pyfr: technical challenges of bringing next generation ......techniques employed 1. abstract the...

PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation Fluid Dynamics to GPUs F.D. Witherden Department of Aeronautics Imperial College London 1

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Page 1: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation

Fluid Dynamics to GPUsF.D. Witherden

!Department of Aeronautics Imperial College London


Page 2: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce


• Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is the bedrock of several high-tech industries.

• Desire amongst practitioners to perform unsteady, scale resolving simulations, within the vicinity of complex geometries.


Page 3: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce


Page 4: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

Current Generation CFD

• Optimised for steady state problems.

• Numerics established in the 1980s:

• assumes FLOPS are expensive…

• and memory bandwidth plentiful.


Page 5: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

Next Generation CFD

• To make unsteady simulations practical on an industrial scale we need:

• new numerics;

• new hardware;

• new implementations;

• new rules…?


Page 6: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce


• Our solution PyFR.

• A high-order compressible Navier-Stokes solver for 3D unstructured grids.

• Designed from the ground up to run on NVIDIA GPUs.

• Written entirely in Python!


Page 7: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

The FR in PyFR

• Uses flux reconstruction (FR) approach;

• can recover well-know schemes including nodal Discontinuous Galerkin (DG).

• Majority of operations element-local.

• Can obtain over 50% of peak FLOPS.


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The Py in PyFR

• Leverages PyCUDA and mpi4py.

• Makes extensive use of run-time code generation.

• All compute performed on device.

• Overhead from the interpreter < 1%.

• Just 5,000 lines of code.


Page 9: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

PyFR In Practice


• Flow over a cylinder:





• Isosurfaces of density at Ma = 0.2; Re = 3900.

Page 10: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

Scalability of PyFR

• Performance has been evaluated on the Emerald cluster;

• one of the largest GPU clusters in the UK;

• 372 NVIDIA M2090s.

• Nodes connected via QDR InfiniBand.


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Scaling: Weak• Problem size kept in proportion.








1 2 4 8 16 32 64 104








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Scaling: Strong• Problem size kept constant.











1 2 4 8 16 32NVIDIA M2090s



Page 13: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

Techniques Employed

1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives.

2. Use Python to reduce boiler plate code and facilitate run-time kernel generation.

3. Improve communication efficiency by GPUDirect and CUDA-aware-MPI.


Page 14: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

Using Common Abstractions• Writing portable and maintainable FLOP-

intensive code is non-trivial.

• But, CUDA comes “batteries included” with a range of high-performance primitives:

• cuBLAS; cuSPARSE; cuFFT;

• …


Page 15: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

Using Common Abstractions• Example from PyFR: inside each element

• have data at ;

• want to interpolate to ;

• are a linear combination of .


Page 16: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

Using Common Abstractions• Can cast this as GEMV:





• Each element has its own Mij.


= Mij

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Using Common Abstractions

• Performant a decade ago.

• But, today GEMV is bandwidth bound.

• Storing an Mij per-element is also expensive.

• Solution: adapt the numerics!


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Using Common Abstractions• Consider transforming each element to a

reference element.



• Mij become identical for each element:

• a single GEMM.


Page 19: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

import Python!

• Why Python?

• Interpreted, supports duck typing, garbage collection, exceptions…just like every other scripting language.

• But makes it extremely easy to call C, FORTRAN, and CUDA code.


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import Python!

• Python and CUDA are a great fit:

• overheads from Python masked by the asynchronous nature of CUDA.

• With PyCUDA it can help deliver run-time code generation to the wider community:

• think C++ templates on steroids.


Page 21: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

import Python!• In fluid dynamics we need the flux:



• System closed through an equation of state.

• Implement this generally in PyFR using Mako.


u =








f(u) =






+ p ⇢vy










+ p ⇢vz










+ p



(E + p) v


(E + p) v


(E + p)



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import Python!


fpdtype_t invrho = 1.0/s[0], E = s[${ndims + 1}]; ! // Compute the velocities fpdtype_t rhov[${ndims}]; % for i in range(ndims): rhov[${i}] = s[${i + 1}]; v[${i}] = invrho*rhov[${i}]; % endfor ! // Compute the pressure p = ${c['gamma'] - 1}*(E - 0.5*invrho*${'rhov[{i}]', i=ndims)}); ! // Density and energy fluxes % for i in range(ndims): f[${i}][0] = rhov[${i}]; f[${i}][${ndims + 1}] = (E + p)*v[${i}]; % endfor ! // Momentum fluxes % for i, j in pyfr.ndrange(ndims, ndims): f[${i}][${j + 1}] = rhov[${i}]*v[${j}]${' + p' if i == j else ''}; % endfor

Page 23: PyFR: Technical Challenges of Bringing Next Generation ......Techniques Employed 1. Abstract the numerics in terms of well-understood performance primitives. 2. Use Python to reduce

Improving Communication• In multi-GPU simulations we need to perform

halo exchanges between GPUs.


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Improving Communication

• Traditionally requires an explicit device↔host

transfer on each end.

• Copy must be marshalled by the application and integrated with MPI_Isend/Irecv

• MPI can not start until cudaMemcpy[Async] has finished.


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Improving Communication

• With a CUDA aware MPI implementation:

• MPI_Isend(device_ptr, …).

• Let the MPI implementation handle the copy:

• intra-node communication can exploit GPUDirect: device↔device.


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Improving Communication

• Not just simpler; better performance too.

• Transfers can be pipelined to permit better overlap.

• If you are very lucky can even exploit GPUDirect over RDMA.


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Improving Communication• What about Python?

• With the git master branch of PyCUDA:


from mpi4py import MPI !def send_cuptr(cubuf, nbytes, dest, tag): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD pybuf = cubuf.as_buffer(nbytes) return comm.Isend(pybuf, dest, tag)

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