pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth 2010 National Primary Oral Health Conference October 24-27 Gaylord Palm, Orlando, Florida Enrique Bimstein Professor of Pediatric Dentistry University of Florida College of Dentistry.

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Page 1: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment for

primary teeth

2010 National Primary

Oral Health Conference

October 24-27

Gaylord Palm, Orlando, Florida

Enrique Bimstein

Professor of Pediatric Dentistry

University of Florida College of Dentistry.

Page 2: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment

for primary teeth Goal

The participants will become

familiar with the basic

knowledge and procedures

required for the performance of

the pulpotomy treatment in

primary teeth.

Page 3: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment

for primary teeth Topics


Definition and rationale.

Indications and contraindications.

Materials and techniques.

Pulpotomy technique (clinical procedures).

Pulpotomy follow up.

Summary and conclusions.

Page 4: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment

for primary teeth Topics


Definition and rationale.

Indications and contraindications.

Materials and techniques.

Pulpotomy technique (clinical procedures).

Pulpotomy follow up.

Summary and conclusions.

Page 5: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Preservation of the primary teeth until

their time of exfoliation is required to:

a. Maintain arch length,

masticatory function and


Page 6: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Preservation of the primary teeth until

their time of exfoliation is required to:

a. Maintain arch length,

masticatory function and


Page 7: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Preservation of the primary teeth until

their time of exfoliation is required to:

a. Maintain arch length,

masticatory function and


b. Eliminate pain, inflammation

and infection.

Page 8: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Preservation of the primary teeth until

their time of exfoliation is required to:

a. Maintain arch length,

masticatory function and


b. Eliminate pain, inflammation

and infection.

c. Prevent any additional pain or

damage to the oral tissues.

Page 9: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Despite all the



childhood caries

is still a fact that

we confront

every day in the


Page 10: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

The retention of pulpally

involved primary teeth

until the time of normal

exfoliation remains to be

a challenge.

Primary teeth with

cariously exposed vital

pulps should be treated

with pulp therapies that

allow for the normal

exfoliation process.

Page 11: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

The retention of pulpally

involved primary teeth

until the time of normal

exfoliation remains to be

a challenge.

Primary teeth with

cariously exposed vital

pulps should be treated

with pulp therapies that

allow for the normal

exfoliation process.

Page 12: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment

for primary teeth Topics


Definition and rationale.

Indications and contraindications.

Materials and techniques.

Pulpotomy technique (clinical procedures).

Pulpotomy follow up.

Summary and conclusions.

Page 13: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Definition of pulpotomy

Surgical excision of a vital tooth


Surgical removal of a portion of

the dental pulp (levels may vary).

Amputation of the coronal portion

of the pulp, and treatment of the

remaining radicular portion in

order to preserve the vitality of

the remaining pulp tissue.

Page 14: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Rationale of pulpotomy

Pulps with a carious

exposure show a

very limited potential

for pulp recovery, as

the result of

bacterial infection of

the pulp.

Therefore, the infected pulp (coronal

or complete) needs to be removed.

Page 15: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Rationale of pulpotomy

The pulpotomy

treatment is based

on the rationale that

the radicular pulp

tissue is healthy, or

capable of healing,

after amputation of

the infected coronal


Page 16: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Rationale of pulpotomy After the pulpotomy is

performed the remaining

radicular pulp may be:

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Rationale of pulpotomy After the pulpotomy is

performed the remaining

radicular pulp may be:

1. Rendered inert

by using


that is

bactericidal and

“fixes” the pulp


Page 18: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Rationale of pulpotomy After the pulpotomy is

performed the remaining

radicular pulp may be:

2. Preserved trough



insult by using an


agent / laser /


Page 19: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Rationale of pulpotomy After the pulpotomy is

performed the remaining

radicular pulp may be:

3. “Encouraged” to

form a dentin

bridge using

calcium hydroxide

or mineral trioxide

aggregate (MTA).

Page 20: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Rationale of pulpotomy Pulpectomies in

primary teeth are

possible but relatively

complicated and time


Root canal filling

materials may interfere

with the normal

exfoliation process of

the primary teeth.

Page 21: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Rationale of pulpotomy A concept that

pulpectomy or

extraction should be

used in cases of vital

primary teeth with

carious exposures

instead of a pulpotomy

has been mentioned in

the literature. Coll JA. Indirect pulp capping and primary teeth: is

the primary tooth pulpotomy out of date? Pediatr

Dent 2008; 30(3): 231-6.

