python frameworks web 2.0 programming with django and...

Professional Python ® Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django ® and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing, Inc.

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Page 1: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

ProfessionalPython® Frameworks

Web 2.0 Programming with Django®

and TurboGears™

Dana Moore

Raymond Budd

William Wright

Wiley Publishing, Inc.

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Page 2: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

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Page 3: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

Professional Python® Frameworks

Web 2.0 Programming with Django®and TurboGears™

Acknowledgments ....................................................................................... xiii

Introduction ................................................................................................ xxi

Part I: Introduction to Python Frameworks

Chapter 1: Web 2.0, Python, and Frameworks .................................................3

Chapter 2: Web 2.0 with Traditional Python ..................................................19

Chapter 3: Introducing the Frameworks ........................................................47

Part II: TurboGears

Chapter 4: Introduction to TurboGears ........................................................101

Chapter 5: User Identity and Visitor Tracking ..............................................137

Chapter 6: Widgets ...................................................................................169

Chapter 7: Advanced TurboGears Topics .....................................................203

Part III: Django

Chapter 8: Dblog: A Blog Implemented in Django ........................................241

Chapter 9: Django Views and Users ............................................................275

Chapter 10: Advanced Django Topics: AJAX, RSS, and More ........................305

Part IV: Advanced Client-Side Topics

Chapter 11: MochiKit — Pythonic JavaScripting .........................................337

Chapter 12: Flash-Based Interfaces and TurboGears ...................................359

Appendix A: Tools Used ............................................................................395

Index ........................................................................................................405

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Page 4: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

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Page 5: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

ProfessionalPython® Frameworks

Web 2.0 Programming with Django® and TurboGears™

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Page 6: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

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Page 7: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

ProfessionalPython® Frameworks

Web 2.0 Programming with Django®

and TurboGears™

Dana Moore

Raymond Budd

William Wright

Wiley Publishing, Inc.

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Page 8: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

Professional Python® Frameworks: Web 2.0 Programming Django® and TurboGears™Published byWiley Publishing, Inc.10475 Crosspoint BoulevardIndianapolis, IN

Copyright © 2007 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

Published simultaneously in Canada

ISBN-13: 978-0-470-13809-0

Manufactured in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Moore, Dana, 1947- Professional Python frameworks : Web 2.0 programming with Django and Turbogears / Dana Moore, Raymond Budd, William Wright. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-13809-0 (pbk.) 1. Web site development. 2. Python (Computer program language) I. Budd, Raymond, 1976- II. Wright, William, 1964- III. Title. TK5105.888.M663 2007 006.7'6—dc22


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Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books.

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Page 9: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

For Jane, who, in our 35 years of love, has encouraged in me the belief that I can reach for and attain higher goals than I could ever imagine. And for my cherished daughter Caitlin, who is for me both luminous and a conductor of

light; both possessing genius and having the power to stimulate it in others.—DM

For Leah. You continually amaze me with your thoughtfulness, unwavering support, and above all your remarkable ability to make me laugh and smile. Also for my sisters, who have helped me out so many different times in so many

different ways.—RB

For my two favorite girls, Karan and Annette. Your encouragement and inspiration make all things seem possible.—WW

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Page 11: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

About the AuthorsDana Moore is a division scientist with BBN Technologies and is an acknowledged expert in the fields of peer-to-peer and collaborative computing, software agent frameworks, and assistive environments. Prior to joining BBN, Dana was chief scientist for Roku Technologies and a distinguished member of technical staff at Bell Laboratories. Dana is a popular conference speaker and a university lecturer. He has written articles for numerous computing publications and coauthored the books Peer-to-Peer: Building Secure, Scalable, and Manageable Networks; Jabber Developer’s Handbook; and Rich Internet Applications. Dana holds a Master of Science degree from the University of Maryland and a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial design, also from the University of Maryland.

Raymond Budd is a software engineer with BBN Technologies. He has designed, developed, and sup-ported a variety of web applications and other distributed systems in Java, Ruby, and Python. He has been published in several conference proceedings such as the Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and journals including Applied Intelligence. Additional areas of interest include knowledge representations, knowledge engineering, and distributed planning and scheduling. He received a Bache-lor of Science degree in computer science from the University of Pittsburgh.

