psy' wjpbe ous campaign in funning - chronicling...

Firat Year of Panama Canal. THE WEATHER FORECAST, Uncle Sam's big venture a success despite t ' 'i " world war. New life for "sailing ships Probably showers to-da- jtt not, o wtrm.7 an unexpected result. See the story to-da- y and in next Sunday's SUN. Highest temperature yetjMtlay, 83 ; lowest, '71. Detailed weather, mall and I nvaWri.rtOrw on pol 1. VOL. LXXXII. NO. 336. NEW YORK, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, lGlS.-S-Copyrl- caf. 1915, by the Sun Vrlntliio ami Vubthhtng AMortoUon. PRICE TWO CENTS. CHOLM FALLS TO TEUTONS AS RUSSIANS FLEE Important Town Near Ivan-roio- il Taken by Troops of the Kaiser. sTnmORX RESISTANCE ALOXCi TJI10 VISTULA glow IiVH'ont Continues on Uoth Hanks of the !iver ling. 17(1.5:10 OV CZAli'S MEX CAlTfRKD TX JULY Fifty-on- e Cannon and 358 Machine Guns Seized as AVoll. tptcial Cable Pttixitekjo Tnt Sr. Btr.UN, via Amsterdam, Aug. 1. The Cirturc of the Important town of Cholm. toutheast of Ivangorod. by the German troops In purMilt of the Russian was Announced officially The ottl-r!- al statement tells of stubborn resist- ance on the part of the Russian dofend-tr- s between the upper Vistula nnJ the River Dug. The German captured on the eastern front during July 170.53fi Russians, In- cluding 323 olllcers, 51 guns and 35S guns, according to the same ttttemen'. which covers the operations tetween the Pllltza anil the Daltlc and In the southcnMern theatre. The statement was as follows: North of the Nleman local actions re reported. Northwest of Rozan w irogrened further. Counter attacks by 'he enemy were repulsed, During July we captured between the Kllua and the Haltic '.ij.023 Rus- sians, 41 Runs. Including two heavy p.ece-s- , four mine throwing howitzers anil Zit machine guns. In the southeastern theatre our troops, advancing across the Vistula north of Ivangorod. repulsed heavy counter attacks by the enemy. Pursu-ln- j the Russians wo connucrcd the heights near Toilzamozo. capturing ever a thousand prisoners. Uetween the upper Vistula and the Bus River the enemy again resisted our attacks. During the day our tioo'ijs ojecte.1 the enemy from his posi' near Kurow, east of Novi r a, south of Leuczna, south-we- f t.i south of Chtla, and south- west of Dublenska. The enemy to retreat on both batiks of the Rur and on tho front between the Rue and south of Leuczna. We have already passed through Chnlm In pursuit of tho nsmy In the southeastern theatre the, Gtrmans captured during July 32.1 efiw-- s, j.r'0 men, 10 guns and US guns, RUSSIANS GIVE WAY. Offli'lnl Miitt'tm-ii- t Ti-I- of Retire- ment I ncler l'reiirr. J.i'drf' Cubit Untuiick to The Sin. Ppti' ,i:.t. Ana. 1. The following eflic I suit m'nt was given out Le'wetn Chnlm and thu River Rug our troops under pressure of numeri- cally superior enemy forces fell back to fie nrth after desperate lighting. In Courl.ind wo fought a desperate i'i o t with the German on Friday snd Sittjrdny. After numetous frult-lu- i nttnnpta the enemy at the cost of craie inssvs su'Teeibd In establishing ) m'K'f cm tie ig't h ink of tho river r.csr iv-- n JungferhA Chi Friday nlglHtho enemy ntt.uks on the eastern bank of the I'lssit, near the village of Ser-wat- near tho mouth of tho Szkwa. The enemy succeeded In gaining n foot-i- . it In tho latter sector on the left bank of the Niirew, but afterward was repulsed by vigorous counter with tho baonet nnd driven tack trmnrd the Red River. On tho. ame ntgbt tho enemy, with consider-ah- l fnr',s, doveloied nn offensive In the Unznn Hector against our positions l'"Hvn the Nnrew nnd tho Orz r r- - well ns itlong tho bank of the utter rtver vi deiperato battle followed the-- e esti'idiiy, the enemy using lirsilv asphyxiating gases. After Bifneiou desperate bijomt unions tlni Gi mniis Miicceeill In making H"i p jgris along the front. T the Huuth of tho Orz River the f u. reeded In capturing our line if Ins by tierce baonot .charges. dnvi him back In this sector towani niH original position. The light- -' in? wis most sanguinary, thu enemy surer ng losses. In our counter at'a ks wo took l.onn prloners. In some MCtoiH on the Narew ftint the n during the past few days has brought fresh troops to tho fighting line T" the left of tho Vistula on the Tlloi. ftont west of War-frt- w 'Hero was rllle Hie. On tho right "'U of the Vistula yesterday mniti-In- r we fought the GermatiH, who hnd cr k..r, tho old a front. Ill this battle both sides alternately were tho aggressors. We rtml(i the attack near Knlowoszow, In 'he Ivnngorod region, on the woit tirn of tho Vistula. liftwecn the Vlsluln and the Rug the enemy yestetday delivered vigor-oi- n r unless, attacks against our pofl-It'- s lutween the Wleprz and 'the ills-ti- n' Minion Rejuwlce, west of Cholm. RUSSIANS CONFIDENT, lleilreiniMit Only Ti'iuimrnr)', Siiyn beiul-iilllel- nl Stnt eineiit, I ii'tctnl Cublr Umimtrh In Tiik Hi v, I.o- i'i.s Aug, I- .- The Russians i- i still' hold Warsaw. The to new posltloiiH Is reported Continued on Third Pago, SEES HIS FIRST PRESIDENT. Toll Keener Slinkm Ilnndu With llr. Wllnon. Cornish, N. It., A up. 1. RoltiK Presi- dent of the United States does not en- title Woodrow Wilson to cross the Cheshire toll bridge over tho Connecticut Hlv.r, near Clarcmont. N. II., without pitying the regular fee of 15 cents. He found thnt out this nftcrnoon. Mr. Wilson on his vacations here has motored across this toll bridge perhaps n score of times and always without being recognized by the sevoiity-four-year-o- toll keeper. Each time he has leaned down from his scat beside the chauffeur and paid the IS cents from hla own pocket. This afternoon the President reached Into his pocket for the right change as soon as tho car slowed up, but he found that at last tho aged keeper had recog- nized him as the country's Chief Kxecu-tiv- e. Instead of the accustomed "Fifteen cents, please." Mr. Wilson was greeted with: "Are you the President of the United States?" Mr. Wilson smilingly acknowledged his Identity. "I never saw a President before," said the keeper, "and 1 would like to shake hands." They shook hands, the keeper d his fee and the Presidential auto-inobl- lo speeded on back to Harlakenden, the summer White House, Mr, Wilson spent a quiet Sunday, He laid work aside and rested with Ills family this morning. His and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Francis U. Sayre, went to church. TO RECALL "SCRAP OF PAPER." llctulniiR Will Wear A pproprlnte Souvenir on An mint 4. Special Cable Denpatch to The So. TllK Haoi-b- . Aug. 1. The A'cho Welpc sas the population of Rrussels will wear a piece of torn paper on Aug. 4 In com- memoration of von Hethmann-Holtweg-- s now famous remark concerning the n neutrality treaty, which he called "a scrap of paper," PASSENGERS IN PANIC 1,000 Passengers Alarmed When Cry of "Fight'' Is In- terpreted as "Fire." The Grand itepuoiic, sister snip or tne General Slocum. which burned In therha of nU the.-te- i'al business of the East River on June IS. 1904, when more j than 1,000 lives were lost, was deserted I I by 900 of her passengers last night when she arrived at Steeplechase Park. Coney Island. They had had- - a fright which shook their nerve and decided them to , teturn to their homes (most of them live In Yonkers) by railroad rather than ' continue the trip on the Grand Republic. The boat was between Rockaway Point and Manhattan Reach nt 7 o'clock last night when men on the lower after deck shouted 'tight." As It developed later, a quarrel between to men wno had had, perhaps, too wet a Sunday rapidly pro- duced blows, but the cry of "tight" was mlsundeistood by most of tha passengers who thought that an alarm of fire was being sounded. In a halt minute men and women were showing "tire" and searching for life preservers. Some of the persons who quit the Grand Republic when she touched at Steeplechase Park Insisted that the panic was a very serious one, and that the rush to one side of the boat was so sudden that she listed suddenly and dangerously. They said that an officer of the boat, revolver In hand, drove the frightened passengers from the lowering side In time for the boat to right herseir. They Insisted that many of the men tried to get lifeboats Into the water and were only prevented by the threat of the off- icers that the first man who tampered with the lifeboats . wouiu De snot. - -- .. ,1 a. passenger, was that one nn waa so terrified by the apparent danger that said pier '.th than ship. Health ,ne fans. continue head Capt. carman aeiuei mm boat listed, that a panic, that person Jumped overboard. He said : from Rockaway 7 P M. a crowd people within five Steeplechase inioxicatcn man lower deck aft raised cry 'Fight!' Many of the persons thought shouted 'fire' they .... ihn erv. The result was a scramble life preservers a deal of confusion generally. No one waa there any caused to the boat." The passengers, nearly 1,000 In made up a Sunday excursion crowd Yonkers. MUSIC MUTE TALK. I tn I (oriiornl, .Vfmle Dumb In llnttle, Suddenly Cured, Slrclal Cable Hetpnleli Corporal Saturno Naples became dumb the of n violent battlo ten days Since ho been lying In tho hospital Modane. All medical efforts restore his speech failed and the doctors despaired his tpcovery. Last night one of hospital having been told that a lover of music, sat the piano played, of unhappy patient. coiporal listened with Interest great excitement. When the music had ended he Jumped his ex- claiming, Hello!" The corporal's dumbness was cured. ROOT SPEECH A CALL TO THE BULL MOOSE Ex-Senat- or Welcome Wanderers to Hepublicfin DETAILS OF TAN NEK PLAN' It Is Designed Show Tliat Old Has drown Liberal. Amiant, Aug. 1. Root's advocacy of the Tanner reor- ganize the State and the Stlmson plan to save ISO.OOO.OOO In retirement of the State debts g for an executive budget, both which arc now outlined for the llrst time, followed