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  • 7/28/2019 Pycnogenol Total Health



    French Maritime

    Pine Bark

    Special report

    Natures SuperAntioxidant for:

    Heart HealthInfammation

    Skin CareBlood GlucoseTravel Health

    Womens HealthSports Nutrition

  • 7/28/2019 Pycnogenol Total Health


    Natures Super AntioxidantLyle Hurd, editortotalhealth

    Heart HealthCholesterol Reduction

    Blood Pressure Control

    InammationRespiratory Health

    Skin CareSun Protection

    Wrinkle Reduction

    Blood GlucoseBlood Glucose ManagementEye Health

    Travel HealthThrombosis

    Swollen Feet and Ankles

    Womens HealthPain Relie


    Sports NutritionEnergy Enhancer

    Muscle Recovery, Pain and Cramp Reduction


    Writers ProflesFrank Schnlau, Ph.D.

    Steven Lamm, M.D.totalhealth magazine, 2007 by Total Health Communications, Inc., 165 North 100 East, Suite 2, St. George, Utah 84770-2505; 435-673 -1789. All rights reserved. Allrights o published portions belong to publisher. The intent o totalhealth magazine is to increase ones knowledge o developments in the eld o natural health. Thisinormation is not intended as medical advice or individual problems. We recommend that you obtain advice rom your physician or healthcare proessional or anymedical condition.












    PYCNOGENOLFrench Maritime Pine Bark

    editor /publ isher Lyle Hurd

    associate publ isher

    market ing director

    Richard Hurd

    associate edi torsParris M. Kidd, Ph.D.Scientific Advisor

    Jacob E. Teitelbaum, M.D.Complementary Medicine

    Aftab J. Ahmed, Ph.D.

    Jonny Bowden, Ph.D ., CNS

    Hyla Cass,M.D.

    Robert Crayhon, M.S., C.N.

    Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.

    Gloria Gilbre,N.D., DAHoM., Ph.D.

    Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., CNSStephen Holt,M.D.

    Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.

    Rhonda LenairEnergy Medicine

    Michael T. Murray, N.D.

    Sherrill Sellman, N.D.

    Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., N.D.

    Flora Stay,DDS

    Judi Quilici-Timmcke, M.S.

    Lorna Vanderhaeghe, M.S.

    editor ia l consultant

    Linda Harker

    contr ibutors

    Dallas Clouatre, Ph.D.

    Kat James

    James B. LaValle, R.Ph.

    art d irector

    Jeff Ham

    art department

    Katherine Owens

    circulat ion managerTerry Jones

    2 totalhealth special report

  • 7/28/2019 Pycnogenol Total Health


    The benets o plant extracts

    continue to weave their wayinto our everyday healthroutines as we each look to naturalmeans to enhance our eeling o well-being. Pycnogenol (pic-noj-en-all),a natural plant extract that originatesrom the bark o the maritime pine treeis no exception.

    The healing powers o pine barkhave been used or centuries. In 1534,French explorer Jacques Cartier and hiscrew are believed to have been nursedback to health by local North AmericanIndians ater suering rom deadlyscurvy, a severe deciency o vitaminC. They drank prepared teas and other

    concoctions using pine needles andtree bark to relieve the scurvy, improvewound healing and various otherailments. The tea was eective becausethe needles contained traces ovitamin C and the bark provided largequantities o biofavonoids. Today, pinebark is still utilized or its medicinal

    benets, though in dierent ways thanyears ago.Pine trees rom which Pycnogenol is

    produced are grown as a mono-speciesorest, spread over the coastal regiono southwest France, in Les Landesde Gascogne. The orest is locatedalong the Bay o Biscay, between thevineyards o Bordeaux to the Northand the Pyrenees Mountains to theSouth. This unspoiled and naturalorest environment is the uniquesource o Pycnogenol. The pine treesgrow entirely without pesticides andrepresent Europes largest orest. Itsan ideal botanical source because theextracted components are not subject

    to seasonal variations like most other

    plants, which is important or having ahigh batch-to-batch consistency o theproducts. Pycnogenol adheres to strictgood manuacturing practice (GMP)guidelines, ensuring its saety andecacy as a natural ingredient.