William Wright is a senior principal investigator with SPARTA, where he develops networking software for systems distributed across the globe. His interests include real-time embedded systems, software architecture for reuse, and software agent frameworks. A frequent conference speaker, William has also written for Dr. Dobb’s Journal, Java Developer’s Journal, and Embedded Systems Programming, among others. He coauthored the books Jabber Developer’s Handbook and Beginning Java Networking. William holds a Master of Science degree in computer science from George Mason University and a Bachelor of Music degree in education from Indiana University.

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Page 13: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,

CreditsAcquisitions EditorJenny Watson

Development EditorMaureen Spears

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Page 15: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,


The authors wish to thank the industry leaders who shared their thoughts with us in interviews. We thank Kevin Dangoor, creator of TurboGears, for sharing his insights on the design and development of Web 2.0 applications and the evolution of web application tools. We also appreciate the insights of Adrian Holovaty, leader of the Django project, whose thoughts on high-level languages for web applica-tions show where we’ve been and where we’re going.

We express our thanks to Edward Benson for his help managing the source code for this book. Thanks also to Patrick Pinkowski for his assistance with the cover photo. We are especially grateful for the efforts of Maureen Spears, our development editor at Wiley. Her combination of high standards and encourage-ment made the development of this book a joy.

Finally, and most importantly, we thank our friends, families, and significant others for their forbearance. Writing is a solitary activity that tends to exclude others, even those most important to us, and we appre-ciate all their support and promise to somehow make up for the lost time and opportunities.

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Page 17: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,


Acknowledgments xiiiIntroduction xxi

Part I: Introduction to Python Frameworks

Chapter 1: Web 2.0, Python, and Frameworks 3

The Starting Line 4What’s Web 2.0? 4The History of Application Design for Content Creation (In One Easy Dose) 4

The Role of AJAX in Web 2.0 10Leveraging the Power of DSLs 10Leveraging the Power of TurboGears 11Leveraging the Power of Django 12Leveraging the Power of Python 12Comparing the Frameworks 13

The Historical Perspective 13Controller Invocation 14

Summary 17

Chapter 2: Web 2.0 with Traditional Python 19

Old-School Web Technologies 19XML 19HTML 21HTTP 23SQL 24JavaScript 25CGI and Python 25

A Simple Example 25Architecture 29The HTML Page 30The JavaScript Code 33The Database 38The Python CGI Program 42

Summary 45

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Chapter 3: Introducing the Frameworks 47

Web Application Frameworks 48MVC in Web Application Frameworks 48Common Web Application Framework Capabilities 50

Introduction to TurboGears 52TurboGears History 52Main TurboGears Components 52Alternate Components 53MVC Architecture in TurboGears 53Creating an Example Application 54The Controller and View 61

Introduction to Django 71Django History 71Main Django Components 71Alternate Components 72MVC Architecture in Django 72Creating an Example Application 73

Summary 92

Part II: TurboGears

Chapter 4: Introduction to TurboGears 101

TurboGears Components 101TurboGears Models (SQLObjects) 101TurboGears Controllers 102TurboGears Views (Kid Templates and MochiKit) 103TurboGears Widgets 104

An Example: A Simple Blog Site 104Creating the Project 105Defining the Model 105Using TGCrud 108Creating the Blog Author Views with TGCrud 110Creating the Blog Entry Views with TGCrud 118Replacing the Blog Welcome Page 128Changing Your Site’s Look and Feel 131

Summary 136

Chapter 5: User Identity and Visitor Tracking 137

Tracking Visits through Cookies 138Managing User Identity 140


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User Identity Model Objects 140Identity Configuration Options 143Other Identity Framework Components 144Using the Identity Model Objects 144Using the Identity Module 150

Visitor Tracking 159Visitor Tracking Model Objects 160Visitor Tracking Configuration Options 161Visitor Tracking Plug-Ins 162Adding Visitor Tracking 162

Summary 168

Chapter 6: Widgets 169

TurboGears Widgets 170Using the Widget Browser 172Using Existing Widgets 173

Defining the Model Object 173Accepting User Comments 174

Creating New Widgets 185Creating a Simple Hello Widget 185Creating a Comment Widget 189

