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Tinder Profile GuideYour First 1,000



Hey, it’s Marcus here.

First of all I want to congratulate you on taking action towards improving your Tinder profile, your dating-life, and also your life as a whole.

A lot of people talk about wanting to improve, but very few people actually do anything about it! Whether it’s Tinder dating or other areas of their life, they keep doing the same old things and just hope that something miraculous will happen. It’s summed up exactly in one of my favorite quotes:

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again,

but expecting different results.


But unlike most people, you have initiative and have taken a concrete step to personal improvement… And I really admire that.

The step you have taken is the one of the most important and easiest when it comes to maximizing the success of your Tinder profile: avoiding the mistakes while taking advantage of success-proven techniques.

It can be confusing and frustrating to know what girls like and don’t like, but you don’t have to worry about that. You don’t have to keep guessing…

That’s because with this document you are going to be tapping into my deep experience and knowledge that has taken me over three years to acquire.

After testing hundreds of different profiles and digging into research from major dating sites, my team and I have developed a blueprint of what makes a successful Tinder profile.

As you’ll soon learn, I use these methods with my clients and THEY WORK. They really CAN help grow your matches, fast.

It just makes sense to model your profile on the best, doesn’t it? This document will guide you through exactly that.

I know what works. I know what girls respond to… and I especially know how to grow your matches. You will now have that knowledge, too.

I’m absolutely certain this guide will go a long way to helping you get what want from Tinder!

- Marcus



Here’s the cold hard truth about Tinder: You can be a really great guy, but without the right profile you’re going to get overlooked and lost in the Tinder jungle.

That’s because in today’s super-competitive Tinder world, being a great guy simply isn’t enough for girls to take notice of you.

Look, let me ask you this: How often do you get excited to see a new match on Tinder… only to be disappointed to find out it’s a fake spam-bot?

And when you think about the matches you do get, are they mostly just low quality girls that you don’t really want?

If any of this is happening to you, it’s a sure sign that your current profile isn’t getting the job done.

It sucks, because you know what it means…

No matches on Tinder = Zero chance of any hot Tinder dates or hookups

The reality is if you’re not currently making it past the first step on Tinder, you have no hope.

But here’s the thing: once you make it past that first step, the floodgates will rush open…

That’s the incredible thing about Tinder. Even the smallest change to your profile can have dramatic results.

So, how are we going to improve your profile?

Well, to kick things off, let’s take a quick look at the two factors when it comes to getting matches.

The Two Factors

These are the two things that drive the amount of matches a guy will get:

1. Attractiveness

There’s no getting around it: looks play a role when it comes to attracting women, and that includes Tinder.

Regular exercise, a good diet, grooming and dressing well (all of which you should be doing) can definitely improve attractiveness, but other than that it’s a genetic lottery.

Now, I’m not saying you need to look super-attractive to succeed on Tinder. You absolutely don’t! I’m just saying that looks plays a part.

Guys that are in the ballpark of “average” attractiveness can still get 500 or 1,000+ matches in a matter of a few months… as long as their profile is optimized.

So to create an awesome Tinder profile the first thing we need to do is acknowledge the role that looks play. Then, the second part is learning how to leverage that and use it to our advantage by using the right photos.


2. Your Tinder Profile Photos (Possibly The Most Important)

Your Tinder profile is the artwork that exhibits your attractiveness. It should be deliberately crafted for aesthetic appeal.

Raw attractiveness and genetics may be out of our control, but we do have total control over our “artwork”. We can control everything about how our attractiveness is exhibited and how it’s perceived by others.

This is our focus in this document: to create amazing artwork that maximizes your potential.

And how do we do that? By using the right photos that are proven to work on Tinder and avoiding the kinds of pictures that are proven tank.

For example, tests on 552,000 online dating users has revealed…

Looking away from the camera can give you up to 50% more matches compared to looking at the camera.

A picture with a pet can lead to twice as many dates compared to a picture of you drinking or a travel photo.

Using a simple photo technique known as “blurry/sharp” can make anyone look more attractive and inviting instantly. A lot of my clients have doubled their matches overnight just by using this technique in their main photo.

Photos with excessive alcohol and guys taking selfies are among the worst performing photo types.

Using a cropped profile photo is one of the most dangerous and harmful mistakes a guy can make.

If you didn’t know any this stuff or you’re currently making any these mistakes, that’s okay. Not many people think about.

Luckily though, you’ve come to the right place.

That’s because it’s my passion to help guys succeed in the modern world of dating, and that’s what I’m going to help you do.

It’s Time To Reach Your Full Potential

Based on the hundreds of profile tests and improvements that my team and I do, we find that a lot of guys are only operating at 10% or less of their potential on Tinder!

