psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis immunopathologic mechanisms (psaim) centersrepresentitivesspecialty...

Ps oriasis/Psoriatic A rthritis I mmunopathologic M echanisms (PsAIM) Centers Representitives Specialty UCSD A. Kavanaugh Rheum D.Boyle Rheum Gent D. Baeten Rheum Amsterdam P.P. Tak Rheum J.D. Bos/M.A de Rie Derm Vlam Rheum R. Lories Rheum Seattle (P.Mease) Rheum Glasgow I. McInnes Rheum DublinD. Veale Rheum O.FitzGeraldRheum (B.Bresnihan) Rheum Newcastle D. Kane Rheum Rochester C. Ritchlin Rheum

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Page 1: Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)  CentersRepresentitivesSpecialty UCSDA. KavanaughRheum D.BoyleRheum GentD. BaetenRheum

Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)

Centers Representitives Specialty UCSDA. Kavanaugh Rheum D.Boyle Rheum

Gent D. Baeten Rheum Amsterdam P.P. Tak Rheum

J.D. Bos/M.A de Rie Derm Leuven Vlam Rheum

R. Lories RheumSeattle (P.Mease) RheumGlasgow I. McInnes RheumDublin D. Veale Rheum

O.FitzGerald Rheum(B.Bresnihan) Rheum

Newcastle D. Kane RheumRochester C. Ritchlin Rheum

Page 2: Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)  CentersRepresentitivesSpecialty UCSDA. KavanaughRheum D.BoyleRheum GentD. BaetenRheum

Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)

Aims(1) Ps/PsA sample collections.

-Inventory of what is available for study.

(2) Primary study-To assess/validate immunohistologic change in skin and synovial tissue as a surrogate marker in PsA.-Need to agree how we go about this. Have we enough samples?-Can we use tissues stained in different centres or should they all be done in one centre? -What markers should we look at first?

Page 3: Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)  CentersRepresentitivesSpecialty UCSDA. KavanaughRheum D.BoyleRheum GentD. BaetenRheum

Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)

(3) Is there an opportunity here to ask some additional questions? e.g.

-As PsA is a more asymmetric disease, is the synovial involvement less uniform?

-Are clinically uninvolved joints in PsA immunohistologically abnormal as in RA? 

-Is there an opportunity here to ask some additional questions?

-Are there SM changes that are specific to PsA? Doug Veale has suggested that the vascularity is distinct at macroscopic level, are there distinct vascular markers at cellular level? 


Page 4: Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)  CentersRepresentitivesSpecialty UCSDA. KavanaughRheum D.BoyleRheum GentD. BaetenRheum

Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)

-Are there parallels between skin and SM in response to treatment at immunohistologic level?

-Do different subsets of PsA have different immunohistologic features?

-Can we study mechanisms driving new bone formation using immmunohistology?

-Can we gain a better understanding of the importance of adaptive vs innate immune responses in PsA joints and skin?

-Study the joints and skin of Ps patients without MSK symptoms to gain insight into the early events in PsA.

Page 5: Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)  CentersRepresentitivesSpecialty UCSDA. KavanaughRheum D.BoyleRheum GentD. BaetenRheum

Inventory: DublinDisease No. Sm Skin Rx Times OCT P Snap Syn

PsA 40 + - 1 + + + 9

PsA 8 + + Il1ra 2 + + + 8

PsA 12 + MTX 2 + +

Ps 15 + Infl 3 + +

AS 11 + - 1 + + + 5

USpA 27 + - 1 + +

Page 6: Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)  CentersRepresentitivesSpecialty UCSDA. KavanaughRheum D.BoyleRheum GentD. BaetenRheum

Inventory: Gent

Disease No. Sm Skin Rx Times OCT P Snap Syn

PsA 36 + - 1 + + +

PsA 14 + TNF 3 + + +

USpA + + + +

AS + + + +

Page 7: Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)  CentersRepresentitivesSpecialty UCSDA. KavanaughRheum D.BoyleRheum GentD. BaetenRheum

Inventory: Amsterdam

Disease No. Sm Skin Rx Times OCT P Snap Syn

PsA 10 + + Alef 1 + +

PsA 10 + + Infl 2 + +

PsA 10 + + ? 2 + +

Page 8: Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)  CentersRepresentitivesSpecialty UCSDA. KavanaughRheum D.BoyleRheum GentD. BaetenRheum

Inventory: Glasgow

Disease No. Sm Skin Rx Times OCT P Snap Syn

PsA NIH + + - 1 + +

PsA ++ + TNF 2 + +

Page 9: Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis Immunopathologic Mechanisms (PsAIM)  CentersRepresentitivesSpecialty UCSDA. KavanaughRheum D.BoyleRheum GentD. BaetenRheum

Inventory: Rochester

Disease No. Sm Skin Rx Times OCT P Snap Syn

PsA 12 + - 1 + +

Ps 6-8 + - 1 + +