puill bmllietiii - university of hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10758/1/...ww...

w5?- - ?wrjm rrr sm l )( 7i?T ft ww t Puill Bmllietiii 1 .M VOL. VIII. NO. 118S. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 18!)4. PRICE ft CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN PRINTBD AND rUBMSFJED KVKKY AFTERNOON timrr tmnr by thi Daily Bulletin Fobllsblng Co., L'd., at tiii nrrioi 188 328 Merchant 81., BonolaU, 8. 1. "tlllrtOUIPTION-- Bu DOI.IAMA Yaa. iichvered In Honolulu At Firrr (Iintk t lnaTM, In NllVAIlrft, I'illi WEEKLY BOLLBTIH -I- B I'UIII.IHHKn-H1VID- R,Y TUESDAY l Fori Doll. a Yib to Domestic, .ml Kite Dollars to Porelw Hnberrlhers payable In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DOHE IN AOrERtni ITYLft. M - IIOTJI TKI.KPHONK8 XA6 P. O. UUX 99. raa 1)aii.t HnLLETiM li printed and pub- lished by the Dally llulletin Publishing Oonipauy, Limited, at IU office, Mer- chant at reel, Honolulu. Hawaiian UN amis. Daniel Ijogan, editor, resides on Alakea street, Honulnlu, aforesaid. Atlilreii lettera for the paer "Kditor Uiii.i.stin," and business letters " Manager Dally llulletin Publishing Company." Uiiiik a personal addreii may came delay In intention. Bualnou Carda. LEWEBB ft OOOKE, InirnariM and Dbalbm la Lvmsss ai ai.i. eimd or UoaniH'i MATaiM Fort Btrnet, Honolulu. H. HAOKFKLP A OO . Urumi Fori ami Ijneen htreeu, IIoimimiIu. iNO. 8 SKITHIKH tii'Tiiii tMiUNMtt Until).. 4Hia, Mahukuiia, Ktiliala, Haall. THOH. LINDSAY. MMlr4llTlilli JawiLat tHI WiYIIM' aAKaa. Kittul Jewelry a ipeclally. t'i 'artioulai altentlon paid to all kind of repair. Campbell lllock, Merchant Htrret. HONOLULU IUON WORKS, dTIAM KaillKEe, Udiia Milu, HoaiM, "UOUM. UON, 1141, AMP l,4P Caayimu. Machinery of Kvery Description Made to Order. Particular attention paid to Buii.' BlaokiiulthliiK. Job Work aieonted at Short Notice. K. A. .TACOKSON, Watohmakkii amu .Ikwki.kh Kort 8tr,,,,li Honoluln, H. 1. P. O. lloi 2H7. Mutual Tole. V FUED. IIATiniSON, COXTUACTOII AXI BUTMIKU. Ktlmate Kiven on all klniln of Uriels, Irnn.BloneHinl Woodim UiiIuIIiil'. Job. lilnc of all kind UillldiiiK .M.il.irliil for al. 510 and ftlJ Klin; Ht'mn. Iteildence Teleplione, Dell 227; l. O. Ilox H. DU. C. W. MOOklS, MOO Van Ness Ave., B. F., Cal, Blegant Apartment lor Patitmti. BMOTRKIITY IN NIRVOUh OlbEAAIH. Dr. Moore utlem IuvhIIiIh all ihb comforts of home, with constant and care- ful treatment. Kefern to H. It. MrftuUim. lAKl-- tf C. B. RIPLBT & ARTHUR REYNOLDS, AROHXTHIOTfl. (irviusi Nhw Bate Deposit llinMln Fort street, fluiiolillil H. 1 Plan, bpecltloatinus end buperlmenil enue kIvmii fur Kvery Detcriptlon of Hit, Id I lit?. Old DuildlliKH Nuui'eriafully lUmod sited and Kulitri;t-d- , iNl);iie fur Inltrior Mm" or ,V,mi)IcI ami HIiim Printing. Dniwlnus for Hook or Nempner lllustrutlon, METROPOLITAN MEAT C0M Hf ol KING SI m Wholesale nnd Rotai) Rutfihurs AND MAVT CUNTHACTUHS (i. J, Wai.i.kr, t i Malinger. WM. 6. IRWIN & GO. i Limited1 OKFMH PUB HAIi Fti UTILIZERS . i.i i. otou bob CeioDrnied Blb Grade Cue luim. We are also prepared to take order lot call Uhhhi-h- . M. OMakndt Jk Oo M fcrtUtBrM, insuring; piompt deliver BOILED LUCOL! W Thli It a vuiRHiur Paint Oil, ovu- - turning les nlei ment than Linseed Oil, and eall lying a lastir brilliancy to oolort. Tljed with rtrler It jive a eplendld Boor or itrfara. Lime, 'Cement, rlUKINSIlHIIUAKH HAI.Mllh Falrkaik Caailf CVi Ctmi BmI raAVrtH PAIHT 00. 't CompoQDds, Roofing & Pipers, ImU'i Piteit Stun PIm Citiriit JarbotJi Diaaoai, Baaael A Evsr-UitlHFal- at Riwoiallj deilKntd for Vaoutiiti Fani. PACIFIC TRANSFER CO., B7 IClng street. Cat Ratei l Bigpigel llKK"Re Checked from Hotel and Keel. uencea direct to destination. Trunk delivered to all part of the city or nu honrd etramure for 25 CENTS EACH. All other freight In accordance. He litre and ring u up. Bell 662 J. R. MILLS, HWi Mm Manacer. Win. G. Irwin & Co. iMMlTBD) Wm. U. Irwiu. Prealdent and atanaicer Olaiik Bprenkeli, W. M. Qlltard, HecraUry and Treasurer Then O. Porter Auditor Sigia.r Faotora AND CnuiruiKUlOD Akhiiu tlllNT ll YHB Oceanic Steanshlp Ctapaay, OF HAN FttANOIBOO. CAU Bku. Tei.. 381. Mutual Tm- - fi07. P. O. IIOX 321. HONOLULU arriage Manufactory I2H A 130 FOHT BTHKKT. Carriage Builder AND 11RPATRKR. BUcksmithing ,N $&$&. Orders from the other Islands In BulldlUQ, Trimming, Paiitlaa,, Etc, Bio., Promptly Attended to. W. W. WRIGHT," Prop. IHnnresHor to O. WesUl Excursion to Waikiki 6 OHS2STTS I Notice to the Public 1 (J MIT 1 1 Wll.l. HUN A CIIKAP KX. O iiurMuii to Wulklkl. A llu will leave from I lie Old Clilnecu Theatre, Kline street, lit Kvery Hull Hour and Kvery Hour (dully) to tlio Htreet-uu- r Terminus, Wai- kiki IIUi-l- O. B. DWIOHT Dots all kinds ol Work In Ct ment & stone Sidewalks & Curbing, He Iinooii lisnd a larue supply nl Clil-- n m (Inui in I'nrli iiuif alay Mp lirlilli( Hume. Kttlmaies Klven nud liiHi'lt prli'i s ansliredi llellTelepliouu Oil. Illii-t- f PaciOcMailS.S.Go. AND rui Occldeoul and Oriental S. S Go, Far T0I0IAM1 art BONQKONQ. Htaanien of the abore Companlei will at Honolulu on their way to the above porta on or about the following da ten Btmr "CHINA" November 12, IWti Btmr "OOKANKV... December 11, I KM Btmr "CHINA" January 21, Pert Btmr "OOKANIC"... February 1H, WIS Htmr "CHINA" April 2, l r SAlVTiUNCISClJ Oteamert of the abore doiiianie will at Honolulu on their way from Hong kong and Yokohama to the above port on about the tollowinc datei Btmr "OOKANIC". .November l'J, IrM Btmr "CHINA" December 31, IKH Btmr "UAKI.1U" February HI, 1k Btmr "FKKU" March 2!l, lwto Htmr "ClAKliM" April IM, Wrt IftTIS OP PASSAGE IIB AS FOLLOWS: ro toan- RAMA Oabiii 1160 n Cabin, round trip 4 months Oh u Cabin, round trip IS month. a to Kuropean Bteerafe... an Ob ro iiohii. (ONH. I17S Ki m no 51H 2& im iki FaiMnireri paylna full lar will be allowed 10 percent on telurn fare If return UiK within twelve month Ira- w- For Frelht and I'anaKe apply to H. HACKFELD k CO., i7 tt AgonU. Oceanic Steamship Go. AQSiraliao Mall Servict Far Saa FrancUcu . The Naw and Fine Al Bteel Hleamxili MARIPOSA" Of the Oceanic Steamahlp CotuHtii will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and A uck land on or about November 15th. And will leave for the abore ikjci with Mall and PaeiiK.eronorabout IhatdaU For Syiaey ant Aocklaotf : Die New and Fine Al Bteel Hteamhl " ALAMEDA " Of tbe Oceanic Bteaiusblp Compeny will be da at Honolulu, from Ban Frannlero ou or about November 22d. And will have prompt desimtcb with Mall and PasseiiKera for the above ports. The anderslgued are now preared tolsaiie TMIOUSH TICKETS TO ILL POINTS IN TUB UNITED STATES V For further particular reuardliiK FrUbt or Passajce apply to WH 0. UWIN A CO., LM., hh 0aral Agent. Oceanic Steamship Go. Time Table LOCAL LINE S. S. AUSTRALIA Arrive Hunoiitln l,evn Hnnui Irom H. F for H. F Nov.3 Nov IU Deo. 1 Dec. H Den. Ui Jan A Jan. W Fell, a Feb 23 MamlfJ March Z March .'in AprPai Aiirll'.T May IH Mav 'ii June IS J.inerJ July i:i Jii.y'Ji Auk. IU Ml)-- . 17 HHd 7 Hept II Oct. ft Out. l'J Nov 'i Nov. I THROUOH LINE. From Hsu Fraud" Kriiii, Hyduey tin lor riydney leu Fraiii'lsi'ii Atnvr lliHititult- - AI.AMKDA N.,v J.'lMtlll 'MsA Id .MilCII'llriA D. .ii M. NiW.M Den I.I MON'lWAI .Nil 17 Ai A.MKDA Jin HI AI.AMKDA, Fell II MAKlPOSA Fell 7 MAIIII'OSA Miir II MONOWAI, Mr. 7 MONuWAl, Ai.r II AI.AMKDA Apr. I AI.A.MKDA Mtv HI M.Mtll'llSA a MMUI'OHA Jutiell MDM)WAI, Mil 'in MONOWAI, July 4 AI.AMKDA, June "7 AbAMKDA, Auk I I MA It IPOS A Juiy'.'.i MAIIIPOMA. Auu.'.-- I MON'OWAI, An J! MONOWAI, bept.'.ll AI,A.MIA Hmc IU AI.AMKDA, Oci 'Jll .MAIIII'OSA Oct. 17 Consolidated Soda Water Co, L'd H3BFj1iA.jMA.IDH: Cur. alien i Port 81., Hiinoluln, UOIihlSTKiK & CO.. lOSMf Akenls. Canadian-Australia- n ol tin- - hoe Una, ruunlliK In connection with lh Heiweeti Vancouver. U 0., and Hvdncy, N. B. W.. and railing at Victoria II ). Honolulu nud Bava FIJI, A.RE DUE A.T On or about the dale below stated, vlt : From By J imy ttnd H.ivn, for Victoria and Vamcnuviir, II. O.t Htmr 'MIOWKKV. . November .1 Hlmr WAHHIMOO".. .Decembers Thrunqb Ticket liraed Irom Bonolala fo VABIUHT Afiri rFKIKIIKR AOKHTH' D. MiNirOI.I., Montreal, Catinde. IIOHKKT KKIIK, Wlnnlig. Canada M M. BTKUN, Han FrancPsco, Cal. 0. McK ItKOWN, Vanmnver, II. 0. Go. TIME TABLE W 0. WiLuiA. I'rei. B. II. Itooi Hen Oait. J. A. Kmn, Fort Hurl. Stinr. KINAU, CLARKE, Conmander, Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. w.. touchliiKat Irfilialna, Mnalaea Hay and .Maketia the same day; .Mahukon, Kawalhawaiid the following day arrlviiiK al llilo al liildnlitkt. I.KAVKb IIONOI.UI.ll Tueiilay Nov. II Friday Nov. Ill Tuemlay Nov. 27 Frldav Dec. 7 Tuesday Dec. IK KeturnlnK leaven llllo, KiucIiIhk at same day; Kawalhae a. h.; Ma- hukuiia 10 a. M.; .Makeiia 4 St.; Maalara Hay II I'. St.: Laliaiiia H r. m. the following day; arrlvliiKnt Honolulu il a. m. Wedtiev day and Balurdavs. AKIUVKH AT HllNOI.lll.Ui Wednesday Nov. H Batunlny Nov. 24 WediifMlay Dec. f. Balurday IK'O. 16 Wrdlieeday Dec. 2i ATeF' No Freljtht will be received nfler 12 iioiii on day of eallliiK-- . Stmr. OAHERON, OoBnuodtr. Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at f r. m touching at Kaliulul, Uiielo, liana Hamoa and Klimhulu. KetunilUK will arrive at Honolulu every Biinday uiornlm;. tW No FrvlKbt will he after 4 r. m. on nay of lalliiiK. UonaiKtiee must be at the laudliiK to receive their Freli-ht- . as we will not ill old ourselves restioiialble after such Fruitful has been landed. While the Comnanv will use due dill- - Keuce In tiandllni; Live Block, we decline to assume any responsibility in case of the losanf same. The Company will not be responsible for Money or Jewelry miles placed In the care of Pursers. TH.1C CO NKdUTIATKH I.OANB ON Real Estate & Personal Property STOCKS AND BONDS liUlHIirr AND 801,1) If you have ItKAI. KSTA TK fur bale we can llud you a Purciianer If yen Iiivm HOPHKH FOR HUNT, we can Hud 'tenant. General Real Ebtate Agents 13 end IS Knaliuieanu Htrtets, (N.ar Po.t Oitice ) lulu' Uftl TolopliOilo Q3B 0. A. LONG. NOTAUV J'UHI.IO, IS Kaniiumfinil Bireet. Telephone lll ll.Vrlilll UKA Mfn, Itnuriliitiin Unit rrmnvrd the but-mi- re of h?r socJt row Jltitrl atrrft to Iff private Jtmiilturr, where she in-fe- vliiHiuii it out ill privute. mle. It i iirritntjed and ready fur iunpulion, and ax he intendu tit retire permanent til ruin himiiii'H the (iimdn will lie mild nimr ilium uf f.'nW. 0if patron are invited In pay her a vinit. P mi I lllnlii'H hiiiI lllntawnre Wauled! itlonkn Wntiitii'H nud Jewelry Wanted Mill (told nnd Hilver Wanted! ItT Hlubesl Price PM JH 114 Klnir Btr"t. Cornr of Alitkon IK) YWN KISW .Vr. (JO., II Siiiimiiii rilreel nusmiths, Plumbiifj, Etc. HKO0KKKY and (II.AHHWAHK Steamship Line CAJNAJDIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY HONOLULU Wilder's Steamship CLAUDINE, iVLVlLE." From Victoria nnd Vancouver, B O., for Uuvrt nnd Sydney: Btmr.MIOWF,ltA" Nnvrmlier2l btmr "WAKIll MOO" Ibn-mlie- 21 Cauda, Onlled State, end Europe For Freleht and l'asL'e and all Oeneral Infornialion, apply to Theo. H. Davles & Co , L'd, Aqnxli for tht Hmiiniinn I'lnmin California Fruit Market, Corner KIiik Alakea His Cuwiuo's Hiifrirators Hv Kvery Hieamer from Han Fran ciiico with Frosh Prait, Oysters, Salmon, Poultry, Kte. KU, Kin., Ktr. IltUHf Regan Vapor S Pacific Gas Engines & Launches ! THE BEST IN THE MARKET. They cannot be mirrn.nnl for motive iwcr. HKND CATAI.O(ll'K-- m JOS. TINKER. KCtt-- tt Hole Ap-nt- , Niiiihiiii street WM. DA V IKS, Rigger k Stevedore, WRK OKBR. KHTIMATKB AND CONTKAITH ON AI.I. KINDH OF WOltK Thotftn.rirVAIMANALO" lleglnnlni; Monday, Oct. V2, will m'l at ,r. i. m every Monday for llniiiiei-- , Kolon, i .in lie an i mi-ei- . llHIUlie ht olllre of J. B. WMker. ov-- r Hpreckele' Hunk, Furl sinei, or on iHjsrd to Wm. D vvii'.m Mnl-- r and Owner A. F. Medeiros & Co. Morchant "H Tailors llnlel Hi., under ArlhiKton Hotel Latest Patterns in Suitings Kerelved hy Kvery Hieamer PEXPBCT FIT OR NO SALE. LESSONS IN Drawing and Painting. 0. Howard Hitchcock DrawlriK and Palnlhi); tnulit hy the Clasi-e- i ivcry Wed netdny and Hnturduy loreiiiHin from H a. m. to l'J noon. lenioiiii lor Private I'liiitls In iie tilal lines of work alho nlven. v. The Htiidlo will he o4-- n In vlltor every Friday alteruenn. City (Jaukiauk C'o., lAirnT Klni; ami llethel Htk BOTH TLLEPU0NE8 113 -- Finn GurrlageH &t Civil I'lrlvtur . To he lied at all liniiis ,1. S. ANDIUDK. iirvi tf MauHK-e- r Hi0O rSacoliacn, rdrr left Ht Hit peuifir fOMedtusir tloiuiinnvi' tor sttttt tie ttrpinpttti Mttsttded la. Kotr Tlio-e- e 11. Cement Sidewalks & Gra- nite Curbing Laid Ktthiiate Klveii on nil klinU ol Vi'llNK.rONrKKi'K.t P1.AHTKK WOKe rBv. lOKl'RSTS SHSI'UI.TT -- J1 JOHN F BOWLER Atlas Assurance Co. OX X.01TZ3014 aflUKTB, . . 110,000,000. II. W. SCUM IDT A SONS Auent for lUiSMliilli Islands. LDCOL -- : IS THE BEST PAINT OIL! Bnvn Hnlt tlio Amount of Your Oil 1)111 Through Unvluc In IMmnnt. Kvcry paiiitur MmiiUI hhi- - l.i'coi. in ntcml nl LiiiM'cil Oil, Iiitihim'! 1. I.ri'ot, li more ilunMe limn l.liieel at on. l.tTiiL N more tronnMhnl than I.ln- - ect Oil. l'HOOK THAT I.UCtU. IS MOUK DUUAItl.H. Hx of urltiul u-- i- in tli-rio- r lioii'ii puiiilinn in Culifnriiiii (llu-mnx- t trylnj; rliiiiittf fur p.iiiite), in tlio liiirninc hnlt of tlu Arizona Div- ert, tlio Arctic colli of Aliti-kii- , mill on tlio Alluntlo iMinnl, Imvo fully mill pnicliciilly elniwii thai I.pi'ol iilwuye oiitwcure Litieccil Oil timlcr tliu eiiine coiulitiiniH. All tlic mill work in Sun FrunciiTo Imvc ilt l l.in oiTil Oil for l.iTui.. llil.lJ.STUATK THIS YOURSELF. 1'ut Klrim iiininoniii on l.int-cci- l itml l.UCol iilillt. Till) I.IIIM'i'il pit Int r uru tti'htmyvil in n few minute; the Liicol pillule uri' pructiciilly uiiiilli:ct fit. l'HOOK THAT l.U(H)l. IS MOUK KUONOMKWI.. is Hrciik up l'i U'K. piieti while lend III iiiic pint o( I.i nil., unit tlio eiimr ipi.itility in our piul of l.iiirciil Oil. Sprcml tin piiiute on eitiiilitr (lurk siiifucce for 'iiupitrir-oti- . The l.ucol p.lilll fprcilil-- i tin fur lie illlil CiiViTe llilicli licttcr tlnill tlio I.lil-i- nl p.iilit To ct iiiiiiUy pMtil ciivcrinj; Willi tin l.iiu-i'ci- l puint you luivi- - to iiu 2J llm. of Willi!' ll'llll llMllll' pint ( I.IIIMCll Oil. This uifiiiin ii riivliii; id i in. oi pH-- tc to Illlil pill! of I.tTOI. IIM'll, or l' llw. to gnllnii, iipiivulcni tn your euviiix nu re tli.iu li.ilf tin llri-- t ciiht of tlin 1,1 rui.. I.ri'iil. ie not in competition with chl'llp LillnlTll Oil Hlhetltlltfx. M.G.IR'IS4C0.. L.I3rrB3D. wm (or Die HawaHan Islands SV :X T'ail KZ-r- W r v.n i to: i rj v Wholesale f Retail. FIII.I. I.I Nil OP Japanese v Goods! Silt and Cottoo Urns' Howls, KUi., Mto. Kta. Kir, Silk, Linen and Oape Shirts ol- - I'OMPl.Kl'K riIO h Made tiy Yaiiintuyn ol YosiiIihihh tmr When von ere in need ol hi.) Mm of .litpitneiie (iihhln, ive .e rlr.l hii.i nnvh koIiik all wroiiiid town ITOHAN, 1.. 15. KKKIi'S ANNOUNCEMENT! I HAVK Jl'riT IIFI'KIVKD I.AHUK ABsulti'MKNl' Oh . tUiui Suitings, Wlugniit 1 'it turns, siiiftl TiSitost Stylos. Ill KM', online v' 1.1. UK Mil H IN A.SY tJl'A.MIl Y FIlilM A 100 Yards Down to Kuougu to Make a Single Suit! AND A I' - Hard Times Prices I L. It. KKItlt, - I. Mi' iiiTi.it, IM'KKN hritr.KI. lite IhttUj Itiillilin, .'in I. nli fur month, diltvrrrd by carrier. 'LITTLE GLASS SLIPPEB." Dailoy's Compnny Oivo a Oood Show of " Cinderella." "Cinderella" wa? played by tho Dailey compauy to a largo audience Saturday ovouing. It was hand-Homel- y uiiiiiutfd and tlio costumes wore ulegaut. Miss Kato Dalgleiali acted th titlo role charmingly throughout. Misses Kiltie Holuiour and Oeuovievo Nannary, as "her cruel sisters," wore veryt amusing iu tlieir stage business. Uichard Scott was princely to a dot as Prince Fe- lix, while 1'. A. Nanuary gave Baron I'onipollini all of tho pomp the char- acter was intended to carry. Louis llelmour, Al. II. Unllelt and Jean W'einer as "Pedro," "Alidora" and "Dnnilitin" respectively wore all lively. Mr. Unllelt made a lot of fun iu a bit of burlesque minstrelsy tho court of the prince. Miss Mollie Stockmeyer, besides acting the fairy queen in good style, made n great hit, white the palace scene was on. in song and dance specialties. She sang "Like no a Like," giving the native pronuncia- tion precisely, nud "MauiOirl," with some original catches that made the house roar. Dressed in a beautiful costume, in which the Hawaiian en- sign was predominant, Miss Stock- meyer ilnuced, iu a light and gay steo of her own. to n hula tune. She was loudly encored. The little Misses Nellie McLennan nud Elsie Bradley made blithe-lookin- g fairies. Nellie sang "Aloha Oe" delightfully clear and sweet in the fairyland scene. An etithiiHiastic encore and two bouquets renarded her effort. At the close of the third act James Campbell's pair of Shetland ponies appeared, drawing the fairy coach for 'Ciudorelln's" transport to tho palace. They behaved quite respect- ably. '1 his afternoou Genevieve Nannary having Iter bum-li- t ton large audi- ence iu "A Night OIL" The last regular porforiunuce of the season will be "Wages of Sin" and Mr. Dai ley's benefit will bo played on Wednesday evening. OKKAC CAPTAIN NO MOUK. Murshnl Hitchcock Komovoa the Heud of tho Mounted l'atrol. Maralinl Hitohcock Liih at last, conn.' totlio ('oiiclueliin that Captain Ivlfiiiiui) of tlit" mmiiited patrol woulil ln iiioro at lionu- - In private lift than ax a public rvaut and Kiinrriian of tlio poact. Klotnino was etitniuarily iliiniiieiicil on Saturday afternoon, and, although roasona wvn Biwn out, it is Koiiorally thai it wan for iimuboriliua-tiou- . It was rcporti'd by somu of tho knotting onun a fiv vuk bro that Kliiiinu'n rotuovnl from tho form wan itudor coneidoraliou, and that tho Marehal wan only waititiR for a favoralilu opportunity to !) him. A fcrtiiin Hcotii) oiiacti'd at tho elation Saturday moru-inj- ,' may liavo had nouiotliitiK to do with kli'tniim'a dnunisxal. It was eliortly nftor olio oVloi'l; wlion Caii-tit- ) ii Kloiumo'rt patrolmen brouuht iu a lnu'k and hori'o wliioh tlioy htati'd had Imhjii foi'.ud without a drivor. liiHtuad of ttiminu' tho ar-ro- st over to Captain UohoIuII, of the, ri''iilar forco, who wan on watch, a tho ri'Kiilatioun call for, Ivlumuio IhoiiKht that ho Immui; a captaiu could outor tho arrenl himiolf. Aftor a piitisau'oof wordc, BtroiiL- - and otliorwisi', Captaiu Klomino allowed tho owtior of tho hack to o scot fri-- proforriiiK that to tho humilia- tion of howiiiK to another captain'a will. Tho tuattor was oxplaiued to Senior Captain Itolicrt I'arkor and ho took Uodoliill s part. With tho removal of Captain Klomuio nud turnkey Ostnor it is believed the backbiting and joalousr ho rampant iu the polico forco will come to an end. Lieutenant Cordon hai boon promoted to the captaincy. Dulloy'a Dunetlt. Jii(lf,'iu' from tho selections inado by the company, wo shall witness an exceptional performniicoou Wednes- day nveniiih', when .Manager Dailey will bo the recopieut of a testimonial lonilured by our best citizens. A coiidoiiHod version of "Uatnot," which iucliideH all tho powerful speeches ami scones, will bo render- ed. The two farcical creations, "A Kiss in tho Dark" ami "A Day iu Court," together with a musical olio, which will include Miss Stock- - mover s native sotin and dance, will imfeod make an interesting bill. Uoyond Comparison Are the good qualities possensed by Hood' Sarbaparilta Above all it jiiirilio the blood, thus strengthen-ju- g the nones; it regulates the di- gestive organs, invigorates the kid-ue- s and iiver, tones and builds up the entire eystoiu, cures Scrofula, )ypepia, Catarrh and iihoumatisui. liet Hood's and tho only Hood's. Hood's l'dls cure nil liver ills, biliniisiiess, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache. 'Joe. For a pain iu the side or chest there is nothing so good as a piece of llauuel dampened with Chamber-Iain'- s I'aiu Halm and hound on over the ecat of pain. It nHords prompt and permanent relief and if used lit lime will nlnnys prevent a cold from resulting iu pneumonia. Tlio same treatment is a sure euro for lame back. For sale by all dealers. Hen-so- u, .Smith Co., Agents (or tho Hawaiian Islands, i if J si sBTl " 0

