ptc variables and (some) maps

PTC Variables and (some) Maps Piotr Skowroński 25 November 2013 MADX Meeting 1

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PTC Variables and (some) Maps. Piotr Skowroński. Variables. There are 2 sets of variables depending on TIME flag TIME=falseTIME=true To switch the time flag use the following in MADX script ptc_setswitch , time=true;. General Hamiltonian. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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PTCVariables and (some) Maps

Piotr Skowroński

25 November 2013MADX Meeting1

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MADX Meeting

VariablesThere are 2 sets of variables depending on TIME flag

TIME=false TIME=true

To switch the time flag use the following in MADX scriptptc_setswitch, time=true; 25 November 20132

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General Hamiltonian

25 November 20133 MADX Meeting

Integration of straight elements (rectangular bend, quad) uses Cartesian coordinates. It is not done along arc.

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MADX Meeting

SYMPLECTIC INTEGRATOR3 Integration algorithms method 2: the naive 2nd order method, 1 kick per

integration step method 4: the Ruth-Neri-Yoshida 4th order method, 3 kicks /

step method 6: the Yoshida 6th order method, 7 kicks / step Controlled with: ptc_create_layout, method=XX;

PTC has a hook so user defined algorithm can be hooked in Each element can be integrated with different algorithm

Magnets are split into smaller slices Number of slices (integration steps) is controlled withptc_twiss, nst=NN; ptc_normal, nst=NN;

Automatic “resplit” sets method (and adjusts also nst), method 2 for drifts (1 step) method 6 for quads and strong bends Method 4 for weak bends

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MADX Meeting

Integration models

In practice, this integration is applying special maps at different positions

Transport between the kicks can be done As in drift: model 1 = DRIFT-KICK-DRIFT Via matrix: model 2 = MATRIX-KICK-MATRIX Like in SixTrack: model 3 = KICK-SIXTRACK-KICK

Controlled with: ptc_create_layout, model=NN;

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25 November 20136

Different Hamiltonians Expanded Exact Each has different flavors

different “splittings” different reference frames

Depending on the user requirements Precision

Price of computation time, of course Which flavor is preferred

Controlled with: ptc_create_layout, exact=T/F;

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MADX Meeting

PTC Settings

Want to be safe, always use

ptc_create_layout, exact=true, model=2, method=6,resplit, xbend;

It willTake exact hamiltonians, Use matrix in between kicksUse 6th order Yoshida methodAutomatically adjusts methods and number of steps for each element

Default isptc_create_layout, exact=false, model=1, method=2;

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25 November 20138

EXACT EXPANDEDModel=1Drift-Kick-Drift STREX_caseDKD DKD2

Model=2Matrix-Kick-Matrix TKTF TKTF

Model=3 Kick-SixTrack-Kick KTK KTK

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MADX Meeting

SBEND & default RBEND

Curved reference frame

25 November 20139


Model=2Matrix-Kick-Matrix TEAPOT TKTF

Model=3 Kick-SixTrack-Kick TEAPOT KTK

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MADX Meeting

RBEND, ptcrbend=true;

Straight reference frame

25 November 201310

EXACT EXPANDEDModel=1Drift-Kick-Drift STREX_caseDKD DKD2

Model=2Matrix-Kick-Matrix STREX_caseMKM TKTF

Model=3 Kick-SixTrack-Kick STREX_caseMKM KTK

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MADX Meeting


Quad in model=1 & RBEND, ptcrbend=true;


Docu: CERN-SL-2012-044, Section K.4.12

Implemented in Sh_def_kind.h: INTEP_STREX (example method 2)

Case DKD (model1): DRIFT(L/2); KICKEX(L); DRIFT(L/2); Case MKM (model2): SPAR(L/2); KICKEX(L); SPAR(L/2);

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DO J=NMUL-1,1,-1 BYWT=x*BYW-y*BXW+bJ


BYW=BYWT ENDDO px=px-l*BYWpy=py+l*BXWif(model1) px=px+l*b1

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MADX Meeting


25 November 201313

Drift (model=1): DRIFT TIME=false TIME=true

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25 November 201314

Matrix (model=2): SPAR

TIME=false time=true

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MADX Meeting


25 November 201315

RBEND, SBEND in all models


Docu: CERN-SL-2012-044, Section K.4.9

Implemented in Sh_def_kind.h: INTEP_TEAPOTField strengths needs to renormalized to always provide the requested bending angle