quickly upon the visit here of Theodore Douglas Robin-io- formerly State chairman the Pro. greselve party, Chauncey J. Ham- lin, an Krle county leader. Republican delegates to the Convention Insisted to- night that President Root's flatfooted es- pousal the reforms was prompted by a desire to show that they would be welcomed back to the Repub- lican party and that the Convention was ready to Indicate that party had determined to become liberal. The Tanner plan, which be re- ported to the convention next provides for the election only the Governor, Lieutenant-Governo- r, nnd State Thus Is the reform desired by the short ballot advocates, as the Sec- retary of State, the Treasurer and State Engineer are eliminated elec- tive olllcers. The Governor's Cntilnrt. The Governor Is to have a Cabinet, ap- pointed by him the of the Senate, composed of the heads of ex- - ecutlve to be known fol lows : of State. Taxation and Finance. of Public Works. of Health. of of Charities Correc- - tion. X of Ranking nnd Insurance. Department Labor. of In addition there Is to be a Depart-- 1 ment Justice, head of which bt an Attorney-Oeneru- l, elected for tho irrin ... as . uuituivi, uuti R , lie will have for all the those which now have hlg legal staffs. of the Attorney-General- s k), tha Kxd Then there be a control, the head of which w ' the who also Will UC Cll'llCM IWr HIV PrtlllC icim ttio Governor. He be exclusively auditing olllcer and will have nothing to do with the assessment and collection JOI taxes, as now. ll will ie Ml main duty to audit verify the financial transactions of the State and no execu- tive or administrative duties shall bo conferred upon the except to such purpose. Although the heads the executive will be first appointed with the consent of the Senate, the Governor may remove them without sanction the Senate. The tlx thclr salaried. Forma of Stale, Tha Secretary of State will the head of the of State and he. will perform duties of the present Secretary of State, except that the automobile bureau will be taken from Tho head of taxa- tion finance will be the Treasurer of the State, and he will take over mostj the duties the lie have charge of the receipts and of the treasury, In- cluding the automobile and all other taxes. He will) havo also tne inspection ami supervioioi. any State board tax which may be provided for by the Logls-- I luture. Whitman has Just estab- - I I.Siieu a new main lit cuiiiiiunniun, , '.urermendent public works bc the 'noaJ of D.Mrl,nent of VuWa Work of CliHrltles Deiiiirtiiient. A secretary of charities and enrree- - tlon head that which will havo tho power Inspection and of Institutions tho """ - munn,,- - Modes, reform schools, prisons ami charitable Institutions. secretary have charge of all for these Institutions. 1 he powers of the fiscal and the State Super I Intendent of Prisons, whom ar Democrats, whose terms have fceveral years yet to run. arc transferred to tho secretary of charities and these two offices are abolished. The State Hoard Charities, tho Hospital and State Prison are continued to supervise tho undei their control now, and the boards of managers the Insti- tutions are continued unless otheiwlse changed by the Legislature. A Secretary of Hanking and Insurance will be the head of that under which are the present i -- A... n ,n fl.iii at ttii.tiil., nf mh n.i.l ' banking, the Superintendent of Ranks being a Democrat whose term does not oxplro for two yet. An Industrial commission direct the activities the of Labor, which Is tho situation now, this will have the enforce- ment of all labor laws the work- men's compensation law, ut present. There will bo a board of nlnu mem- bers, one from each Judicial district, at tho head of the of as outlined In tho plan Just adopted by tho com- mitted on conservation, and hoard Continued on Second I'aye. ne graoueu u mo ,w Works and he will have charge of the1 overboard. It was that his bodycamll nnd KOl)J roa(U construction and' was not recovered. work and the construction! The Grand Republic touched at the q( pubHe hulldngs, thus doing away Steeplechase Park at 7:30 I. M. ,ne L'nKne(,ri tno state' nnd more 900 persons i AlcntM.t the Highway off tho Many of them, miioner. lis a glance at the deserted decks re- - Tne of Is practi-- l vealed, left behind In their hurry many ca))v lef, ., lt j, ,( , m.; wm tie small personal belongings sucli as lunch of Health iw nt baskets, hats, parasols and As tho pr-se- nt. A of Agrlcul-- . bout landed at Yonkers at lu:3il P. M. ture will to be of the than 100 persons went ashore, purtment of as at present. itttwin me had there had been or any hud "We were returning at with of Yonkers and were minutes of rarK wnen an on the the he had and for and good hurt and waB no damage of sort num- ber, from CHARMS TO In to Tub Scv, Romk, Aug. 1. Squlllaclottl of In course ago. then has of to of the physicians, Squll- laclottl Is great at and with the object entertaining the The Intense nnd to feet "Rravo! (Reautlful.) Would Fold, Is llellef. to Tarty plan to government the and of Wednesday of nnd Progressive Prominent Constitutional of the Progressives Constitutional the Republican will Wednes- day, of the Comptroller. accomplished State as with confirmation departments as Department Department of Department Department Department Agriculture. Department nnd Department of Department Conservation. of the will ,BI"e me mum, State departments. Including! Independent 1,(.,);irtmPI1,. will department of audit and State Comptroller, will an and Comptroller accomplish of departments the of Legislature will Department be department practically the him. the department of and of of Comptroller, will dis- bursements State corporation, Inheritance, of of commissioners Gov. of will will be of department, of supervision for mum.. This will expenditures supervisors both of of State Com-missi- the Commission and Inspect Institutions of department, consolidated inntirii years will of Department and department nnd as Department Conserva- tion, Constitutional Convention this maintenance Immediately ami State Department commissioner Commissioner Agriculture UP-STA- TE STRIKERS ROUTED BY MILITIA Troops Quell Disturbance at .Massena After Two Arc Wounded. 1,000 MEN' QUIT WOItK; Company Officials Offer Com- promise With Increase in Wages., N. Y Aug. 1. Three com- panies of militia arrived bore y to quell disturbances arising from the strike of 2,400 employees of the Alumi- num Compiny of America. Soon nfter the arrival of the first company, shortly nfter noon, a bridge, behind the barrloadcs of which were In- trenched hundreds of strikers, was charged nnd the striker were dispersed. Since that time the mllltli has been In full control of the situation. Rcforc the coming of the mllltla two employies of the company were victims of attacks. One, who was shot In the leg, Is dying In nn Ogdei sburg hospital. Tho other was thiown Into the power canal at the plant. The strike, which has completely tied up operations here at n time when the company wasenJolng great prosperity, was the result of n refused request for Increased pay. It started yesterday nfternoon when employee at the pot room were Informed that their tequest for $1.90 n dny had been refused and that they were expected to continue at the wage of 41 7B a day. Mua nt Plant- - I'.n t rillice. Almost Immediately nfter the receipt of this ultimatum the employers, about 500 strong, left their work and took up a position on a bridge lending Into the company's plant. They stopped all tratllc Immediately nnd confiscated materials being shipped Into the factory. Olllcers of the company Immediately got Into communication with Sheriff Day of St. Lawrence county. He sum- moned all deputies In the vicinity and assembled a large number of farmers and townspeople, who ere armed and ordered to the plant. After several hours of wrangling with the strikers, whose numbers had now grown beyond l.Oi'O, the Sheriff decided that his small forces were Inadequate and wired the authori- ties at Albany for a delegation of mllltla. Company D or Ogdenburg nnrt Com- pany K of Mm lone were ordered to report at the earliest poislble moment. They arrived here shortly before noon and made camp. Shortly afterwaul Com- pany (' of Watertown came Into town on a special train and Joined tile other forces. .Major Rice of Watertown made tho trip here tills morning nnd Is now In command of the forces, although Col. Hltche'ock of Rlugh.imton Is expected here tomorrow morning to assume charge. As soon as the forcoi were organized nt a point some distance from the plant they were carried to the of illlllcul-tle- s In a large number of motor trucks. They massed a short distance from the bridge and with fixed bayonets made their charge. The strikers at first gave slgiM of fight, but as the bayonet charge advanced split their ranks and permitted the soldiers to pass on into the plant. The strlkeia dispersed Immediately and the olllcers, superintendents and others who refused to strike were ieeased from the prison made for them In the factory buildings. Ofllcerii Offer Coiiiprfiiiilni, The olllcers had been prisoners In the plant since Into yesterday afternoon. Soon after their release officials an nounced themselves leady to compromise with the employees at the rate of tl.SO providing work Is resumed Immediately. Strong pickets hive been stationed around the plant and the In- terior Is being patrolled, the officials fearing that damage might be done there. SENDS TROOPS AT 2 A. M. (iov. Whitman Orders Out Three ('iiiiiliniiles by Tflopliiini-- . Aliiany. N. Y Aug. 1. Gov. Whit- man himself oy telephone at " o'clock this morning ordered out the mllltla to quell the strike disturbances at the Aluminum Company works at M.issenn, St. Lawrence county. At midnight the Governor received a telegram from Sher- iff P. I My reading: "I'leasii order mllitl.i from Ogdens-bur- g to come to .Massena Immediately on account of bad strike at the Aluminum Company works. Very serious, destroy- ing property and threatening lives." The Governor telephoned the Sheriff and leiiiued that men had been Injured and that the IimmI authorities could not handle tho situ- ation. The Governor Immediately by telephone with Capt. Marshall of Company K at Malono ami Capt. llrlggs of Company i, nt Ogdens-bur- of the Fiist National Guard In- fantry, nnd they proceided nt once to Massena and took charge of thu situa- tion. Reports tecelved late by Adjt.