prune juic white tuna eapple ju iracle...

SCHOLARSHIPS were award- ed three young women who are planning to continue in a Cath- olic High School in the fall, by Court Newman, Catholic Daugh- ters of America. From left to right, Diane Bova, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bova, who is a first time winneT and "will enter St. Mary's Diocesan High School in the fall; Miss Ann O'Hare, daughter of Mrs. Owen O'Hare, who receives the award for the third time and is a junior student tiiis year at St. Mary's; Miss Barbara Ruthven, daughter of Mrs. George Ruth- ven, a sophomore student at St. Mary's this year, a two-time winner. Adults in same order are Miss Beatrice Hoffman, re- tiring grand regent; Miss Char- lotte West, chairman of the Scholarship Committee and Mrs. Harry Giorgio, grand regent. The awards were distributed dur- ing the regular meeting of Court Newman, on Thursday, in Amer- ican Legion Hall.—Staff Photo by Warren Inglese. Church School Slates Picnic Saturday MOUNT KISCO— On Saturday, the Mount Kisco Methodist Church School will hold its annual family picnic at Leon- ard Park. Games with prizes will begin at 10 a.m. Mrs. George Athans and her committee will conduct this part of the program. Ernest Kohlmetz is chairman of the food commit- tee, which will .serve lunch to the group at 12:30 p.m., at the upper picnic level. Each family will be asked to contribute $1.00 toward expenses. Dr. Miller B. Spangler is the general picnic chairman, assist- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dur- yea, Mrs. Willard Ticknor, Jr., Mrs. Edward Cohgdon, Mr. John West, and Miss Ruth Gardner. In case of rain, the picnic program and lunch will be moved to Hal- stead Hall. A series of movies have been arranged to entertain the young people if the weather- man fails to come up with picnic weather. North Westchester Times, New Castie inbune, Mount Kisco, N.r'., June ki, IvoO l&.-lV ,ii 'r ,,r. ,'n.i ,-, „.•!,'» i- i •'• m. . . t' n <i • . ' . i \ > . m ,i» ' ' i ' '< '.U'I ' '. ' ' ' tfi 'ij^ Ashbel Green Married to Anna McCagg . . . . i n .nfii' r\ n it /"i— MOUNT KISCO- In Calvary Episcopal Church, Stonngton. Conn., Saturday. Miss Anna Welsh McCagg. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Qgden McCagg. of Wamphassuc Point and Provi- dence, R.I., was married to Ash- bel Green son of Mrs. Hays R Browning, of Washington, D. C and the late Ashbel Green, former- ly of Mount Kisco. Miss Katharine McCagg was maid of honor for her sister. An- other sister, Mrs. Richard N. An- derson, was matron of honor. The other attendants were Mrs. William O. McCagg Jr., Miss Nat alie G. Jones, Miss Susan Knox, Mra. Robert Leeson, Miss Gladys C. Porter and Miss Mary V. Wood. The best man was Hays R, Brown- ing Jr., half brother of the bride- groom. Kisco Masons To Confer 1st Degree MOUNT KISCO- Kisco Lodge, F.—.A M. and Kis- co Chapter Order of Eastern Star, have two important events sjned- uled for the future. Master George Terwilliger will confer the first degree on Tuestiay evening at a ceremony in the Ma- sonic Temple, Carpenter Ave., Mount Kisco, which will be fol- lowed by a buffet supper. The degree work will be done b> the past masters of the Lodge and the following members will oer- form the ceremony: Donald Wal- lace, Frank G. Cronk, Dick Mon- sees, Everett H. Quinn, Walter Ra- gonese, J. F. Ryan, Everett Chaf- in, William King, Charles Parte- low, Henry Horton, H. T. Gavitt, Freeman Mulley, and Edwin Kirk- man. Kisco Lodge, Order Eastern Star, and the Square Club will sponsor a ball and* entertainment on Satur- day evening Oct. 1, in the Ameri- can Legion Hall, Mount Kisco. Dancing will be from 9 to 1 a.m. with music by the society orches- tra. Phone CEntral 2-4135, MOunt Kisco 6-7848 or CEntral 25161, for tickets and full information. Dr. Favareau Heads Fox Lane Guidance Dept. . . . . i i T-t T i _.... —~:J *. tir—- MOUNT KISCO- Dr. George A. Favareau will take over as head of the Fox- Lane School Guidance Dept. this fall after 12 years in the same post at the John Jay School at Cross River. Dr. Favareau will have three in his department at Fox Lane, one more than he had at the John Jay School. A graduate of Catholic Uni- Half the population of Wales lives within a 25-mile radius of the capital. Cardiff. versify at Washington, D.C., Dr. Favareau earned his Master's from Columbia and his doctor- ate from the University of Colo- rado. He lives with his wife in North Tarrytown, where she is a music teacher at the high school. Community Events (Continued From Page 4) cently at the Westchester County Chapter headquarters in White Plains. She discussed work of her I group at the Northern Westches- ter Hospital. Mrs. Fred Scott of St. Mark's Place will be hostess for the Monday evening meeting of the Moses Taylor Unit card group. Mrs. Martin Marshall of Grove St. was hostess on June 13, with prize winners being Mrs. Bernard Dal- ey, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Charles Bowron. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McMahon of Bedford Rd., and Mr. and Mrs James F. McMahon and children of St. Elmo Hill, Chappaqua, have returned home from London, On- tario, where they attended the wedding of Miss Nancy Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wright and William Greenway, which took place on June 4. Miss Wright is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McMahon, her mother being the former Miss Marjorie McMahon. Mrs. Alice Risch of North Mi- ami, Fla., is the houseguesl ol Mr. and Mrs. Van Nest Owen Sr. of 60 Maple Ave. She is a sister of Mrs. Owen. See the saucy, inerediMy^piraetieal DEGREE TEAM of the Moses Taylor Jr. Unit American Le- gion Auxiliary, posed for a pic- ture Monday night at the meet- ing in American Legion Hall, which was preceded by a cover- ed dish supper. Twelve new members were initiated. Stand- ing left to right are Mrs. Charles Partelow, Mrs. John Pasquale, Mrs. Harry Odell, Mrs. Milton Cowperthwaite, degree team cap- tain; Mrs. Harold M. Fisher, Mrs. Louise Allmond of Suffern and Mrs. Althea Davidson. Not pictured was Mrs. Sal Feilen- cia, first vice-chairman of the Westchester County Committee and Harry Maclntyre, incom- ing Commander of Moses Tay- lor Jr. Post, both of whom were guests.—Staff Photo by Doris, B. Kirchhoff. Mothers Guild Elects New Officers SENIORS INCREASE CROTON-ON-HUDSON — Croton- Harmon High School graduating class will exceed 100 for the first time in history this year. MOUNT KISCO— Mrs. John Tooley of BoltisSt., Mount Kisco, was elected presi- dent of the St. Francis of Assisi Mothers Guild at the June meet- ing, which concluded the activities for the summer months. A cover- ed dish supper with 125 members in attendance, was part of the evening's program. Other officers elected at the short business meeting were Mrs. Francis Mannion, vice - president, Mrs. Everet Hopkins, treasurer, Mrs. John Thomas Fox. corres- ponding secretary, and Mrs. Sam Pasquale, recording secretary Class mother chairman for the 1960-61 school year will be Mrs Albert Vieria, Mrs. Gerald White will be program'chairman, Mrs. Walter Smith, cafeteria chairman; membership, Mrs. Salvatore Di- Fazio; hearts and flowers, Mrs William Fletcher, first Friday chairman, Mrs. Arthur MacPhee, nurse, Mrs. Howard Kelly Jr. Mrs. H.-bert Love, out - going president, thanked all the officers and the mothers for the wonderful help they had been doing during her year as president of the guild. A standing ovation was given by the assembly for Mrs. Peter Tou- art, first president of the guild, who is moving from the community. - .1 Rt. Rev. Msgr. James A. Boyls complimented the officers, and] the members of the guild for al| they were doing to aid the school and for the fine spirit whicfhj prevailed among those working for the interest of the organiz&i tion. •; Mrs. John Thomas Fox pre* sented the outgoing officers witii gifts and class mothers were signed for the coming year. :„l Lincoln Hall GraduatesTo Hear Bro. Anthony LINCOLNDALE— Brother Anthony, F.S.C, princi- pal of Good Shepherd 1 School, Man- hattan, will give the graduation talk at Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, today. Brother Anthony had been pre- fect in Pine Cottage at the Hall from 1951 to 1955. In his talk he will explain that graduation repre- sents the first concrete achieve* ment in life for these boys "and they should be happy with whafc| lies ahead—always looking for* ward, always hopeful." After leaving L i n c o l n Hall; Brother Anthony taught at St. Raymond's Grammar School 11% the Bronx. He was there until last year, when he was mad© prir.c£. pal at Good Shepherd. , ^priced hundreds less than any U.S. compact car MILEAGE -up to 40 m.p.g.