pt evaluation form

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Practice Teaching


Republic of the PhilippinesSORSOGON STATE COLLEGECOLLEGE OF EDUCATIONSorsogon City CampusSorsogon City


Student Teacher: ________________________________________________________________Cooperating Teacher: ________________________________________________________________Cooperating School: ________________________________________________________________ Topic: _______________________________________________________________________________Date: ________________Time: _________________ Grade/Year Level: ________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Part IDirection: Please rate the student teacher per criteria using the following rating scale:

5- Outstanding4- Very Satisfactory3- Satisfactory2- Fair1- Poor


A. Relationship with the School Authorities

1. Acts only through accepted channel of communication and authority in the school system

2. Exhibits open mindedness to comments, feedback and suggestions.

3. Is tactful in dealing with school authorities

4. Recognizes and respects school officials.

B. Relationship with the students/pupils.

1. Does not inflict corporal punishments.

2. Refrains from imposing religious and political views.

3. Keeps the students or pupils data confidential.

4. Deals with students or pupils impartiality.

C. Grooming and Attire

1. Wears the student teaching uniform regularly.

2. Wears the identification card all the time.

3. Exhibit proper haircut or hairdo.

D. Attendance and Punctuality

1. Leaves the school after the official daily time schedule.

2. Is never late or absent from classes.

3. Submits the lesson plan for checking one or two days before the demonstration teaching.

E. Professional Integrity

1. Assumes only the authority delegated to her.

2. Has adequate knowledge and mastery of the subject matter.

3. Keeps herself up-to-date on professional matters and on current local and national affairs.

4. Is proud of the teaching profession.



A. Objectives

1. Writes SMART objectives.

2. Uses behavioral objectives.

3. Uses verbs in the objectives.

B. Subject Matter

1. Writes the chosen teaching strategy.

2. Describe the materials qualitatively and quantitatively.

3. Uses PELC/PSSLC, textbook and Learning Materials in Lesson Planning.

4. Acknowledges the references.

C. Procedure

1. Demonstrate the development of the topic according to the sequence of the objectives.

2. Present the lesson proper according to the parameters of the chosen teaching strategy.

3. Executes the tasks from the objectives in the lesson proper.

4. Constructs concepts correctly.

D. Evaluation

1. Provide all the questions with the correct answers.

2. Translate all the objectives into assignment tasks.

3. Design the evaluation to cover only all the objectives.

E. Assignments

1. Assigns tasks that are SMART.

2. Cites the textbooks as reference correctly.

3. Designs the assignments purposely.



A. Preliminary Activities

1. Provides the observers with a copy of the lesson plan.

2. Distributes nametags.

3. Prepares the chalkboard, demonstration table and chairs.

4. Cares for the classroom ventilation, lighting, cleanliness and orderliness.

B. Execution of the Plan

1. Communicate the purpose of the agreement.

2. Allows the students/pupils to finish the formative tests.

3. Prioritizes the students/pupils carry out the tasks in the lesson proper.

4. Organizes the students into learning teams.

C. Instructional Materials

1. Demonstrates correctly the use of the instructional materials.

2. Provides the adequate number/ amount of instructional materials.

3. Uses common materials and real objects.

4. Uses neatly printed drawn visual aids.

D. Communication Skills

1. Writes legibly and purposefully on the chalkboard that is free from errors in grammar and spelling.

2. Uses the accepted medium of instruction correctly and consistently.

3. Articulates systematically, clearly and correctly and consistently.

4. Provides a wait-time before calling on a student to answer a question.

5. Speaks in a well- modulated voice, enough to be heard by the class.

6. Talks politely.

E. Post Demonstration Activity

1. Explains how the recommendations can be adopted in the lesson plan.

2. Interprets the test results properly.

3. Compute the mastery level and performance level.


PART IIDirection: Kindly compute the rating of the student teacher for the final scores obtain from the sum of the products in the three criteria.



I Personal and Professional Qualities

II Lesson Planning

III Demonstration Teaching


FINAL RATING= 5-4 (Final Score/25)


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________Cooperating Teachers Signature over Printed Name Date: _____________________________________Grade/Year Level: ___________________________