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Page 1: Puill Bmllietiii - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10758/1/...ww t Puill Bmllietiii 1.M VOL. VIII. NO. 118S. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12,

w5?- - ?wrjm rrr sml )( 7i?T



t Puill Bmllietiii1.M





timrr tmnr by thi

Daily Bulletin Fobllsblng Co., L'd.,

at tiii nrrioi

188 328 Merchant 81., BonolaU, 8. 1.

"tlllrtOUIPTION-- Bu DOI.IAMA Yaa.iichvered In Honolulu At Firrr (Iintk t

lnaTM, In NllVAIlrft,



TUESDAYl Fori Doll. a Yib to Domestic,

.ml Kite Dollars to Porelw Hnberrlherspayable In advance.



P. O. UUX 99.

raa 1)aii.t HnLLETiM li printed and pub-lished by the Dally llulletin PublishingOonipauy, Limited, at IU office, Mer-chant at reel, Honolulu. Hawaiian UNamis. Daniel Ijogan, editor, resides onAlakea street, Honulnlu, aforesaid.

Atlilreii lettera for the paer "KditorUiii.i.stin," and business letters " ManagerDally llulletin Publishing Company."Uiiiik a personal addreii may came delayIn intention.

Bualnou Carda.


InirnariM and Dbalbm la Lvmsss aiai.i. eimd or UoaniH'i MATaiM

Fort Btrnet, Honolulu.


Urumi Fori ami Ijneen htreeu, IIoimimiIu.


tii'Tiiii tMiUNMtt Until).. 4Hia,

Mahukuiia, Ktiliala, Haall.THOH. LINDSAY.

MMlr4llTlilli JawiLat tHI WiYIIM'aAKaa.

Kittul Jewelry a ipeclally. t'i'artioulaialtentlon paid to all kind of repair.

Campbell lllock, Merchant Htrret.


dTIAM KaillKEe, Udiia Milu, HoaiM,"UOUM. UON, 1141, AMP l,4P


Machinery of Kvery Description Made toOrder. Particular attention paid to Buii.'BlaokiiulthliiK. Job Work aieonted atShort Notice.