    Pycnogenol is commonly knownas a super-strength antioxidant but

    its health benets reach ar beyondits antioxidant capabilities. Theunique combination o procyanidins,biofavonoids and organic acids oerextensive health benets, which includecardiovascular and circulatory health,anti-infammatory, skin care and anti-aging, diabetes care, venous health and

    menstrual disorders.Advanced scientic research onPycnogenol has intrigued researchersand chemists alike or the past40 years. With over 220 scienticpublications to date on this superantioxidant, each new study urtherreinorces the validity o Pycnogenols

    versatile health benets and yieldsnew and exciting breakthroughsin alternative therapies that couldpotentially improve the quality o lieor millions o people.

    Natures Super Antioxidant totalhealth special report 3

  • 7/28/2019 Pycnogenol Total Health


    Did you know heart disease is

    one o the leading causes odeath in most countries o theworld? The World Health Organization(WHO) estimates 17 million people dieo cardiovascular diseaseparticularlyheart attacks and strokes every year.

    With these staggering statistics,many individuals are becoming

    aware o the everyday health risksassociated with cardiovascular diseaseand are looking or sae and naturalalternatives to prescription medicine tohelp manage symptoms and enhancethe health o their hearts.

    Pycnogenol oers an abundanceo research or heart and circulatory

    health and inhibits the most dangerousrisk actors. In act, Dr. Ronald Watson,at the University o Arizona, publisheda review in Evidence-Based IntegratedMedicine and introduced the concepto Pycnogenol acting as a naturalpolypill or heart health due to itsabundance o cardio health properties.

    Further, clinical researchdemonstrates the antioxidant ispowerul in reducing infammationin the body, strengthening thevascular system, lowering high bloodpressure and cholesterol, ghtingthe eects o smoking, stress andother environmental risk actors onthe heart. Its important to note thatliestyle changes, primarily involvingmore physical activity and dietaryinterventions can also signicantly altermajor cardiovascular risk actors.

    Cholesterol ReductionPycnogenolwas ound in our clinicaltrials to lower the bad (LDL) cholesterol

    and increase the good (HDL)

    cholesterol. One study conductedat the University o Caliornia, Davispublished in the journal Lipids,recorded that supplementation withPycnogenol signicantly reducedthe LDL cholesterol levels (badcholesterol) in the blood while theHDL levels (good cholesterol) were

    elevated. A dierent trial recordedmen with mild high cholesterol whosupplemented with Pycnogenol overa period o three months signicantlylowered both total cholesterol and thebad cholesterol (LDL) by 9.4 percentand 16 percent, respectively. Mostrecently, a double-blind, placebo-

    controlled clinical trial with 200menopausal women ound thatPycnogenol lowered LDL and increasedHDL cholesterol ater six months.

    Blood Pressure ControlBest selling author, Dr. RobertKowalski, singled out Pycnogenol as

    a secret weapon in his new bookTake the Pressure O Your Heart whichocuses on lowering blood pressurenaturally in eight weeks. Dr. KowalskisPycnogenol recommendation supportresearch ndings, which include someo the ollowing.

    A study published in Lie Sciencesrecorded Pycnogenol being tested inhigh blood pressure patients receivingtreatment with a prescription calciumchannel blocker niedipine. Almost60 percent o the patients whosupplemented with Pycnogenol wereable to cut their prescribed medicationdosage by hal to keep their bloodpressure in a healthy range. Moreover,

    Heart Health

    4 totalhealth special report

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    Pycnogenol was shown to signicantlyimprove impaired endothelial nitric

    oxide unction in these individuals,meaning it relaxes constricted arteriesand normalizes blood platelet activity.

    Pycnogenol was also shown tosignicantly lower blood pressure inpatients with mild hypertension.

