punit rules 2

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  • 7/29/2019 Punit Rules 2


    TABLE INDICATING THE SIGNIFYING HOUSES PERTAINING TO QUERRIES THROUGH HORARY CHARTSTo answer a querry,Difficulty is felt in selecting the correct houses.An attempt has been made to tabulate the signifying houses pertaining to a querry,from the querries replied by Pujya Guruji in his books.The following Table, I hope, will serve as a handy guide to the members. Rules &,Logic adopted,have also been incorporated at place to place.

    1 Horary charts under KP system depends upon the Number(between 1 to 249) given by cosultant.Every number refers to a perticular sign, star & subto be used as the ascendent.One has to take only the commencing position of the Sub,as Ascendent's longitude.& Chart is prepared

    2 The Lagna indicates the Queriest himself.3 Location of Moon in Horary Chart' by it's position in sign,star,sub & bhav etc will indicate the mind of queriest.

    4 Any one,with whome,he deals is indicated by 7th House,meaning thereby,If queriest wants to borrow,then 7th house will indicate "Lender" & forscholarship, 7th house will indicate person/institution to giving scholarship etc.etc.

    5 Workout the Prime-Cusp & other associated cusps connected with the querry for it's analysis.A table compiled from the books of Pujya Guruji isbeing given below for the ready guidance.

    6 Sub-Lord of the prime-cusp will indicate,whether answer of querry will be in Affirmative or Not. Affirmation will be promised ONLY when all the following

    conditions are fulfilled. (i)Sub-Lord is NOT Retrograde, (ii)Star-Lord of the Sub-Lord is NOT Retrograde. (iii) Sub-Lord should signify one or moreassociated cusps,to be judged for the matters of querry.

    7 If Answer of Querry is found in Affirmative,Only then Work-Out the Significators of all the responsible Cusps, in the following order of Preference,

    (A)Planets posited in the Star of the Occupants of the cusp in question (B) Planets posited in the cusp in question (C) Planets posited in the Star ofthe Lord of the Cusp in question (D) Lord of the Cusp in question (E)Nodes,associated with above significators.Nodes give results in following order of

    preference,(Firstly)-the results of planets,with whom they are conjoined(Secondly)-Results of their own Star-Lords (Thirdly)-Results of planets aspectingthem (Fourthly)-Results of the Sign-lords of Cusps,in which they are posited.

    8 To reduce the Numbers of the Signifying Planets,Use of "Ruling-Planets" has been recommended.Ruling Planets are worked out for the"Moment ofJudgement".Following Planets are taken as Ruling Planets.(1) Lord of the Day,(2)Moon's Sign Lord,(3)Moon's Star-Lord,(4)Lagna-Lord,(5)Lagna-star-Lord,(6)Nodes connected/represented by above planets

    9 Out of these Ruling-Planets, Only those Ruling-Planets should be considered ,whose Sub-Lord OR Star-Lord are not Retrograde.Reject those RPswhose sub-lord or star-lord are retrograde.thus Selected planets May be called as "Effective-RPs"

    10 Strength of Ruling-Planets is taken in following Order; Day-Lord

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    Sl. No. Events Signifing CuspsPrimeCusp


    1 Accident by Injury 8 8 Star-lord of sub-lord of 8th cusp,if signify 8th ,then accident is expected.If it Further

    signifies(i) 6th cusp> fever expected after accident,(ii) 12th cusp>hospitalisation after accident,(iii)Badthak/marak sthans>succumb to injuries,iflongevity not promised,otherwise,may remain on support system.

    2 Appeal Successful or Not 3,6,11 3 If Starlord of Sublord of 3rd Signifies,(i) 6&11>successful,(ii) 5&12 > unsuccessful

    3 Borrowing 6 Sublord & starlord of sublord of 6th cusp retrograde.Ruling planets to give time.

    Starlord & sublords of 6th cusp will indicate the source & borrowing conditions.If they are (i) sun>from Govt.,(ii)Moon>get quickly ,(iii)Mars>under tenseatmosphere,(iv)Mercury>In instalments with correspondence,(v)Venus>in friendly way,(vi)saturn>In parts with delay & obstacles,(vii)If borrowing is done

    from relatives,then governing houses willbe, (a)YoungerBrother>2&6, (b)Mother>3&6, (c)children>4&6, (d)wife/partner>6, (e)Father>8&6, (f)Elderbrother>10&6

    4 Bussiness & Partnership willcontinue or Break

    5,7,12 OR 6,7,12 7 If Sublord of 7th house is connected to,(i)6th & 12th>Break (ii) 5th & 11th>Continue &permanent

    Position of sub lord of 7th cusp will indicate the manner of seperation.If sublord is, (a) Venus> friendly & smoothly, (b)Mars>violent,(c )Jupiter>Court orcompromise,(d) Merc>notice& payments in instalments.On the same analogy,Partition among brother,Divorse,Seperation from spouse or demise canbe worked out as follows, (i)Mother= seperation>3,12 /demise>3,5,10,12 Eld.Brother=sep>10,12/demise>5,12,10(vi)Family=sep>1,12(vii)Leaving

    perm.house & living closeby=3,12(viii)Seperation & living at faroff place=9,12.5 Bussiness ( change of place &

    will it be lucky thereafter)2,3,10,11 3 If sublord of 3rd house signifies(a) 2nd or 10th or 11th,>Beneficial & Lucky,(b) 8th &

    12th>Difficult & unlucky.