They treat their profile like it’s a passport photo to get through security, rather than treating it like a painting that hangs in a museum charming crowds of people.

This quick and dirty “passport” approach is what kills their matches.


Things like photo technique and photo selection can really make or break your profile. In fact, if you don’t think about these things when setting up your profile, they can seriously mess you up.

On the other hand, when you use the photos that are proven to work, the amount of girls you match with can literally come flooding in.

The effect won’t just be an increase of one or two matches each day… but an increase of 2x, 5x or even 10x the amount of quality girls that you’re matching with right now.

So with that said, here’s the checklist (see next page) which will give you the best chance to maximizing your potential.


Main (First) Picture: A Clear Photo of Only You

Your main photo is the most critical part of your profile. It’s the first and possibly only picture women will see when they swipe your profile, so it needs to be clear and simple.

You should include a mix of three different main/first photo type images in your profile and let Tinder choose your best picture for you. To find out how to make Tinder choose your Top Photo, click here.

Review Points For Your Main/First Pictures To Test Yes No Are you the only person in the photo? Good Replace

Is your face clearly visible? Good Replace

Is your body language open, confident and inviting? i.e. smiling, no folded-arms, no crossed-legs, no hands-in-pockets?

Good Replace

Is the photo a selfie? Replace Good

Does the photo show you from the waist up? Or a head shot? Good Consider replacing

Nothing covering your face? No sunglasses? Not hat? Good Replace

Strongly recommended: Are you using the blurry/sharp effect? This is where you are in focus while the background is blurry (examples below).


Strongly consider testing it.

Click here to learn how to create the

blurry/sharp effect.

Are you looking away from the camera in one of your pics? (examples below)


Consider adding one

photo looking away to see if Tinder selects it as your Top


Optional: Have you tested a main picture where you are not smiling, like three of the four pictures above? Note: Not smiling doesn't mean sad, but rather a neutral expression. Or more preferably, try to express pride as experiments have shown it's the emotion women are most attracted to. To project an image of modest pride: stand tall, erect posture, chest up, shoulders back, head slightly held high with open and confident body language. Think of a past success that fills you with pride and confidence, and let your body project that feeling.


Consider adding one

photo without smiling and see if Tinder selects it as

your Top Photo.

Optional: If you have a dog/pet, have you included it in your main profile?


Consider testing it and see if Tinder selects it as

your Top Photo.


Optional: If you have an exceptional physique, are you showing it off tastefully? (Examples in the next section)

Good Consider testing it

Optional: Have you used a light Instagram-like filter on your photo? Good Consider testing it


If you want to find out more about these photo techniques, like how to create a blurry/sharp photo, you can see my article that explains all these best Tinder pictures and others in detail.

(click here to go to that article and learn more)

Once again: the aim of the section we’ve just been through is to add three of these simple, clear photos of only you to your profile. Then, you let Tinder do the work and let it pick which of those is your Top Photo. It will then automatically make it your first/main image.

Supporting Photos: Include at least three

other photos for your profile

Tests from online dating sites revealed that people who upload four or more photos receive the most interest. The less photos that you have, the less interest you’ll receive. Below are the recommendations for your supporting pictures.

At least one photo should create a "visual story" to give an insight into your life and who you are.

- This is likely to include candid action photos of your hobbies, passions, talents, travel adventures, lifestyle. Express who you are, what you love to do, where you love to go, and what type of lifestyle you lead. Examples below.

One photo should be an interesting conversation point, something a girl would want to ask you about.

- If you play the guitar add in a picture of you playing, if you're a good cook include a picture of you in the kitchen, if you're a firefighter add a picture of you in uniform or if you have a cute pet include a photo with both of you. You get the idea.

Optional: One photo to show people that you're friendly and appreciated by others. - It can be a simple picture of you at dinner with friends or family. Or it could be you making a speech in front

of an audience. Or you and a friend having fun. You just want to show that there are people who appreciate you.

Optional: A tasteful shirtless photo showing off your body. **This is only if you have an exceptional physique.

- Your body photo shouldn't be a crude selfie at the gym flexing or in the bathroom, but something tasteful or indirect, like a photo at the beach, playing sport or something artsy. Examples below.


Overall Photo Review

Review Points For All Of Your Photos Yes No

Quality And Clarity

All photos are clear? i.e. no blurred, fuzzy or grainy photos?

Good Replace

All photos are average-high quality? I.e. no webcam photos, no old photos? Good Replace

No cropped photos where it's obvious others have been removed?

Good Replace

Do you have sunglasses on in more than 2 of your photos? Consider replacing



All photos are relatively recent? (<2 years old). Good Replace

Do photos accurately represent you (in the best way)? Good Consider replacing

If You Have Group Photos (two or more people in one photo)

Do you have more than two group photos? Limit to 2 Good

Are you the main focus in the group photos? i.e. not on the outer of the group?

