puppet camp boston 2014: greenfield puppet: getting it right from the start (beginner)

Greenfield Puppet David Danzilio @djdanzilio

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Puppet Camp Boston 2014: Greenfield Puppet: Getting it right from the start (Beginner) given by David Danzilio, Constant Contact


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Greenfield PuppetDavid Danzilio


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What’s this all about?

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A collection of wisdom that I wish I had available when I first started using Puppet

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This could change in future releases

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Don’t just take my word for it

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– Wikipedia

“a greenfield is a project that lacks any constraints imposed by prior work”

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A (not so) hypothetical scenario…

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Department of BasketweavingFU

Foo University

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class apache {! package { [‘apache2’, ‘rails’, ‘libapache2-mod-passenger’]:! ensure => present,! }! file { ‘/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/bw-app.conf’:! ensure => file,! source => ‘puppet:///apache/bw-app.conf',! require => Package[‘apache2’],! }! file { ‘/var/www/bw-app’:! ensure => directory,! owner => www-data,! group => www-data,! source => ‘puppet:///apache/bw-app',! recurse => true,! require => File[‘/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/bw-app.conf’]! }! service { ‘apache2’:! ensure => running,! require => [! File[‘/var/www/bw-app’],! Package[’rails’, ‘libapache2-mod-passenger’],! ]! }!}

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I want to use Graphitefor all my!

basket data

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–Doug McIlroy

“Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together.”

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Don’t write modules unless you absolutely have to!

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Check the Forge first

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Don’t customize Forge modules!

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Use the Roles and Profiles pattern

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Roles and Profiles

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Craig Dunn’s blog post: “Designing Puppet – Roles

and Profiles”

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A node includes one role

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node db01.example.com { include role::db::server } !

node db02.example.com { include role::db::server::dev }

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A role includes one or more profiles

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class role::base { include profile::base } !class role::db::server inherits role::base { include profile::mysql include profile::application::database } !class role::db::server::dev inherits role::base { include profile::mysql include profile::percona }

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A profile manages modules

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class profile::mysql { ! $mysql_version = hiera(‘mysql_version’) ! class { ‘mysql::server’: package_ensure => $mysql_version } ! class { ‘mysql::backup’: } class { ‘nagios::mysql’: } !}

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Like MVC for Puppet

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The Forge

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Look for modules with lots of downloads and recent


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Lots of downloadsRecent update

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Do some background research on the author of the


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Give priority to modules written by Puppet Labs

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Be weary of modules with strange dependencies

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Don’t use a module without vetting it

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Puppet Deployment

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Have a solid deployment pipeline

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Use librarian-puppet or r10k to deploy your code to your

Puppet masters

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Reliable metadata is key to a successful Puppet deployment

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$ cat /etc/facter/facts.d/metadata.json { "datacenter": "Boston", "rack": "R23", "role": "webserver", "cluster": "C89" }

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Use environments to keep your nodes safe

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Understand the lifecycle of a module

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Use Hiera from the start

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Don’t get too crazy with your hierarchy

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:hierarchy: - “%{::app}/%{::environment}/%{::datacenter}/%{::fqdn}” - “%{::app}/%{::environment}/%{::datacenter}” - “%{::app}/%{::environment}” - “%{::app}” - “%{::cluster}/%{::environment}/%{::datacenter}/%{::fqdn}” - “%{::cluster}/%{::environment}/%{::datacenter}” - “%{::cluster}/%{::environment}” - “%{::cluster}” - “%{::environment}/%{::datacenter}/%{::fqdn}” - “%{::environment}/%{::datacenter}” - “%{::environment}” - “%{::realm}/%{::region}/%{::datacenter}/%{::fqdn}” - “%{::realm}/%{::region}/%{::datacenter}” - “%{::realm}/%{::region}” - “%{::realm}” - “%{::region}” - “%{::datacenter}/%{::rack}/%{::cluster}/%{::fqdn}” - “%{::datacenter}/%{::rack}/%{::cluster}” - “%{::datacenter}/%{::rack}” - “%{::datacenter}” - “%{::rack}” - “%{::cluster}”

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Puppet Development

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Puppet code is real code

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Puppet is Ruby

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Puppet modules need a design specification

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rspec-puppet for TDD

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Design modules with other people in mind

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Fail fast

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fail(“${::osfamily} is not supported by this module.”)