-Gi'i- i. Stotisbury, who Is keeping In close touch with the situation, Indicate that the Sheriff expects .serious troiiblo when the company's works open morning. The Sheriff believes that the mllltla forces now on Die scene aio not sufficient to rope with tho situation and accoiillngly Gen. Stotesbury wired Company C at Watertown to be In re,n. ness for a call. Within an hour after his order this company was waiting to lie despatched to the scene. Lieut. Col. Charles II. Hitchcock of Rlnghnmton was ordered to the scene of tho strike y nnd ho will tellevo Major Rice, who has been handling the situation. SHIP NAMED FOR HINDENBURG. Knlser Orders llnttle Cruiser Christened fur (iriieriil, I.ONI.ON, Aug. 2. Tho German battlo cruiser which was to have lieen named Ersatz Hertha and which was launched yesterday at Wllhelmshavcti was chris- tened Van Illndenburger by order of the Kulscr. The new cruiser Is of 28,000 tons.. rOLlUE TARE PLATE OFF BECKER COFFIN Inscription Accusing Governor of "Murder" Itcmovcd Af- ter Conference. FA .'HOT PEHF011MS TASK District Attorney Martin Si- lent About Possible Crimi- nal Libel Action. Police authorities held a con- ference at Police Headquarters yester- day nftcrnoon, nnd then on their own In- itiative went to the darkened room where the body of Charles Reeker, who was jut to denth Friday morning for the mur- der of Herman Rosenthal, lay In n coffin, and removed from the coffin lid the small silver plate Inscribed, "Charles Decker. Mu rib red July 30, 1915, by Governor Whitman."' The first Intlnntlon that Mrs. Reeker, widow of the former policeman, had had n plate so Inscribed and fastened to the collln camo to Police Headquarters through the Sunday newspapers. There- upon, after some telephoning. First Dep- uty Police Commissioner Leon It. Godley, District Attorney Martin of The Rronx and Inspector Faurot, head of the De- tective Bureau, met at Police Headquar- ters In the nfternoon and discussed among themselves whether the plate should be removed. Their opinion was that the coffin plate Inscription was a criminal libel of the State's Chief Execu- tive and that therefore It should be re- moved. Tost. AaalKllrd to Pnnrot. Inspector Faurot was delegated by the Others to go to Mrs. Decker's apartments at 2191 University avenue, The Rronx, to look at the coffin plate. Inspector Faurot therefore went to The Rronx after dinner anil met Acting Captain Wines of the Rronx detective bureau. The In- spector and captain went together to Mrs. Reekei's apirtments. where they ar- - rived at 7:30 o'clock lam night. They looked nt the cotlln plate, which was In-- j ( scribed as the newspapers had said It was. As gently as poislble Inspector Faurot, one who overheard the conversation ,s.tld later, convinced Mrs. Reeker that I the word "murdered" on the plate might I result In an action for criminal libel. At Its best the Inscription waa In bad t.tHe, Mrs. Reeker was told. Previously. It Is said. MrS.TTVker hnd teen told that os long as any such Inscription remained on the coffin It could not be brought Into nny Roman Catholic Church. Mrs. Reeker did not Interfere then ' hen the poll e officials told her that ! they Intended to lake the sliver plate j from the coffin lid. They had brought a screwdriver with them to the apart-- I ment. In a few seconds Inspector Faurot had tjemoved the screws, lifted the plate ' and put It In his coat pocket. The plate was brought down to Police ' Headquarters and linked In a desk. It wilt be kept there In case It Is needed at any time as an exhibit If ever legal action Is taken. Views nn l.lliel Action. District Attorney Martin of The Rronx In speaking of the coffin plate Incident said ho felt very sorry for any one who was In such serious trouble ns Mrs. Decker, but he wouldn't hiy that he any action. It was learned, however, that he onsldered It a clear case of criminal libel and that the law would not require Gov. Whitman, the man libelled, to act as complaining wit- ness. Any one who saw the plate could j be complaining witness. After the plate had been removed Mr. Martin admitted that he hid been In consultation with Deputy Police Com- missioner Godley nnd Inspector Faurot during part of the afternoon and that the conference concerned the plate on the Reeker coffin, He refused to divulge what action, If any, he will take. "Have you talked with Gov. Whitman about such action?" he was asked. "I have nothing to say about that." said Mr. Martin, After the plate was removed the I1d from which It was taken was banked with (lowers. Scores of persons tried to get Into Mrs. Decker's apartment In the evening, hoping to see the plate and the collln. but I'ndert.lker Struwe remained at the door, keeping every one out except friends of the family. It Is not ot known what priest will say the low mass over the body Father Nicholas .1. Murphy, rector of the Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentlne, Andrews avenue south of Fordham load, Is In Philadelphia, and one of hl assistants, Father O'Connell or Father Whalen, will probably take his place. Policemen for I'nllheHrers, Mis lleckor refused to discuss the plate yesterday, but she took occasion to deny over the telephone a report that policemen would be unwelcome at the funeral service. "Why, all the pallbe.ireis will be mem- bers of the Police Department," she said, "and police friends of my husband's are welcome In uniform or civilian attire." Tho announcement that Decker, who died a Catholic, was to bo burled In Woisllawn cemetery, a burial ground, caused many to ask whether tinder the rules of the Catholic church a murderer may be burled In the consecrated ground of a Catholic nenietcry. Also Inquirers wanted to know whether the Catholic church In the case of n murderer exe- cuted by tho State permits what Is known as n solemn high requiem mass or Insists thnt only a low muss bo said. It was learned directly from high cleslastlcal authorities by Tiik Sun that Inasmuch as Decker received absolution nnd communion Just before he died his body could be burled In consecrated ground If the relatives so desired, nnd that the church servlc might consist of a solemn high requiem mass. , low mass nnd burial In u ic cem- etery, therefore, mean merely that the nature nf tho ceiemony nnd the cholca of a cemetery are In nivordaiice with Mrs. Decker's requests. Ai.iianv, Aug. 1. Gov. Whitman In- sisted that tho Decker caso was u closed Incident, nnd he hnd no com- ment to make on tho Munton statement. CASHIER OF G Abraham Cornelius and Loret ta Adelgais Missing From Englewood. F.Nni.BWoon. N. J., Aug. I. Abraham Cornelius, Jr., for many years cashier of the Citizens National Rank, a married man with a family; Ml-- i Loretta Adelgais, 23 e.lrs old, an attractive young stenographer, formerly employed In the bank, nnd $11,000 In from the bank's vault have bien missing s'nee Wednesday afternoon. There Is no tangible evidence to show that Cornelius and the girl disappeared together, but Clinton II. Rlake, presl-de- of the lunk. and the girl's mother, a widow, attach significance to the fact that each vanished from Englewood about the time Cornelfns finished work at the bank as usual late Wednesday afternoon ami boarded a trolley for New York. One of tho bank's director" sat In tho same seat with him and the chatted all the waj. The cashier said he Intended to do some shopping In the city. The thought nothing more of the Inci- dent until Friday morning when Presi- dent Rlake made certain of Cornelius's disappearance and the loss of J11.O00 of the bank's" money, lt was then learned that the cahler had not returned from his shopping trip and that neither his family nor friends had w"cn him for several das. lent TcloKriuti to Mother. Meanwhile the Englewoul Hoard of Trade had been trying to trace the where- abouts of Mls AilelgaN, the hoard's stenographer. She had been employed by the boanl three w. eks ago at the solicitation of Cornelius On Wednes- day afternoon she asked to leave the office earl as he had an engagement In New Yotk Then she sent a telegram to her mother, with whom ho lived at Hoehrlle l'ark. saying the board would meet late Wednesday night and she would stay In Englewood with friends. The board had no meeting that night and the girl did not appear at her desk on Thursday niornli.- -. Since then Englewood gossips have had their fill of rumors, but no one would vouch for any of the eoiinletlng reports until Mrs. Cornellu-nn- d her daughter Amy an- - at the t bungalow. Camp Englewood, at Greenwood Like, while their new hou.' In Englewood Is being completed. I ntll Wednesday Cornelius nnd his son Wal- lace, an emploee of the Merchants Na- tional Rank. New York, had been stay- ing week nights at the new house, going to the camp for week ends. Mr. 