«. § ENGLAND'S BEST SELLING CAR TIRES : wear longer, smaller, less expensive! INSURANCE! costs less almost anywhere! LICENSE- costs less! ^ SERVICE 5 over 700 dealers-coast to coast! ® U.S. SIZE NUTS &BOLTS- no special wrenches needed! fg| DEPENDABILIT Y'lasts longer-less maintenance! / OIL CONSUMPTION'designed to use less! YOURS ! for as little as *30 a month!* You pay less down, less a month, less every day you drive an Anglia-England's best-selling car! Frank Castaldo, chairman of the Golf Committee of the Mount Kis- co Elks Club, would like to hear from all those who are planning to participate in the annual "Hole in One" contest to be staged at the clubhouse green on Saturday and Sunday. Edward J. Gallagher, reading teacher at the Rox ^Lana. High school, will serve on^ljjg" facu 1 *" staff for ihe Second'An¥»3fte; ing Co^r^nce to h &Md in Syra- cuse tJriiveraity between June 27 and July 1. "Canadian Small Mouths" was the title of the color film which members of the Sportsmen's Club of Northern Westchester viewed at the Tuesday night meeting in Me- morial House, Katonah. A second film, was '^Rainbows Round the Andes" and showed trout fishing in the Chilean region. Mrs. Harry Kreuzberger of Har- riman Knolls who has been a pa- tient in the Northern Westchester Hospital for the past ten days is improving, but visitors are limit- ed at present to members of her family. Dr. Helen Braem of East Hyatt Avenue, director of the Special Services Classes in Chappaqua. at- tended the inaugural meeting of the newly formed New York State Alumni Council of Geneseo College of Education. I BAPTIZED HERE Janice Larraine Matthew, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Matthew Jr. was baptized on Sun- day. Miss Ola Clark is the lit- tle girl's god-parent. Mr. Matthew is organist and director of Music at the Mount Kisco Methodist Church. Carl Daum, Newton Bates and Ray Johnson are off to Northern Quebec next week where they will fish for wjuare tail in the Canadi- an streams. Miss S u s a n Green of Brook Street, left by American Airlines from LaGuardia Airport on Fri- day for. Tuscon, Ariz., where she will be the guest of her niece. Miss Betty Doyle .until July 5. She Is on vacation, from her posi- tion with the Mount Kisco Nation- al Bank and Trust Company. •AUtfdewnpdymMl Mod* In England for Fdnf Motor Company, Deorborn, Michigan. Sold end sarvtcad In tha United States by t«l«cf«d dia(«rs. STAR TIRE & M O T O R C O . INC. 828 Main Street, Mount Kisco, New York. M O 6-4422 Sun-Blushed Southern CRISP COOLING CUCUMBERS 19' Finest Quality at a Low, Low Price! FRESH, OVEN-READY . . . BROILING and FRYING Whole Split or C u t U p • • • • Zoning Hearing On Master Plan Set July 18 MOUNT KISCO— The hearing on the rezoning called for in the 1 Mount Kisco Master Plan will be held at S:15 p.m. July 18 at the Village Hall. The date was s,et,last week at a special meeting of the Village Board. - The -board indicated that the hearing would last until all citi- zens who want to ifipeak can be heard from at least once. U this requires an6ther hearing, the board will adjourn the first to another date."' ' The Master Plan already has been a d o p t e d by. the Village Board and Planning Board, but the rezoning which'it suggests has not been approved. At the board's meeting July $ it will hdld public parings start- ing at 9:15 p.m. on a new sign ordinance' and advertising local laws after they have been-adop' ted by the board. The hearings will start after regular business has been completed. PRUNE JUIC WHITE TUNA EAPPLE JU SUNSWEET boh 7-oi. STAR-KIST can ICE 46-ox. l %ffiS DOLE can IRACLE WHIP KRAFT GELATIN DESSERTS pint pkgs. Low Ctlorta French Dressing: FRENCHETTE ITALIANETTE Scott Family Napkins IVALON SPONGES bet. jat Low Calorl* Italian Dressing- Deal Pack bot. 35c 2*"21c 2 P *V35C Borden's Instant Potatoes %"33c Bakery Specials... Jurie 23,24,25 FRENCH CRUMB CAKE each 33* ALL BUTTER each ALMOND CAKE each ALL BUTTER each POUND CAKE each Meat and Produce Prices Effective June 22nd thru 25th. Grocery Prices Effective June 22nd thru 28th. I for QUALITY... VARIETY.. COURTEOUS PERSONNEL ... j and for 'CONVENIENT SERVICES i •Convenient Charge Accounts; Telephone Orders. Free Delivery . . . at all Grlstede's Service Stores -J MT; KISCO •2 J South Moger Ave. MOunt Kisco 6-5135 CHAPPAQUA 65 King Street CE 8-4711 ~4 4 3

