psy 407 reliability


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Evaluation of Measurement Instruments 

• Reliability has to do with the consistency of the instrument.

- Internal Consistency (Consistency of the items)

- Test-retest Reliability (Consistency over time)

- Interrater Reliability (Consistency between raters) 

- Split-half Methods

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Correlation- a measure of the associationbetween items/variables

Correlations are measured by a numerical

value from 0 (no correlation) to 1( perfect orstrong correlation)

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A) Strength

Correlations can be weak (0) or strong (1)

B) Direction

A) Positive--- the variables go in the same direction(as one increases the other increases or as onedecreases the other decreases

B) Negative ---they go in opposite directions (as one

increases the other decreases)

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Alcohol consumption and reaction time(Positive or negative?????)

Correlation does not imply causation!!!

Breastfeeding and academic development (positivecorrelation)

Rap music and violent behavior (positive


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• Reliability is synonymous with consistency. It is the degree to

which test scores for a an individual test taker or group of test

takers are consistent over repeated applications.

•  No psychological test is completely consistent, however, a

measurement that is unreliable is worthless.

For Example 

A student receives a score of 100 on one intelligence tests and

114 in another or imagine that every time you stepped on a

scale it showed a different weight.

Would you keep using these measurement tools?

• The consistency of test scores is critically important indeterminin whether a test can rovide ood measurement.

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Reliability (cont.) • Because no unit of measurement is exact, any time you measure

something (observed score), you are really measuring two things

1. True Score - the amount of observed score that truly represents

what you are intending to measure.

2. Error Component - the amount of other variables that can impact

the observed score

Observed Test Score = True Score + Errors of Measurement

For Example –  Personality Scores from the MMPI may reflect yourtrue personality and: a) your mood that day; b) what you ate that

morning; c) the actions of the tester; and d) bias in the test itself

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Why Do Test Scores Vary? 

Possible Sources of Variability of Scores (pg. 110)

- General Ability to comprehend instructions

- Stable response sets (e.g., answering “C” option more frequently) 

- The element of chance of getting a question right

- Conditions of testing

- Unreliability or bias in grading or rating performance

- Motivation- Emotional Strain 

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Measurement Error 

• Any fluctuation in test scores that results from factors related tothe measurement process that are irrelevant to what is being


• The difference between the observed score and the true score is

called the error score. S true = S observed - S error • Developing better tests with less random measurement error is

better than simply documenting the amount of error.

Measurement Error is Reduced By:- Writing items clearly

- Making instructions easily understood

- Adhering to proper test administration

- Providing consistent scoring

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Determining Reliability 

• There are several ways that a measurements reliability

can be determined, depending on the type of

measurement the and the supporting data required.

They include:

- Internal Consistency

- Test-retest Reliability

- Interrater Reliability- Split-half Methods

- Odd-even Reliability

- Alternate Forms Methods

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Internal Consistency 

• Measures the reliability of a test solely on the number of items on

the test and the intercorrelation among the items. Therefore, it

compares each item to every other item.

• If a scale is measuring a construct, then overall the items on that

scale should be highly correlated with one another.

• There are two common ways of measuring internal consistency …

1. Cronbach’s Alpha: .80 to .95 (Excellent)

.70 to .80 (Very Good)

.60 to .70 (Satisfactory)

<.60 (Suspect)

2. Item-Total Correlations - the correlation of the item with the

remainder of the items (.30 is the minimum acceptable item-total


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Split Half & Odd-Even Reliability 

Split Half - refers to determining a correlation between the first

half of the measurement and the second half of the measurement

(i.e., we would expect answers to the first half to be similar to the

second half).

Odd-Even - refers to the correlation between even items and odditems of a measurement tool.

• In this sense, we are using a single test to create two tests,

eliminating the need for additional items and multiple


• Since in both of these types only 1 administration is needed and

the groups are determined by the internal components of the test,

it is referred to as an internal consistency measure.

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Split Half & Odd-Even Reliability 

Possible Advantages• Simplest method - easy to perform

• Time and Cost Effective

Possible Disadvantages

• Many was of splitting

• Each split yields a somewhat different reliability estimate

• Which is the real reliability of the test?