    6 College admission(to sign application)

    4,9,11 4 Starlord of Sublord of 4th cusp should signify 4 & 11.application be signed at atime,when sub of significators of these houses are transitted by Asc.& Moon

    7 Child-Invalid(will pickup health) 3,5,10 5 If starlord of sublord of 5th house signifies,( i) 3rd & 5th>child will pickup health,(ii) 10th &connected to saturn>will not recover & remain ever sickly.

    8 Child (Birth & Delivery) 5,2,11 5 EssentialConditions,(i)sub-lord of 5th cuspRetrograde,&(ii) starlord of sublord of5thretrograde &(iii)sublord signifies 2 or 5 or 11th cusp.

    Logics=(i) 11th is 5th to 7th>spouses capability for child,(ii) 5th>natives capability for child.SO (1) 5th & 11th both should promise progeny, to havechildren togather.So 2nd, 5th & 11th houses should be analysed from both 1st & 7th.houses(2)Sublord of these houses & their starlords should also

    not deny the progeny by being in 6,8,or 12 or barren houses counted from the houses concerned.(3) Delivery time should be foundout by RulingPlanets,as per their strength.Their connection with mars/ketu/jupiter etc will indicate the delivery by operation/normal/with difficulties.(4)To find whetherpregnent or not,Starlord of sublord of 5th cusp should signify 2 or 5 or 11 & also deposited in fruitful sign.If in barren sign then" Not Pregnent"

    9 Childs(Twin ) Decide the house consideringthe, No.of conceptions.

    Starlord of sublord of house so decided should be (i)either Mercury or occupies dualsigns.

    10 Child (Adoption) 4 & 8 houses fromchild's lagna

    4 If Sublord of 4th house is,(i) deposited in dual sign,or (ii) Mercury,(iii) significator of 8th(i,e.12th to real father's house).

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    11 Competition & what result 4,9,11 check the period running at exams time.If Dasa/Bhukti/Antara planets signify 4,9,11>hewill be successful.

    Logic=Points to be checked(1)necessary courage=by 3rd house>sublord of 3rd is,(i)Moon>do not take bold decision,(ii)saturn>lacksconfidence,(iii)mercury>dual minded,(iv)sun,mars,jupiter,venus>courage & confidence./(2)Able toappear or not=will be able to attempt,If 1st house isnot afflicted by the deposition of(i)natural malefics,or (ii)lords of 6th or 8th or 12th houses.Strong lagna is necessary.(3) success =judge by 4,9 &11

    12 Court-Case(Filling of) 6,11 But there should be no connection with 8 &12

    13 Doweries 6,11,8 8 Starlord of sublord of 8th should signify (i) 6 & 11,if queriest to get,(ii) 5 &12,if he to give.

    Logic>Dowery=liquid cash>2nd,Giver=7th,Value of dowery=8th,Giver loosing Money=6th,querist getting=11th.14 Exchange of Commodities 2,6,11 6 If Starlord of Sublord of 6th Signifies,(i) 6 OR11> Gain,(ii) 5 OR 12 > Loose

    Logic> 1st=yourself, 7th=Other. In exchange-you gain>2nd,other looses>6th, fulfilment>11th.

    15 Financial Worry in Bussiness(fast production & less sale)

    3,11,12 3 Judge 3rd cusp sub-lord's connection with 11th or 12th houses & planets.(Logic>3rd-parting of possessions,11th-gain,12th-loss)

    If 3rd cusp sub-lord is connected with ,(i) 3&11>Profit,(ii) 3&12>loss,(iii) 3&11&12>make money by parting with possessions.(iv) One sells many times

    & make money if 3rd csl is (i)mercury,(ii) in dual sign,(iii) starlord of sublord in dualsign.

    16 Foreign Travel 3,9,12 12 sub-lord & starlord of 12th cuspretrograde & sublord signifies 3 or 9 or 12.Significator of 12th cusp should signify cusps 9,& 3.Note those significators,whose sublord are in fixedsigns,will not give journey,including rahu.

    Logic=Connection of sublord of 12th cusp with other cusps will indicate the purpose of visit.The 3rd>leaving house, 9th>long journey & higheredu,12th>seperation from family & life in different enviroment,11th>desire fulfilment,success,gain, 6th > loan / scholarship,foreign assignment,

    10th>profession, 7th>Residence.Conjoined period of strong significators with ruling planets will give time of visit. Travel by sea/air to be judged bysublord of 9th.if it is fast moving>by air & if slowmoving in waterysign>by ship. Settlement will be decided by sublord of 12th.If it is in(a)Common sign>will go & comeback,(b) Movable sign>never come back,(c )Fixed sign>will not moveout.

    17 Health(Generally good) 1,11 1 If Star-Lord of Sub-Lord of 1st.Cusp. Is deposited either in 1st or 11th cusp.

    18 Health(when fall sick) 1,6 6 If star-lord of sub-lord of 1st,signifies 1st & 6th,then during the period of sub-lord of 1st.If Star-Lord of Sub-lord of 6th house signifies,(i) 6th & 1st ,but not 11th>person to suffer from diseases in period of SL,(ii) is connected with Saturn orsub-lord is saturn> disease to be chronic one,(iii)If sublord is connected with Mars > to be acute one (iv)Mercury gives complications.

