public meat market saturday, july 11 · the boss says o. k. go ahead. and in a coupla days the...

TORRANCE HERALD JULY 10. 1925 o Business Directory D. C. TURNER la lUppaport's Store Expert Shoe Repairer Makes Old Shoes Look New CABINET VAPOR BATHS; Swed- ish massage. 2021 Carson St, Torrance. fAN'S Window Cleaning Service House, store, office. Reasonable. Phone 201-M. 2304 Gramercy. HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. King, 2267 high school. -GIFTS THAT PLEASE," at nom- inal prices; tally, place and score cards; birthday and miscellane- our cards. Torrance Art Shop, 9 Business Opportunities RESTAURANT, fully equipped. Come and see It, then name your lington Ave. 12 For Rent: Houses Unfurnished EXCELLENT 6-ROOM HOUSE for Hanson & Page, 1339 Post Ave. FOR RENT 4-room modern house. Inquire 1763 Andreo Ave. 13 For Rent: Apartments and Flats Furnished FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS 8 rooms and bath, all modern. Corner Sartorl and Arlington Streets. $25 PER MONTH J. R. WINTERS Phone 99- J. Brighton Hotel. SINGLE APARTMENT, nicely fur- nished. Continuous hot water, for two. Very reasonable. Down town. Sam Levy's building. In- quire at store. 13 For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Furnished $20 BACHELOR apartment, one or two men; 2 rooms and bath above garage; completely fur- nished; (fas, lights, water, garage Included. Cool and cozy. 2267 West Carson St. ' DANDY NEW APARTMENT, com- pletely furnished. Bargain price. Only one left; hurry! Inquire Apt 6, Edison Bldg. I-ROOM APARTMENTS, fur- nished; hot and cold water; ga- rages. Inquire Apt. H or K, California Court, 1006 Sartori. 14 For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Unfurnished rooms; also garage and good garden. Must move. 2203 Gram- ercy. 15 For Rent: Rooms, Furnished ROOM FOR RENT; board if de- sired. 2066 220th St., Torrance. 17 For Rent: Garages FOR RENT Garage, 17JO Arling- ton Av«. 20 Board and Room ROOM AND BOARD Splendid ac- 1417 Cota. Phone 62-J. 21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories FOR SALE New bumper forBulok car, cheap. Hutchlns Service Station, 1100 Narbonne Ave., Lo- mlta. FORD SEDAN, 1924 model. Fine condition. Terms to suit Private party. 819 Cota Ave., Torrance. 22 For Sale: Furniture and Household Goods ALL OR PART of 4 rooms. Rea- sonable. 2321 Redondo Blvd., Torrance. 24 Poultry and Pat Stock BABY CHICKS R.' I. Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Leghorns; best stock, lowest prices. FRASER'S HATCHERY 814 S. Hawthorne Ave., Haw- thorne, Calif. Box 171. YOUNG DUCKS, 8 weeks old; weight about 4 pounds. Also'bull terrier pups for sale. 1617 East Road, >4 mllo east of Torranoe. Mm. Harlan. THOROUGHBRED Belgian bares and other breeded rabbits, 60 In all. Also hutches. Will sell or trade. 1280 Cedar Ave., Tor- FOR SALE, CHEAP 10 does, 100 young ones and hutches. Joseph Bortesko, Flgueroa and Amelia Sts., Keystone. 25 For Sale: Miscellaneous GOAT'S MILK. 1814 Martlna Ave. 26 Help Wanted: Male WANTED Man familiar with auto- mobile business, as resident salesman for an old established line of cars. Good proposition to good man. Write Box 476, Qar- dena, Calif. 27 Help Wanted: Female WOMAN for general housework and to help with 2 children. 2259 Redondo Blvd., Torrance. 29 Situations Wanted WANTED Work as assistant In doctor's or dentist's office, or clerk In store. Settle Wheeler, Lomlta. WANTED Work by day or hour. Mrs. F. S. Wheeler, 1316 Pennsyl- vania Ave., Lomlta. < WOMAN WANTS WORK of any kind by hour. Inquire Herald office, Torrance. 30 Wanted to Buy WANTED Real Mtate. List your properties with the NelU Realty Company. . S-29-tf 31 Wanted To Rent WANTED, TO RENT 3 or 4 room furnished house In Torrance, by July 18. Write Box L, Torrance Herald. 33: Real Estate: Improved TRUST DEEDS or real estate con tracts bought for cash. Writ P. O. Box 226, Tujunga, Calif. NO. OF BANK 665 KEPOBT OF TEE CONDITION OF THE AT LOMITA, .CALIFORNIA AS OF THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE 30TH DAT OF JUNE, 1926 RESOURCES Commercial k 2. Loans and Discounts (Including Redis- counts) .....___ ..........___............__J167.762.44 Bankers' Acceptances (Including Rediscounts)_ Notes, Drafts or Bills of Exchange (Including Rediscounts) _______ _____ Overdrafts __________._________... ..__. 