Watohmakkii amu .Ikwki.kh

Kort 8tr,,,,li Honoluln, H. 1.P. O. lloi 2H7. Mutual Tole. V


Ktlmate Kiven on all klniln of Uriels,Irnn.BloneHinl Woodim UiiIuIIiil'. Job.lilnc of all kind UillldiiiK .M.il.irliil foral. 510 and ftlJ Klin; Ht'mn. IteildenceTeleplione, Dell 227; l. O. Ilox H.

DU. C. W. MOOklS,MOO Van Ness Ave., B. F., Cal,

Blegant Apartment lor Patitmti.BMOTRKIITY IN NIRVOUh OlbEAAIH.

Dr. Moore utlem IuvhIIiIh all ihbcomforts of home, with constant and care-ful treatment. Kefern to H. It. MrftuUim.

lAKl-- tf


AROHXTHIOTfl.(irviusi Nhw Bate Deposit llinMln

Fort street, fluiiolillil H. 1

Plan, bpecltloatinus end buperlmenilenue kIvmii fur Kvery Detcriptlon of Hit, IdI lit?. Old DuildlliKH Nuui'eriafully lUmodsited and Kulitri;t-d- , iNl);iie fur Inltrior

Mm" or ,V,mi)IcIami HIiim Printing. Dniwlnus

for Hook or Nempner lllustrutlon,


Hf ol KING SI mWholesale nnd Rotai) Rutfihurs



(i. J, Wai.i.kr, t i Malinger.

WM. 6. IRWIN & GO.

i Limited1OKFMH PUB HAIi

Fti UTILIZERS. i.i i. otou bob

CeioDrnied Blb Grade Cue luim.

We are also prepared to take order lotcall

Uhhhi-h- . M. OMakndt Jk Oo M

fcrtUtBrM,insuring; piompt deliver

BOILED LUCOL!W Thli It a vuiRHiur Paint Oil, ovu- -

turning les nleiment than Linseed Oil, and ealllying a lastir brilliancy to oolort.

Tljed with rtrler It jive a eplendld Boor oritrfara.

Lime, 'Cement,rlUKINSIlHIIUAKH


Falrkaik Caailf CVi Ctmi BmI

raAVrtH PAIHT 00. 't

CompoQDds, Roofing & Pipers,

ImU'i Piteit Stun PIm Citiriit

JarbotJi Diaaoai, Baaael A Evsr-UitlHFal- at

Riwoiallj deilKntd for Vaoutiiti Fani.


B7 IClng street.

Cat Ratei l BigpigelllKK"Re Checked from Hotel and Keel.

uencea direct to destination.Trunk delivered to all part of the city

or nu honrd etramure for

25 CENTS EACH.All other freight In accordance.

He litre and ring u up.

Bell 662

J. R. MILLS,HWi Mm Manacer.

Win. G. Irwin & Co.iMMlTBD)

Wm. U. Irwiu. Prealdent and atanaicerOlaiik Bprenkeli,W. M. Qlltard, HecraUry and TreasurerThen O. Porter Auditor

Sigia.r FaotoraAND

CnuiruiKUlOD AkhiiutlllNT ll YHB

Oceanic Steanshlp Ctapaay,OF HAN FttANOIBOO. CAU

Bku. Tei.. 381. Mutual Tm- - fi07.

P. O. IIOX 321.

HONOLULUarriage Manufactory


Carriage BuilderAND 11RPATRKR.

BUcksmithing ,N $&$&.Orders from the other Islands In

BulldlUQ, Trimming, Paiitlaa,, Etc, Bio.,

Promptly Attended to.

W. W. WRIGHT," Prop.IHnnresHor to O. WesUl

Excursion to Waikiki


Notice to the Public 1

(J MIT 1 1 Wll.l. HUN A CIIKAP KX.O iiurMuii to Wulklkl. A llu will leavefrom I lie Old Clilnecu Theatre, Kline street,lit Kvery Hull Hour and Kvery Hour(dully) to tlio Htreet-uu- r Terminus, Wai-kiki IIUi-l-

O. B. DWIOHTDots all kinds ol Work In

Ct ment & stone Sidewalks & Curbing,

He Iinooii lisnd a larue supply nl Clil-- n

m (Inui in I'nrli iiuif alay Mplirlilli( Hume. Kttlmaies Klven

nud liiHi'lt prli'i s ansliredi llellTelepliouuOil. Illii-t- f


AND rui

Occldeoul and Oriental S. S Go,


Htaanien of the abore Companlei willat Honolulu on their way to the above

porta on or about the following datenBtmr "CHINA" November 12, IWtiBtmr "OOKANKV... December 11, I KMBtmr "CHINA" January 21, PertBtmr "OOKANIC"... February 1H, WISHtmr "CHINA" April 2, l


Oteamert of the abore doiiianie willat Honolulu on their way from Hong

kong and Yokohama to the above port onabout the tollowinc datei

Btmr "OOKANIC". .November l'J, IrMBtmr "CHINA" December 31, IKHBtmr "UAKI.1U" February HI, 1kBtmr "FKKU" March 2!l, lwtoHtmr "ClAKliM" April IM, Wrt


ro toan-RAMA

Oabiii 1160 nCabin, round trip 4

months Oh uCabin, round trip IS

month. a toKuropean Bteerafe... an Ob

ro iiohii.(ONH.

I17S Ki

m no

51H 2&

im iki

FaiMnireri paylna full lar will beallowed 10 percent on telurn fare If returnUiK within twelve month

Ira-w- For Frelht and I'anaKe apply to

H. HACKFELD k CO.,i7 tt AgonU.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

AQSiraliao Mall Servict

Far Saa FrancUcu .

The Naw and Fine Al Bteel Hleamxili

MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamahlp CotuHtii willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and A uckland on or about

November 15th.And will leave for the abore ikjci withMall and PaeiiK.eronorabout IhatdaU

For Syiaey ant Aocklaotf :

Die New and Fine Al Bteel Hteamhl


Of tbe Oceanic Bteaiusblp Compeny willbe da at Honolulu, from Ban Frannleroou or about

November 22d.And will have prompt desimtcb withMall and PasseiiKera for the above ports.

The anderslgued are now preared tolsaiieTMIOUSH TICKETS TO ILL POINTS


V For further particular reuardliiKFrUbt or Passajce apply to

WH 0. UWIN A CO., LM.,

hh 0aral Agent.

Oceanic Steamship Go.



Arrive Hunoiitln l,evn HnnuiIrom H. F for H. F

Nov.3 Nov IUDeo. 1 Dec. H

Den. Ui Jan A

Jan. W Fell, aFeb 23 MamlfJMarch Z March .'inAprPai Aiirll'.TMay IH Mav 'iiJune IS J.inerJJuly i:i Jii.y'JiAuk. IU Ml)-- . 17

HHd 7 Hept IIOct. ft Out. l'JNov 'i Nov. I

THROUOH LINE.From Hsu Fraud" Kriiii, Hyduey tin

lor riydney leu Fraiii'lsi'ii

Atnvr lliHititult- -

AI.AMKDA N.,v J.'lMtlll 'MsA Id.MilCII'llriA D. .ii M. NiW.M Den I.IMON'lWAI .Nil 17 Ai A.MKDA Jin HI




AI.A.MKDA Mtv HI M.Mtll'llSA aMMUI'OHA Jutiell MDM)WAI, Mil 'inMONOWAI, July 4 AI.AMKDA, June "7AbAMKDA, Auk I I MA It IPOS A Juiy'.'.iMAIIIPOMA. Auu.'.-- I MON'OWAI, An J!MONOWAI, bept.'.ll AI,A.MIA Hmc IU

AI.AMKDA, Oci 'Jll .MAIIII'OSA Oct. 17

Consolidated Soda Water Co, L'd


Cur. alien i Port 81., Hiinoluln,

UOIihlSTKiK & CO..lOSMf Akenls.

Canadian-Australia- n

ol tin- - hoe Una, ruunlliK In connection with lh

Heiweeti Vancouver. U 0., and Hvdncy, N. B. W.. and railing at Victoria II ).Honolulu nud Bava FIJI,

A.RE DUE A.TOn or about the dale below stated, vlt :

From By J imy ttnd H.ivn, for Victoriaand Vamcnuviir, II. O.t

Htmr 'MIOWKKV. . November .1

Hlmr WAHHIMOO".. .Decembers

Thrunqb Ticket liraed Irom Bonolala fo


D. MiNirOI.I., Montreal, Catinde.IIOHKKT KKIIK, Wlnnlig. CanadaM M. BTKUN, Han FrancPsco, Cal.0. McK ItKOWN, Vanmnver, II. 0.


TIME TABLEW 0. WiLuiA. I'rei. B. II. Itooi Hen

Oait. J. A. Kmn, Fort Hurl.

Stinr. KINAU,CLARKE, Conmander,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. w.. touchliiKatIrfilialna, Mnalaea Hay and .Maketia thesame day; .Mahukon, Kawalhawaiid

the following day arrlviiiK alllilo al liildnlitkt.


Tueiilay Nov. IIFriday Nov. IllTuemlay Nov. 27Frldav Dec. 7Tuesday Dec. IK

KeturnlnK leaven llllo, KiucIiIhk atsame day; Kawalhae a. h.; Ma-

hukuiia 10 a. M.; .Makeiia 4 St.; MaalaraHay II I'. St.: Laliaiiia H r. m. the followingday; arrlvliiKnt Honolulu il a. m. Wedtievday and Balurdavs.

AKIUVKH AT HllNOI.lll.UiWednesday Nov. HBatunlny Nov. 24WediifMlay Dec. f.Balurday IK'O. 16Wrdlieeday Dec. 2i

ATeF' No Freljtht will be received nfler12 iioiii on day of eallliiK--.

Stmr.OAHERON, OoBnuodtr.

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at fr. m touching at Kaliulul, Uiielo, lianaHamoa and Klimhulu.

KetunilUK will arrive at Honolulu everyBiinday uiornlm;.

tW No FrvlKbt will he after4 r. m. on nay of lalliiiK.

UonaiKtiee must be at the laudliiK toreceive their Freli-ht- . as we will notill oldourselves restioiialble after such Fruitfulhas been landed.

While the Comnanv will use due dill- -Keuce In tiandllni; Live Block, we declineto assume any responsibility in case of thelosanf same.

The Company will not be responsible forMoney or Jewelry miles placed In the careof Pursers.




Real Estate & Personal Property


If you have ItKAI. KSTA TK fur bale wecan llud you a Purciianer

If yen Iiivm HOPHKH FOR HUNT, wecan Hud 'tenant.

General Real Ebtate Agents13 end IS Knaliuieanu Htrtets,

(N.ar Po.t Oitice )

lulu' Uftl TolopliOilo Q3B0. A. LONG.

NOTAUV J'UHI.IO,IS Kaniiumfinil Bireet. Telephone lll



Mfn, Itnuriliitiin Unit rrmnvrd the but-mi- re

of h?r socJt row Jltitrl atrrft to

Iff private Jtmiilturr, where she in-fe-

vliiHiuii it out ill privute. mle. Iti iirritntjed and ready fur iunpulion,and ax he intendu tit retire permanenttil ruin himiiii'H the (iimdn will lie mild

nimr ilium uf f.'nW. 0if patron areinvited In pay her a vinit.

P mi I

lllnlii'H hiiiI lllntawnre Wauled!itlonkn Wntiitii'H nud Jewelry WantedMill (told nnd Hilver Wanted!

ItT Hlubesl Price PM JH114 Klnir Btr"t. Cornr of Alitkon


II Siiiimiiii rilreel

nusmiths, Plumbiifj, Etc.


Steamship Line



Wilder's Steamship



From Victoria nnd Vancouver, B O.,for Uuvrt nnd Sydney:

Btmr.MIOWF,ltA" Nnvrmlier2lbtmr "WAKIll MOO" Ibn-mlie- 21

Cauda, Onlled State, end Europe

For Freleht and l'asL'e and allOeneral Infornialion, apply to

Theo. H. Davles & Co , L'd,Aqnxli for tht Hmiiniinn I'lnmin

California Fruit Market,Corner KIiik Alakea His

Cuwiuo's HiifriratorsHv Kvery Hieamer from Han Fran

ciiico with

Frosh Prait, Oysters,Salmon, Poultry,

Kte. KU, Kin., Ktr.IltUHf

Regan Vapor S Pacific Gas

Engines & Launches !


They cannot be mirrn.nnl for motiveiwcr.


JOS. TINKER.KCtt-- tt Hole Ap-nt- , Niiiihiiii street

WM. DA V IKS,Rigger k Stevedore,



Thotftn.rirVAIMANALO"lleglnnlni; Monday, Oct. V2, will m'l at ,r.

i. m every Monday for llniiiiei-- , Kolon,i .in lie an i mi-ei- .

llHIUlie ht olllre of J. B. WMker.ov--r Hpreckele' Hunk, Furl sinei, or oniHjsrd to Wm. D vvii'.m Mnl-- r and Owner

A. F. Medeiros & Co.

Morchant "H Tailors

llnlel Hi., under ArlhiKton Hotel

Latest Patterns in Suitings

Kerelved hy Kvery Hieamer



Drawing and Painting.

0. Howard HitchcockDrawlriK and Palnlhi); tnulit hy the

Clasi-e- i ivcry Wednetdny and Hnturduy loreiiiHin from H a. m.

to l'J noon.

lenioiiii lor Private I'liiitls In iietilal lines of work alho nlven.

v. The Htiidlo will he o4--n In vlltorevery Friday alteruenn.

City (Jaukiauk C'o.,lAirnT Klni; ami llethel Htk


Finn GurrlageH &t Civil I'lrlvtur. To he lied at all liniiis

,1. S. ANDIUDK.iirvi tf MauHK-e-r

Hi0O rSacoliacn,

rdrr left Ht Hit peuifir fOMedtusir

tloiuiinnvi' tor sttttt tiettrpinpttti Mttsttded la.

Kotr Tlio-e- e 11.

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing LaidKtthiiate Klveii on nil klinU ol



Atlas Assurance Co.OX X.01TZ3014

aflUKTB, . . 110,000,000.

II. W. SCUM IDT A SONSAuent for lUiSMliilli Islands.

LDCOL -- :



Bnvn Hnlt tlio Amount of Your Oil1)111 Through Unvluc In IMmnnt.

Kvcry paiiitur MmiiUI hhi- - l.i'coi. inntcml nl LiiiM'cil Oil, Iiitihim'!

1. I.ri'ot, li more ilunMe limn l.liieel aton.l.tTiiL N more tronnMhnl than I.ln- -

ect Oil.



Hx of urltiul u-- i- in tli-rio- r

lioii'ii puiiilinn in Culifnriiiii (llu-mnx- t

trylnj; rliiiiittf fur p.iiiite), intlio liiirninc hnlt of tlu Arizona Div-

ert, tlio Arctic colli of Aliti-kii- , mill ontlio Alluntlo iMinnl, Imvo fully millpnicliciilly elniwii thai I.pi'ol iilwuyeoiitwcure Litieccil Oil timlcr tliu eiiinecoiulitiiniH. All tlic mill work inSun FrunciiTo Imvc ilt l l.inoiTil Oil for l.iTui..