    19 Health(when get cured from

    sickness)1,5,11 5,11 Cure comes whensignificators of 5th & 11th,follow the period governed by disease

    producing 6th house significators.but one will survive only when longevity is promised.20 Health(emotional) 1,5,621 Hidden Wealth 4,8,11 8 sub-lord of 8th cusp or significator of 8th cusp should signify cusps 11 also22 Hospital(Discharge from) 2,4,11 4 sub-lord of 4th cusp or significator of 4th cusp should signify cusps 11,& 2 also23 House(Construction of) 4,11,12 4 sub-lord of 4th cusp or significator of 4th cusp should signify cusps 11,& 12 also

    24 House(Construction by 3rd Son 12,8,7 12Logic> 1st=Querist, 9th=3rd son,12th=Property(4th from 9th),8th=Investment(12th from 9th),7th=fulfilment(11th from 9th). Rules=(a) If constructedhouse to be purchased,judge 6th & 9th also taking seller as 7th.counted from concerned lagna.(b) 9th & 3rd from concerned lagna also indicate

    surroundings/premises of previous party & entry to the new house by purchaser.(c)Ability to construct the house be judged by star-lord of sublord of4th cusp.(d) If father & son wants to live togather,then, 4th cusp of father & 4th cusp of son must be connected to each other.

    25 House-New(Occupying) 2,4,11 It should be the STAR Day for significators of these Houses

    26 Husband (will join me) 11,7,6 11 analyse11th cusp,if it indicates return,then conjoined period of 11,7,6 will give time..Logic= For joining-analyse 11,7,6 & for Seperation 12,7,6.So check whether he will come at all,then proceed further

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    27 Imprisonment 2,3,8,12 12 Essential conditions(i)Sublord of 12th should be Rahu,(ii)Starlord of sublord of 12thshould be Direct,(iii)Sublord of 12th to signify 2 or 3 or 8 or 12.

    Logic=seperation from family restriction>afflicted 2nd,Free movement in four walls>8th,Leaving own house>3rd,Life in new enviroment>12th,Rahu>karak of Jail.

    28 Inheritence of Money 8,6,11 8 Starlord of sublord of 8th should signify (i) 6 & 11, if queriest to get from opponent(7th).Check by 6th house of giver also.

    29 Interview 3,9,11 11 (3rd=meeting,interview,discuss/9th=7to3>partnership/11th=fulfilment)Starlord of Sublord

    of 11th to be Direct for success.Retrograde means denial.

    30 Journey(when Late Train willreach home )

    11 4 Check theStar-lord of sub-lord of 4th cusp(i) if in Movable sign & unafflicted>will reachhome,(ii) if in Fixed sign> long Delay,(iii)if in Common sign>Delay.

    If Sub-Lord is afflicted,(a) by Saturn>Undue delay & sufferings (b) byMars or Rahu>Repair may be needed,(c) if conjoined with a benefic>Reach homewith delay.

    31 Journalism ( will be good forme)

    3,9,11, Jupiter,Mercury

    11 StarLord of sublord of 11th cusp,If Signifies,(i) 3&9& in any manner connected with Jup/merc/Both,Journalism will suit.Nature of Sublord will decide the type of journalism.

    32 Loans(clearing of) 12

    33 Longevity(how long one will live) 1,2,7 1 If Star-Lord of Sub-Lord of 1st.Cusp. signifies Badhak sthan or marak sthan,the life willbe short after judgement i,e not for many years.Conjoined period will give time.

    If Star-Lord of Sub-lord of 1st house signifies,(i) 6th>person to suffer from diseases,(ii) 8th>person to meet with accident,(iii) 12th>Hospitalised/in bedfor long.[Badhak-Sthan is (i) 11th house for movable Asc.,(ii) 9th house for fixed Asc.,(iii) 7th house for common Asc.]

    34 Lotteries & other speculative

    attempts(for gain)

    2,6,11,counted from

    beneficiary lagna

    11 If sublord or starlord of sublord of 11th cusp is not retrograde & signify 2 or 6 or 11

    cusps.3rd house indicates Lottery.Such attempts will be made during the period of a planet,connected with 3rd house(counted from beneficiary's lagna) in anyway .simillarly speculative gains are indicated by 5th house & attempts for them will be made during a planet connected with 5th house,counted frombeneficiary's lagna, in any way.

    35 Love Affair to Materialise 5,7,11 5 If starlord of sublord of 5th house signifies 7th & 11th,it is promised.36 Luxuries 4,7,12

    37 Marriage(First)/Reunion withHusband & domestic facility

    2,7,11 7 sub-lord of 7th cusp or significator of 7th cusp should signify cusps 2& 11 also

    38 Marriage (second) 2,11 2 Possible only when following both conditions are fulfilled,(I)Sub-lord of 2nd cusp is in,(a)dualsign,/(b)starlord of sublord in dualsign/,starlord of sublord owns a dualsign,/(d)sublord is Mercury.(II)Sublord of 2nd cusp signifies 2nd OR 11thhouses. If both the above conditions are fulfilled ,conjoined period of 2&11 will give marriage.

