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  • 7/30/2019 Psychoactive cacti.docx


    Psychoactive cacti

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    Manycactiare known to bepsychoactive, but the two main ritualistic (folkloric) genera of

    psychoactive cacti areEchinopsis(syn. Trichocereus), of which the most psychoactive speciesis theSan Pedro cactus(Echinopsis pachanoi, syn. Trichocereus pachanoi), andLophophora, ofwhich the most psychoactive species ispeyote(Lophophora williamsii). Albeit, there are several

    other species pertaining to other Genera which are also psychoactive, but not always used with a

    ritualistic intent.[1]



    Psychoactive cacti are known to containalkaloidssuch asmescaline, andphenethylamineswhich give them their mind-altering properties.



    1 Ethnic Use 2 "Peyotes" 3 Trichocereus 4 References/Sources

    Ethnic Use

    Several world regions have historically used psychoactive cacti for their properties, particularly

    Indigenous peoples from Central and South America, such as in Mexico and the Andes region.

    For this purpose (which includes commercial harvesting) cacti plants are specifically grown in

    the millions.[5]


    Lophophora williamsii(peyote)
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    Peyote with flower

    Other "peyotes"

    Ariocarpus fissuratus Coryphanthacompacta Pelecyphoraaselliformis;strobiliformis Lophophora diffusa Ariocarpus retusus Ariocarpus agavoides;kotschoubeyanus; and other species Astrophytum asterias;capricorne;myriostigma; and other species Aztekium ritterii; and other species Coryphantha elephantidens; macromeris (var. runyonii);palmeri; and other species Echinocactus grandis;grusonii;platyacanthus;visnaga; and other species Epithelantha micromeris; and other species Leuchtenbergia principis'; and other species Lophophoraspecies Mammillaria craigii;grahamii (var. oliviae); heyderi; (Dolichothele) longimamma;

    (Solisia)pectinifera; (Mamillopsis)senilis;sonorensis; and other species

    Obregonia denegrii Strombocactus disciformis Turbinicarpus laui;lophophoroides;jauernigii;pseudomacrochele;(Pelecyphora)

    pseudopectinatus;schmiedickeanus; and other species

    Other North American psychoactive and/or medicinal cacti-

    Carnegiea gigantea Echinocereus salm-dyckianus (var.scheeri);triglochidiatus; and other species Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum;pringlei


    Echinopsis lageniformis(syn. Trichocereus bridgesii) (Bolivian torch cactus) Echinopsis pachanoi(syn. Trichocereus pachanoi) (San Pedro cactus) Echinopsis peruviana(syn. Trichocereus peruvianus) (Peruvian torch cactus)
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    San Pedro with flower

    Other South American psychoactive and/or medicinal cacti

    Armatocereus laetus Browningiaspp. Epostoa lanata Matucana madisoniorum Neoraimondia macrostibas Trichocereus terscheckii Stetsonia coryne


    1. ^Bruhn, Jan G. (1973). "ETHNOBOTANICAL SEARCH FOR HALLUCINOGENICCACTI".Planta Med24 (8): 315-319.doi:10.1055/s-0028-1099504.

    2. ^Bruhn, Jan G.; Catarina Bruhn (1973). "Alkaloids and ethnobotany of Mexican peyotecacti and related species".ECONOMIC BOTANY27 (2): 241-251.

    doi:10.1007/BF02872994.3. ^Pummangura, S.; J. L. McLaughlin, R. C. Schifferdecker (September 1981). "Cactus

    Alkaloids. XLVII. -Phenethylamines From the "Missouri Pincushion", Coryphantha

    (Neobessya) missouriensis".J. Nat. Prod.44 (5): 614616.doi:10.1021/np50017a022.4. ^Bruhn, Jan G.; Hesham R. EI-Seedi, Nikolai Stephanson (2008). "Ecstasy Analogues

    Found in Cacti".Journal of Psychoactive Drugs40 (2): 219-222.


    5. ^Gottlieb, Adam (1997).Peyote and Other Psychoactive Cacti. Ronin Publishing.pp. 96.
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