punching of flat slabs: design example · pdf filepunching of flat slabs: design example...

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 1 fib Model Code 2010 Punching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, Aurelio Muttoni, Miguel Fernández Ruiz Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 18.07.2011

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Page 1: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 1

fib Model Code 2010

Punching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, Aurelio Muttoni, Miguel Fernández Ruiz Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 18.07.2011

Page 2: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 2

1 Basic data 1.1 Geometry (dimensions in [m]) Spans: Lx = 6.00 m and Ly = 5.60 m

Plan view Section trough slab and column

Slab thickness h: 25 cm Cover concrete c: 3 cm

1.2 Material The material properties can be found in chapter 5 of model code 2010. Concrete C30 Steel B500S (flexural and transverse reinforcement)

fck 30 MPa fyd 435 MPa

γc 1.5 Es 200 GPa dg 32 mm Ductility class B

1.3 Loads Self-weight of concrete slab: 6.25 kN/m2

Superimposed dead load: 2 kN/m2 Live load: 3 kN/m2

21.35(6.25 2) 1.5 3 15.6kN/md dg q

Page 3: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 3

2 Level I of approximation (preliminary design) Reaction forces The goal of the preliminary design is to check if the dimensions of the structure are reasonable with respect to the punching shear strength and if punching shear reinforcement is needed. The reaction forces in the columns are estimated by using contributive areas.

Inner (C5): Vd ≈ 692 kN Corner (C1, C3): Vd ≈ 93 kN Edge (C2): Vd ≈ 265 kN (C4 and C6 are not governing Vd ≈ 244 kN)

Control perimeter The effective depth dv is assumed to be 200 mm. Eccentricity coefficient (ke) are adopted from the commentary of §

Inner column Corner Column Edge Column (C5) (C1, C3) (C2, C4, C6) ke=0.9 ke=0.65 ke=0.7

Inner: 0 4 0.90 4 260 200 1501mme c vb k b d

Corner: 0

2002 0.65 2 260 440mm4 4

ve c

db k b

Edge: 0

2003 0.70 3 260 766mm2 2

ve c

db k b

Rotations According to the commentary, the distance to the point where the radial moment is zero rs can be estimated based on the spans. By using the Level I approach, one can estimate the rotations. The maximum aggregate size of 32 mm leads to a factor kdg of

48 48 1.016 16 32dg



, 0.22 0.22 6.0 1.32ms x xr L , 0.22 0.22 5.6 1.23ms y yr L

, 1.32 4351.5 1.5 0.02150.200 200000

yds xx


frd E


, 1.23 4351.5 1.5 0.02000.200 200000

s y ydy


r fd E

1 1 0.25 0.61.5 0.6 1.5 0.6 0.0215 200 1.0dg

kd k

Page 4: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 4

Shear strength without shear reinforcement

Inner: 3

, 0

300.25 1501 200 10 274 kN 692kN1.5

ckRd c v d


fV k b d V

Corner: 3, 0

300.25 440 200 10 80 kN 93kN1.5

ckRd c v d


fV k b d V

Edge: 3, 0

300.25 766 200 10 140 kN 265kN1.5

ckRd c v d


fV k b d V

The thickness of the slab has to be increased or the slab has to be shear reinforced.

Shear reinforcement To check if shear reinforcement and which system can be used, one can calculate the minimal needed value of factor ksys.

,max 0,


ck d dRd sys v d sys

c Rd cckv


f V VV k k b d V k

Vfk b d

ksys depends on the performance of the used shear reinforcement system. The model code proposes a value of ksys = 2.0 for system compliant with model code detailing rules (§ Higher values (up to ksys = 2.8) can be used if more restrictive detailing rules are adopted and if the placing of the transverse reinforcement is checked at the construction site.

Inner: ,

692 2.5274


Rd c



Corner: ,

93 1.280


Rd c



Edge: ,

265 1.9140


Rd c



Conclusions Inner column: Shear reinforcement is necessary and sufficient (accounting for

the values of ksys) to ensure punching shear strength Corner columns: Shear reinforcement might probably not be necessary. This has to be confirmed by a higher level of approximation. Edge columns: Shear reinforcement might probably be necessary.

The thickness of the slab is sufficient if shear reinforcement is used.

Page 5: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 5

3 Level II of approximation (typical design) 3.4 Structural analysis and flexural design The moments and the reaction forces have been calculated with a finite element software. For the analysis, a linear-elastic model has been used. The moment Md is the vector addition of the moments in x- and y-direction.