Page 22: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment

for primary teeth Topics

Definition, goals and rationale.

Indications and contraindications.

Materials and techniques.

Pulpotomy technique (clinical procedures).

Pulpotomy follow up.

Summary and conclusions.

Page 23: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Indications for pulpotomy

a. Pulp exposure

caused by

caries: “small”

pulp exposure.

b. Coronal pulp is

still vital.

c. Radicular pulp is

considered to be


Page 24: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Contraindications for pulpotomy

• Preoperative symptoms.

Spontaneous pain

may be the result of

food impaction


spontaneous pain,


Page 25: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Contraindications for pulpotomy

• Positive percussion test.

The result of behavior

problems and/or

food impaction.

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Contraindications for pulpotomy

• Tooth restorability.

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Contraindications for pulpotomy

• Proximity of exfoliation, <2/3

of root length. (?)

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Contraindications for pulpotomy

• Irreversible pulp damage.

Page 29: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Contraindications for pulpotomy

• Irreversible pulp damage.

Page 30: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment

for primary teeth Topics

Definition and rationale.

Indications and contraindications.

Materials and techniques.

Pulpotomy technique (clinical procedures).

Pulpotomy follow up.

Summary and conclusions.

Page 31: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

What should be



of an ideal




Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 32: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques The ideal pulpotomy technique / dressing material should be:


done 1 appointment

and require a short

period of time.

have a high success


be bactericidal.

promote healing.

Page 33: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

harmless to the pulp

and surrounding

structures and

promotes healing


compatible with the

normal process of root


not expensive.

The ideal pulpotomy technique / dressing material should be:

Page 34: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Collagen.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Ferric sulfate.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 35: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Collagen.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Ferric sulfate.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 36: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy: calcium hydroxide


The use of calcium

hydroxide as a pulp

dressing material after

pulpotomy in primary

teeth is expected to

facilitate the formation of

a dentine bridge

(“barrier”) and promote

the healing of the

radicular pulp tissue.

Page 37: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy: calcium hydroxide

Radiographic study,103 teeth

Success rate of 31%. Among the

unsuccessful teeth, 69% showed evidence of

internal resorption.

The high failure rate in calcium hydroxide

pulpotomies can be attributed to:

Calcium hydroxide has no beneficial

effect on the inflamed pulp.

The creation of an extrapulpal blood cloth. Via W. Evaluation of deciduous molars treated by pulpotomy andcalcium hydroxide. J Oral

Surg 3:171, 1974.

Page 38: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Collagen.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Ferric sulfate.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 39: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth


• Is a non pharmaceutical


• Its mechanism of action is

the cauterization of the

superficial pulp tissue Sheller B. Electrosurgical pulpotomy: a pilot study in humans.

Journal of endodontics 13:69-76,1987

Pulpotomy: electrosurgery

Page 40: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth


• A layer of coagulation necrosis that is

caused by the electrosurgery

application, provides a barrier between

healthy radicular tissue and any base

material placed in the pulp chamber.

• The odontoblasts are stimulated to

form a dentin bridge and the tooth is

maintained in the arch with vital

radicular tissue until it exfoliates. Sheller B. Electrosurgical pulpotomy: a pilot study in humans.

Journal of endodontics 13:69-76,1987

Pulpotomy: electrosurgery

Page 41: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Requires the purchase of special

equipment; an electrosurgery dental


±$ 1000.00

Pulpotomy: electrosurgery

Page 42: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Collagen.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Ferric sulfate.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 43: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy: laser


Non-pharmaceutical technique.

It creates a superficial zone of

coagulation necrosis that

remains compatible with the

underlying tissue.

pulps retain their vitality and

capability of normal pulp


Page 44: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy: laser

Page 45: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Collagen.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Ferric sulfate.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 46: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth


Has been suggested as an

alternative to formocresol as

a pulpotomy agent , based on

its superior fixative

properties, low antigenicity,

and low toxicity.

Pulpotomy: glutaraldehyde

Page 47: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

high molecular weight that

limits its tissue penetration.

has a self-limiting penetration,

hence, reduces the extent of

inflammatory response.

superficial fixation with very

little underlying inflammation.

Pulpotomy: glutaraldehyde

Page 48: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• In a 2% solution destroys fungi,

viruses, and bacteria.

• It is considered to be better than

formocresol since:

GA does not diffuse trough the

apical foramen.