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MADX Meeting


m=NMULIPOLES-1 do a=m,1,-1 do j=m-a,1,-1 i=i+1 BTX= (BTX+BF_X(i))*Y BTY= (BTY+BF_Y(i))*Y enddo i=i+1 BTX= (BTX+EL%BF_X(i)) BTY= (BTY+EL%BF_Y(i)) BX= (BX+BTX)*X BY= (BY+BTY)*X enddo BTX=0; BTY=0 do j=m,1,-1 i=i+1 BTX= (BTX+EL%BF_X(i))*Y BTY= (BTY+EL%BF_Y(i))*Y enddo i=i+1 BX= BX+BTX+BF_X(i) BY= BY+BTY+BF_Y(i)

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TEAPOT Drift (model=1): SPROT


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TEAPOT Matrix (model=2): SSEC


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25 November 201319

Quad in model=2


Docu: CERN-SL-2012-044, Section K.4.7

Implemented in Sh_def_kind.h: INTEP_TKTF


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MADX Meeting


Matrix: PUSHTKT7 (matrix defined in GETMAT7)

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DO J=NMUL-1,1,-1 BYWT = x*BYW - y*BXW + bJ

BXW = y*BYW + x*BXW + aJ

BYWc = BYWTENDDO px = px - l*(BYW - b1_0 - b2*x)py = py + l*(BXW - b2*y)

25 November 201322

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MADX Meeting

Quad and Multipole FringeHard edge fringe fields effects exact in (1 + s) and consistent with maxwell's equations for rectilinear magnets Forest, NIM in Physics Research A269 (1988) 474-482

It uses Lee-Whiting Formula G.E. Lee-Whiting, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 83 (1970) 232

Implemented in Sh_def_kind.f90 multipole_fringep

25 November 201323

Sx, Cx,…, are the sin-like and cos-like solutions

In hard edge quad model

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MADX Meeting


DKD2 handles only the expanded Hamiltonian elements. The exact integration are handled by types STREX, TEAPOT, KTK, and TKTF. STREX handles straight elements of all types. TEAPOT handles bends of “cyclotronic” symmetry, i.e., mostly invariant along the ideal trajectoryTKTF and KTK handle straight elements without any ideal bending using a different split from STREX, namely the kick-matrix splits.CAV4 is cavity

Hamiltonians can be found in CERN-SL-2012-044 Section K.4The code is in Sh_def_kind.f90, usually called INTEP_X, where X is STREX, KTK, CAV4, etc.

25 November 201324

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MADX Meeting 25 November 201325

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MADX Meeting

Quad and Multipole FringeLee-Whitting coefficients

25 November 201326

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Quad and Multipole FringeLee-Whitting coefficients

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MADX Meeting

Quad and Multipole FringeHard edge fringe fields effects exact in (1 + s) and consistent with maxwell's equations for rectilinear magnets Forest, NIM in Physics Research A269 (1988) 474-

482It uses Lee-Whiting Formula G.E. Lee-Whiting, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 83 (1970) 232

25 November 201328

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MADX Meeting

Quad and Multipole FringeHard edge fringe fields effects exact in (1 + s) and consistent with maxwell's equations for rectilinear magnets Forest, NIM in Physics Research A269 (1988) 474-

482It uses Lee-Whiting Formula G.E. Lee-Whiting, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 83 (1970) 232

25 November 201329

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MADX Meeting

Quad and Multipole Fringe

Implemented in Sh_def_kind.f90 multipole_fringep DEL=1/(1+delta) A=1-FX_X*DEL B= -FY_X*DEL D=1-FY_Y*DEL C= -FX_Y*DEL

x=x-FX*DEL X2=(D*px-B*py)/(A*D-B*C) py=(A*py-C*px)/(A*D-B*C) px=X2 y=y-FY*DEL if(k%TIME) then ct=ct-(1/beta0+pt)*(px*FX+py*FY)*DEL**3 else s=s-(px*FX+py*FY)*DEL**2 endif

25 November 201330