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Page 1: PRUNE JUIC WHITE TUNA EAPPLE JU IRACLE within a 25-mile radius of the capital. Cardiff. versify at Washington, D.C.,

SCHOLARSHIPS were award­ed three young women who are planning to continue in a Cath­olic High School in the fall, by Court Newman, Catholic Daugh­ters of America. From left to right, Diane Bova, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bova, who is a first time winneT and "will enter St. Mary's Diocesan

High School in the fall; Miss Ann O'Hare, daughter of Mrs. Owen O'Hare, who receives the award for the third time and is a junior student tiiis year at St. Mary's; Miss Barbara Ruthven, daughter of Mrs. George Ruth­ven, a sophomore student at St. Mary's this year, a two-time winner. Adults in same order

are Miss Beatrice Hoffman, re­tiring grand regent; Miss Char­lotte West, chairman of the Scholarship Committee and Mrs. Harry Giorgio, grand regent. The awards were distributed dur­ing the regular meeting of Court Newman, on Thursday, in Amer­ican Legion Hall.—Staff Photo by Warren Inglese.

Church School Slates Picnic Saturday MOUNT KISCO—

On Saturday, the Mount Kisco Methodist Church School will hold its annual family picnic at Leon­ard Park. Games with prizes will begin at 10 a.m.

Mrs. George Athans and her committee will conduct this part of the program. Ernest Kohlmetz is chairman of the food commit­tee, which will .serve lunch to the group at 12:30 p.m., at the upper picnic level. Each family will be asked to contribute $1.00 toward expenses.