'Hake said that when he lied Cornelius, his emploei for nineteen jtars, had gone he had the bank's ex- perts examine tile books and count the cash and then found that a package containing tl.OOn missing. I he had dispensed with Miss Adel-gnls- 's services at the bank two moutln ago In order to get a male stenographer, but the girl's mother, voicing her In- dignation at Cornelius lit no uncertain terms, put an entirely different con- struction on her daughter's discharge from the bank. Mr", ilelllt' les, If I had fifty bullets." said Mrs. Adelgais, "I would lire them Into the body of this man My daughter was employed at the bank for live je'iirs as stenographer for Mr. Cornelius and I non ice ill that foui w live Hires l.o-rel-ta leslgned because of Mr. Cornelius's attentions to her. Every time she re- signed Mr. Cornelius would motor out to our Inline and plead with me and Loretta. At one time he oven brought Ids wife. I plainly told him our sus- picions and Loretta asked him In my presence, 'Have I ever done an thing that any good girl should be ashamed of." and .Mr. Cornelius answered 'No.' "About a month ngo Loretta Inst her position in the bank, but Mr. gave her a lecoiiimendatlon and sho got a position with the Englewood Hoard of Trade. She said the bank let her go because they wanted a male stenographer, but after what has hap- pened I am Inclined to belli o that Mr. Cornelius or tho bank officials became aware of gossip and liought about the change, s elng to It that Loretta got another position, "Loretta left home ns usual Wednes- day morning. I don't ! llevo sho hud any Intention of going away, but when I kissed her good. by something seemed to tell me something was going to hap-pe- n, It was Just a mc'her's premoni- tion. "Wednesday night Loretta sent mo a telegram saMng she would stay in Englewood with a ft lend over night and on Friday President Hell of the Roaid of Trade asked me where she was, "I hurried to Lorotta's friend's home In Englewood and found that she hnd not st'iynl there Wednesday night. Then I wns told that Mr. Cornelius had dis- appeared also." The last Mr. Rlake heard of Cor- nelius, said the bunker this afternoon, was thnt he boarded a croxstown Twenty-thir- d street car In Manhattan Wednesday evening on his way tn ISSth street "to do some shopping," He tiHd no satchel or grip with lit'- - and so far BANK, $11,000 ANDS TENOGRA PHER ONE PSy' "wjPBe "H a BRAHAM CORNELIUS, JR., nntl above (on the left), his duUKhter, Amy, nnd (on the r.Kht) Loretta Adelunis. as Is known Miss Adelgais took no extra clothes wherever she went. ".Mr. Cornelius," ald .Mr Rlake. "came to us as a bookkeeper and live or six years ago succeeded Donald McKay nt cashier. Wo plactsl every confidence In him. I wish uu would say that his dis- appearance and that of the $11,000 will not Inconvenience tho bank In the slight- est degree. Mr. Cornelius was bonded with the American Surety Company for $20,000. "No, wo havo not notified the police, because even now I believe Mr. Cornelius will come to his senses and return. I shall turn the case over to the surety company In the morning," Friends of .Miss Adelgais describe her as di mure and quiet. She was friendly with Cornelius's daughter Amy, a grownup girl. Many of the young people In Englewood and llackens.ick knew her, but seemingly all Hps were sealed this afternoon when Inquiry was made about her Cornelius Is Is yean otd and rather attract ve in appearance, lie formerly lived m Hrooklyn. DESIGN FOR SIX NEW DESTROYERS ACCEPTED Informiitiou Made Available by Kuropeaii War I'tilized in I. S. Vessels. Wasiiinuton. Ala-- . l.Tho do.igtii for the s! torpedo boat destroyeis au- thored j,y the last nival appropriation act tune Jim been completed In the f Construction and Repair of the Navy Department. M,i, fr work of constructing these vessels will bo opened by tho Secretary of tho Navy on October 6 next. I The final design of the p injected lie. ( strocis wa deieloped by tho Huroau of Construction to produce certain Impor-t.- military characteristic delred hy the General Hoard, j These vessels will l)fi nauici for dead olllcers of the navy whose ills. tlngulshed services or heroic nets In active service have entitled them to places on tho navy's loster of honor, j In connection with the delgn of these vessels a special effort has been mule to utilize the Information available ns the lesult of tho European war. Tha de.igu maiki a distinct deiartiiie In many respects fiom that of pieredlng classes. The maximum silst lined sea speed has been made 30 knots, while a birgo radius of action at cruising bperd has maintained. Thoo gun located j In the waist on pimioiis vessels have been mounted amidships at such a height as to Inciease their efficiency under roucli water condition mater ally, In addition care has been taken to guard, so far ns poslble, against the tendency existent lii most small, light vessels to pitch and roll, and every effort consistent with their military has been made to render these vessels comfortable frnni the standpoint of living accommodations, The main characteristics will he; 310 feet ; beam, .In feet 7 Innhes;' diatight, moan, R feet ; d'splaoemcnt, 1.12S tons, battery, four t Inch rapid tire gun's, two I pounders, ft guns; four tilple torpedo tubes; nnchlnery, steam turbines, oil fuel burning water tuba boilers. I SIX AMERICANS ON IBERIAN. Three Killed When Gerinnn Suli-- i murine Torpedoed Vessel, pennl Cable Detimtrh tn Tilt: Si x I Loniion-- , Aug. 1- .- The I'ornwpoudcnt of TUB St'N learns y that six mem-ber- s of the ciew of the Rrltlsh steam-shi- p Ibeilan, torpedoed ami sunk Fri- day by a German submarine, wore killed and six wounded. Two died in the boats. Among th.. killed were thro Amerl- - cans Mark Wiley, a muleteer from Hns-to- John enrol, nnd a man numiwl Sheridan Among tho wounded were three Americans; Henry Welsh. Inlsn Draw ell and Charles Hansbury. WORK HARD TO WIN RURAL VOTE FOR SUFFRAGE Women Are Milking Vigor- ous Campaign in the Funning Districts. MUX CiEXEKALIV SEEM APATHETIC Keports From "SiinV Cor- respondents Indicate Light Vote in November. MANY COrXTY CLUJ5S ORGANIZED tY WOMEN Make House to House Can- vass and Solicit Pledges in Some. Districts. Next November Just n llttlo mors than three months from now the citi- zens of this Stnto will vntu on tha question of woman siffrago. An ntnenditiont to tho Constitution has been prepared which If passed by n majority of the voter!" will become n part of tin new State Constitution, leaders of IkiIIi parties have ugrcod to this niuoh. If the suffragists ioe their fight this fall they may have n harder time, In tho future. A proposal is pending be- fore tho convention requiring a ma- jority of tho ballots of three-fifth- s, of tho register!! voters before nn umend-nie- becomes effective. In view of tho wldesprond 'interest in the question of "votes for women" In this State Tilt: Spn through Its correspondents presents y n re- sume of tho situation ns it relates to the success or defeat of the move- ment In the smaller communi- ties. mid to the work lxlng done by tho advocate stiffr-tpa- . It Is found that Wm suffragists are showing great nctlvltji far more than tho "nntls." Counties are divided Into districts nnd Inlluentlnl women aro conducting- street corner meetings, house to homo canvasses, card pledge systems nnd other miiins. The worst handicap so fur has been tho Indifference of the majority of male voters. Then again It Is an off year In the election nnd u .mall vote Is expected. Tho leading politicians, while an- nouncing themselves n.- n rule in favor of "tho cnuse," nro not taking their ooats olT to work for It WORK FY DISTRICTS. Suffragists I'lnlui IMrdues Out of I I .OHO Voters. (MAlone, I'r.inklln r'iunt, popu'.ii.nri i;,lT Malone. Aug. 1 - The suffrages' campaign for this district, No. I, is thoroughly oignnlzed and the leadei ore haul at work The whole of Frank- lin eountv ! divided Into districts, each of which has nil oiganlrntlou working In It" district for woman suffrage. Mrs. T '1 Paddock, the lo. tiling suf- fragist In thl'i county, savs that her organization Is In excellent shape iiml leadv for the vote in Franklin county In Clinton and St. Lawrence counties tho suffragists mo tiol fully organized, but aro at 'vork continuously "I expect those counties to bo thor- oughly oigaiilred and toady for huslnes. In a very short time," she s i lit. "Next week wo will have a celebration with, a big parade for the northern part .' SI Law tonco county. Including Hrashei' Falls and Massena." Tho Indications are thnt the vote will be very large this fall Of tho enrolled votes of Franklin county, about ll.noii, they clnliii to have secured nenrlv a.nnn pledged to support th" su(Tr:ii;o amendment, and they expect lo have a laige majority pledged to vote, for them bcfoni election day. In miking a canvass of 1'r.inkP.n county, which was nnlnhe.1 a f.-- da" ago. counting men nnd women, then1 were i'.'J.'O In favor of woman suffinge, the town of Malono giving OS of this number The number in the county who were net In favor of suffrage was only I'll of t o leading politicians of both the old parties only two are agilnsr the amendment, nnd those two do not now bold nny office and cannot do much harm. Of the nineteen town Supervisors In I'r.inklln county seventeen are in favor nnd only two at, .Inst Woman suffrage. CORNER MEETINGS. Women Explain Siiffrniie Issue to ShiippliiK Crouds. trisnei. Milnnionn rnunty, population I nii? Giisksko, Aug 1 - The local woman suffrage organizations In tho villages of Livingston county mid the surrounding rural districts. In conjunction with tho Plate body, lire conibKtliir n most e nnd systematic cninpalgn to a.'s'st in carrying to a successful issue tho proposed ntiicnilment to tho Stat't Con- stitution to I"' voted on in Novtmbt r. The majority of thn towns in this vicinity have had activo woman suf- finge organizations for some time, hold lug regular meetings nt which tin- propo- sition bm been discussed and promi nept speakers spoke. However, thev realized Ihnt these meetings, intended mostly hy those m favor of woman suf- frage, did not bring tho Issues effectu- ally before the public. Some little time ago a county meeting was held nnd a cninpalgn was planned and mapped out with a view of giving more publicity to the cause and bring- ing tho issues Involved more dearly be- fore the people, In general, especially thu men, Starting some, few weeks aco, on

