public relations-government affairs marketing-development...

ROBERT M. LILLPOPP Marketing Media Communications Public Relations-Government Affairs Marketing-Development-Management Specialist 389 Clove Rd. ∙ Schodack, NY 12033 ∙ (518) 261 1619 ∙ E-mail [email protected] Rob Lillpopp is a results driven communica- tions professional, offering 20+ years of prov- en ability to meet diverse and ever-changing external and internal branding, marketing and communication needs. He has conceived, created, and managed successful strategic communications, mar- keting, development and media relations programs. Rob has placed stories with the media on a national, regional, and local level: from small weekly newspapers to national television programs including CNN, The New York Times, Good Morning America, and The Washington Post. During his career he aided in raising the profile of his employer and obtaining funding to support those efforts. Mr. Lillpopp is an avid photographer and graphic designer, using both skills throughout his professional career.

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ROBERT M. LILLPOPP Marketing ∙ Media ∙ Communications

Public Relations-Government AffairsMarketing-Development-Management Specialist

389 Clove Rd. ∙ Schodack, NY 12033 ∙ (518) 261 1619 ∙ E-mail [email protected]

Rob Lillpopp is a results driven communica-tions professional, offering 20+ years of prov-en ability to meet diverse and ever-changing external and internal branding, marketing and communication needs.

He has conceived, created, and managed successful strategic communications, mar-keting, development and media relations programs. Rob has placed stories with the media on a national, regional, and local level: from small weekly newspapers to national television programs including CNN, The New York Times, Good Morning America, and The Washington Post.

During his career he aided in raising the profile of his employer and obtaining funding to support those efforts.

Mr. Lillpopp is an avid photographer and graphic designer, using both skills throughout his professional career.

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Planning - Budgeting - Creating Implementing -Tracking Results

My approach to successful strategic mission based marketing is driven by four principals: 1. Know your Audience2. Listen to your Customer3. Plan Carefully4. Execute and Track Results

Establishing effective relationships with internal stakeholders and having hands-on knowledge of marketing prin-cipals, has resulted in outcomes that en-hanced my employer’s mission often improving their bottom line.

389 Clove Rd. ∙ Schodack, NY 12033 ∙ (518) 261 1619 ∙ E-mail [email protected]

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Target Audience - Web site Development Facebook - Linkedin - E-advocacy - Blogging

New and Social Media have become a buzz words and are in the process of transforming the way we transfer information.

Embracing and familiarizing the latest trends in new media have resulted in reaching more tar-geted audiences and increased market share than with traditional methods.

Knowing what mix of media and when to use it has produced re-sults that met or surpassed my employer’s objectives.

389 Clove Rd. ∙ Schodack, NY 12033 ∙ (518) 261 1619 ∙ E-mail [email protected]

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ROBERT M. LILLPOPP Public Relations

Goal Setting - Event PlanningAudience Building - Tracking Results

Know what you want to achieve.

The best public relations cam-paigns are those that appeal to the targets basic instincts.

Knowing when not to comment is as important as knowing what to say when you do.

Be able to backup and track your message.

Creating the right collateral, displays and visual images will leave a lasting impression.

389 Clove Rd. ∙ Schodack, NY 12033 ∙ (518) 261 1619 ∙ E-mail [email protected]

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ROBERT M. LILLPOPP Member and Team Building

Relationship Building - Cross Promoting Sharing Information

To achieve quality results, team-work and mission based planning provides a quality starting point.

Creating an instructive and col-laborative work environment gen-erates a spirit which helps when working with external partners.

Highlighting outcomes and cross promotion with partners often creates lasting relationships, and improves results.

389 Clove Rd. ∙ Schodack, NY 12033 ∙ (518) 261 1619 ∙ E-mail [email protected]

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Mission based - Image Building - CommitmentAudience Building - Tracking Results

Branding is a team sport. To keep it going you must always keep your eyes on the prize.

When a brand /logo is directly tied to your mission there is a better chance of building internal buy-in and compliance. That will lead to external acceptance.

Create rules and follow them -know when it is OK to break them.