1'ut Klrim iiininoniii on l.int-cci- l itmll.UCol iilillt. Till) I.IIIM'i'il pit Int r

uru tti'htmyvil in n few minute; theLiicol pillule uri' pructiciilly uiiiilli:ctfit.



Hrciik up l'i U'K. piieti while lendIII iiiic pint o( I.i nil., unit tlio eiimripi.itility in our piul of l.iiirciil Oil.Sprcml tin piiiute on eitiiilitr (lurksiiifucce for 'iiupitrir-oti- . The l.ucolp.lilll fprcilil-- i tin fur lie illlil CiiViTellilicli licttcr tlnill tlio I.lil-i- nl p.iilitTo ct iiiiiiUy pMtil ciivcrinj; Willi tinl.iiu-i'ci- l puint you luivi- - to iiu 2J llm.of Willi!' ll'llll llMllll' pint ( I.IIIMCllOil. This uifiiiin ii riivliii; id i in. oipH-- tc to Illlil pill! of I.tTOI. IIM'll,or l' llw. to gnllnii, iipiivulcnitn your euviiix nu re tli.iu li.ilf tinllri-- t ciiht of tlin 1,1 rui..

I.ri'iil. ie not in competition withchl'llp LillnlTll Oil Hlhetltlltfx.


wm (or Die HawaHan Islands

SV:X T'ail

KZ-r-W r v.n

i to: i rjv

Wholesale f Retail.


Japanese v Goods!Silt and Cottoo Urns' Howls,

KUi., Mto. Kta. Kir,

Silk, Linen and Oape Shirts

ol- - I'OMPl.Kl'K riIO h

Made tiy Yaiiintuyn ol YosiiIihihh

tmr When von ere in need ol hi.) Mmof .litpitneiie (iihhln, ive .e rlr.l hii.innvh koIiik all wroiiiid town

ITOHAN,1.. 15. KKKIi'S



tUiui Suitings,Wlugniit 1 'it turns,

siiiftl TiSitost Stylos.

Ill KM', online v' 1.1. UK Mil H INA.SY tJl'A.MIl Y FIlilM A

100 Yards Down to Kuougu

to Make a Single Suit!

AND A I' -

Hard Times Prices I

L. It. KKItlt, - I.Mi' iiiTi.it,IM'KKN hritr.KI.

lite IhttUj Itiillilin, .'in I. nli furmonth, diltvrrrd by carrier.


Dailoy's Compnny Oivo a OoodShow of " Cinderella."

"Cinderella" wa? played by thoDailey compauy to a largo audienceSaturday ovouing. It was hand-Homel- y

uiiiiiutfd and tlio costumeswore ulegaut. Miss Kato Dalgleialiacted th titlo role charminglythroughout. Misses Kiltie Holuiourand Oeuovievo Nannary, as "hercruel sisters," wore veryt amusing iutlieir stage business. Uichard Scottwas princely to a dot as Prince Fe-

lix, while 1'. A. Nanuary gave BaronI'onipollini all of tho pomp the char-acter was intended to carry. Louisllelmour, Al. II. Unllelt and JeanW'einer as "Pedro," "Alidora" and"Dnnilitin" respectively wore alllively. Mr. Unllelt made a lot offun iu a bit of burlesque minstrelsy

tho court of the prince.Miss Mollie Stockmeyer, besides

acting the fairy queen in good style,made n great hit, white the palacescene was on. in song and dancespecialties. She sang "Like no aLike," giving the native pronuncia-tion precisely, nud "MauiOirl," withsome original catches that made thehouse roar. Dressed in a beautifulcostume, in which the Hawaiian en-

sign was predominant, Miss Stock-meyer ilnuced, iu a light and gaysteo of her own. to n hula tune.She was loudly encored. The littleMisses Nellie McLennan nud ElsieBradley made blithe-lookin- g fairies.Nellie sang "Aloha Oe" delightfullyclear and sweet in the fairylandscene. An etithiiHiastic encore andtwo bouquets renarded her effort.

At the close of the third act JamesCampbell's pair of Shetland poniesappeared, drawing the fairy coachfor 'Ciudorelln's" transport to thopalace. They behaved quite respect-ably.

'1 his afternoou Genevieve Nannaryhaving Iter bum-li- t ton large audi-

ence iu "A Night OIL" The lastregular porforiunuce of the seasonwill be "Wages of Sin"and Mr. Dai ley's benefit will boplayed on Wednesday evening.


Murshnl Hitchcock Komovoa theHeud of tho Mounted l'atrol.

Maralinl Hitohcock Liih at last,

conn.' totlio ('oiiclueliin that CaptainIvlfiiiiui) of tlit" mmiiited patrolwoulil ln iiioro at lionu- - In privatelift than ax a public rvaut andKiinrriian of tlio poact. Klotnino wasetitniuarily iliiniiieiicil on Saturdayafternoon, and, although roasonawvn Biwn out, it is Koiiorally

thai it wan for iimuboriliua-tiou- .It was rcporti'd by somu of

tho knotting onun a fiv vuk brothat Kliiiinu'n rotuovnl from thoform wan itudor coneidoraliou, andthat tho Marehal wan only waititiRfor a favoralilu opportunity to !)

him.A fcrtiiin Hcotii) oiiacti'd at tho

elation Saturday moru-inj- ,'

may liavo had nouiotliitiK to dowith kli'tniim'a dnunisxal. It waseliortly nftor olio oVloi'l; wlion Caii-tit- )

ii Kloiumo'rt patrolmen brouuhtiu a lnu'k and hori'o wliioh tlioyhtati'd had Imhjii foi'.ud without adrivor. liiHtuad of ttiminu' tho ar-ro- st

over to Captain UohoIuII, of the,ri''iilar forco, who wan on watch, atho ri'Kiilatioun call for, IvlumuioIhoiiKht that ho Immui; a captaiucould outor tho arrenl himiolf.Aftor a piitisau'oof wordc, BtroiiL-- andotliorwisi', Captaiu Klomino allowedtho owtior of tho hack to o scotfri-- proforriiiK that to tho humilia-tion of howiiiK to another captain'awill. Tho tuattor was oxplaiued toSenior Captain Itolicrt I'arkor andho took Uodoliill s part.

With tho removal of CaptainKlomuio nud turnkey Ostnor it isbelieved the backbiting and joalousrho rampant iu the polico forco willcome to an end. Lieutenant Cordonhai boon promoted to the captaincy.

Dulloy'a Dunetlt.

Jii(lf,'iu' from tho selections inadoby the company, wo shall witness anexceptional performniicoou Wednes-day nveniiih', when .Manager Daileywill bo the recopieut of a testimoniallonilured by our best citizens. AcoiidoiiHod version of "Uatnot,"which iucliideH all tho powerfulspeeches ami scones, will bo render-ed. The two farcical creations, "AKiss in tho Dark" ami "A Day iuCourt," together with a musicalolio, which will include Miss Stock- -mover s native sotin and dance, willimfeod make an interesting bill.

Uoyond Comparison

Are the good qualities possensed byHood' Sarbaparilta Above all itjiiirilio the blood, thus strengthen-ju- g

the nones; it regulates the di-gestive organs, invigorates the kid-ue- s

and iiver, tones and builds upthe entire eystoiu, cures Scrofula,)ypepia, Catarrh and iihoumatisui.

liet Hood's and tho only Hood's.

Hood's l'dls cure nil liver ills,biliniisiiess, jaundice, indigestion,sick headache. 'Joe.

For a pain iu the side or chestthere is nothing so good as a pieceof llauuel dampened with Chamber-Iain'- s

I'aiu Halm and hound on overthe ecat of pain. It nHords promptand permanent relief and if used litlime will nlnnys prevent a cold fromresulting iu pneumonia. Tlio sametreatment is a sure euro for lameback. For sale by all dealers. Hen-so- u,

.Smith Co., Agents (or thoHawaiian Islands,

i if J si sBTl



Page 2: Puill Bmllietiii - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10758/1/...ww t Puill Bmllietiii 1.M VOL. VIII. NO. 118S. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12,



Horectlcr, the General !Woilln willolosuon MATUllDAYS, t 1 j. in.

Wlii'ii a foriilfn mall nrtlvea on Snlur-iln-

tho (leiipral Dellvi-r- will foe

for oiid hour from I to .' v. m.

JOS. M. OAT,Approved: PojUiinsliT-Oi'ticrn- l.

8. M. Damon,Minister of I'iintni'e.

lls3-3- t


Owing to tho ilrntinht nml i,an,ltv f

water, tho ivjMuiits nliovc .litild trci-taro rtinuteil to collect wlril water theliny rtiitir' for Iioum'IioM hi rto-- t

before 3 oVlock a. m.

ANIHJKW I1IIOWN,Suporlntiiidfiil Honolulu Water Work.

Honolulu, II. I.Jiilv 'J i, Imui.USUI


llnMor of wnter irlvilej;e1 or lhott!iylii water ratei, urn liereliy tiotllliilthnl the hours for Irrigation piiric nrefrom 7 to 3 o'clock . m , neil ft to il

o'clock r. i. A. IllimVS,SueriMtftitlent ltonolnlti Wntcr Work

Approved:J. A. Kino,

MinMcr of tho Interior.Honolulu, Mn ', Isu, IIS.Hi


On .SUNDAYS AND IMUliAYS.lltirlnl Ct rtltiiMtc i Imj n'ltalnol nl tinroldriicc of Mr. V. II. Hc.mi.iIiU, iiiM cnlof Urrcn street.

VI l.l.l AM O. SMITH.llo.inl of Ilc.ilth.

Honolulu, Nou'iiilicr titli, IIM.HM-.t- t


As a im-iiii- . of hc.ilth nmlprvvrntlriK ulcknc, nil tmiii lire il

In tlrlnktiiK wntcr to uo only th:iiwhich Inn Ihtii In1Iii1,

l'cr unli-- r of the Id. inl of Health.WILLIAM U.

J'ri-.-li- nt.Honolulu, Nnvcinlicr 7th, lN'l.


Thr l'ri'siili'ilt h.ix :ipN)lntii the followInt; 1'iititlciueii to lie member of the m rCoiiiiiiIxIoiii

W. N. All.MSTIltiNti, Clinlritimi:JOHN KM M HI. I' I'll,J. M. VIVAS,iiKMiv w. rr. ii. mi i:i:av.

KxectltlVt) llullilili);. October .III, l'i.MM .t

Ilnltint to ntitb'T liect r tin iy .

But Kitablhhfd tor the lUntfil of At..

MONDAY, NOV. 12, IBifl


Captain K Ionium's cam illnstrali'spart of tho foolish courses enteredupon by tho Provisional (loveiu-uiuu- t

at the ouImiI of its career.Whun the Itfi.i.KTiN, with compara-tive moderation, criticised koiiio ofthose courses it wan treated as aDoditious medium. A somi-otlicia- l

explanation of tho retreat under theAmerican llag, on the lirl of Feb-ruary, IMia, attributed that event inpart to tho "attitude" of this paper.It would havo boon well for theGovernment to-da- y if it had paidmore huud to honest criticixm, andnot douo so much of the ostrichbusiuuDs of hilling itft head in thejsaud to ao its body from impend-ing dnugor. Many important postsiu tho military and police depatt-uiuut- s

wuro given to political adven-turers of uiiBottlod principles, whosorecord included not only agitationfor powor, but secret conspiracy forviolent means of attaining that ob-

ject, long before the ostouMhlu rea-hou- h

for tho revolution had devel-oped. Having attained their objectof being iu with a party iu power,Bomo of theso agitators might, ifproperly disciplined, have worthilylillod public poaitioua they had lungcoveted. They wero given, however,a degree of latitude that was pimplyastounding to all who had ack-nowledge of the restrictions placedupon subordinate ollicials iu d

states. No embargo wasplaced against their being membersor oilicerH of political organizationsthat frequently indulged in the pre-scription of public policy, as well aseven the admiuihtering of strongcriticism, to the Government thatemployed these politicians. Theywero permitted to carry out a systemof oll'eusivo espionage against peo-

ple who did not support the Gov-eminen- t,

and to harass such by out-rageous trespasses upon their homesin search of arms and ammunition.Encouraged by so much license, andtaking to themselves a large shareof the testimonial bestowed by Pre-sident Dole in a state paper upon"those brave men" from whom heacknowledged he and his col-

leagues had received their commis-sions, one of these organizationsofli cored and directed by men inthe Government's pay at lengthwent so far as to demand theirpick of public olHcc.H under penaltyof being deserted iu a body by thewhole organization. Thorn was an"executive session" over this demon-stration, the result of which is saidto havo been a mild rebulT to thoclub in question. Vet its leaders iupublic billets continued to maintainmi independence toward their su- -


poriors in ofl'fo, stK'h a mttfht noverto ho tolt'rntml by atiy Govonunontthat fwU it has a right to govern.Captain Klomtno is accused of hav-

ing worried good tnon whom ho dis-

liked out of tho patrol, and ovon ofdolihnratoly refusing to givo illtctto promotions thoroin ordoriMl bythe .Marshal. Latterly it is said theoh io f activity shown by the patrolhaOieen in getting intoquarrels withtho regular police. Immediately ,

following one of tluwe incidents, theforhoaranco of tho Marshal comesto a sudden end. The political bois


is deprivetl of his captaincy of thepatrol. Captain Kletntno is wellqualified in different respects tohave matin a worthy record in theportion from which ho has been di- -

mied. His conduct on duty hason several ocerwmn earned tho ap- -

probation of others besides support- -

orsof Iho Oovernmnnt. lli usefulties, was from tho first in a largo tie- -

gree impaired, ami eventually

the shortsighted connivanco of theOoverumeiil at the participation ofitsolllcials the public's servants-i- n .

active party politics.. .. r


Carrying n l'lstol Without Leav- o-

Dosortttig n Uu.b.tnU.

A IMrtugue,. named Manuel I'a- -

checo pleaded guilty in lh DistrictCourt to having carried n pistolwithout permission from tho Gov--

eriiiuent. Sentenco was suspended,Ktnalia, for tleserting her litis- -'

baiid's bed and board ami still re- -

fusing to return, was sentenced tobe imprisoned at hard labor for fif- - '

teen days. Sho took her sentencewith indiirereuce. . .

Three Chiue.e, after a lengthytrial wero found guilty of, violatinga section of the law pertaining togambling, liach was fined 10.

The usual nutuDor or liltte .Mon- -

day victims occtipieil tho tlock. Alli.leadetl guilty ami the regulation.amli costs fine was imposed.

