions in t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t.


T6e MOA-A& provides t6+t its provisions reuirin* +(end(ents to t6e existin* )e*+) 5r+(e9or= s6+)) t+=e e55et upon

si*nin* o5 t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t +nd upon e55etin* t6e +5ores+id +(end(ents, 9it6 due re*+rd to t6e n#n$

der#3!t'#n #& pr'#r !3ree2ents +nd 9it6in t6e stipu)+ted ti(e5r+(e to e ont+ined in t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t. As

will be discussed later, much of the present controversy hangs on the legality of this provision.


T6e B%E is *r+nted t6e po9er to ui)d, deve)op +nd (+int+in its o9n institutions in)usive o5 ivi) servie,

e)etor+), 5in+ni+) +nd +n=in*, edu+tion, )e*is)+tion, )e*+), eono(i, po)ie +nd intern+) seurit8 5ore, 4udii+) s8ste(

+nd orretion+) institutions, t6e det+i)s o5 96i6 s6+)) e disussed in t6e ne*oti+tion o5 t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t.


As st+ted e+r)8 on, t6e MOA-A& 9+s set to e si*ned on Au*ust >, 1223 8 Rodo)5o G+ri+ +nd Mo6+*6er I+),

6+irpersons o5 t6e Pe+e Ne*oti+tin* P+ne)s o5 t6e GRP +nd t6e MI":, respetive)8. $otabl%, the penultimate paragraph

of the +-D identifies the signatories as the representati&es of the Parties, meaning the !P and +I/0 themsel&es,

and not merel% of the negotiating panels.>F In +ddition, t6e si*n+ture p+*e o5 t6e MOA-A& st+tes t6+t it is 7ITNESSE&

BY &+tu= Ot6(+n Bin Ad R+C+=, Spei+) Adviser to t6e Pri(e Minister o5 M+)+8si+, EN&ORSE& BY A(+ss+dor 

S+8ed E)(+sr8, Adviser to Or*+niC+tion o5 t6e Is)+(i on5erene ;OI< Seret+r8 Gener+) +nd Spei+) Envo8 5or Pe+e

Proess in Sout6ern P6i)ippines, +nd SIGNE& IN T#E PRESENE O: &r. A)ert G. Ro(u)o, Seret+r8 o5 :orei*n

A55+irs o5 RP +nd &+to Seri Ut+(+ &r. R+is Bin Y+ti(, Minister o5 :orei*n A55+irs, M+)+8si+, +)) o5 96o( 9ere

s6edu)ed to si*n t6e A*ree(ent )+st Au*ust >, 1223.


Annexed to t6e MOA-A& +re t9o dou(ents ont+inin* t6e respetive )ists cum (+ps o5 t6e provines,

(uniip+)ities, +nd +r+n*+8s under +te*ories A +nd B e+r)ier (entioned in t6e disussion on t6e str+nd on







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T6e po9er o5 4udii+) revie9 is )i(ited to +tu+) +ses or ontroversies. >0 ourts de)ine to issue +dvisor8

opinions or to reso)ve 68pot6eti+) or 5ei*ned pro)e(s, or (ere ++de(i uestions. >> T6e )i(it+tion o5 t6e po9er o5 

 4udii+) revie9 to +tu+) +ses +nd ontroversies de5ines t6e ro)e +ssi*ned to t6e 4udii+r8 in + trip+rtite +))o+tion o5 

 po9er, to +ssure t6+t t6e ourts 9i)) not intrude into +re+s o((itted to t6e ot6er r+n6es o5 *overn(ent.>D


An +tu+) +se or ontrovers8 invo)ves + on5)it o5 )e*+) ri*6ts, +n +ssertion o5 opposite )e*+) )+i(s, susepti)e

o5 4udii+) reso)ution +s distin*uis6ed 5ro( + 68pot6eti+) or +str+t di55erene or dispute. T6ere (ust e + ontr+riet8 o5 

)e*+) ri*6ts t6+t +n e interpreted +nd en5ored on t6e +sis o5 existin* )+9 +nd 4urisprudene. > T6e ourt +n deide

t6e onstitution+)it8 o5 +n +t or tre+t8 on)8 96en + proper +se et9een opposin* p+rties is su(itted 5or 4udii+)



Re)+ted to t6e reuire(ent o5 +n +tu+) +se or ontrovers8 is t6e reuire(ent o5 ripeness. A uestion is ripe 5or 

+d4udi+tion 96en t6e +t ein* 6+))en*ed 6+s 6+d + diret +dverse e55et on t6e individu+) 6+))en*in* it.>@ :or + +se to

 e onsidered ripe 5or +d4udi+tion, it is + prereuisite t6+t so(et6in* 6+d t6en een +o(p)is6ed or per5or(ed 8 eit6er 

 r+n6 e5ore + ourt (+8 o(e into t6e piture,


 +nd t6e petitioner (ust +))e*e t6e existene o5 +n i((edi+te or t6re+tened in4ur8 to itse)5 +s + resu)t o5 t6e 6+))en*ed +tion. D/ #e (ust s6o9 t6+t 6e 6+s sust+ined or is i((edi+te)8 in

d+n*er o5 sust+inin* so(e diret in4ur8 +s + resu)t o5 t6e +t o(p)+ined o5.D1


T6e So)iitor Gener+) +r*ues t6+t t6ere is no 4ustii+)e ontrovers8 t6+t is ripe 5or 4udii+) revie9 in t6e present

 petitions, re+sonin* t6+t


T6e unsi*ned MOA-A& is si(p)8 + )ist o5 onsensus points su4et to 5urt6er ne*oti+tions +nd

)e*is)+tive en+t(ents +s 9e)) +s onstitution+) proesses +i(ed +t +tt+inin* + 5in+) pe+e5u)

+*ree(ent.Si(p)8 put, t6e MOA-A& re(+ins to e + propos+) t6+t does not +uto(+ti+))8 re+te )e*+))8

de(+nd+)e ri*6ts +nd o)i*+tions unti) t6e )ist o5 oper+tive +ts reuired 6+ve een du)8 o(p)ied 9it6. xx x


x x x x


In t6e +ses +t +r, it is respet5u))8 su(itted t6+t t6is #onor+)e ourt 6+s no +ut6orit8 to p+ss

upon issues +sed on 68pot6eti+) or 5ei*ned onstitution+) pro)e(s or interests 9it6 no onrete

 +ses.onsiderin* t6e pre)i(in+r8 6+r+ter o5 t6e MOA-A&, t6ere +re no onrete +ts t6+t ou)d

 possi)8 vio)+te petitioners +nd intervenors ri*6ts sine t6e +ts o(p)+ined o5 +re (ere onte(p)+ted

stepsto9+rd t6e 5or(u)+tion o5 + 5in+) pe+e +*ree(ent. P)+in)8, petitioners +nd intervenors pereivedin4ur8, i5 +t +)), is (ere)8 i(+*in+r8 +nd i))usor8 APART  5ro( ein* un5ounded +nd +sed on (ere

on4etures. ;Undersorin* supp)ied<


T6e So)iitor Gener+) itesDF t6e 5o))o9in* provisions o5 t6e MOA-A&




x x x x


1. To9+rd t6is end, t6e P+rties enter into t6e 5o))o9in* stipu)+tions

x x x x


d. 7it6out dero*+tin* 5ro( t6e reuire(ents o5 prior +*ree(ents, t6e Govern(entstipu)+tes to ondut +nd de)iver, usin* +)) possi)e )e*+) (e+sures, 9it6in t9e)ve

;/1< (ont6s 5o))o9in* t6e si*nin* o5 t6e MOA-A&, + p)eisite overin* t6e +re+s +s

enu(er+ted in t6e )ist +nd depited in t6e (+p +s +te*or8 A +tt+6ed 6erein ;t6e

Annex<. T6e Annex onstitutes +n inte*r+) p+rt o5 t6is 5r+(e9or= +*ree(ent. To9+rd

t6is end, t6e P+rties s6+)) ende+vor to o(p)ete t6e ne*oti+tions +nd reso)ve +))

outst+ndin* issues on t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t 9it6in 5i5teen ;/>< (ont6s 5ro(

t6e si*nin* o5 t6e MOA-A&.


x x x x


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x x x x


. T6e P+rties +*ree t6+t (e6+nis(s +nd (od+)ities 5or t6e +tu+) i(p)e(ent+tion o5 t6is MOA-

A& s6+)) e spe)t out in t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t to (utu+))8 t+=e su6 steps to en+)e it

to our e55etive)8.


An8 provisions o5 t6e MOA-A& reuirin* +(end(ents to t6e existin* )e*+) 5r+(e9or= s6+))

o(e into 5ore upon t6e si*nin* o5 + o(pre6ensive o(p+t +nd upon e55etin* t6eneess+r8 6+n*es to t6e )e*+) 5r+(e9or= 9it6 due re*+rd to non-dero*+tion o5 prior +*ree(ents +nd 9it6in t6e stipu)+ted ti(e5r+(e to e ont+ined in t6e o(pre6ensive

o(p+t.D0 ;Undersorin* supp)ied<


T6e So)iitor Gener+)s +r*u(ents 5+i) to persu+de.


onrete +ts under t6e MOA-A& +re not neess+r8 to render t6e present ontrovers8 ripe. In Pimentel, Jr. &.

 guirre,D> t6is ourt 6e)d


x x x B8 t6e (ere en+t(ent o5 t6e uestioned )+9 or t6e +pprov+) o5 t6e 6+))en*ed +tion, t6e

dispute is s+id to 6+ve ripened into + 4udii+) ontrovers8 even 9it6out +n8 ot6er overt +t. Indeed, even +

sin*u)+r vio)+tion o5 t6e onstitution +ndHor t6e )+9 is enou*6 to +9+=en 4udii+) dut8.


x x x x


B8 t6e s+(e to=en, 96en +n +t o5 t6e President, 96o in our onstitution+) s6e(e is + oeu+) o5 

on*ress, is serious)8 +))e*ed to 6+ve in5rin*ed t6e onstitution +nd t6e )+9s x x x sett)in* t6e dispute

 eo(es t6e dut8 +nd t6e responsii)it8 o5 t6e ourts.DD


In Santa 0e Independent School District &. Doe,D t6e United St+tes Supre(e ourt 6e)d t6+t t6e 6+))en*e to t6e

onstitution+)it8 o5 t6e s6oo)s po)i8 +))o9in* student-)ed pr+8ers +nd spee6es e5ore *+(es 9+s ripe 5or +d4udi+tion,

even i5 no pu)i pr+8er 6+d 8et een )ed under t6e po)i8, e+use t6e po)i8 9+s ein* 6+))en*ed +s unonstitution+) on

its face.D3


T6+t t6e )+9 or +t in uestion is not 8et e55etive does not ne*+te ripeness. :or ex+(p)e, in $ew 1or &. 2nited 

States,D@ deided in /@@1, t6e United St+tes Supre(e ourt 6e)d t6+t t6e +tion 8 t6e St+te o5 Ne9 Yor= 6+))en*in* t6e

 provisions o5 t6e "o9-"eve) R+dio+tive 7+ste Po)i8 At 9+s ripe 5or +d4udi+tion even i5 t6e uestioned provision 9+s

not to t+=e e55et unti) %+nu+r8 /, /@@D, e+use t6e p+rties +*reed t6+t Ne9 Yor= 6+d to t+=e i((edi+te +tion to +void

t6e provisionJs onseuenes.2


T6e present petitions pr+8 5or ertior+ri, / Pro6iition, +nd M+nd+(us. ertior+ri +nd Pro6iition +re re(edies

*r+nted 8 )+9 96en +n8 triun+), o+rd or o55ier 6+s +ted, in t6e +se o5 ertior+ri, or is proeedin*, in t6e +se o5 

 pro6iition, 9it6out or in exess o5 its 4urisdition or 9it6 *r+ve +use o5 disretion +(ountin* to )+= or exess o5 

 4urisdition.1 M+nd+(us is + re(ed8 *r+nted 8 )+9 96en +n8 triun+), orpor+tion, o+rd, o55ier or person un)+95u))8

ne*)ets t6e per5or(+ne o5 +n +t 96i6 t6e )+9 spei5i+))8 en4oins +s + dut8 resu)tin* 5ro( +n o55ie, trust, or st+tion, or 

un)+95u))8 ex)udes +not6er 5ro( t6e use or en4o8(ent o5 + ri*6t or o55ie to 96i6 su6 ot6er is entit)ed.F

 ertior+ri,M+nd+(us +nd Pro6iition +re +ppropri+te re(edies to r+ise onstitution+) issues +nd to revie9 +ndHor pro6iitHnu))i58,

96en proper, +ts o5 )e*is)+tive +nd exeutive o55ii+)s.0


T6e +ut6orit8 o5 t6e GRP Ne*oti+tin* P+ne) is de5ined 8 Exeutive Order No. F ;E.O. No. F<, issued on :eru+r8

13, 122/.> T6e s+id exeutive order reuires t6+t t6e *overn(entJs po)i8 5r+(e9or= 5or pe+e, in)udin* t6e

s8ste(+ti +ppro+6 +nd t6e +d(inistr+tive struture 5or +rr8in* out t6e o(pre6ensive pe+e proess x x x e *overned

 8 t6is Exeutive Order.D

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T6e present petitions +))e*e t6+t respondents GRP P+ne) +nd PAPP Esperon dr+5ted t6e ter(s o5 t6e MOA-A&

9it6out onsu)tin* t6e )o+) *overn(ent units or o((unities +55eted, nor in5or(in* t6e( o5 t6e proeedin*s. As 9i)) e

disussed in *re+ter det+i) )+ter, su6 o(ission, 8 itse)5, onstitutes a departure b% respondents from their mandate under 

 ).. $o. 3.


:urt6er(ore, t6e petitions +))e*e t6+t t6e provisions o5 t6e MOA-A& vio)+te t6e onstitution.T6e MOA-A&

 provides t6+t +n8 provisions o5 t6e MOA-A& reuirin* +(end(ents to t6e existin* )e*+) 5r+(e9or= s6+)) o(e into 5ore

upon t6e si*nin* o5 + o(pre6ensive o(p+t +nd upon e55etin* t6e neess+r8 6+n*es to t6e )e*+) 5r+(e9or=, i(p)8in*

+n +(end(ent o5 t6e onstitution toAOMMO&ATE  t6e MOA-A&. T6is stipu)+tion, in e55et, 3u!r!nteed to t6e

MI": t6e +(end(ent o5 t6e onstitution.  Such act constitutes another &iolation of its authorit%.  A*+in, t6ese points 9i))

 e disussed in (ore det+i) )+ter.

As t6e petitions +))e*e +ts or o(issions on t6e p+rt o5 respondent t6+t e80eed t(e'r !ut(#r'ty, 8 vio)+tin* t6eir 

duties under E.O. No. F +nd t6e provisions o5 t6e onstitution +nd st+tutes, t6e petitions (+=e + prima facie +se 5or 

ertior+ri, Pro6iition, +nd M+nd+(us, +nd +n +tu+) +se or ontrovers8 ripe 5or +d4udi+tion exists. 6(en !n !0t #& !br!n0( #& 3#*ern2ent 's ser'#usly !lle3ed t# (!*e 'n&r'n3ed t(e C#nst'tut'#n, 't be0#2es n#t #nly t(e r'3(t but 'n

&!0t t(e duty #& t(e ud'0'!ry t# settle t(e d'spute .




:or + p+rt8 to 6+ve locus standi, one (ust +))e*e su6 + person+) st+=e in t6e outo(e o5 t6e ontrovers8 +s to +ssure t6+t

onrete +dverseness 96i6 s6+rpens t6e present+tion o5 issues upon 96i6 t6e ourt so )+r*e)8 depends 5or i))u(in+tion

o5 di55iu)t onstitution+) uestions.3


Be+use onstitution+) +ses +re o5ten pu)i +tions in 96i6 t6e re)ie5 sou*6t is )i=e)8 to +55et ot6er persons, +

 pre)i(in+r8 uestion 5reuent)8 +rises +s to t6is interest in t6e onstitution+) uestion r+ised.@


76en suin* +s + citizen, t6e person o(p)+inin* (ust +))e*e t6+t 6e 6+s een or is +out to e denied so(e ri*6t or 

 privi)e*e to 96i6 6e is )+95u))8 entit)ed or t6+t 6e is +out to e su4eted to so(e urdens or pen+)ties 8 re+son o5 t6e

st+tute or +t o(p)+ined o5.32 76en t6e issue onerns + pu)i ri*6t, it is su55iient t6+t t6e petitioner is + itiCen +nd

6+s +n interest in t6e exeution o5 t6e )+9s.3/

 :or + ta*pa%er , one is +))o9ed to sue 96ere t6ere is +n +ssertion t6+t pu)i 5unds +re i))e*+))8 disursed or de5)eted to +n

i))e*+) purpose, or t6+t t6ere is + 9+st+*e o5 pu)i 5unds t6rou*6 t6e en5ore(ent o5 +n inv+)id or unonstitution+) )+9.

31 T6e ourt ret+ins disretion 96et6er or not to +))o9 + t+xp+8ers suit.3F


In t6e +se o5 + legislator or member of Congress, +n +t o5 t6e Exeutive t6+t in4ures t6e institution o5 on*ress +uses +

deriv+tive ut nonet6e)ess sust+nti+) in4ur8 t6+t +n e uestioned 8 )e*is)+tors. A (e(er o5 t6e #ouse o5 

Represent+tives 6+s st+ndin* to (+int+in invio)+te t6e prero*+tives, po9ers +nd privi)e*es vested 8 t6e onstitution in

6is o55ie.30


An organization (+8 e *r+nted st+ndin* to +ssert t6e ri*6ts o5 its (e(ers, 3>  ut t6e (ere invo+tion 8 t6e Integrated 

 (ar of the Philippines or an% member of the legal profession o5 t6e dut8 to preserve t6e ru)e o5 )+9 does not su55ie to

)ot6e it 9it6 st+ndin*.3D


As re*+rds + local go&ernment unit ;"GU<, it +n see= re)ie5 in order to protet or vindi+te +n interest o5 its o9n, +nd o5 

t6e ot6er "GUs.3

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Intervenors, (e+n96i)e, (+8 e *iven )e*+) st+ndin* upon s6o9in* o5 5+ts t6+t s+tis58 t6e reuire(ents o5 t6e )+9

+ut6oriCin* intervention,33 su6 +s + )e*+) interest in t6e (+tter in )iti*+tion, or in t6e suess o5 eit6er o5 t6e p+rties.


In +n8 +se, t6e ourt 6+s disretion to re)+x t6e proedur+) te6ni+)it8 on locus standi, *iven t6e )ier+) +ttitude it 6+s

exerised, 6i*6)i*6ted in t6e +se o5 Da&id &. +acapagal-rro%o,3@ 96ere te6ni+)ities o5 proedure 9ere rus6ed +side,

t6e onstitution+) issues r+ised ein* o5 p+r+(ount pu)i interest or o5 tr+nsendent+) i(port+ne deservin* t6e +ttention

o5 t6e ourt in vie9 o5 t6eir seriousness, nove)t8 +nd 9ei*6t +s preedents. @2 T6e ourts 5ore+rin* st+ne on locus

 standi on issues invo)vin* onstitution+) issues 6+s 5or its purpose t6e protetion o5 5und+(ent+) ri*6ts.


In not + 5e9 +ses, t6e ourt, in =eepin* 9it6 its dut8 under t6e onstitution to deter(ine 96et6er t6e ot6er r+n6es o5 

*overn(ent 6+ve =ept t6e(se)ves 9it6in t6e )i(its o5 t6e onstitution +nd t6e )+9s +nd 6+ve not +used t6e disretion

*iven t6e(, 6+s rus6ed +side te6ni+) ru)es o5 proedure.@/


In t6e petitions +t +r, petitioners Pr#*'n0e #& N#rt( C#t!b!t# ;G.R. No. /3F>@/< Pr#*'n0e #& 1!2b#!n3! delN#rte ;G.R. No. /3F@>/<, C'ty #& Il'3!n ;G.R. No. /3F3@F< +nd C'ty #& 1!2b#!n3! ;G.R. No. /3F>1< +nd petitioners-

in-intervention Pr#*'n0e #& Sult!n /ud!r!t, C'ty #& Is!bel! +nd %un'0'p!l'ty #& 'n!2#n 6+ve locus standi in vie9 o5 

t6e diret +nd sust+nti+) in4ur8 t6+t t6e8, +s "GUs, 9ou)d su55er +s t6eir territories, 96et6er in 96o)e or in p+rt, +re to e

in)uded in t6e intended do(+in o5 t6e B%E. T6ese petitioners +))e*e t6+t t6e8 did not vote 5or t6eir in)usion in t6e

ARMM 96i6 9ou)d e exp+nded to 5or( t6e B%E territor8. Petitioners )e*+) st+ndin* is t6us e8ond dout.


In G.R. No. /3F@D1, petitioners Ernest# %!0ed!, Je#2!r B'n!y +nd Au'l'n# P'2entel III 9ou)d 6+ve no st+ndin* +s

itiCens +nd t+xp+8ers 5or t6eir 5+i)ure to spei58 t6+t t6e8 9ou)d e denied so(e ri*6t or privi)e*e or t6ere 9ou)d e

9+st+*e o5 pu)i 5unds. T6e 5+t t6+t t6e8 +re + 5or(er Sen+tor, +n inu(ent (+8or o5 M+=+ti it8, +nd + resident o5 

+*+8+n de Oro, respetive)8, is o5 no onseuene. onsiderin* t6eir invo+tion o5 t6e tr+nsendent+) i(port+ne o5 t6e

issues +t 6+nd, 6o9ever, t6e ourt *r+nts t6e( st+ndin*.


Intervenors Fr!nl'n Dr'l#n +nd Adel T!2!n#, in +))e*in* t6eir st+ndin* +s t+xp+8ers, +ssert t6+t *overn(ent 5unds

9ou)d e expended 5or t6e ondut o5 +n i))e*+) +nd unonstitution+) p)eisite to de)ine+te t6e B%E territor8. On t6+t

sore +)one, t6e8 +n e *iven )e*+) st+ndin*. T6eir +))e*+tion t6+t t6e issues invo)ved in t6ese petitions +re o5 undeni+)e

tr+nsendent+) i(port+ne )ot6es t6e( 9it6 +dded +sis 5or t6eir person+)it8 to intervene in t6ese petitions.

 7it6 re*+rd to Sen!t#r %!nuel R#8!s, 6is st+ndin* is pre(ised on 6is ein* + (e(er o5 t6e Sen+te +nd + itiCen to

en5ore o(p)i+ne 8 respondents o5 t6e pu)is onstitution+) ri*6t to e in5or(ed o5 t6e MOA-A&, +s 9e)) +s on +

*enuine )e*+) interest in t6e (+tter in )iti*+tion, or in t6e suess or 5+i)ure o5 eit6er o5 t6e p+rties. #e t6us possesses t6e

reuisite st+ndin* +s +n intervenor.


7it6 respet to Intervenors Ruy El'!s #pe, +s + 5or(er on*ress(+n o5 t6e F rd distrit o5 &+v+o it8, + t+xp+8er +nd +

(e(er o5 t6e B+*oo trie C!rl# B- G#2e, et !l-, +s (e(ers o5 t6e IBP P+)+9+n 6+pter, itiCens +nd

t+xp+8ers %!r'n# R'd!#, +s t+xp+8er, resident +nd (e(er o5 t6eSangguniang Panlungsod  o5 ot++to it87 +nd /'s'n

Bu8!n', +s t+xp+8er, t6e8 5+i)ed to +))e*e +n8 proper )e*+) interest in t6e present petitions. %ust t6e s+(e, t6e ourt

exerises its disretion to re)+x t6e proedur+) te6ni+)it8 on locus standi *iven t6e p+r+(ount pu)i interest in t6e

issues +t 6+nd.