    39 Missing Person (alive or dead) cusp signifying the

    relationship ofmissing person

    cusp no If star-lord of sub-lord of cusp signifies(a) badhaksthan & maraksthan>the missing

    person is dead,(b)person's house>alive, 6th house>sick. If the significator is in(i)watery sign>he drowned,(ii)fierysign>injured & dead,(iii) earthy sign>natural death.

    40 Missing person(when newsabt.him to be received byquerriest)

    3,11 from asc ofhorary chart

    3 Star-lord of sub-lord of 3rd cusp,if signify 3rd & 11th ,then news will come on day,whenmoon transit,(i) in zodiac"sign, star, sub"governed by significators of 3 (from asc),(ii) 3rdcounted from cusp of missing person & 11th from asc.

    41 Missing Person (Going awayfrom House)

    3,9,12 fromperson's lagna

    Conjoined period of strong-planets,selected from ruling planets & significators,will givethe time of going away.

    42 Missing person(Return of) 2,8,11 from

    person's lagna

    Conjoined period of strong-planets,selected from ruling planets & significators,will give

    the time of return,if alive.

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    43 Money (Entangled) 6,11 6 Sublord & starlord of sublord of 6th cusp retrograde.Signifying&Ruling planet'sconjoined period to give time.

    Logic- The one who will give,will be judged by 12th house of giver.Means,if Giver is (a) younger-brother>2&6,(b)Mother>3&6, (c) Chidren>4&6, (d) wife/partner > 6, (e) Father>8&6, (f) elder brother>10&6 and so on.Planets linked with Starlord/sublord of 6th cusp will indicate the manner of receiptsi,e,Jupiter to indicate through Lawsuits,Sun>through Govt.,Merc>in installments etc.

    44 Negotiations for Marriage 3,7,9. Will be successful,Only when Significators promise & conjointly operate45 Negotiations for child adoption 3,5,9 Will be successful,Only when Significators promise & conjointly operate

    46 Negotiations for bussiness &industry takeover

    10,6,3,9 Wil l be successful,Only when Significators promise & conjointly operate

    47 Overdraft 2,6,10 6 sublord of 6th cusp retrograde.significator of 6th should signify cusps 10,& 2 also

    48 Overseas Connected Querries 2,3,6,9,10,11 6&11 (a)To settle > Star lord of sublord of 11th to signify 2&11 (b) Forprobation,training,education > Starlord of sublord of 6th to signify 9 & 12 onpromotion > Starlord of sublord of 6th to signify 11th & 6th or 10th.

    49 Passport to go Overseas 3,9,11 11 If starlord of sublord of 11th signifies 3,& 9,& 11.50 Partner in Bussiness(possible) 6,8,11 8 If starlord of sublord of 8th cusp signifies(i) 6th & 11th>have partner,(ii)5th & 12th>never

    51 Prosperity as Actor 11,10,5,6 5 If starlord of sublord of 5th cusp signifies(i) 5,6 &10>popular as actor,(ii) 5,6,10&11th>prosperous,(iii) if Mars is one of the significators > can be Leader with no

    complexes or fear,only success.

    52 Press( can I have of my own) 1,2,6,10 1 Starlord of sublord of 1st cusp,If Signifies,(i) 2 or 6 or 10 & in any manner connectedwith Mars & Merc/Both, haing press is promised.

    53 Property-Lost(Recovery) 2,6,11 11 sub-lord of 11th cusp or significator of 11th cusp should signify cusps 6,& 2 also

    To ensure,Work backwards also,(i)period operating on the day of theft,would be signifying houses 5,8 &12.(ii)Dasa lord at the time of Loss & Regain

    would remain same in most of the cases (iii)In such cases,Dasa lord will signify, 5&2 or 5&6 or 8&11 or 11&12.If dasa lord is not connected with 2 OR6 OR 11,then in that dasa-period one can not regain,as it would signifying 5 or 8 or 12.

    54 Property-Immovable(Disposal) 3,5,10 10 (i)sub-lord of 10th cuspretrograde(ii)Starlord of sublord of 10th cuspretrograde(iii)sublord of 10th cusp should signify cusps 5,& 10 also.Dasalord & its significators willdecide whether deal will be profitability or not.

    Logic-4th>property,so 3rd=disposal, 7th>purchaser,so 10th=purchaser's property,5th=purchaser's desire fulfilment.

    55 Property-movable (Purchase

    of)4,9,10,11 4 Promise of the purchase will be indicated by theSublord or Starlord of sublord of 4th

    cusp by it's status of retrogration & connection with planets signifying various properies.