Most of th,.oU,ercas,.s went over.

The Sons of St. George will holdtheir weekly tinjoting in K. of 1. hallthis evening.

Dy Ja. F. Morgan.


llynnlirif II. V S IIMIlir SONS. I

Mi.'ill tin il ii tVtilil Aim t tot I tiilc. nttln-l- r Blnrc nit Votl lr-c-

Oil Tuesday, the 13th. N" I Ml HI,

Ami linli oiler nil iticlr Mix'k ul

IlliV AVI1 CAVtV filllllNiiti xiiii mil i u"iu

tlriHiTioi, uM r.Wim-- mul l.liiiinr, r im",rliriKiin i li ihU, ItiMil-ii- h,

Crockery and Glasswaro i

Sitaw nml IV t liiti, Clntli'iiit,TrimkH, W'riih k I'iiikt, e'c.


Jas. F 35Eorga.rj.,Ilsl.tt AI'tTIONKI'.K.


a t ru i: annm .i. Mi:i:riMi ml in- - iin.r. .si.ih r.ivirwv, l.c.l

il.Ulil,ti..-f..tl..iii;.-r-..ii- . .r...-.l- -

til nilii-.- lor tlic eiiriwn tmr:,

t'ol. X.. S. Si.u1.tlnu .. I'n'-lilf- in

Mr. K. 1 liiiiii'NMr l. S. It..lnriin TrriiMin'rMr. Jiim'I.Ii II. I'nrtur . hwri'tnryiMM)ri' M.l . Ainlitur

.1. ii I'AlflKlt..I'lTi'liir W ullirt! HiiKiir Co.

Ilulinliilil, Mi, 1.', Ih'M. ll-- s lit


'rill: a.sniai. mkktinc! of Tin:I I'limu I VimI Co, I.M. will - li.'M nl

II in .hii.i.uim ' ullU;.', Um-ei- i irret, oilI Ml l:.lAV, lliii IMh liit.,ut II oVIocl.

. M I'. K. VI It A.Siv'i) I'lilou I'icil Co., l.lmltt' I.

Us. .It


Tiib .nmm."mT:i:t.n.i ok thi:iJiujiMi'afsSKn

Nov. iiii, ut 7;.uii'. u. . fullllllrll.lllll.-.- i U r.'.,ll.)M-.l- . III. I.ll.lll-- . of Illl- -

iM.niii.--. wiii i.o inm iirtf.1, ii.d.i.ui.K tie- -

.I. tlmi of lriiici io mtvii fur tliu ru- -

"mwir. ii. l'Aini!:;!;:;y.


VlLl.VM i I.L III1 tt Ht tin e ii n otiiiii inll.iinlii.i, MOMIAY, .SiIvi'iiilH-- Hi, lh'.MIII III O I illt'k It. Ill b. H. in r .,

KiTrctiirvliiuiel '111 Noveni'ier Ut, lu'll. I.M-'- I



Il.ili.lulu, Not. I.', I'i. 11 If

CHRIS. (JK1LTZ,i". ini:r Mill. i. r,

W ill II In- - Kiilim -- Iml. nl

Boots & ShoesA'l


I'.ni..ri-l(i- l' I'.vtTj iinij ..r

Hurt, Ladles' 4 Cliililicn's llools

AUn; i Hall's KaU, 20x311.IIV Illl


Nov. 7. iSy,f.Il is reported (lull Iho Rose

Bug i liifMil us CeUcnlariiiuus)

1;ls m;Ue is appcar.UICC ill UlO, . .

dlSiriCt Uiul IS lowlV

wondilllj its WJIV OVOlhllul Io. . , .

mo nut i itciuicuiaic points.I HIS PUtf IS 1101 i JJOOil SWIIll- -

coilSCilUCIlllv it HHISt IWVC

lVOII introduced Oil llsiwailby

ncnm$ w10 t()0 anjs tildefrom 1 1(1110111111. 1 110 IIIIOS laiddown b' Hie Board ol I;OIVsliyl0;lljUr t tl0 caiivillff of

' . .... ., . .

P' '

probable llk'V IlIlVO beotl VIO- -jalod b' tlk CIliploVCOS. LoVlM'S

()f an(s aU, louvrs , ,lavc

snuivjtjlcd tlioir favorites intrunks or boxes as personalelTects and thus inflicted uponii,.:- - f.:,, k-- .,.( ., ,;.riii,.-- .

""" ",w,us """ S'"'"'what lias prOVO.l the WOfttpest that ever linmiljrated to

W 1

' law.lll.m Isl.UKlS. y --.,;. i,

meilt With a little b()ilillLr Woi- -. f',tt"stO! MUICO 111 it WOUld i,,

,(m ,i.,lt for people W'llO do. . :

f , .' ,. , ,

im un ui tmiii;, ;.iiiituiiiii:k Mviv Ivk Ivvd nfittlimr ills


covered that will annihilate the,.,,,., u..,ni.'' j",1, ""5l,L" liaS

ni.UlC .1 CaiCIUI SIlKiy 01 peSIS...

"i blll,'llts .UUl done .,,,,j

evervlliiii.il toward the cultiva- -

introduced numerous tllillJJS, ..

iv ,,r . ......i : Jointbelieved to 111

up the pesky thinjjs withoutmuc iUt.C0NS: nmv jf ie will

just biiiij,' in a few kinjj balsy m. "

woiiui ie i lie 1 1 c. 1 i in iviiii;us plenty of roses.

If vou have ever noticed anadvertisement in I he magazinesof a patent etjij cups you pro-

bably wauled one of them.Wi! iviviwd a few bv the

Auslialiaandifvuiarenottoolale in .iskiii"; yu can el themol us withtnil sending to theCoast. I'hev're made of nor--cd,in ;lUi :,., simpv blv,kyour etjtjs in the cup, screw ona lid and drop the whole business into hot water. In a fewminutes they are boiled, takeoil" the lid, pul in salt, butlerand pepper and dive in. You

can be assured of jjood healthye.lftJS IllKl .'OU dO IHU IUIII1 yOlll'lingers by lakinjj oil' the shells.

We are solliii.t,' .in electrical; outfit which includes bell, bat- -

. ..... ..... i. t......... .... i i : i' . . i' . ..K'lJ, I'll.-M-

I I'tlllOII ,UKI III !) Ice I

'of insulated wire for $2M).This is about the best lhin.sf

.you can t,ret in the way of an; alarm bell and we never heard

. , , .() Ulelll PelllLr SOU IOI' k'SS

. ,N

money, n your son nas anyinclination toward electricitynil)' llllll illl Olitlit.

,f ,herc arc lV0Plc in t,mnwI?" nii,y l)'llllil ln ,hcir

procelai'ii lined"'.S1"1" 1 llUrather tlian in their own zinclined, we wtiuld recommenda pot

.of bath enamel paint by

a jnc Uhas cheerful and clean as anynlbi'f This mini' p.lllll I1.1S HH.I1vl(li lilt v,:iis :in.l is esiiii'i:l llv

prepared for use in bath tubs.It is in .uart containers enoughIo paint a tub.

A Werlheim Triplex SewingjMachine is cheaper than anyoilier make at half the moneybecause it does three dilTcrcn!

styles of work. I:very ladywho does her own sewingknows what a bother il is tolil up rullles wilh anything buta single thread machine. Theyalso know how annoying it is

Io have their hard woik go Iopieces bv the breaking ol a

thread. I he Werlheim will

sew the chain, lock and com-

bined lock and chain.

mM Wm fc ,itd,

UillMU.tt Hlin'OlU'lM1 llllKlk,


t V

HOPPo- -

Not only is our

our piicos arc the sind our terms

tho most HIEEllAL over ofl'crod the public.

Ihiy Kino of us, at Lower

Prices tlian are charged ibr inferior grades

elsewhere, and enjoy

oarninir them.

SNo, 'Z- -i Kins Street

The Reason.Tin iv siiv some pooplc inHonolulu who think theymv not properly clad uuIi'mhtin giirmi'iits they wciircot:Mloi'$l(). The ivn-ht- iii

is iippnrent they tirerich.

A Fact.

Kviryhody U not rich int'net, niot -- people in lliH,woilil have to j;et a mightymove on to make both endsmeet, nnd at the end of theyear have nothing to shovfor their labor except, anextra wrinkle or two.

Ladies.I have something that willHtrike your fancy in theHhape of a .Jacket a Flan-nel .Jacket with a silk Htripe

a perfect lit or no sale.1 bought Several cases ofthese .lacketH very cheapfor cash. They are justthe thing to slip on to makea call, go to market, a pic-

nic, or church in fact,I hey are guml enough orpour enough to wear any-- !where anil everywhere.

The Price.!Nov this is the iinpcrtantpart. After you have he- -!

lected one that looks wellwith your dress and youMod that it tits, you say, j

"Mow much?"

Tho Salesmanhuh. 's?l.o, madam," or'i4tfl H) iniH," as the casemay he, ami tbcro you me.The modest Clerk loi k noteven blush when he is told-- how chea..." He is usedto this kind of thing.

Thai tireless toiler after trade,

.J. J. KUAN,f1 1 Fort street.


M i:ns



Mutual Tuleplwiio 507.

Bull Toliphonu 4G0.


& CO.



PIopiD Co.,


Stock the largest, but

them Avhilo you aro


II V bcij to mniauncr thereturn of our nrlhl from llic

ulnlrs where he. Inw hceti

upend! inj the jural year seel:-i-

unrful Jnitiwlrdye aminew nleiin.

II V are heller prepared thani ri r In Jill nrdersfnr anylhinijnn the line of deeorallre paint'imj on rhina, yhifs or anyother matt rial,

l.i a re ymir order early forDinner, Ximt or other rardxof Hawaiian yet-n- p.

We vnw moke a upeeiollyofeoloriny lanti m ulidrit, amiphoton.

Call and yee what we haeeto xhnn:



An invoice of theCelebrated "Shoeta"WQter JU8t receiveddiroet from tho Sprlngain Shaota, California.

'Shasta' ' la the, meat mineral waterin the world. It lauaed In every leadinghold and on all therallvay dining cara Intho United Stateo.

,ShaBta,, ia theQueon of all table w-

aters; blends perfectlywith liquor of allkinda, and ia a naturalrelief for all dioor-dor- o

of the otomach,kidneyo and liver.

For oale by all drug-

gists and tho tradegeneral ly .


Sole Agents for theHnvval ian Isl ando .


3ST . in . BTJRGrESS tvjotiok ih iikkkiiy cuvkn thatn i(H ,tKI11Hl ,(,,, frlliTluii Hu-I- h

mhiii'i .rii..irn I In ''i4ir (Hriliu Iiim, I.mui will lm Ktilr.l liy Mr Jiih. I'. Mur-Hi-

kli'in, Wilier TiiM, i'l '. Huw KIIImk i;iiii, mul Illl iiuIkIiiii.Iii; iirrnuiitu ilun till'nml nil l.'ii.l nl TimiIh tlmrvi'liril, llirlu.l- - 1 rllrrlnii Killuull nlnl Hut Jiililillift luillnii ufIU4 l'.rllit KiiIvi'h huh Hrviir. Iiwii II, lri up In tin. iilinw ilntn Mn iihvhIiIkMiiit.h hi ii t j mIii B"tllui! IIIiikk; iu tu Mr I.. 11. In, All lillln iii;mIiii.( I,. II.fii"t nl kliul' uf j'llilitiiit. W'urk i'iuIi'iI fui Dm pri'M'tit liuiiii'illiiii'ly fur mymul r.turinl llmu up I'll Mutiml T. Ih. mi'iil. h II. DKi;pluuiuiiuy tliiiitlmfurrtli a. u. IITUH lliiiiiilulii,Oi:t. 3, MI. ll.'.-'-J- m

The Hawaiian Senate

and Legislature

will convene after the American Congressis sized up.

Wo convene every day for tho con-

venience of people who want the bestcarriage work done for a little money.


isTo TO Queen Street


has received much d'mciiru-ion- , its chief commenda-

tion, or condemnation, of course, being that it does

not hit everybody. "When tho Itntinh (ioveriiincnt

wished to reach everybody in India with a tax, it

was found ncccfwitry to levy it on Halt, as that whh

tho only article that owrybody urn d.

to increase: incomesis tho problem to-d- ay engaging every thoughtful

person. There are few indeed, who can get along

without drugs medicines, or the good things kepthy a modern drug Htore. Ts thin not a fact?

the: pointmo wish to make is this: Do you prefer paying the

prices asked for twenty years in Honolulu for drugs

ami patent medicines, brushes and other sundries,

or buy from us at cut rates? We have gained hun-

dreds of new customers during the past few months.

Why? Because they have found that they geteverything of the best quality at u less tax on theirincome.

some: people: thinkwe have discontinued cutting, but they are misin- -

formed. We havo not tried to stop. We like it

and we are not sorry we stii'ted it. We will con-

tinue so long as the public approve of our method

of doing business.


Benson, Smith & Co.,Corner Fort Ac Hotel StaFrom Recent Direct Importations


The Only Perfect Toothbrush.


Perfumes & Soaps !




FI3STEJST 1 1ST IPIj&rVOtt.Of any imported. .lust received by




Page 3: Puill Bmllietiii - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10758/1/...ww t Puill Bmllietiii 1.M VOL. VIII. NO. 118S. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12,



$ft SnUii UUIin.

MONDAY, NOV 12 1894

M!A.X?.I2SrE3 NEWSArrival.

Sr.NHAY, Nov, 11.

fltnir Mlknlmln frnm KnunlBtmr Wnlnleulu (rum Kniml

Tuksiuv, Nov. 12.

Am likttio I'lnnter, Underwood, Z days(mm l.ynti llnml

rMiur Wiilmniiiilii (nnu Kn'neiikiilllo

Departure.Monday, Nov. 12.

Sttur Knnb (or Knliukii nml l'linnhiu at12 m

Slmr Jrn Mnkce (or Knpnant 1 ru

Vossols leavingStuir W (I Hall (or Maul nml Hawaii at 111

a tilHtmr Clnmlinp for port nn Man! at 5pm

Kllauen (Ion (or Hawaii at I ptnHtmr Mlkalmla (or Knuai at 0 n inrjtun Mokolll (or Molokal atlil

Gnrgooi from Island Porta.Sttur Mlkahala-2IT!tli- nK sugar, IT limits

hides, 35 pUj sundries,



1'roin Lyxnii Hand, tr likttic l'lutiter,Nov 12 Uov 0 J) Krectli. MasterMai ticlileiuiiu-- r nnd !M liipilicif Inlmftr.

From Kutial tier lnif Mlkaliala, Nov IIA Cropit, U U'olters. A McIIryde. Mm

Klim-- y, l)r Itnyinoiiii, Ml Heine, 0Ttiortie, ami Ut on deck.