Intervenin* respondents %usl'2 %ult'$Se0t#r!l %#*e2ent &#r Pe!0e !nd De*el#p2ent, +n +dvo+8 *roup 5or 4ustie

+nd t6e +tt+in(ent o5 pe+e +nd prosperit8 in Mus)i( Mind+n+o +nd%usl'2 e3!l Ass'st!n0e F#und!t'#n In0., + non-

*overn(ent or*+niC+tion o5 Mus)i( )+98ers, +))e*e t6+t t6e8 st+nd to e ene5ited or pre4udied, +s t6e +se (+8 e, in

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t6e reso)ution o5 t6e petitions onernin* t6e MOA-A&, +nd pr+8s 5or t6e deni+) o5 t6e petitions on t6e *rounds t6erein

st+ted. Su6 )e*+) interest su55ies to )ot6e t6e( 9it6 st+ndin*.




Respondents insist t6+t t6e present petitions 6+ve een rendered (oot 9it6 t6e s+tis5+tion o5 +)) t6e re)ie5s pr+8ed 5or 8

 petitioners +nd t6e suseuent pronoune(ent o5 t6e Exeutive Seret+r8 t6+t no (+tter 96+t t6e Supre(e ourt

u)ti(+te)8 deides, t6e *overn(ent 9i)) not si*n t6e MOA.@1


In )endin* redene to t6is po)i8 deision, t6e So)iitor Gener+) points out t6+t t6e President 6+d +)re+d8 dis+nded

t6e GRP Pe+e P+ne).@F


In Da&id &. +acapagal-rro%o,@0 t6is ourt 6e)d t6+t t6e (oot +nd ++de(i prinip)e not ein* + (+*i+) 5or(u)+ t6+t

+uto(+ti+))8 dissu+des ourts in reso)vin* + +se, it 9i)) deide +ses, ot6er9ise (oot +nd ++de(i, i5 it 5inds t6+t ;+<

t6ere is + *r+ve vio)+tion o5 t6e onstitution


 ;< t6e situ+tion is o5 exeption+) 6+r+ter +nd p+r+(ount pu)i interestis invo)ved@D ;< t6e onstitution+) issue r+ised reuires 5or(u)+tion o5 ontro))in* prinip)es to *uide t6e en6, t6e +r,

+nd t6e pu)i@ +nd ;d< t6e +se is +p+)e o5 repetition 8et ev+din* revie9.@3


Anot6er ex)usion+r8 iru(st+ne t6+t (+8 e onsidered is 96ere t6ere is + vo)unt+r8 ess+tion o5 t6e +tivit8

o(p)+ined o5 8 t6e de5end+nt or doer. T6us, one + suit is 5i)ed +nd t6e doer vo)unt+ri)8 e+ses t6e 6+))en*ed ondut,

it does not +uto(+ti+))8 deprive t6e triun+) o5 po9er to 6e+r +nd deter(ine t6e +se +nd does not render t6e +se (oot

espei+))8 96en t6e p)+inti55 see=s d+(+*es or pr+8s 5or in4untive re)ie5 +*+inst t6e possi)e reurrene o5 t6e vio)+tion.



T6e present petitions 5+)) su+re)8 into t6ese exeptions to t6us t6rust t6e( into t6e do(+in o5 4udii+) revie9. T6e

*rounds ited +ove in Da&id   +re 4ust +s +pp)i+)e in t6e present +ses +s t6e8 9ere, not on)8 in Da&id , ut +)so

in Pro&ince of (atangas &. !omulo/22 +nd +analo &. Calderon/2/ 96ere t6e ourt si(i)+r)8 deided t6e( on t6e (erits,

supervenin* events t6+t 9ou)d ordin+ri)8 6+ve rendered t6e s+(e (oot not9it6st+ndin*.


Pet't'#ns n#t 2##ted


ontr+r8 t6en to t6e +ssever+tions o5 respondents, t6e non-si*nin* o5 t6e MOA-A& +nd t6e eventu+) disso)ution o5 t6e

GRP Pe+e P+ne) did not (oot t6e present petitions.  It bears emphasis that the signing of the +-D did not push

through due to the Courts issuance of a 'emporar% !estraining rder.


ontr+r8 too to respondents position, t6e MOA-A& +nnot e onsidered + (ere )ist o5 onsensus points, espei+))8 *iven

its n#2en0l!ture, t6e need t# (!*e 't s'3ned #r 'n't'!led 8 +)) t6e p+rties onerned on Au*ust >, 1223, +nd t6e &!r$

re!0('n3 C#nst'tut'#n!l '2pl'0!t'#ns o5 t6ese onsensus points, 5ore(ost o5 96i6 is t6e re+tion o5 t6e B%E.


In 5+t, +s 96+t 9i)), in t6e (+in, e disussed, t(ere 's ! 0#22't2ent #n t(e p!rt #& resp#ndents t# !2end !nd e&&e0tne0ess!ry 0(!n3es t# t(e e8'st'n3 le3!l &r!2e)#r &#r 0ert!'n pr#*'s'#ns #& t(e %OA$AD t# t!e

e&&e0t. onseuent)8, t6e present petitions +re not on5ined to t6e ter(s +nd provisions o5 t6e MOA-A&, ut to ot6er #n$

3#'n3  +nd &uture  ne*oti+tions +nd +*ree(ents neess+r8 5or its re+)iC+tion. T6e petitions 6+ve not, t6ere5ore, een

rendered (oot +nd ++de(i si(p)8 8 t6e pu)i dis)osure o5 t6e MOA-A&, /21 t6e (+ni5est+tion t6+t it 9i)) not e

si*ned +s 9e)) +s t6e dis+ndin* o5 t6e GRP P+ne) not 9it6st+ndin*.


Pet't'#ns !re '2bued )'t( p!r!2#unt publ'0 'nterest


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T6ere is no *+ins+8in* t6+t t6e petitions +re i(ued 9it6 p+r+(ount pu)i interest, invo)vin* + si*ni5i+nt p+rt o5 t6e

ountr8s territor8 +nd t6e 9ide-r+n*in* po)iti+) (odi5i+tions o5 +55eted "GUs. T6e +ssertion t(!t t(e %OA$AD 's

sube0t t# &urt(er le3!l en!0t2ents 'n0lud'n3 p#ss'ble C#nst'tut'#n!l !2end2ents 2#re t(!n e*er pr#*'des '2petus

&#r t(e C#urt t# &#r2ul!te 0#ntr#ll'n3 pr'n0'ples t# 3u'de t(e ben0(, t(e b!r, t(e publ'0 !nd, 'n t('s 0!se, t(e

3#*ern2ent !nd 'ts ne3#t'!t'n3 ent'ty.

 Respondents ite Suplico &. $)D, et al ./2F 96ere t6e ourt did not ponti5i+te on issues 96i6 no )on*er )e*iti(+te)8

onstitute +n +tu+) +se or ontrovers8 +s t6is 9i)) do (ore 6+r( t6+n *ood to t6e n+tion +s + 96o)e.


T6e present petitions (ust e di55erenti+ted 5ro( Suplico. Pri(+ri)8, in Suplico, 96+t 9+s +ss+i)ed +nd eventu+))8

+ne))ed 9+s + st+nd-+)one *overn(ent proure(ent ontr+t 5or + n+tion+) ro+d+nd net9or= invo)vin* + one-ti(e

ontr+tu+) re)+tion et9een t9o p+rtiest6e *overn(ent +nd + priv+te 5orei*n orpor+tion. As t6e issues t6erein invo)ved

spei5i *overn(ent proure(ent po)iies +nd st+nd+rd prinip)es on ontr+ts, t6e (+4orit8 opinion in Suplico 5ound

not6in* exeption+) t6erein, t6e 5+tu+) iru(st+nes ein* peu)i+r on)8 to t6e tr+ns+tions +nd p+rties invo)ved in t6e


T(e %OA$AD 's p!rt #& ! ser'es #& !3ree2ents


In t6e present ontrovers8, t6e MOA-A& is +  s'3n'&'0!nt p!rt #& ! ser'es #& !3ree2ents neess+r8 to +rr8 out

t6e Tripo)i A*ree(ent 122/. T6e MOA-A& 96i6 d9e))s on t6e Anestr+) &o(+in Aspeto5 s+id Tripo)i A*ree(ent is t6e

t6ird su6 o(ponent to e undert+=en 5o))o9in* t6e i(p)e(ent+tion o5 t6e Seurit8 Aspet in Au*ust 122/ +nd

t6e #u(+nit+ri+n, Re6+i)it+tion +nd &eve)op(ent Aspetin M+8 1221.


Aordin*)8, even i5 t6e Exeutive Seret+r8, in 6is Me(or+ndu( o5 Au*ust 13, 1223 to t6e So)iitor Gener+), 6+s st+ted

t6+t no (+tter 96+t t6e Supre(e ourt u)ti(+te)8 deides, t6e *overn(ent 9i)) not si*n t6e MOA-A&, (ootness 9i))

not set in in )i*6t o5 t6e ter(s o5 t6e Tripo)i A*ree(ent 122/.


Need t# &#r2ul!te pr'n0'ples$3u'del'nes


Sure)8, t6e present MOA-A& +n e rene*oti+ted or +not6er one 9i)) e dr+9n up t# 0!rry #ut t(e An0estr!l

D#2!'n Aspe0t #& t(e Tr'p#l' A3ree2ent 54, in +not6er or in +n8 5or(, 96i6 ou)d ont+in si(i)+r or si*ni5i+nt)8

dr+sti provisions. 76i)e t6e ourt notes t6e 9ord o5 t6e Exeutive Seret+r8 t6+t t6e *overn(ent is o((itted to

seurin* +n +*ree(ent t6+t is ot6 onstitution+) +nd euit+)e e+use t6+t is t6e on)8 9+8 t6+t )on*-)+stin* pe+e +n e

+ssured, it is (inded to render + deision on t6e (erits in t6e present petitions to &#r2ul!te 0#ntr#ll'n3 pr'n0'ples t#

3u'de t(e ben0(, t(e b!r, t(e publ'0 !nd, 2#st espe0'!lly, t(e 3#*ern2ent 'n ne3#t'!t'n3 )'t( t(e %IF re3!rd'n3

An0estr!l D#2!'n.


Respondents invite t6e ourts +ttention to t6e sep+r+te opinion o5 t6en 6ie5 %ustie Arte(io P+n*+ni+n in Sanlaas &.

 !e%es/20 in 96i6 6e st+ted t6+t t6e dotrine o5 +p+)e o5 repetition 8et ev+din* revie9 +n override (ootness, provided

t6e p+rt8 r+isin* it in + proper +se 6+s een +ndHor ontinue to e pre4udied or d+(+*ed +s + diret resu)t o5 t6eir 

issu+ne. T6e8 ontend t6+t t6e ourt (ust 6+ve 4urisdition over t6e su4et (+tter 5or t6e dotrine to e invo=ed.


T6e present petitions +)) ont+in pr+8ers 5or Pro6iition over 96i6 t6is ourt exerises ori*in+)

 4urisdition. 76i)e G.R. No. /3F3@F ;it8 o5 I)i*+n v. GRP< is + petition 5or In4untion +nd &e)+r+tor8 Re)ie5, t6e ourt

9i)) tre+t it +s one 5or Pro6iition +s it 6+s 5+r re+6in* i(p)i+tions +nd r+ises uestions t6+t need to e reso)ved./2> At +))

events, t6e ourt 6+s 4urisdition over (ost i5 not t6e rest o5 t6e petitions.


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Indeed, t6e present petitions +55ord + proper venue 5or t6e ourt to +*+in +pp)8 t6e dotrine i((edi+te)8 re5erred to +s

96+t it 6+d done in + nu(er o5 )+nd(+r= +ses. /2D T6ere is + re+son+)eexpet+tion t6+t petitioners, p+rtiu)+r)8 t6e

Provines o5 Nort6 ot++to, !+(o+n*+ de) Norte +nd Su)t+n ?ud+r+t, t6e ities o5 !+(o+n*+, I)i*+n +nd Is+e)+, +nd

t6e Muniip+)it8 o5 "in+(on, 9i))+*+in e su4eted to t6e s+(e pro)e( in t6e 5uture +s respondents +tions +re +p+)e

o5 repetition, in +not6er or +n8 5or(.


It is 9it6 respet to t6e pr+8ers 5or M+nd+(us t6+t t6e petitions 6+ve eo(e (oot, respondents 6+vin*, 8 o(p)i+ne

o5 Au*ust , 1223, provided t6is ourt +nd petitioners 9it6 o55ii+) opies o5 t6e 5in+) dr+5t o5 t6e MOA-A& +nd its

+nnexes. Too, intervenors 6+ve een 5urnis6ed, or 6+ve proured 5or t6e(se)ves, opies o5 t6e MOA-A&.



As u))ed 5ro( t6e Petitions +nd Petitions-in-Intervention, t6ere +re +si+))8 t9o SUBSTANTI$E issues to e reso)ved,

one re)+tin* to t6e (+nner in 96i6 t6e MOA-A& 9+s ne*oti+ted +nd 5in+)iCed, t6e ot6er re)+tin* to its provisions, &iz 


/. &id respondents vio)+te onstitution+) +nd st+tutor8 provisions on pu)i onsu)t+tion +nd t6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion 96ent6e8 ne*oti+ted +nd )+ter initi+)ed t6e MOA-A&K


1. &o t6e ontents o5 t6e MOA-A& vio)+te t6e onstitution +nd t6e )+9sK



Petitioners invo=e t6eir onstitution+) r'3(t t# 'n&#r2!t'#n #n 2!tters #& publ'0 0#n0ern, +s provided in Setion

, Arti)e III on t6e Bi)) o5 Ri*6ts


Se. . T6e ri*6t o5 t6e peop)e to in5or(+tion on (+tters o5 pu)i onern s6+)) ereo*niCed.Aess to o55ii+) reords, +nd to dou(ents, +nd p+pers pert+inin* to o55ii+) +ts,

tr+ns+tions, or deisions, +s 9e)) +s to *overn(ent rese+r6 d+t+ used +s +sis 5or po)i8 deve)op(ent,

s6+)) e +55orded t6e itiCen, su4et to su6 )i(it+tions +s (+8 e provided 8 )+9./2


As e+r)8 +s /@03, in Subido &. zaeta,/23 t6e ourt 6+s reo*niCed t6e st+tutor8 ri*6t to ex+(ine +nd inspet pu)i

reords, + ri*6t 96i6 9+s eventu+))8 +orded onstitution+) st+tus.


T6e ri*6t o5 +ess to pu)i dou(ents, +s ens6rined in ot6 t6e /@F onstitution +nd t6e /@3 onstitution, 6+s een

reo*niCed +s + se)5-exeutor8 onstitution+) ri*6t./2@


In t6e /@D +se o5 (aldoza &. 4on. Judge Dimaano,//2 t6e ourt ru)ed t6+t +ess to pu)i reords is predi+ted on t6e

ri*6t o5 t6e peop)e to +uire in5or(+tion on (+tters o5 pu)i onern sine, undouted)8, in + de(or+8, t6e pui 6+s +

)e*iti(+te interest in (+tters o5 soi+) +nd po)iti+) si*ni5i+ne.


x x x T6e inorpor+tion o5 t6is ri*6t in t6e onstitution is + reo*nition o5 t6e 5und+(ent+) ro)e o5 5ree

ex6+n*e o5 in5or(+tion in + de(or+8. T6ere +n e no re+)isti pereption 8 t6e pu)i o5 t6e n+tions

 pro)e(s, nor + (e+nin*5u) de(or+ti deision-(+=in* i5 t6e8 +re denied +ess to in5or(+tion o5 

*ener+) interest. In5or(+tion is needed to en+)e t6e (e(ers o5 soiet8 to ope 9it6 t6e exi*enies o5 t6e ti(es. As 6+s een +pt)8 oserved M+int+inin* t6e 5)o9 o5 su6 in5or(+tion depends on protetion

5or ot6 its +uisition +nd its disse(in+tion sine, i5 eit6er proess is interrupted, t6e 5)o9 inevit+)8

e+ses. x x x///


In t6e s+(e 9+8 t6+t 5ree disussion en+)es (e(ers o5 soiet8 to ope 9it6 t6e exi*enies o5 t6eir ti(e, +ess to

in5or(+tion o5 *ener+) interest +ids t6e peop)e in de(or+ti deision-(+=in* 8 *ivin* t6e( + etter perspetive o5 t6e

vit+) issues on5rontin* t6e n+tion//1 so t6+t t6e8 (+8 e +)e to ritiiCe +nd p+rtiip+te in t6e +55+irs o5 t6e *overn(ent

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in + responsi)e, re+son+)e +nd e55etive (+nner. It is 8 ensurin* +n un5ettered +nd unin6iited ex6+n*e o5 ide+s +(on*

+ 9e))-in5or(ed pu)i t6+t + *overn(ent re(+ins responsive to t6e 6+n*es desired 8 t6e peop)e.//F


T(e %OA$AD 's ! 2!tter #& publ'0 0#n0ern


T6+t t6e su4et o5 t6e in5or(+tion sou*6t in t6e present +ses is + (+tter o5 pu)i onern //0 5+es no serious

6+))en*e. In 5+t, respondents +d(it t6+t t6e MOA-A& is indeed o5 pu)i onern.//> In previous +ses, t6e ourt 5ound

t6+t t6e re*u)+rit8 o5 re+) est+te tr+ns+tions entered in t6e Re*ister o5 &eeds, //D t6e need 5or +deu+te notie to t6e pu)i

o5 t6e v+rious )+9s,// t6e ivi) servie e)i*ii)it8 o5 + pu)i e(p)o8ee, //3  t6e proper (+n+*e(ent o5 GSIS 5unds

+))e*ed)8 used to *r+nt )o+ns to pu)i o55ii+)s, //@ t6e reover8 o5 t6e M+roses +))e*ed i))-*otten 9e+)t6,/12 +nd t6e

identit8 o5 p+rt8-)ist no(inees,/1/ +(on* ot6ers, +re (+tters o5 pu)i onern.Undouted)8, t(e %OA$AD sube0t #& 

t(e present 0!ses 's #& publ'0 0#n0ern, invo)vin* +s it does t6e s#*ere'3nty !nd terr't#r'!l 'nte3r'ty #& t(e St!te , 96i6

diret)8 +55ets t6e )ives o5 t6e pu)i +t )+r*e.


M+tters o5 pu)i onern overed 8 t6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion in)ude steps +nd ne*oti+tions )e+din* to t6e onsu((+tion

o5 t6e ontr+t. In not distin*uis6in* +s to t6e exeutor8 n+ture or o((eri+) 6+r+ter o5 +*ree(ents, t6e ourt 6+s

+te*ori+))8 ru)ed


x x x T6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion contemplates inclusion of negotiations leading to the consummation of 

the transaction. ert+in)8, + onsu((+ted ontr+t is not + reuire(ent 5or t6e exerise o5 t6e ri*6t to

in5or(+tion. Ot6er9ise, t6e peop)e +n never exerise t6e ri*6t i5 no ontr+t is onsu((+ted, +nd i5 oneis onsu((+ted, it (+8 e too )+te 5or t6e pu)i to expose its de5ets.

Reuirin* + onsu((+ted ontr+t 9i)) =eep t6e pu)i in t6e d+r= unti) t6e ontr+t, 96i6 (+8 e

*ross)8 dis+dv+nt+*eous to t6e *overn(ent or even i))e*+), eo(es fait accompli. T6is ne*+tes t6e St+te

 po)i8 o5 5u)) tr+nsp+ren8 on (+tters o5 pu)i onern, + situ+tion 96i6 t6e 5r+(ers o5 t6e onstitution

ou)d not 6+ve intended. Su6 + reuire(ent 9i)) prevent t6e itiCenr8 5ro( p+rtiip+tin* in t6e pu)i

disussion o5 +n8 proposed  ontr+t, e55etive)8 trun+tin* + +si ri*6t ens6rined in t6e Bi)) o5 Ri*6ts.7e+n +))o9 neit6er +n e(+su)+tion o5 + onstitution+) ri*6t, nor + retre+t 8 t6e St+te o5 its +vo9ed po)i8

o5 5u)) dis)osure o5 +)) its tr+ns+tions invo)vin* pu)i interest./11 ;E(p6+sis +nd it+)is in t6e ori*in+)<


Intended +s + splendid s%mmetr%/1F to t6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion under t6e Bi)) o5 Ri*6ts is t6e p#l'0y #& 

publ'0 d's0l#sure under Setion 13, Arti)e II o5 t6e onstitution re+din*


Se. 13. Su4et to re+son+)e onditions presried 8 )+9, t6e St+te +dopts +nd i(p)e(ents + po)i8 o5 

5u)) pu)i dis)osure o5 +)) its tr+ns+tions invo)vin* pu)i interest./10


T6e po)i8 o5 5u)) pu)i dis)osure enuni+ted in +ove-uoted Setion 13 complements t6e ri*6t o5 +ess to in5or(+tion

on (+tters o5 pu)i onern 5ound in t6e Bi)) o5 Ri*6ts. T6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion *u+r+ntees t6e ri*6t o5 t6e peop)e to

de(+nd in5or(+tion, 96i)e Setion 13 reo*niCes t6edut8 o5 o55ii+)do( to *ive in5or(+tion even i5 nood8 de(+nds./1>


T6e po)i8 o5 pu)i dis)osure est+)is6es + onrete et6i+) prinip)e 5or t6e ondut o5 pu)i +55+irs in + *enuine)8

open de(or+8, 9it6 t6e peop)es ri*6t to =no9 +s t6e enterpiee. It is + (+nd+te o5 t6e St+te to e +ount+)e 8

5o))o9in* su6 po)i8./1D T6ese provisions +re vit+) to t6e exerise o5 t6e 5reedo( o5 expression +nd essenti+) to 6o)d

 pu)i o55ii+)s +t +)) ti(es +ount+)e to t6e peop)e./1


76et6er Setion 13 is se)5-exeutor8, t6e reords o5 t6e de)ier+tions o5 t6e onstitution+) o((ission so dis)ose


MR. SUARE!. And sine t6is is not se)5-exeutor8, t6is po)i8 9i)) not e enuni+ted or 9i)) not

 e in 5ore +nd e55et unti) +5ter on*ress s6+)) 6+ve provided it.


MR. OP"E. I expet it to in5)uene t6e )i(+te o5 pu)i et6is i((edi+te)8 ut, o5 ourse, t6e

i(p)e(entin* )+9 9i)) 6+ve to e en+ted 8 on*ress, Mr. Presidin* O55ier./13


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T6e 5o))o9in* disourse, +5ter o((issioner #i)+rio &+vide, %r., sou*6t )+ri5i+tion on t6e issue, is en)i*6tenin*.