GA does not penetrate the

periapical tissues as


Pulpotomy: glutaraldehyde

Page 49: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

A normal pulp is seen below

“glutaraldehyde pulps”,

whereas below “formocresol

pulps” there is inflammation, or

“mummification”. However, the material/technique was

not well accepted by the pediatric

dentists; may be since it is still an

aldehyde (similar to formocresol).

Pulpotomy: glutaraldehyde

Page 50: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Collagen.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Ferric sulfate.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 51: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy materials / collagen

Rationale Biological non pharmacological material

that may induce tissue healing.

Biological mineral formation initiates

within collagen fibers

Collagen gels may provide an appropriate

scaffolding for tissue formation.

Substantial tissue healing with an acid-

soluble autologous skin collagen solution. (Bimstein and Shoshan, 1981).

Page 52: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy materials / collagen

However, • Animal product (skin)

• May cause allergies (to tissue or to


• A commercial preparation of collagen was

associated with pulpal inflammation and


• Naturally sourced collagen is not a

promising material for biological

approaches to vital pulp therapy.

Page 53: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Collagen.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Ferric sulfate.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 54: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth


Prevents microleakage.


Promotes regeneration of

original tissues when it is

placed in contact with the

dental pulp or periradicular


Pulpotomy: mineral trioxide aggregate

Page 55: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy: mineral trioxide aggregate


Not been found to

induce internal

resorption, which has

been observed in teeth

treated with some

other medicaments.

Page 56: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• MTA is a fine hydrophilic powder developed

by Mahmoud Torabinejad in Loma Linda


• Consists of tricalcium silicate, tricalicum

aluminate, tricalcium oxide, silicate oxide

and bismuth oxide.

• Each pack of MTA comes with a pre

measured unit dose of water for

convenience in mixing.

Pulpotomy: mineral trioxide aggregate

Page 57: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Manf#: 1124-47

UPC#: 039645112441



Retail Price: $10.55

Regular Price: $9.59

Checkout Price: $8.63

Pulpotomy: mineral trioxide aggregate

$330.00 to 425.00

Page 58: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy: mineral trioxide aggregate

Portland cement may

serve as an effective

and less expensive

MTA substitute in

primary molars

pulpotomies. Sakai VT et al. Pulpotomy of human

primary molars with MTA and Portland

Cement: a randomized controlled trial.

British Dental Journal 2009.

Page 59: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Collagen.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Ferric sulfate.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 60: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth


• Excellent clinical success!

• Releases formaldehyde

which may diffuse trough

the pulp fixating (mummify)

the tissue (?).

• Does not promote pulp


Pulpotomy: formocresol (full strength or diluted)

Page 61: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

The rationale of fixation

is that we may create a

tolerable irritation

which replaces an

intolerable infection

caused by bacteria.


Pulpotomy: formocresol (full strength or diluted)

Page 62: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Collagen.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Ferric sulfate.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 63: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth


Is a nonaldehyde agent that produces

haemostasis at pulp stumps by

chemically sealing blood vessels.

The haemostasis takes place by

agglutination of blood protein, without

the presence of a blood clot, which

suggested that preventing clot formation

might minimize the chances for chronic


Pulpotomy: ferric sulfate

Page 64: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth


Induces favorable histological

results in the form of secondary

dentin and bridging.

Retention of maximum vital

tissue and virtual conservation

of the radicular pulp without

induction of reparative dentin.

Pulpotomy: ferric sulfate

Page 65: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Comparisons

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 66: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Laser (n=68): 97 % and 94.1 % clinical and

radiographic success respectively, follow

up for 6 to 64 months.

Formocresol (n=69): 85.5and 78.3% clinical

and radiographic success respectively,

follow up for 9 to 66 months.

Liu J. Effect of ND:YAG laser pulpotomy on human primary

molars. J Endod 2006;32:404–407.

• Comparisons Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 67: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Comparisons

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Currently available evidence

suggests MTA compared to

FC, FS and CH resulted in

significantly higher clinical

and radiographic success. Ng et al. Mineral trioxide aggregate as a pulpotomy medicament: an

evidence based assessment. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 9:58-3, 2008.

Page 68: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Comparisons

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

MTA induces less

undesirable responses

and may be FC’s most

suitable replacement. Peng L et al. Evaluation of the formocresol versus

mineral trioxide aggregate primary molar pulpotomy: a

meta analysis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol

Endod 102:e40-e44, 2006.