Shipping Notoi.

This l duller week with tlie .learner Mo-kolll and hIiu will not Ihivd mullevening (or Molokal,

The Japan Mall rcorts two sales o(American vessels, to satisfy claims of theirrtinvs. lino Is the svh'ionor tloldeli Fleece,which led Han l'rancli:o two years aio onn vnjaKC to the South Sva. The utlier Isthu Joephlne, a small ehnonurol III tons

Hilt. Iouk liy IMl. hruad, mid lJ ftdeep, wliluh was safely navigated fromHratlle to Japan, utti thou up and downthe count o I n ceiiilliK vn).igi'. Thu Cloldell1'leccu was to rail Hi Honolulu nn her wayout, hut turned hack ut Turk's Island onaccount o( rtiimliu; short of provisions. TheJosephine, called iiete.

The ti. H. AiHtrntln took the (o lowingraruoou Hiiturduy: '.Nm hags siiuar, W. U.Irwin.VCo. ; Kkj hags rice, llymnu Ilros.;Til hunrhes liAtiauas and 1 hagcollee, I'. V.I'ufler; 'U! hunches Imnanrn, llatchelor tDay; IKS bunches haiisiins. I, J. tawy ; mlbunches lianalias. Clin. Wllciir.; '.i ctwthoney, .1. T. Wntorli. iimi; i cases hi'lelleaves, Ah Haiij ilcaes do., iioiii; WallOn t I'll.; 'XI Ihixi's mniij;iics, II hunchesImimuas, 8am Wo.; ) hunches huuntias, 2caw liolcl leaven, bli.K Kee; IIH huni'heshniiauiiH, W. T. Dickey; HiH huncheshauauas, II Ihixcs matipies, Y. I.llin HIhk:Hill hum-lie- s li.tn.itin, I hoxen Irult and 60bundle (I. I.)cur(;u.; illhnrhs.huiianas, 'tropin i'rull Co.: I2S hunchesdo., Wrluhl ,V WllUrd: Soon hunches ha

as, v ft in pMI, Marshall .V Co; .'12 boxespineapples (77 I. lectin), J no. Kll !!Domestic value, f'.'L'ui,

Born.I'tlD.MOIti:- - At I'lUiullo, Hawaii, Novem-ber.- i,

l!ll, to tlm wlfo ot II. W. rod-mor- e,

n lUiiKhiur.DKHIIA Inlhlsully, Niivcmlier II, l!U,

Kitheulfe i.l (ietiri;e U Desha, u sou.


Buiineia nt Term and at ChnmbortNntivo Jury Sitting.

At Circuit Court term, beforoludiro Cooper. on l riday w. n.Coulter withdrew his appeal frontconviction of receiving stolen goods.

Chew Yen pleaded guilty to gam-bling and was fined $100 and costs.Three were releasedby the prosecution. C. W. Ashfordand W. It. Castlu for defendants.

0. A. Fogarly was acquitted of thocharge of embe..lemeut by a foreignJury. The charge was brought bya partner of defendant in the hopbeer business.

Hiram Auiara was granted a di-vorce agaitiHt his wifu. Kaulukuufor plaintiff

Maria Gloria Nunes withdrew herdivorce case against John Soder-iMir- g.

Davidson for plaintiff.litis morning Joseph V. Sylva

pleaded guilty to embezzlement,and sentence was suspended untilIbnUUtu lust.

Kaluua is on trial by a native juryfor larceny in the second degree, hisoffense consisting in tho taking ofbaggage, containing a value of S2,belonging to Iwamoto. Deputy Atto-

rney-General liobertsou prose-cutes. The prisoner couduclH hisown defense.

Judge Whiting admitted the willof the late Samuel X. Castle to pro-bate, confirming the nomination ofthu widow as executrix withoutbond.

W. H. Aldrich's case was furtherheard and continued.


It Buns ItURgodly for a YouthfulMutivo Swain

A young native in the employ of awell-know- n firm iu town got him-self into a scrape on Friday night.Ho loved a girl, formerly a pupil iuKawaiahao Seminary. The girl diduot reciprocate hisaireetiou,aud thuboy plauued a surprise. Early Fri-day evening, unknown to tiio in-

mates of Ins inamorata's house, tholad entered hor room aud hid uuderthu bed. During the evening neigh-bors called at the houtu and passedthe time iu social conversation inthe same room. Thu intruder iu themeantime do.ed ofi into sleep,About nine o'clock the people in thuroom were Btarlled by a noise as ofsomeone kicking against thu wall.Oue of thu ladies looked under-ueat- h

the bed aud saw the girl'slover, wearing a somewhat startledaspect He had been wafted intodreamland, where he imagined hewas lighting his enemies. Theyoung Lothario crawled out andwas escorted to the Police Station,where, after piomiiuug he wouldkeep clear of the premises, he wasreleased. Although fate is ugHiiiHtliim, still he does nut want to die asreported.

Mechanics' Home, corner Hoteland Niiuanu st renin, lodging by day,week or mouth. Tonus: 'J.'i and fill

cents per night; II and i.X perWeek.


"Wages of Sin"' nlgut

Do you want a piano, nearly newt

Look out for M. Mclnerny's shoeadv.

"Wages of Sin" closes the regulartheatrical season.

The Hawaiian National band willplay at Sans Souci this evening.

The Union Foed Co.'s annualinuotiug will be held on Thursday.

Officers of the Waihee SugarCompany are advertised elsewhere

FlnnnoltittoR 12 yards ft.M. S. Levt.

Men's Shoes, f 1.50 up.M. S. Levt.

Embroideries, largo linn, llatn-M- .

tourR and Swiss.S. Levy.

Wilder's Steamship Company willhold its annual meeting at lU noztMonday.

Mystic Lodtfo K. of P. will hold aspecial meeting at 5 o'clock thisafternoon.

Thu committee to arrauge theLeilaui Hoal Club's benefit ball arehard at work.

Miss N'annary's benefit this after-noon filled the Opera Bouse fromHour to dome.

The domestic value of exports bythu S. S. Australia on Saturdayamounted to 21,103.

Arthur Coyuo is now commanderof Co. E, N. G. H., and O. W. U.King is first lieutenant.

Chris. Gertz offers his stock ofboots and shoes below cost. Hehns also a Hall's safe for sale.

In theatrical notes on fourth page,for "Stages of Sin" read "Warn ofSin "ami for "Hamot" read "Ham- -let. ii

There will be a battalion drill onPalace Squaro this evening. TheGovernment baud will bo in attend-ance.

Tho annual mooting of the Hono-lulu Library aud Reading Hoora As-

sociation will be held ou Fridayevening.

Thu arrests made by the policeyesterday were fivo for gamblingand oue Chiuamau for violating thuSunday law.

Head the "Ladies' Column." Yourmoney's worth certainly, and possi-bly a free trip to the volcano, de-pends on it.

L. J. Lovoy will sell merchandiserecovered from the wreck of tho G.N. Wilcox, at the yard of H. Hack-fol- d

ft Co., at 10 o clock

Mr. Ftilii, Japaneso Consul-Genera- l,

is the only cabin passengerbooked to leave for the Orient bytheS.S. China now due from theConst.

Mystic Lodge of Honolulu andKealiaof Kauai, in the K. of 1'.,will hold a conference looking toamalgamation this evening iu Mys-

tic hall.

Noon meetings are being held inobservance of tho Y. M. C. A. weekof prayer. 'a subject is"Itouuwal of Urotherly Love. John1 r, : 1 2 17; I Tim. 3 aud 5.

Carl Williug is in town fromPearl City. Ho brought some fiuospecimens of pineapple grown onhis ranch at Manana. Carl lookswell since ho retired from politics.

H. W. Schmidt A: Sons' credit sale,conducted by Jas. F. Morgan, willbe continued at 10 o'clock to-morrow. It oilers a good chauce tothu trade for replenishment of stock.

Thu Kilohaua Art League willmeet at the residence of Mrs. ParkerHoretauia street, this evening todiscuss ways and moaus for the ex-hibition wliich opens on thu 20thiust.

C. J. Sherwood gave a fine displayof fireworks at Long Branch bathsSaturday uight. Many peoplo forsook the muggy town atmosphereSunday for a splash In the surf atthat popular resort.

Governor G. D. Freeth and hissou, aud a number of laborers, re-turned from Lysau Island by thebarkeutiuu Planter. The governoruot having recognized the ttupublioof Hawaii, no salute was fired.

G, R. Harrison, practical pianond orgau maker ana tuner, can fur-

nish best factory references. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will re-ceive prompt atteutlon. All workguaranteed to Im the same a donem factory.

The steamer Waimanalo returnedfrom thu wreck of the Geo. X. Wil-cox this morning, heavily ladeu withcorrugated irou roofing and coils ofwire. Thu Waimanalo left with thosehoouer Heeia iu tow on Fridaymorning. Thu weather was favor-able, the wiud being southerly, anda goodly quantity of the cargo wasrecovered. J. liowler returned bythe Waimanalo. Tho Heeia stayedat thu wreck.

llaniwai baths have become de-servedly popular since coming underthe charge of Mr. aud Mrs. W. S.llartlett. There was a constant de-mand all day yesterday for bathingoutfits. Hut ween amateur canoeperformances and athletic exercisesby "the boys," those who wuro con-tent with only a sua air bath had noend of entertainment provided. Ex-cellent tallica are set at short noticefor patrons of llaniwai.

Miniature Art.At Williams' Studio are to bo seen

Portraits on Watch Dials, which heis making a specialty of, LanternSlides for lecture by the set oriloeii.

TlntrcareUMKHIKuightsof Pythiasin Illinois. Thu order iu tho UnitedSlates has a inomboriililii of morethan


Arrival of the Phosphate Packetwith Passengers and Full Cargo.

The barkentine Planter, CaptainUnderwood, arrived in port thisnoon, twenty-thro- e days from LysanIsland. Captain Underwood attri-butes his long passage to light headwinds aud calms. The passage wasunoventful. Besides bringing a fullcargo of guano, tho Plauter broughtas passengers. Gftv. G. D. Freeth,Master Freeth, Max Schlommur,head luna, and about fifty Japaneselaborers from tho island. The onlypersons left on the island to lookafter the interests of the PacificPhosphate & Fertilizer Co. are aJapaneso boatman, who used to goby the namo ot Otto, his wifo audtwo other Japanese laborers. A fewof those who returned by the Planterare in poor health, but most of themare well. The guauo season hasabout closed aud the laborers willbo uaid off here.

Nothing further was scon or hoardof the Japanose engineer who ranaway from the island with thu steamlaunch. The Japanese say the mailwas crazy.

The Planter will be docked nt theO. 11. Si L. Co. to discharge herguano.


All the Court Could Do Was to Pinethe Offenders.

In tho case of the Club Stableshorse driven to death, the CircuitCourt was given no option as tocompensation to the owners. ThoAttorney General was willing tonolle prosequi tho dofeudnuts, so asto leavo full scope for a civil suit fordamagos. Still the fine of KiO eachon the two native lads does not pre-clude the bringing of proceedingsagainst mum lor tno aj mat moanimal is said to have been worth,if the offenders are considered to beable to pay a judgment for thatamount. If they are uot able, it isa caso of "spilt milk."

A Strong Horse13 TUB RnLT Of USINO



Hay and GrainJust Arrived pox "8. (I. Wlldf r."


CALIFORNIA FEED GO.tJonier lltieeii A Nuusnu Hi.

noTii Tki.kimionks 121.

By Lewis J. Lovoy.

Wreckers' toMm W.TO-MORRO- I

On TUESDAY, Nov. l.'UliAT 10 0'UI.OOK A. .M.,

I will a'l nt Messrs. 11. Hnck'oM .V Co Syiinl (Iii'hU dmiIvimI from tlir v r k

of the lisrk (. N Wllrux, vz:

Corrugated : Irun : RoofingAit'orltd alien.

Oar Wlierls anil .Sprint ,

Kolln Wlrr. tiuuar llu,--,

I llirrel INiTnradii rv nine Oil,IIiiikIIch K' unci IfLii, hU.


Lewis Levoy,nv it AUCTIONKmt.


ACCOltllAMi: WITH AN OllllKItIN nml l.lci'iiMt of H:ilc ftitcri'il in and liytlm Circuit Court o( ilio l'lrt Cm-nit- , inI'rulmte, on tlielllltli ilnv of Ui'lulior, lli.In the mutter of the Kt:itni( Murlu I 'Sill.Ilvun, late ot Honolulu ilect-nM-t- thf

has reccivi'd iiiKtriiftloim fromAbraham Keruuiulnz, Kxrrutur of tln willof tmlil Murlu O'HiilIivnii, to bull nt publicaiR'tlon, ut IiIh hHleiroims Iu mid llono-lul-

ou MATrilHAY. tlioL'llli iUy of No-

vember, 1b!II, ut 11 o'clock imoii, tluil veryilesiruble residence pronjrty kIIiiiiIo utKalllil.wuena, Hiiuolulu, now liyi'eter O'bulllvun.

The property uforoi-nl- of !.pmof au itcre of liimt, well funccil, nml Ii tilout; on wlih'li urn n lure uml liiiiuhouieilwelllui; liuuie, nearly new, together ultliNtnlile, erriu);ii limihu, iuivuutx' ipuirters,elilekoii Iioiinu, etc., buiiiK tbe pieiuitimileuribeil in u deed from Kmmu M. I lee I --

ley to I'eter O'Hulllvuii uml Itnmauii K.OrHlllllvilli, ilnteil AllKUnt 'M, IKH. umlrecunleii In 1.1 be r lr.', ut puues 110-- 1 II.

The above miIii ollem ii full opportunityto secure u iluslrulilu home, In tb mostiieultliful portion of tliu uliy. im well ui uuopeiilni: for iuvuituiitni Iu u loeulliy wliorevulileaare rertulii to rimi rHplilly.

nrKurlliur imrtiouliirH muy lie luul liyiniitlrliiKolC V. Aitiiforil.iiltoruey lor I

or of the iiii'lernliuieij.I.. J. I.KVKY,

Auctioneer.Dutud tliix'itli iluv ol November, Itjt.

Ifbt IU


1. J. I.KVKY. Lensec,W. It. liAII.KY, Miiuti(;r.


Tuesday Evening, Nov. 13thOur IjiiU llcipiliir I'orfurmuueu of

the Seiiaou,

"WAGESOF SITWodnuiidiiy Evuiutitf, Nov luth,

lltilliil Coiupllliieutiii) lesliiniiiilillllvlinlil to


Hut I'lilll iihi lit tilt- - iilllen uf l J.Lmfuy. 1 1 N't lit

rr? &m "W&!T "'V


Hood's is GoodMakes Pure BloodScrofula Thoroughly Eradicated.