389 Clove Rd. ∙ Schodack, NY 12033 ∙ (518) 261 1619 ∙ E-mail [email protected]

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ROBERT M. LILLPOPP Grants, Fundraising and RFP Development

Objectives - Requirements - Style GuideSubject Matter Experts - Review

Knowing who the customer is and what they want is the key to win-ning an RFP award- that and the lowest price.

Follow a well-constructed style guide.

Only provide answers that are supported by subject matter experts.

Review everything to make sure you followed the rules.

Submit on time.

389 Clove Rd. ∙ Schodack, NY 12033 ∙ (518) 261 1619 ∙ E-mail [email protected]

Style Guide

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ROBERT M. LILLPOPP Employment History

2011-2013 Director of Communications, The Business Council of New York State, Inc., Albany

2008-2011 Director of Member Communications, The Business Council of New York State, Inc., Albany

2007–2008 Communications, Marketing and Government Relations Consultant, JPMor-gan Chase Treasury Services, Chicago

2002-2007 Director of Communications, New York State Dept. of Labor, Albany

2000-2002 Assistant Director, Communications NYS Dept of Labor

1994–2000 Assignment Editor, WTEN TV-10 News, Albany

1988 - 1994News Videographer, WTEN TV-10 News, Albany

Additional History and References availible upon request

EducationRochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New YorkB.S. Degree Awarded, August 1983

Real World Experience - Education

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Professional Training - Software Proficiencies

Personal Strengths: • People Oriented• Strategic Thinker • Listens Firsts• Change Agent• PositiveInfluence• Forward Thinking• Technologically Savvy• Aware of Industry Trends

Marketable Skills• Generating development, sponsorship and membership opportunities • Planning events using new and traditional media• Creating internal and external marketing collateral, and reports• Executing internal and external communications, public and govern-

ment relations strategies• Developingrelationshipstoinfluenceopinionandgovernmentpolicy• Working across highly structured organizations to get results

Computer Skills:SoftwareProficienciesinclude:MicrosoftOffice,AdobeCreativeSuiteCS-6, Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, Microsoft Digital Image Pro, Quark 7, Corel Word Perfect, and Lotus NotesWeb systems - Adobe Dreamweaver, Wordpress and VoterVoice operating systems.

389 Clove Rd. ∙ Schodack, NY 12033 ∙ (518) 261 1619 ∙ E-mail [email protected]

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Telling Stories - Words And Images

Since I can remember I have had a camera in my hand. Seeing the way a single image can change a person is a powerful thing. Being able to capture those images is another. At a youngageIknewIwantedtorefinemyabilityandmasterthecraftofimagemakingandsharing those stories.

As a still photographer and later a television news journalist, I began to use the power and potentialofthecrafttoinfluencethedailylivesofviewers.

Throughout my career I have captured the little things and made them bigger - the teenag-erlendingahandataHabitatforHumanityproject,alittlegirlwavingaflagwhilemarch-inginherfirstparadeorthefaceofamissionarywhoclimbsmountainstohelpthoseinthepoorest places. Even the great moments of our age; a president wishing a new cadet well upon graduation, the hand of a governor on a mother’s back after 9/11 or a defeated box-ing champ returning to his home town, all these stories have a place in our collective mind.

The power of words and images have lead me to a better understanding of what we as Americansputvaluein,whatwewillsupportandworktoimprove.Itisfindingthesethingsand helping them grow that excite me and keep me going. The marketing, public and gov-ernment relations projects and the ability to raise funds come out of focusing this power.

wProfessionally, I played a lead role in launching NY, a website providing guidance to students and parents on how to navigate the process of choosing a career path. I have been instrumental in the growth of public and community relations programs, hav-ing managed the publicity efforts for the I Love NY Ski campaign, High-tech New York Jobs campaign, The State of Michigan’s UI Debit Card program, the Enough Already New York and Made in New York coalitions and the $1 A Day for Haiti development effort.

As a founding member in the Empire Haiti Coalition that raises funding to support Episco-pal schools and churches in Haiti’s Central Plateau we have created a means for corporate sponsorship and institutional giving.

There is nothing better than catching that unexpected spark and helping it become a blaze of light.

As a professional story teller, I offer you a chance to take advantage of the work I do, to better your business and reach your goals.