10.17 Customers' Liability Account Acceptances_ Liability of Foreign Banks and Bankers' Account ' of Acceptances United States Securities Owned _______ All Other Bonds, Warrants and Securities (In- cluding Premium thereon, less all offsetting Bond Adjustment Accounts) ..._.__....._._ 118,333.74 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures and * Safe Deposit Vaults _______......_........._.._._ 18,000.30 Other Real Estate Owned ________ Due from Federal Reserve Bank _ Duo from Other Banks _..._____....................._ 37,862.36 Actual Cash on Hand ......_._._..._._....._.._........... 10,460.62 Exchanges for Clearing House ___.._.._.___ ______ Checks and Other Cash Items .._._._......_....._.__.. 379.80 Items with Federal Reserve Bank In Process of Collection __. Savings Combined $74,845.50 $242,597.94 ..._.__.. 118,333.74 ____. 18.000.30 ____.. 37,862.86 6,286.96 16,746.48 17. Other Resources, Suspense .........._ 110.00 TOTAL... ...1362,899.33 $80,131.46 $483,030.79 None 26. 270. 27b. 270. 27d. 27e. 27f. 27g. 28. 2*. LIABILITIES Capital Paid In .._________.._._._..._._........$ 40,000.00 $10,000.00 Surplus ...____________. ______.___. 6,600.00 ____._ All Undivided Profits (less Expenses, Interest and Taxes Paid) ___..._____________ 6,284.63 _______ Bills Payable with Federal Reserve Bank (other than Rediscounts) , ,.-,,,_____.________ ______ ______ Bills Payable other than with Federal Reserve Bank, Including all Obligations Representing Money Borrowed (other than Rediscounts)........ Liabilities for Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank ______ .____________.______- . Liabilities for Rediscount other than with Fed- eral Reserve Bank ___________I__,___ Deposits Due to Banks _______..._____ ____... ......___». Dividends Unpaid ...____~ _......_________ _____- ....._____ Individual Deposits Subject to Check .................... 144,328.87 .................. Savings Deposits ___..._. ..____.......................... _.____ 70,131.46 Demand Certificates of Deposit ..._.._____.._._ ....... Time .Certificates of Deposit ............___... Certified Checks _......_________._._._._....... ___..._. Cashiers' Checks _.._...__.._._....._..__......... 6,731.23 State, County and Municipal Deposits .................._ 100,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Deposits............ .................. Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks Sold for Cash and now Outstanding ._.________.... Acceptances Executed by or for Account of or Under Guarantee of this Bank (except those held by this Bank) .._.._...._.__._.._...__.._.. ,........_.._ Liability Account Acceptances Executed to Fur- nish Dollar Exchange ................................................ ____.. Other Liabilities, Escrow ..........._._....................._... 4,699.70 $ 60,000.00 6,600.00 144,328.87 70,131.46 46,466.00 .. .. .. 6,731.23 100,000.00 TOTAL... .._..|362,M9.8» $80,m.4« $418,090.79 Interest Earned but not Collected (not Included In i Resources or Liabilities) ...__............................. ................. _____ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Los Angeles. sa. L. J. Hunter, President, and Barron A. Beckham, Secretary and Cashier of 8ta>? Bank of Lomlta, being: duly sworn, each for himself, says he has a personal knowledge of the matters contained In the foregoing report of condition and that every allegation, statement, matter and thing therein contained, is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. 1 L. J. HUNTER, '. President. BARRON A. BECKHAM, Secretary and Cashier. Severally subscribed and sworn to before me by both deponents, the 9th day of July, 1*26. (Seal) BERTHA. W. WILCOX, Notary Public in and for said County of LOB Angeles, State of California. OWNE ALKE "Just for Fun" By RA8 BERRY Dear Has: Welcome back to our city! How we missed you! Did we not Page you In our be-Rceve-ment? I've been savin? this one for you: One of the native Torran- tulas, a Brooksy boy, was asked what play one of the clasnoH was giving. He responded "The Rolled Down Stocking." The teacher was quite shocked, and, upon Investi- gation, discovered that the title had been whispered to him and he had mistaken the title of "The Whole Town's Talking." Heard this at Long Beach the fireworks display: Dumdora "Go get mamma quick! She'll like this! She likes bright things! She likes electric signs!" THE BAT. Last yr. when the but. mgr. took hia vacation why we done more job ptg. business than we ever done before or since. But he got even while I was countln states and got out better papers than I ever hope to slide up to the public. 