psd 2015

PSD 2015 Building Attack from Center of the Field in 4-4-2 Formation Organisation Players are positioned according to their positions. They do the exersises continuously. Equipment are arranged as shown. The tasks are done on both sides by turns. Description The soccer drill always starts by one of the inside midfielders. The players have to make fast, rythmical building attack and accurate finishing. After the action each player goes back to his starting position. Four variations can be seen.

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Post on 17-Sep-2015




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PSD 2015Building Attack from Center of the Field in 4-4-2 FormationOrganisation

Players are positioned according to their positions. They do the exersises continuously. Equipment are arranged as shown. The tasks are done on both sides by turns.


The soccer drill always starts by one of the inside midfielders. The players have to make fast, rythmical building attack and accurate finishing. After the action each player goes back to his starting position. Four variations can be seen.

Set Up

Variation 1: After fast combination the wide midfield player moves inward, then makes a tempo pass to the striker cutting in.

Variation 2: After fast combination, one of the central midfield players makes a deep pass to the striker cutting in.

Variation 3: After short combination, one of the central midfielders makes a tempo pass to the wide midfield player moving inward.

Variation 4: After short combination, one of the central midfielders lobs the ball to the wide midfield player moving inward.

Coaching Points

Accuracy of passing is imperative

Supporting movements without the ball

Accurate finishing

Cooperation between the players

Correcting mistakes

Finish with goal

Demand the movements without ball

Take care of extra balls

Set Up

Number of players: 12 - 16

Time: 20 - 25 min


Small Cones: 4

Balls: 8 - 10

Mannequins: 12

Goals: 1


Players are positioned according to their posts. They do the exersises continuously. Equipment are arranged as shown. The tasks are done on both sides by turns.


The soccer drill always starts by one of the inside midfielders. The players have to make fast, rythmical building attack and accurate finishing. After the action each player goes back to his starting position. Four variations can be seen.

Soccer Tactics Set Up

Variation 1: After fast combination one of the midfield player makes a tempo pass to the wide midfielder moving inward and cutting in between the sticks.

Variation 2: After fast combination the wide midfielder moves inward, then makes a tempo pass to the opposite wide midfield player overlapping between the sticks.

Variation 3: After fast combination the wide midfielder moves inward, then makes a tempo pass to the overlapping striker.

Variation 4: After fast combination one of the central midfielders lobs the ball over the sticks to the striker running into space.

Coaching Points

Accuracy of passing is imperative

Supporting movements without the ball

Accurate finishing

Cooperation between the players

Correcting mistakes

Take care of extra balls

Set Up

Number of players: 12 - 10

Time: 15 - 30 min


Small Cones: 4

Balls: 8 - 18

Sticks: 12

Mannequins: 12

Goals: 1


Players and the equipments are arranged as shown. Midfielders and attackers chenge their positions continuously. The sticks symbolize 4 defenders in line. The tasks are done on both sides by turns.


The soccer drill always starts by one of the inside midfielders. The players have to make fast, rythmical building attack and accurate finishing. After the action each player goes back to his starting position. This soccer tactical drill contains 4 attacking variations.

Set Up

Attacking Variation 1: After short combination one of the strikers makes a tempo pass to the other one cutting in.

Attacking Variation 2: After short combination the striker moving aback makes a tempo pass to the overlapping wide midfielder.

Attacking Variation 3: After fast combination wide midfielder plays the ball to the central midfielder overlapping from depth.

Attacking Variation 4: After fast combination wide midfielder plays the ball to the striker cutting in between the flags.

Coaching Points

Accuracy of passing is imperative

Supporting movement without the ball

Accurate finishing

Cooperation between players

Correcting mistakes

Take care of extra balls

Finish the actions with goal

Set Up

Number of players: 12 - 16

Time: 15 - 30 min


Small Cones: 4

Balls: 10 - 20

Sticks: 4

Goals: 1


Players are positioned according to their posts. They perform the soccer drill continuously. Equipment are arranged as shown. The flags symbolize 4 defenders in line. The tasks are done on both sides by turns.


The soccer drill always starts by one of the inside midfielders. The players have to make fast, rythmical building attack and accurate finishing. After the action each player goes back to his starting position. Two variations can be seen.