"C. I. Hood ii Co., Iwell, Mmj.i"It Ii nllli plcasuro that 1 tfvo tho iteUIII

of our little Jtajr's sIckucM ntnl tier return totienlth tirthe use of Uood'iSrsapitllU. Shewas taken down with

Fever and a Bad Coucch.Following tills it aors came on tier right M be-tween tlio two lower ribs. In a short tlmo nti.other broke on the left tide. 8he would takefpclli of lore mimtli stid when we had succeed-ed In oterrnmliiK this iho would sutler with at-tacks nf high fi'Tcr and expel bliMxIjr lookingcorruption. Her head was affected and matteroozed from tier ears. Alter each attack the be

Hood's? Curescame worse and all treatment f.illed to rIto herrelief until we began to tivt IIihhI's Marap:irlll t.After aha had taken ouc-hn- tf bottle w u could seethat she was better. Wo continued until shehad taken three bottles. Now she lovki like

Tho Bloom of Healthand Is fatas npls. We feel grateful, and cannotair too much In favor of IIimhI's HarinparllU."Mill. A. M. A1MMB, Intnau, Tennessee.

Hood's Pills net easily, yet promptly andfflcleutlr, ou Uio liver aud bowels. 2Jc.

Hobron Drug Co., L'dMHole Agent1! fur tin Ki'pitbllo nf Hawaii.



Goo'l things need not behigh-piicf- d, there tire eeituinprieeH, though, below whichno good, honest article can beHold tr,08e tire our priceswhnt we call Quick Sales andSmall 1'rolit price-- . If youpay less you can rest assuredyou get less. These are hon-

est statements that economi-

cal buyers know are youone of them? If not. whynot?

Call and see those magnifi-

cent Cotton Crepes in Even-

ing Shades. Nothing hind-s- tnier or bitter was ever

offered in the market at ourprices, "Ami iln-r- c jou are."CJo through the Colored andFigured Cotton Ducks, theGinghams, Oxford, Calicos,Colored French Orynndies,Black French Lawns, LinenLawns, pick up whatever youwill and but a moment's in

spection will convince youthat if you pay less you willget les.

If you wtiiit to go to theVolcano the one holding thelargest number ot our checkswill get the round trip fornothing. Kcmcuiher thisplease

Wis are flashing the pricesthis week on WOOLENULAN KETS a ml WOOLENSHAWLS, making room forour immense stock ofCHKISTMAS G'JODS.

KSWe want your tradeand will have it if goods andprices are an object 1o you.




Safe Deposit and Investment Go,

n, pis rum sruKin.

HAI'IIS ui V:iriiiu fur lleut liy tlie.Mouth ur Year.

VAULTS open (mm Ki.'iu . u until I

l'. M. itxeepi ui Saturilii) -- , when they willn eliiM'd nt 'i .) m

We liny and .Sell IUm-cIii- SIOCKsand UO. !.-- and luiike inlvami". cm laim1,

II"! lui


MY AIISKM'K TIIHDI'ltlMI Mr. Iliiraend Cnililm iHilulyauihorlieil In receive and receipt fur allinuulii. due uml nwiiii! to mii,.l. W. I.uu-In-

ui my niliiv umil Novemher , ls!i,at ulilcli diitii I will xrnn:ill allind,

.i. w.Minimi.Hiiliuliilll.tM. 17, IMIL IIIaVIiii









Beginning on November 1,18111, I intend giving myCustomers a chance to win aI'rize and not only One Prizebut Four.

On next TIHHDAV,November 1st, every Mini,Woman or Child who buys$1.00 worth of goods at myStore (Temple of Fashion)will be presented with a Cou-pon Ticket, and on December20th, the person holding thelargest number of Ticketswill be entitled to the FirstPrize, and this Prize willbe the

Finest Silk Dress Pattern

in our Store. To the personholding the second largestnumber of Tickets

An Elegant French Cash-

mere Dress Pattern

will be given. The ThirdPrize will be an

Ostrich Feather PanValued nt f In;

and the Foiuth Pre will be aFine Pair of


The people of Hoitoluluhave patroni.ed the Tkmpi.kof l'AsimiN liht rally wnccits removal to the new quar-ters at filO Fort street, andthe Managers appreciate this

hence there Prizes. Thereare probably one hundred la-

dies in Honolulu who willbuy enough Dry (Joods be-

tween November 1st and De-cember tilth to win one ofthu above Prizes. (Mir stockis new aud has been carefullyselected for the Winter Holi-day Tividc cfpceiaily is thiitrue of our Dress Pattern.

We have been to an iuliuitcamount of trouble but succeeded iu getting the latentsiiades ami mont iicaiitilul de-

signs; this applies to ourbilks ami Cashmeres. OurCJinghains, Lawns, WhiteMuslins and F'cmish Lawnsare the equal (both iu priceand quality) of those sold byany house iu Honolulu ; alsoBlack Satins and Silks a spe-cialty. Christmas (Joods,Toys, etc., in endless variety.(Jlovesthat fit like the paperon the wall.

And remember that, forevery $1.00 worth of Hoods,you buy you get a Coupon.

Kir All these Prizes willbe shown in our window nextweek.

Temple of Fashionii I !i FCHtT STKKKT.

M. II. Sii.m, :: m i..



orMEN'S .-


FOR ONE WEEK ONLYWe will oiler Our Entlru Stock of

Gent's Fuimisliiiig GoodsUxd' At a Tremendous Reduction ! "15s&

'I lii f no Onleli P.ile lntt n llnna FMt Kninrt'on lnht through. Wo willmention a few ol tlie many Imrslni oll'ereiJ:

li'ii I.Iiipm ColUrn reilii'1' il to 2 tut 'Ite.M"ii s l.inen Citi' r prr for 1.

MenN tiiilnumi leu hiri (.nhmI ntia'lty, rclueerl t i"k-- .OurJ'.'S iitnlitrd Hlilrl. lauielrieil, ln-s-t pinllly, reilitenl lofl BO.

Men's I iiIimI Open 1'rolit Slnrts with Colli? nttfli'lieil, Btnmlnril iimkr, reducedto IO.

Mn'n t nlien ftU reiliirnl from Jl toWVAlenS Cure S Ik limtetnliirt rpilueeil from l to $1.M'n IIih k silk 8 rlc reilueeil rum ?I.Vi to ln'. n ta'r..Mrn's Kiiic Slixkor Plnmi'l l'nili'rliiit. iluitlile liieatttd, red iced to $2,


Men's - Neglige - Shirts !

KetuiMiiiior tlipe Prices re guarantee for


KT. S. SACHS'520 Fort Stroei, : : Honolulu.

Drink Everywhere



$., ym

J:.i mji

-- , i nim vim i

"Ltd.. .. ,4 "

TT IS A HUM KM Mil: AND HO.MK.MAKINO HKVKItAUK.It Ik wry viifily priiariil, uml If the plain iHrci'liuim are

follnwfil, it will uhviiyo In pnn. Kwty iiiciiiIht nf lln lanilly,frnm tin- - luiliy In 1m- ruiiilf illicr, run enjoy IIiiikh' Hoot I)ki:k,uml I'Vi-i- nnu of tliein will lntvi liettcr lieullli fur rui'liliny iiikc. It iinirivi tin; iipin'tilo, piitilliH the IiIimhI, umlIiiiiiv tin' uliulf H'rtiin. Cliililti'ii cppieiiilly ilelilit in II lints'Itmii lli;i:u. ltd in piiriitinii inti-rt-- llniu, nml ilx iimi iIim--

ilii'in uimmI. In tlimisimlN nf liiiiuci., "Ilini Itixtr Hkkii tlutliniilliur iiiiiiIii," will In- - iiiiinnn the liuppiot ri'i'itlli'vtiniiH otI'liilillinoil It cli'aiiM the HyMt-i- nf tin' uiiMiniitiH liiimnrH tluiliIcmI(ii in kiilmy uml urinary iIIm.-um.-- uml in fact, in any eamilli.il uriM from uu impure -- late of tlie IiIimhI.

Hiftiurtly timliTctiiml IIiiikk' limn Hkkii in witlmtit ailulti-rati- on

or any rliiiiiirul or urlillriul iiilinixttiri1 wu provo it It isiiiiuli' in our opi-- l..ilior.itoiy. Nuiuonl proei'M.. Wu tuki tin-Imv- i

lli'ili. ,iml liiinii., Imil tiii'in ilown, liuttlr tlitin uml Ki'iiil

tliein lo you. l'i'rluiii tin n im't iinotlu'r Itnol lleer I.utioru-tin- y

in lliiM'oiiiiIrs open lo puldir y. known HlKKS'Itimi IIki:ii rlieiiiii'iiU can't approach tint nn- - Will yon usunatural Itnot Heir uml Mitii-f- ymir t liirt--t uml ctrentlieii yourIhmIv, iu will you nn- - 11rt1llci.1l I1110I Heir to have ii few iiennienuml nun vmir hi'iilMiY I'lu'ie i li-- tinnv mi miicli IIiiikh' Hoot1Ii:i:u Mil. I tli.ui nil otlu-- r Hint Ilicr cxlracU coniliiucil.

UnmstiN l")itn; CompanyKknson, Smith it CompanyHoi.i.istku DuitjLrcwis V Company

at All Times



"Wholesale Druggist






National Cane ShredderI'.vTExiKii rm:it Tin: laws of tup. Hawaiian islands.

Mr. ,lo lin A. m-i.i- i . Miiiuki i "f U.c llilo Supir Oninpauy, Klvfn tho followiiik won.luf.il 1.,. ,.

,.j iiu wnrkniK of Uu NATIONAL f.VNK SHHKD-Dl'.-wlucli w.,c,.,ic,l i.y ti,IJlr niuk ut tho comiiu'iii't'iiifiu of the croii

jiti-- t li.irvi iti" Duii.m tin K.M tt.,.fc tin- - II.l,, SiiK.ir Oou.piuiy'b mill l .my of

th lorinc, r.i..i.. I.y tl. P.T, h....r KriiHliiiK will, uu i.utjiiit of IIOOllorn. I h ,. fully HI iiircint nunc than iln hci work of former .

In- tlir.-- . nil. 1 uu I..111H 'Jil in. I.y ;, ,. ,,,,,1 tlll) lw roior',iH HO iu.I.y .11 in. Hi. hiht uiilliloiuK thih am. Mini of work in uu uillclvnt iiiuuiivrami u.tl, ynat oa.ccomp.irc.l Willi w.nk ou wholucuim.owitiL' to Ihoriiuiih.rcp.iruti...i ..f th. uuie I.y th,. N.ilionul Cuno .Slucilihr, ici-cutl- nrfittoil I.y

tin I on. .tit .

" Ami l.v 11. u.c tin ,xlr.i.ti..n ha. I.ccu iucn-iiMi- l from II pcuvnt to .r. m.r-- 1

.nt ou all kiiul. ..1 ..me, ami in ,iui M) (Krietit Inib livuu :the i l..in 7- - t. 7s p. r, . ui, a, c.irtliui; In iii,ilily." I coutiiuiL to tiu.l tl,c iim;.i.. (r.iui .hrcihlcl hottir ftit'l tlniii fromWlloli I'lilll'.

"Th,. .luxl.lcr hu I., in wnrkiuntl.iy nml nilit for hhvoii uiuullitf nml himciv.-i- i me ciitu, ..iii.i,ifii,.ii, h,iviuK .hriihlci (luriiin that time al.out nuvuntyihoiiHiiml ton. o .ii. , ami u larnc purl of it l iuj; hnnl rulooii.

llali'm uii.l , nj-iii-. i,.iur' vuy htlli can or utli-niion.-

fl'l.in. uml .pcciii, aiiuii. ..I thec sin, iIiIlti m.iy ho .ci-- .il Ihc ullli-- of

WM. Q. IRWIN & CO., LU,"411 A' .JjmU or t iiMai4i iUamit,

Page 4: Puill Bmllietiii - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10758/1/...ww t Puill Bmllietiii 1.M VOL. VIII. NO. 118S. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12,



Pioneer Furniture HouseHSSTA.BIjISiaEJr) 1S59.

New Goods 1 Latest Designs 1 Largest Stock 1



Special Feature No. 1 White Seamless Matting1'er KoM of to Yards, H!.rjrj.

And a Fine Quality for $9 per Roll.

Headquarters for Baby Carriages!Pianos for Rent I Chairs for Rent !

Bell 179, TELEPHONES Mutual 76.

WILLIAMS BROS.Successors to U. K. William.



Iiporler aid Dealer is Earopcan Dry nnil Fancy Goods

ladles' Wares of every dewlptlnn. Also, frrli linn of Chltiejp Unod.

Pongee Se "Wliite Sills. FajaxxiasNo. 1 White and Colored Mattings 1

Beat Black and Greon ChinoHo Tea. Crepe Slmwta, Etc.

JsT Kit Guaranteed. I'rlces Modern!. -- mwar iMui-fruEL- l Teleplion 54S -


U AA R Niy- Hotnal Telephone J Bell Telephone

645 525D




Fresh California Roll Batter and Island ButteALWAYS

Ib Goods Received bj Every

All Orders faithfully attend U).

olialutu ml packed with cureLinooun Blook, Kino Street,



mporters, Wholesale

ON HAND JtSteamer San

riallhlni-ltoi- i Kuaritiila.iit Immiu (intern

Urt. Fort ano Stuketk.



Retail iiroeens

Pro?ision Dealers & Naval SuppliesVratk Qooii by B?ery Califoraia

GOODS A SPECIALTY.tOJC - HOUSE - - -Islands Obdem Solicited. Jg gsF" Satisfaction Gua ranted,




1. IIP ua



Provisions and feed.Groceries, - - -

New UMts Uncelvad by Krery 1'acket from the Knitern HUIkd Mini Kuroi


All tslthfully AtUmilot to inl (ImmI IMIIrd lii tiifUi of III Dllv


SS'JRCvu. -- i mi nW suVsffipllS''?'??gf fSf'iJrr eji-- r-,- ' Httftttimari--s




e' O




kslfrf$ slteCT

IEis A


ja --Bruises;?, Sct4s

All IYu.i$U

HollisterDrugCo., L'd,


Perry Davis'Pain Killer

623 Fort Street, Honolulu.

V -j- i i10 to 20 Lbs.


The "Cleveland"It elenllhVnlly eniilrtield, fIhmmIIiiiI III uppiirntiee, nmtll J -- 12 moll'lnt lllllMll nfmi) other make.A pimphlel entitled Hmnil

Hence In Ht. flint n Cyele," Mini

"('i.i.vn.AM'" Culnlo:ui fri'i' nlthe Tl.tvci imi ' Ai;uiry, Mm.elmnt Hlnet.


i 10 to 20 Lbs.T TA

4M - mini iki.ki'munkh gar-- n


COALMi lIliilR In any qiinullly - Inn..

llHf to A (4ll.