    A common heart health risk isincreased stickiness o blood

    platelets, which can cause blood clotsto orm in the body. The blood plateletsbecome sticky due to risk actorsmentioned above such as stress, highblood pressure, diabetes, and smoking.The event o blood clotting in a vesselcan cut o tissue rom its oxygensupply and can potentially cause heart

    inarction and stroke.Dr. Ronald Watson at the Universityo Arizona discovered that Pycnogenollowers platelet activity in individualswho have increased platelet activitycigarette smokers. It was shown to

    be as eective or controlling plateletactivity as aspirin but without the

    adverse eect on bleeding timethat characterizes aspirin use. Thismeans Pycnogenol assists in naturallyreducing the risk o blood clots thatrestrict blood fow through bloodvessels. Consequently, Pycnogenol hasearned a patent in the United States orregulation o platelet unction due to

    this research.Dr. Watsons most recent researchpublished in Cardiovascular Toxicologyreveals Pycnogenol helps avoiddamage that high blood pressurecauses to the heart. The mouse studydemonstrates Pycnogenol counteractsthe wearing out o the heart that may

    be o aid to the ve million Americansliving with heart ailure. He alsomentions that alternative treatmentssuch as Pycnogenol are crucialcomponents in the ght against heartdisease. totalhealth special report 5

  • 7/28/2019 Pycnogenol Total Health


    Infammation in the body can

    be a result o allergies, asthma,arthritis, stress or even minorsinus or wound inections. Scientistsare now realizing how harmulinfammation is to the body, especiallyi let untreated.

    Pycnogenol helps reduceinfammation by neutralizing harmul

    ree radicals released by infammation.Backed by a decade o research, one othis antioxidants primary health benetsis its role as an anti-infammatory.

    A study published last year in theJournal o Infammation demonstratedthe eectiveness o Pycnogenol inpreventing harmul infammation

    induced by inappropriate immuneresponse. A typical example o harmulinfammation is an asthma attack. Oneo the prominent study researchers,Dr. Petra Hgger, explains that theimmune cells in the bronchi perceiveharmless substances as oreign,provoking an infammation response.

    This infammation does not haveinectious materials to attack so itturns on tissue, causing swellingsin the bronchi and greatly impairingbreathing. Pycnogenolproved eectiveat preventing this kind o infammation.The clinical study conducted at theUniversity o Wrzburg in Germanyshowed that a 200 mg daily oral intakeo Pycnogenol lowered the activity onuclear actor-kappa B (NF-B), theimmune cell trigger or infammation,in a group o healthy volunteers.

    Respiratory HealthAs mentioned above, asthma isbelieved to be the result o infammatory

    processes o the bronchi, which causes

    them to constrict and swell, aggravatingairfow, and prompting obstructiono the airway. A clinical study carriedout by Dr. Ronald Watson at theUniversity o Arizona demonstrated thatPycnogenol helped asthmatics improvetheir breathing ability.

    Pycnogenol also exhibited promise in

    the management o childhood asthmaas outlined in a study published inthe Journal o Asthma. The researchersound that 60 children ages six to 18years with mild to moderate asthmawere able to signicantly reduceor discontinue their use o rescueinhalers when they supplemented

    with Pycnogenol, whereas as theplacebo group experienced no benet.The breathing ability o childrengradually improved during the threemonths supplementation periodwith Pycnogenol. According to oneo the authors o the study, BenjaminLau, Ph.D., School o Medicine,

    Loma Linda University, Pycnogenolsantioxidant activity coupled with itsanti-infammatory properties sootheirritations that cause the bronchi toswell, making breathing dicult inasthmatics.

    One in three people suer romallergies; which are an overreactiono the bodys immune systemtoward substances it deems harmul.Allergens, such as in hay-ever, causingnegative reactions rom the body arecommonly pollen, dust, mite andanimal hair. When a person who isallergic comes in contact with one othese allergens, mast cells release thetissue-hormone histamine. The


    6 totalhealth special report

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    With our worldwide climateand environmental changes,skin care has become an

    imperative. Today we are looking oroptimal protection against the sunsharmul rays while trying to maintain abalance and enjoy the health benetso the outdoors.