    When Sublord or Star lord of 4th cusp Signifies the 4th cusp & is placed in (i)movable sign & connected with venus>Vehicle,(ii) Fixed sign &venus>furniture,(iii)Commonsign & venus>Rocking furniture,(iv) Mars>land or Building,(iv)Moon>mother,(v)Jupiter or Merc >education,(vi)Saturn>mines,mines operation,excavation,treasure etc.(vii)mars+venus+moon>petrol driven vehical,(vii) IF puchase of vehicle ispromised,then significator of 4th house indicating purchase will ascertain the type of vehicle.if they are(a) connected with Saturn >cycle,(b) sublord is

    deposited in any of the signs,gemini/virgo/first half of saggitarius/aquarius> two wheeled,(c)deposited in aries/taurus/leo/second half of saggi/capricorn>four wheeled.(e)connected with saturn>self driven,(f)jupiter>driver driven,(g)conected with 2,6,10>taxi,(h) rahu/ketu& signify 10>office car.(viii) If starlordof sublord of 4th is deposited in (a)waterysign>boat or ship(b)airy sign>aeroplane

    56 Prosecution 7,8,10,12 10 Sublord of 10th should signify 7,8 &12.

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    Logic=Sudden & surprising loss by own wrongful deeds/secret enemies >12th .So betrayal is indicated by sub lord of 12th.If it is connected with,(a)3>younger brother,(b)3&6>younger brother,neibour etc.openly,(c )3&12>Younger brother,neibour etc.secretly, (d) 6&12>servents,(e)11&12>Eld.brother,friends, (f)9&12>Father,stranger,(g)4&12> Informer in house,(h)7&12>partner,Spouse. This danger will takeplace onlywhen"sublord" of 12th will be a strong significator of 12th,otherwise NOT.

    57 Purchase of commodity 4,12,11,concernedplanet

    11 4th>commodity with pleasure,12th>investment,11th>fulfilment.Planet indicating thecommodity(e,g saturn for refrigerator etc)

    58 Report(True or False),Rumour(True or False)

    3 If Star-Lord of Sublord of 3rd cusp is (i) Saturn or any planet connected with Saturn>false,(ii) Mars>mischief & False,(iii) Jupiter or any planet connected with jupiter >True,

    59 Scholarship (not to return) 2,6,11 11 If StarLord of sublord of 11th cusp, Signifies 2 & 6 &11 and not 8 or 12.

    Logic= 2,6,11 > gain,so nonrefundable/ 8 &12 indicate return,refund,lending money to others.

    60 Sanyasi ( can I become) 1,3,10,12 & Saturn 1 Sub lord of 1st to be connected with 3,10,12 & saturn

    61 Scholarship(To sign the letter) 3,6,9,11 select the moment,when Asc. & moon transit the position governed by Significators

    62 Service(getting/Joining/reinstatement)

    2,6,10,11 10 sub-lord & starlord of 10th cusp retrograde & significator of 10th cusp should signifycusps 11,2 & 6. Signlord,starlord & sublord of 10th will show nature of job.

    63 Service(Change in Job) 3,5,9,10,11 10 connection of Sublord of 10th,with 3,5,9 will indicate change in job & 11th for good.

    Logic=2>finances,6>service,10>job,So 12th of these i,e 3,5,9 to indicate change.Connection with benefic houses means change be beneficial.

    64 Service(Promotion) 2,6,10,11 11 Check for Retro conditions,If ok,then, sub-lord of 11th to signify 2 or 6 or 10 or 11.65 Service(Seniority) 6,10,11 11 Check for Retro conditions,If ok,then, sub-lord of 11th to signify 6 & 1066 Service(Transfer) 3,10,12 To be Judged by Dasa - Bhukti of significators

    67 Service(going on leave/Tour) 3,9,12 To be Judged by Dasa - Bhukti of significators68 Spiritual Life 5,10,11 11 If starlord of sublord of 11th cusp, Signifies 5 & 10 .69 Tanent (Getting a) 4,6,11 11 sub-lord of 11th cusp or significator of 11th cusp should signify cusps 6,& 4 also70 Telephone (Getting a) 3,9,11 371 Theft(recovery of lost money) 2,6,11 11 Sublord of 11th cusp & it's starlord to promise the recovery.

    72 Logic=Asc>queriest(sublord's significators to indicate the matters querriest wants to know),/7th>thief(counted from house of looser,Its sublord toindicate thief's sex & descrioption),/2nd>lord will show matters lost,/11th>recovery(starlord of sublord will show the recovery by it's occupation),/Recovery time by conjoined period of 2,6 &11th significators(Counted from looser's house)/Condition-If significators of 2,6,11 of looser,agree withruloing planets of day,lost property wil be recovered but if ruling planets are connected to 5,8,12-property is lost forever..

    (A)Relationship of queriest with thiefwill be indicated by 7th house.If significator of 7th also Signify(i)1st.>well known to querriest & frequent

    visitor,(ii)2nd>member of family,(iii)3rd>massenger,neibour,younger brother,orderly,(iv)4th>residing in same cappus,(v)5th>ownchild,musician,emotionally connected person,(vi)6th>servent,open enemy,sickperson, (vii)8th>stranger,gardner,washerman,sweeper etc. (viii)

    9th>sanyasi,stranger from other land,of different cast,religious person in disguise, (ix)10th>some businessman,respected person,wellknown withhouse, (x)11th>friends,elder brother,confident of querriest whose services used earlier,(xi)12th>stranger,begger,poor borrower,person of miserablecondition,professional thief.(B)whereabouts of thiefwill be indicated by the house(counte from thief's house), with which,thief's house is connected.Ifthief's house is connected to(i) 4th>he is in the house,(ii)3rd&12th>he is nearby,(iii)9th&12th>gone faraway and so on.If lord of thief's house happens tobe in(a)movable sign>Still travelling,(b)fixed sign & 10th>he is in his own house,(c)Fixed sign & 5th>in a friends house,(d)Fixed sign & 3rd>taying witha stranger,(e)with rahu in 3rd.in a rented place,(f)with jupiter in 3rd> in temple,school,court etc.(g) mars,venus>in hotel.