33 Real Estate: Improved.. Buys 5 rooms, bath, oak floors, large back porch, bullt-ins, ga- rage; on Gramercy. Balance monthly. $3500 Buys good 4-room house, 4 lots, on Carson, close to West- ern. |1500 -cash. 20 acres to trade; 5-room house; 4 acres Tompkins grapes, 12 acres Malaga grapes, 3 acres alfalfa. Will take good Torrance house and lot. Some cash, balance mortgage, 6 years. TORRANCE INV. CO. Phone 176 NEW modern 4-room bungalow, largo lot, garage, $3300; at 14223 Ave. 5, Lawndale. Will .take piano on down payment. Owner 306 South Bunker Hill Ave., Los Angeles. Tucker 2791. FOR HOMES IN LOMITA, and for fire, compensation and automo- bile Insurance, see J. W. WELTE 1144 Narbonne Lomita Across from School FOR SALE Modern garage house. $300. Move on your own lot. Phone AXridge 8972. 38 WILL SELL BELOW COST brand new duplex, 4 rooms and bath each side, in Buena Park, near Fullerton. Will take In vacant So no you can liter who you «r« why got along without Th. demon reporter layi this morning they ain't been go many scraps on the office floor In three weeks and I says well whonell ex- pects there to be any scraps In a newspaper office when the editor's Well I wet nuriei a dawg all the way from Mlch. to Torrance and I glvis It to the boss at our house and when we gets home why there Is two dawgs setting on the front porch and now we have got three dawgs and'a expectant cat and one of the dawgs we Is boarding for Doc Shldler while ho Is over to Catalina and I hope he comes home pretty rfoon. Doll Har 'sure done noble while I was away and I klnda think Hu- rum proves that he made a big mistake when he goes Into the hardware business Instead of run- ning a colyum. Advice to vacationist!: When you go on a vacation why arrange It so you get back the last wk. of the mo. Instead of the 1st. wk. By the last wk. some of the bills will have been mislaid to- gether with your-note-ls-due-and- what-are-you - golng-to-do-about-it notices. You glow in Chicago, perspire in Kansas, sweat In Colorado, swelter in New Mexico and roast in Ari- zona and by the time you lilt Los Angeles you Is done to a crisp ar you get in a car and slide do« Western ave. and you reach Toi ranee and that there breeze gallops In from China and Oh Boy Ain't 1 a glorious feelin? and with short hair and a long tall and a white spot on his breast and white on tho rear of both front feet'why please let me know because that dawg In the only present I brought home and after nursing her across thn continent why I aorta got to love that dawg. Adv. Thank Hurum and Rufus. Ne mind that adv. (bout the flawg. After I wrote tho freo adv. why somebody called up at ,7 a. m. anil says your duwg Is down to the Columbia Steel by the entrance gate. And we goes down and sure enough th'ere she was setting near Jlmmle Wolfe so I brought her home and give her a long lecture on the Importance of not running around with bad company. Everybody In town pretty nea has gone on a fishing trip Includ Ing Fred Palmer. Fred Is afte trout and being a aeroplaner wh I suppose he took along plenty o files. While I wa* in Flint why the coliud janitor of a bank bulldi: he come up to his boss and says I wanna get off tomorrow to go down to Detroit and cross river to Windsor and try some of that four point four the boss says O. K. go ahead. And In a coupla days the janitor come: back and the boss says well how was the four point four and thi janitor says well I didn't get no four point four and the boss says why didn't you go to Windsor the janitor says No I didn't make Windsor where they has that four point four because I was detained In Detroit by some eight poin' eight. Wallace Gilbert come in and he ys well how d'ye do and'did you have a good time and I says I'l tell the cockeyed wolld I had £ good time and he says yes and ] guess you wouldn't want to put ill In tho paper neither would and right away I seen what was Wallace's Idea of a vacation. lots in To 917 Portola Ave. Phone 136-J. That dawg .'hy he gets fonday mon I brings from Mich. out or ling and ain't been Anybody seeing Andrew Crane, black pup about a foot and a half ot quito tnat high maybe, AMERICAN FRUIT MARKET Corner Carson We , Phone and Gramercy Deliver 283 Kentucky Wonder Beans....._...._....Per Ib. 5c | Ripe, Juicy Seedless Grapefruit...l2 for 25c : Bananas ..........................:....._..