psy refection week 1

Name: Cassandra Wong XinYue Student ID: 0313365 Subject: Social Psychology (PSYC0103) Course: FNBE SEPT SEM 2 INTAKE Assignment: Journal Date of Submission: 20 November 2013

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Page 1: Psy refection week 1

Name: Cassandra Wong XinYue

Student ID: 0313365

Subject: Social Psychology (PSYC0103)


Assignment: Journal

Date of Submission: 20 November 2013

Page 2: Psy refection week 1

Reflection on Week One

On the first week of attending Social Psychology class, we learnt about Self-Concept in class.

During class, Miss Pang, gave us each a paper and it has “I am…” on it. We were asked to write

five “I am…” on the paper given and to answer a few more questions. first thing that came in to

my mind to write “I am…” was short, cute, bored, tired and talkative. Not to lie but every time

people ask me to describe myself, no doubt that short will be the first one that pops up in my

mind. I am only four feet eight, maybe a little too small size to be in a university. After this class,

I start questioning myself, who am I? What lies inside of me? What makes me, me? Am I happy

with the way I look or the way I was born? Was I okay being called short or small size since

primary school? Yes, I am definitely happy with the way I am. I’ve learned to accept the way I

am after high school ended. What’s wrong being short or small size? People often say that ‘short

is cute’. Well, I guess that is where I get my confidence of being small size. Sometimes I do

question myself, what if I’m surrounded by tall people, will I be able to stand out among them?

Another reason why I’m happy with the way I am, is because why be sad of one thing where

there are so many other reasons to be happy about? I make it my daily motto to keep me happy

before I walk out my house in the morning. After this class, I feel more comfortable being the

way I am, not because I’m short, but God made me imperfectly perfect the way I am. And I am

grateful for His creation.

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Reflection on Week Two

For our second lecture, we learnt about ‘The People and Perils of Intuition’. It is basically about

how a person’s thinking is like or how people respond to something. It is like how people will

react to a question when someone asked them to see how their answer will be like, is it the

‘umm’ or ‘hmm’ or will it be something straight forward. I also learnt that, no matter how long a

bad past has past, some parts of the memories will be forgotten or will be automatically removed

from their own memory. Constructing memories with what you thought actually happen and

what happened actually is also something that I leant in class for this topic. Not all things are true

based on what your family or your peers say. It may be true, but who knows someone might

come out and point the whole world wrong for following this concept over a thousand years. I

should accept that not everything in books or the internet say is true. I should not be biased about

what people say about something and follow it for the rest of my life. I might regret it one day

for trusting his or her words five years later or five decades later. Our thinking might be

controlled by what people say, or might be just automatically because of what you read on the

internet or in the encyclopedia. Not everyone’s emotions or attitude can be controlled, so some

people should be careful of what they say in front of some people that has a bad past of their

family or maybe their failed relationship so that it won’t hurt their feelings. And even if you

accidentally voice it out, please remember to say sorry to them.

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Reflection on Week Three

On week three, we learnt about Vision. Vision means the ability to see. We learnt about basic

information about our eyes, how we see things, how our eyes work and how our eyes manage to

detect light. It is basically what I learnt in high school in Science and Biology class, which I

detest the most during my high school years. But, who knows I still get to learn about it in

university. I learnt about simple things, like common disorders of the eyes. Besides that, Miss

Pang also taught us about how colors can affect our mood. For example, being in a room that has

different color will actually affect his or her mood. I also learnt that why offices need to be in

blue color or why living rooms need to be in a lavender color. It actually affects the mood of

someone being in that particular room. For my room, I like it in a light pastel color, like lavender

because it calms my soul whenever I’m in it. It calms me when I’m studying or doing my

assignments. I also learnt about what colors mean when one person is wearing the t-shirt of that

color or maybe his favorite color. Other than that, Miss Pang also taught us what our eyes can do

to our vision. Our eyes can play a trick on us, like in a specific picture, you may only see that it

is only one picture but actually there are two pictures inside. What I learnt through this lecture is

that, what we see using our eyes might not be real or might not show the real personality of that

person. We should be careful on choosing friends because some are real or some may just

backstab you in the end. Our eyes are very important to us, it shows how beautiful God’s

creations are, but most importantly it shows how some people’s real personalities are.