
12/31/2010 SAM_PR_UNIT -I 1  What is Pattern Recognition? Pattern: a description of an object.  A pattern class (or category) is a set of patterns sharing common attributes and usually originating from the same source Recognition : classifying an object to a pattern class. PR is the science that concerns the description or classific ation (r ecognition) of measurements. PR techniques are an important component of intelligent systems and are used for  Decision making Object & pattern classific ation Data preprocessing UNIT-I INTRODUCTION

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  What is Pattern Recognition? Pattern: a description of an object.

 A pattern class (or category) is a set of patternssharing common attributes and usually originatingfrom the same source

Recognition: classifying an object to a patternclass.

PR is the science that concerns the description or classification (recognition) of measurements.

PR techniques are an important component of 

intelligent systems and are used for  Decision making

Object & pattern classification

Data preprocessing


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 PR applications:    Image Preprocessing, Segmentation, and


Computer Vision

Radar signal classification/analysis

Face recognition

Speech recognition/understanding

Fingerprint identification

Character recognition

Handwriting analysis

Electrocardiography signal


Medical diagnosis 


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  Data mining

Image databases

Seismic analysis

 Commercial machines that canrecognize patterns:    Automated speech recognition

Fingerprint identification

Optical character recognition DNA sequence identification

Blood cells

Printed text 


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Machine Perception During recognition (or classification) given objects are

assigned to prescribed classes.

 A classifier is a machine which performs classification

Build a machine that can recognize patterns:

Speech recognition

Fingerprint identification

OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

DNA sequence identification

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PR Example “Sorting incoming Fish on a conveyor according to

species using optical sensing” 

Salmon or Sea Bass?

Sea bass


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Problem Analysis 

•  Automate the process of sorting incoming fishon a conveyor belt according to species(Salmon or Sea bass).    Set up a camera

Take some sample images

Note the physical differences between the twotypes of fish




No. & shape of fins

Position of the mouth

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Solution by Stages Preprocess raw data from camera

Segment isolated fish

Extract features from each fish (length, width,brightness, etc.)

Classify each fish

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Problem Analysis  cont’d  Preprocessing: Use a segmentation operation to

isolate fishes from one another and from the


Information from a single fish is sent to a feature

extractor whose purpose is to reduce the data by

measuring certain features

The features are passed to a classifier  

Classification: Select the length of the fish as a

possible feature for discrimination

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Select the length of the fish as a possible feature for 


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The length is a poor feature alone!

Select the lightness as a possible feature 

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Threshold decision boundary and cost relationship

Move our decision boundary toward smaller values of 

lightness in order to minimize the cost (reduce the number of sea bass that are classified salmon!)

Task of decision theory

“Customers do not want sea bass in their 

cans of salmon” 

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 Adopt the lightness and add the width of the fish

Fish x = [x1, x2]

Lightness Width

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We might add other features that are not correlated

with the ones we already have. A precaution should

be taken not to reduce the performance by addingsuch “noisy features” 

Ideally, the best decision boundary should be the one

which provides an optimal performance such as inthe following figure:

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However, our satisfaction is premature because the

central aim of designing a classifier is to correctly

classify novel input

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Decision Boundaries

Observe: Can do much better with two features

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Pattern Recognition Systems /

A Complete PR System Sensing

Use of a transducer (camera or microphone)

PR system depends of the bandwidth, theresolution, sensitivity, distortion of the transducer 

Segmentation and grouping

Patterns should be well separated and should notoverlap

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Pattern Recognition Systems /

A Complete PR System cont’d 

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Pattern Recognition Systems cont’d  Feature extraction

Discriminative features

Invariant features with respect to translation,rotation and scale.


Use a feature vector provided by a featureextractor to assign the object to a category

Post Processing Exploit context dependent information other than

from the target pattern itself to improveperformance

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The Design Cycle

Data collection

Feature Choice Model Choice



Computational Complexity

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The Design Cycle cont’d 

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The Design Cycle cont’d  Data Collection

How do we know when we have collected an

adequately large and representative set of examples

for training and testing the system?

Feature Choice

Depends on the characteristics of the problem

domain. Simple to extract, invariant to irrelevant

transformation insensitive to noise.

Model Choice

Unsatisfied with the performance of our fish classifier 

and want to jump to another class of model

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The Design Cycle cont’d  Training

Use data to determine the classifier. Many differentprocedures for training classifiers and choosing

models Computational Complexity

What is the trade-off between computational easeand performance?(How an algorithm scales as a function of the number 

of features, patterns or categories?) Evaluation

Measure the error rate (or performance and switchfrom one set of features to another one

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 Any method that incorporates information from trainingsamples in the design of a classifier employs learning.

We use learning because all practical or interesting PRproblems are so hard that we cannot guess

classification decision ahead of time. Approach:   Assume some general form of model

Use training patterns to learn or estimate theunknown parameters.

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Supervised Learning 

Teacher provides a label or cost for each pattern ina training set.

Objective: Reduce the sum of the costs for thesepatterns

Issues: How to make sure that the learningalgorithm

Can learn the solution.

Will be stable to parameter variation.

Will converge in finite time.Scale with # of training patterns & # of inputfeatures.

Favors "simple" solutions.

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Unsupervised Learning (Clustering) 

There is no explicit teacher.

System forms clusters or "natural grouping" of theinput patterns.

 Reinforcement Learning (Learning with a critic) 

No desired category is given. Instead, the onlyteaching feedback is that the tentative categoryis right or wrong.

Typical way to train a classifier:

Present an inputCompute its tentative label

Use the known target category label toimprove the classifier.