    73 Treasure in building 2,11,6 4 If Star lord of sublord of 4th cusp signifies 2 or 11 or 6 & is connected with Saturn.

    74 Whom to Pray 10,11 Planets,whose starlords signify 10 & 11 and do not signify 8 & 12.

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  • 7/29/2019 Punit Rules 2


    Division of the Nirayana Zodiac Sign, Star and Sub Lords


    Signs 1 ARIES 2 TAURUS



    1 120.00 SATURN


    3 116.12 RAHU Sub Lords

    4 114.12 MARS 0 00 00 TO

    5 113.33 MOON MERC KETHU 0 46 406 112.22 SUN VENUS 3 00 00 15 33 20

    7 111.55 VENUS SUN 3 40 00 16 13 20 27 20 00

    8 109.33 KETU MOON 4 46 40 17 20 00 28 26 40 ---- 11 06 40

    9 108.55 MERC MARS 5 33 20 18 06 40 29 13 20 --- 11 53 20 24 06 40

    10 106.67 JUPITER RAHU 7 33 20 20 06 40 30 00 00 1 13 20 13 53 20 26 06 40

    11 104.89 RAHU JUPITER 9 20 00 21 53 20 ---------- 3 00 00 15 40 00 27 53 20

    12 102.89 MARS SATURN 11 26 40 24 00 00 ---------- 5 06 40 17 46 40 30 00 00

    13 102.12 MOON MERC 13 20 00 25 53 20 -------------- 7 00 00 19 40 00 ---------------

    14 101.00 SUN SATURN KETHU --------------------- 26 40 00 7 46 40 20 26 40

    15 100.33 VENUS VENUS ------------- 10 00 00 22 40 0016 98.12 KETU SUN --------------- 23 20 00

    17 97.33 MERC MOON ------------------

    18 95.44 SATURN MARS

    19 93.33 RAHU RAHU


    21 90.55 MOON SATURN

    22 90.00 MOON

    23 89.44 SUN NiryanaSigns


    24 88.78 VENUS 7 LIBRA 8 SCORPIO

    25 86.55 KETU JUPITER 11 AQUARIUS 12 PISCES26 85.78 MERC


    28 81.78 JUPITER Sub Lords29 80.00 MARS

    30 79.22 MOON KETHU

    31 78.12 SUN VENUS

    32 77.44 VENUS SUN

    33 75.22 KETU RAHU MOON

    34 74.44 MERC MARS

    35 72 55 SATURN RAHU

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    35 72.55 SATURN RAHU ------ 8 40 00

    36 70.44 JUPITER JUPITER ---------- 10 26 40 21 46 40

    37 68.67 RAHU SATURN ---------- 12 33 20 23 53 2 0 ---------- 5 26 40

    38 66.67 MOON MERC 1 53 20 14 26 40 25 46 40 ----------- 7 20 00 18 33 20

    39 65.55 SUN KETHU 2 40 00 15 13 20 26 33 20 ----------- 8 06 40 19 20 00

    40 64.89 VENUS MARS VENUS 4 53 20 17 26 40 28 46 40 ----------- 10 20 00 21 33 20

    41 62.67 KETU SUN 5 33 20 18 06 40 29 26 40 ----------- 11 00 00 22 13 20

    42 61.89 MERC MOON 6 40 00 19 13 20 30 00 00 0 33 20 12 06 40 23 20 00

    43 60.00 SATURN MARS --------------------- 20 00 00 -------------- 1 20 00 12 53 20 24 06 40

    44 57.89 JUPITER MARS RAHU ------------- 3 20 00 14 53 20 26 06 40

    45 56.12 RAHU JUPITER --------------- 16 40 00 27 53 20

    46 54.12 MARS SATURN --------- --- 30 00 00

    47 53.33 SUN48 52.67 VENUS

    49 50.44 KETU50 49.67 MERC 0 051 47.78 SATURN MOON 1 self-efforts,Ego,self,general health,vitality,nature,strangers,foreigners52 45.67 JUPITER 2 wealth,wisdom,,bad-habits,sale-purchase,intuition,family53 43.89 RAHU

    3initiative,communication,enterpreneureship,short-journey, authorship,

    courage,younger-siblings,neibours,massengers,female-servents54 41.89 MARS

    55 41.12 MOON 4 domestic-affairs,assets,acquiring-properties,vehicles,masses,mother,close-friends

    56 40.00 VENUS 5 emotions,education,fame,children,speculation,loss of job,love-affair,disciples57 37.77 KETU


    s,worries,theft,obstacles,employees,dependents,maternal-uncle/aunt58 37.00 MERC59 35.11 SATURN SUN 7 partner,Spouse,business,earning in foreign,honour&reputation in foreign,cooperation60 33.00 JUPITER

    8inheritance,Spouses's wealth& possessions,accidents,VD,occult,unearned wealth,

    disappointment,defeat,diplomacy,gardner,washerman,sweeper,Psychic-level61 31.22 RAHU

