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On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus Eleonora Escalante Strategy.. Strategic Corporate Advisory Services © 2017-2018-2019-2020 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved August 10th 2020 1 Purity of the Heart

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On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus

Eleonora Escalante Strategy.. Strategic Corporate Advisory Services© 2017-2018-2019-2020 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved August 10th 2020 1

Purity of the Heart

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• Let´s share what are the different meanings of pure• Pure is having a homogeneous or uniform composition, not mixed.

For example: Pure gold• Pure is a state of being free from adulterants or umpurities. Example:

Absolute Alcohol 100% degree.• Pure is free of dirt, defilement or pollution. Example: sterilized syrgury

toolkit. • Pure is containting nothing inappropriate or extraneous: Example:

Sheer wine.• Pure is of unmixed ancestry: Example: purebreed horses.• Pure means complete, utter. Example: • Pure means having no faults, sinless.• Pure means to be chaste or virgin. Example: keeping yourself virginal

until marriage• Pure means free of empirical elements. Example: pure reason.• The synonims of pure are: absolute, sheer, simple, unadulterated.

On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus. Ethical Virtues

August 10th 2020

What is pure?

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• As we already demonstrated, the word “Pure” has several definitions.• In the context of this saga, pure means more than transparent or

clean of spirit. It means that our beings are total, completely innocent and without hidden selfish agendas.

• To be pure means that everything we think, do or say is crystal clear and aligned with God´s love, without anything that is harmful. It is accompanied with grace.

• To be pure in the current times means to elevate all our actions and emotions with unclouded pure love that comes from God.

• When our hearts are full of pure love, all our thoughts and actions reflect our “tank full of love”. We replenish our love tanks by loving God with all our soul, as much as we love others and ourselves.

• To be pure requires the “pure love” factor, the most important virtue of all. This “love” virtue will be explored next week.

On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus. Ethical Virtues

August 10th 2020

What is pure?

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• At the fraternal level is our state of purity in our thinking and behavior (actions) towards those who are associated with us in a family context (parent brotherlike, sisterly, or blood kinship-family) or a friendship or acquaintance or group of people joined together under a congenial way.

• At the fraternal level, no sexual interaction is involved at all. • Friendships at school, college, universities or churches are a demonstration of

fraternal relationships. • When friendships or family relationships are based on people who hold “Purity

of heart” virtue, these are warm and conforting, they know each other, respect, like and trust no matter what.

• That is why to have real friends is one of the most difficult things on earth: it takes years of time and experience to learn how to be a friend “with a pure heart”.

• The virtue of “purity of the heart” with friends or relatives is only acquired by constant training or exercising them in actions. “It is the way that we behave in our dealings with them” that make us reach a“Pure heart”.

On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus. Ethical Virtues

At the Fraternal


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• At the community level, our state of purity of the heart is expressed in our thinking and behavior (actions) towards those who are part of our social community.

• A community is a group of people living in the same locality, under the same type of rulers or government. A community, geographically has boundaries. It can be a small-rural community,or a neighborhood or a urban district. Also it can be an association whose members share common interests, work, associations or own a property collectively.

• The purity of the heart at a community level is expressed in true and good actions that overflow from each and all the members of the community, where no “hidden selfish agendas” for the self-interests of some are privileged.

• The love expressed that overflows from pure hearts members of a community are shown in acts of assistance or aid actions which are “wordless”.

• When members of a community have a “pure heart”, their wordless actions of community service are given without any type of reward searching, no suspicion attached, and no requests/demands are necessary. Actions are not masked by self-interests, but for the “community” interests.

On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus. Ethical Virtues

At the Community


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• When it comes to a romantic relationship level between a man and a woman, the purity of the heart is also expressed in actions.

• Purity of heart at a couple level is more than a sexual experience. It referes primarily to single-mindedness, wholeness, integrity expressed in actions and unity of two hearts involved in a relationship.

• When God and Jesus-Christ are in the center of a love relationship, the love of God overflows in the couple: it is pure, clear, simple, undiluted, and sex is a medium to love purely to each other.

• When a man and a woman are engaged to build a “pure heart”, even through disillutions, crisis and problems that may arise, two characteristic that overflow from “pure hearts” are grace and forgiveness.

• A pure heart doesn´t focus on getting something he/she wants, but in “doing something” for the well being of the loved one.

• In marriage “purity of heart” has at least 5 emotional love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, gifting, helping acts and physical touch.

On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus. Ethical Virtues

At the romantic

relationship level

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• Actions from a pure heart are not built in automatic mood. They require practice to come out naturally.

• As much as visual artists get better by painting constantly, or builders become excellent by building or musicians by playing instruments, a pure heart becomes as such by performing acts of “purity of the heart”. It is the way that we bhave in our dealings with other people (at a fraternal, community or intimate level) tha we learn to become transparent and without selfish agendas.

• It requires discipline in the training of our intentions: so that we can do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. The inner force to be pure in our feelings and thoughts and actions, requires a will of Spirit that only comes from God. Without God´s love and his spiritual strength, it is impossible to “purify our hearts”.

• If God reigns in our hearts, we are able to easily discern when does lust takes place, and why do we have to get rid of anything else that is not pure and full of unveiling love.

On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus. Ethical Virtues

Purity of The Heart

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On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus. Ethical Virtues

• When it comes to purity hearts at a romantic relationship level: God has made us perfectly woman or perfectly man to complement our partner of the opposite sex.

• Biologically, there is not a “in between”. No additional selfish genders, but only to be a man, or to be a woman. In romance, pure hearts wait for marriage and don´t traspass the sex boundaries until matrimony happens.

• A pure heart marriage is only feasible between a man and a woman.• Same sex intimate relationships are not an “expression” of having a pure

heart. All the current “modern sex” modalities are an expression of human “dehumanization”. Or “animalization” based only in lust-driven seduction, “masked” under love, but in reality end up only in void and emptiness alone.

• Marriage between a man and a woman is the “institution” created to complete intimacy. The utmost power of love-making to give and receive love (at a romantic level) only happens “purely” in marriage between a man and a woman, and when both have reached the level of “pure hearts”.

Purity of the heart

August 10th 2020

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On eagles wings: Our recovery from Coronavirus. Ethical Virtues

Purity of the heart

August 10th 2020