CHARCOAL.ifroiu uii lm! to 4liy .imiitlH

FIREWOODIn t. Imii'lli unit HtHfii or Hilit

troiu k Iihk uinuy iiiiiiillty. hIhii




hnltuhlii fni iiraniL.'. It'iirnlonUMl-uIr- s t.IiXI,

1,000 Acrs, a Large Galcli,

ii) Ai'ri's or murii Hiiltiihli furl iiilii' ihki.

W-k- Kiiiilin

D DAYTON.ll"t-l- ni l Miruliinl m ict.


Episcopal Cburcti Seiviues !

pKdlNMNIION HITNllAY. OCTOIUIltA J Dili, ri't;uliir innriiliiK inul nvniiiii);n'rvli'i- -. will lioliclil In tliii .i'tliclbl

(if lliiiiiilnlii. ItlvV. . V.I'I'.t'K, I'limr, In lli linll, at tlitworncr ntl'url inul lliitnl Mrri'tH (TIiIhiIii, lnriiiirlyAiiiiiixiitloii t'uili liiKinii.).

A fiirmal irt!iiiiUatluii uf thin I'linri'liwill tiilin pliu'c on bmiitiiy, Niivuiiilicr I,All flirlMlun notullllliili'il with nn oIIhtKviilittrllnil I'hilHtli urn Invllml tu iinltn IntlllH OrKMllHllllll IU(7-ll- ll

Miimfmuimirof I'mioy. UAUUiin, WrmiKlit In. II r,-- i

fur llnrial Uili, IIi'nIiIiimi'i'.h, iLiiiliiim,i'li! riiiuii itni'l, iii'iiriy iiiiiiiltn

llml lowiir. Il7ii If

Daily ltiilUlin fit) t rut yrr month.


Custom Ofllclnta Enlist a PollcoSquad for n Bootless Kald,

Port Surveyor Saudurs and his(kptt(y, A rcli hi Oilfillan, caused animportant capture Saturday. Thoycalled at tho I'olicn Station and

that thuy le allowed six oftho lhnt tnen on tho force, as thoyintuuded making an important raid.Tho oQicers must bt armed. Sixstalwart policemen were dotailod toaccompany tho port surveyor amihi assistant. Soniu little whilo afterrJim Kupihoa, one of tho biggestmutton tho force, returned to theStation carrying a half-dea- d China-man. A raid had been made on thoTong Hiug Society building onDoretauia street, ami two old men,inmates of an opium hospital, werearrested. No dope was found. Thoollicers woro disgusted on findingout where (he important raid was tobe made, it being wull-know- u to thepolice that the dim is inhabited byaged and infirm Chinamen who areonly kept alivo by the constant useof the drug. These men have beenallowed to have their quiet smoke,as it would be a useless public ex-

pense to have theiu arrested. Theywould dio on the hands of tho Government if they were not suppliedwnii opium. '1110 two men weredischarged this morning. They wernhardly able to walk ami were assist-ed along the street back to the den.

m "

Failing Undor False Colors.

Editor Hri.t.KTiN:

The delegates to the Constitu-tional Convention may bo Itkoiw--unto inott"Who flolo the livery of the court of

Inn-e- n

To.-t'rv- u theiWvIl In '

Tho Indiana Pittsburg Dispatchsays: 'Tito controlling spirit of tlmproceeding by which tho 'Kopublio'of Hawaii was declared to be consti-tuted on July I Is that of sardonichumor. A constitutional convention,tho majority of whose members thepeople of Hawaii were not allowedto choose, frames a constitutionwhich the people are not allowed toratify and names a ('resident onthe distinct ground that the peoplemust not be permitted to elect htm.It is to be hoped the United Stateswill keep itself clear of all supportto this travesty on republican gov-ernment. At present lliu supportersof republican principles have justground for an action of libel againstthe Hawaiian oligarchy for theirmisusu of thu name." Oiur.iivut.

Concert ut Sans Souci.

The Hawaiian National Hand willgive a concert at Sans Souci thisevening. The following programwill be rendered, the concert com-mencing at 7:.'i0 o'clock:

I'AHT I.Mnroh Aiiierleaii t'mlntK. . Hulloverture IWt mid IVniant ..SiiiiiihPolka -- friieMuiK'l I.lhoniioNuoihinif .Solo iJUH'ii l.llliiuknlaiil ...


I'Aiir it.nver'iiru Snid I'ikIm .... .SiiihlWully I.iitli4 KicnsPiilua Iji I'iiIiiiiiii. Y millerMaieli -- Kululanl .. .. Mhornio

Hawaii I'oiiol.

Evunititf.As a final bill for a season's en-

gagement Manager D.iiley selectedthe powerful inelo-draiii- a "Stages ofSiu.'' It hits always been considereda most attractive play, as it boundsin scenes and situations that appealto human interests, and thu char-acters aro particularly lifelike. Itis the second play during this sea-so- u

that introduces a curate as thuhero, around whom thoro is a con-tinuous interest. Tho company haveplayed tho respective parts repeat-edly smooth performance may Imi


AVER'SHair Vigor



Abundant Growth

ni' 'i in:

It run s Iti'lilni: liu- -

"55 liimi. inul keeiii Hie1 He ill' i'ihiI limM,

&ii lii'Uli aiel liee lima? iI.iihIiiiII.

51 ,..J ' $ wrtlenivsi&r'. it,"l

tin t";,"',

yep-iO- f f, tatdi i.. 4i.ii...fc"r rSi '"r ""'

!fcwdfgqn iieiieiu niui her n,

that si enrH nirn I I"1"! nearly li.illn! m

lian. .mil what was lelt tiirneil mio. Aliriilnti Ajei h ll.ill mm ii'M'i.il iiniiilli.ln hair iieis.iii tnt.'1'iw iiitiiiii.tiiin wiiii un-natural fulnr ruilnieil."

Ayer's Hair VigorI'lll'l-.WI- I II IVY


tfr ll w ir. ..( elii ii' linll ih.i. Tin lA)'l I'll'lllll'l'l'' "II I'1' WIUilll inul i

LIiimii m Hit t.Uhl ''I i'.ii'li el 'II I' (l '

Hollistor Drug Co., Ld,,.Sole Ai;ii - for the !teiiih'e of HiihII.


The Best Lunch in Town.

XirSi'P-- M M.n.r.1 OofYnn

tl l,l. IIIIUlU,


Cigars and TobaccoII.WAlt UN IUNII

li. J. W01L.TE3, irop.

ioliku Rule Bazaar.

W. P. Reynolds, : : Prop.



Presents for Everybody

Csfh Alwiys Tiki ind Tbsrsfora

Cash Prices srs Mads.


At I'iiIiIIiIipm' l'rlcpi:

lllhles ntul l'raver Honk',Klim Society Moto Pajn-r- s In lntnst

stylet,l.nwn Tetuiln Htllipllei,Xliinn CnrtU, Cslemlnn mill Ilooklets,

NOVELTIES of Ml Descriptions I

I'nlnts ntnl I'ntntltii; lltxik,(leiniltie I X I. KiiIvph nml llnmrH,

Hair llriilip ntnl Ctiinli",VvliK!lieiles mill Wntiln,


HsnI HewlnR Mnrlilnen fHM tfp,Hhavlnj; Mil); nnil llriiihei,(liiitam from $l.tv Up,

IDollS and TOVSIn (I rest Variety;

I entlier OooiIh In l'lirco. Itlnrlen,l'oeket ItiMikn. Ktn., Kli, Ktc.,

Drawlni; .Mntrrlnln.

Anil Don't Forget wn have aihletl s

News DepartmentAmi nil ni will Imvn

l'roliiit Attelltlnll.

Oritsrs for Mnslo by Every Sttamsr.

Fist Anniversary Ball



Wl 1 1 h'lit st INDKt'KN'DKNCK I'AltK

Monday, November 19, 1894

I.ITKIIAUY KXKKUISi:s ininmrnre atS w'cliN'k.

(IKANI) MAKCil nt ti oVIook.

Admission, locTar.log Lady, $1.00.mo a


Posulv-I- y tlio Last Monlb


Go.ids will be on Sale!

fiionnninu ikss of cost.The Euruptan Lunch Rooms

CIUM3K 8IN(1, I'rojirletor,

Jlolfl Ktreet, nenrly npiHiillr lletlmlHtreel,

Flrbt-Cli- Metis at Moderate Prices

At nil lloiirx. I'at runner Kolliilteil.UA7-:ii- ii


IVr liny $ 2J'er Week f2


Tim Ilentof Attemlnne,thHlleitHlliiailonmill tlifl 1'iiieHt Mealn in the City.

T. KR0USE Proprietor.


AI.AKUK KUKNIHHKI)for ulnu'le ten- -

tleiunii fltilHteil on llere IlInula Htreet, is inlniiteh'walk from rout Olllco. Aililreim "(.,tlliH OttlL'H. KW-'-



A WIOOM COTTAdKONf v. ....... ......

l uullll.tiiil .. ulru.il Bi - m

A unlv to ui.r.wiM j. iir.vr.v,

tltl-t- f Aliutloneer.


IJOOMH AN' I) 1KIAKI)J V. for a few iernoiiH en hi, ;?.niatfMlia.l in llaiilwiil. on lint Wul-kl-

lieaeh. ffrriaV. H. ItAltTI.KIT,

HiA-t- f Proprietor.


AKUUNIHIIIUl CUT.nml kftekI Ufa etl. will hu

lea eil nl n inn leritle rmitilfor n term ol llvu yfiirtt. Apply ni tnluollltu ll-l- tf


A KKW I.AItOK A1KYIV OIII'hh III raiiL f.nliliitlArHlM IwrniM mi lltu'li'rBsstllirir ul the Korea--neih- - nitiiK lllorK AiilV to

llWI-'-'- Wm (I. IKWIN .t CO., I.'n,


I WAIMKI ONTHhA Heath. noiiiforUhle W9L.'"'qilnrterH for mir or two Hill- - M'mGkt.l.. Ilwiil lulu..., luiu.il .....totmll Imthiiii; fnrllltl(!n(MKt Kor purtl-

in-f- l tl HUI.I.KTIN nKKICH.


riMIK I'ltll.MIHKH U.N1 Huhoul mill Kiniiin

htrei'lfl, Inlelv In lliu ui'i'il. m.lull. nil ol Air. (leo. W.hnillli, mill known in "kehehiiiin," Forfurther pittlieiiliirx npply nl the olllee nf

liaMt tJKCII, 11HUWN.

THEFinest V


"Wliiter !

Prict'H bulow mi' othur


H &

-:- -

HURT KLEMME, Haiagir.Cor. Nntimiu & llvrptnnls, fits., Honolulu.

Tb6 Only Sporting House Id Town.

O. P. S. aLohengrin Ltger Beer i


Always on Draught. 2 Glasses for 25c

llest of Wlnet, l.lqnom and CIkumIwnymui linml

8. I. Hlf AW, Proprietor.


and Fine Boor

ItKI.I. TKI.Kl'ilON'R 401.

Cor. King mid Nutismi Street, Honolulu.

AT THEOystnr Cocktails I

flauor Brunnon I

Fradorlckaburg Boarl

Straight and Mixed DrinksOf All Kinds and ileal Quality.

Sontbwsat Rorasr Klag k Naaaaa Rta.


Batting and Picnic Resoit

For Families, l.aille and Chlulron.TKIIMH nKMiONAIII.K.

OBAS. F. WARMER, : : : : MsnsQtr.



New Patented Poi Strainer

All Orders or CommunloHtlonunddreHHud to K. O. Hull & Hon, ld.,(who have them mi tittle), or to M. T.llonnell, will receive prompt attention.

IHW-- tf

JP OX "., ' T ' !

I.IMITKI) NUMItKK OF BHAKKHIn Hie Uolllli Kou Cotlee Company

The Company linn aeiptlred live hundredui.Tfs of 1'iill'i'n hind In (iimlmp'e at I'liim '.',Hunt h Kouh. Hawaii, ahoiil three and onehalf miluH from lloopulou ImidliiK. Thehtml U amoiiK thu hesl for colliie growingIn Koiin, the hoII coimlhtliiKiif very riuli a

ami easily worked. A lare iiiiiuher ofthariia have already boon HiilmurllH-- for.

MT Apply toJ. M. MONHAHItAT,

Cartwrlttlit'i lllock, Mundinut treet,Holiolulii. HMMf

JOHN T. BROWN,Dealer In llnwnllnn nud Foreign I'ontai'e

Humps. I'.O, llox 411, Honolulu.

Hlnhi'nt prleen kIvoii for Unimed nud linedHnwitllnii Uiampn In eielmnre for otherI'ouutrleii from llmt-i'lu- approval Mheetii.HheetM forwarded to any part of the Inlandoil aiililleation with town refereliee.

J, 1. II. in oieu in meet any t'ol lectors tiyapiKilntmeitt. Iiri-ai- u


c&cPLiOURTheo, Davies Co., L'd,


Commercial Saloon'


Merchants' Exchange






Stroaager !

Stnndnrd Floiir in Market.

1ST EWGrocery .' Store


llrlween Hotel ami Klni; Hlrert, nrrt toHhootiiiK llnllery.

GEO. MCJLNTYREHni oieneil n rimt-clt- t (lrocery Storen nlmve. tin will keep nlwayi, on liittulthe Ileal Slltl I'VejIidt

American and English Groceries

ProviHioiiR, Spict'H,

Canned Goods, Etc.,

And do hU heiit to please allCUKtoiuem.

... ..t...I'urrhniten delivered to all iiarU

III UIVT lIJ.Eatv.al Tolopli.orj.o 57.

Criterion SaloonWIELAND EXTRA- - PALE


ohas j. McCarthy,U&l-t- f Manager.

To All Lovers of 8ea Butbiigl





w. s. B.i?,i,iLiasTa?.

N. 11 Hiieclal Acoiinnndallon forUdleu anil Children. Ufio-'- m

People's Baggage EzpreisOAI.I. ANY l'AHT OF Til KWild, for IIUIUAdK. All I la (?!;

reeeivud by iih will he linndled with eareand dlNputidi. Wiikkouh will he on thoWharf ui meel ull I'lirelun and Inter-IhIiiii- iI

Utenuiem. MiivIiik I'Iiiiiiin nmlFiirultilio a Npeulnlly. Olllee UnitedCurrluiiu t'o. anil l.ivuiy HIuIiIum, vomer nfKiliK Mini Fort HtrentH, next to K O.Hall.V Hon. Until lelephoneN'J"U.

11110 Mm M. T. MAKUIIAI.Ii.


tlan&geiaent and Sale ol Proptd)-A- MD-

CiUeotlag li All Its Braiohei.Orriuii No. it Merchant Htreet.