__................3 Ibs. 25c I Orange Special . j Sweet, Juicy ...................................... J2 doz. 25c I Onions : Sweet Spanish Onions................4 Ibs. 25c { New Red Onions....._.................._.....4 Ibs. 25c I Hard Salad Cabbage Special .................................................. Per Ib. 2c Sweet Green Corn that is sweet.....Doz. 35c Those Good Burbank Potatoes Firm and dry ............................ .Lug $1.10 6 Ibs ...... . . ...... ... ...25c All Rock Bottom Prices Are Specials We charge you less money for the best meats that can be obtained. We now have two markets at which you may purchase highest quality, guaranteed meats at prices as low as prices can DO. It will pay you well to do your buying at one of our markets. Sat. Specials No. 1 Steer Beef Pot Roast. . . . . 18c, 20c, 22c Pork Roast ..... 25c and up Pork Sausage .......... 25c Genuine Spring Lamb Pure Open Kettle Rendered Leaf Lard L. OTT Rock Bottom Meat Markets 1639 Cabrillo 1951 Carson Hurum believ that then adage that (ho oily bold gets the wolm, I guess, because he has got a Santa Claus In his window al- ready advertising some merchan- dise. Hurum tell, me about the Wom- en's Club dance and he says they Is plenty of tho, gals there In low neck and sleeveless dresses and Hint this exposed epidermis makes u swell feeding ground for the mosquitoes. Hurum says some of tho gals' backs and arms looked like they has smallpox. Cliff Warner uied to work for the Pcrkins OH Well Cementing Co. here and he traded jobs with a bozo up In Taft and he went to Taft and this other duke comes down here and tho first day Cliff gets up to Taft why a guy says It's a lot colder up here than down in Torrance and if you're going to be oat In the field tonight you bet- ter take your overcoat and OUT ho packs his Benny around Um field all night and It never got be- low 100 all night And now I guess ho wishes ho had never of trailed jobs with that other gwrt. Ben Rappaport ha. went up te> the northwest to meet Mr. aaA Mrs. Sam Rappaport and when h* left ho said he was planning to drive them down the coast. The boys hero got It pretty straight that when Ben comes back he mtat never going to pay a board bin no more but will slide his feet under a table of his own and m new Mrs. Rappaport's. But they ain't nothing substantial about ru- mors and for one I don't believe that Ben will ever be harnessed In a team. He's a single-footer. Ben Is. Share the Savings of the Combined Buying Cower of 160 Stores Chas. M. Inman, Resident Manager Specials for Friday and Saturday IRIS COFFEE, per Ib... 54c California Breakfast Syrup. 16 oz. . 24c Del Monte Norwegian Sardines. 1-4 size . . . IZVzc Mazola Oil, qts., each . . 44c Standard Peas, 2 cans . . 25c Kellogg's Redi-cooked Oats Small lie; Large 25c Del Monte Solid Pack Tomatoes No. 2 tins. IZVkc Certo, per bottle . . . 33c THE Public Meat Market "Announces Its Opening* At PAIGE'S MARKET 122O EL PR ADO o n Saturday, July 11 So that the people of Torrance and nearby cities may have strictly, fresh meats at wholesale prices, we are opening this market We will sell our own country killed meats, which are guaranteed and city inspected fresh (no cold storage). Read our prices and come and see how you can save BEEF Boil Flank ........ .10 Rib Boil . .10 Neck ..................................................... .10 Shoulder Roasts ........................ .16 Shoulder Steak ............... .20 Pot Rib Roasts .......... .20 Rump Roast .................................... .20 Round Steak ......... .22 Loin Steak ....................................... .25 Tenderloin Steak ..................... .28 Porterhouse Steak .................. .30 VEAL Veal Stew .......................................... .14 Shoulder Roast Veal ............ .15 Veal Chops .............................. .23 Veal Cutlets ....................... .25 Loin Veal Chops ......................... .25 Veal Steak ............................ .25 PORK Pork Chops .... .38 Pork Steaks ...... .38 Spare Ribs ............................... .18 Fresh Pork Chunks ............. .21 FRYERS, dressed ... 4Oc Beef Liver, .15; Hamburger Steak, .15; Pork Sausage, .20; Liver Sausage, .20; Minced Ham, .18; Wieners, .18; Bologna, .18; Skinned Ham, .38; Plain Ham, .35; Extra Fine Boiled Ham and Bacon. Compound* Lard, 2 Ibs. .35; Pork Lard, .20. THE Public Meat Market 1220 £1 Prado