Dr. Miller B. Spangler is the general picnic chairman, assist­ed by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dur-yea, Mrs. Willard Ticknor, Jr., Mrs. Edward Cohgdon, Mr. John West, and Miss Ruth Gardner. In case of rain, the picnic program and lunch will be moved to Hal-stead Hall. A series of movies have been arranged to entertain the young people if the weather­man fails to come up with picnic weather.

N o r t h Westchester Times, N e w Cast ie inbune, Moun t Kisco, N.r ' . , J u n e k i , I v o O l & . - l V , i i ' r , , r . , ' n . i , - , „ . • ! , ' » • i- i • ' • m . . . t' n <i • . • ' . i \ > . m ,i» ' ' i ' ' < ' . U ' I ' ' . ' ' ' tfi • ' i j ^

Ashbel Green Married to Anna McCagg . . . . i • n .nfii' r \ n it — /"i— MOUNT KISCO-

In Calvary Episcopal Church, Stonngton. Conn., Saturday. Miss Anna Welsh McCagg. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Qgden McCagg. of Wamphassuc Point and Provi­dence, R.I., was married to Ash­bel Green son of Mrs. Hays R

Browning, of Washington, D. C and the late Ashbel Green, former­ly of Mount Kisco.

Miss Katharine McCagg was maid of honor for her sister. An­other sister, Mrs. Richard N. An­derson, was matron of honor.

The other attendants were Mrs.

William O. McCagg Jr., Miss Nat alie G. Jones, Miss Susan Knox, Mra. Robert Leeson, Miss Gladys C. Porter and Miss Mary V. Wood. The best man was Hays R, Brown­ing Jr., half brother of the bride­groom.

Kisco Masons To Confer 1st Degree MOUNT KISCO-

Kisco Lodge, F.—.A M. and Kis­co Chapter Order of Eastern Star, have two important events sjned-uled for the future.

Master George Terwilliger will confer the first degree on Tuestiay evening at a ceremony in the Ma­sonic Temple, Carpenter Ave., Mount Kisco, which will be fol­lowed by a buffet supper.

The degree work will be done b> the past masters of the Lodge and the following members will oer-form the ceremony: Donald Wal­lace, Frank G. Cronk, Dick Mon-sees, Everett H. Quinn, Walter Ra-gonese, J. F. Ryan, Everett Chaf-in, William King, Charles Parte-low, Henry Horton, H. T. Gavitt, Freeman Mulley, and Edwin Kirk-man.

Kisco Lodge, Order Eastern Star, and the Square Club will sponsor a ball and* entertainment on Satur­day evening Oct. 1, in the Ameri­can Legion Hall, Mount Kisco. Dancing will be from 9 to 1 a.m. with music by the society orches­tra. Phone CEntral 2-4135, MOunt Kisco 6-7848 or CEntral 25161, for tickets and full information.

Dr. Favareau Heads Fox Lane Guidance Dept. • . . . . i i T-t T i _.... — ~ : J *. tir—-

MOUNT KISCO-Dr. George A. Favareau will

take over as head of the Fox-Lane School Guidance Dept. this fall after 12 years in the same post at the John Jay School at Cross River.

Dr. Favareau will have three

in his department at Fox Lane, one more than he had at the John Jay School.

A graduate of Catholic Uni-

Half the population of Wales lives within a 25-mile radius of the capital. Cardiff.

versify at Washington, D.C., Dr. Favareau earned his Master's from Columbia and his doctor­ate from the University of Colo­rado. He lives with his wife in North Tarrytown, where she is a music teacher at the high school.

Community Events

(Continued From Page 4) cently at the Westchester County Chapter headquarters in White Plains. She discussed work of her I group at the Northern Westches­ter Hospital.

Mrs. Fred Scott of St. Mark's Place will be hostess for the Monday evening meeting of the Moses Taylor Unit card group. Mrs. Martin Marshall of Grove St. was hostess on June 13, with prize winners being Mrs. Bernard Dal­ey, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Charles Bowron.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McMahon of Bedford Rd., and Mr. and Mrs James F. McMahon and children of St. Elmo Hill, Chappaqua, have returned home from London, On­tario, where they attended the wedding of Miss Nancy Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wright and William Green way, which took place on June 4. Miss Wright is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McMahon, her mother being the former Miss Marjorie McMahon.