    62 30.00 RAHU 9 Charity,religion,temperament,long-journeys,intuition,father,guru,fore-sight,foreign

    63 29.22 MARS SUN 10 profession,rajya,bussiness,public-dignity,worldly-attainment,reputation,ambitions64 28.44 MOON 11 friends,income,wishes,aspirations,emotions,gains,fulfilment of desires,elder-brother

    65 27.33 SUN 12 residence in foreign,losses,expences,investments,seperation,neibours,sadhus66 26.67 KETU

    67 25.89 MERC68 24.00 SATURN69 21.89 JUPITER70 20.12 RAHU VENUS71 18.12 MARS72 17.33 MOON73 16.22 SUN

    74 15.55 VENUS75 13.33 MERC

    76 11 44 SATURN

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    76 11.44 SATURN77 9.33 JUPITER78 7.55 RAHU79 5.55 MARS KETU80 4.78 MOON81 3.67 SUN82 3.00 VENUS

    83 0.78 KETU


    NO Degrees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NO1 30 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 IX

    2 26.67 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 VIII

    3 23.33 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 VII

    4 20 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 VI5 16.67 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 V

    6 13.33 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 IV

    7 10 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 III

    8 6.67 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 II

    9 3.33 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 I


    1 ARIES 0.00.00 63 CANCER 0.00.00 125 LIBRA 0.00.00 189 CAPRI 0.00.00

    2 ARIES 0.46.40 64 CANCER 0.33.20 126 LIBRA 1.53.20 190 CAPRI 1.13.20

    3 ARIES 3.00.00 65 CANCER 1,20.00 127 LIBRA 2.40.00 191 CAPRI 3.00.00

    4 ARIES 3.40.00 66 CANCER 3.20.00 128 LIBRA 4.53.20 192 CAPRI 5.6.40

    5 ARIES 4.46.40 67 CANCER 5.26.40 129 LIBRA 5.33.20 193 CAPRI 7.00.00

    6 ARIES 5.33.20 68 CANCER 7.20.00 130 LIBRA 6.40.00 194 CAPRI 7.46.40

    7 ARIES 7.33.20 69 CANCER 8.06.40 131 LIBRA 8.40.00 195 CAPRI 10.00.00

    8 ARIES 9.20.00 70 CANCER 10.20.00 132 LIBRA 10.26.40 196 CAPRI 11.6.40

    9 ARIES 11.26.40 71 CANCER 11.00.00 133 LIBRA 12.33.20 197 CAPRI 11.53.20

    10 ARIES 13.20.00 72 CANCER 12.06.40 134 LIBRA 14.26.40 198 CAPRI 13.53.2011 ARIES 15.33.20 73 CANCER 12.53.20 135 LIBRA 15.13.20 199 CAPRI 15.40.00

    12 ARIES 16.13.20 74 CANCER 14.53.20 136 LIBRA 17.26.40 200 CAPRI 17.46.40

    13 ARIES 17.20.00 75 CANCER 16.40.00 137 LIBRA 18.6.40 201 CAPRI 19.40.00

    14 ARIES 18.6.40 76 CANCER 18.33.20 138 LIBRA 19.13.20 202 CAPRI 20.26.40

    15 ARIES 20.6.40 77 CANCER 19.20.00 139 LIBRA 20.00.00 203 CAPRI 22.40.00

    16 ARIES 21.53.20 78 CANCER 21.33.20 140 LIBRA 21.46.40 204 CAPRI 23.20.00

    17 ARIES 24.00.00 79 CANCER 22.13.20 141 LIBRA 23.53.20 205 CAPRI 24.6.40

    18 ARIES 25.53.20 80 CANCER 23.20.00 142 LIBRA 25.46.40 206 CAPRI 26.6.40

    19 ARIES 26.40.00 81 CANCER 24.6.40 143 LIBRA 26.33.20 207 CAPRI 27.53.20

    20 ARIES 27.20.00 82 CANCER 26.6.20 144 LIBRA 28.46.40 208 AQUARIUS 0.00.00

    21 ARIES 28 26 40 83 27 53 20 145 LIBRA 29 26 40 209 AQUARIUS 1 53 20

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    21 ARIES 28.26.40 83 27.53.20 145 LIBRA 29.26.40 209 AQUARIUS 1.53.20