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Page 1: Public Meat Market Saturday, July 11 · the boss says O. K. go ahead. And In a coupla days the janitor come: back and the boss says well how was the four point four and thi janitor


o Business Directory

D. C. TURNERla lUppaport's Store

Expert Shoe Repairer Makes Old Shoes Look New

CABINET VAPOR BATHS; Swed­ ish massage. 2021 Carson St, Torrance.

fAN'S Window Cleaning Service House, store, office. Reasonable. Phone 201-M. 2304 Gramercy.

HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. King, 2267

high school.

-GIFTS THAT PLEASE," at nom­ inal prices; tally, place and score cards; birthday and miscellane- our cards. Torrance Art Shop,

9 Business OpportunitiesRESTAURANT, fully equipped.

Come and see It, then name your

lington Ave.

12 For Rent: Houses Unfurnished


Hanson & Page, 1339 Post Ave.

FOR RENT 4-room modern house. Inquire 1763 Andreo Ave.

13 For Rent: Apartments and Flats Furnished

FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS 8 rooms and bath, all modern. Corner Sartorl and ArlingtonStreets.


Phone 99- J. Brighton Hotel.

SINGLE APARTMENT, nicely fur­ nished. Continuous hot water,

for two. Very reasonable. Down town. Sam Levy's building. In­ quire at store.

13 For Rent: Apartmentsand Flats, Furnished

$20 BACHELOR apartment, one or two men; 2 rooms and bath above garage; completely fur­ nished; (fas, lights, water, garage Included. Cool and cozy. 2267 West Carson St. '

DANDY NEW APARTMENT, com­ pletely furnished. Bargain price. Only one left; hurry! Inquire Apt 6, Edison Bldg.

I-ROOM APARTMENTS, fur­ nished; hot and cold water; ga­ rages. Inquire Apt. H or K,California Court, 1006 Sartori.

14 For Rent: Apartmentsand Flats, Unfurnished

rooms; also garage and good garden. Must move. 2203 Gram- ercy.

15 For Rent: Rooms,Furnished

ROOM FOR RENT; board if de­ sired. 2066 220th St., Torrance.

17 For Rent: GaragesFOR RENT Garage, 17JO Arling­

ton Av«.

20 Board and RoomROOM AND BOARD Splendid ac-

1417 Cota. Phone 62-J.

21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories

FOR SALE New bumper forBulok car, cheap. Hutchlns Service Station, 1100 Narbonne Ave., Lo­ mlta.

FORD SEDAN, 1924 model. Fine condition. Terms to suit Private party. 819 Cota Ave., Torrance.

22 For Sale: Furniture and Household Goods

ALL OR PART of 4 rooms. Rea­ sonable. 2321 Redondo Blvd., Torrance.

24 Poultry and Pat StockBABY CHICKS

R.' I. Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Leghorns; best stock, lowest prices.

FRASER'S HATCHERY 814 S. Hawthorne Ave., Haw­

thorne, Calif. Box 171.

YOUNG DUCKS, 8 weeks old; weight about 4 pounds. Also'bull terrier pups for sale. 1617 East Road, >4 mllo east of Torranoe. Mm. Harlan.

THOROUGHBRED Belgian bares and other breeded rabbits, 60 In all. Also hutches. Will sell or trade. 1280 Cedar Ave., Tor-

FOR SALE, CHEAP 10 does, 100 young ones and hutches. Joseph Bortesko, Flgueroa and Amelia Sts., Keystone.

25 For Sale: MiscellaneousGOAT'S MILK. 1814 Martlna Ave.

26 Help Wanted: MaleWANTED Man familiar with auto­

mobile business, as resident salesman for an old established line of cars. Good proposition to good man. Write Box 476, Qar- dena, Calif.

27 Help Wanted: FemaleWOMAN for general housework

and to help with 2 children. 2259 Redondo Blvd., Torrance.

29 Situations WantedWANTED Work as assistant In

doctor's or dentist's office, or clerk In store. Settle Wheeler, Lomlta.

WANTED Work by day or hour. Mrs. F. S. Wheeler, 1316 Pennsyl­ vania Ave., Lomlta. <

WOMAN WANTS WORK of any kind by hour. Inquire Herald office, Torrance.

30 Wanted to BuyWANTED Real Mtate. List your

properties with the NelU Realty Company. . S-29-tf

31 Wanted To RentWANTED, TO RENT 3 or 4 room

furnished house In Torrance, by July 18. Write Box L, Torrance Herald.