Mrs. Alice Risch of North Mi­ami, Fla., is the houseguesl ol Mr. and Mrs. Van Nest Owen Sr. of 60 Maple Ave. She is a sister of Mrs. Owen.

See the saucy, inerediMy piraetieal

DEGREE TEAM of the Moses Taylor Jr . Unit American Le­gion Auxiliary, posed for a pic­ture Monday night at the meet­ing in American Legion Hall, which was preceded by a cover­ed dish supper. Twelve new members were initiated. Stand­ing left to right are Mrs. Charles Partelow, Mrs. John Pasquale, Mrs. Harry Odell, Mrs. Milton Cowperthwaite, degree team cap­tain; Mrs. Harold M. Fisher, Mrs. Louise Allmond of Suffern and Mrs. Althea Davidson. Not pictured was Mrs. Sal Feilen-cia, first vice-chairman of the Westchester County Committee and Harry Maclntyre, incom­ing Commander of Moses Tay­lor Jr . Post, both of whom were guests.—Staff Photo by Doris, B. Kirchhoff.

Mothers Guild Elects New Officers


Harmon High School graduating class will exceed 100 for the first time in history this year.

MOUNT KISCO— Mrs. John Tooley of BoltisSt.,

Mount Kisco, was elected presi­dent of the St. Francis of Assisi Mothers Guild at the June meet­ing, which concluded the activities for the summer months. A cover­ed dish supper with 125 members in attendance, was part of the evening's program.

Other officers elected at the short business meeting were Mrs. Francis Mannion, vice - president, Mrs. Everet Hopkins, treasurer, Mrs. John Thomas Fox. corres­ponding secretary, and Mrs. Sam Pasquale, recording secretary Class mother chairman for the 1960-61 school year will be Mrs Albert Vieria, Mrs. Gerald White will be program'chairman, Mrs. Walter Smith, cafeteria chairman; membership, Mrs. Salvatore Di-Fazio; hearts and flowers, Mrs

William Fletcher, first Friday chairman, Mrs. Arthur MacPhee, nurse, Mrs. Howard Kelly Jr.

Mrs. H.-bert Love, out - going president, thanked all the officers and the mothers for the wonderful help they had been doing during her year as president of the guild. A standing ovation was given by the assembly for Mrs. Peter Tou-art, first president of the guild, who is moving from the community.

- .1

Rt. Rev. Msgr. James A. Boyls complimented the officers, and] the members of the guild for al | they were doing to aid the school and for the fine spirit whicfhj prevailed among those working for the interest of the organiz&i tion. •;

Mrs. John Thomas Fox pre* sented the outgoing officers witii gifts and class mothers were signed for the coming year. :„l

Lincoln Hall GraduatesTo Hear Bro. Anthony LINCOLNDALE—

Brother Anthony, F.S.C, princi­pal of Good Shepherd1 School, Man­hattan, will give the graduation talk at Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, today.

Brother Anthony had been pre­fect in Pine Cottage at the Hall from 1951 to 1955. In his talk he will explain that graduation repre­

sents the first concrete achieve* ment in life for these boys "and they should be happy with whafc| lies ahead—always looking for* ward, always hopeful."

After leaving L i n c o l n Hall; Brother Anthony taught at St. Raymond's Grammar School 11% the Bronx. He was there until last year, when he was mad© prir.c£. pal at Good Shepherd. ,

^priced hundreds less than any U.S. compact car

MILEAGE-up to 4 0 m.p.g.«.


wear longer, smaller, less expensive!

INSURANCE! costs less almost anywhere!

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^ SERVICE5 over 700 dealers-coast to coast!

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/ OIL CONSUMPTION'designed to use less!