2 2, ,d d x d yM M M

Summary of the column reactions Column Rd [kN] Md,x, [kNm] Md,y [kNm] Md [kNm] C1 111 25 22 33 C2 266 42 0 42 C3 112 25 22 33 C4 252 3 36 36 C5 664 8 1 8 C6 246 5 34 34

For a level II approximation, one has to know the flexural reinforcement. It was designed on the basis of the previous finite element analysis. The flexural strength can be calculated according to the Model Code. In this example, however, the flexural strength has been calculated assuming a rigid-plastic behavior of concrete and steel:

2 12

ydRd yd


fm d f


Reinforcement sketch

Flexural strength ø10 @200 mm mRd = 35 kNm/m d = 210 mm ø10 @100 mm mRd = 69 kNm/m d = 210 mm ø10 @200 mm / ø16 @200 mm mRd = 115 kNm/m d = 204 mm

Page 6: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 6

3.5 Shear design inner column C5 Design shear force

The design shear force Vd is equal to the column reaction force Nd minus the applied load within the control perimeter (gd + qd)·Ac.

2 22 2 20.2042 0.26 2 0.26 0.204 0.21

4 4v

c c c v

dA b b d m

664 15.6 0.21 661 kNd d d d cV N g q A

Control perimeter In case of inner columns, the centroid of the column corresponds to the centroid of the control perimeter. Therefore,




8 10 0 12 mm661 10



Me e


34 4 206 10 513mmu cb A

1 1 0.981 1 12 513e

u u

ke b

0 1 4 0.98 4 260 204 1642 mme e c vb k b k b d

Rotations The distances rs,x and rs,y are the same as for the Level I approximation.

, 1.32ms xr , 1.23ms yr

, ,1.5 1.5 1.32 1.23 1.91ms s x s yb r r


661 8 85kNm/m8 2 8 2 1.91

d x d xdsd x


M V eVm



661 1 83kNm/m8 2 8 2 1.91

d y d ydsd y


M V eVm


kdg is calculated at Level I.

1.5 1.5,


1.32 435 851.5 1.5 0.01330.204 200000 115

yds x sdx

s Rd x

fr md E m


1.5 1.5,


1.23 435 831.5 1.5 0.01210.204 200000 115

s y yd sdy

s Rd y

r f md E m

1 1 0.32 0.61.5 0.6 1.5 0.6 0.0133 204 1.0dg

kd k

Page 7: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 7

Punching strength without shear reinforcement The punching shear strength of the concrete is not sufficient. Consequently, shear reinforcement is necessary.


, 0

300.32 1642 204 10 390 kN 661kN1.5

ckRd c v d


fV k b d V

Punching strength with shear reinforcement Firstly, one has to check if the design shear force Vd is smaller than the maximum punching strength VRd,max. This is done assuming ksys=2. The design shear force Vd is below the maximum punching strength VRd,max. Therefore, the slab can be reinforced with shear reinforcement complying with detailing rules defined in subclause § The bond strength is taken as fbd = 3 MPa (according to MC 2010 for corrugated bars).

,max , 02 390 781kN 1223kNck

Rd sys Rd c vc

fV k V b d

,max 781kN 661kNRd dV V




6 wywd



MPa435MPa521 ywdswd f

3, 2661 390 10

636mmsin 0.98 435 sin 90

d Rd csw

e swd





0.5 0.5 661 774mmsin 0.98 435 sin 90


e ywd


k f


To avoid a failure outside the shear reinforced area, the outer perimeter need to have a minimal length. The design shear force can be reduced to account for the loads applied inside the outer perimeter. This effect is neglected as a safe estimate. In this example, the calculating value of the effective depth dv is equal to the effective depth d minus the concrete cover c on the bottom surface of the slab.

, 204 30 174v outd d c mm

Assuming a circular control perimeter for the estimation of the eccentricity, factor ke can be estimated as detailed in the right hand side column. Possible shear reinforcement layout:




661 10 3258mm300.32 174



ckv out



fk d

0 3258 519mm2 2out


1 1 0.99

1 2 1 12 2 519eu out

ke r

0 3258 3296mm0.99out




8@100@100 0.50%sw

224 4 0.35 0.35sw w c v v c v vA b d d b d d

220.005 4 260 204 204 4 260 0.35 204 0.35 204swA 2 21263mm 774mmswA

4 700 174 3347 mm 3296 mmoutb

Page 8: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 8

3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force

The design shear force Vd is equal to the column reaction force Nd minus the applied load within the control perimeter (gd + qd)·Ac.