    One o Pycnogenols basicmechanisms o action is its ability tobind to the skins collagen and elastin,

    providing a wealth o health benets.The super-antioxidant inhibits collagenand elastin degradation by destructiveenzymes and helps ght harmul reeradicals in the process. The result isincreased skin elasticity and smoothnessand prevention against wrinkles.

    Sun ProtectionExposure to UV-light generates harmulree radicals largely responsibleor sunburn. Sunburn is in actinfammation caused by ree radical-induced damage o tissue. Researchshows Pycnogenol eectivelyneutralizes harmul ree radicalsoriginating rom UV rays that saturatethe skin. Dr. Lester Packer rom theUniversity o Caliornia, Berkeley andDr. Ron Watson rom the University oArizona, Tucson together conducted astudy demonstrating that consumptiono Pycnogenol supplements protectagainst sunburn. Findings in the studyo 21 healthy volunteers revealed that

    it took twice as much UV irradiationbeore their skin began to redden.

    Additional research carried out by

    Dr. Suzann Sime at the Universityo Sydney, Australia, demonstratedthat Pycnogenol applied topicallysubsequent to UV exposure signicantlyreduced irritated skin and swelling romsunburn. Pycnogenol lotion was oundto reduce the long-term UV damageto the skin. While Pycnogenol is not a

    sunscreen by itsel, using a sunscreenor skin care product that includes theantioxidant reduces the damage to theskin cells caused by UV-light and deesthe photo-aging o the skin.

    Wrinkle ReductionWe have established that Pycnogenol

    acts as a collagen stabilizer by bindingto collagen in the skin. This contributesto keeping skin rm and preventingwrinkles. The super-antioxidant alsoimproves microcirculation o tiny skincapillaries, which in turn supportsbetter oxygen, nutrient and hydrationsupply to the skin. These actions workin sync to give skin a healthier lookand vibrant glow. A variety o healthyskin ormulas such as cosmeticlotions, unctional beauty beveragesand skin nutrition supplementscontain Pycnogenol or these reasons.Moisturizers and gels also deliver theantioxidants photo-aging deying andcollagen renewal eects.

    histamine in turn triggers sneezing,nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing,itching and bronchial swellings.According to studies, Pycnogenolwas ound to inhibit the release o

    histamine rom mast cells that were

    aggravated by an irritant. And, sincethis powerul antioxidant is an anti-infammatory, it inhibits production opro-infammatory mediators helping torelieve swelling and making breathing


    Skin Care totalhealth special report 7

  • 7/28/2019 Pycnogenol Total Health


    The World Health Organization

    (WHO) estimates upwardso 180 million people aresuering rom some orm o diabetestoday. Organizations like the AmericanDiabetes Association work non-stopto raise awareness o diabetes andrecognize health advances being madeeveryday. Natural alternative therapies,

    like Pycnogenol

    , are making headwayin helping mange diabetes symptoms.

    Blood Glucose ManagementHigh blood glucose levels need routineblood sugar monitoring, medicationand diet. Let untreated the elevatedblood glucose takes its toll on the

    health o blood vessels, nerves,kidneys, and eyes.In a clinical study published in

    Diabetes Care, scientists discoveredthat type II diabetes patients hadlower blood sugar and healthier bloodvessels ater supplementing withPycnogenol. The study demonstrated

    that patients with mild type II diabetes,ollowing a regular diet and exerciseprogram, were able signicantly tolower their glucose levels when theysupplemented with Pycnogenol.Dosages as low as 50 mg signicantlylowered blood glucose and 100 mgurther lowered blood sugar levels,whereas higher dosages did onlymarginally urther increase the eect.

    Published in Lie Sciences,Pycnogenol was also tested in type IIdiabetes patients who were continuingtheir conventional anti-diabeticmedications to control their bloodsugar. Ater 12 weeks o supplementingwith 100 mg o Pycnogenol a day,

    the antioxidant signicantly loweredthe asting blood glucose levels ascompared to the placebo.