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Test-retest Reliability • Test-retest reliability is usually measured by computing

the correlation coefficient between scores of twoadministrations.

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Test-retest Reliability (cont.) • The amount of time allowed between measures is critical.

• The shorter the time gap, the higher the correlation; the longer

the time gap, the lower the correlation. This is because the two

observations are related over time.

• Optimum time betweem administrations is 2 to 4 weeks.

• If a scale is measuring a construct consistently, then there should

not be radical changes on the scores between administrations ---unless something significant happened.

•  The rationale behind this method is that the difference between

the scores of the test and the retest should be due to measurementsolely.

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Test-retest Reliability (cont.) 

• It is hard to specify one acceptable test-retest correlationsince what is considered acceptable depends on the the

type of scale, the use of the scale, and the time between


For example - it is not clear whether differences in test

scores are regarded as sources of measurement error or

as sources of real stability.

Possible difference in scores between tests? : experience,

characteristic being measured may change over time

(e.g. reading test), carryover effects (e.g., remember test)

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Test-retest Reliability (cont.) 

• A minimum correlation of at least .50 is expected.

• The higher the correlation (in a positive direction) the

higher the test-retest reliability

• The biggest problem with this type of reliability is what

called memory effect. Which means that a respondent

may recall the answers from the original test, therefore

inflating the reliability.

• Also, is it practical? 

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Interrater Reliability 

• Whenever you use humans as a part of your measurementprocedure, you have to worry about whether the results you get

are reliable or consistent. People are notorious for their

inconsistency. We are easily distractible. We get tired of doing

repetitive tasks. We daydream. We misinterpret.

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Interrater Reliability (cont.) 

• For some scales it is important to assess interraterreliability.

• Interrater reliability means that if two different raters

scored the scale using the scoring rules, they should

attain the same result.

• Interrater reliability is usually measured by computing

the correlation coefficient between the scores of two

raters for the set of respondents.• Here the criterion of acceptability is pretty high (e.g., a

correlation of at least .9), but what is considered

acceptable will vary from situation to situation. 

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Factors Affecting Reliability 

• Administrator Factors

• Number of Items on the instrument

• The Instrument Taker• Heterogeneity of the Items

• Heterogeneity of the Group Members

• Length of Time between Test and Retest

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• Poor or unclear directions given duringadministration or inaccurate scoring can affect


For Example - say you were told that your scores on

 being social determined your promotion. The result

is more likely to be what you think they want thanwhat your behavior is.

Administrator Factors

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• The larger the number of items, the greater the

chance for high reliability.

For Example -it makes sense when you ponder that

twenty questions on your leadership style is more

likely to get a consistent result than four questions.

• Remedy: Use longer tests or accumulate

scores from short tests.

Number of Items on the Instrument 

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For Example -If you took an instrument in August

when you had a terrible flu and then in December

when you were feeling quite good, we might see a

difference in your response consistency. If you wereunder considerable stress of some sort or if you were

interrupted while answering the instrument

questions, you might give different responses.

The Test Taker 

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Heterogeneity of the Items -- The greater the

heterogeneity (differences in the ways that the same

issue is assessed) of the items, the greater the chance

for high reliability correlation coefficients.

****You ask the same question in “different” ways

*****Clients cannot determine what you are trying to

assess and “fake” answers


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• The shorter the time, the greater the chance for highreliability correlation coefficients.

• As we have experiences, we tend to adjust our views a little

from time to time. Therefore, the time interval between the

first time we took an instrument and the second time is

really an "experience" interval.

• Experience happens, and it influences how we see things.

Because internal consistency has no time lapse, one can

expect it to have the highest reliability correlation


Length of Time between Test and Retest

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How High Should Reliability Be? 

• A highly reliable test is always preferable to a test withlower reliability.

.80 > greater (Excellent)

.70 to .80 (Very Good)

.60 to .70 (Satisfactory)

<.60 (Suspect)

• A reliability coefficient of .80 indicates that only 20% of

the variability in test scores is due to measurement error.

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Is there a trait for kindness? Aggression?

Are we simply a sum total of our environment

and our experiences?

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