33: Real Estate: ImprovedTRUST DEEDS or real estate con

tracts bought for cash. Writ P. O. Box 226, Tujunga, Calif.



RESOURCES Commercial k 2. Loans and Discounts (Including Redis­

counts) .....___ ..........___............__J167.762.44Bankers' Acceptances (Including Rediscounts)_ Notes, Drafts or Bills of Exchange (Including

Rediscounts) _______ _____ Overdrafts __________._________.....__. 10.17Customers' Liability Account Acceptances_ Liability of Foreign Banks and Bankers' Account

' of Acceptances United States Securities Owned _______All Other Bonds, Warrants and Securities (In­

cluding Premium thereon, less all offsetting Bond Adjustment Accounts) ..._.__....._._ 118,333.74

Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures and * Safe Deposit Vaults _______......_........._.._._ 18,000.30

Other Real Estate Owned ________Due from Federal Reserve Bank _Duo from Other Banks _..._____....................._ 37,862.36Actual Cash on Hand ......_._._..._._....._.._........... 10,460.62Exchanges for Clearing House ___.._.._.___ ______Checks and Other Cash Items .._._._......_....._.__.. 379.80Items with Federal Reserve Bank In Process of

Collection __.

Savings Combined

$74,845.50 $242,597.94

..._.__.. 118,333.74

____. 18.000.30

____.. 37,862.86 6,286.96 16,746.48

17. Other Resources, Suspense .........._ 110.00

TOTAL... ...1362,899.33 $80,131.46 $483,030.79



LIABILITIESCapital Paid In .._________.._._._..._._........$ 40,000.00 $10,000.00Surplus ...____________. ______.___. 6,600.00 ____._All Undivided Profits (less Expenses, Interest

and Taxes Paid) ___..._____________ 6,284.63 _______Bills Payable with Federal Reserve Bank (other

than Rediscounts) , ,.-,,,_____.________ ______ ______Bills Payable other than with Federal Reserve

Bank, Including all Obligations Representing Money Borrowed (other than Rediscounts)........

Liabilities for Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank ______ .____________.______- .

Liabilities for Rediscount other than with Fed­ eral Reserve Bank ___________I__,___

Deposits Due to Banks _______..._____ ____... ......___».Dividends Unpaid ...____~ _......_________ _____- ....._____Individual Deposits Subject to Check .................... 144,328.87 ..................Savings Deposits ___..._. ..____.......................... _.____ 70,131.46Demand Certificates of Deposit ..._.._____.._._ .......Time .Certificates of Deposit ............___...Certified Checks _......_________._._._._....... ___..._.Cashiers' Checks _.._...__.._._....._..__......... 6,731.23State, County and Municipal Deposits .................._ 100,000.00United States and Postal Savings Deposits............ ..................Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks Sold for

Cash and now Outstanding ._.________....Acceptances Executed by or for Account of or

Under Guarantee of this Bank (except those held by this Bank) .._.._...._.__._.._...__.._.. ,........_.._

Liability Account Acceptances Executed to Fur­ nish Dollar Exchange ................................................ ____..

Other Liabilities, Escrow ..........._._....................._... 4,699.70

$ 60,000.00 6,600.00


46,466.00 .. .. ..


TOTAL... .._..|362,M9.8» $80,m.4« $418,090.79

Interest Earned but not Collected (not Included Ini Resources or Liabilities) ...__............................. ................. _____

STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Los Angeles. sa.L. J. Hunter, President, and Barron A. Beckham, Secretary and Cashier of 8ta>?

Bank of Lomlta, being: duly sworn, each for himself, says he has a personal knowledge of the matters contained In the foregoing report of condition and that every allegation, statement, matter and thing therein contained, is true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

1 L. J. HUNTER,'. President.

BARRON A. BECKHAM,Secretary and Cashier.

Severally subscribed and sworn to before me by both deponents, the 9th day of July, 1*26.

(Seal) BERTHA. W. WILCOX,Notary Public in and for said County of

LOB Angeles, State of California.


"Just for Fun"By RA8 BERRY

Dear Has:Welcome back to our city! How

we missed you! Did we not Page you In our be-Rceve-ment?

I've been savin? this one for you: One of the native Torran- tulas, a Brooksy boy, was asked what play one of the clasnoH was giving. He responded "The Rolled Down Stocking." The teacher was quite shocked, and, upon Investi­ gation, discovered that the title had been whispered to him and he had mistaken the title of "The Whole Town's Talking."

