purpose of life speech

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  • 7/30/2019 Purpose of Life Speech


    Mans Purpose of Life: Insight From the Quran and MSF to Bring Peace, Tolerance, Unity and Freedom.

    "Man is the being who does not know the value and worth of his life..."-MSF

    What is the purpose of life? This question has been pondered upon since the beginning of the

    human race. Each day, we contemplate on the mysteries of planet Earth and the Universe. We look

    outwardly and see the vast wonders of nature and the exquisite multitudinous life forms that exist. We

    are simply awestruck by the beauty and complexity of nature. Surely, none of this can be a coincidence

    or can it? We are scientists by nature and we seek to find answers to feed our inquisitive disposition.

    Some of the most intelligent scientists, clerics and scholars have sought after this answer. Numerous

    films and books have been produced addressing this question and we all seem to have conflicting views.

    There are over 20 major religions in the world and thousands of others whose views are distinct. The

    view of almighty God is not uniform and therefore the world is not in accordance with ones purpose of


    To bring peace, tolerance, unity and freedom to the world, we all must be on one accord or

    have a mutual respect for one another. We must engage in dialogue that brings a fruitful understanding

    of one another. We have seen throughout history, incessant and egregious wars fought and thousands

    of lives lost over beliefs. Today, unfortunately, we still see some the same conflicts raging on and

    thousands of lives shattered. Can this all be eradicated through understanding and adjusting of the

    ego pertaining to right vs. wrong? MSFs teachings display to us that it can be done. We were taught

    that man can go through a transformation and reclaim his divine nature. Man can open up his heart and

    accept different views and philosophies. Through the will of almighty God we all can come together and

    reclaim our divinity and connection to him. We can also defeat ignorance with knowledge, uphold peace

    through understanding and promote freedom with the love for all human beings.

  • 7/30/2019 Purpose of Life Speech


    The purpose of life can be answered on an personal and universal level. Each being is not here

    for the same purpose. There are billions of people that live on planet Earth, each with a unique skill and

    purpose. It is critical that we know ourselves on a personal level, but what does this mean? We must be

    conscious of our talents and flaws. We should understand who we are to make a positive contribution to

    the world. When one uses their talents to make a living or to assist someone else, life can be much

    easier. It can be more feasible to provide a life for your family when you utilize your talents. Having a

    career or job that displays your talent is knowing yourself. Knowing what your shortcomings are, is

    knowing yourself. Knowing what you need to improve on, is knowing yourself.

    How can this actually help promote peace? Individuals who feel positive and love themselves

    are more peaceful. Individuals who thrive on hate or division, have a low level of self worth and esteem.

    They may dislike their present condition or position in life or any other situation that has gone awry. If

    one had self love and knew their purpose in life, he or she would not likely engage in such villainous

    acts. Acts that cause harm on innocent individuals for their own satisfaction. These individuals do not

    value life mainly because they do not recognize their talents to serve humanity and they do not worship

    almighty God.

    MSFs recognized his many talents as a charismatic leader, teacher and political figure. He lived

    a prosperous life and he made an indelible impact by using his God given abilities. He exuded love and

    compassion because he loved the Creator and himself. He united people with dissenting views and from

    different classes. MSFs taught us that we are all an extension of almighty God. If you spew hate to

    another being, you are hating yourself and the Creator. Hate is not in harmony with almighty God and it

    is against the purpose of life.

    What does the Quran say about purpose of life? What is the universal understanding for the

    purpose of life? Allah, states in the Quran that he created man to be his Khalefah, his trustee on Earth

  • 7/30/2019 Purpose of Life Speech


    (Quran 2:30). Mankind's basic trust, our responsibility, is to believe in and worship Allah. It is

    unequivocal to what the universal(God) purpose of life is. Above all, man is to worship and adhere to

    almighty God. In order to worship God, you must know him and yourself. He is Allah, the eternal refuge

    and there is non equivalent to him. Allah tells us how he wants to be worshipped in the Quran. He also

    tells us that all prophets came with the same identical message to believe in Allah and to worship him.

    Allah is the source for all wisdom and power. Allah has provided us with diverse talents and the

    knowledge on how to worship him. Knowing is not enough. We must apply what we know to better our

    lives and the lives of others. We live in a world where there are various views on almighty God and how

    to worship him. We are civilized and respectful beings and there is no need to have any animosity

    towards another being for their views. We know who the almighty is. We feel his everlasting and

    vigorous power in every moment of our lives. The key to a peaceful, tolerant, and unified world is

    respect. We are an extension of the Creator and we are all divine. There Is no need for savagery or the

    promotion of hate. There is enough hate and division in the world today. We have to work on opening

    our hearts and embracing our differences rather than letting them sever us apart. MSFs message of

    human rights, world peace and morality should always be remembered. We should live by the values of

    MSF and worship God as the Quran states. We all must value our own lives and know almighty God for

    peace, unity and love to reign supreme upon the Earth.