2 22 2 20.2102 0.26 0.26 0.210 0.13

2 16 16v v

c c c

d dA b b m

112 15.6 0.13 110 kNd d d d cV N g q A

Control perimeter

3 1 34 2 2 4 2

v cx y c c v

d be e b b d

1 3 1 3260 210 144 mm4 2 4 2x y c ve e b d

2 144 2 203mmxe e



33 10 203 97 mm110 10



Me e


34 4 131 10 408mmu cb A

1 1 0.811 1 97 408e

u u

ke b

0 1 2 0.81 2 260 210 554mm4 4

ve e c

db k b k b

Rotations The distances rs,x and rs,y are the same as for the Level I approximation. In case of corner columns, the width of the support strip may be limited by the distance bsr.

, 1.32ms xr , 1.23ms yr

, ,1.5 1.5 1.32 1.23 1.91ms s x s yb r r

2 2 0.26 0.52msr cb b governing


110 25 110 0.144 11031kN 55kN8 8 0.52 2 2

d x d xd dsd x


M V eV Vm



110 22 110 0.144 11025kN 55kN8 8 0.52 2 2

d y d yd dsd y


M V eV Vm


Page 9: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 9

kdg is calculated at Level I.

1.5 1.5, ,


1.32 435 551.5 1.5 0.01460.21 200000 69

yds x sd xx

s Rd x

fr md E m


1.5 1.5, ,


1.23 435 551.5 1.5 0.01360.21 200000 69

s y yd sd yy

s Rd y

r f md E m

1 1 0.30 0.61.5 0.6 1.5 0.6 0.0146 210 1dg

kd k

Punching strength without shear reinforcement The punching shear strength of the concrete is sufficient. Thus, no shear reinforcement will be necessary



300.30 554 210 10 127 kN 110kN1.5

ckRd v


fV k b d

Integrity reinforcement Since no shear reinforcement has been used and msd < mRd, integrity reinforcement needs to be provided. For the design of the integrity reinforcement, the accidental load case can be used. Thus, the design load can be reduced.

21.0(6.25 2) 0.6 3 10.1kN/md d accg q


10.1 110 71kN15.6

d d accd acc d

d d

g qV V

g q

The material properties can be found in chapter 5 of model code 2010. Ductility class B : (ft/fy)k = 1.08 and εuk = 0.05 It is assumed that only straight bars will be used, thus 0 .

With respect to integrity reinforcement, two restrictions should be fulfilled: -the integrity reinforcement should at least be composed of four bars -the diameter of the integrity bars øint has to be chosen such that øint ≤ 0.12 dres

3, 2

2 2

1.5 1.5

71 10 916 mmcos 0cos/ 1 435 1.08 1

1 1.25 1 1.25 0.05

d accs

yd t y kuk


f f f


 2x2 ø20 As = 1257 mm2 (2 in each direction)

0.12 0.12 2 0.12 250 2 30 10 20 19mm 20mmres top bottomd h c

Page 10: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 10

3.7 Shear design edge column C2 Design shear force

The design shear force Vd is equal to the column reaction force Nd minus the applied load within the control perimeter (gd + qd)·Ac.

2 22 2 23 0.213 0.26 0.26 0.21 0.17 m

2 8 2 8v v

c c c

d dA b b

266 15.6 0.17 263 kNd d d d cV N g q A

Control perimeter

122 2 2222 2

v v vc v c c c


vc v c

d d db d b b b be

db d b

2 22 6 314 3 2

c c v vx

c v

b b d de

b d

2 2 2 22 6 31 1 2 260 6 260 210 3 210 124 mm4 3 2 4 3 260 2 210

c c v vx

c v

b b d de

b d

0mmye 124mmxe e



42 10 124 35mm263 10



Me e


34 4 167 10 461mmu cb A

1 1 0.931 1 35 461e

u u

ke b

0 1 3 0.93 3 260 210 1031mm2 2

ve e c

db k b k b

Rotations The distances rs,x and rs,y are the same as for the Level I approximation. In case of edge columns, the width of the support strip may be limited by the distance bsr.