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Public classes should expose a stable API

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Semantic Versioning is your friend

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Remember the UNIX philosophy

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Share your custom modules with the community!

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Manage your dependencies with care

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Keep artifacts out of your Puppet modules

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Embedding data makes your modules less modular

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class foo ( $pkg_version = $foo::params::pkg_version, $pkg_name = $foo::params::pkg_name, ) inherits foo::params { ! ... !}

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Keep business logic out of templates

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<% if @app == ‘foo’ %> ... <% else %> ... <% end %>

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$template = ? $app { ‘foo’ => ‘foo.conf.erb’, default => ‘generic.conf.erb’, } !file { ‘/path/to/app.conf’: ensure => file, content => template(“module/${template}”), }

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Standard Library

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Use the standard library to level-up your modules

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Avoid duplicate resources with ensure_packages and ensure_resource

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package { ‘apache2’: ensure => present, }

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Validate inputs with validate_array, validate_bool, validate_hash, validate_re, and validate_string

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Protect private classes with private

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Modules should be easy to use and hard to abuse

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Style is important

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source 'https://rubygems.org' !

gem 'rake' gem 'puppet' gem 'puppet-lint' gem 'puppet-syntax'

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require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint' require 'puppet-syntax/tasks/puppet-syntax' !exclude_paths = [ "pkg/**/*", "vendor/**/*", "spec/**/*", ] !PuppetLint.configuration.ignore_paths = exclude_paths PuppetSyntax.exclude_paths = exclude_paths

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$ bundle install Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/........ Resolving dependencies... Installing rake 10.3.2 Installing CFPropertyList 2.2.8 Installing facter 2.1.0 Installing json_pure 1.8.1 Installing hiera 1.3.4 Installing rgen 0.6.6 Installing puppet 3.6.2 Installing puppet-lint 0.3.2 Installing puppet-syntax 1.3.0 Using bundler 1.6.2 Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

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$ bundle exec rake -T rake lint # Run puppet-lint rake syntax # Syntax check Puppet manifests and templates rake syntax:hiera # Syntax check Hiera config files rake syntax:manifests # Syntax check Puppet manifests rake syntax:templates # Syntax check Puppet templates

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Documentation is important

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We’re all Keynesians now.developers

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Keeping Up

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Puppet is evolving really fast

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There is a fantastic community out there

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Pay attention to thought leaders

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Refactor your code as the language evolves

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Contribute to modules on the Forge!

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Thank you!

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Image Credits• http://officeimg.vo.msecnd.net/en-us/images/MP900430517.jpg • http://imgur.com/gallery/YNI5wud • http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1jgxtq/new_york_and_boston_the_difference/ • http://openclipart.org/detail/195046/ubuntu-geek-by-stephencuyos-195046 • http://design.ubuntu.com/downloads?metadata=element-logo+brand-ubuntu • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ruby_on_Rails-logo.png • https://github.com/phusion/passenger • http://kaleidos.net/weapons/apache-webserver/ • http://puppetlabs.com/company/news/media-kit • http://copiousnotes.bloginky.com/2014/06/17/summer-classic-dr-strangelove-2/ • http://imgur.com/iWKad22 • http://cheezburger.com/6230961920 • http://www.craigdunn.org/stuff/puppet_big.png • http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/362un7 • http://programmerryangosling.tumblr.com/image/22790837971 • http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3sogf9 • http://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=238266

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Further Reading• http://www.craigdunn.org/2012/05/239/ • https://www.youtube.com/user/PuppetLabsInc/playlists • https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib • http://continuousdelivery.com • http://www.slideshare.net/PuppetLabs/tddforpuppet • http://www.slideshare.net/PuppetLabs/roles-rofiles • http://www.slideshare.net/PuppetLabs/steamlining-

puppetdevelopmentpuppetconfny2014 • http://garylarizza.com/blog/2013/12/08/when-to-hiera/ • http://www.devco.net/archives/2013/12/09/the-problem-with-params-pp.php • http://www.devco.net/archives/2013/12/08/better-puppet-modules-using-hiera-data.php • http://puppet-lint.com • https://github.com/gds-operations/puppet-syntax