Page 69: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Comparisons

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

MTA is superior to CH and

equally effective as a pulpotomy

dressing in primary mandibular

molars . Internal resorption was

the most common radiographic

finding up to 24 months after

pulpotomy. Moretti et al. The effectiveness of mineral trioxide aggregate.

Calcium hydroxide and formocresol for pulpotomies in primary

teeth. International Endodontic Journal 41:545-555, 2008.

Page 70: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Manf#: 1124-47

UPC#: 039645112441



Retail Price: $10.55

Regular Price: $9.59

Checkout Price: $8.63

Pulpotomy: mineral trioxide aggregate

$330.00 to 425.00

Portland cement may become the material

of choice for pulpotomies in primary teeth.

Page 71: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Success %

Clinical Radiographic

Electrosurgery 96% 84%

Formocresol 100% 92%

Dean JA et al. Comparison of electrosurgical and formocresol pulpotomy

procedures in children (n=25/25, 5 month follow up).

http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi (cited 09/02/2010

• Comparisons

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 72: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Comparisons

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

In human carious primary

molars with reversible coronal

pulpitis, pulpotomies

performed with either

formocresol or ferric sulfate

are likely to have similar

clinical/radiographic success. Loh A et al. Evidence based assessment: evaluation of the

formocresol versus ferric sulfate. Pediar Dent 26:401-9, 2004.

Page 73: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Comparisons

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Ferric sulfate, because of its lower toxicity,

may become a replacement for

formocresol in primary molar teeth.

Ibricevic H et al. Ferric sulfate and formocresol in pulpotomy of primary

molars: long term follow-up study. Eur J Pediatr Dent. 4:28-32, 2003.

Success %

Clinical Radiographic

Ferric sulfate 96.4% 92.0%

Formocresol 97.5% 94.6%

Page 74: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment

for primary teeth Topics

Definition and rationale.

Indications and contraindications.

Materials and techniques.

Pulpotomy technique (clinical procedures).

Pulpotomy follow up.

Summary and conclusions.

Page 75: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

After completion of removing the caries

from the dentin - enamel junction

remove the caries located at the

surface(s) located close to the pulp with

a large round bur or large spoon sharp


Technique: caries removal

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Technique: caries removal

Page 77: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

c. If a “small” carious pulp exposure is

disclosed, evaluate the pulp condition, and

perform a complete coronal pulpotomy,

complete caries removal.

Technique: caries removal

Page 78: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Judge the condition of the

exposed pulp based on the pulp

tissue color, hemorrhage (none,

moderate, profuse).

Technique: caries removal

Page 79: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

If the pulp color is vivid red, the

bleeding is moderate, proceed

with the pulpotomy.

Technique: caries removal

Page 80: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

If the pulp color is dark, or there is

no bleeding, or profuse bleeding, a

pulpotomy is contraindicated and

a pulpectomy or extraction is


Technique: caries removal

Page 81: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy

1.Open a wide access to the pulp

chamber with high-sped.

2. Judge the pulp condition based

on the pulp tissue color,

hemorrhage (none, moderate,


3. Remove the coronal pulp tissue

with high speed, low speed or a

sharp large spoon excavator.

Page 82: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

4. Observe the pulp stumps and judge

the condition of the radicular pulp

(color, hemorrhage).

5. Obtain haemostasis (cotton pellet).

6. Place the pulp dressing material of

your choice and evaluate the pulp

stumps (no more bleeeding).

7. Fill the pulp chamber with IRM.

8. Restore the tooth (preferably with a crown)

Technique: pulpotomy

Page 83: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy 1. After complete removal of the caries,

open a wide access to the pulp chamber

with high-sped.

Page 84: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy 1. After complete removal of the caries,

open a wide access to the pulp chamber

with high-sped.

Page 85: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy 1. After complete removal of the caries,

open a wide access to the pulp chamber

with high-sped.

Page 86: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy

2. Judge the pulp condition based

on the pulp tissue color,

hemorrhage (none, moderate,


Page 87: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy

3.The technique for removal of the

coronal pulp tissue is the same

for every material you decide to

use as a pulp dressing material.

You may use a sharp excavator,

slow speed with a large round

bur, or high speed with a 330

tungsten bur.

