public meeting #2

PUBLIC MEETING #2 May 29, 2013

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Public Meeting #2. May 29 , 2013. What to Expect Tonight. Overview and Update of the Planning Process ( 10mintes) Objective of Tonight’s Meeting (10minutes) 4 Break-Out Stations ( 80minutes ) Quality of Life Transportation Land Use and Redevelopment Market and Business Environment. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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May 29, 2013

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What to Expect Tonight Overview and Update

of the Planning Process (10mintes)

Objective of Tonight’s Meeting (10minutes)

4 Break-Out Stations (80minutes) Quality of Life Transportation Land Use and Redevelopment Market and Business Environment

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Overview of the Project What is a redevelopment plan?

Broad document which guides the redevelopment activities in a project area

What does it do? Establishes a process and framework for

implementation of a redevelopment program

Source: EPA

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Overview of the Project A redevelopment plan does NOT

establish absolute requirements for the rehabilitation and revitalization of properties within the subject area.

A redevelopment plan is NOT a street reconstruction project.

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Overview of the Project Why do a redevelopment plan?

Effective ways to breathe new life into a aging corridor that is hindered by physical, environmental or economic conditions which act as a barrier to new public and private investment.

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Project Structure Project Structure

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Recent News U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) Brownfield Area-Wide Planning Grant.

University Avenue project 1of 20 selected in the U.S.

Assist with the clean up and reuse of vacant and underutilized sites.

Aims to promote community revitalization by using cleanups to stimulate local economies

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What is a Brownfield? Brownfields are abandoned or underused

industrial and commercial facilities available for re-use. Expansion or redevelopment of such a facility may be complicated by real or perceived environmental contaminations

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Example Brownfield Sites

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Changes to the Planning Process

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Revised Planning Process


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Revised Planning Process The planning process will now:

Further site specific community involvement activities through additional public meetings, cultural focus groups, and student workshops

Conduct additional research into the existing conditions of the targeted brownfields area

Identifying catalyst and high priority brownfield sites

Developing a detailed brownfields area-wide plan, complete with implementation strategies, which contains near-term and long-term actions

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ProcessPublic Kick-Off Meeting #1

Public Workshop #2 InputDRAFT Goals & Object ives

Public Workshop #3

Draft Implementation Plan

Plan Adoption

Existing Conditions & Market Analysis

Public Workshop #4Draft Redevelopment Scenarios

Public Workshop #5

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Proposed Planning Process

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Break-Out Stations

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Amenities and Problems What are the primary amenities you would

like to see preserved or enhanced? Are there problems that need to be

addressed to improve the corridor experience?

Quality of Life

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Auto, pedestrian, bicycle, and mass transit

Existing Conditions What aspects of the current transportation

network and options do you feel need to be improved or enhanced?

Future Conditions Where would you like to see new connection,

options or transportation amenities?


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What corridor businesses do you frequent?

What are your current shopping habits? How could the corridor evolve to better

meet your shopping needs? What else would improve the customer

experience of the corridor?

Market and Business Environment

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Redevelopment Potential Where on the corridor do you think new

development should be focused? General Land Use – Retail, Residential,

Office, etc. What types of land uses do you envision in

the corridor?

Land Use and Redevelopment

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Your Questions, Comments, and Concerns

Open Discussion

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Thank You! Project Website

Citizen Steering Committee ScheduleEvery 3rd Wednesday6-8 p.m.

Look for this logo for updates on the process and upcoming events!

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