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Firat Year of Panama Canal. THE WEATHER FORECAST,Uncle Sam's big venture a success despite t ' 'i "world war. New life for "sailing ships Probably showers to-da- jtt not, o wtrm.7an unexpected result. See the story to-da- y and

in next Sunday's SUN. Highest temperature yetjMtlay, 83 ; lowest, '71.Detailed weather, mall andI nvaWri.rtOrw on pol 1.

VOL. LXXXII. NO. 336. NEW YORK, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, lGlS.-S-Copyrl- caf. 1915, by the Sun Vrlntliio ami Vubthhtng AMortoUon. PRICE TWO CENTS.




Important Town Near Ivan-roio- il

Taken by Troops

of the Kaiser.


glow IiVH'ont Continues on

Uoth Hanks of the!iver ling.

17(1.5:10 OV CZAli'S MEX


Fifty-on- e Cannon and 358

Machine Guns Seizedas AVoll.

tptcial Cable Pttixitekjo Tnt Sr.Btr.UN, via Amsterdam, Aug. 1. The

Cirturc of the Important town of Cholm.toutheast of Ivangorod. by the Germantroops In purMilt of the Russian wasAnnounced officially The ottl-r!- al

statement tells of stubborn resist-

ance on the part of the Russian dofend-tr- s

between the upper Vistula nnJ theRiver Dug.

The German captured on the easternfront during July 170.53fi Russians, In-

cluding 323 olllcers, 51 guns and 35S guns, according to the samettttemen'. which covers the operationstetween the Pllltza anil the Daltlc andIn the southcnMern theatre.

The statement was as follows:North of the Nleman local actions

re reported. Northwest of Rozan wirogrened further. Counter attacksby 'he enemy were repulsed,

During July we captured betweenthe Kllua and the Haltic '.ij.023 Rus-sians, 41 Runs. Including two heavyp.ece-s- , four mine throwing howitzersanil Zit machine guns.

In the southeastern theatre ourtroops, advancing across the Vistulanorth of Ivangorod. repulsed heavycounter attacks by the enemy. Pursu-ln- j

the Russians wo connucrcd theheights near Toilzamozo. capturingever a thousand prisoners.

Uetween the upper Vistula and theBus River the enemy again resistedour attacks. During the day ourtioo'ijs ojecte.1 the enemy from hisposi' near Kurow, east of r a, south of Leuczna, south-we- f

t.i south of Chtla, and south-west of Dublenska.

The enemy to retreat onboth batiks of the Rur and on thofront between the Rue and south ofLeuczna. We have already passedthrough Chnlm In pursuit of tho

nsmyIn the southeastern theatre the,

Gtrmans captured during July 32.1efiw-- s, j.r'0 men, 10 guns and guns,


Offli'lnl Miitt'tm-ii- t Ti-I- of Retire-ment I ncler l'reiirr.

J.i'drf' Cubit Untuiick to The Sin.Ppti' ,i:.t. Ana. 1. The following

eflic I suit m'nt was given outLe'wetn Chnlm and thu River Rug

our troops under pressure of numeri-cally superior enemy forces fell backto fie nrth after desperate lighting.In Courl.ind wo fought a desperate i'i

o t with the German on Fridaysnd Sittjrdny. After numetous frult-lu- i

nttnnpta the enemy at the cost ofcraie inssvs su'Teeibd In establishing) m'K'f cm tie ig't h ink of tho riverr.csr iv-- n JungferhA

Chi Friday nlglHtho enemyntt.uks on the eastern bank

of the I'lssit, near the village of Ser-wat-

near tho mouth of tho Szkwa.The enemy succeeded In gaining nfoot-i- . it In tho latter sector on the leftbank of the Niirew, but afterwardwas repulsed by vigorous counter

with tho baonet nnd driventack trmnrd the Red River. On tho.ame ntgbt tho enemy, with consider-ah- l

fnr',s, doveloied nn offensive Inthe Unznn Hector against our positionsl'"Hvn the Nnrew nnd tho Orzr r- - well ns itlong tho bank ofthe utter rtver

vi deiperato battle followedthe-- e esti'idiiy, the enemy usinglirsilv asphyxiating gases. AfterBifneiou desperate bijomt unionstlni Gi mniis Miicceeill In makingH"i p jgris along the front.

T the Huuth of tho Orz River thef u. reeded In capturing our lineif Ins by tierce baonot .charges.

dnvi him back In this sectortowani niH original position. The light- -'

in? wis most sanguinary, thu enemysurer ng losses. In our counterat'a ks wo took l.onn prloners. Insome MCtoiH on the Narew ftint the

n during the past few days hasbrought fresh troops to tho fightingline

T" the left of tho Vistula on theTlloi. ftont west of War-frt- w

'Hero was rllle Hie. On tho right"'U of the Vistula yesterday mniti-In- r

we fought the GermatiH, who hndcr k..r, tho old a

front. Ill this battle both sidesalternately were tho aggressors. Wertml(i the attack near Knlowoszow,In 'he Ivnngorod region, on the woittirn of tho Vistula.

liftwecn the Vlsluln and the Rugthe enemy yestetday delivered vigor-oi- n

r unless, attacks against our pofl-It'- s

lutween the Wleprz and 'the ills-ti- n'

Minion Rejuwlce, west of Cholm.

RUSSIANS CONFIDENT,lleilreiniMit Only Ti'iuimrnr)', Siiyn

beiul-iilllel- nl Stnt eineiit,I ii'tctnl Cublr Umimtrh In Tiik Hi v,

I.o- i'i.s Aug, I- .- The Russians i-

i still' hold Warsaw. Theto new posltloiiH Is reported

Continued on Third Pago,


Toll Keener Slinkm Ilnndu Withllr. Wllnon.

Cornish, N. It., A up. 1. RoltiK Presi-dent of the United States does not en-

title Woodrow Wilson to cross theCheshire toll bridge over tho ConnecticutHlv.r, near Clarcmont. N. II., withoutpitying the regular fee of 15 cents. Hefound thnt out this nftcrnoon.

Mr. Wilson on his vacations here hasmotored across this toll bridge perhaps nscore of times and always without beingrecognized by the sevoiity-four-year-o-

toll keeper. Each time he has leaneddown from his scat beside the chauffeurand paid the IS cents from hla ownpocket.

This afternoon the President reachedInto his pocket for the right change assoon as tho car slowed up, but he foundthat at last tho aged keeper had recog-nized him as the country's Chief Kxecu-tiv- e.

Instead of the accustomed "Fifteencents, please." Mr. Wilson was greetedwith:

"Are you the President of the UnitedStates?"

Mr. Wilson smilingly acknowledged hisIdentity.

"I never saw a President before," saidthe keeper, "and 1 would like to shakehands."

They shook hands, the keeper d

his fee and the Presidential auto-inobl- lo

speeded on back to Harlakenden,the summer White House,

Mr, Wilson spent a quiet Sunday, Helaid work aside and rested with Illsfamily this morning. Hisand daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Francis U.Sayre, went to church.


llctulniiR Will Wear A pproprlnteSouvenir on An mint 4.

Special Cable Denpatch to The So.TllK Haoi-b- . Aug. 1. The A'cho Welpc

sas the population of Rrussels will weara piece of torn paper on Aug. 4 In com-

memoration of von Hethmann-Holtweg-- s

now famous remark concerning the n

neutrality treaty, which he called "ascrap of paper,"


1,000 Passengers AlarmedWhen Cry of "Fight'' Is In-

terpreted as "Fire."

The Grand itepuoiic, sister snip or tneGeneral Slocum. which burned In therha of nU the.-te-

i'albusiness of the

East River on June IS. 1904, when more j

than 1,000 lives were lost, was deserted I

Iby 900 of her passengers last night whenshe arrived at Steeplechase Park. ConeyIsland. They had had- - a fright whichshook their nerve and decided them to ,

teturn to their homes (most of themlive In Yonkers) by railroad rather than

'continue the trip on the Grand Republic.

The boat was between Rockaway Pointand Manhattan Reach nt 7 o'clock lastnight when men on the lower after deckshouted 'tight." As It developed later,a quarrel between to men wno had had,perhaps, too wet a Sunday rapidly pro-

duced blows, but the cry of "tight" wasmlsundeistood by most of tha passengerswho thought that an alarm of fire wasbeing sounded. In a halt minute menand women were showing "tire" andsearching for life preservers.

Some of the persons who quit theGrand Republic when she touched atSteeplechase Park Insisted that the panicwas a very serious one, and that the rushto one side of the boat was so suddenthat she listed suddenly and dangerously.They said that an officer of the boat,revolver In hand, drove the frightenedpassengers from the lowering side In

time for the boat to right herseir. TheyInsisted that many of the men tried toget lifeboats Into the water and wereonly prevented by the threat of the off-

icers that the first man who tamperedwith the lifeboats. wouiu De snot.- -- .. ,1 a.

passenger, was that one nn waa soterrified by the apparent danger that


pier '.ththanship.



continue head

Capt. carman aeiuei mmboat listed, that apanic, that person Jumpedoverboard. He said :

from Rockaway7 P M. a crowd

people within fiveSteeplechase inioxicatcnman lower deck aft raisedcry 'Fight!' Many of the personsthought shouted 'fire' they

.... ihn erv. The result was ascramble life preservers adeal of confusion generally. No onewaa thereany caused to the boat."

The passengers, nearly 1,000 Inmade up a Sunday excursion crowd



I tn I (oriiornl, .Vfmle Dumb Inllnttle, Suddenly Cured,

Slrclal Cable HetpnleliCorporal Saturno

Naples became dumbthe of n violent battlo ten days

Since ho been lying Intho hospital Modane.

All medical efforts restore his speechfailed and the doctors despaired histpcovery. Last night one of hospital

having been told thata lover of music, sat

the piano played, ofunhappy patient.

coiporal listened with Interestgreat excitement. When the music

had ended he Jumped his ex-claiming, Hello!"