    22 ARIES 29.13.20 84 LEO 0.00.00 146 SCORPIO 0.00.00 210 AQUARIUS 2.40.00

    23 TAURUS 0.00.00 85 LEO 0.46.40 147 SCORPIO 0.33.20 211 AQUARIUS 4.53.20

    24 TAURUS 1.13.20 86 LEO 3.00.00 148 SCORPIO 1,20.00 212 AQUARIUS 5.33.20

    25 TAURUS 3.00.00 87 LEO 3.40.00 149 SCORPIO 3.20.00 213 AQUARIUS 6.40.00

    26 TAURUS 5.6.40 88 LEO 4.46.40 150 SCORPIO 5.26.40 214 AQUARIUS 8.40.00

    27 TAURUS 7.00.00 89 LEO 5.33.20 151 SCORPIO 7.20.00 215 AQUARIUS 10.26.40

    28 TAURUS 7.46.40 90 LEO 7.33.20 152 SCORPIO 8.06.40 216 AQUARIUS 12.33.20

    29 TAURUS 10.00.00 91 LEO 9.20.00 153 SCORPIO 10.20.00 217 AQUARIUS 14.26.40

    30 TAURUS 11.6.40 92 LEO 11.26.40 154 SCORPIO 11.00.00 218 AQUARIUS 15.13.20

    31 TAURUS 11.53.20 93 LEO 13.20.00 155 SCORPIO 12.06.40 219 AQUARIUS 17.26.40

    32 TAURUS 13.53.20 94 LEO 15.33.20 156 SCORPIO 12.53.20 220 AQUARIUS 18.6.40

    33 TAURUS 15.40.00 95 LEO 16.13.20 157 SCORPIO 14.53.20 221 AQUARIUS 19.13.20

    34 TAURUS 17.46.40 96 LEO 17.20.00 158 SCORPIO 16.40.00 222 AQUARIUS 20.00.00

    35 TAURUS 19.40.00 97 LEO 18.6.40 159 SCORPIO 18.33.20 223 AQUARIUS 21.46.40

    36 TAURUS 20.26.40 98 LEO 20.6.40 160 SCORPIO 19.20.00 224 AQUARIUS 23.53.20

    37 TAURUS 22.40.00 99 LEO 21.53.20 161 SCORPIO 21.33.20 225 AQUARIUS 25.46.40

    38 TAURUS 23.20.00 100 LEO 24.00.00 162 SCORPIO 22.13.20 226 AQUARIUS 26.33.20

    39 TAURUS 24.6.40 101 LEO 25.53.20 163 SCORPIO 23.20.00 227 AQUARIUS 28.46.40

    40 TAURUS 26.6.40 102 LEO 26.40.00 164 SCORPIO 24.6.40 228 AQUARIUS 29.26.40

    41 TAURUS 27.53.20 103 LEO 27.20.00 165 SCORPIO 26.6.20 229 PISCES 0.00.00

    42 GEMINI 0.00.00 104 LEO 28.26.40 166 SCORPIO 27.53.20 230 PISCES 0.33.20

    43 GEMINI 1.53.20 105 LEO 29.13.20 167 SAGGITARIUS 0.00.00 231 PISCES 1,20.00

    44 GEMINI 2.40.00 106 VIRGO 0.00.00 168 SAGGITARIUS 0.46.40 232 PISCES 3.20.00

    45 GEMINI 4.53.20 107 VIRGO 1.13.20 169 SAGGITARIUS 3.00.00 233 PISCES 5.26.4046 GEMINI 5.33.20 108 VIRGO 3.00.00 170 SAGGITARIUS 3.40.00 234 PISCES 7.20.00

    47 GEMINI 6.40.00 109 VIRGO 5.6.40 171 SAGGITARIUS 4.46.40 235 PISCES 8.06.40

    48 GEMINI 8.40.00 110 VIRGO 7.00.00 172 SAGGITARIUS 5.33.20 236 PISCES 10.20.00

    49 GEMINI 10.26.40 111 VIRGO 7.46.40 173 SAGGITARIUS 7.33.20 237 PISCES 11.00.00

    50 GEMINI 12.33.20 112 VIRGO 10.00.00 174 SAGGITARIUS 9.20.00 238 PISCES 12.06.40

    51 GEMINI 14.26.40 113 VIRGO 11.6.40 175 SAGGITARIUS 11.26.40 239 PISCES 12.53.20

    52 GEMINI 15.13.20 114 VIRGO 11.53.20 176 SAGGITARIUS 13.20.00 240 PISCES 14.53.20

    53 GEMINI 17.26.40 115 VIRGO 13.53.20 177 SAGGITARIUS 15.33.20 241 PISCES 16.40.00

    54 GEMINI 18.6.40 116 VIRGO 15.40.00 178 SAGGITARIUS 16.13.20 242 PISCES 18.33.20

    55 GEMINI 19.13.20 117 VIRGO 17.46.40 179 SAGGITARIUS 17.20.00 243 PISCES 19.20.00

    56 GEMINI 20.00.00 118 VIRGO 19.40.00 180 SAGGITARIUS 18.6.40 244 PISCES 21.33.20

    57 GEMINI 21.46.40 119 VIRGO 20.26.40 181 SAGGITARIUS 20.6.40 245 PISCES 22.13.20

    58 GEMINI 23.53.20 120 VIRGO 22.40.00 182 SAGGITARIUS 21.53.20 246 PISCES 23.20.00

    59 GEMINI 25.46.40 121 VIRGO 23.20.00 183 SAGGITARIUS 24.00.00 247 PISCES 24.6.40

    60 GEMINI 26.33.20 122 VIRGO 24.6.40 184 SAGGITARIUS 25.53.20 248 PISCES 26.6.20

    61 GEMINI 28.46.40 123 VIRGO 26.6.40 185 SAGGITARIUS 26.40.00 249 PISCES 27.53.20

    62 GEMINI 29.26.40 124 VIRGO 27.53.20 186 SAGGITARIUS 27.20.00

    187 SAGGITARIUS 28.26.40

    188 SAGGITARIUS 29.13.20