MR. &A$I&E. I 9ou)d )i=e to *et so(e )+ri5i+tions on t6is. Mr. Presidin* O55ier, did I *et t6e

Gent)e(+n orret)8 +s 6+vin* s+id t6+t t6is is not + se)5-exeutin* provisionK It 9ou)d reuire +

)e*is)+tion 8 on*ress to i(p)e(entK


MR. OP"E. Yes. Ori*in+))8, it 9+s *oin* to e se)5-exeutin*, ut I +epted +n +(end(ent 5ro(o((issioner Re*+)+do, so t6+t t6e s+5e*u+rds on n+tion+) interest +re (odi5ied 8 t6e )+use +s (+8 e

 provided 8 )+9 

MR. &A$I&E. But +s 9orded, d#es 't n#t 2e!n t(!t t('s )'ll '22ed'!tely t!e e&&e0t !nd

C#n3ress 2!y pr#*'de &#r re!s#n!ble s!&e3u!rds on t6e so)e *round n+tion+) interestK

 MR. OP"E. .es- I t('n s#, %r- Pres'd'n3 O&&'0er, I s!'d e!rl'er t(!t 't s(#uld '22ed'!tely 'n&luen0e

t(e 0l'2!te #& t(e 0#ndu0t #& publ'0 !&&!'rs  ut, o5 ourse, on*ress 6ere (+8 no )on*er p+ss + )+9

revo=in* it, or i5 t6is is +pproved, revo=in* t6is prinip)e, 96i6 is inonsistent 9it6 t6is po)i8./1@ ;E(p6+sis supp)ied<


Induit+)8, t(e e&&e0t'*'ty #& t(e p#l'0y #& publ'0 d's0l#sure need n#t !)!'t t(e p!ss'n3 #& ! st!tute . As on*ress

+nnot revo=e t6is prinip)e, it is (ere)8 direted to provide 5or re+son+)e s+5e*u+rds. T6e o(p)ete +nd e55etive

exerise o5 t6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion neessit+tes t6+t its o(p)e(ent+r8 provision on pu)i dis)osure derive t6e s+(e

se)5-exeutor8 n+ture. Sine ot6 provisions *o 6+nd-in-6+nd, it is +surd to s+8 t6+t t6e ro+der /F2 ri*6t to in5or(+tion

on (+tters o5 pu)i onern is +)re+d8 en5ore+)e 96i)e t6e orre)+tive dut8 o5 t6e St+te to dis)ose its tr+ns+tions

invo)vin* pu)i interest is not en5ore+)e unti) t6ere is +n en+)in* )+9. Respondents +nnot t6us point to t6e +sene o5 

+n i(p)e(entin* )e*is)+tion +s +n exuse in not e55etin* su6 po)i8.


An essenti+) e)e(ent o5 t6ese 5reedo(s is to =eep open + ontinuin* di+)o*ue or proess o5 o((uni+tion et9een t6e

*overn(ent +nd t6e peop)e. It is in t6e interest o5 t6e St+te t6+t t6e 6+nne)s 5or 5ree po)iti+) disussion e (+int+ined to

t6e end t6+t t6e *overn(ent (+8 pereive +nd e responsive to t6e peop)es 9i)). /F/ Envisioned to e oro))+r8 to t6e t9in

ri*6ts to in5or(+tion +nd dis)osure is t6e desi*n 5or 5eed+= (e6+nis(s.


MS. ROSARIO BRAI&. Yes. And )+st)8, Mr. Presidin* O55ier, )'ll t(e pe#ple be !ble t#

p!rt'0'p!te 6'll t(e 3#*ern2ent pr#*'de &eedb!0 2e0(!n's2s s# t(!t t(e pe#ple 0!n p!rt'0'p!te

!nd 0!n re!0t )(ere t(e e8'st'n3 2ed'! &!0'l't'es !re n#t !ble t# pr#*'de &ull &eedb!0 2e0(!n's2s t#

t(e 3#*ern2ent I supp#se t('s )'ll be p!rt #& t(e 3#*ern2ent '2ple2ent'n3 #per!t'#n!l


 MR. OP"E. Yes. I t6in= t6rou*6 t6eir e)eted represent+tives +nd t6+t is 6o9 t6ese ourses t+=e

 p)+e. T6ere is + (ess+*e +nd + 5eed+=, ot6 9+8s.


x x x x


MS. ROSARIO BRAI&. Mr. Presidin* O55ier, (+8 I 4ust (+=e one )+st senteneK


I t('n )(en )e t!l !b#ut t(e &eedb!0 net)#r, )e !re n#t t!l'n3 !b#ut publ'0 #&&'0'!ls

but !ls# net)#r #& pr'*!te bus'ness #@r 0#22un'ty$b!sed #r3!n'!t'#ns t(!t )'ll be re!0t'n3-  As +

(+tter o5 5+t, 9e 9i)) put (ore redene or redii)it8 on t6e priv+te net9or= o5 vo)unteers +nd vo)unt+r8

o((unit8-+sed or*+niC+tions. So I do not t6in= 9e +re +5r+id t6+t t6ere 9i)) e +not6er OMA in t6e

(+=in*./F1 ;E(p6+sis supp)ied<


T6e i(per+tive o5 + pu)i onsu)t+tion, +s + speies o5 t6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion, is evident in t6e (+r6in* orders to

respondents. T6e (e6+nis 5or t6e dut8 to dis)ose in5or(+tion +nd to ondut pu)i onsu)t+tion re*+rdin* t6e pe+e

+*end+ +nd proess is (+ni5est)8 provided 8 E.O. No. F./FFT6e pre+(u)+tor8 )+use o5 E.O. No. F de)+res t6+t t6ere is

+ need to 5urt6er en6+ne t6e ontriution o5 ivi) soiet8 to t6e o(pre6ensive pe+e proess 8 institution+)iCin* t6e

 peop)es p+rtiip+tion.

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One o5 t6e t6ree under)8in* prinip)es o5 t6e o(pre6ensive pe+e proess is t6+t it s6ou)d e o((unit8-+sed,

re5)etin* t6e senti(ents, v+)ues +nd prinip)es i(port+nt to +)) :i)ipinos +nd s6+)) e de5ined not 8 t6e *overn(ent

+)one, nor 8 t6e di55erent ontendin* *roups on)8, ut 8 +)) :i)ipinos +s one o((unit8. /F0 In)uded +s + o(ponent o5 

t6e o(pre6ensive pe+e proess is onsensus-ui)din* +nd e(po9er(ent 5or pe+e, 96i6 in)udes ontinuin*

onsu)t+tions on ot6 n+tion+) +nd )o+) )eve)s to ui)d onsensus 5or + pe+e +*end+ +nd proess, +nd t6e (oi)iC+tion

+nd 5+i)it+tion o5 peop)es p+rtiip+tion in t6e pe+e proess./F>


Cle!rly, E-O- N#- : 0#nte2pl!tes n#t ust t(e 0#ndu0t #& !  pleb's0'te t# e&&e0tu!te 0#nt'nu'n3 0#nsult!t'#ns,

0#ntr!ry t# resp#ndents p#s't'#n t(!t pleb's0'te 's 2#re t(!n su&&'0'ent 0#nsult!t'#n./FD


:urt6er, E.O. No. F enu(er+tes t6e 5untions +nd responsii)ities o5 t6e PAPP, one o5 96i6 is to ondut re*u)+r 

di+)o*ues 9it6 t6e N+tion+) Pe+e :oru( ;NP:< +nd ot6er pe+e p+rtners to see= re)ev+nt in5or(+tion, o((ents,

reo((end+tions +s 9e)) +s to render +ppropri+te +nd ti(e)8 reports on t6e pro*ress o5 t6e o(pre6ensive pe+e proess.

/F E.O. No. F (+nd+tes t6e est+)is6(ent o5 t6e NP: to e t6e prinip+) 5oru( 5or t6e PAPP to onsu)t 9it6 +nd see= 

+dvie 5ro( t6e pe+e +dvo+tes, pe+e p+rtners +nd onerned setors o5 soiet8 on ot6 n+tion+) +nd )o+) )eve)s, ont6e i(p)e(ent+tion o5 t6e o(pre6ensive pe+e proess, +s 9e)) +s 5or *overn(ent-ivi) soiet8 di+)o*ue +nd

onsensus-ui)din* on pe+e +*end+ +nd initi+tives./F3


In &'ne, E-O- N#- : est!bl's(es pet't'#ners r'3(t t# be 0#nsulted #n t(e pe!0e !3end!, !s ! 0#r#ll!ry t# t(e

0#nst'tut'#n!l r'3(t t# 'n&#r2!t'#n !nd d's0l#sure-


PAPP Esper#n 0#22'tted 3r!*e !buse #& d's0ret'#n


T6e PAPP 0#22'tted 3r!*e !buse #& d's0ret'#n  96en 6e &!'led  to +rr8 out t6e pertinent onsu)t+tion. T6e 5urtive

 proess 8 96i6 t6e MOA-A& 9+s desi*ned +nd r+5ted runs 0#ntr!ry t# !nd 'n e80ess #& t(e le3!l !ut(#r'ty, +nd

+(ounts to + 96i(si+), +priious, oppressive, +ritr+r8 +nd despoti exerise t6ereo5.


T6e ourt (+8 not, o5 ourse, reuire t6e PAPP to ondut t6e onsu)t+tion in a particular wa% or manner . It (+8,

6o9ever, reuire 6i( to o(p)8 9it6 t6e )+9 +nd dis6+r*e t6e 5untions within the authorit% granted 8 t6e President./F@


Petitioners +re not )+i(in* + se+t +t t6e ne*oti+tin* t+)e, ontr+r8 to respondents retort in 4usti58in* t6e deni+) o5 

 petitioners ri*6t to e onsu)ted. Respondents st+ne (+ni5ests t6e (+nner 8 96i6 t6e8 tre+t t6e s+)ient provisions o5 E.O. No. F on peop)es p+rtiip+tion. Su6 disre*+rd o5 t6e express (+nd+te o5 t6e President is not (u6 di55erent 5ro(

super5ii+) ondut to9+rd to=en provisos t6+t order on )+ssi )ip servie. /02 It i))ustr+tes + *ross ev+sion o5 positive

dut8 +nd + virtu+) re5us+) to per5or( t6e dut8 en4oined.


As 5or respondents invo+tion o5 t6e dotrine o5 exeutive privi)e*e, it is not ten+)e under t6e pre(ises. T6e +r*u(ent

de5ies sound re+son 96en ontr+sted 9it6 E.O. No. Fs exp)iit provisions on ontinuin* onsu)t+tion +nd di+)o*ue on

 ot6 n+tion+) +nd )o+) )eve)s. T(e e8e0ut'*e #rder e*en re0#3n'es t(e e8er0'se #& t(e publ'0s r'3(t even e5ore t6e

GRP (+=es its o55ii+) reo((end+tions or e5ore t6e *overn(ent pro55ers its de5inite propositions./0/ It e+r e(p6+sis

t6+t E.O. No. F see=s to e)iit re)ev+nt +dvie, in5or(+tion, o((ents +nd reo((end+tions 5ro( t6e peop)e t6rou*6



AT A"" E$ENTS, respondents e55etive)8 9+ived t6e de5ense o5 exeutive privi)e*e in vie9 o5 t6eir unu+)i5ied

dis)osure o5 t6e o55ii+) opies o5 t6e 5in+) dr+5t o5 t6e MOA-A&. B8 unondition+))8 o(p)8in* 9it6 t6e ourts Au*ust

0, 1223 Reso)ution, 9it6out + pr+8er 5or t6e dou(ents dis)osure in camera, or 9it6out + (+ni5est+tion t6+t it 9+s

o(p)8in* t6ere9it6 e* abundante ad cautelam.

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Petitioners +ssertion t6+t t6e "o+) Govern(ent ode ;"G< o5 /@@/ de)+res it + St+te po)i8 to reuire +)) n+tion+)

+*enies +nd o55ies to ondut periodi onsu)t+tions 9it6 +ppropri+te )o+) *overn(ent units, non-*overn(ent+) +nd

 peop)eJs or*+niC+tions, +nd ot6er onerned setors o5 t6e o((unit8 e5ore +n8 pro4et or pro*r+( is i(p)e(ented in

t6eir respetive 4urisditions/01 is 9e))-t+=en. T6e "G 6+pter on inter*overn(ent+) re)+tions puts 5)es6 into t6is +vo9ed


  Prior Consultations !equired . No pro4et or pro*r+( s6+)) e i(p)e(ented 8 *overn(ent

+ut6oritiesunless t6e onsu)t+tions (entioned in Setions 1 ;< +nd 1D 6ereo5 +re o(p)ied 9it6, +nd prior 

+pprov+) o5 t6e s+n**uni+n onerned is ot+ined Provided, T6+t oup+nts in +re+s 96ere su6 pro4ets

+re to e i(p)e(ented s6+)) not e evited un)ess +ppropri+te re)o+tion sites 6+ve een provided, in

+ord+ne 9it6 t6e provisions o5 t6e onstitution./0F ;It+)is +nd undersorin* supp)ied<


In /ina, Jr. &. 4on. Pao,/00 t6e ourt 6e)d t6+t t6e +ove-st+ted po)i8 +nd +ove-uoted provision o5 t6e "GU +pp)8 on)8

to n+tion+) pro*r+(s or pro4ets 96i6 +re to e i(p)e(ented in + p+rtiu)+r )o+) o((unit8. A(on* t6e pro*r+(s +nd

 pro4ets overed +re t6ose t6+t +re riti+) to t6e environ(ent +nd 6u(+n eo)o*8 in)udin* t6ose t6+t (+8 +)) 5or t6e evition o5 + p+rtiu)+r *roup o5 peop)e residin* in t6e )o+)it8 96ere t6ese 9i)) e i(p)e(ented ./0> T(e %OA$AD 's

#ne pe0ul'!r pr#3r!2 t(!t uneu'*#0!lly !nd un'l!ter!lly *ests #)ners('p #& ! *!st terr't#ry t# t(e B!n3s!2#r#

pe#ple,/0D )('0( 0#uld per*!s'*ely !nd dr!st'0!lly result t# t(e d'!sp#r! #r d'spl!0e2ent #& ! 3re!t nu2ber #& 

'n(!b't!nts &r#2 t(e'r t#t!l en*'r#n2ent-


7it6 respet to t6e indi*enous u)tur+) o((unitiesHindi*enous peop)es ;IsHIPs<, 96ose interests +re represented

6erein 8 petitioner "opeC +nd +re +dverse)8 +55eted 8 t6e MOA-A&, t6e IsHIPs 6+ve, under t6e IPRA, t6e ri*6t to

 p+rtiip+te 5u))8 +t +)) )eve)s o5 deision-(+=in* in (+tters 96i6 (+8 +55et t6eir ri*6ts, )ives +nd destinies./0 T6e

MOA-A&, +n instru(ent reo*niCin* +nestr+) do(+in, 5+i)ed to 4usti58 its non-o(p)i+ne 9it6 t6e )e+r-ut (e6+nis(s

ord+ined in s+id At, /03  96i6 ent+i)s, +(on* ot6er t6in*s, t6e oserv+ne o5 t6e 5ree +nd prior in5or(ed onsent o5 t6e


 Not+)8, t6e IPRA does n#t 

*r+nt t6e Exeutive &ep+rt(ent or +n8 *overn(ent +*en8 t6e po9er to de)ine+te +nd

reo*niCe +n +nestr+) do(+in )+i( b% mere agreement or compromise. T6e reo*nition o5 t6e +nestr+) do(+in is

t6e raison detre o5 t6e MOA-A&, 9it6out 96i6 +)) ot6er stipu)+tions or onsensus points neess+ri)8 (ust 5+i). In

 proeedin* to (+=e + s9eepin* de)+r+tion on +nestr+) do(+in, 9it6out o(p)8in* 9it6 t6e IPRA, 96i6 is ited +s one

o5 t6e TOR o5 t6e MOA-A&, resp#ndents 0le!rly tr!ns0ended t(e b#und!r'es #& t(e'r !ut(#r'ty. As it see(s, even t6e

6e+rt o5 t6e MOA-A& is sti)) su4et to neess+r8 6+n*es to t6e )e*+) 5r+(e9or=. 76i)e p+r+*r+p6 on Govern+ne

suspends t6e e55etivit8 o5 +)) provisions reuirin* 6+n*es to t6e )e*+) 5r+(e9or=, su6 )+use is itse)5 inv+)id, +s 9i)) e

disussed in t6e 5o))o9in* setion.


Indeed, ours is +n open soiet8, 9it6 +)) t6e +ts o5 t6e *overn(ent su4et to pu)i srutin8 +nd +v+i)+)e +)9+8s to

 pu)i o*niC+ne. T6is 6+s to e so i5 t6e ountr8 is to re(+in de(or+ti, 9it6 soverei*nt8 residin* in t6e peop)e +nd +))

*overn(ent +ut6orit8 e(+n+tin* 5ro( t6e(./0@



7it6 re*+rd to t6e provisions o5 t6e MOA-A&, t6ere +n e no uestion t6+t t6e8 +nnot +)) eAOMMO&ATE&  

under t6e present onstitution +nd )+9s. Respondents 6+ve +d(itted +s (u6 in t6e or+) +r*u(ents e5ore t6is ourt, +nd

t6e MOA-A& itse)5 reo*niCes t6e need to +(end t6e existin* )e*+) 5r+(e9or= to render e55etive +t )e+st so(e o5 its

 provisions. Respondents, nonet6e)ess, ounter t6+t t6e MOA-A& is 5ree o5 +n8 )e*+) in5ir(it8 e+use +n8 provisions

t6erein 96i6 +re inonsistent 9it6 t6e present )e*+) 5r+(e9or= 9i)) not e e55etive unti) t6e neess+r8 6+n*es to t6+t

5r+(e9or= +re (+de. T6e v+)idit8 o5 t6is +r*u(ent 9i)) e onsidered )+ter. :or no9, t6e ourt s6+)) p+ss upon 6o9

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T(e %OA$AD 's 'n0#ns'stent )'t( t(e C#nst'tut'#n !nd l!)s !s

presently )#rded-


In *ener+), t6e o4etions +*+inst t6e MOA-A& enter on t6e extent o5 t6e po9ers oneded t6erein to t6e B%E. Petitioners

+ssert t6+t t6e po9ers *r+nted to t6e B%E exeed t6ose *r+nted to +n8 )o+) *overn(ent under present )+9s, +nd even *o

 e8ond t6ose o5 t6e present ARMM. Be5ore +ssessin* so(e o5 t6e spei5i po9ers t6+t 9ou)d 6+ve een vested in t6e

B%E, 6o9ever, it 9ou)d e use5u) to turn 5irst to + *ener+) ide+ t6+t serves +s + uni58in* )in= to t6e di55erent provisions o5 

t6e MOA-A&, n+(e)8, t6e intern+tion+) )+9 onept o5 association. Si*ni5i+nt)8, t6e MOA-A& exp)iit)8 +))udes to t6is

onept, indi+tin* t6+t t6e P+rties +tu+))8 5r+(ed its provisions 9it6 it in (ind.


 Association is re5erred to in p+r+*r+p6 F on TERRITORY, p+r+*r+p6 // on RESOURES, +nd p+r+*r+p6 0 on

GO$ERNANE. It is in t6e )+st (entioned provision, 6o9ever, t6+t t6e MOA-A& (ost )e+r)8 uses it to desrie

t6e envisioned re)+tions6ip et9een t6e B%E +nd t6e entr+) Govern(ent.


0. T(e rel!t'#ns('p bet)een t(e Centr!l G#*ern2ent !nd t(e B!n3s!2#r# ur'd'0!l ent'ty s(!llbe!ss#0'!t'*e 0(!r!0ter'ed by s(!red !ut(#r'ty !nd resp#ns'b'l'ty 9it6 + struture o5 *overn+ne

 +sed on exeutive, )e*is)+tive, 4udii+) +nd +d(inistr+tive institutions 9it6 de5ined po9ers +nd 5untions

in t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t. A period o5 tr+nsition s6+)) e est+)is6ed in + o(pre6ensive pe+e

o(p+t spei58in* t6e re)+tions6ip et9een t6e entr+) Govern(ent +nd t6e B%E. ;E(p6+sis +nd

undersorin* supp)ied<


T6e n+ture o5 t6e associative re)+tions6ip (+8 6+ve een intended to e de5ined (ore preise)8 in t6e sti)) to e

5or*ed o(pre6ensive o(p+t. Nonet6e)ess, *iven t6+t t6ere is + onept o5 +ssoi+tion in intern+tion+) )+9, +nd t6e

MOA-A& 8 its in)usion o5 intern+tion+) )+9 instru(ents in its TOR p)+ed itse)5 in +n intern+tion+) )e*+) ontext, t6+t

onept o5 +ssoi+tion (+8 e rou*6t to e+r in underst+ndin* t6e use o5 t6e ter( associati&e in t6e MOA-A&.


?eitner +nd Reis(+n st+te t6+t


+n +ssoi+tion is 5or(ed 96en t)# st!tes o5 uneu+) po9er vo)unt+ri)8 est+)is6 dur+)e )in=s. In t6e

 +si (ode), #ne st!te, t(e !ss#0'!te, dele3!tes 0ert!'n resp#ns'b'l't'es t# t(e #t(er, t(e pr'n0'p!l,

)('le 2!'nt!'n'n3 'ts 'ntern!t'#n!l st!tus !s ! st!te- Free !ss#0'!t'#ns represent ! 2'ddle 3r#und

bet)een 'nte3r!t'#n !nd 'ndependen0e. x x x/>2 ;E(p6+sis +nd undersorin* supp)ied<


:or purposes o5 i))ustr+tion, t6e Repu)i o5 t6e M+rs6+)) Is)+nds +nd t6e :eder+ted St+tes o5 Mironesi+ ;:SM<, 5or(er)8

 p+rt o5 t6e U.S.-+d(inistered Trust Territor8 o5 t6e P+i5i Is)+nds,/>/+re +ssoi+ted st+tes o5 t6e U.S. pursu+nt to +

o(p+t o5 :ree Assoi+tion. T6e urren8 in t6ese ountries is t6e U.S. do))+r, indi+tin* t6eir ver8 )ose ties 9it6

t6e U.S., 8et t6e8 issue t6eir o9n tr+ve) dou(ents, 96i6 is + (+r= o5 t6eir st+te6ood. T6eir intern+tion+) )e*+) st+tus +s

st+tes 9+s on5ir(ed 8 t6e UN Seurit8 ouni) +nd 8 t6eir +d(ission to UN (e(ers6ip.


Aordin* to t6eir o(p+ts o5 5ree +ssoi+tion, t6e M+rs6+)) Is)+nds +nd t6e :SM *ener+))8 6+ve t6e +p+it8 to ondut

5orei*n +55+irs in t6eir o9n n+(e +nd ri*6t, su6 +p+it8 extendin* to (+tters su6 +s t6e )+9 o5 t6e se+, (+rine

resoures, tr+de, +n=in*, post+), ivi) +vi+tion, +nd u)tur+) re)+tions. T6e U.S. *overn(ent, 96en ondutin* its 5orei*n

+55+irs, is o)i*+ted to onsu)t 9it6 t6e *overn(ents o5 t6e M+rs6+)) Is)+nds or t6e :SM on (+tters 96i6 it ;U.S.

*overn(ent< re*+rds +s re)+tin* to or +55etin* eit6er *overn(ent.


In t6e event o5 +tt+=s or t6re+ts +*+inst t6e M+rs6+)) Is)+nds or t6e :SM, t6e U.S. *overn(ent 6+s t6e +ut6orit8 +nd

o)i*+tion to de5end t6e( +s i5 t6e8 9ere p+rt o5 U.S. territor8. T6e U.S. *overn(ent, (oreover, 6+s t6e option o5 

est+)is6in* +nd usin* (i)it+r8 +re+s +nd 5+i)ities 9it6in t6ese +ssoi+ted st+tes +nd 6+s t6e ri*6t to +r t6e (i)it+r8

 personne) o5 +n8 t6ird ountr8 5ro( 6+vin* +ess to t6ese territories 5or (i)it+r8 purposes.