Good Consider adding

If a stranger looked at your main photo, could they then identify you easily (within two seconds) in any group photos you have?

Good Consider removing

Are you the most attractive male in the group, or at least equal with other guys?

Good Consider removing


Your Character and Perception Do you have any selfies?

Consider removing


Do you have any bathroom selfies? Remove Good

Do you have any shirtless selfies? Remove Good

Do you have variety in your photos? (i.e. different environments, clothing, expressions, poses)

Good Consider adding

Do you have alcohol in two or more of your photos? Consider removing


Do you look drunk in any photos? Remove Good

Do you have any photos of you smoking? Consider removing


Do you have intimate photos (hugging, kissing, being cosy) with other girls who are around your age?

Remove Good

Your Job and Education Details

Your education and job details are important because along with your main profile picture, it’s the very first information girls will see about you. (See next page)


Review Points For Your Job And Education Details Yes No If your career and education is a strength, or adds an intriguing element to how women perceive you, have you included it in your profile? (Examples include a high-status job, a well-paid job, an admired job, work for a famous or highly regarded company, or study/studied at a good college)

Good Consider adding

Your Tinder Bio

When it comes to getting matches, what you write in your bio barely matters. Tests show that profile-text counts for less than 10% of a woman's decision when evaluating a guy's online dating profile (it's the same for guys as well). For Tinder where text is emphasized far less than online dating, it means your bio is probably worth less than 5% of what Tinder girls think about you. In other words, women judge you almost entirely from your pictures alone. So if you don’t have a bio, that’s okay – it won’t harm your matches because it’s your pictures that do 95% of the talking for you. Your bio isn't likely to get you many more matches so it’s not necessary to include one, however, a poor bio can definitely devastate any chance of success if you get it wrong. So if you have a bio, use this checklist on the next page to make sure you’re not making mistakes that turn girls away.


Review Points For Your Tinder Bio Yes No Does you bio only include a little information about you and not your life story? A good rule of thumb is to keep it tweet-sized (140 characters).

Good Consider editing

No spelling mistakes or netspeak? Examples include "wat", "u", "ur", "luv" and "cant".

Good Remove

No clichés? (i.e. "looking for my Tinderella" or "I love to laugh") Good Consider removing

No overused quotes? (i.e. "Live every day like it's your last") Good Consider removing

No apologies or excuses for being on Tinder? (i.e. "My friends said I should come on this")

Good Remove

Not trying to be too funny? Good Consider editing

Not trying to convince women that you're funny or a good guy by saying "I'm funny" or "I'm a good guy".

Good Remove

If you want ideas for your bio, or just want to laugh at what others write in theirs...

Then you can check out my list of 1,000+ great Tinder bios (click here to check out all the Tinder bios)

Your Action List

You now have all the answers – the exact steps to iron out the major flaws in your profile and inject the most successful techniques into it as well. It’s all here in this guide.

Most of it is pretty simple stuff, isn’t it? But when you put it all together the results are amazing. If done right, this can dramatically increase the amount and quality of matches you get.

Now, unless you actually take action and make changes to your profile, nothing is going to happen. So take action!

Here’s what I recommend you do:

1. Using whatever photos you currently have available, overhaul your profile right now by following the checklist as closely as possible. This will boost your results quickly and carry you over in the short-term until you perform the next step.

2. Turn on the “Smart Photos” feature in your profile and let Tinder choose your Top Picture. Tinder will automatically test and choose your best performing picture, then make it your main image. To find out more about this feature, click here.

3. Over the next few days or weeks, take any new photos you need as required by the checklist. This is where your maximum improvement will come from – by creating photos tailored to the checklist. For immediate photos, you can use the self-timer function of your smartphone. For the best photos, ask your friends or family to take photos of you with a DSLR camera.



An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.


As you’ll soon find out, succeeding in the today’s world of Tinder isn’t as hard as most people think. Really. You just need to know the “secrets of success”.

That knowledge can give you incredible hookups and dates and truly make your life so much more enjoyable. I’ve seen it happen hundreds of times with my clients.

So over the coming days and weeks, I’m going to be sharing those Tinder secrets of success with you.

If you want to skip ahead, you can check out my private collection of Tinder openers that are proven to attract girls on Tinder.

Finally, I just want to say how great I think it is that you’ve taken this step to personal improvement, and I look forward to continue helping you succeed in the modern world of Tinder dating.

Talk soon,


[email protected]

P.S. To continue improving your results, click here to see how my own personal “treasure chest” of more than 100 success-proven openers can help you attract any girl on Tinder.