    A new study just published in thejournal oDiabetes Research and ClinicalPractice demonstrates Pycnogenol

    delays the uptake o glucose rom a

    meal 190 times more than prescriptionmedications, preventing the typicalhigh glucose peak in the blood streamater a meal. The research revealedFrench maritime pine bark, Pycnogenolis more potent or suppressingcarbohydrate absorption in diabetesthan the synthetic inhibitor acarbose,a common prescription medicationor treatment o type II diabetes. Alead researcher o the study, Dr. PetraHgger investigated the interactiono Pycnogenol with the enzymealpha-glucosidase, which breaksdown carbohydrates in a meal. Thecarbohydrates enter the blood streamsteadily over prolonged periods,

    Blood Glucose

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    enhancing the digestive cycle andprolonging satiety.

    Eye HealthDiabetes can also cause eye

    complications that can lead toirreversible eye damage i not managedcorrectly. Diabetic retinopathy isa disease aecting the capillariessupporting the retina, which turn brittleand leak blood into the retinal tissue. Inturn, the light-sensing cones and rodsin the retina decay, causing irreversible

    vision loss. It has let almost 5 millionblind worldwide and is a leading causeo blindness in people under the age o60 in industrialized nations.

    Five clinical studies with morethan 1200 patients have consistentlydemonstrated that Pycnogenol reduces

    retinal micro-bleedings and seals leakycapillaries halting gradual vision loss.

    Pycnogenol was investigated in anItalian trial or treatment o patientsdiagnosed with diabetic-, hypertensive-

    or atherosclerotic retinopathy. Atertwo months o Pycnogenol treatment,the intensity o retinal bleedings wassignicantly reduced. Most noteworthyis the slight improvement o visualacuity in response to Pycnogenoltreatment, whereas visual acuity in theplacebo group urther deteriorated.

    Some 1169 diabetic retinopathypatients were treated with Pycnogenol

    in a multi-center eld study in Germany.The outcome showed that Pycnogenoldid not only successully stop urtherdeterioration o visual acuity, but also inmany patients improved eyesight.

    Restlessness and the age-oldquestion Are we there yet?arent necessarily the only

    side eects o long trips. The dangerso travel related health problems haveattracted attention in recent years dueto the expanding number o casesbeing documented. Several healthcomplications may arise on longairplane fights or car rides due to thebody being in a cramped position orhours at a time. Complications canoccur in just about any environment oprolonged sitting.

    ThrombosisPycnogenol was shown to protectpassengers on long-distance fightsrom developing thrombosis, aormation o a clot inside the blood

    Travel Health totalhealth special report 9

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    vessel that obstructs the blood fowthrough the body. A research studyconduced by Gianni Belcaro testedthe antioxidant in a group o 200high-risk individuals or developing

    thrombosis. Subjects remained ina sedentary position or prolongedtime during more than eight hourso long-distance travel, mostly onfights between London and New York.These conditions are known to causepooling o venous blood in the legs,which contributes to the development

    o thrombosis. The result showedve incidents o thrombosis in the97 subjects in the placebo group. Incontrast, none o the 101 high-risksubjects in the Pycnogenol treatedgroup developed thrombosis duringthe long-distance fight.

    Swollen Feet and AnklesThe eeling o heavy legs and swolleneet and ankles, oten accompaniedby painul cramping typically occursin people who have to sit or standin a position or prolonged periods,and those who lack proper regularexercise. The basement membrane

    o walls o veins is weakened, makingit dicult or blood vessels to resistgravity orce driven eusion o plasmainto surrounding tissue. In someindividuals the swellings may progressto chronic venous insuciency (CVI).I this disease is let untreated severecomplications with may develop.

