
Go in God’s Glory! Psalm 19 Rudy Klimes, PhD Orangevale Church November 1, 2014

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Go in God’s Glory!

Psalm 19 Rudy Klimes, PhD

Orangevale Church November 1, 2014

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C.S. Lewis

"I take this [Psalm 19] to be the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world."

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Psalm 19

Boy David marveled at: the night sky, the Bible joy, the power of prayer.

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Connect with God and Others

•His Glory

•His Grace

•Our Prayer: Grace

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Hymn of David: Ps 19

•1-6 World Creator

•7-11 Word Giver

•12-14 Way Guide via Prayer for Forgiveness.

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A. The Heavens v1

Declare the glory of God!

•3,000 stars can be seen

•200 Billion in our galaxy

•200 Billion galaxies

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God is Glorified in 1611

Glory Glory Hallelujah!

His truth is marching on.

1 Sun= 1,300,000 Earths

1 Betelgeuse= 600 Suns

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24 Hours/7 days: v2

The sun by day and the moon and stars by night constantly declare that “our God is glorious”

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Cathedral - Sun

David represents the universe as a cathedralin which the SUN is the preacher bearing witness to the glory of God.

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John 11:40…Jesus said to Martha, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” 41 So they took away the stone...

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Q 1 v 1

How have you experiencedGod’s glory?____

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A1 His Glory is…

In His size+-, power, wisdom, regularity, love, skills, helps, movements…

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B. The Law v 7-11

Perfect (converter of souls), sure (wisdom for simple), right (joy in heart), pure pure(enlightening), true (everlasting).

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Celebrate the Bible

•Spiritual Bread

• Immeasurable Value

•Moral Compass


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The Law is…v 10,11

•Better than gold

•Sweeter than honey

•Warning of danger

•Great Reward

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Simply Wise…

•Building school desks

•Painting dorm rooms

•Cleaning bathrooms

•Picking up trash

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Joseph went from…

•Prison to palace

•Weakness to wealth

• Slavery to majesty

•Nothing in me, all in God.

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Q2 v 8

The Law is difficult! How can it be joy and glorious? _____

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A2 v 8

•Based on God’s character

• Shows God’s Plan

• Fits together

• Empowers us

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Who can know himself?

O Lord, Clean Me Up!

C. The Prayer v12

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Know yourself!

• He best knows himself who best knows the Word, …but even such an one will be in a maze of wonder ... as to what he does not know.

• The Treasury of David

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Let the Words of my Mouth

• And the meditations of my heart

• Be acceptable in your sight, O Lord

• My strength and my redeemer.

Ps 19:14

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Dry Grass into Gold

•Weak men with a great God.

•Nothing too great or small.

•We fear nothing but sin.

• Heroes are shadows of Christ.

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Psalm 72:18

Blessed be the Lord God who only does wondrous things. Blessed be His gloriousname. The whole earth be filled with His glory.

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Q3 v 12

Who can understand his errors? ______ How do you know yourself?__God?__

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A3 v 12

When you know God’s Glory and yourself (your sins), you ask for forgiveness.

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Go in Glory

• Stop and smell God’s roses.

• The Word keeps us and we keep the Word.

• Scripture reveals our weakness and God’s glory.