pxi tac ni keynotes victor notes

Thank you Professor Suen for your excellent presenta5on. Good morning. It is good to be back in Beijing at the PXI Technology and Applica5ons Conference 2011. I wanted to reflect on the topic of Innova5on, and in par5cular Science and Technology innova5on, as it is a very important topic of discussion these days in China. Specially, there is a lot of discussion about encouraging local, Chinese or Indigenous Innova5on. ETOWN 1.China's first cloud compu5ng server; 2.biggest investment in a single industrial project in Beijing history the BOE G8.5 produc5on line, to solve China's problems in the LCD TV industry, with its lack of cores and displays; 3.globally unique "Xingwang mode" from the Nokia Xingwang Industrial Park, where more than 20 famous upstream and downstream companies are establishing the most integrated industrial chain in green mobile phones, with Nokia playing a leading role; 4.biggest comprehensive TV program producing center in China, in the XingGuang Media Park; 5.one of the first batch of demonstra5on areas for applica5ons of photovoltaic power in China; 6.biggest wetlands park in Beijing, at the Nanhaizi Country Park; 7.topranking Chinese biovaccine industrializa5on base in produc5ve power, quality, and equipment, at the Tiantan BioVaccine Industry Base; 8.world's first complete genomic chip detec5ng system for SARS, from Etown (Vector Gene Technology Company Ltd); 9. first na5onal ecological industry demonstra5on park in Beijing; 10.only pharmaceu5cal company in China with targeted medicine, only company expor5ng vaccines to interna5onal markets, and only company with a Japanlisted medical R&D company, the Beijing Tide Pharmaceu5cal Co Ltd; 11.China's top in aerospace industry furnace produced in Etown (by Beijing Aerospace Wanyuan Coal Chemical Engineering Technology Co Ltd); 12.top fan manufacturer in China (Beijing Goldwind Science & Crea5on Windpower Equipment Co Ltd); 13.most advanced LCD glass substrates in the world, to be produced in Etown, Beijing (Phase II, Corning Display Technologies (China) Co Ltd); 14.bestequipped pharmaceu5cal produc5on base in Asia, the Bayer Healthcare Co Ltd; 15.biggest construc5on project in the history of Tongrentang (Tongrentang Tradi5onal Chinese Medicine Moderniza5on Industrial Park); 16.first produc5on line of Varian Associates, outside its home base in the US, in Etown; 17.and, first Chinese herbal prepara5ons produc5on line mee5ng EU standards, at Beijing Yiling Pharmaceu5cal Co Ltd. 1

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Page 1: PXI TAC NI Keynotes Victor Notes

Thank  you  Professor  Suen  for  your  excellent  presenta5on.  Good  morning.  It  is  good  to  be  back  in  Beijing  at  the  PXI  Technology  and  Applica5ons  Conference  2011.  I  wanted  to  reflect  on  the  topic  of  Innova5on,  and  in  par5cular  Science  and  Technology  innova5on,  as  it  is  a  very  important  topic  of  discussion  these  days  in  China.  Specially,  there  is  a  lot  of  discussion  about  encouraging  local,  Chinese  or  Indigenous  Innova5on.  