    Pycnogenol was shown in bothpre-clinical and clinical studiesto strengthen capillary walls andprevent edema, the swelling o legsand ankles. Dr. Peter Rohdewalddiscovered through his research thatPycnogenol seals brittle capillariesand thus stops outfow o blood intothe tissue, which causes swellings,

    edema and micro-bleedings. Pastresearch tells us Pycnogenol is anti-infammatory and inhibits a broadrange o enzymes that are known tocontribute to weakness o capillary

    walls.To date 15 clinical studies with a total784 patients with venous insuciencyhave been conducted. The majority othese studies resulted in Pycnogenolbeing more eective in reducing legand ankle swelling o the lower limbsthan other common treatments o

    CVI. And quite requently, Pycnogenolsignicantly alleviated the symptomsassociated with CVI, such as pain,cramps, eeling o heavy legs andreddening in a much lower dosagethan other treatments.

    Pycnogenol was tested in asituation where it is common to

    experience swellings o the lowerlegs and eet, on long distanceairplane fights. Published in Clinicaland Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis,the study recorded 169 passengerson long-distance fights were giveneither placebo or Pycnogenol priorto departure and again six hours

    later on the fight. Passengers whosupplemented with Pycnogenolexperienced less leg and ankle swellingand discomort than passengers takingthe placebo.

    Pycnogenol represents an eectivemeasure or reducing swelling in thelegs, ankles and eet and protectsagainst venous insuciency andthrombosis and other complications othe conditions like CVI and deep veinthrombosis (DVT). When we gatherthe research together, it comes as nosurprise that in Switzerland and othercountries, Pycnogenol is registered asan over the counter product or venousinsuciency and better circulation.

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    As many women know rsthand,

    menstrual related pain canbe a monthly discomort.Today, women are trading their hotwater bottles and ibuproen or otherremedies to alleviate pain without sideeects. The natural botanicalextract Pycnogenol showspromising research and

    health benets or womenin relation to menstrualdiscomort, infammation andendometriosis.

    Pain RelieTwo Japanese gynecologists,Dr. Takaumi Kohama and

    Dr. Nobutaka Suzuki initiallydiscovered that Pycnogenolsoothes menstrual pain in anexploratory trial published inthe European Bulletin o DrugResearch. Abdominal pain dueto endometriosis was reducedin 80 percent o the patients

    and cramps disappeared in 77 percento the women taking Pycnogenol. Thisstudy was submitted as part o thepatent application and Pycnogenolearned a U.S. patent or use in thereduction o pain and discomortassociated with menstrual disorders.A second study carried out in Japan

    indicated women required less painmedication during their menstrualperiod when they supplementedwith Pycnogenol. The 47 womeninvestigated had signicantly lessabdominal pain and recordeda 36 percent drop in their painscore compared to pre-treatment.Interestingly, the longer Pycnogenol is

    taken, the better the results.

    Dr. Suzuki recently completed amulti-center eld study on Pycnogenolor menstrual pain. Four hospitals inJapan investigated a total number o116 women suering rom menstrual

    pain. Results showed that Pycnogenoltreatment lowered pain duringmenstruation, which was refectedby a signicant reduction o painmedication used.

    EndometriosisIn certain cases, severe menstrualpain is caused by endometriosis,which causes the cell layer that is shedduring menstruation to be infamedand become painul. Endometriosisaects women in their reproductiveyears and is estimated to aect overone million women in the UnitedStates. Symptoms vary and can includechronic pelvic pain and inertility.

    Womens Health totalhealth special report 11

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    ncorporating Pycnogenolinto your daily routine lends

    many health benets or sportsnutrition. There are several importantways Pycnogenol helps our bodyadjust to physical activities andstrenuous exercise. First, the super-antioxidant properties make it idealto ght dangerous eects o reeradicals as a result o exercise whichdemands excess energy rom thebody. Free radicals can lead to agingand degenerative health conditions.Additionally, oxidative stress can aectmuscle tissue and possibly rupturemuscle cells. According to researchpublished in Lipids, Pycnogenol willsignicantly extend the antioxidantnetwork in a perorming athlete.

