public affairs 2008 / 1st place / the association to support leukemia patients: a court case to...

Categorie: Public politics campaigns Title of campaign: The Association to Support Leukaemia Patients: A Court Case to Increase Government Financing for Medications short common description of the campaign:: There are some 4,000 leukaemia patients in Latvia today. Treatment is complicated and expensive, and government financing for the treatment remains inadequate. Not all patients receive the medications which they need. In 2007 40 patients got one of the most effective medications free of charge (state financed), in year 2008 - 39 patients, while there are approximately 250 patients who need these medications. The agency has helped the Association for several years now to pursue dialogue with government institutions on the subject of insufficient financing for medications. Unlike in past years, in 2008 the government did not plan to increase overall financing for medications. This meant that there was a need for a more radical approach so as to increase government financing more substantially. Latvia is not a country in which patients go to court against the government very often. Indeed, no one has ever gone to court over the issue of availability of medications.

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Page 1: Public Affairs 2008 / 1st Place / The Association to Support Leukemia Patients: A Court Case to Increase Governmental Financing for Medications


Public politics campaigns

Title of campaign:

The Association to Support Leukaemia Patients: A Court Case to Increase

Government Financing for Medications

short common description of the campaign::

There are some 4,000 leukaemia patients in Latvia today. Treatment is

complicated and expensive, and government financing for the treatment remains

inadequate. Not all patients receive the medications which they need. In 2007 40

patients got one of the most effective medications free of charge (state financed),

in year 2008 - 39 patients, while there are approximately 250 patients who need

these medications.

The agency has helped the Association for several years now to pursue dialogue

with government institutions on the subject of insufficient financing for

medications. Unlike in past years, in 2008 the government did not plan to increase

overall financing for medications.

This meant that there was a need for a more radical approach so as to increase

government financing more substantially.

Latvia is not a country in which patients go to court against the government very

often. Indeed, no one has ever gone to court over the issue of availability of


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research work done during the campaign:

The client: The Association to Support Leukaemia Patients


� To launch a court case for leukaemia patients against the state so as to ensure

greater state financing for these patients, as well as to focus public attention to

problems and shortcomings in the laws which apply to the availability of

medications for leukaemia patients;

� To attract financing for the court case;

� To receive public support of leukaemia patients so that public pressure might

force political decisions. During the research phase, the agency thoroughly

investigated the way in which decisions are taken on the subject of increased

financing for certain types of medical treatments.

In consultation with attorneys, the agency studied methods via which the rights of

patients could be supported through legal proceedings. The agency also studied

the experience of other countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Great Britain and others) to

see how patient interests are defended there. Finally, the agency examined those

non-governmental organisations from which financing could be sought out for the

court case.

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� Informing the media and the broader public about the problem;

� Using publicity and public response to attract financing for the court case;

� Launching the court case.

To distribute information about the problem, the agency made use of a tradition

that had been launched in the previous year - observing Leukaemia Day. The

events this year were organised by the agency at two hospitals, involving patients,

doctors and the media in the process.

To ensure publicity and response for Leukaemia Day, the agency carried out a

media relations programme - extensive information, invitations to the media to

take part in various events, as well as interviews with patients.

To launch the court case, the agency found financing thanks to extensive public

response. Because the Association itself did not have the necessary money,

partners were found to cover the legal proceedings. Attorneys agreed to handle the

case for a reduced fee (partly on a pro bono basis).

The project

In terms of information during Leukaemia Day, performances were staged for

patients at the paediatric and the adult hospital. The agency prepared an open

letter to the Health Ministry, pointing out that there is insufficient financing for

leukaemia treatments. Participants at the Leukaemia Day events signed the letter.

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Children who are suffering from leukaemia joined with artists to paint porcelain

cups. Students from the Smiltene Gymnasium had prepared greetings. They played

with the children and helped them with the painting work. The cups were later

delivered to patients and doctors at the Department of Haematology at the Linezers

Hospital. Media representatives participated in the event, as well.

The Association presented a gift to the clinic at the Linezers Hospital - three

laptops for the transplantation unit so that patients would have links to the outer

world during their lengthy process of recuperation. A concert was staged.

In terms of publicity and response (the media relations programme), the media

received information in advance of Leukaemia Day, with information about the

relevant events, the diseases as such, and the availability of medications in Latvia.

During the events, the media could interview patients and their relatives. Later

there were individual media relations approaches, co-ordinating the emphasis of

problems among leukaemia patients in the media. The media were also informed

about the possibility that the court case would be launched soon.

In accumulating financing for the court process and launching the court case, the

agency investigated whether the Soros Foundation would be interested. It

prepared a proposal on financing for two court processes at the Administrative

District Court. Thanks to the Soros Foundation’s support, the agency could work

with one of the best law firms in Latvia. The first lawsuit was filed toward the end

of 2007.

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Results of the campaign and evaluation::

� The campaign has achieved its primary goal - with minimal resources, one of the

members of the Association has managed to launch a court case against the state.

Even though such proceedings in Latvia tend to require years, the launch of the

case as such is very important in terms of facilitating greater financing for patients.

� The agency attracted financing from the Soros Foundation.

� The case attracted a great deal of media response, thus focusing public attention

on the problem.

� The court case was declared to be a precedent in Latvian court practice.

� The events at the hospitals and the court case attracted a great deal of public


� The publicity attracted public attention - there were 5 television stories on all of

Latvia’s leading television stations, 3 radio stories, and 27 publications in the print

and the Internet media.

� The number of visitors to the Association’s homepage has nearly doubled.

Patients with similar problems have approached the Association.

� After announcement of court case, various institutions pay attention to the

limited availability of medications for leukaemia patients. Ministry of Health is

forced to explain the reasons why some patients lack medication. Parliament

Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee has requested Ministry of Health to

work out solutions that all leukaemia patients could receive medications when it is

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matter of life and death.