The corporal's dumbness was cured.



Ex-Senat- or WelcomeWanderers to Hepublicfin


It Is Designed Show TliatOld Has drown


Amiant, Aug. 1. Root'sadvocacy of the Tanner reor-ganize the State and theStlmson plan to save ISO.OOO.OOO Inretirement of the State debts g

for an executive budget, bothwhich arc now outlined for the llrsttime, followed quickly upon the visit here

of Theodore Douglas Robin-io-

formerly State chairman the Pro.greselve party, Chauncey J. Ham-lin, an Krle county leader.

Republican delegates to theConvention Insisted to-

night that President Root's flatfooted es-

pousal the reforms was prompted by adesire to show that theywould be welcomed back to the Repub-lican party and that theConvention was ready to Indicate that

party had determined tobecome liberal.

The Tanner plan, which be re-

ported to the convention nextprovides for the election only the

Governor, Lieutenant-Governo- r,

nnd StateThus Is the reform desiredby the short ballot advocates, as the Sec-

retary of State, the Treasurer andState Engineer are eliminated elec-

tive olllcers.

The Governor's Cntilnrt.The Governor Is to have a Cabinet, ap-

pointed by him the ofthe Senate, composed of the heads of ex- -

ecutlve to be known follows :

of State.Taxation and Finance.

of Public Works.of Health.ofof Charities Correc- -

tion. Xof Ranking nnd Insurance.

Department Labor.of

In addition there Is to be a Depart-- 1

ment Justice, head of whichbt an Attorney-Oeneru- l, elected for tho

irrin... as . uuituivi, uutiR , lie will have

for all thethose which now have hlg legal staffs.

of the Attorney-General- s

k), tha KxdThen there be a

control, the head of whichw ' the who alsoWill UC Cll'llCM IWr HIV PrtlllC icim ttioGovernor. He be exclusivelyauditing olllcer and will have nothingto do with the assessment and collection

JOI taxes, as now. ll will ie Ml mainduty to audit verify the financialtransactions of the State and no execu-tive or administrative duties shall boconferred upon the exceptto such purpose.

Although the heads the executivewill be first appointed with

the consent of the Senate, the Governormay remove them without sanction

the Senate. The tlxthclr salaried.

Forma of Stale,Tha Secretary of State will the

head of the of State and he.will perform duties of thepresent Secretary of State, except thatthe automobile bureau will be takenfrom

Tho head of taxa-tion finance will be the Treasurerof the State, and he will take over mostj

the duties the liehave charge of the receipts and

of the treasury, In-

cluding theautomobile and all other taxes. He will)havo also tne inspection ami supervioioi.

any State board taxwhich may be provided for by the Logls-- Iluture. Whitman has Just estab- -

I I.Siieu a new main lit cuiiiiiunniun,

, '.urermendent public worksbc the 'noaJ of D.Mrl,nent of VuWa

Work of CliHrltles Deiiiirtiiient.A secretary of charities and enrree- -

tlon head thatwhich will havo tho power Inspectionand of Institutions tho""" - munn,,- -

Modes, reform schools, prisons amicharitable Institutions. secretary

have charge of all forthese Institutions. 1 he powers of thefiscal and the State Super

I Intendent of Prisons, whom arDemocrats, whose terms have fceveralyears yet to run. arc transferred to thosecretary of charities and these twooffices are abolished. The State Hoard

Charities, tho Hospitaland State Prison

are continued to supervisetho undei their control now,and the boards of managers the Insti-tutions are continued unless otheiwlsechanged by the Legislature.

A Secretary of Hanking and Insurancewill be the head of thatunder which are the present i

-- A... n ,n fl.iii at ttii.tiil., nf mh n.i.l '

banking, the Superintendent of Ranksbeing a Democrat whose term does notoxplro for two yet.

An Industrial commission directthe activities the ofLabor, which Is tho situation now,this will have the enforce-ment of all labor laws the work-men's compensation law, ut present.

There will bo a board of nlnu mem-bers, one from each Judicial district, attho head of the of

as outlined In tho plan Just adoptedby tho com-mitted on conservation, and hoard

Continued on Second I'aye.

ne graoueu u mo ,w Works and he will have charge of the1overboard. It was that his bodycamll nnd KOl)J roa(U construction and'was not recovered. work and the construction!

The Grand Republic touched at the q( pubHe hulldngs, thus doing awaySteeplechase Park at 7:30 I. M. ,ne L'nKne(,ri tno state'nnd more 900 persons i AlcntM.t the Highway

off tho Many of them, miioner.lis a glance at the deserted decks re- - Tne of Is practi-- lvealed, left behind In their hurry many ca))v lef, ., lt j, ,( , m.; wm tiesmall personal belongings sucli as lunch of Health iw ntbaskets, hats, parasols and As tho pr-se- nt. A of Agrlcul-- .bout landed at Yonkers at lu:3il P. M. ture will to be of the

than 100 persons went ashore, purtment of as at present.itttwin me

had there had beenor any hud

"We were returningat with of Yonkers

and were minutes ofrarK wnen an

on the the

he had and

for and good

hurt and waB no damage ofsort




to Tub Scv,Romk, Aug. 1.

Squlllaclottl of Incourse

ago. then hasof


thephysicians, Squll-laclottl Is great at

and with the objectentertaining the The


to feet"Rravo! (Reautlful.)


Fold, Is llellef.


plan togovernment






ofthe Progressives


the Republican


day, of

the Comptroller.accomplished


with confirmation

departments as

DepartmentDepartment ofDepartmentDepartmentDepartment Agriculture.Department nnd


Department Conservation.

of the will

,BI"e me mum,

State departments. Including!


will department ofaudit and

State Comptroller,

will an




theof Legislature will


departmentpractically the

him.the department of


of of Comptroller,will dis-bursements State

corporation, Inheritance,

of of commissioners


of will

will be of department,of

supervision formum..

Thiswill expenditures

supervisorsboth of

of State Com-missi-

the Commissionand Inspect





of Departmentand


Department Conserva-tion,

Constitutional Conventionthis


Immediately ami State






Troops Quell Disturbance at.Massena After Two Arc


1,000 MEN' QUIT WOItK;

Company Officials Offer Com-

promise With Increasein Wages., N. Y Aug. 1. Three com-

panies of militia arrived bore y

to quell disturbances arising from thestrike of 2,400 employees of the Alumi-num Compiny of America.

Soon nfter the arrival of the firstcompany, shortly nfter noon, a bridge,behind the barrloadcs of which were In-

trenched hundreds of strikers, wascharged nnd the striker were dispersed.Since that time the mllltli has been Infull control of the situation.

Rcforc the coming of the mllltla twoemployies of the company were victimsof attacks. One, who was shot In theleg, Is dying In nn Ogdei sburg hospital.Tho other was thiown Into the powercanal at the plant.

The strike, which has completely tiedup operations here at n time when thecompany wasenJolng great prosperity,was the result of n refused request forIncreased pay. It started yesterdaynfternoon when employee at the potroom were Informed that their tequestfor $1.90 n dny had been refused andthat they were expected to continue atthe wage of 41 7B a day.

Mua nt Plant- - I'.n t rillice.Almost Immediately nfter the receipt

of this ultimatum the employers, about500 strong, left their work and took upa position on a bridge lending Into thecompany's plant. They stopped alltratllc Immediately nnd confiscatedmaterials being shipped Into the factory.

Olllcers of the company Immediatelygot Into communication with SheriffDay of St. Lawrence county. He sum-

moned all deputies In the vicinity andassembled a large number of farmersand townspeople, who ere armed andordered to the plant. After several hoursof wrangling with the strikers, whosenumbers had now grown beyond l.Oi'O,the Sheriff decided that his small forceswere Inadequate and wired the authori-ties at Albany for a delegation ofmllltla.

Company D or Ogdenburg nnrt Com-pany K of Mm lone were ordered to reportat the earliest poislble moment. Theyarrived here shortly before noon andmade camp. Shortly afterwaul Com-pany (' of Watertown came Into townon a special train and Joined tile otherforces.

.Major Rice of Watertown made thotrip here tills morning nnd Is now Incommand of the forces, although Col.Hltche'ock of Rlugh.imton Is expectedhere tomorrow morning to assumecharge.

As soon as the forcoi were organizednt a point some distance from the plantthey were carried to the of illlllcul-tle- s

In a large number of motor trucks.They massed a short distance from thebridge and with fixed bayonets madetheir charge. The strikers at first gaveslgiM of fight, but as the bayonet chargeadvanced split their ranks and permittedthe soldiers to pass on into the plant.The strlkeia dispersed Immediately andthe olllcers, superintendents and otherswho refused to strike were ieeased fromthe prison made for them In the factorybuildings.

Ofllcerii Offer Coiiiprfiiiilni,The olllcers had been prisoners In the

plant since Into yesterday afternoon.Soon after their release officials announced themselves leady to compromisewith the employees at the rate of tl.SOproviding work Is resumed Immediately.

Strong pickets hive been stationedaround the plant and the In-

terior Is being patrolled, the officialsfearing that damage might be donethere.


(iov. Whitman Orders Out Three('iiiiiliniiles by Tflopliiini-- .

Aliiany. N. Y Aug. 1. Gov. Whit-man himself oy telephone at " o'clockthis morning ordered out the mllltla toquell the strike disturbances at theAluminum Company works at M.issenn,St. Lawrence county. At midnight theGovernor received a telegram from Sher-iff P. I My reading:

"I'leasii order mllitl.i from Ogdens-bur- g

to come to .Massena Immediately onaccount of bad strike at the AluminumCompany works. Very serious, destroy-ing property and threatening lives."