Page 88: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy

Removing the coronal pulp

Page 89: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy

Removing the coronal pulp

using a sharp excavator

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Technique: pulpotomy

Place a cotton pellet to attain hemostasis

Page 93: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy

Evaluate hemostasis

“Unstoppable” bleeding No bleeding

Page 94: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

What if you do not

achieve hemostasis? Check for ledges and remove them if present, by widening the opening.

Page 95: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Re-evaluate hemostasis

Page 96: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

What if you still do not

achieve hemostasis?

Perform a deeper


or “partial

pulpectomy” by

penetrating the

pulp canals with a

small round bur


Page 97: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

What if you still do not

achieve hemostasis?

Page 98: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

6. Place the pulp dressing material of

your choice and re-evaluate the

pulp stumps.

Technique: pulpotomy

Page 99: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Ferric sulfate.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Collagen.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 100: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Ferric sulfate.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Collagen.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 101: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Full strength or diluted

Pulpotomy materials / formocresol

1.Control hemorrhage with

cotton pellets.

2.Apply a cotton pellet

moistoned with FC to the pulp

stumps for 5 minutes.

3.Evaluate the pulp stumps.

4.Fill the pulp chamber with IRM.

Page 102: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth
Page 103: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Calcium hydroxide

• Formocresol.

• Diluted formocresol.

• Glutaraldehyde.

• Ferric sulfate.

• Mineral trioxide aggregate.

• Electrosurgery.

• Laser.

• Collagen.

Pulpotomy: materials / techniques

Page 104: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Ferric sulfate

1. Control hemorrhage with

cotton pellets.

2. Apply (rub) FS to pulp

stumps for 15 seconds.

3. Rinse with water.

4. Evaluate the pulp stumps.

Pulpotomy: ferric sulfate

Page 105: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy: ferric sulfate

Page 107: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

• Ferric sulfate

3. Rinse with water.

4. Evaluate the pulp stumps.

Pulpotomy: ferric sulfate

Page 108: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Technique: pulpotomy

7. Fill the pulp chamber with IRM.

Page 110: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

8. Restore the tooth (preferably with a


Technique: pulpotomy


success rates were

79.9% for teeth

restored with a SSC

and 60% for those

restored with

amalgam. Sonmez et al. Success rate of calcium

hydroxide pulpotomy in primary molars

restored with amalgam and stainless steel

crowns. British Dental Journal 208:e18, 2010.

Page 111: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment

for primary teeth Topics

Definition and rationale.

Indications and contraindications.

Materials and techniques.

Pulpotomy technique (clinical procedures).

Pulpotomy follow up.

Summary and conclusions.

Page 112: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Clinical and radiographic. • Gingival and periodonatal health.

Pulpotomy / follow up

Page 113: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Clinical and radiographic. • Parulis / fistula.

Pulpotomy / follow up

Page 114: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Clinical and radiographic. • Obliteration.

Pulpotomy / follow up

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Clinical and radiographic. • Interadicular radiolucencies.

Pulpotomy / follow up

Page 116: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Clinical and radiographic. • Periodontal health.

Pulpotomy / follow up

Page 117: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Clinical and radiographic. • Internal / external abnormal root


Pulpotomy / follow up

Both, ferric sulfate

(22%) and formocresol

(20%) pulpotomies

can lead to internal

resorption Vargas KG. Radiographic success of ferric sulfate and

formocresol pulpotomies in relation to early exfoliation. Ped

Dent 27:233-7, 2005

Page 118: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Internal resorption self-repair?

Page 119: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Clinical and radiographic. • Early exfoliation.

Pulpotomy / follow up

Both ferric sulfate (11%)

and formocresol (10%)

pulpotomies can lead to

premature exfoliation of

primary teeth, with the

subsequent need for

orthodontic space

maintenance. Vargas KG. Radiographic success of ferric sulfate and formocresol

pulpotomies in relation to early exfoliation. Ped Dent 27:233-7, 2005

Page 120: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

Pulpotomy treatment

for primary teeth Topics

Definition and rationale.

Indications and contraindications.

Materials and techniques.

Pulpotomy technique (clinical procedures).

Pulpotomy follow up.

Summary and conclusions.

Page 121: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth

The pulpotomy treatment in primary teeth

provides the possibility to preserve vital

primary teeth that had a carious pulp


Formocresol is still a very popular

pulpotomy dressing material.

Ferric sulfate is a good alternative and

does not have the possible deleterious side effects of formocresol.

Pulpotomy / summary and conclusions

Page 122: Pulpotomy treatment for primary teeth