    Strenuous exercise is known toinvolve muscle damage, which

    may be ollowed by symptoms oinfammation. One o Pycnogenolscore mechanisms o action is its anti-infammatory eects.

    Energy EnhancerPhysical exercise increases ourbodys need or oxygen. The bloodfow characteristics play a key roleor oxygen supply to muscle, returno carbon dioxide to the lungs anddelivery o lactic acid to the liver.Only sucient muscle oxygenationwarrants aerobic energy generationand prevents anaerobic build-upo lactic acid. Research in GeneralPhysiology and Biophysics demonstrated

    The possibility o improvingendometriosis with Pycnogenol wasinvestigated in a clinical study with 58women receiving either Pycnogenolor Leuprorelin, a hormonal treatment

    that blocks estrogen production.Recently published in theJournalo Reproductive Medicine, treatmentwith Pycnogenol gradually decreasedmenstrual pain rom initial severepain to moderate pain at trial end. Thepain score was lowered signicantlyby 33 percent during the treatment

    period. Pycnogenol was eective orslowly but steadily decreasing pelvicpain rom initial severe to moderatepain. Leuprorelin was signicantlymore eective; however, a dramaticrelapse occurred within 24 weeks aterdiscontinuation. Because leuprorelintreatment completely blocks estrogen

    in the body, it must be discontinued

    ater 24 weeks because o side eects.As expected Leuprorelin drasticallylowered womens estrogen level. Incontrast, over the entire treatmentperiod Pycnogenol did not infuence

    womens estrogen level.This study shows Pycnogenol issignicantly eective or improvingendometriosis, though it is notas eective as estrogen-inhibitionwith Leuprorelin. The advantage oPycnogenol is the absence o severeside eects. Interestingly, ve women

    actually got pregnant who participatedin this trial and as we know withendometriosis, it can be dicult toget pregnant. We look orward toconducting more research on thistopic and urther establishing thissuper-antioxidant as a potent naturalremedy to aid with monthly menstrual


    Sports Nutrition

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    Pycnogenols ability to improve bloodfow characteristics, helping the bodyachieve peak muscle perormance andintegrity.

    Nitric oxide (NO), the mostprominent vascular mediator, enhancesblood fow and plays a key role orthe vascular response to exercise.Pycnogenol has the capacity tosupport vascular requirements duringexercise and accelerates productiono endothelial nitric oxide. I the body

    experiences insucient production oNO, the blood fow is impaired.The link between this super antioxidant

    and sports endurance was rst studiedseveral years ago at Caliornia StateUniversity. Recreational athletes showedan increase o athlete endurance whilesupplementing with Pycnogenol as

    compared to endurance recorded romparticipants taking the placebo.

    Muscle Recovery, Pain and CrampReductionMuscle cramping is a commonproblem or people o all ages, rangingrom the t to people who suer

    rom health problems. An increase inphysical activity can lend itsel to soremuscles and atigue, which can takeseveral days to subside.

    A study published inAngiology showsthat supplementation with Pycnogenolimproves blood fow to the muscleswhich speeds recovery ater physicalexercise. The study demonstratedthat Pycnogenol signicantly reducesmuscular pain and cramps in athletesand healthy, normal individuals. Poorcirculation in the muscle is knownto cause cramps and the antioxidantimproved the cramping in patients dueto a stimulation o blood fow to theirmuscle tissue.

    According to one o the leadresearchers o the study Dr. PeterRohdewald, the ndings indicate that

    Pycnogenol can play an importantrole in sports by improving blood fowto the muscles and hastening post-exercise recovery. This is great news tothe millions o athletes worldwide andextremely signicant or all individualsinterested in muscle cramp and painrelie with a natural approach.

    As new research breakthroughson Pycnogenol or sports nutritioncontinue to be discovered, thendings thus ar seem to indicate thatPycnogenol plays an important role orsports nutrition. totalhealth special report 13

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    has emerged as asae and versatile supplementin todays marketplace. It is

    backed by a body o research thatsubstantiates its health benetsor a variety o conditions and

    truly exemplies a gold standardingredient. While the studies presentedin this booklet provide adequateinormation, the quest or deeperunderstanding continues, as does theresearch on Pycnogenol.