The Governor telephoned the Sheriffand leiiiued that men hadbeen Injured and that the IimmIauthorities could not handle tho situ-ation. The Governor Immediately

by telephone with Capt.Marshall of Company K at Malono amiCapt. llrlggs of Company i, nt Ogdens-bur-

of the Fiist National Guard In-

fantry, nnd they proceided nt once toMassena and took charge of thu situa-tion.

Reports tecelved late byAdjt.-Gi'i- i. Stotisbury, who Is keeping Inclose touch with the situation, Indicatethat the Sheriff expects .serious troiiblowhen the company's works open

morning. The Sheriff believes thatthe mllltla forces now on Die scene aionot sufficient to rope with tho situationand accoiillngly Gen. Stotesbury wiredCompany C at Watertown to be In re,n.ness for a call. Within an hour afterhis order this company was waiting tolie despatched to the scene.

Lieut. Col. Charles II. Hitchcock ofRlnghnmton was ordered to the scene oftho strike y nnd ho will tellevoMajor Rice, who has been handling thesituation.


Knlser Orders llnttle CruiserChristened fur (iriieriil,

I.ONI.ON, Aug. 2. Tho German battlocruiser which was to have lieen namedErsatz Hertha and which was launchedyesterday at Wllhelmshavcti was chris-tened Van Illndenburger by order of theKulscr.

The new cruiser Is of 28,000 tons..



Inscription Accusing Governorof "Murder" Itcmovcd Af-

ter Conference.


District Attorney Martin Si-

lent About Possible Crimi-

nal Libel Action.

Police authorities held a con-

ference at Police Headquarters yester-day nftcrnoon, nnd then on their own In-

itiative went to the darkened room wherethe body of Charles Reeker, who wasjut to denth Friday morning for the mur-der of Herman Rosenthal, lay In n coffin,and removed from the coffin lid the smallsilver plate Inscribed, "Charles Decker.Mu rib red July 30, 1915, by GovernorWhitman."'

The first Intlnntlon that Mrs. Reeker,widow of the former policeman, had hadn plate so Inscribed and fastened to thecollln camo to Police Headquartersthrough the Sunday newspapers. There-upon, after some telephoning. First Dep-

uty Police Commissioner Leon It. Godley,District Attorney Martin of The Rronxand Inspector Faurot, head of the De-

tective Bureau, met at Police Headquar-ters In the nfternoon and discussedamong themselves whether the plateshould be removed. Their opinion wasthat the coffin plate Inscription was a

criminal libel of the State's Chief Execu-

tive and that therefore It should be re-


Tost. AaalKllrd to Pnnrot.Inspector Faurot was delegated by the

Others to go to Mrs. Decker's apartmentsat 2191 University avenue, The Rronx,to look at the coffin plate. InspectorFaurot therefore went to The Rronx afterdinner anil met Acting Captain Winesof the Rronx detective bureau. The In-

spector and captain went together toMrs. Reekei's apirtments. where they ar- -

rived at 7:30 o'clock lam night. Theylooked nt the cotlln plate, which was In-- j


scribed as the newspapers had said It

was.As gently as poislble Inspector Faurot,one who overheard the conversation

,s.tld later, convinced Mrs. Reeker thatI the word "murdered" on the plate mightI result In an action for criminal libel. At

Its best the Inscription waa In bad t.tHe,Mrs. Reeker was told. Previously. It Is

said. MrS.TTVker hnd teen told thatos long as any such Inscription remainedon the coffin It could not be broughtInto nny Roman Catholic Church.

Mrs. Reeker did not Interfere then' hen the poll e officials told her that! they Intended to lake the sliver platej from the coffin lid. They had brought

a screwdriver with them to the apart-- I

ment. In a few seconds Inspector Faurothad tjemoved the screws, lifted the plate

' and put It In his coat pocket.The plate was brought down to Police

' Headquarters and linked In a desk. Itwilt be kept there In case It Is neededat any time as an exhibit If ever legalaction Is taken.

Views nn l.lliel Action.District Attorney Martin of The Rronx

In speaking of the coffin plate Incidentsaid ho felt very sorry for any one whowas In such serious trouble ns Mrs.Decker, but he wouldn't hiy that he

any action. It was learned,however, that he onsldered It a clearcase of criminal libel and that the lawwould not require Gov. Whitman, theman libelled, to act as complaining wit-

ness. Any one who saw the plate couldj be complaining witness.

After the plate had been removedMr. Martin admitted that he hid beenIn consultation with Deputy Police Com-missioner Godley nnd Inspector Faurotduring part of the afternoon and thatthe conference concerned the plate onthe Reeker coffin, He refused to divulgewhat action, If any, he will take.

"Have you talked with Gov. Whitmanabout such action?" he was asked.

"I have nothing to say about that."said Mr. Martin,

After the plate was removed the I1dfrom which It was taken was bankedwith (lowers. Scores of persons tried toget Into Mrs. Decker's apartment In theevening, hoping to see the plate and thecollln. but I'ndert.lker Struwe remainedat the door, keeping every one out exceptfriends of the family.

It Is not ot known what priest willsay the low mass over the bodyFather Nicholas .1. Murphy, rector of theChurch of St. Nicholas of Tolentlne,Andrews avenue south of Fordhamload, Is In Philadelphia, and one of hlassistants, Father O'Connell or FatherWhalen, will probably take his place.

Policemen for I'nllheHrers,Mis lleckor refused to discuss the

plate yesterday, but she took occasion todeny over the telephone a report thatpolicemen would be unwelcome at thefuneral service.

"Why, all the pallbe.ireis will be mem-bers of the Police Department," she said,"and police friends of my husband's arewelcome In uniform or civilian attire."

Tho announcement that Decker, whodied a Catholic, was to bo burled InWoisllawn cemetery, aburial ground, caused many to askwhether tinder the rules of the Catholicchurch a murderer may be burled Inthe consecrated ground of a Catholicnenietcry. Also Inquirers wanted toknow whether the Catholic churchIn the case of n murderer exe-cuted by tho State permits what Isknown as n solemn high requiem massor Insists thnt only a low muss bo said.

It was learned directly from highcleslastlcal authorities by Tiik Sun thatInasmuch as Decker received absolutionnnd communion Just before he died hisbody could be burled In consecratedground If the relatives so desired, nndthat the church servlc might consist ofa solemn high requiem mass. , lowmass nnd burial In u ic cem-etery, therefore, mean merely that thenature nf tho ceiemony nnd the cholcaof a cemetery are In nivordaiice withMrs. Decker's requests.

Ai.iianv, Aug. 1. Gov. Whitman In-

sisted that tho Decker caso wasu closed Incident, nnd he hnd no com-ment to make on tho Munton statement.


Abraham Cornelius and Loretta Adelgais Missing From


F.Nni.BWoon. N. J., Aug. I. AbrahamCornelius, Jr., for many years cashierof the Citizens National Rank, a marriedman with a family; Ml-- i LorettaAdelgais, 23 e.lrs old, an attractiveyoung stenographer, formerly employedIn the bank, nnd $11,000 In fromthe bank's vault have bien missing s'neeWednesday afternoon.

There Is no tangible evidence to showthat Cornelius and the girl disappearedtogether, but Clinton II. Rlake, presl-de-

of the lunk. and the girl's mother,a widow, attach significance to the factthat each vanished from Englewoodabout the time

Cornelfns finished work at the bankas usual late Wednesday afternoon amiboarded a trolley for New York. Oneof tho bank's director" sat In tho sameseat with him and the chatted all thewaj. The cashier said he Intended todo some shopping In the city. The

thought nothing more of the Inci-

dent until Friday morning when Presi-dent Rlake made certain of Cornelius'sdisappearance and the loss of J11.O00 ofthe bank's" money, lt was then learnedthat the cahler had not returned fromhis shopping trip and that neither hisfamily nor friends had w"cn him forseveral das.

lent TcloKriuti to Mother.Meanwhile the Englewoul Hoard of

Trade had been trying to trace the where-

abouts of Mls AilelgaN, the hoard'sstenographer. She had been employedby the boanl three w. eks ago at thesolicitation of Cornelius On Wednes-day afternoon she asked to leave theoffice earl as he had an engagementIn New Yotk Then she sent a telegramto her mother, with whom ho livedat Hoehrlle l'ark. saying the boardwould meet late Wednesday night andshe would stay In Englewood withfriends. The board had no meetingthat night and the girl did not appearat her desk on Thursday niornli.- -.

Since then Englewood gossips havehad their fill of rumors, but no onewould vouch for any of the eoiinletlngreports until Mrs. Cornellu-nn- d

her daughter Amy an- - at the t

bungalow. Camp Englewood, atGreenwood Like, while their new hou.'In Englewood Is being completed. I ntllWednesday Cornelius nnd his son Wal-

lace, an emploee of the Merchants Na-

tional Rank. New York, had been stay-ing week nights at the new house, goingto the camp for week ends.

Mr. 'Hake said that when he liedCornelius, his emploei for nineteenjtars, had gone he had the bank's ex-

perts examine tile books and count thecash and then found that a packagecontaining tl.OOn missing. I

he had dispensed with Miss Adel-gnls- 's

services at the bank two moutlnago In order to get a male stenographer,but the girl's mother, voicing her In-

dignation at Cornelius lit no uncertainterms, put an entirely different con-

struction on her daughter's dischargefrom the bank.

Mr", ilelllt' les,If I had fifty bullets." said Mrs.