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It e+rs notin* t6+t in U.S. onstitution+) +nd intern+tion+) pr+tie, 5ree +ssoi+tion is understood +s +n intern+tion+)

+ssoi+tion et9een soverei*ns. T6e o(p+t o5 :ree Assoi+tion is + tre+t8 96i6 is suordin+te to t6e +ssoi+ted

n+tions n+tion+) onstitution, +nd e+6 p+rt8 (+8 ter(in+te t6e +ssoi+tion onsistent 9it6 t6e ri*6t o5 independene. It

6+s een s+id t6+t, 9it6 t6e +d(ission o5 t6e U.S.-+ssoi+ted st+tes to t6e UN in /@@2, t6e UN reo*niCed t6+t t6e

A(eri+n (ode) o5 5ree +ssoi+tion is +tu+))8 +sed on +n under)8in* st+tus o5 independene./>1


In intern+tion+) pr+tie, t6e associated state +rr+n*e(ent 6+s usu+))8 een used +s + tr!ns't'#n!l de*'0e o5 5or(er 

o)onies on t6eir 9+8 to 5u)) independene. Ex+(p)es o5 st+tes t6+t 6+ve p+ssed t6rou*6 t6e st+tus o5 +ssoi+ted st+tes +s +

tr+nsition+) p6+se +re Anti*u+, St. ?itts-Nevis-An*ui))+,&o(ini+, St. "ui+, St. $inent +nd Gren+d+. A)) 6+ve sine

 eo(e independent st+tes./>F


B+= to t6e MOA-A&, it ont+ins (+n8 provisions 96i6 +re onsistent 9it6 t6e intern+tion+) )e*+) onept

o5 association, spei5i+))8 t6e 5o))o9in* t6e B%Es +p+it8 to enter into eono(i +nd tr+de re)+tions 9it6 5orei*n

ountries, t6e o((it(ent o5 t6e entr+) Govern(ent to ensure t6e B%Es p+rtiip+tion in (eetin*s +nd events in t6e

ASEAN +nd t6e spei+)iCed UN +*enies, +nd t6e ontinuin* responsii)it8 o5 t6e entr+) Govern(ent over extern+)de5ense. Moreover, t6e B%Es ri*6t to p+rtiip+te in P6i)ippine o55ii+) (issions e+rin* on ne*oti+tion o5 order 

+*ree(ents, environ(ent+) protetion, +nd s6+rin* o5 revenues pert+inin* to t6e odies o5 9+ter +d4+ent to or et9een

t6e is)+nds 5or(in* p+rt o5 t6e +nestr+) do(+in, rese()es t6e ri*6t o5 t6e *overn(ents o5:SM +nd t6e M+rs6+)) Is)+nds

to e onsu)ted 8 t6e U.S. *overn(ent on +n8 5orei*n +55+irs (+tter +55etin* t6e(.


T6ese provisions o5 t6e MOA indi+te, +(on* ot6er t6in*s, t6+t t6e P+rties !'2ed t# *est 'n t(e BJE t(e st!tus #& 

!n associated state #r, !t !ny r!te, ! st!tus 0l#sely !ppr#8'2!t'n3 't.


T(e 0#n0ept #& association 's n#t re0#3n'ed under t(epresentC#nst'tut'#n


 No provine, it8, or (uniip+)it8, not even t6e ARMM, is reo*niCed under our )+9s +s 6+vin*

+n associati&e re)+tions6ip 9it6 t6e n+tion+) *overn(ent. Indeed, t6e onept i(p)ies po9ers t6+t *o e8ond +n8t6in*

ever *r+nted 8 t6e onstitution to +n8 )o+) or re*ion+) *overn(ent. It +)so i(p)ies t6e reo*nition o5 t6e associated 

entit% +s + st+te. T6e onstitution, 6o9ever, does not onte(p)+te +n8 st+te in t6is 4urisdition ot6er t6+n t6e P6i)ippine

St+te, (u6 )ess does it provide 5or + tr+nsitor8 st+tus t6+t +i(s to prep+re +n8 p+rt o5 P6i)ippine territor8 5or 


 Even t6e (ere onept +ni(+tin* (+n8 o5 t6e MOA-A&s provisions, t6ere5ore, +)re+d8 reuires 5or its v+)idit8 t6e

+(end(ent o5 onstitution+) provisions, spei5i+))8 t6e 5o))o9in* provisions o5 Arti)e L


SETION /. T6e territori+) +nd po)iti+) sudivisions o5 t6e Repu)i o5 t6e P6i)ippines +re t6epr#*'n0es,

0't'es, 2un'0'p!l't'es, !nd b!r!n3!ys. T6ere s6+)) e !ut#n#2#us re3'#ns in Mus)i( Mind+n+o +ndt6e ordi))er+s +s 6erein+5ter provided.


SETION />. T6ere s6+)) e re+ted +utono(ous re*ions in Mus)i( Mind+n+o +nd in

t6e ordi))er+sonsistin* o5 provines, ities, (uniip+)ities, +nd *eo*r+p6i+) +re+s s6+rin* o((on +nd

distintive 6istori+) +nd u)tur+) 6erit+*e, eono(i +nd soi+) strutures, +nd ot6er re)ev+nt

6+r+teristis )'t('n t(e &r!2e)#r #& t('s C#nst'tut'#n !nd t(e n!t'#n!l s#*ere'3nty !s )ell !sterr't#r'!l 'nte3r'ty #& t(e Republ'0 #& t(e P('l'pp'nes-


T(e BJE 's ! &!r 2#re p#)er&ul

ent'ty t(!n t(e !ut#n#2#us re3'#n

re0#3n'ed 'n t(e C#nst'tut'#n


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It is not (ere)8 +n exp+nded version o5 t6e ARMM, t6e st+tus o5 its re)+tions6ip 9it6 t6e n+tion+) *overn(ent

 ein* 5und+(ent+))8 di55erent 5ro( t6+t o5 t6e ARMM. Indeed, BJE 's ! st!te 'n !ll but n!2e !s 't 2eets t(e 0r'ter'! #& 

! st!te l!'d d#)n 'n t(e %#nte*'de# C#n*ent'#n ,/>0n+(e)8, + per(+nent popu)+tion, + de5ined territor8, + *overn(ent,

+nd + +p+it8 to enter into re)+tions 9it6 ot6er st+tes.


Even +ssu(in* arguendo t6+t t6e MOA-A& 9ou)d not neess+ri)8 sever +n8 portion o5 P6i)ippine territor8, t(e

sp'r't !n'2!t'n3 't 96i6 6+s etr+8ed itse)5 8 its use o5 t6e onept o5 association runs 0#unter t# t(e n!t'#n!l

s#*ere'3nty !nd terr't#r'!l 'nte3r'ty #& t(e Republ'0.


T(e de&'n'n3 0#n0ept underly'n3 t(e rel!t'#ns('p bet)een t(e n!t'#n!l 3#*ern2ent !nd t(e BJE be'n3 'tsel& 

0#ntr!ry t# t(e present C#nst'tut'#n, 't 's n#t surpr's'n3 t(!t 2!ny #& t(e spe0'&'0 pr#*'s'#ns #& t(e %OA$AD #n t(e

&#r2!t'#n !nd p#)ers #& t(e BJE !re 'n 0#n&l'0t )'t( t(e C#nst'tut'#n !nd t(e l!)s-


Arti)e L, Setion /3 o5 t6e onstitution provides t6+t t6e re+tion o5 t6e +utono(ous re*ion s6+)) e e55etive 96en

+pproved 8 + (+4orit8 o5 t6e votes +st 8 t6e onstituent units in + p)eisite +))ed 5or t6e purpose, provided t6+t #nlypr#*'n0es, 0't'es, !nd 3e#3r!p('0 !re!s *#t'n3 &!*#r!bly 'n su0( pleb's0'te s(!ll be 'n0luded 'n t(e !ut#n#2#us

re3'#n. ;E(p6+sis supp)ied<


As re5)eted +ove, t6e B%E is (ore o5 + st+te t6+n +n +utono(ous re*ion. But even +ssu(in* t6+t it is overed 8 t6e

ter( +utono(ous re*ion in t6e onstitution+) provision 4ust uoted, t6e MOA-A& 9ou)d sti)) e in on5)it 9it6 it. Under 

 p+r+*r+p6 1;< on TERRITORY in re)+tion to 1;d< +nd 1;e<, t6e present *eo*r+p6i +re+ o5 t6e ARMM +nd, in +ddition,

t6e (uniip+)ities o5 "+n+o de) Norte 96i6 voted 5or in)usion in t6e ARMM durin* t6e 122/ p)eisite  (aloi, +unai,

 $unungan, Pantar, 'agoloan and 'angal +re +uto(+ti+))8 p+rt o5 t6e B%E 9it6out need o5 +not6er p)eisite, in ontr+st

to t6e +re+s under +te*ories A +nd B (entioned e+r)ier in t6e overvie9. T6+t t6e present o(ponents o5 t6e ARMM +nd

t6e +ove-(entioned (uniip+)ities voted 5or in)usion t6erein in 122/, 6o9ever, does n#t  render +not6er p)eisite

unneess+r8 under t6e onstitution, preise)8 e+use 96+t t6ese +re+s voted 5or t6en 9+s t6eir in)usion in t6e

ARMM,  n#t  t6e B%E.


T(e %OA$AD, 2#re#*er, )#uld n#t

0#2ply )'t( Art'0le ?, Se0t'#n 5 #& 

t(e C#nst'tut'#n


sine t6+t provision de5ines t6e po9ers o5 +utono(ous re*ions +s 5o))o9s


SETION 12. 7it6in its territori+) 4urisdition +nd su4et to t6e provisions o5 t6is onstitution +nd

n+tion+) )+9s, t6e or*+ni +t o5 +utono(ous re*ions s6+)) provide 5or )e*is)+tive po9ers over


;/< Ad(inistr+tive or*+niC+tion

;1< re+tion o5 soures o5 revenues

;F< Anestr+) do(+in +nd n+tur+) resoures

;0< Person+), 5+(i)8, +nd propert8 re)+tions

;>< Re*ion+) ur+n +nd rur+) p)+nnin* deve)op(ent

;D< Eono(i, soi+), +nd touris( deve)op(ent

;< Edu+tion+) po)iies;3< Preserv+tion +nd deve)op(ent o5 t6e u)tur+) 6erit+*e +nd

;@< Su6 ot6er (+tters +s (+8 e +ut6oriCed 8 )+9 5or t6e pro(otion o5 t6e *ener+) 9e)5+re o5 t6e peop)eo5 t6e re*ion. ;Undersorin* supp)ied<


A*+in on t6e pre(ise t6+t t6e B%E (+8 e re*+rded +s +n +utono(ous re*ion, t6e MOA-A& 9ou)d reuire +n +(end(ent

t6+t 9ou)d exp+nd t6e +ove-uoted provision. T6e (ere p+ss+*e o5 ne9 )e*is)+tion pursu+nt to su-p+r+*r+p6 No. @ o5 

s+id onstitution+) provision 9ou)d not su55ie, sine +n8 ne9 )+9 t6+t (i*6t vest in t6e B%E t6e po9ers 5ound in t6e

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MOA-A& (ust, itse)5, o(p)8 9it6 ot6er provisions o5 t6e onstitution. It 9ou)d not do, 5or inst+ne, to (ere)8 p+ss

)e*is)+tion vestin* t6e B%E 9it6 tre+t8-(+=in* po9er in order toAOMMO&ATE   p+r+*r+p6 0 o5 t6e str+nd on

RESOURES 96i6 st+tes T6e B%E is 5ree to enter into +n8 eono(i ooper+tion +nd tr+de re)+tions 9it6 5orei*n

ountries provided, 6o9ever, t6+t su6 re)+tions6ips +nd underst+ndin*s do not in)ude +**ression +*+inst t6e

Govern(ent o5 t6e Repu)i o5 t6e P6i)ippines x x x. Under our onstitution+) s8ste(, it is on)8 t6e President 96o 6+s t6+t

 po9er. Pimentel &. )*ecuti&e Secretar%/>> instruts

 In our s8ste( o5 *overn(ent, t6e President, ein* t6e 6e+d o5 st+te, is re*+rded +s t(e s#le #r3!n !nd

!ut(#r'ty 'n e8tern!l rel!t'#ns !nd 's t(e 0#untryKs s#le represent!t'*e )'t( &#re'3n n!t'#ns- As t6e

6ie5 +r6itet o5 5orei*n po)i8, t6e President +ts +s t6e ountr8Js (out6piee 9it6 respet to

intern+tion+) +55+irs. #ene, t(e Pres'dent 's *ested )'t( t(e !ut(#r'ty t# de+) 9it6 5orei*n st+tes +nd

*overn(ents, extend or 9it66o)d reo*nition, 2!'nt!'n d'pl#2!t'0 rel!t'#ns, enter 'nt# tre!t'es, !nd

#t(er)'se tr!ns!0t t(e bus'ness #& &#re'3n rel!t'#ns-  In t(e re!l2 #& tre!ty$2!'n3, t(e Pres'dent

(!s t(e s#le !ut(#r'ty t# ne3#t'!te )'t( #t(er st!tes- ;E(p6+sis +nd undersorin* supp)ied<


Art'0le II, Se0t'#n 55 #& t(e C#nst'tut'#n 2ust !ls# be !2ended '& t(e s0(e2e en*'s'#ned 'n t(e %OA$AD 's t# be

e&&e0ted. T6+t onstitution+) provision st+tes T6e St+te reo*niCes +nd pro(otes t6e ri*6ts o5 indi*enous u)tur+)

o((unities 9it6in t6e 5r+(e9or= o5 n+tion+) unit8 +nd deve)op(ent. ;Undersorin*

supp)ied< An associati&e +rr+n*e(ent does not up6o)d n+tion+) unit8.76i)e t6ere (+8 e + se()+ne o5 unit8 e+use o5 

t6e +ssoi+tive ties et9een t6e B%E +nd t6e n+tion+) *overn(ent, t6e +t o5 p)+in* + portion o5 P6i)ippine territor8 in +

st+tus 96i6, in intern+tion+) pr+tie, 6+s *ener+))8 een +

 preparation for independence, is ert+in)8 not onduive

to n!t'#n!l unit8.


Besides ein* irreoni)+)e 9it6 t6e onstitution, t6e MOA-A& is

+)so 'n0#ns'stent )'t( pre*!'l'n3 st!tut#ry l!), !2#n3 )('0( !re

R-A- N#- <;L/>D

 or t6e Or*+ni At o5 t6e ARMM, +nd t6e IPRA./>


Art'0le ?, Se0t'#n : #& t(e Or3!n'0 A0t #& t(e AR%% 's ! b!r t# t(e !d#pt'#n #& t(e de&'n't'#n #& B!n3s!2#r#

pe#ple used in t6e MOA-A&. P+r+*r+p6 / on ONEPTS AN& PRINIP"ES st+tes


/. It is t6e irt6ri*6t o5 !ll %#r#s !nd !ll Ind'3en#us pe#ples #& %'nd!n!# t# 'dent'&y t(e2sel*es !nd

be !00epted !s B!n3s!2#r#s- T6e B+n*s+(oro peop)e re5ers to t6ose 96o +re n!t'*es #r #r'3'n!l

'n(!b't!nts #& %'nd!n!# !nd 'ts !d!0ent 'sl!nds  in)udin* P+)+9+n +nd t6e Su)u +r6ipe)+*o +t t6e

ti(e o5 onuest or o)oniC+tion o5 its desend+nts 96et6er (ixed or o5 5u)) )ood. Spouses +nd t6eir 

desend+nts +re )+ssi5ied +s B+n*s+(oro. T6e 5reedo( o5 6oie o5 t6e Indi*enous peop)e s6+)) e

respeted. ;E(p6+sis +nd undersorin* supp)ied<


T6is use o5 t6e ter( B+n*s+(oro s6+rp)8 ontr+sts 9it6 t6+t 5ound in t6e Arti)e L, Setion F o5 t6e Or*+ni At, 96i6,

r+t6er t6+n )u(pin* to*et6er t6e identities o5 t6e B+n*s+(oro +nd ot6er indi*enous peop)es )ivin* in Mind+n+o,

)e+r)8 d'st'n3u's(es bet)een B!n3s!2#r# pe#ple !nd Tr'b!l pe#ples, +s 5o))o9s


As used in t6is Or*+ni At, t6e p6r+se indi*enous u)tur+) o((unit8 re5ers to F'l'p'n# 0't'ens

res'd'n3 'n t(e !ut#n#2#us re3'#n 96o +re


;+< Tr'b!l pe#ples. T6ese +re itiCens 96ose soi+), u)tur+) +nd eono(i onditions distin*uis6 t6e(

5ro( ot6er setors o5 t6e n+tion+) o((unit8 +nd 

;< B!n3s! %#r# pe#ple. T6ese +re itiCens 96o +re bel'e*ers 'n Isl!2 +nd )(# (!*e ret!'ned s#2e #r

!ll #& t(e'r #)n s#0'!l, e0#n#2'0, 0ultur!l, !nd p#l't'0!l 'nst'tut'#ns.


Respetin* t6e IPRA, it )+8s do9n t6e prev+i)in* proedure 5or t6e de)ine+tion +nd reo*nition o5 +nestr+) do(+ins. T6e

MOA-A&s (+nner o5 de)ine+tin* t6e +nestr+) do(+in o5 t6e B+n*s+(oro peop)e is + )e+r dep+rture 5ro( t6+t

 proedure. B8 p+r+*r+p6 / o5 TERRITORY, t6e P+rties si(p)8 +*ree t6+t, su4et to t6e de)i(it+tions in t6e +*reed

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S6edu)es, t6e B+n*s+(oro 6o(e)+nd +nd 6istori territor8 re5er to t6e )+nd (+ss +s 9e)) +s t6e (+riti(e, terrestri+),

5)uvi+) +nd +))uvi+) do(+ins, +nd t6e +eri+) do(+in, t6e +t(osp6eri sp+e +ove it, e(r+in* t6e Mind+n+o-Su)u-

P+)+9+n *eo*r+p6i re*ion.


6+pter $III o5 t6e IPRA, on t6e ot6er 6+nd, )+8s do9n + det+i)ed proedure, +s i))ustr+ted in t6e 5o))o9in* provisions


 SETION >1. &e)ine+tion Proess. T6e identi5i+tion +nd de)ine+tion o5 +nestr+) do(+ins s6+)) e done

in +ord+ne 9it6 t6e 5o))o9in* proedures


x x x x


 < Petition 5or &e)ine+tion. T6e proess o5 de)ine+tin* + spei5i peri(eter (+8 e initi+ted 8 t6e NIP

9it6 t6e onsent o5 t6e IHIP onerned, or t6rou*6 + Petition 5or &e)ine+tion 5i)ed 9it6 t6e NIP, 8 +

(+4orit8 o5 t6e (e(ers o5 t6e IsHIPs


< &e)ine+tion Proper. T6e o55ii+) de)ine+tion o5 +nestr+) do(+in ound+ries in)udin* ensus o5 +))

o((unit8 (e(ers t6erein, s6+)) e i((edi+te)8 undert+=en 8 t6e Anestr+) &o(+ins O55ie upon

5i)in* o5 t6e +pp)i+tion 8 t6e IsHIPs onerned. &e)ine+tion 9i)) e done in oordin+tion 9it6 t6eo((unit8 onerned +nd s6+)) +t +)) ti(es in)ude *enuine invo)ve(ent +nd p+rtiip+tion 8 t6e(e(ers o5 t6e o((unities onerned


d< Proo5 Reuired. Proo5 o5 Anestr+) &o(+in )+i(s s6+)) in)ude t6e testi(on8 o5 e)ders or o((unit8

under o+t6, +nd ot6er dou(ents diret)8 or indiret)8 +ttestin* to t6e possession or oup+tion o5 t6e +re+

sine ti(e i((e(ori+) 8 su6 IsHIPs in t6e onept o5 o9ners 96i6 s6+)) e +n8 one ;/< o5 t6e

5o))o9in* +ut6enti dou(ents


/< 7ritten +ounts o5 t6e IsHIPs usto(s +nd tr+ditions


1< 7ritten +ounts o5 t6e IsHIPs po)iti+) struture +nd institution

 F< Pitures s6o9in* )on* ter( oup+tion su6 +s t6ose o5 o)d i(prove(ents, uri+) *rounds, s+red

 p)+es +nd o)d vi))+*es


0< #istori+) +ounts, in)udin* p+ts +nd +*ree(ents onernin* ound+ries entered into 8 t6e

IsHIPs onerned 9it6 ot6er IsHIPs


>< Surve8 p)+ns +nd s=et6 (+ps 

D< Ant6ropo)o*i+) d+t+


< Gene+)o*i+) surve8s

 3< Pitures +nd desriptive 6istories o5 tr+dition+) o((un+) 5orests +nd 6untin* *rounds


@< Pitures +nd desriptive 6istories o5 tr+dition+) )+nd(+r=s su6 +s (ount+ins, rivers, ree=s, rid*es,

6i))s, terr+es +nd t6e )i=e +nd


/2< 7rite-ups o5 n+(es +nd p)+es derived 5ro( t6e n+tive di+)et o5 t6e o((unit8.


e< Prep+r+tion o5 M+ps. On t6e +sis o5 su6 investi*+tion +nd t6e 5indin*s o5 5+t +sed t6ereon, t6e

Anestr+) &o(+ins O55ie o5 t6e NIP s6+)) prep+re + peri(eter (+p, o(p)ete 9it6 te6ni+)desriptions, +nd + desription o5 t6e n+tur+) 5e+tures +nd )+nd(+r=s e(r+ed t6erein


5< Report o5 Investi*+tion +nd Ot6er &ou(ents. A o(p)ete op8 o5 t6e pre)i(in+r8 ensus +nd + reporto5 investi*+tion, s6+)) e prep+red 8 t6e Anestr+) &o(+ins O55ie o5 t6e NIP 

*< Notie +nd Pu)i+tion. A op8 o5 e+6 dou(ent, in)udin* + tr+ns)+tion in t6e n+tive )+n*u+*e o5 t6e

IsHIPs onerned s6+)) e posted in + pro(inent p)+e t6erein 5or +t )e+st 5i5teen ;/>< d+8s. A op8 o5 

t6e dou(ent s6+)) +)so e posted +t t6e )o+), provini+) +nd re*ion+) o55ies o5 t6e NIP, +nd s6+)) e

 pu)is6ed in + ne9sp+per o5 *ener+) iru)+tion one + 9ee= 5or t9o ;1< onseutive 9ee=s to +))o9 ot6er 

)+i(+nts to 5i)e opposition t6ereto 9it6in 5i5teen ;/>< d+8s 5ro( d+te o5 su6 pu)i+tion Provided, T6+t

in +re+s 96ere no su6 ne9sp+per exists, ro+d+stin* in + r+dio st+tion 9i)) e + v+)id sustitute

Provided, 5urt6er, T6+t (ere postin* s6+)) e dee(ed su55iient i5 ot6 ne9sp+per +nd r+dio st+tion +re

not +v+i)+)e

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6< Endorse(ent to NIP. 7it6in 5i5teen ;/>< d+8s 5ro( pu)i+tion, +nd o5 t6e inspetion proess, t6e

Anestr+) &o(+ins O55ie s6+)) prep+re + report to t6e NIP endorsin* + 5+vor+)e +tion upon + )+i(

t6+t is dee(ed to 6+ve su55iient proo5. #o9ever, i5 t6e proo5 is dee(ed insu55iient, t6e Anestr+)

&o(+ins O55ie s6+)) reuire t6e su(ission o5 +ddition+) evidene Provided, T6+t t6e Anestr+)

&o(+ins O55ie s6+)) re4et +n8 )+i( t6+t is dee(ed p+tent)8 5+)se or 5r+udu)ent +5ter inspetion +nd

veri5i+tion Provided, 5urt6er, T6+t in +se o5 re4etion, t6e Anestr+) &o(+ins O55ie s6+)) *ive t6e

+pp)i+nt due notie, op8 5urnis6ed +)) onerned, ont+inin* t6e *rounds 5or deni+). T6e deni+) s6+)) e

+ppe+)+)e to t6e NIP Provided, 5urt6er(ore, T6+t in +ses 96ere t6ere +re on5)itin* )+i(s +(on*

IsHIPs on t6e ound+ries o5 +nestr+) do(+in )+i(s, t6e Anestr+) &o(+ins O55ie s6+)) +use t6eontendin* p+rties to (eet +nd +ssist t6e( in o(in* up 9it6 + pre)i(in+r8 reso)ution o5 t6e on5)it,9it6out pre4udie to its 5u)) +d4udi+tion +ordin* to t6e setion e)o9.


x x x x

To re(ove +)) douts +out t6e irreoni)+i)it8 o5 t6e MOA-A& 9it6 t6e present )e*+) s8ste(, + disussion o5 not

on)8 t6e onstitution +nd do(esti st+tutes, ut +)so o5 intern+tion+) )+9 is in order, 5or 


Art'0le II, Se0t'#n 5 #& t(e C#nst'tut'#n st!tes t(!t t(e P('l'pp'nes

!d#pts t(e 3ener!lly !00epted pr'n0'ples #& 'ntern!t'#n!l l!) !s p!rt

#& t(e l!) #& t(e l!nd-


App)8in* t6is provision o5 t6e onstitution, t6e ourt, in +e"off &. Director of Prisons,/>3 6e)d t6+t t6e Univers+)

&e)+r+tion o5 #u(+n Ri*6ts is p+rt o5 t6e )+9 o5 t6e )+nd on +ount o5 96i6 it ordered t6e re)e+se on +i) o5 + det+ined

+)ien o5 Russi+n desent 96ose deport+tion order 6+d not een exeuted even +5ter t9o 8e+rs. Si(i)+r)8, t6e ourt

in gustin &. )du/>@ +pp)ied t6e +5ores+id onstitution+) provision to t6e /@D3 $ienn+ onvention on Ro+d Si*ns +nd



Intern+tion+) )+9 6+s )on* reo*niCed t6e ri*6t to se)5-deter(in+tion o5 peop)es, understood not (ere)8 +s t6e entire popu)+tion o5 + St+te ut +)so + portion t6ereo5. In onsiderin* t6e uestion o5 96et6er t6e peop)e o5 Quee 6+d + ri*6t to

uni)+ter+))8 seede 5ro(ANA&A ,   t6e +n+di+n Supre(e ourt in RE:ERENE RE SEESSION O:

QUEBE/D2 6+d o+sion to +=no9)ed*e t6+t t6e ri*6t o5 + peop)e to se)5-deter(in+tion is no9 so 9ide)8 reo*niCed in

intern+tion+) onventions t6+t t6e prinip)e 6+s +uired + st+tus e8ond onvention +nd is onsidered + *ener+) prinip)e

o5 intern+tion+) )+9.