, 1.32ms xr , 1.23ms yr

, ,1.5 1.5 1.32 1.23 1.91ms s x s yb r r

, 3 3 0.26 0.78msr x cb b governing


0.260 1.91 1.09m2 2 2 2

c ssr y

b bb governing


263 42 263 0.124 45kN8 8 0.78

d x d xdsd x


M V eVm



263 0 26333kN 66kN8 2 8 2 1.09 4 4

d y d yd dsd y


M V eV Vm


Page 11: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 11

kdg is calculated at Level I.

1.5 1.5, ,


1.32 435 451.5 1.5 0.0110.21 200000 69

yds x sd xx

s Rd x

fr md E m

1.5 1.5, ,


1.23 435 661.5 1.5 0.0180.21 200000 69

s y yd sd yy

s Rd y

r f md E m


1 1 0.27 0.61.5 0.6 1.5 0.6 0.018 210 1.0dg

kd k

Punching strength without shear reinforcement The punching shear strength of the concrete is not sufficient. Since the strength seems to be rather close to the design load, a level III approximation will be performed.



300.27 1031 210 10 211kN 263kN1.5

ckRd v


fV k b d

Page 12: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 12

4 Level III of approximation (detailed design or assessment of existing structure)

The Level III calculations are based on the results of the linear-elastic finite element analysis. From the results of the flexural analysis, one can obtain the distance between the center of the column and the point, at which the bending moments are zero. The average moment in the support strip can be obtained by the integration of the moments at the strip section. Since the flexural moments md,x and md,y at the support regions are negative, the absolute value of the twisting moment md,x need to be subtracted so that the absolute value of msd,x and msd,y will be maximized.

, , ,sd x d x d xym m m , , ,sd y d y d xym m m

, 0.64ms xr , 1.18ms yr

, ,1.5 1.5 0.64 1.18 1.30 ms s x s yb r r

, 3 3 0.26 0.78msr x cb b


0.26 1.30 0.78m2 2 2 2

c ssr y

b bb

, 24kNm/msd xm , 43kNm/msd ym (average value on support strip)

, ,

20.64m 0.52m3s x sr xr b , ,

21.18m 0.52m3s y sr yr b

1.5 1.5,


0.64 435 241.2 1.2 0.00160.21 200000 69

yds x sdx

s Rd x

fr md E m

1.5 1.5,


1.18 435 431.2 1.2 0.00730.21 200000 69

s y yd sdy

s Rd y

r f md E m


1 1 0.41 0.61.5 0.6 1.5 0.6 0.0073 210 1.0dg

kd k

The punching shear strength of the concrete is sufficient. Thus, no shear reinforcement will be necessary



300.41 1047 210 10 332kN 263kN1.5



fV k b d

Integrity reinforcement Since no shear reinforcement has been used and msd < mRd, integrity reinforcement needs to be provided to prevent a progressive collapse of the structure. For the design of the integrity reinforcement, the accidental load case can be used. Thus the design load can be reduced.

21.0(6.25 2) 0.6 3 10.1kN/md d accg q


10.1 263 171kN15.6

d d accd acc d

d d

g qV V

g q

3, 2

2 2

1.5 1.5

171 10 2194 mmcos 0cos/ 1 435 1.08 1

1 1.25 1 1.25 0.05

d accs

yd t y kuk


f f f

2x3ø20 + 3ø16 As = 2488 mm2 (3 in each direction)

0.12 0.12 2 0.12 250 2 30 10 20 19mm 20mmres top bottomd h c

rsy=1.18 m



msd,y [kNm/m]







msd,x [kNm/m]








rsx=0.64 m


Page 13: Punching of flat slabs: Design example · PDF filePunching of flat slabs: Design example Stefan Lips, ... 3.6 Shear design corner column C1 and C3 Design shear force The design shear

Lips / Muttoni / Fernández Ruiz / Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 13

The material properties can be found in chapter 5 of model code 2010. Ductility class B : (ft/fy)k = 1.08 and εuk = 0.05 It is assumed that only straight bars will be used, thus α = 0°. With respect to integrity reinforcement, two restrictions should be fulfilled: -the integrity reinforcement should at least be composed of four bars -the diameter of the integrity bars øint has to be chosen such that øint ≤ 0.12·dres

Corners of walls should be checked following the same methodology. Acknowledgements: The authors are very appreciative of the contributions of Dr. Juan Sagaseta Albajar and Luca Tassinari The authors would also like to thank Carsten Siburg (RWTH Aachen, Germany) for the independent check of the example he performed.