Adelgais, "I would lire them Into thebody of this man My daughter wasemployed at the bank for live je'iirs asstenographer for Mr. Cornelius and I

non ice ill that foui w live Hires l.o-rel-ta

leslgned because of Mr. Cornelius'sattentions to her. Every time she re-

signed Mr. Cornelius would motor outto our Inline and plead with me andLoretta. At one time he oven broughtIds wife. I plainly told him our sus-picions and Loretta asked him In mypresence, 'Have I ever done an thingthat any good girl should be ashamedof." and .Mr. Cornelius answered 'No.'

"About a month ngo Loretta Insther position in the bank, but Mr.

gave her a lecoiiimendatlon andsho got a position with the EnglewoodHoard of Trade. She said the banklet her go because they wanted a malestenographer, but after what has hap-pened I am Inclined to belli o that Mr.Cornelius or tho bank officials becameaware of gossip and liought about thechange, s elng to It that Loretta gotanother position,

"Loretta left home ns usual Wednes-day morning. I don't ! llevo sho hudany Intention of going away, but whenI kissed her good. by something seemedto tell me something was going to hap-pe- n,

It was Just a mc'her's premoni-tion.

"Wednesday night Loretta sent moa telegram saMng she would stay inEnglewood with a ft lend over night andon Friday President Hell of the Roaidof Trade asked me where she was,

"I hurried to Lorotta's friend's homeIn Englewood and found that she hndnot st'iynl there Wednesday night. ThenI wns told that Mr. Cornelius had dis-appeared also."

The last Mr. Rlake heard of Cor-nelius, said the bunker this afternoon,was thnt he boarded a croxstownTwenty-thir- d street car In ManhattanWednesday evening on his way tn ISSthstreet "to do some shopping," He tiHdno satchel or grip with lit'- - and so far


PSy' "wjPBe "H

a BRAHAM CORNELIUS, JR.,nntl above (on the left), his

duUKhter, Amy, nnd (on ther.Kht) Loretta Adelunis.

as Is known Miss Adelgais took noextra clothes wherever she went.

".Mr. Cornelius," ald .Mr Rlake. "cameto us as a bookkeeper and live or sixyears ago succeeded Donald McKay ntcashier. Wo plactsl every confidence Inhim. I wish uu would say that his dis-appearance and that of the $11,000 willnot Inconvenience tho bank In the slight-est degree. Mr. Cornelius was bondedwith the American Surety Company for$20,000.

"No, wo havo not notified the police,because even now I believe Mr. Corneliuswill come to his senses and return. Ishall turn the case over to the suretycompany In the morning,"

Friends of .Miss Adelgais describe heras di mure and quiet. She was friendlywith Cornelius's daughter Amy, agrownup girl. Many of the young peopleIn Englewood and llackens.ick knew her,but seemingly all Hps were sealed thisafternoon when Inquiry was made abouther

Cornelius Is Is yean otd and ratherattract ve in appearance, lie formerlylived m Hrooklyn.



Informiitiou Made Availableby Kuropeaii War I'tilized

in I. S. Vessels.

Wasiiinuton. Ala--. l.Tho do.igtiifor the s! torpedo boat destroyeis au-thored j,y the last nival appropriationact tune Jim been completed In f Construction and Repair ofthe Navy Department. M,i, frwork of constructing these vessels willbo opened by tho Secretary of tho Navyon October 6 next.

I The final design of the p injected lie.( strocis wa deieloped by tho Huroau of

Construction to produce certain Impor-t.-

military characteristic delred hythe General Hoard,

j These vessels will l)fi nauici fordead olllcers of the navy whose ills.tlngulshed services or heroic nets Inactive service have entitled them toplaces on tho navy's loster of honor,

j In connection with the delgn of thesevessels a special effort has been muleto utilize the Information available nsthe lesult of tho European war. Thade.igu maiki a distinct deiartiiie Inmany respects fiom that of pieredlngclasses.

The maximum silst lined sea speedhas been made 30 knots, while a birgoradius of action at cruising bperd has

maintained. Thoo gun locatedj In the waist on pimioiis vessels have

been mounted amidships at such aheight as to Inciease their efficiencyunder roucli water condition mater ally,In addition care has been taken toguard, so far ns poslble, against thetendency existent lii most small, lightvessels to pitch and roll, and everyeffort consistent with their military

has been made to renderthese vessels comfortable frnni thestandpoint of living accommodations,

The main characteristics will he;310 feet ; beam, .In feet 7 Innhes;'

diatight, moan, R feet ; d'splaoemcnt, 1.12Stons, battery, four t Inch rapid tire gun's,two I pounders, ft guns; fourtilple torpedo tubes; nnchlnery, steamturbines, oil fuel burning water tubaboilers.


Three Killed When Gerinnn Suli-- imurine Torpedoed Vessel,pennl Cable Detimtrh tn Tilt: Si x

I Loniion-- , Aug. 1- .- The I'ornwpoudcntof TUB St'N learns y that six mem-ber- s

of the ciew of the Rrltlsh steam-shi- p

Ibeilan, torpedoed ami sunk Fri-day by a German submarine, worekilled and six wounded. Two died inthe boats.

Among th.. killed were thro Amerl- -cans Mark Wiley, a muleteer from Hns-to-

John enrol, nnd a man numiwlSheridan Among tho wounded were

three Americans; Henry Welsh.Inlsn Draw ell and Charles Hansbury.




Women Are Milking Vigor-

ous Campaign in theFunning Districts.



Keports From "SiinV Cor-

respondents Indicate LightVote in November.



Make House to House Can-

vass and Solicit Pledgesin Some. Districts.

Next November Just n llttlo morsthan three months from now the citi-

zens of this Stnto will vntu on thaquestion of woman siffrago.

An ntnenditiont to tho Constitutionhas been prepared which If passed byn majority of the voter!" will becomen part of tin new State Constitution,leaders of IkiIIi parties have ugrcod tothis niuoh.

If the suffragists ioe their fight thisfall they may have n harder time, Intho future. A proposal is pending be-

fore tho convention requiring a ma-

jority of tho ballots of three-fifth- s, oftho register!! voters before nn umend-nie-

becomes effective.In view of tho wldesprond 'interest

in the question of "votes for women"In this State Tilt: Spn through Itscorrespondents presents y n re-

sume of tho situation ns it relates tothe success or defeat of the move-

ment In the smaller communi-ties.mid to the work lxlng done by thoadvocate stiffr-tpa- .

It Is found that Wm suffragists areshowing great nctlvltji far more thantho "nntls." Counties are divided Intodistricts nnd Inlluentlnl women aroconducting- street corner meetings,house to homo canvasses, card pledgesystems nnd other miiins.

The worst handicap so fur has beentho Indifference of the majority of malevoters. Then again It Is an off yearIn the election nnd u .mall vote Isexpected.

Tho leading politicians, while an-nouncing themselves n.- n rule in favorof "tho cnuse," nro not taking theirooats olT to work for It

WORK FY DISTRICTS.Suffragists I'lnlui IMrdues

Out of I I .OHO Voters.(MAlone, I'r.inklln r'iunt, popu'.ii.nri

i;,lTMalone. Aug. 1 - The suffrages'

campaign for this district, No. I, isthoroughly oignnlzed and the leadeiore haul at work The whole of Frank-lin eountv ! divided Into districts, eachof which has nil oiganlrntlou workingIn It" district for woman suffrage.

Mrs. T '1 Paddock, the lo. tiling suf-fragist In thl'i county, savs that herorganization Is In excellent shape iimlleadv for the vote in Franklin countyIn Clinton and St. Lawrence countiestho suffragists mo tiol fully organized,but aro at 'vork continuously

"I expect those counties to bo thor-oughly oigaiilred and toady for huslnes.In a very short time," she s i lit. "Nextweek wo will have a celebration with, abig parade for the northern part .'SI Law tonco county. IncludingHrashei' Falls and Massena."

Tho Indications are thnt the vote willbe very large this fall Of tho enrolledvotes of Franklin county, about ll.noii,they clnliii to have secured nenrlva.nnn pledged to support th" su(Tr:ii;oamendment, and they expect lo havea laige majority pledged to vote, forthem bcfoni election day.

In miking a canvass of 1'r.inkP.ncounty, which was nnlnhe.1 a f.-- da"ago. counting men nnd women, then1were i'.'J.'O In favor of woman suffinge,the town of Malono giving OS of thisnumber The number in the countywho were net In favor of suffrage wasonly I'll of t o leading politicians ofboth the old parties only two are agilnsrthe amendment, nnd those two do notnow bold nny office and cannot do muchharm. Of the nineteen town SupervisorsIn I'r.inklln county seventeen are in

favor nnd only two at, .Inst Womansuffrage.


Women Explain Siiffrniie Issue toShiippliiK Crouds.

trisnei. Milnnionn rnunty, populationI nii?

Giisksko, Aug 1 - The local womansuffrage organizations In tho villages ofLivingston county mid the surroundingrural districts. In conjunction with thoPlate body, lire conibKtliir n most e

nnd systematic cninpalgn to a.'s'stin carrying to a successful issue thoproposed ntiicnilment to tho Stat't Con-

stitution to I"' voted on in Novtmbt r.The majority of thn towns in this

vicinity have had activo woman suf-finge organizations for some time, holdlug regular meetings nt which tin- propo-sition bm been discussed and prominept speakers spoke. However, thevrealized Ihnt these meetings, intendedmostly hy those m favor of woman suf-frage, did not bring tho Issues effectu-ally before the public.

Some little time ago a county meetingwas held nnd a cninpalgn was plannedand mapped out with a view of givingmore publicity to the cause and bring-ing tho issues Involved more dearly be-

fore the people, In general, especially thumen,

Starting some, few weeks aco, on