ETOWN  1.China's  first  cloud  compu5ng  server;  2.biggest  investment  in  a  single  industrial  project  in  Beijing  history  -­‐  the  BOE  G8.5  produc5on  line,  to  solve  China's  problems  in  the  LCD  TV  industry,  with  its  lack  of  cores  and  displays;  3.globally  unique  "Xingwang  mode"  from  the  Nokia  Xingwang  Industrial  Park,  where  more  than  20  famous  upstream  and  downstream  companies  are  establishing  the  most  integrated  industrial  chain  in  green  mobile  phones,  with  Nokia  playing  a  leading  role;  4.biggest  comprehensive  TV  program  producing  center  in  China,  in  the  XingGuang  Media  Park;  5.one  of  the  first  batch  of  demonstra5on  areas  for  applica5ons  of  photovoltaic  power  in  China;  6.biggest  wetlands  park  in  Beijing,  at  the  Nanhaizi  Country  Park;  7.top-­‐ranking  Chinese  bio-­‐vaccine  industrializa5on  base  in  produc5ve  power,  quality,  and  equipment,  at  the  Tiantan  Bio-­‐Vaccine  Industry  Base;  8.world's  first  complete  genomic  chip  detec5ng  system  for  SARS,  from  Etown  (Vector  Gene  Technology  Company  Ltd);  9.  first  na5onal  ecological  industry  demonstra5on  park  in  Beijing;  10.only  pharmaceu5cal  company  in  China  with  targeted  medicine,  only  company  expor5ng  vaccines  to  interna5onal  markets,  and  only  company  with  a  Japan-­‐listed  medical  R&D  company,  the  Beijing  Tide  Pharmaceu5cal  Co  Ltd;  11.China's  top  in  aerospace  industry  furnace  produced  in  E-­‐town  (by  Beijing  Aerospace  Wanyuan  Coal  Chemical  Engineering  Technology  Co  Ltd);  12.top  fan  manufacturer  in  China  (Beijing  Goldwind  Science  &  Crea5on  Windpower  Equipment  Co  Ltd);  13.most  advanced  LCD  glass  substrates  in  the  world,  to  be  produced  in  Etown,  Beijing  (Phase  II,  Corning  Display  Technologies  (China)  Co  Ltd);  14.best-­‐equipped  pharmaceu5cal  produc5on  base  in  Asia,  the  Bayer  Healthcare  Co  Ltd;  15.biggest  construc5on  project  in  the  history  of  Tongrentang  (Tongrentang  Tradi5onal  Chinese  Medicine  Moderniza5on  Industrial  Park);  16.first  produc5on  line  of  Varian  Associates,  outside  its  home  base  in  the  US,  in  Etown;  17.and,  first  Chinese  herbal  prepara5ons  produc5on  line  mee5ng  EU  standards,  at  Beijing  Yiling  Pharmaceu5cal  Co  Ltd.  


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In  the  most  recent  five-­‐year  plan,  there  is  a  chapter  dedicated  to  discussing  indigenous  innova,on.  It  also  calls  for  innova5on  to  strengthen  its  impact  on  industrial  development  and  the  overall  economy.    This  industry  upgrade  will  be  achieved  by  scien5fic  and  technological  innova5on.  


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With  all  the  talk  of  innova5on,  it  is  some5mes  misunderstood.  

Take  for  example  Thomas  Edison,  a  great  inventor  from  the  19th  century.    What  many  don’t  know  is  that  they  were  many  failed  inven5ons  under  his  name.  For  example:  from  the  beginning  of  the  mo5on  pictures,    various  inventors  akempted  to  unite  sight  and  sound  through  “talking”  mo5on  pictures.  In  1895,  Edison  offered  a  new  revolu5onary  product  called  the  Kinetophone:  which  achieved  the  desired  goal  of  synchronizing  sound  with  movies.    Aper  the  novelty  wore  off,  the  product  failed  commercially  and  it  was  taken  off  the  market.  It  took  18  years  for  another  product  to  succeed,  where  this  one  had  failed.  


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As  you  can  see  from  this  example:  Great  technology  alone  rarely  cons5tutes  Innova5on. �


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And  here  is  where  the  misunderstanding  lies:  

There  is  a  difference  between  inven5on  and  innova5on.    Inven5on  is    the  crea5on  of  new  ideas  for  products  or  processes;  where  as  Innova5on  relates  the  acceptance  in  society  of  these  new  products  or  process;  in  other  words  it  has  profitable,  sustainable  and  deployed  in  large  numbers.  


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With  this  defini5on  in  mind,  we  can  see  see  how  the  iphone  is  a  innova5on  even  though  Apple  didn’t  invent  anything  new.  But  what  it  did  well  was  to  bring  may  technologies  together,  enhanced  by  a  great  sopware  ecosystem  (the  App  Store)  and  thus  Apple  changed  the  way  millions  of  people  use  they  smart  phones.  Making  Apple  the  most  valuable  technology  company  in  the  World. �


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You  may  be  asking,  how  is  this  topic  of  Innova5on  relates  to  PXI?  That  ques5on  is  answered  by  Sir  Humphry  Davy,  a  Bri5sh  inventor  from  the  18th  century,  who  had  a  famous  assistant  call  Michael  Farady,    who  explained  how  important  instrumenta5on  is:    

Instruments  are  enablers  of  science  and  technology  and  thus  enablers  of  innova5on.�


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We  believe,  and  I  hope  you  do  as  well,  that  PXI  is  the  best  form  of  instrumenta5on.  It  is  true  enabler  for  innova5on  and  ready  in  par5cular  to  support  indigenous  innova5on:    Why?  