    Innovative products are readilyavailable and Pycnogenol is soldindependently and also in combinationwith other ingredients in antioxidantproducts, heart health ormulas or skincare products. As a super-strengthantioxidant it synergistically works

    together with a number o dierentingredients to provide a powerul andnatural alternative therapy.

    Look or Pycnogenol in your localhealth ood store, drugstore, andgrocery store or on the Internet.There is a wide variety o brandsand ormulas to choose rom and

    over 600 dietary supplements,combination ormulas, cosmetic andunctional oods and beverages includePycnogenol worldwide. Always look orthe Pycnogenol brand name or qualityguarantee. While no set guidelinesexist or recommended dosages,standard product ormulas range rom

    30 mg100 mg per capsule. Sciencetells us that anywhere rom one totwo capsules (or up to 100 mg) oPycnogenol can be taken daily ormaximum eectiveness.

    With the array o innite choices onatural products available today, itsimportant to choose a sae product

    and one that has been proven eectivethrough numerous research studies. Tolearn more inormation on this superantioxidant, visit

    Look, eel and live better withPycnogenol.


    14 totalhealth special report

    To learn more about Pycnogenol

  • 7/28/2019 Pycnogenol Total Health


    Frank Schnlau, Ph.D.Director o Scientic CommunicationsHorphag ResearchFrank Schnlau, Ph.D. is a biochemist and accomplishedresearcher having authored several published clinicalstudies on the super-strength antioxidant Pycnogenol.He is considered one o the oremost experts in the

    industry on Pycnogenol and his realm o expertiseincludes vascular diseases, chronic infammation,autoimmune diseases and diabetic retinopathy. Duringthe past nine years with Horphag Research, the originaldevelopers o Pycnogenol, Dr. Schnlau has worked

    as director o scientic communications and is responsible or managing andexecuting Pycnogenol research projects. He is an accomplished industry speakerand has authored a variety o scientic documents on Pycnogenol and its versatile

    health applications. Dr. Schnlau graduated rom the University o Munster,Germany with a degree in chemistry and subsequently earned a biochemistry.

    Steven Lamm, M.D.Steven Lamm, M.D., nationally known health expert, isa widely respected medical practitioner and proessor

    o medicine. Currently, Dr. Lamm serves as ClinicalAssistant Proessor o Medicine New York University-Bellevue, is a best selling author and has conductedseveral clinical trials. He graduated rom ColumbiaUniversity with a BA and earned his Medical Degreerom the New York School o Medicine. Dr. Lamm haslogged more than 250 national TV network appearancesincluding ABCs The View and discussed a variety ohealth and medical topics.

    Writers Profles totalhealth special report 15

    Pycnogenolis a registered trademark of Horphag Research Ltd. Use of this product isprotected by one or more of U.S. patents #5,720,956 / #6,372,266 and other internationalpatents.

  • 7/28/2019 Pycnogenol Total Health


    Today, it's a wise

    decision to be healthy.

    You can help accom-

    plish your goals by

    understanding the

    importance of adding

    Pycnogenol, natures

    super antioxidant,

    to your wellness


    Pycnogenol bene-

    fits extend beyond

    fighting free radicals.*

    Scientific studies

    have demonstrated

    Pycnogenol support

    of improved blood

    circulation, the key to

    a better quality of life.*

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    Pycnogenol Natures Super Antioxidant French maritime pine bark extract is all natural, science based, clinically tested, proven safe, and consistent in quality.

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Pycnogenol is a registered

    trademark of Horphag Research, Ltd, Guernsey, and its applications are protected by U.S. patents #5,720,956 and #6,372,266. 2007 N atural H ealth S cience I nc.

    For a complete list of scientific research and to learn more about all the remarkable benefits of Pycnogenol and what it can do for you contact: NHS at 877.369.9934 or visit our