YOURS!for as little as*30 a month!*

You pay less down, less a month, less every day you drive an Anglia-England's best-selling car!

Frank Castaldo, chairman of the Golf Committee of the Mount Kis­co Elks Club, would like to hear from all those who are planning to participate in the annual "Hole in One" contest to be staged at the clubhouse green on Saturday and Sunday.

Edward J. Gallagher, reading teacher at the Rox^Lana. High school, will serve on^ljjg" facu1*" staff for ihe Second'An¥»3fte; ing C o ^ r ^ n c e to h&Md in Syra­cuse tJriiveraity between June 27 and July 1.

"Canadian Small Mouths" was the title of the color film which members of the Sportsmen's Club of Northern Westchester viewed at the Tuesday night meeting in Me­morial House, Katonah. A second film, was '^Rainbows Round the Andes" and showed trout fishing in the Chilean region.

Mrs. Harry Kreuzberger of Har-riman Knolls who has been a pa-tient in the Northern Westchester Hospital for the past ten days is improving, but visitors are limit­ed at present to members of her family.

Dr. Helen Braem of East Hyatt Avenue, director of the Special Services Classes in Chappaqua. at­tended the inaugural meeting of the newly formed New York State Alumni Council of Geneseo College of Education. I

BAPTIZED HERE Janice Larraine Matthew, infant

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Matthew Jr . was baptized on Sun­day. Miss Ola Clark is the lit­tle girl's god-parent. Mr. Matthew is organist and director of Music at the Mount Kisco Methodist Church.

Carl Daum, Newton Bates and Ray Johnson are off to Northern Quebec next week where they will fish for wjuare tail in the Canadi­an streams.

Miss S u s a n Green of Brook Street, left by American Airlines from LaGuardia Airport on Fri­day for. Tuscon, Ariz., where she will be the guest of her niece. Miss Betty Doyle .until July 5. She Is on vacation, from her posi­tion with the Mount Kisco Nation­al Bank and Trust Company.

•AUtfdewnpdymMl Mod* In England for Fdnf Motor Company, Deorborn, Michigan.

Sold end sarvtcad In tha United States by t«l«cf«d dia(«rs.

S T A R T IRE & M O T O R C O . I N C . 828 Main Street, M o u n t Kisco, N e w Y o r k . M O 6-4422

Sun-Blushed Southern


Finest Quality at a Low, Low Price!

F R E S H , O V E N - R E A D Y . . . B R O I L I N G and F R Y I N G


Sp l i t or C u t U p • • • •

Zoning Hearing On Master Plan Set July 18

MOUNT KISCO— The hearing on the rezoning

called for in the1 Mount Kisco Master Plan will be held at S:15 p.m. July 18 at the Village Hall. The date was s,et,last week at a special meeting of the Village Board. • -

The -board indicated that the hearing would last until all citi­zens who want to ifipeak can be heard from at least once. U this requires an6ther hearing, the board will adjourn the first to another date."' '

The Master Plan already has been a d o p t e d by. the Village Board and Planning Board, but the rezoning which'it suggests has not been approved.

At the board's meeting July $ it will hdld public parings start­ing at 9:15 p.m. on a new sign ordinance' and advertising local laws after they have been-adop' ted by the board. The hearings will start after regular business has been completed.



S U N S W E E T boh

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Low Ctlorta French Dressing: FRENCHETTE


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Deal Pack

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Borden's Instant Potatoes %"33c

Bakery Specials... Jurie 23,24,25




Meat and Produce Prices Effective June 22nd thru 25th. Grocery Prices Effective June 22nd thru 28th.


•Convenient Charge Accounts; Telephone Orders. Free Delivery . . . at all Grlstede's Service Stores

- J

MT; KISCO •2 J S o u t h M o g e r A v e . M O u n t K isco 6 - 5 1 3 5

CHAPPAQUA 65 K ing S t r e e t

C E 8 - 4 7 1 1


4 3