Because  with  the  PXI  architecture,  with  its  modular,  both  off-­‐the-­‐shelf  and  reconfigurable  hardware,    coupled  with  an  open  sopware  layer,  it  possible  to  now  leverage  exis5ng  knowhow  or  Intellectual  Property    (IP)  and  to  deploy  your  own  IP  into  custom  instrumenta5on. �


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PXI’s  modular  form  factor  also  enables  integra5on  of  latest  technologies.  From  the  latest  Data  Converters,  to  the  most  advanced  processors,  from  advanced  data  buses  to  FPGA,  PXI  architecture  accelerates  the  implementa5on  of  state  of  the  art  into  instruments.  

Furthermore  a  highly  produc5ve  programming  environment  can  abstract  complexity  of  using  advanced  technology,  and  thus  helping  engineers  to  be  more  proficient;  reducing  5me  from  idea  to  implementa5on. �


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Here  is  an  example  of  PXI  in  ac5on:  

“Triple  Play”  is  an  important  and  hot  research  area  in  the  communica5on  industry.  It  aims  to  transmit  telecommunica5on,  network  and  television  signals  in  the  same  medium,  and  will  eventually  change  the  way  people  get  access  to  high-­‐speed  internet  and  HDTV.  In  2010,  even  Chinese  Premier  Wen  Jiabao  advocated  facilita5ng  the  development  of  Triple  Play.  

HiNOC  is  short  for  High-­‐performance  Network  Over  Coax,  is  a  proposed  standard  to  implement  Triple  Play  in  China  and  is  supported  by  a  consor5um  of  Chinese  companies  and  research  ins5tutes,  including  HUAWEI  and  Peking  University.  It  is  an  excellent  example  of  indigenous  project.    

The  idea  is  to  u5lize  OOB  (out-­‐of-­‐band,  higher  than  860MHz)  of  Coax  to  achieve  high-­‐speed  network  access.  A  research  team  in  Peking  University  is  leading  the  effort  to  develop  ASICs  and  prototype  transceivers  for  HINOC  bridge  to  connect  backbone  network  and  coax,  as  well  as  for  HINOC  Modem  which  is  to  connect  Coax  and  terminals.  


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As  the  standard  is  s5ll  being  developed,  and  thus  there  is  no  turn-­‐key  test  solu5on  available.  PXI  plays  a  key  role  here  to  help  the  researchers  in  Peking  University  to  develop  customized  verifica5on  systems  in  a  short  5me.  PXI  modular  architecture  with  sopware  customizable  feature  naturally  makes  it  an  ideal  plarorm  to  quickly  construct  a  valida5on  system:  either  a  signal  source  emula5ng  signal  into  the  HiNOC  ASIC,  or  as  a  signal  analyzer  to  analyze  signal  out  of  HiNOC  ASIC.    The  researchers  in  from  Peking  NI  PXIe-­‐5641R  IF  transceiver  module,  which  has  onboard  FPGA  that  can  be  programmed  with  LabVIEW,  researchers  from  Peking  University  implements  real-­‐5me  signal  genera5on  and  processing.  

They  are  also  working  on  leveraging  the  sopware  developed  and  using  PXI  as  the  test  plarorm  later  in  the  design  cycle.  

(Note:  later  in  the  morning,  a  senior  engineer  from  Peking  University  will  come  on  stage  to  talk  about  this  research  project  more  in  detail)  


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Triple  play  project  is  a  good  example  of  indigenous  innova5on,  as  it  will  not  only  accelerate  the  development  of  informa5on  technology  in  China,  which  in  turn  will  have  a  posi5ve  social  impact,  but  also  generate  economic  benefits.    