Set Up

Attacking Variation 1: After combination play, the inside midfielder makes a tempo pass to the overlapping wide midfielder.

Variation 2: After combination play the wide midfielder plays the ball to the striker cutting in.

Coaching Points

Accuracy of passing is imperative

Movements without the ball

Cooperation between the players

Accurate finishing

Correcting mistakes

Take care of extra balls

Finish the actions with a goal

Set Up

Number of players: 12 - 16

Time: 15 - 20 min


Small Cones: 4

Balls: 10 - 20

Sticks: 4

Goals: 1

Building Attacks in a 4:2:3:1 Formation a Direct, Fast Playing Style



Category: Soccer Tactics

Hits: 3459

Goal: This soccer exercise emphasises practising and innervating attacking tactical movements in a 4:2:3:1 formation. The soccer drill also focuses on practising cooperation of attackers and finishing.

16 - 20+

Entire Field





Sticks are placed as shown to mark the opponent's defending line and draw the passing channels. Players are arranged according to the 4:2:3:1 formation. In the holding midfielder's position and in the defender's position place 1-1 player. In the attacker's positions you can place two or more players. In these positions players change role and they have resting periods while others work.


Soccer tactics exercises are performed in both sides. All 10 players are involved in the soccer drills. Resting players are in the positions and can be used as passive defenders. Exercises begin from the defending line. According to this playing style the main principles must be kept in each soccer tactics exercise. In this soccer drill the exercises are performed without defenders. This kind of attacking style the switchover and the collecting of the cleared balls by the opponent's defenders are key factors. Midfielders and attackers must concentrate and move behind the central attacker and anticipate the situations. Innervate the movements in this soccer drill but practise these situations with active defenders in game situations.

Set Up

Soccer Tactics Variation 1: Changing side with flat passes in the defence. Fullback serves a long ball behind the defending line to the centre forward. The same sided winger and the midfielders push up to support the striker.

Soccer Tactics Variation 2: In game situations in a high rate the opponent's defenders will clear the long ball of the full back. It's important that the same sided winger and the midfielders spread in the area to be able to get these cleared balls to build an attack.

Soccer Tactics Variation 3: Long ball comes from the centre back to the opening centre forward.

Soccer Tactics Variation 4: Long ball is served after a combination to the opening centre forward and the winger.

Soccer Tactics Variation 5:

Soccer Tactics Variation 6: Changing side with a long fast ball to the other sided winger to be able to receive the ball without pressure and facing the defenders. Full back supports the attack by overlapping behind the winger.

Soccer Tactics Variation 7:

Coaching Points

Accuracy of passing is imperative

Heads up from the ball

Demand tactical requirements, movements off the ball

Cooperation between the players

Take care of the pace of the long balls

Take care of enough resting periods

Finish the actions with a goal

Take care of extra balls

Stop the exercise and correct mistakes when needed

Players jog or walk back to their positions after finishing an attack

Set Up

Number of players: 16 - 18

Time: 20 - 30 min


Mannequins: 7

Goals: 1

Building Attack in 4-2-3-1 Formation



Category: Soccer Tactics

Hits: 1558

Goal: Building attack from the center of the field and finishing in 4-2-3-1 formation from crossing. The soccer drill also focuses on innervating tactical movements.

16 - 20+

Entire Field





Players are positioned according to their positions. They perform the soccer drill continuously. In the first part they always start from the right side and in the second part from left side.


Players in position A, B and C are passing the ball with one touch in triangle near the middle line, then they start the attack hitting player D, E or F according to the coach' instruction (1-8. variations). The coach changes the different variations therefore forcing the players for maximum concentration. After finishing the attack, the goalkeeper- standing next to the goal -always throws or rolls a ball to the player arriving from the second wave. This player should shoot on goal, this way practicing the shooting of the rebound ball. This soccer drill contains 8 attacking variations:

Attacking Variation 1

Attacking Variation 2

Attacking Variation 3

Attacking Variation 4

Attacking Variation 5

Attacking Variation 6

Attacking Variation 7

Attacking Variation 8

Coaching Points

Correcting mistakes

Motivating the players during the exercises

Requiring fast, rhytmical build attack and accurate finishing

Movements without ball

Take care of extra balls



Set Up

Number of players: 12 - 18

Time: 30 min


Small Cones: 6

Balls: 20

Goals: 1