A(on* t6e onventions re5erred to +re t6e Intern+tion+) oven+nt on ivi) +nd Po)iti+) Ri*6ts /D/ +nd t6e

Intern+tion+) oven+nt on Eono(i, Soi+) +nd u)tur+) Ri*6ts /D1 96i6 st+te, in Arti)e / o5 ot6 oven+nts, t6+t +))

 peop)es, 8 virtue o5 t6e ri*6t o5 se)5-deter(in+tion, 5ree)8 deter(ine t6eir po)iti+) st+tus +nd 5ree)8 pursue t6eir 

eono(i, soi+), +nd u)tur+) deve)op(ent.


T6e peop)es ri*6t to se)5-deter(in+tion s6ou)d not, 6o9ever, e understood +s extendin* to + uni)+ter+) ri*6t o5 

seession. A distintion s6ou)d e (+de et9een t6e ri*6t o5 intern+) +nd extern+) se)5-deter(in+tion. RE:ERENE RE

SEESSION O: QUEBE is +*+in instrutive


;ii< Sope o5 t6e Ri*6t to Se)5-deter(in+tion 

/1D. T6e reo*niCed soures o5 intern+tion+) )+9 est+)is6 t6+t t6e r'3(t t# sel&$deter2'n!t'#n #& !

pe#ple 's n#r2!lly &ul&'lled t(r#u3( internal sel&$deter2'n!t'#n ! pe#ples pursu't #& 'ts p#l't'0!l,e0#n#2'0, s#0'!l !nd 0ultur!l de*el#p2ent )'t('n t(e &r!2e)#r #& !n e8'st'n3 st!te- A r'3(t

t#e$ternal  sel&$deter2'n!t'#n +)('0( 'n t('s 0!se p#tent'!lly t!es t(e &#r2 #& t(e !ssert'#n #& ! r'3(t

t# un'l!ter!l se0ess'#n !r'ses 'n #nly t(e 2#st e8tre2e #& 0!ses !nd, e*en t(en, under 0!re&ully

de&'ned 0'r0u2st!n0es- x x x


 %$ternal  sel&$deter2'n!t'#n 0!n be de&'ned !s 'n t(e &#ll#)'n3 st!te2ent &r#2 t(e "eclaration on

&riendly 'elations, supra, !s


T(e est!bl's(2ent #& ! s#*ere'3n !nd 'ndependent St!te, t(e &ree !ss#0'!t'#n #r 'nte3r!t'#n )'t( !n

'ndependent St!te #r t(e e2er3en0e 'nt# !ny #t(er p#l't'0!l st!tus &reely deter2'ned by

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! people onstitute (odes o5 i(p)e(entin* t6e ri*6t o5 se)5-deter(in+tion 8 that people. ;E(p6+sis



/1. T(e 'ntern!t'#n!l l!) pr'n0'ple #& sel&$deter2'n!t'#n (!s e*#l*ed )'t('n ! &r!2e)#r #& 

respe0t &#r t(e terr't#r'!l 'nte3r'ty #& e8'st'n3 st!tes-  T6e v+rious intern+tion+) dou(ents t6+t support

t6e existene o5 + peop)es ri*6t to se)5-deter(in+tion +)so ont+in p+r+))e) st+te(ents supportive o5 t6e

on)usion t6+t t6e exerise o5 su6 + ri*6t (ust e su55iient)8 )i(ited to prevent t6re+ts to +n existin*

st+tes territori+) inte*rit8 or t6e st+i)it8 o5 re)+tions et9een soverei*n st+tes.


x x x x ;E(p6+sis, it+)is +nd undersorin* supp)ied< 

T6e +n+di+n ourt 9ent on to disuss t6e exeption+) +ses in 96i6 t6e ri*6t to e*ternal se)5-deter(in+tion +n +rise,

n+(e)8, 96ere + peop)e is under o)oni+) ru)e, is su4et to 5orei*n do(in+tion or exp)oit+tion outside + o)oni+) ontext,

+nd )ess de5inite)8 ut +sserted 8 + nu(er o5 o((ent+tors is )o=ed 5ro( t6e (e+nin*5u) exerise o5 its ri*6t

to internal se)5-deter(in+tion. T6e ourt u)ti(+te)8 6e)d t6+t t6e popu)+tion o5 Quee 6+d no ri*6t to seession, +s t6e

s+(e is not under o)oni+) ru)e or 5orei*n do(in+tion, nor is it ein* deprived o5 t6e 5reedo( to (+=e po)iti+) 6oies

+nd pursue eono(i, soi+) +nd u)tur+) deve)op(ent, itin* t6+t Quee is euit+)8 represented in )e*is)+tive, exeutive+nd 4udii+) institutions 9it6inANA&A , even oup8in* pro(inent positions t6erein.


T6e exeption+) n+ture o5 t6e ri*6t o5 seession is 5urt6er exe(p)i5ied in t6e REPORT O: T#E INTERNATIONA"


/DF T6ere, S9eden presented to t6e ouni) o5 t6e "e+*ue o5 N+tions t6e uestion o5 96et6er t6e in6+it+nts o5 

t6e A+)+nd Is)+nds s6ou)d e +ut6oriCed to deter(ine 8 p)eisite i5 t6e +r6ipe)+*o s6ou)d re(+in under :innis6

soverei*nt8 or e inorpor+ted in t6e=in*do( o5 S9eden. T6e ouni), e5ore reso)vin* t6e uestion, +ppointed +n

Intern+tion+) o((ittee o(posed o5 t6ree 4urists to su(it +n opinion on t6e pre)i(in+r8 issue o5 96et6er t6e dispute

s6ou)d, +sed on intern+tion+) )+9, e entire)8 )e5t to t6e do(esti 4urisdition o5 :in)+nd. T6e o((ittee st+ted t6e ru)e

+s 5o))o9s


x x x In t6e +sene o5 express provisions in intern+tion+) tre+ties, t(e r'3(t #& d'sp#s'n3 #& n!t'#n!l

terr't#ry 's essent'!lly !n !ttr'bute #& t(e s#*ere'3nty #& e*ery St!te- P#s't'*e Intern!t'#n!l !) d#es

n#t re0#3n'e t(e r'3(t #& n!t'#n!l 3r#ups, !s su0(, t# sep!r!te t(e2sel*es &r#2 t(e St!te #& )('0(

t(ey &#r2 p!rt by t(e s'2ple e8press'#n #& ! )'s( , +n8 (ore t6+n it reo*niCes t6e ri*6t o5 ot6er St+tes

to )+i( su6 + sep+r+tion. Gener!lly spe!'n3, t(e 3r!nt #r re&us!l #& t(e r'3(t t# ! p#rt'#n #& 'ts

p#pul!t'#n #& deter2'n'n3 'ts #)n p#l't'0!l &!te by pleb's0'te #r by s#2e #t(er 2et(#d, 's,

e80lus'*ely, !n !ttr'bute #& t(e s#*ere'3nty #& e*ery St!te )('0( 's de&'n't'*ely 0#nst'tuted . A dispute

 et9een t9o St+tes onernin* su6 + uestion, under nor(+) onditions t6ere5ore, e+rs upon + uestion

96i6 Intern+tion+) "+9 )e+ves entire)8 to t6e do(esti 4urisdition o5 one o5 t6e St+tes onerned. An8ot6er so)ution 9ou)d +(ount to +n in5rin*e(ent o5 soverei*n ri*6ts o5 + St+te +nd 9ou)d invo)ve t6e ris= 

o5 re+tin* di55iu)ties +nd + )+= o5 st+i)it8 96i6 9ou)d not on)8 e ontr+r8 to t6e ver8 ide+ e(odied

in ter( St+te, ut 9ou)d +)so end+n*er t6e interests o5 t6e intern+tion+) o((unit8. I5 t6is ri*6t is not

 possessed 8 + )+r*e or s(+)) setion o5 + n+tion, neit6er +n it e 6e)d 8 t6e St+te to 96i6 t6e n+tion+)

*roup 9is6es to e +tt+6ed, nor 8 +n8 ot6er St+te.;E(p6+sis +nd undersorin* supp)ied< 

T6e o((ittee 6e)d t6+t t6e dispute onernin* t6e A+)+nd Is)+nds did not re5er to + uestion 96i6 is )e5t 8

intern+tion+) )+9 to t6e do(esti 4urisdition o5 :in)+nd, t6ere8 +pp)8in* t6e exeption r+t6er t6+n t6e ru)e e)uid+ted

+ove. Its *round 5or dep+rtin* 5ro( t6e *ener+) ru)e, 6o9ever, 9+s + ver8 n+rro9 one, n+(e)8, t6e A+)+ndIs)+nds +*it+tion ori*in+ted +t + ti(e 96en :in)+nd 9+s under*oin* dr+sti po)iti+) tr+ns5or(+tion. T6e intern+) situ+tion

o5 :in)+nd 9+s, +ordin* to t6e o((ittee, so +nor(+) t6+t, 5or + onsider+)e ti(e, t6e onditions reuired 5or t6e

5or(+tion o5 + soverei*n St+te did not exist. In t6e (idst o5 revo)ution, +n+r68, +nd ivi) 9+r, t6e )e*iti(+8 o5 t6e

:innis6 n+tion+) *overn(ent 9+s disputed 8 + )+r*e setion o5 t6e peop)e, +nd it 6+d, in 5+t, een 6+sed 5ro( t6e +pit+)

+nd 5ori)8 prevented 5ro( +rr8in* out its duties. T6e +r(ed +(ps +nd t6e po)ie 9ere divided into t9o opposin*

5ores. In )i*6t o5 t6ese iru(st+nes, :in)+nd 9+s not, durin* t6e re)ev+nt ti(e period, + de5initive)8 onstituted

soverei*n st+te. T6e o((ittee, t6ere5ore, 5ound t6+t :in)+nd did not possess t6e ri*6t to 9it66o)d 5ro( + portion o5 its

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 popu)+tion t6e option to sep+r+te itse)5 + ri*6t 96i6 soverei*n n+tions *ener+))8 6+ve 9it6 respet to t6eir o9n



Turnin* no9 to t6e (ore spei5i +te*or8 o5 indi*enous peop)es, t6is ter( 6+s een used, in s6o)+rs6ip +s 9e)) +s

intern+tion+), re*ion+), +nd st+te pr+ties, to re5er to *roups 9it6 distint u)tures, 6istories, +nd onnetions to )+nd

;spiritu+) +nd ot6er9ise< t6+t 6+ve een 5ori)8 inorpor+ted into + )+r*er *overnin* soiet8. T6ese *roups +re re*+rded +s

indi*enous sine t6e8 +re t6e )ivin* desend+nts o5 pre-inv+sion in6+it+nts o5 )+nds no9 do(in+ted 8 ot6ers. Ot6er9ise

st+ted, indi*enous peop)es, n+tions, or o((unities +re u)tur+))8 distintive *roups t6+t 5ind t6e(se)ves en*u)5ed 8

sett)er soieties orn o5 t6e 5ores o5 e(pire +nd onuest. /D0 Ex+(p)es o5 *roups 96o 6+ve een re*+rded +s indi*enous

 peop)es +re t6e M+ori o5 Ne9 !e+)+nd +nd t6e +ori*in+) peop)es o5 ANA&A .


As 9it6 t6e ro+der +te*or8 o5 peop)es, indi*enous peop)es situ+ted 9it6in st+tes do not 6+ve + *ener+) ri*6t to

independene or seession 5ro( t6ose st+tes under intern+tion+) )+9, /D> ut t6e8 do 6+ve ri*6ts +(ountin* to 96+t 9+s

disussed +ove +s t6e ri*6t to 'ntern!l se)5-deter(in+tion.

 In + 6istori deve)op(ent )+st Septe(er /F, 122, t6e UN Gener+) Asse()8 +dopted t6e United N+tions &e)+r+tion on

t6e Ri*6ts o5 Indi*enous Peop)es ;UN &RIP< t6rou*6 Gener+) Asse()8 Reso)ution D/H1@>. T6e vote 9+s /0F to 0,

t6e P6i)ippines ein* in)uded +(on* t6ose in 5+vor, +nd t6e 5our votin* +*+inst ein* Austr+)i+, ANA&A , Ne9

!e+)+nd, +nd t6e U.S. T6e &e)+r+tion )e+r)8 reo*niCed t6e ri*6t o5 indi*enous peop)es to se)5-deter(in+tion,

eno(p+ssin* t6e ri*6t to +utono(8 or se)5-*overn(ent, to 9it


Art'0le :


Indi*enous peop)es 6+ve t6e ri*6t to sel&$deter2'n!t'#n. B8 virtue o5 t6+t ri*6t t6e8 5ree)8 deter(ine

t6eir po)iti+) st+tus +nd 5ree)8 pursue t6eir eono(i, soi+) +nd u)tur+) deve)op(ent. 

Art'0le L


Indi*enous peop)es, in exerisin* t6eir ri*6t to se)5-deter(in+tion, 6+ve t(e r'3(t t# !ut#n#2y #r sel&$

3#*ern2ent 'n 2!tters rel!t'n3 t# t(e'r 'ntern!l !nd l#0!l !&&!'rs , +s 9e)) +s 9+8s +nd (e+ns 5or 

5in+nin* t6eir +utono(ous 5untions.


Art'0le ;

 Indi*enous peop)es 6+ve t6e ri*6t to (+int+in +nd stren*t6en t6eir distint po)iti+), )e*+), eono(i,

soi+) +nd u)tur+) institutions, 96i)e ret+inin* t6eir ri*6t to p+rtiip+te 5u))8, i5 t6e8 so 6oose, in t6e

 po)iti+), eono(i, soi+) +nd u)tur+) )i5e o5 t6e St+te. 

Se)5-*overn(ent, +s used in intern+tion+) )e*+) disourse pert+inin* to indi*enous peop)es, 6+s een understood +s

euiv+)ent to intern+) se)5-deter(in+tion./DD T6e extent o5 se)5-deter(in+tion provided 5or in t6e UN &RIP is (ore

 p+rtiu)+r)8 de5ined in its suseuent +rti)es, so(e o5 96i6 +re uoted 6ereunder

Art'0le 9

/. Indi*enous peop)es +nd individu+)s 6+ve t6e ri*6t not to e su4eted to 5ored +ssi(i)+tion or 

destrution o5 t6eir u)ture.

1. St!tes s(!ll pr#*'de e&&e0t'*e 2e0(!n's2s &#r pre*ent'#n #&, !nd redress &#r=

;+<  Any !0t'#n )('0( (!s t(e !'2 #r e&&e0t #& depr'*'n3 t(e2 #& t(e'r 'nte3r'ty !s d'st'n0t

pe#ples, #r #& t(e'r 0ultur!l *!lues #r et(n'0 'dent't'es7

;<  Any !0t'#n )('0( (!s t(e !'2 #r e&&e0t #& d'sp#ssess'n3 t(e2 #& t(e'r l!nds, terr't#r'es #r


;<  Any &#r2 #& &#r0ed p#pul!t'#n tr!ns&er )('0( (!s t(e !'2 #r e&&e0t #& *'#l!t'n3 #r

under2'n'n3 !ny #& t(e'r r'3(ts7

;d< An8 5or( o5 5ored +ssi(i)+tion or inte*r+tion

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;e< Any &#r2 #& pr#p!3!nd! des'3ned t# pr#2#te #r 'n0'te r!0'!l #r et(n'0 d's0r'2'n!t'#n

d're0ted !3!'nst t(e2-

Art'0le 54


/. Indi*enous peop)es 6+ve t6e ri*6t, 9it6out disri(in+tion, to t6e i(prove(ent o5 t6eir eono(i +nd

soi+) onditions, in)udin*, inter +)i+, in t6e +re+s o5 edu+tion, e(p)o8(ent, vo+tion+) tr+inin*

+nd retr+inin*, 6ousin*, s+nit+tion, 6e+)t6 +nd soi+) seurit8.1. St+tes s6+)) t+=e e55etive (e+sures +nd, 96ere +ppropri+te, spei+) (e+sures to ensure ontinuin*

i(prove(ent o5 t6eir eono(i +nd soi+) onditions. P+rtiu)+r +ttention s6+)) e p+id to t6e ri*6ts+nd spei+) needs o5 indi*enous e)ders, 9o(en, 8out6, 6i)dren +nd persons 9it6 dis+i)ities.


Art'0le 5


/. Ind'3en#us pe#ples (!*e t(e r'3(t t# t(e l!nds, terr't#r'es !nd res#ur0es )('0( t(ey (!*e

tr!d't'#n!lly #)ned, #00up'ed #r #t(er)'se used #r !0u'red-

1. Indi*enous peop)es 6+ve t6e ri*6t to o9n, use, deve)op +nd ontro) t6e )+nds, territories +nd resoures

t6+t t6e8 possess 8 re+son o5 tr+dition+) o9ners6ip or ot6er tr+dition+) oup+tion or use, +s 9e))

+s t6ose 96i6 t6e8 6+ve ot6er9ise +uired.

F. St+tes s6+)) *ive )e*+) reo*nition +nd protetion to t6ese )+nds, territories +nd resoures. Su6

reo*nition s6+)) e onduted 9it6 due respet to t6e usto(s, tr+ditions +nd )+nd tenure s8ste(s

o5 t6e indi*enous peop)es onerned. 

Art'0le :


/. Mi)it+r8 +tivities s6+)) not t+=e p)+e in t6e )+nds or territories o5 indi*enous peop)es, un)ess 4usti5ied 8 + re)ev+nt pu)i interest or ot6er9ise 5ree)8 +*reed 9it6 or reuested 8 t6e indi*enous peop)es



1. St+tes s6+)) undert+=e e55etive onsu)t+tions 9it6 t6e indi*enous peop)es onerned, t6rou*6

+ppropri+te proedures +nd in p+rtiu)+r t6rou*6 t6eir represent+tive institutions, prior to usin* t6eir 

)+nds or territories 5or (i)it+r8 +tivities.


Art'0le :5 

/. Indi*enous peop)es 6+ve t6e ri*6t to deter(ine +nd deve)op priorities +nd str+te*ies 5or t6e

deve)op(ent or use o5 t6eir )+nds or territories +nd ot6er resoures.


1. St+tes s6+)) onsu)t +nd ooper+te in *ood 5+it6 9it6 t6e indi*enous peop)es onerned t6rou*6 t6eir 

o9n represent+tive institutions in order to ot+in t6eir 5ree +nd in5or(ed onsent prior to t6e+pprov+) o5 +n8 pro4et +55etin* t6eir )+nds or territories +nd ot6er resoures, p+rtiu)+r)8 in

onnetion 9it6 t6e deve)op(ent, uti)iC+tion or exp)oit+tion o5 (iner+), 9+ter or ot6er resoures.


F. St+tes s6+)) provide e55etive (e6+nis(s 5or 4ust +nd 5+ir redress 5or +n8 su6 +tivities, +nd+ppropri+te (e+sures s6+)) e t+=en to (iti*+te +dverse environ(ent+), eono(i, soi+), u)tur+) or 

spiritu+) i(p+t.


Art'0le :>


/. Indi*enous peop)es 6+ve t6e ri*6t to t6e reo*nition, oserv+ne +nd en5ore(ent o5 tre+ties,

+*ree(ents +nd ot6er onstrutive +rr+n*e(ents on)uded 9it6 St+tes or t6eir suessors +nd to

6+ve St+tes 6onour +nd respet su6 tre+ties, +*ree(ents +nd ot6er onstrutive +rr+n*e(ents.


1. Not6in* in t6is &e)+r+tion (+8 e interpreted +s di(inis6in* or e)i(in+tin* t6e ri*6ts o5 indi*enous

 peop)es ont+ined in tre+ties, +*ree(ents +nd ot6er onstrutive +rr+n*e(ents.


Art'0le :9

 St+tes in onsu)t+tion +nd ooper+tion 9it6 indi*enous peop)es, s6+)) t+=e t6e +ppropri+te (e+sures,

in)udin* )e*is)+tive (e+sures, to +6ieve t6e ends o5 t6is &e)+r+tion.


Assu(in* t6+t t6e UN &RIP, )i=e t6e Univers+) &e)+r+tion on #u(+n Ri*6ts, (ust no9 e re*+rded +s e(od8in*

usto(+r8 intern+tion+) )+9 + uestion 96i6 t6e ourt need not de5initive)8 reso)ve 6ere t6e o)i*+tions enu(er+ted

t6erein do not strit)8 reuire t6e Repu)i to *r+nt t6e B+n*s+(oro peop)e, t6rou*6 t6e instru(ent+)it8 o5 t6e B%E, t6e

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 p+rtiu)+r ri*6ts +nd po9ers provided 5or in t6e MOA-A&. Even t6e (ore spei5i provisions o5 t6e UN &RIP +re *ener+)

in sope, +))o9in* 5or 5)exii)it8 in its +pp)i+tion 8 t6e di55erent St+tes.

T6ere is, 5or inst+ne, no reuire(ent in t6e UN &RIP t6+t St+tes no9 *u+r+ntee indi*enous peop)es t6eir o9n

 po)ie +nd intern+) seurit8 5ore. Indeed, Arti)e 3 presupposes t6+t it is t6e St+te 96i6 9i)) provide protetion 5or 

indi*enous peop)es +*+inst +ts )i=e t6e 5ored dispossession o5 t6eir )+nds + 5untion t6+t is nor(+))8 per5or(ed 8 po)ie

o55iers. I5 t6e protetion o5 + ri*6t so essenti+) to indi*enous peop)es identit8 is +=no9)ed*ed to e t6e responsii)it8 o5 

t6e St+te, t6en sure)8 t6e protetion o5 ri*6ts )ess si*ni5i+nt to t6e( +s su6 peop)es 9ou)d +)so e t6e dut8 o5 St+tes. Nor 

is t6ere in t6e UN &RIP +n +=no9)ed*e(ent o5 t6e ri*6t o5 indi*enous peop)es to t6e +eri+) do(+in +nd +t(osp6eri

sp+e. 76+t it up6o)ds, in Arti)e 1D t6ereo5, is t6e ri*6t o5 indi*enous peop)es to t6e )+nds, territories +nd resoures

96i6 t6e8 6+ve tr+dition+))8 o9ned, oupied or ot6er9ise used or +uired.


Moreover, t6e UN &RIP, 96i)e up6o)din* t6e ri*6t o5 indi*enous peop)es to +utono(8, does not o)i*+te St+tes to *r+nt

indi*enous peop)es t6e ne+r-independent st+tus o5 +n +ssoi+ted st+te. A)) t6e ri*6ts reo*niCed in t6+t dou(ent +re

u+)i5ied in Arti)e 0D +s 5o))o9s

  /. N#t('n3 'n t('s De0l!r!t'#n 2!y be  interpreted +s i(p)8in* 5or +n8 St+te, peop)e, *roup or person

+n8 ri*6t to en*+*e in +n8 +tivit8 or to per5or( +n8 +t ontr+r8 to t6e 6+rter o5 t6e United

 N+tions or 0#nstrued !s !ut(#r''n3 #r en0#ur!3'n3 !ny !0t'#n )('0( )#uld d's2e2ber #r

'2p!'r, t#t!lly #r 'n p!rt, t(e terr't#r'!l 'nte3r'ty #r p#l't'0!l un'ty #& s#*ere'3n !nd

'ndependent St!tes-


Even i5 t6e UN &RIP 9ere onsidered +s p+rt o5 t6e )+9 o5 t6e )+nd pursu+nt to Arti)e II, Setion 1 o5 t6e onstitution, it

9ou)d not su55ie to up6o)d t6e v+)idit8 o5 t6e MOA-A& so +s to render its o(p)i+ne 9it6 ot6er )+9s unneess+r8.


It 's, t(ere&#re, 0le!r t(!t t(e %OA$AD 0#nt!'ns nu2er#us pr#*'s'#ns t(!t 0!nn#t be re0#n0'led )'t( t(e

C#nst'tut'#n !nd t(e l!)s !s presently )#rded. Respondents pro55er, 6o9ever, t6+t t6e si*nin* o5 t6e MOA-A& +)one

9ou)d not 6+ve ent+i)ed +n8 vio)+tion o5 )+9 or *r+ve +use o5 disretion on t6eir p+rt, preise)8 e+use it stipu)+tes t6+t

t6e provisions t6ereo5 inonsistent 9it6 t6e )+9s s6+)) not t+=e e55et unti) t6ese )+9s +re +(ended. T6e8 ite p+r+*r+p6

o5 t6e MOA-A& str+nd on GO$ERNANE uoted e+r)ier, ut 96i6 is reprodued e)o9 5or onveniene


. T6e P+rties +*ree t6+t t6e (e6+nis(s +nd (od+)ities 5or t6e +tu+) i(p)e(ent+tion o5 t6is

MOA-A& s6+)) e spe)t out in t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t to (utu+))8 t+=e su6 steps to en+)e it to

our e55etive)8.

An8 provisions o5 t6e MOA-A& reuirin* +(end(ents to t6e existin* )e*+) 5r+(e9or= s6+)) o(e into5ore upon si*nin* o5 + o(pre6ensive o(p+t +nd upon e55etin* t6e neess+r8 6+n*es to t6e )e*+)

5r+(e9or= 9it6 due re*+rd to non dero*+tion o5 prior +*ree(ents +nd 9it6in t6e stipu)+ted ti(e5r+(e to

 e ont+ined in t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t.

Indeed, t6e 5ore*oin* stipu)+tion =eeps (+n8 ontroversi+) provisions o5 t6e MOA-A& 5ro( o(in* into 5ore

unti) t6e neess+r8 6+n*es to t6e )e*+) 5r+(e9or= +re e55eted. 6('le t(e )#rd C#nst'tut'#n 's n#t 2ent'#ned 'n t(e

pr#*'s'#n n#) under 0#ns'der!t'#n #r !ny)(ere else 'n t(e %OA$AD, t(e ter2 le3!l &r!2e)#r 's 0ert!'nly br#!d

en#u3( t# 'n0lude t(e C#nst'tut'#n-


 Not9it6st+ndin* t6e suspensive )+use, 6o9ever, respondents, 8 t6eir (ere +t o5 inorpor+tin* in t6e MOA-A&

t6e provisions t6ereo5 re*+rdin* t6e +ssoi+tive re)+tions6ip et9een t6e B%E +nd t6e entr+) Govern(ent, 6+ve +)re+d8

vio)+ted t6e Me(or+ndu( o5 Instrutions :ro( T6e President d+ted M+r6 /, 122/, 96i6 st+tes t6+t t6e ne*oti+tions

s6+)) e onduted in +ord+ne 9it6 x x x t6e prinip)es o5 t6e soverei*nt8 +nd terr't#r'!l 'nte3r'ty o5 t6e Repu)i o5 

t6e P6i)ippines. ;E(p6+sis supp)ied< Est+)is6in* +n +ssoi+tive re)+tions6ip et9een t6e B%E +nd t6e entr+)

Govern(ent is, 5or t6e re+sons +)re+d8 disussed, + prep+r+tion 5or independene, or 9orse, +n i(p)iit +=no9)ed*(ent

o5 +n independent st+tus +)re+d8 prev+i)in*.


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EvenAPART  5ro( t6e +ove-(entioned Me(or+ndu(, 6o9ever, t6e MOA-A& is de5etive e+use t6e

suspensive )+use is inv+)id, +s disussed e)o9.


T6e +ut6orit8 o5 t6e GRP Pe+e Ne*oti+tin* P+ne) to ne*oti+te 9it6 t6e MI": is 5ounded on E.O. No. F, Setion >;<,

96i6 st+tes t6+t t6ere s6+)) e est+)is6ed Govern(ent Pe+e Ne*oti+tin* P+ne)s 5or ne*oti+tions 9it6 di55erent ree)

*roups to e +ppointed 8 t6e President +s 6er o55ii+) e(iss+ries to ondut ne*oti+tions, di+)o*ues, +nd 5+e-to-5+e

disussions 9it6 ree) *roups. T6ese ne*oti+tin* p+ne)s +re to report to t6e President, t6rou*6 t6e PAPP on t6e ondut

+nd pro*ress o5 t6e ne*oti+tions.


It e+rs notin* t6+t t6e GRP Pe+e P+ne), in exp)orin* )+stin* so)utions to t6e Moro Pro)e( t6rou*6 its

ne*oti+tions 9it6 t6e MI":, 9+s not restrited 8 E.O. No. F on)8 to t6ose options +v+i)+)e under t6e )+9s +s t6e8

 present)8 st+nd. One o5 t6e o(ponents o5 + o(pre6ensive pe+e proess, 96i6 E.O. No. F o))etive)8 re5ers to +s t6e

P+t6s to Pe+e, is t6e pursuit o5 soi+), eono(i, +nd po)iti+) re5or(s 96i6 (+8 reuire ne9 )e*is)+tion or even

onstitution+) +(end(ents. Se. 0;+< o5 E.O. No. F, 96i6 reiter+tes Setion F;+<, o5 E.O. No. /1>,/D st+tes

 SETION 0. T6e Six P+t6s to Pe+e. T6e o(ponents o5 t6e o(pre6ensive pe+e proess o(prise t6e

 proesses =no9n +s t6e P+t6s to Pe+e. T6ese o(ponent proesses +re interre)+ted +nd not (utu+))8

ex)usive, +nd (ust t6ere5ore e pursued si(u)t+neous)8 in + oordin+ted +nd inte*r+ted 5+s6ion. T6e8s6+)) in)ude, ut (+8 not e )i(ited to, t6e 5o))o9in*


+. PURSUIT O: SOIA", EONOMI AN& PO"ITIA" RE:ORMS. T6is o(ponent invo)ves

t6e*'3#r#us '2ple2ent!t'#n #& *!r'#us p#l'0'es, re&#r2s, pr#3r!2s !nd pr#e0ts !'2ed !t

!ddress'n3 t(e r##t 0!uses #& 'ntern!l !r2ed 0#n&l'0ts !nd s#0'!l unrest- T('s 2!y reu're

!d2'n'str!t'*e !0t'#n, ne) le3'sl!t'#n #r e*en 0#nst'tut'#n!l !2end2ents-


x x x x ;E(p6+sis supp)ied<


T6e MOA-A&, t6ere5ore, (+8 re+son+)8 e pereived +s +n +tte(pt o5 respondents to +ddress, pursu+nt to t6is

 provision o5 E.O. No. F, t6e root +uses o5 t6e +r(ed on5)it in Mind+n+o. T6e E.O. +ut6oriCed t6e( to t6in= outside t6e

 ox, so to spe+=. #ene, t6e8 ne*oti+ted +nd 9ere set on si*nin* t6e MOA-A& t6+t in)uded v+rious soi+), eono(i,

+nd po)iti+) re5or(s 96i6 +nnot, 6o9ever, +)) eAOMMO&ATE&  9it6in t6e present )e*+) 5r+(e9or=, +nd 96i6

t6us 9ou)d reuire ne9 )e*is)+tion +nd onstitution+) +(end(ents.


T6e inuir8 on t6e )e*+)it8 o5 t6e suspensive )+use, 6o9ever, +nnot stop 6ere, e+use it (ust e +s=ed

 )(et(er t(e Pres'dent (ersel& 2!y e8er0'se t(e p#)er dele3!ted t#

t(e GRP Pe!0e P!nel under E-O- N#- :, Se0- L+!-

T6e President +nnot de)e*+te + po9er t6+t s6e 6erse)5 does not possess. M+8 t6e President, in t6e ourse o5 pe+e

ne*oti+tions, +*ree to pursue re5or(s t6+t 9ou)d reuire ne9 )e*is)+tion +nd onstitution+) +(end(ents, or s6ou)d t6e

re5or(s e restrited on)8 to t6ose so)utions 96i6 t6e present )+9s +))o9K T6e +ns9er to t6is uestion reuires +

disussion o5 


t(e e8tent #& t(e Pres'dents p#)er t# 0#ndu0t pe!0e ne3#t'!t'#ns-


T6+t t6e +ut6orit8 o5 t6e President to ondut pe+e ne*oti+tions 9it6 ree) *roups is not exp)iit)8 (entioned in t6e

onstitution does not (e+n t6+t s6e 6+s no su6 +ut6orit8. In Sanlaas &. )*ecuti&e Secretar%,/D3 in issue 9+s t6e

+ut6orit8 o5 t6e President to de)+re + st+te o5 ree))ion +n +ut6orit8 96i6 is not express)8 provided 5or in t6e

onstitution. T6e ourt 6e)d t6us


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In 6er poneni+ in +arcos &. +anglapus, %ustie ortes put 6er t6esis into 4urisprudene. T6ere, t6e

ourt, 8 + s)i( 3- (+r*in, up6e)d t6e PresidentJs po9er to 5orid t6e return o5 6er exi)ed predeessor.

T6e r+tion+)e 5or t6e (+4orit8Js ru)in* rested on t6e PresidentJs


. . . unst!ted res'du!l p#)ers )('0( !re '2pl'ed &r#2 t(e 3r!nt #& e8e0ut'*e p#)er

!nd )('0( !re ne0ess!ry &#r (er t# 0#2ply )'t( (er dut'es under t(e

C#nst'tut'#n-T(e p#)ers #& t(e Pres'dent !re n#t l'2'ted t# )(!t !re e8pressly

enu2er!ted 'n t(e !rt'0le #n t(e E8e0ut'*e Dep!rt2ent !nd 'n s0!ttered pr#*'s'#ns

#& t(e C#nst'tut'#n-T6is is so, not9it6st+ndin* t6e +vo9ed intent o5 t6e (e(ers o5 t6e

onstitution+) o((ission o5 /@3D to )i(it t6e po9ers o5 t6e President +s + re+tion tot6e +uses under t6e re*i(e o5 Mr. M+ros, 5or t6e resu)t 9+s + )i(it+tion o5 spei5i po9ers o5 t6e President, p+rtiu)+r)8 t6ose re)+tin* to t6e o((+nder-in-6ie5 )+use, ut

not + di(inution o5 t6e *ener+) *r+nt o5 exeutive po9er.

T6us, t(e Pres'dentKs !ut(#r'ty t# de0l!re ! st!te #& rebell'#n spr'n3s 'n t(e 2!'n &r#2 (er p#)ers !s

0('e& e8e0ut'*e !nd, !t t(e s!2e t'2e, dr!)s stren3t( &r#2 (er C#22!nder$'n$C('e& p#)ers- x x

x ;E(p6+sis +nd undersorin* supp)ied<

Si(i)+r)8, t6e Presidents po9er to ondut pe+e ne*oti+tions is i(p)iit)8 in)uded in 6er po9ers +s 6ie5 

Exeutive +nd o((+nder-in-6ie5. As 6ie5 Exeutive, t6e President 6+s t6e *ener+) responsii)it8 to pro(ote pu)i

 pe+e, +nd +s o((+nder-in-6ie5, s6e 6+s t6e (ore spei5i dut8 to prevent +nd suppress ree))ion +nd )+9)ess vio)ene.



As t6e experiene o5 n+tions 96i6 6+ve si(i)+r)8 *one t6rou*6 intern+) +r(ed on5)it 9i)) s6o9, 6o9ever, pe+e is

r+re)8 +tt+ined 8 si(p)8 pursuin* + (i)it+r8 so)ution. O5tenti(es, 6+n*es +s 5+r-re+6in* +s + 5und+(ent+)

reon5i*ur+tion o5 t6e n+tions onstitution+) struture is reuired. T6e oserv+tions o5 &r. ?irsti S+(ue)s +re en)i*6tenin*,

to 9it


x x x T6e 5+t re(+ins t6+t + suess5u) po)iti+) +nd *overn+ne tr+nsition (ust 5or( t6e ore o5 

+n8 post-on5)it pe+e-ui)din* (ission. As 9e 6+ve oserved in "ieri+ +nd #+iti over t6e )+st ten

8e+rs, on5)it ess+tion 9it6out (odi5i+tion o5 t6e po)iti+) environ(ent, even 96ere st+te-ui)din* is

undert+=en t6rou*6 te6ni+) e)etor+) +ssist+ne +nd institution- or +p+it8-ui)din*, is un)i=e)8 to

sueed. On +ver+*e, (ore t6+n >2 perent o5 st+tes e(er*in* 5ro( on5)it return to on5)it. Moreover,

+ sust+nti+) proportion o5 tr+nsitions 6+ve resu)ted in 9e+= or )i(ited de(or+ies.


T6e desi*n o5 + onstitution +nd its onstitution-(+=in* proess +n p)+8 +n i(port+nt ro)e in t6e

 po)iti+) +nd *overn+ne tr+nsition. onstitution-(+=in* +5ter on5)it is +n opportunit8 to re+te +

o((on vision o5 t6e 5uture o5 + st+te +nd + ro+d (+p on 6o9 to *et t6ere. T6e onstitution +n e p+rt)8

+ pe+e +*ree(ent +nd p+rt)8 + 5r+(e9or= settin* up t6e ru)es 8 96i6 t6e ne9 de(or+8 9i)) oper+te./2

In t6e s+(e vein, Pro5essor 6ristineBE"" , in 6er +rti)e on t6e n+ture +nd )e*+) st+tus o5 pe+e +*ree(ents, oserved

t6+t t6e t8pi+) 9+8 t6+t pe+e +*ree(ents est+)is6 or on5ir( (e6+nis(s 5or de(i)it+riC+tion +nd de(oi)iC+tion is 8

)in=in* t6e( to ne) 0#nst'tut'#n!l stru0tures +ddressin* *overn+ne, e)etions, +nd )e*+) +nd 6u(+n ri*6ts institutions.



In t6e P6i)ippine experiene, t6e )in= et9een pe+e +*ree(ents +nd onstitution-(+=in* 6+s een reo*niCed 8

no )ess t6+n t6e 5r+(ers o5 t6e onstitution. Be6ind t6e provisions o5 t6e onstitution on +utono(ous re*ions /1 is t6e

5r+(ers intention to i(p)e(ent + p+rtiu)+r pe+e +*ree(ent, n+(e)8, t6e Tripo)i A*ree(ent o5 /@D et9een

t6e GRP +nd t6e MN":, si*ned 8 t6en Underseret+r8 o5 N+tion+) &e5ense +r(e)o !. B+rero +nd t6en MN":

6+ir(+n Nur Misu+ri.

 MR. ROMU"O. T6ere +re ot6er spe+=ers so, +)t6ou*6 I 6+ve so(e (ore uestions, I 9i)) reserve

(8 ri*6t to +s= t6e( i5 t6e8 +re not overed 8 t6e ot6er spe+=ers. I 6+ve on)8 t9o uestions.

I (e!rd #ne #& t(e C#22'ss'#ners s!y t(!t l#0!l !ut#n#2y !lre!dy e8'sts 'n t(e %usl'2

re3'#n it is 9or=in* ver8 9e)) it 6+s, in 5+t, di(inis6ed + *re+t de+) o5 t6e pro)e(s. So, (8 uestion

is s'n0e t(!t !lre!dy e8'sts, )(y d# )e (!*e t# 3# 'nt# s#2et('n3 ne)


MR. OP"E. M+8 I +ns9er t6+t on e6+)5 o5 6+ir(+n No))edo. o((issioner Yusup Au+=+r is

ri*6t t6+t 0ert!'n de&'n'te steps (!*e been t!en t# '2ple2ent t(e pr#*'s'#ns #& t(e Tr'p#l'A3ree2ent

)'t( respe0t t# !n !ut#n#2#us re3'#n 'n %'nd!n!#- T('s 's ! 3##d &'rst step, but t(ere 's n# uest'#n

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t(!t t('s 's 2erely ! p!rt'!l resp#nse t# t(e Tr'p#l' A3ree2ent 'tsel& !nd t# t(e &uller st!nd!rd #& 

re3'#n!l !ut#n#2y 0#nte2pl!ted 'n t(!t !3ree2ent, !nd n#) by st!te p#l'0y-@4>:;E(p6+sis supp)ied<


T6e onstitution+) provisions on +utono(8 +nd t6e st+tutes en+ted pursu+nt to t6e( 6+ve, to t6e redit o5 t6eir dr+5ters,

 een p+rt)8 suess5u). Nonet6e)ess, t6e :i)ipino peop)e +re sti)) 5+ed 9it6 t6e re+)it8 o5 +n on-*oin* on5)it et9een t6e

Govern(ent +nd t6e MI":. I5 t6e President is to e expeted to 5ind (e+ns 5or rin*in* t6is on5)it to +n end +nd to

+6ieve )+stin* pe+e in Mind+n+o, t6en s6e (ust e *iven t6e )ee9+8 to exp)ore, in t6e ourse o5 pe+e ne*oti+tions,

so)utions t6+t (+8 reuire 6+n*es to t6e onstitution 5or t6eir i(p)e(ent+tion. Bein* uniue)8 vested 9it6 t6e po9er to

ondut pe+e ne*oti+tions 9it6 ree) *roups, t6e President is in + sin*u)+r position to =no9 t6e preise n+ture o5 t6eir 

*riev+nes 96i6, i5 reso)ved, (+8 rin* +n end to 6osti)ities.


T6e President (+8 not, o5 ourse, uni)+ter+))8 i(p)e(ent t6e so)utions t6+t s6e onsiders vi+)e, ut s6e (+8 not

 e prevented 5ro( su(ittin* t6e( +s reo((end+tions to on*ress, 96i6 ou)d t6en, i5 it is (inded, +t upon t6e(

 pursu+nt to t6e )e*+) proedures 5or onstitution+) +(end(ent +nd revision. In p+rtiu)+r, on*ress 9ou)d 6+ve t6e option,

 pursu+nt to Arti)e L$II, Setions / +nd F o5 t6e onstitution, to propose t6e reo((ended +(end(ents or revision to t6e peop)e, +)) + onstitution+) onvention, or su(it to t6e e)etor+te t6e uestion o5 +))in* su6 + onvention.


76i)e t6e President does not possess onstituent po9ers +s t6ose po9ers (+8 e exerised on)8 8 on*ress, +

onstitution+) onvention, or t6e peop)e t6rou*6 initi+tive +nd re5erendu( s6e (+8 su(it propos+)s 5or onstitution+)

6+n*e to on*ress in + (+nner t6+t does not invo)ve t6e +rro*+tion o5 onstituent po9ers.


In Sanidad &. C+)/)C ,/0 in issue 9+s t6e )e*+)it8 o5 t6en President M+ros +t o5 diret)8 su(ittin* propos+)s 5or 

onstitution+) +(end(ents to + re5erendu(, 8p+ssin* t6e interi( N+tion+) Asse()8 96i6 9+s t6e od8 vested 8 t6e

/@F onstitution 9it6 t6e po9er to propose su6 +(end(ents. President M+ros, it 9i)) e re+))ed, never onvened t6e

interi( N+tion+) Asse()8.T6e (+4orit8 up6e)d t6e Presidents +t, 6o)din* t6+t t6e ur*es o5 +so)ute neessit8 o(pe))ed

t6e President +s t6e +*ent o5 t6e peop)e to +t +s 6e did, t6ere ein* no interi( N+tion+) Asse()8 to propose

onstitution+) +(end(ents. A*+inst t6is ru)in*, %usties Tee6+n=ee +nd MuoC P+)(+ vi*orous)8 dissented. T6e ourts

onern +t present, 6o9ever, is not 9it6 re*+rd to t6e point on 96i6 it 9+s t6en divided in t6+t ontroversi+) +se, ut on

t6+t 96i6 9+s not disputed 8 eit6er side.


%ustie Tee6+n=ees dissent,/> in p+rtiu)+r, e+rs notin*. 76i)e 6e dis+*reed t6+t t6e President (+8 diret)8

su(it proposed onstitution+) +(end(ents to + re5erendu(, i(p)iit in 6is opinion is + reo*nition t6+t 6e 9ou)d 6+veup6e)d t6e Presidents +tion +)on* 9it6 t6e (+4orit8 6+d t6e President onvened t6e interi( N+tion+) Asse()8 +nd

oursed 6is propos+)s t6rou*6 it. T6us %ustie Tee6+n=ee opined


Sine t6e onstitution provides 5or t6e or*+niC+tion o5 t6e essenti+) dep+rt(ents o5 *overn(ent, de5ines

+nd de)i(its t6e po9ers o5 e+6 +nd presries t6e (+nner o5 t6e exerise o5 su6 po9ers, +nd t6eonstituent po9er 6+s not een *r+nted to ut 6+s een 9it66e)d 5ro( t6e President or Pri(e Minister, it

5o))o9s t6+t t6e Presidents uestioned derees proposin* +nd su(ittin* onstitution+) +(end(ents

diret)8 to t6e peop)e +)'t(#ut t(e 'nter*ent'#n #& t(e 'nter'2 N!t'#n!l Asse2bly 'n )(#2 t(e p#)er

's e8pressly *ested +re devoid o5 onstitution+) +nd )e*+) +sis./D ;E(p6+sis supp)ied<


:ro( t6e 5ore*oin* disussion, t6e prinip)e (+8 e in5erred t6+t t6e President in t6e ourse o5 ondutin* pe+e

ne*oti+tions (+8 v+)id)8 onsider i(p)e(entin* even t6ose po)iies t6+t reuire 6+n*es to t6e onstitution, ut s6e

(+8 n#t uni)+ter+))8 i(p)e(ent t6e( )'t(#ut t(e 'nter*ent'#n #& C#n3ress, #r !0t 'n !ny )!y !s '& t(e !ssent #& t(!t

b#dy )ere !ssu2ed !s ! 0ert!'nty.


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Sine, under t6e present onstitution, t6e peop)e +)so 6+ve t6e po9er to diret)8 propose +(end(ents t6rou*6 initi+tive

+nd re5erendu(, t6e President (+8 +)so su(it 6er reo((end+tions to t6e peop)e, not +s + 5or(+) propos+) to e voted

on in + p)eisite si(i)+r to 96+t President M+ros did inSanidad , ut 5or t6eir independent onsider+tion o5 96et6er t6ese

reo((end+tions (erit ein* 5or(+))8 proposed t6rou*6 initi+tive.


T6ese reo((end+tions, 6o9ever, (+8 +(ount to not6in* (ore t6+n t6e Presidents su**estions to t6e peop)e, 5or +n8

5urt6er invo)ve(ent in t6e proess o5 initi+tive 8 t6e 6ie5 Exeutive (+8 viti+te its 6+r+ter +s +

*enuine peop)es initi+tive. T6e on)8 initi+tive reo*niCed 8 t6e onstitution is t6+t 96i6 tru)8 proeeds 5ro( t6e

 peop)e. As t6e ourt st+ted in /ambino &. C+)/)C /


T6e "+(ino Group )+i(s t6+t t6eir initi+tive is t6e peop)eJs voie. #o9ever, t6e "+(ino

Group un++s6ed)8 st+tes in U"AP Reso)ution No. 122D-21, in t6e veri5i+tion o5 t6eir petition 9it6 t6e

OME"E, t6+t U"AP (+int+ins its unu+)i5ied support to t6e +*end+ o5 #er Exe))en8 President

G)ori+ M++p+*+)-Arro8o 5or onstitution+) re5or(s. T6e "+(ino Group t6us !d2'ts t6+t t6eir peop)eJs

initi+tive is +n unu!l'&'ed supp#rt t# t(e !3end! o5 t6e inu(ent President to 6+n*e t6e onstitution.

T6is 5ore9+rns t6e ourt to e 9+r8 o5 in+nt+tions o5 peop)eJs voie or soverei*n 9i)) in t6e present


It 9i)) e oserved t6+t t6e President 6+s +ut6orit8, +s st+ted in 6er o+t6 o5 o55ie, /3 on)8 topreserve +nd de5end

t6e onstitution. Su6 presidenti+) po9er does not, 6o9ever, extend to +))o9in* 6er to 6+n*e t6e onstitution, ut

si(p)8 to reo((end proposed +(end(ents or revision. As )on* +s s6e )i(its 6erse)5 to reo((endin* t6ese 6+n*es +nd

su(its to t6e proper proedure 5or onstitution+) +(end(ents +nd revision, 6er (ere reo((end+tion need not e

onstrued +s +n unonstitution+) +t.


T6e 5ore*oin* disussion 5oused on t6e Presidents +ut6orit8 to propose 0#nst'tut'#n!l+(end(ents, sine 6er 

+ut6orit8 to propose ne9 le3'sl!t'#n is not in ontrovers8. It 6+s een +n +epted pr+tie 5or Presidents in t6is

 4urisdition to propose ne9 )e*is)+tion. One o5 t6e (ore pro(inent inst+nes t6e pr+tie is usu+))8 done is in t6e 8e+r)8

St+te o5 t6e N+tion Address o5 t6e President to on*ress. Moreover, t6e +nnu+) *ener+) +ppropri+tions i)) 6+s +)9+8s

 een +sed on t6e ud*et prep+red 8 t6e President, 96i6 5or +)) intents +nd purposes is + propos+) 5or ne9 )e*is)+tion

o(in* 5ro( t6e President./@


T(e suspens'*e 0l!use 'n t(e %OA$AD *'e)ed 'n l'3(t #& t(e !b#*e$

d's0ussed st!nd!rds


Given t6e )i(ited n+ture o5 t6e Presidents +ut6orit8 to propose onstitution+) +(end(ents, s6e0!nn#t

3u!r!ntee  to +n8 t6ird p+rt8 t6+t t6e reuired +(end(ents 9i)) eventu+))8 e put in p)+e, nor even e su(itted to +

 p)eisite. T6e (ost s6e ou)d do is su(it t6ese propos+)s +s reo((end+tions eit6er to on*ress or t6e peop)e, in

96o( onstituent po9ers +re vested.


P+r+*r+p6 on Govern+ne o5 t6e MOA-A& st+tes, 6o9ever, t6+t +)) provisions t6ereo5 96i6 +nnot e

reoni)ed 9it6 t6e present onstitution +nd )+9s s6+)) o(e into 5ore upon si*nin* o5 + o(pre6ensive o(p+t +nd

upon e55etin* t6e neess+r8 6+n*es to t6e )e*+) 5r+(e9or=. T6is stipu)+tion does not e+r t6e (+r=s o5 + suspensive

ondition de5ined in ivi) )+9 +s + 5uture +ndunert+in event ut o5 + ter(. It is not + uestion o5 )(et(er t6e neess+r8

6+n*es to t6e )e*+) 5r+(e9or= 9i)) e e55eted, ut )(en. T6+t t6ere is no unert+int8 ein* onte(p)+ted is p)+in 5ro(96+t 5o))o9s, 5or t6e p+r+*r+p6 *oes on to st+te t6+t t6e onte(p)+ted 6+n*es s6+)) e 9it6 due re*+rd to non dero*+tion

o5 prior +*ree(ents +nd 9it6in t6e stipu)+ted ti(e5r+(e to e ont+ined in t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t.


Pursu+nt to t6is stipu)+tion, t6ere5ore, it is 2!nd!t#ry 5or t6e GRP to e55et t6e 6+n*es to t6e )e*+) 5r+(e9or= 

onte(p)+ted in t6e MOA-A& 96i6 6+n*es 9ou)d in)ude onstitution+) +(end(ents, +s disussed e+r)ier. It e+rs

notin* t6+t,


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By t(e t'2e t(ese 0(!n3es !re put 'n pl!0e, t(e %OA$AD 'tsel& )#uld

be 0#unted !2#n3 t(e pr'#r !3ree2ents &r#2 )('0( t(ere 0#uld be

n# der#3!t'#n-

76+t re(+ins 5or disussion in t6e o(pre6ensive o(p+t 9ou)d (ere)8 e t6e i(p)e(entin* det+i)s 5or t6ese

onsensus points +nd, not+)8, t6e de+d)ine 5or e55etin* t6e onte(p)+ted 6+n*es to t6e )e*+) 5r+(e9or=.


P)+in)8, stipu)+tion-p+r+*r+p6 on GO$ERNANE is 'n0#ns'stent )'t( t(e l'2'ts #& t(e Pres'dents !ut(#r'ty

t# pr#p#se 0#nst'tut'#n!l !2end2ents, it ein* + virtu+) *u+r+ntee t6+t t6e onstitution +nd t6e )+9s o5 t6e Repu)i o5 

t6e P6i)ippines 9i)) ert+in)8 e +d4usted to on5or( to +)) t6e onsensus points 5ound in t6e MOA-A&. #ene, it (ust e

stru= do9n +s  un0#nst'tut'#n!l.


A o(p+rison et9een t6e suspensive )+use o5 t6e MOA-A& 9it6 + si(i)+r provision +ppe+rin* in t6e /@@D 5in+)

 pe+e +*ree(ent et9een t6e MN": +nd t6e GRP is (ost instrutive.


As + +=drop, t6e p+rties to t6e /@@D A*ree(ent stipu)+ted t6+t it 9ou)d e i(p)e(ented in t9o p6+ses. P(!seI overed + t6ree-8e+r tr+nsition+) period invo)vin* t6e puttin* up o5 ne9 +d(inistr+tive strutures t6rou*6 Exeutive

Order, su6 +s t6e Spei+) !one o5 Pe+e +nd &eve)op(ent ;S!OPA&< +nd t6e Sout6ern P6i)ippines ouni) 5or Pe+e

+nd &eve)op(ent ;SPP&<, 96i)e P(!se II overed t6e est+)is6(ent o5 t6e ne9 re*ion+) +utono(ous

*overn(ent t6rou*6 +(end(ent or repe+) o5 R.A. No. DF0, 96i6 9+s t6en t6e Or*+ni At o5 t6e ARMM.


T6e stipu)+tions on P6+se II onsisted o5 spei5i +*ree(ents on t6e struture o5 t6e exp+nded +utono(ous re*ion

envisioned 8 t6e p+rties. To t6+t extent, t6e8 +re si(i)+r to t6e provisions o5 t6e MOA-A&. T6ere is, 6o9ever, + rui+)

di55erene et9een t6e t9o +*ree(ents. 76i)e t6e MOA-A&*'rtu!lly 3u!r!ntees t(!t t(e ne0ess!ry 0(!n3es t# t(e

le3!l &r!2e)#r )'ll be put 'n pl!0e, t6e GRP-MN": 5in+) pe+e +*ree(ent st+tes t6us Aordin*)8, t6ese provisions

on P6+se II s6+)) ere0#22ended 8 t6e GRP to on*ress 5or inorpor+tion in t6e +(end+tor8 or repe+)in* )+9.


onerns 6+ve een r+ised t6+t t6e MOA-A& 9ou)d 6+ve *iven rise to + indin* intern+tion+) )+9 o)i*+tion on t6e p+rt

o5 t6e P6i)ippines to 6+n*e its onstitution in on5or(it8 t6ereto, on t6e *round t6+t it (+8 e onsidered eit6er +s +

 indin* +*ree(ent under intern+tion+) )+9, or + uni)+ter+) de)+r+tion o5 t6e P6i)ippine *overn(ent to t6e intern+tion+)

o((unit8 t6+t it 9ou)d *r+nt to t6e B+n*s+(oro peop)e +)) t6e onessions t6erein st+ted. Neit6er *round 5inds

su55iient support in intern+tion+) )+9, 6o9ever.

 T6e MOA-A&, +s e+r)ier (entioned in t6e overvie9 t6ereo5, 9ou)d 6+ve in)uded 5orei*n di*nit+ries +s

si*n+tories. In +ddition, represent+tives o5 ot6er n+tions 9ere invited to 9itness its si*nin* in ?u+)+ "u(pur. T6ese

iru(st+nes re+di)8 )e+d one to sur(ise t6+t t6e MOA-A& 9ou)d 6+ve 6+d t6e st+tus o5 + indin* intern+tion+)

+*ree(ent 6+d it een si*ned. An ex+(in+tion o5 t6e prev+i)in* prinip)es in intern+tion+) )+9, 6o9ever, )e+ds to t6e

ontr+r8 on)usion.


T6e &eision on #A""ENGE TO %URIS&ITION "OM AOR& AMNESTY/32 ;t6e "o( Aord +se< o5 

t6e Spei+) ourt o5 Sierr+ "eone is en)i*6tenin*. T6e "o( Aord 9+s + pe+e +*ree(ent si*ned on %u)8 , /@@@

 et9een t6e Govern(ent o5 Sierr+ "eone +nd t6e Revo)ution+r8 United :ront ;RU:<, + ree) *roup 9it6 96i6 t6e Sierr+

"eone Govern(ent 6+d een in +r(ed on5)it 5or +round ei*6t 8e+rs +t t6e ti(e o5 si*nin*. T6ere 9ere non-ontr+tin*

si*n+tories to t6e +*ree(ent, +(on* 96i6 9ere t6e Govern(ent o5 t6e To*o)ese Repu)i, t6e Eono(i o((unit8 o5 

7est A5ri+n St+tes, +nd t6e UN.


On %+nu+r8 /D, 1221, +5ter + suess5u) ne*oti+tion et9een t6e UN Seret+r8-Gener+) +nd t6e Sierr+ "eone

Govern(ent, +not6er +*ree(ent 9+s entered into 8 t6e UN +nd t6+t Govern(ent 96ere8 t6e Spei+) ourt o5 Sierr+

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"eone 9+s est+)is6ed. T6e so)e purpose o5 t6e Spei+) ourt, +n intern+tion+) ourt, 9+s to tr8 persons 96o ore t6e

*re+test responsii)it8 5or serious vio)+tions o5 intern+tion+) 6u(+nit+ri+n )+9 +nd Sierr+ "eone+n )+9 o((itted in t6e

territor8 o5 Sierr+ "eone sine Nove(er F2, /@@D.


A(on* t6e stipu)+tions o5 t6e "o( Aord 9+s + provision 5or t6e 5u)) p+rdon o5 t6e (e(ers o5 t6e RU: 9it6

respet to +n8t6in* done 8 t6e( in pursuit o5 t6eir o4etives +s (e(ers o5 t6+t or*+niC+tion sine t6e on5)it e*+n.


In t6e "o( Aord +se, t6e &e5ene +r*ued t6+t t6e Aord re+ted +n 'ntern!t'#n!lly b'nd'n3 o)i*+tion not to

 proseute t6e ene5ii+ries o5 t6e +(nest8 provided t6erein, itin*, +(on* ot6er t6in*s, t6e p+rtiip+tion o5 5orei*n

di*nit+ries +nd intern+tion+) or*+niC+tions in t6e 5in+)iC+tion o5 t6+t +*ree(ent. T6e Spei+) ourt, 6o9ever, re4eted t6is

+r*u(ent, ru)in* t6+t t6e "o(e Aord isnot + tre+t8 +nd t6+t it +n on)8 re+te indin* o)i*+tions +nd ri*6ts et9een t6e

 p+rties in (uniip+) )+9, not in intern+tion+) )+9. #ene, t6e Spei+) ourt 6e)d, it is ine55etive in deprivin* +n

intern+tion+) ourt )i=e it o5 4urisdition.


F. In re*+rd to t6e n+ture o5 + ne*oti+ted sett)e(ent o5 +n intern+) +r(ed on5)it 't 's e!sy t# !ssu2e

!nd t# !r3ue )'t( s#2e de3ree #& pl!us'b'l'ty, !s De&en0e 0#unsel &#r t(e de&end!nts see2 t#(!*e d#ne, t(!t t(e 2ere &!0t t(!t 'n !dd't'#n t# t(e p!rt'es t# t(e 0#n&l'0t, t(e d#0u2ent

&#r2!l''n3 t(e settle2ent 's s'3ned by &#re'3n (e!ds #& st!te #r t(e'r represent!t'*es !nd

represent!t'*es #& 'ntern!t'#n!l #r3!n'!t'#ns, 2e!ns t(e !3ree2ent #& t(e p!rt'es 's

'ntern!t'#n!l'ed s# !s t# 0re!te #bl'3!t'#ns 'n 'ntern!t'#n!l l!)-


x x x x


02. A)(ost ever8 on5)it reso)ution 9i)) invo)ve t6e p+rties to t6e on5)it +nd t6e (edi+tor or 5+i)it+tor 

o5 t6e sett)e(ent, or persons or odies under 96ose +uspies t6e sett)e(ent too= p)+e ut 96o +renot +t +)) p+rties to t6e on5)it, +re not ontr+tin* p+rties +nd 96o do not )+i( +n8 o)i*+tion

5ro( t6e ontr+tin* p+rties or inur +n8 o)i*+tion 5ro( t6e sett)e(ent.

 0/. In t('s 0!se, t(e p!rt'es t# t(e 0#n&l'0t !re t(e l!)&ul !ut(#r'ty #& t(e St!te !nd t(e RUF )('0(

(!s n# st!tus #& st!te(##d !nd 's t# !ll 'ntents !nd purp#ses ! &!0t'#n )'t('n t(e st!te- T(e

n#n$0#ntr!0t'n3 s'3n!t#r'es #& t(e #2 A3ree2ent )ere 2#r!l 3u!r!nt#rs #& t(e pr'n0'ple

t(!t, 'n t(e ter2s #& Art'0le ???IV #& t(e A3ree2ent, t('s pe!0e !3ree2ent 's '2ple2ented

)'t( 'nte3r'ty !nd 'n 3##d &!'t( by b#t( p!rt'es- T(e 2#r!l 3u!r!nt#rs !ssu2ed n# le3!l

#bl'3!t'#n- It is re+))ed t6+t t6e UN 8 its represent+tive +ppended, presu(+)8 5or +void+ne o5 

dout, +n underst+ndin* o5 t6e extent o5 t6e +*ree(ent to e i(p)e(ented +s not in)udin* ert+in

intern+tion+) ri(es.


01. An intern+tion+) +*ree(ent in t6e n+ture o5 + tre+t8 (ust re+te ri*6ts +nd o)i*+tions re*u)+ted 8

intern+tion+) )+9 so t6+t + re+6 o5 its ter(s 9i)) e + re+6 deter(ined under intern+tion+) )+9

96i6 9i)) +)so provide prinip)e (e+ns o5 en5ore(ent. T(e #2 A3ree2ent 0re!ted ne't(err'3(ts n#r #bl'3!t'#ns 0!p!ble #& be'n3 re3ul!ted by 'ntern!t'#n!l l!)- An !3ree2ent su0( !s

t(e #2 A3ree2ent )('0( br'n3s t# !n end !n 'ntern!l !r2ed 0#n&l'0t n# d#ubt 0re!tes !

&!0tu!l s'tu!t'#n #& rest#r!t'#n #& pe!0e t(!t t(e 'ntern!t'#n!l 0#22un'ty !0t'n3 t(r#u3( t(e

Se0ur'ty C#un0'l 2!y t!e n#te #&-  hat, however, will not convert it to an international 

agreement which creates an obligation enforceable in international, as distinguished from

municipal, law- A re+6 o5 t6e ter(s o5 su6 + pe+e +*ree(ent resu)tin* in resu(ption o5 intern+)

+r(ed on5)it or re+tin* + t6re+t to pe+e in t6e deter(in+tion o5 t6e Seurit8 ouni) (+8indi+te + revers+) o5 t6e 5+tu+) situ+tion o5 pe+e to e visited 9it6 possi)e )e*+) onseuenes

+risin* 5ro( t6e ne9 situ+tion o5 on5)it re+ted. Su6 onseuenes su6 +s +tion 8 t6e Seurit8

ouni) pursu+nt to 6+pter $II +rise 5ro( t6e situ+tion +nd not 5ro( t6e +*ree(ent, nor 5ro( t6e

o)i*+tion i(posed 8 it. Su6 +tion +nnot e re*+rded +s + re(ed8 5or t6e re+6. A pe!0e

!3ree2ent )('0( settles !n 'ntern!l !r2ed 0#n&l'0t 0!nn#t be !s0r'bed t(e s!2e st!tus !s #ne)('0( settles !n 'ntern!t'#n!l !r2ed 0#n&l'0t )('0(, essent'!lly, 2ust be bet)een t)# #r 2#re

)!rr'n3 St!tes- T(e #2 A3ree2ent 0!nn#t be 0(!r!0ter'sed !s !n 'ntern!t'#n!l

'nstru2ent- x x x ;E(p6+sis, it+)is +nd undersorin* supp)ied<


Si(i)+r)8, t6+t t6e MOA-A& 9ou)d 6+ve een si*ned 8 represent+tives o5 St+tes +nd intern+tion+) or*+niC+tions not

 p+rties to t6e A*ree(ent 9ou)d not 6+ve su55ied to vest in it + indin* 6+r+ter under intern+tion+) )+9.


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In +not6er vein, onern 6+s een r+ised t6+t t6e MOA-A& 9ou)d +(ount to + uni)+ter+) de)+r+tion o5 t6e

P6i)ippine St+te, indin* under intern+tion+) )+9, t6+t it 9ou)d o(p)8 9it6 +)) t6e stipu)+tions st+ted t6erein, 9it6 t6e

resu)t t6+t it 9ou)d 6+ve to +(end its onstitution +ordin*)8 re*+rd)ess o5 t6e true 9i)) o5 t6e peop)e. ited +s +ut6orit8

5or t6is vie9 is ustralia &. 0rance,/3/+)so =no9n +s t6e Nu)e+r Tests +se, deided 8 t6e Intern+tion+) ourt o5 %ustie



In t6e Nu)e+r Tests +se, Austr+)i+ 6+))en*ed e5ore t6e I% t6e )e*+)it8 o5 :r+nes nu)e+r tests in t6e Sout6

P+i5i. :r+ne re5used to +ppe+r in t6e +se, ut pu)i st+te(ents 5ro( its President, +nd si(i)+r st+te(ents 5ro( ot6er 

:ren6 o55ii+)s in)udin* its Minister o5 &e5ene, t6+t its /@0 series o5 +t(osp6eri tests 9ou)d e its )+st, persu+ded t6e

I% to dis(iss t6e +se./31 T6ose st+te(ents, t6e I% 6e)d, +(ounted to + )e*+) undert+=in* +ddressed to t6e intern+tion+)

o((unit8, 96i6 reuired no +ept+ne 5ro( ot6er St+tes 5or it to eo(e e55etive.


Essenti+) to t6e I% ru)in* is its 5indin* t6+t t6e :ren6 *overn(ent intended to e ound to t6e intern+tion+)

o((unit8 in issuin* its pu)i st+te(ents, &iz 

 0F. It is 9e)) reo*niCed t6+t de)+r+tions (+de 8 9+8 o5 uni)+ter+) +ts, onernin* )e*+) or 5+tu+)

situ+tions, (+8 6+ve t6e e55et o5 re+tin* )e*+) o)i*+tions. &e)+r+tions o5 t6is =ind (+8 e, +nd

o5ten +re, ver8 spei5i. 6(en 't 's t(e 'ntent'#n #& t(e St!te 2!'n3 t(e de0l!r!t'#n t(!t 't

s(#uld be0#2e b#und !00#rd'n3 t# 'ts ter2s, t(!t 'ntent'#n 0#n&ers #n t(e de0l!r!t'#n t(e

0(!r!0ter #& ! le3!l undert!'n3, t(e St!te be'n3 t(en0e&#rt( le3!lly reu'red t# &#ll#) !

0#urse #& 0#ndu0t 0#ns'stent )'t( t(e de0l!r!t'#n- An undert+=in* o5 t6is =ind, i5 *iven pu)i)8,

+nd 9it6 +n intent to e ound, even t6ou*6 not (+de 9it6in t6e ontext o5 intern+tion+)

ne*oti+tions, is indin*. In t6ese iru(st+nes, not6in* in t6e n+ture o5 + uid pro uo nor +n8

suseuent +ept+ne o5 t6e de)+r+tion, nor even +n8 rep)8 or re+tion 5ro( ot6er St+tes, is

reuired 5or t6e de)+r+tion to t+=e e55et, sine su6 + reuire(ent 9ou)d e inonsistent 9it6 t6e

strit)8 uni)+ter+) n+ture o5 t6e 4uridi+) +t 8 96i6 t6e pronoune(ent 8 t6e St+te 9+s (+de.


00. O5 ourse, n#t !ll un'l!ter!l !0ts '2ply #bl'3!t'#n7 but ! St!te 2!y 0(##se t# t!e up ! 0ert!'n

p#s't'#n 'n rel!t'#n t# ! p!rt'0ul!r 2!tter )'t( t(e 'ntent'#n #& be'n3 b#undt(e 'ntent'#n 's t#

be !s0ert!'ned by 'nterpret!t'#n #& t(e !0t- 76en St+tes (+=e st+te(ents 8 96i6 t6eir 5reedo(

o5 +tion is to e )i(ited, + restritive interpret+tion is +))ed 5or.

 x x x x


>/. In !nn#un0'n3 t(!t t(e 4<>L ser'es #& !t2#sp(er'0 tests )#uld be t(e l!st, t(e Fren0(

G#*ern2ent 0#n*eyed t# t(e )#rld !t l!r3e, 'n0lud'n3 t(e Appl'0!nt, 'ts 'ntent'#n e&&e0t'*ely

t# ter2'n!te t(ese tests- It )!s b#und t# !ssu2e t(!t #t(er St!tes 2'3(t t!e n#te #& t(ese

st!te2ents !nd rely #n t(e'r be'n3 e&&e0t'*e- T(e *!l'd'ty #& t(ese st!te2ents !nd t(e'r le3!l

0#nseuen0es 2ust be 0#ns'dered )'t('n t(e 3ener!l &r!2e)#r #& t(e se0ur'ty #& 

'ntern!t'#n!l 'nter0#urse, +nd t6e on5idene +nd trust 96i6 +re so essenti+) in t6e re)+tions

+(on* St+tes. It 's &r#2 t(e !0tu!l subst!n0e #& t(ese st!te2ents, !nd &r#2 t(e 0'r0u2st!n0es

!ttend'n3 t(e'r 2!'n3, t(!t t(e le3!l '2pl'0!t'#ns #& t(e un'l!ter!l !0t 2ust be dedu0ed- T(e

#be0ts #& t(ese st!te2ents !re 0le!r !nd t(ey )ere !ddressed t# t(e 'ntern!t'#n!l 0#22un'ty

!s ! )(#le, !nd t(e C#urt (#lds t(!t t(ey 0#nst'tute !n undert!'n3 p#ssess'n3 le3!l e&&e0t-T6e

ourt onsiders 12 t6+t t6e President o5 t6e Repu)i, in deidin* upon t6e e55etive ess+tion o5 

+t(osp6eri tests, *+ve +n undert+=in* to t6e intern+tion+) o((unit8 to 96i6 6is 9ords 9ere

+ddressed. x x x ;E(p6+sis +nd undersorin* supp)ied<


As *+t6ered 5ro( t6e +ove-uoted ru)in* o5 t6e I%, pu)i st+te(ents o5 + st+te represent+tive (+8 e onstrued +s

+ uni)+ter+) de)+r+tion on)8 96en t6e 5o))o9in* onditions +re present t6e st+te(ents 9ere )e+r)8 +ddressed to t6e

intern+tion+) o((unit8, t6e st+te intended to e ound to t6+t o((unit8 8 its st+te(ents, +nd t6+t not to *ive )e*+)

e55et to t6ose st+te(ents 9ou)d e detri(ent+) to t6e seurit8 o5 intern+tion+) interourse. P)+in)8, uni)+ter+) de)+r+tions

+rise on)8 in peu)i+r iru(st+nes.


T6e )i(ited +pp)i+i)it8 o5 t6e Nu)e+r Tests +se ru)in* 9+s reo*niCed in + )+ter +se deided 8 t6e I%

entit)ed (urina 0aso &. +ali,/3F +)so =no9n +s t6e +se onernin* t6e :rontier &ispute.T6e pu)i de)+r+tion su4et

o5 t6+t +se 9+s + st+te(ent (+de 8 t6e President o5 M+)i, in +n intervie9 8 + 5orei*n press +*en8, t6+t M+)i 9ou)d

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+ide 8 t6e deision to e issued 8 + o((ission o5 t6e Or*+niC+tion o5 A5ri+n Unit8 on + 5rontier dispute t6en

 pendin* et9een M+)i +ndBur=in+ :+so.

Un)i=e in t6e Nu)e+r Tests +se, t6e I% 6e)d t6+t t6e st+te(ent o5 M+)is President 9+s not + uni)+ter+) +t 9it6

)e*+) i(p)i+tions. It )+ri5ied t6+t its ru)in* in t6e Nu)e+r Tests +se rested on t6e peu)i+r iru(st+nes surroundin* t6e

:ren6 de)+r+tion su4et t6ereo5, to 9it

 02. In order to +ssess t6e intentions o5 t6e +ut6or o5 + uni)+ter+) +t, +ount (ust e t+=en o5 +)) t6e

5+tu+) iru(st+nes in 96i6 t6e +t ourred. :or ex+(p)e, 'n t(e Nu0le!r Tests 0!ses, t(e

C#urt t## t(e *'e) t(!t s'n0e t(e !ppl'0!nt St!tes )ere n#t t(e #nly #nes 0#n0erned !t t(e

p#ss'ble 0#nt'nu!n0e #& !t2#sp(er'0 test'n3 by t(e Fren0( G#*ern2ent, t(!t G#*ern2entKs

un'l!ter!l de0l!r!t'#ns (!d 0#n*eyed t# t(e )#rld !t l!r3e, 'n0lud'n3 t(e Appl'0!nt, 'ts

'ntent'#n e&&e0t'*ely t# ter2'n!te t(ese tests  ;I..%. Reports /@0, p. 1D@, p+r+. >/ p. 00, p+r+.

>F<. In t(e p!rt'0ul!r 0'r0u2st!n0es #& t(#se 0!ses, t(e Fren0( G#*ern2ent 0#uld n#t e8press

!n 'ntent'#n t# be b#und #t(er)'se t(!n by un'l!ter!l de0l!r!t'#ns- It 's d'&&'0ult t# see (#) 't

0#uld (!*e !00epted t(e ter2s #& ! ne3#t'!ted s#lut'#n )'t( e!0( #& t(e !ppl'0!nts )'t(#ut

t(ereby e#p!rd''n3 'ts 0#ntent'#n t(!t 'ts 0#ndu0t )!s l!)&ul- T(e 0'r0u2st!n0es #& t(e

present 0!se !re r!d'0!lly d'&&erent- Here, t(ere )!s n#t('n3 t# ('nder t(e P!rt'es &r#2

2!n'&est'n3 !n 'ntent'#n t# !00ept t(e b'nd'n3 0(!r!0ter #& t(e 0#n0lus'#ns #& t(e

Or3!n'!t'#n #& A&r'0!n Un'ty %ed'!t'#n C#22'ss'#n by t(e n#r2!l 2et(#d= ! &#r2!l

!3ree2ent #n t(e b!s's #& re0'pr#0'ty- Sine no +*ree(ent o5 t6is =ind 9+s on)uded et9een t6e

P+rties, t6e 6+(er 5inds t6+t t6ere +re no *rounds to interpret t6e de)+r+tion (+de 8 M+)iJs

6e+d o5 St+te on // Apri) /@> +s + uni)+ter+) +t 9it6 )e*+) i(p)i+tions in re*+rd to t6e present

+se. ;E(p6+sis +nd undersorin* supp)ied<


Assessin* t6e MOA-A& in )i*6t o5 t6e +ove riteri+, it 9ou)d not 6+ve +(ounted to + uni)+ter+) de)+r+tion on

t6e p+rt o5 t6e P6i)ippine St+te to t6e intern+tion+) o((unit8. T6e P6i)ippine p+ne) did not dr+5t t6e s+(e 9it6 t6e )e+r 

intention o5 ein* ound t6ere8 to t6e intern+tion+) o((unit8 +s + 96o)e or to +n8 St+te, ut on)8 to t6e MI":. 76i)e

t6ere 9ere St+tes +nd intern+tion+) or*+niC+tions invo)ved, one 9+8 or +not6er, in t6e ne*oti+tion +nd pro4eted si*nin* o5 

t6e MOA-A&, t6e8 p+rtiip+ted (ere)8 +s 9itnesses or, in t6e +se o5 M+)+8si+, +s 5+i)it+tor. As 6e)d in t6e "o( Aord

+se, t6e (ere 5+t t6+t in +ddition to t6e p+rties to t6e on5)it, t6e pe+e sett)e(ent is si*ned 8 represent+tives o5 st+tes

+nd intern+tion+) or*+niC+tions does not (e+n t6+t t6e +*ree(ent is intern+tion+)iCed so +s to re+te o)i*+tions in

intern+tion+) )+9.


Sine t6e o((it(ents in t6e MOA-A& 9ere not +ddressed to St+tes, not to *ive )e*+) e55et to su6

o((it(ents 9ou)d not e detri(ent+) to t6e seurit8 o5 intern+tion+) interourse to t6e trust +nd on5idene essenti+) in

t6e re)+tions +(on* St+tes.


In one i(port+nt respet, t6e iru(st+nes surroundin* t6e MOA-A& +re )oser to t6+t o5  (urina 0aso 96erein,

+s +)re+d8 disussed, t6e M+)i Presidents st+te(ent 9+s not 6e)d to e + indin* uni)+ter+) de)+r+tion 8 t6e I%. As in

t6+t +se, t6ere 9+s +)so not6in* to 6inder t6e P6i)ippine p+ne), 6+d it re+))8 een its intention to e ound to ot6er St+tes,

to (+ni5est t6+t intention 8 5or(+) +*ree(ent. #ere, t6+t 5or(+) +*ree(ent 9ou)d 6+ve o(e +out 8 t6e in)usion in

t6e MOA-A& o5 + )e+r o((it(ent to e )e*+))8 ound to t6e intern+tion+) o((unit8, not 4ust t6e MI":, +nd 8 +n

eu+))8 )e+r indi+tion t6+t t6e si*n+tures o5 t6e p+rtiip+tin* st+tes-represent+tives 9ou)d onstitute +n +ept+ne o5 

t6+t o((it(ent. Enterin* into su6 + 5or(+) +*ree(ent 9ou)d not 6+ve resu)ted in + )oss o5 5+e 5or t6e P6i)ippine

*overn(ent e5ore t6e intern+tion+) o((unit8, 96i6 9+s one o5 t6e di55iu)ties t6+t prevented t6e :ren6 Govern(ent

5ro( enterin* into + 5or(+) +*ree(ent 9it6 ot6er ountries. T6+t t6e P6i)ippine p+ne) did not enter into su6 + 5or(+)

+*ree(ent su**ests t6+t it 6+d no intention to e ound to t6e intern+tion+) o((unit8. On t6+t *round, t6e MOA-A&

(+8 n#t be  onsidered + uni)+ter+) de)+r+tion under intern+tion+) )+9.


T6e MOA-A& not ein* + dou(ent t6+t +n ind t6e P6i)ippines under intern+tion+) )+9 not9it6st+ndin*, respondents

+)(ost onsu((+ted +t o5 3u!r!ntee'n3 !2end2ents t# t(e le3!l &r!2e)#r 's, by 'tsel&, su&&'0'ent t# 0#nst'tute

3r!*e !buse #& d's0ret'#n. T6e *r+ve +use )ies not in t6e 5+t t6+t t6e8 onsidered, +s + so)ution to t6e Moro Pro)e(,

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t6e re+tion o5 + st+te 9it6in + st+te, ut in t6eir r+Cen )'ll'n3ness t# 3u!r!ntee t(!t C#n3ress !nd t(e s#*ere'3n

F'l'p'n# pe#ple )#uld 3'*e t(e'r '2pr'2!tur t# t(e'r s#lut'#n . Up6o)din* su6 +n +t 9ou)d +(ount to +ut6oriCin* +

usurp+tion o5 t6e onstituent po9ers vested on)8 in on*ress, + onstitution+) onvention, or t6e peop)e t6e(se)ves

t6rou*6 t6e proess o5 initi+tive, 5or t6e on)8 9+8 t6+t t6e Exeutive +n ensure t6e outo(e o5 t6e +(end(ent proess is

t6rou*6 +n undue in5)uene or inter5erene 9it6 t6+t proess.


T6e soverei*n peop)e (+8, i5 it so desired, *o to t6e extent o5 *ivin* up + portion o5 its o9n territor8 to t6e Moros

5or t6e s+=e o5 pe+e, 5or it +n 6+n*e t6e onstitution in +n8 it 9+nts, so )on* +s t6e 6+n*e is not inonsistent 9it6

96+t, in intern+tion+) )+9, is =no9n +s Jus Cogens./30Respondents, 6o9ever, (+8 not pree(pt it in t6+t deision.




T6e petitions +re ripe 5or +d4udi+tion. T6e 5+i)ure o5 respondents to onsu)t t6e )o+) *overn(ent units or 

o((unities +55eted onstitutes + dep+rture 8 respondents 5ro( t6eir (+nd+te under E.O. No. F. Moreover, respondents

exeeded t6eir +ut6orit8 8 t6e (ere +t o5 *u+r+nteein* +(end(ents to t6e onstitution. An8 +))e*ed vio)+tion o5 t6e

onstitution 8 +n8 r+n6 o5 *overn(ent is + proper (+tter 5or 4udii+) revie9.


As t6e petitions invo)ve onstitution+) issues 96i6 +re o5 p+r+(ount pu)i interest or o5 tr+nsendent+) i(port+ne, t6e

ourt *r+nts t6e petitioners, petitioners-in-intervention +nd intervenin* respondents t6e reuisite locus standi in =eepin*

9it6 t6e )ier+) st+ne +dopted in Da&id &. +acapagal-rro%o.


ontr+r8 to t6e +ssertion o5 respondents t6+t t6e non-si*nin* o5 t6e MOA-A& +nd t6e eventu+) disso)ution o5 t6e GRP

Pe+e P+ne) (ooted t6e present petitions, t6e ourt 5inds t6+t t6e present petitions provide +n exeption to t6e (oot +nd

++de(i prinip)e in vie9 o5 ;+< t6e *r+ve vio)+tion o5 t6e onstitution invo)ved ;< t6e exeption+) 6+r+ter o5 t6e

situ+tion +nd p+r+(ount pu)i interest ;< t6e need to 5or(u)+te ontro))in* prinip)es to *uide t6e en6, t6e +r, +nd

t6e pu)i +nd ;d< t6e 5+t t6+t t6e +se is +p+)e o5 repetition 8et ev+din* revie9.


T6e MOA-A& is + si*ni5i+nt p+rt o5 + series o5 +*ree(ents neess+r8 to +rr8 out t6e GRP-MI": Tripo)i A*ree(ent on

Pe+e si*ned 8 t6e *overn(ent +nd t6e MI": += in %une 122/. #ene, t6e present MOA-A& +n e rene*oti+ted or 

+not6er one dr+9n up t6+t ou)d ont+in si(i)+r or si*ni5i+nt)8 dissi(i)+r provisions o(p+red to t6e ori*in+).

T6e ourt, 6o9ever, 5inds t6+t t6e pr+8ers 5or (+nd+(us 6+ve een rendered (oot in vie9 o5 t6e respondents +tion in

 providin* t6e ourt +nd t6e petitioners 9it6 t6e o55ii+) op8 o5 t6e 5in+) dr+5t o5 t6e MOA-A& +nd its +nnexes.


T6e peop)es ri*6t to in5or(+tion on (+tters o5 pu)i onern under Se. , Arti)e III o5 t6e onstitution is in  splendid 

 s%mmetr% 9it6 t6e st+te po)i8 o5 5u)) pu)i dis)osure o5 +)) its tr+ns+tions invo)vin* pu)i interest under Se. 13,

Arti)e II o5 t6e onstitution. T6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion *u+r+ntees t6e ri*6t o5 t6e peop)e to de(+nd in5or(+tion, 96i)e

Setion 13 reo*niCes t6e dut8 o5 o55ii+)do( to *ive in5or(+tion even i5 nood8 de(+nds. T6e o(p)ete +nd e55etive

exerise o5 t6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion neessit+tes t6+t its o(p)e(ent+r8 provision on pu)i dis)osure derive t6e s+(e

se)5-exeutor8 n+ture, su4et on)8 to re+son+)e s+5e*u+rds or )i(it+tions +s (+8 e provided 8 )+9.


T6e ontents o5 t6e MOA-A& is + (+tter o5 p+r+(ount pu)i onern invo)vin* pu)i interest in t6e 6i*6est order. In

de)+rin* t6+t t6e ri*6t to in5or(+tion onte(p)+tes steps +nd ne*oti+tions )e+din* to t6e onsu((+tion o5 t6e ontr+t,

 4urisprudene 5inds no distintion +s to t6e exeutor8 n+ture or o((eri+) 6+r+ter o5 t6e +*ree(ent.

An essenti+) e)e(ent o5 t6ese t9in 5reedo(s is to =eep + ontinuin* di+)o*ue or proess o5 o((uni+tion

 et9een t6e *overn(ent +nd t6e peop)e. oro))+r8 to t6ese t9in ri*6ts is t6e desi*n 5or 5eed+= (e6+nis(s. T6e ri*6t to

 pu)i onsu)t+tion 9+s envisioned to e + speies o5 t6ese pu)i ri*6ts.


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At )e+st t6ree pertinent )+9s +ni(+te t6ese onstitution+) i(per+tives +nd 4usti58 t6e exerise o5 t6e peop)es ri*6t to e

onsu)ted on re)ev+nt (+tters re)+tin* to t6e pe+e +*end+.


ne, E.O. No. F itse)5 is rep)ete 9it6 (e6+nis 5or ontinuin* onsu)t+tions on ot6 n+tion+) +nd )o+) )eve)s +nd 5or +

 prinip+) 5oru( 5or onsensus-ui)din*. In 5+t, it is t6e dut8 o5 t6e Presidenti+) Adviser on t6e Pe+e Proess to ondut

re*u)+r di+)o*ues to see= re)ev+nt in5or(+tion, o((ents, +dvie, +nd reo((end+tions 5ro( pe+e p+rtners +nd

onerned setors o5 soiet8.


'wo, Repu)i At No. /D2 or t6e "o+) Govern(ent ode o5 /@@/ reuires +)) n+tion+) o55ies to ondut onsu)t+tions

 e5ore +n8 pro4et or pro*r+( riti+) to t6e environ(ent +nd 6u(+n eo)o*8 in)udin* t6ose t6+t (+8 +)) 5or t6e evition

o5 + p+rtiu)+r *roup o5 peop)e residin* in su6 )o+)it8, is i(p)e(ented t6erein. T6e MOA-A& is one peu)i+r pro*r+(

t6+t uneuivo+))8 +nd uni)+ter+))8 vests o9ners6ip o5 + v+st territor8 to t6e B+n*s+(oro peop)e, 96i6 ou)d perv+sive)8

+nd dr+sti+))8 resu)t to t6e di+spor+ or disp)+e(ent o5 + *re+t nu(er o5 in6+it+nts 5ro( t6eir tot+) environ(ent.


'hree, Repu)i At No. 3F/ or t6e Indi*enous Peop)es Ri*6ts At o5 /@@ provides 5or )e+r-ut proedure 5or t6ereo*nition +nd de)ine+tion o5 +nestr+) do(+in, 96i6 ent+i)s, +(on* ot6er t6in*s, t6e oserv+ne o5 t6e 5ree +nd prior 

in5or(ed onsent o5 t6e Indi*enous u)tur+) o((unitiesHIndi*enous Peop)es. $otabl%, the statute does not grant the

 )*ecuti&e Department or an% go&ernment agenc% the power to delineate and recognize an ancestral domain claim b%

mere agreement or compromise.


T6e invo+tion o5 t6e dotrine o5 exeutive privi)e*e +s + de5ense to t6e *ener+) ri*6t to in5or(+tion or t6e spei5i ri*6t to

onsu)t+tion is unten+)e. T6e v+rious exp)iit )e*+) provisions 5)8 in t6e 5+e o5 exeutive sere8. In +n8 event,

respondents e55etive)8 9+ived su6 de5ense +5ter it unondition+))8 dis)osed t6e o55ii+) opies o5 t6e 5in+) dr+5t o5 t6e

MOA-A&, 5or 4udii+) o(p)i+ne +nd pu)i srutin8.


IN SUM, t6e Presidenti+) Adviser on t6e Pe+e Proess o((itted *r+ve +use o5 disretion 96en 6e 5+i)ed to +rr8 out

t6e pertinent onsu)t+tion proess, +s (+nd+ted 8 E.O. No. F, Repu)i At No. /D2, +nd Repu)i At No. 3F/. T6e

5urtive proess 8 96i6 t6e MOA-A& 9+s desi*ned +nd r+5ted runs ontr+r8 to +nd in exess o5 t6e )e*+) +ut6orit8, +nd

+(ounts to + 96i(si+), +priious, oppressive, +ritr+r8 +nd despoti exerise t6ereo5. It i))ustr+tes + *ross ev+sion o5 

 positive dut8 +nd + virtu+) re5us+) to per5or( t6e dut8 en4oined.


T6e MOA-A& +nnot e reoni)ed 9it6 t6e present onstitution +nd )+9s. Not on)8 its spei5i provisions ut t6ever8 onept under)8in* t6e(, n+(e)8, t6e +ssoi+tive re)+tions6ip envisioned et9een t6e GRP +nd t6e

B%E, +re  un0#nst'tut'#n!l, 5or t6e onept presupposes t6+t t6e +ssoi+ted entit8 is + st+te +nd i(p)ies t6+t t6e s+(e is on

its 9+8 to independene.


76i)e t6ere is + )+use in t6e MOA-A& st+tin* t6+t t6e provisions t6ereo5 inonsistent 9it6 t6e present )e*+) 5r+(e9or= 

9i)) not e e55etive unti) t6+t 5r+(e9or= is +(ended, t6e s+(e does not ure its de5et. T6e in)usion o5 provisions in t6e

MOA-A& est+)is6in* +n +ssoi+tive re)+tions6ip et9een t6e B%E +nd t6e entr+) Govern(ent is, itse)5, + vio)+tion o5 

t6e Me(or+ndu( o5 Instrutions :ro( T6e President d+ted M+r6 /, 122/, +ddressed to t6e *overn(ent pe+e

 p+ne). Moreover, +s t6e )+use is 9orded, it virtu+))8 *u+r+ntees t6+t t6e neess+r8 +(end(ents to t6e onstitution +nd t6e

)+9s 9i)) eventu+))8 e put in p)+e. Neit6er t6e GRP Pe+e P+ne) nor t6e President 6erse)5 is +ut6oriCed to (+=e su6 +

*u+r+ntee. Up6o)din* su6 +n +t 9ou)d +(ount to +ut6oriCin* + usurp+tion o5 t6e onstituent po9ers vested on)8 in

on*ress, + onstitution+) onvention, or t6e peop)e t6e(se)ves t6rou*6 t6e proess o5 initi+tive, 5or t6e on)8 9+8 t6+t

t6e Exeutive +n ensure t6e outo(e o5 t6e +(end(ent proess is t6rou*6 +n undue in5)uene or inter5erene 9it6 t6+t



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76i)e t6e MOA-A& 9ou)d not +(ount to +n intern+tion+) +*ree(ent or uni)+ter+) de)+r+tion indin* on t6e

P6i)ippines under intern+tion+) )+9, respondents +t o5 *u+r+nteein* +(end(ents is, 8 itse)5, +)re+d8 + onstitution+)

vio)+tion t6+t renders t6e MOA-A& 5+t+))8 de5etive.


6HEREFORE, respondents (otion to dis(iss is DENIED. T6e (+in +nd intervenin* petitions +re GI$EN

&UE OURSE +nd 6ere8 GRANTE&.


T6e Me(or+ndu( o5 A*ree(ent on t6e Anestr+) &o(+in Aspet o5 t6e GRP-MI": Tripo)i A*ree(ent on Pe+e

o5 122/ is de)+red ONTRARY TO "A7 AN& T#E ONSTITUTION.





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Chief Justice



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Pursu+nt to Arti)e $III, Setion /F o5 t6e onstitution, I erti58 t6+t t6e on)usions in t6e +ove &eision 6+d een

re+6ed in onsu)t+tion e5ore t6e +se 9+s +ssi*ned to t6e 9riter o5 t6e opinion o5 t6e ourt. 


Chief Justice