Besides  next  genera5on  informa5on  technology,  Chinese  government  proposed  six  other  strategic  emerging  industries  in  the  12th  five-­‐year  plan.  These  industries  are  aiming  have  a  drama5c  growth  from  1%  to  7%  in  the  total  Chinese  GDP  in  the  next  5  years.  


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All  these  emerging  industries  have  an  impact  on  our  life  and  society.  Scien5sts  and  engineers  are  involved  in  every  emerging  industry,  and  PXI  is  helping  them  to  innovate  in  a  more  effec5ve  way.    

Reference:  Life  science:  Advanced  Cancer  Research  with  PXI  and  LabVIEW  Case-­‐study  link:      hkp://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/pub/p/id/468  

Material  Research:  Fabrica5ng  3D  Microstructure  and  High-­‐Resolu5on  Imaging  Using  NI  LabVIEW  hkp://sine.ni.com/cs/app/doc/p/id/cs-­‐663  


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Tradi5onal  industries  such  as  automo5ve  are  also  con5nuously  benefi5ng  from  Innova5on.  Take  the  example  of  hybrid  energy  vehicle  research:  The  department  of  Automo5ve  Engineering  of  Tsinghua  University  has  been  using  PXI  in  their  research  projects  for  a  long  5me.  Recently  they  have  developed  a  Hardware-­‐in-­‐the-­‐Loop(HIL)  test  system  based  on  PXI,  helping  them  verify  the  func5on  of  a  prototypes  of  electronic  control  unit  (ECU)  for  hybrid  energy  vehicles.  What’s  more,  they  use  the  same  sopware  tool  (LabVIEW)  in  different  stages  of  the  project,  from  sopware  simula5on,  to  HIL  test,  then  to  bench-­‐test  (台架试验),  re-­‐using  sopware  libraries  through  the  research  cycle  (最大程度重用了软件代码).  They  research  is  on  going  and  but  they  have  successfully  tested  the  prototyped  ECU  in  a  real  vehicle.  

(Notes:  actually  they  used  PXI  only  in  HIL  test  stage  in  this  projects,  but  LabVIEW  is  used  in  the  en5re  cycle.)  


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As  a  conclusion:  in  the  path  of  innova5on,  you  don’t  have  to  reinvent  the  wheel.    

With  the  PXI  plarorm  you  will  leverage  the  1,500  available  PXI  modules  from  over  50  vendors.  


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In  par5cular,  we  at  Na5onal  Instruments  invest  heavily  on  R&D  to  expand  the  reach  of  the  PXI  plarorm.  Many  of  you  know  that  we  use  this  graph,  with  its  x-­‐axis  represen5ng  sampling  rate,  and  Y-­‐axis  represen5ng  resolu5on.  You  can  chart  the  improvement  of  the  PXI  technology  over  the  years,  and  it  now  rivals  that  of  the  best  stand-­‐alone  instruments.  We  recently  announce  the  fastest  PXI  digi5zer  with  12.5  Gsamples/sec,  in  partnership  with  Tektronix.  Also,  we  strategically  acquire  companies  to  enhance  our  reach  into  more  advanced  applica5ons:  

I  am  happy  to  announce  at  the  PXI  TAC  2011  the  acquisi5on  of  Phase  Matrix,  which  will  further  improve  our  exper5se  in  the  RF  and  Microwave  domain  with  its  26.5  GHz  downconverter.  


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In  addi5on  to  HW,  thanks  to  the  modularity  of  the  Graphical  System  Design  sopware  architecture,  you  can  take  advantage  of  the  SW  toolkits  and  IP  created  by  many  to  accelerate  your  development.  You  can  also  add  your  own  IP,  and  even,  using  FPGA  technology,  you  can  instan5ate  the  IP  into  PXI  HW  modules. �


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And  lastly,  you  won’t  be  working  alone,  because  for  example  in  the  case  of  Na5onal  Instruments  we  have  a  local  team  of  applica5on  engineers  who  are  experts  in  PXI  and  have  knowledge  of  the  industry,  as  well  as  a  partner  ecosystem,  that  can  help  you  accelerate  the  path  to  INNOVATION.  

Thank  you!�
