psychology journal 02


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Page 1: Psychology journal 02

Name: Edwin Ho Khai Vun


Journal: 02

Subject: Social Psychology PSYC0103

Page 2: Psychology journal 02

Entry 01

Last week was the test of psychology. I am very happy after the psychology test because next week we don’t have psychology class. Talk about the test, it contains 50 questions. Before the test I did my revision of all the slides given. There 3 chapter coming out in this test. I watch through all the videos to support me more understand in the test. When I study the slides I actually don’t like memories all those theory.

Before and during the test I was very nervous because I had not enough sleep and scared not prepared well. During the test I was a little bit tired. After 30 minutes, I almost fall asleep because I think the question’s answer until I think to others things. After some minutes I that realize why I fall asleep, then I quickly continue my test.

Lucky most of the question I know how to do. And I very excited look forward my result. I hope I can get a good result.

Page 3: Psychology journal 02

Entry 02

Today class is talk about attitudes – components and theories. Talk about attitude, attitude include cognitive component (beliefs, ideas), affective component (emotions, feelings) and behavioral component (predispositions to act). These component happen when an issue happen.

Learning is the most interesting part in this chapter. Learning is about a stimulus, response and how you effect on that behavior. A form of learning in which responses come to be controlled by their consequences. I learnt that how actually the bird and mouse trained using operant conditioning or instrumental learning. The mouse will keep taking the food when it does not have any electric shock. This show the behavior of that mouse when it response to the press lever when got shock.

Another thing I learn in this chapter is observational learning and the media violence controversy. For example, exposure to tv and movie violence increases the likehood of physical aggression, verbal aggression, aggressive thoughts and aggressive, verbal aggression, aggressive thoughts and aggressive emotions. This will cause many case like killing will appeared in newspaper.

Last, I the word monkey see monkey do. Miss Pang gave us watch the video is about one group of people copy the others people’s action. In this video, it brings out a message that we no need to copy others people, if they are lazy, don’t be lazy also.