Heard this at Long Beach the

fireworks display: Dumdora "Go get mamma quick! She'll like this! She likes bright things! She likes electric signs!" THE BAT.

Last yr. when the but. mgr. took hia vacation why we done more job ptg. business than we ever done before or since. But he got even while I was countln states and got out better papers than I ever hope to slide up to the public.

33 Real Estate: Improved..

Buys 5 rooms, bath, oak floors, large back porch, bullt-ins, ga­ rage; on Gramercy. Balance monthly.

$3500Buys good 4-room house, 4 lots, on Carson, close to West­ ern. |1500 -cash.

20 acres to trade; 5-room house; 4 acres Tompkins grapes, 12 acres Malaga grapes, 3 acres alfalfa. Will take good Torrance house and lot. Some cash, balance mortgage, 6 years.


NEW modern 4-room bungalow, largo lot, garage, $3300; at 14223 Ave. 5, Lawndale. Will .take piano on down payment. Owner 306 South Bunker Hill Ave., Los Angeles. Tucker 2791.

FOR HOMES IN LOMITA, and for fire, compensation and automo­ bile Insurance, see

J. W. WELTE1144 Narbonne Lomita

Across from School

FOR SALE Modern garage house. $300. Move on your own lot. Phone AXridge 8972.


WILL SELL BELOW COST brand new duplex, 4 rooms and bath

each side, in Buena Park, near Fullerton. Will take In vacant

So no you can

liter who you «r« why got along without

Th. demon reporter layi this morning they ain't been go many scraps on the office floor In three weeks and I says well whonell ex­ pects there to be any scraps In a newspaper office when the editor's

Well I wet nuriei a dawg all the way from Mlch. to Torrance and I glvis It to the boss at our house and when we gets home why there Is two dawgs setting on the front porch and now we have got three dawgs and'a expectant cat and one of the dawgs we Is boarding for Doc Shldler while ho Is over to Catalina and I hope he comes home pretty rfoon.

Doll Har 'sure done noble while I was away and I klnda think Hu- rum proves that he made a big mistake when he goes Into the hardware business Instead of run­ ning a colyum.

Advice to vacationist!: When you go on a vacation why arrange It so you get back the last wk. of the mo. Instead of the 1st. wk. By the last wk. some of the bills will have been mislaid to­ gether with your-note-ls-due-and- what-are-you - golng-to-do-about-it notices.

You glow in Chicago, perspire in Kansas, sweat In Colorado, swelter in New Mexico and roast in Ari­ zona and by the time you lilt Los Angeles you Is done to a crisp ar you get in a car and slide do« Western ave. and you reach Toi ranee and that there breeze gallops In from China and Oh Boy Ain't 1 a glorious feelin?

and with short hair and a long tall and a white spot on his breast and white on tho rear of both front feet'why please let me know because that dawg In the only present I brought home and after nursing her across thn continent why I aorta got to love that dawg. Adv.

Thank Hurum and Rufus.

Ne mind that adv. (bout theflawg. After I wrote tho freo adv. why somebody called up at ,7 a. m. anil says your duwg Is down to the Columbia Steel by the entrance gate. And we goes down and sure enough th'ere she was setting near Jlmmle Wolfe so I brought her home and give her a long lecture on the Importance of not running around with bad company.

Everybody In town pretty nea has gone on a fishing trip Includ Ing Fred Palmer. Fred Is afte trout and being a aeroplaner wh I suppose he took along plenty o files.

While I wa* in Flint why the coliud janitor of a bank bulldi: he come up to his boss and says I wanna get off tomorrow to go down to Detroit and cross river to Windsor and try some of that four point four the boss says O. K. go ahead. And In a coupla days the janitor come: back and the boss says well how was the four point four and thi janitor says well I didn't get no four point four and the boss says why didn't you go to Windsor the janitor says No I didn't make Windsor where they has that four point four because I was detained In Detroit by some eight poin' eight.

Wallace Gilbert come in and he ys well how d'ye do and'did you

have a good time and I says I'l tell the cockeyed wolld I had £ good time and he says yes and ] guess you wouldn't want to put

ill In tho paper neither would and right away I seen what

was Wallace's Idea of a vacation.

lots in To917 Portola Ave. Phone 136-J.

That dawg.'hy he gets fonday mon

I brings from Mich.out or

ling and ain't been Anybody seeing

Andrew Crane, black pup about a foot and a halfot quito tnat high maybe,

AMERICAN FRUIT MARKETCorner Carson We , Phone and Gramercy Deliver 283

Kentucky Wonder Beans....._...._....Per Ib. 5c |Ripe, Juicy Seedless Grapefruit...l2 for 25c : Bananas ..........................:....._..__................3 Ibs. 25c IOrange Special . j

Sweet, Juicy ......................................J2 doz. 25c IOnions :

Sweet Spanish Onions................4 Ibs. 25c {New Red Onions....._.................._.....4 Ibs. 25c I

Hard Salad Cabbage Special .................................................. Per Ib. 2c

Sweet Green Corn that is sweet.....Doz. 35cThose Good Burbank Potatoes

Firm and dry ............................ .Lug $1.106 Ibs ...... . . ...... ... ...25c

All Rock Bottom Prices Are Specials

We charge you less money for the best meats that can be obtained.

We now have two markets at which you may purchase highest quality, guaranteed meats at prices as low as prices can DO.

It will pay you well to do your buying at one of our markets.

Sat. Specials No. 1 Steer Beef Pot Roast. . . . . 18c, 20c, 22c Pork Roast ..... 25c and up Pork Sausage .......... 25c

Genuine Spring LambPure Open Kettle Rendered

Leaf Lard

L. OTTRock Bottom Meat Markets1639 Cabrillo 1951 Carson

Hurum believ that then

adage that (ho oily bold gets the wolm, I guess, because he has got a Santa Claus In his window al­ ready advertising some merchan­ dise.

Hurum tell, me about the Wom­ en's Club dance and he says they Is plenty of tho, gals there In low neck and sleeveless dresses and Hint this exposed epidermis makes u swell feeding ground for the mosquitoes. Hurum says some of tho gals' backs and arms looked like they has smallpox.

Cliff Warner uied to work for the Pcrkins OH Well Cementing Co. here and he traded jobs with a bozo up In Taft and he went to Taft and this other duke comes down here and tho first day Cliff gets up to Taft why a guy says It's a lot colder up here than down in Torrance and if you're going to

be oat In the field tonight you bet­ ter take your overcoat and OUT ho packs his Benny around Um field all night and It never got be­ low 100 all night And now I guess ho wishes ho had never of trailed jobs with that other gwrt.

Ben Rappaport ha. went up te> the northwest to meet Mr. aaA Mrs. Sam Rappaport and when h* left ho said he was planning to drive them down the coast. The boys hero got It pretty straight that when Ben comes back he mtat never going to pay a board bin no more but will slide his feet under a table of his own and m new Mrs. Rappaport's. But they ain't nothing substantial about ru­ mors and for one I don't believe that Ben will ever be harnessed In a team. He's a single-footer. Ben Is.

Share the

Savings of theCombinedBuyingCowerof 160Stores Chas. M. Inman, Resident Manager

Specials for Friday and Saturday

IRIS COFFEE, per Ib... 54cCalifornia Breakfast Syrup. 16 oz. . 24c Del Monte Norwegian Sardines. 1-4 size . . . IZVzc

Mazola Oil, qts., each . . 44c Standard Peas, 2 cans . . 25cKellogg's Redi-cooked Oats Small lie; Large 25c Del Monte Solid Pack Tomatoes No. 2 tins. IZVkc Certo, per bottle . . . 33c


Public Meat Market"Announces Its Opening*


o n

Saturday, July 11So that the people of Torrance and nearby cities may have strictly, fresh meats at wholesale prices, we are opening this market We will sell our own country killed meats, which are guaranteed and city inspected fresh (no cold storage).

Read our prices and come and see how you can save

BEEFBoil Flank ........ .10Rib Boil . .10 Neck ..................................................... .10Shoulder Roasts ........................ .16Shoulder Steak ............... .20Pot Rib Roasts .......... .20Rump Roast .................................... .20Round Steak ......... .22Loin Steak ....................................... .25Tenderloin Steak ..................... .28Porterhouse Steak .................. .30

VEALVeal Stew .......................................... .14Shoulder Roast Veal ............ .15Veal Chops .............................. .23Veal Cutlets ....................... .25Loin Veal Chops ......................... .25Veal Steak ............................ .25

PORKPork Chops .... .38Pork Steaks ...... .38Spare Ribs ............................... .18Fresh Pork Chunks ............. .21

FRYERS, dressed ... 4OcBeef Liver, .15; Hamburger Steak, .15; Pork Sausage, .20; Liver Sausage, .20; Minced Ham, .18; Wieners, .18; Bologna, .18; Skinned Ham, .38; Plain Ham, .35; Extra Fine Boiled Ham and Bacon. Compound* Lard, 2 Ibs. .35; Pork Lard, .20.


Public Meat Market1220 £1 Prado