Summary 201

Chapter 7: Advanced TurboGears Topics 203

Your Assignment 204The Operational Concept 205Designing the Model 206

TurboGears Toolbox 206The Model 210The Controller 216

The View 227Adding RSS Feed Capability 234Summary 237

Part III: Django

Chapter 8: Dblog: A Blog Implemented in Django 241

Django Design Philosophies 241An Example: A Simple Blog Site 242


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Initializing the Project 242Initializing the Application 245Creating the Model 246Exploring the Model with Django’s Admin Interface 251Creating the Views 255

Summary 273

Chapter 9: Django Views and Users 275

Template Inheritance 276The DRY Problem 276Defining a Base Template 277Using the {% extends %} Directive 279

Generic Views 282List-Detail Generic Views 282Other Generic Views 284

User Authentication and Authorization 285Installing User Management 285The User Model 286Authenticating a User 287Enhancing the Base Template 290User Permissions 293Creating a User 297

Summary 303

Chapter 10: Advanced Django Topics: AJAX, RSS, and More 305

AJAX and Django 306MochiKit 306Django Serialization for AJAX 307AJAX-ified Blog Example 311

Django Add-Ons 320django.contrib Add-Ons 320Other Add-Ons 321RSS in Detail 321

Deploying Django with Apache HTTPD 327Installing and Configuring Apache 327Configuring Other Items 328

Summary 329


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Part IV: Advanced Client-Side Topics

Chapter 11: MochiKit — Pythonic JavaScripting 337

Why MochiKit? 338What Is MochiKit? 341

What’s Inside MochiKit? 341MochiKit.Async 342MochiKit.Base 349MochiKit.DOM 351MochiKit.Logging 352MochiKit.Signal 352MochiKit.Visual 355MochiKit Miscellany 357

Summary 357

Chapter 12: Flash-Based Interfaces and TurboGears 359

The Flex Difference 359What’s Flex and Why Should I Use It? 360

A Flex2-based Blog 380The Supporting Model 381The Application Controller 382The Flex Front-End 384FBlog’s MXML Implementation 385Deconstructing FBlog 387

Summary 392

Appendix A: Tools Used 395

Index 405


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Page 23: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,


We Python developers have always been a proud lot, able to create desktop solutions with a variety of user experience libraries, ranging from GTK to PythonCard to WxPython. We Pythonists have always prided ourselves in being the best example of an end-to-end, batteries-included delivery system that could create anything imaginable for the desktop user. Even in the early days of the Web, Pythonistas led the way with Zope, and later Twisted.

Imagine the surprise of many of us when Ruby on Rails appeared suddenly and seemed to suck all the air out of the room when the topic of Web 2.0 frameworks was discussed. Python’s rarely challenged position of agile-language king of the desktop hardly mattered anymore.

Most Python developers had become accustomed to having a common set of rich client APIs for Win-dows, MAC OS X, and Linux. Thus, many Pythonists, although familiar with the Rich Client Platform (RCP) model, were suddenly in the uncomfortable and unfamiliar position of having fallen behind in the emerging Web 2.0 world.

Now this status quo has changed, and there are two strong end-to-end frameworks (Django and Turbo-Gears) available for the Python Web 2.0 developer. Even if you haven’t had exposure to the buzzwords or development model for Web 2.0 applications, this book will help you along that path. AJAX (Asyn-chronous JavaScript and XML), for example, is a hugely important element of the Web 2.0 interaction model, and it is well covered and explained in examining both Django and TurboGears.

In addition, there’s now growing recognition, even in the most stolid of enterprises, of an important shift in customer demand that promises to change the very foundations of how we develop and deploy applica-tions. Customers are now specifying Web 2.0 capabilities in new applications development and even in ret-rofitting current applications to this new model, and the Web itself is undergoing a shift from a collection of news articles, static forms, and bulletin boards to a virtual application-hosting platform in and of itself.

This book is right at the front of this trend for Python developers. Together, we will explore the elements of this change in browser-based applications—from greater dynamism and responsiveness to faster de-velopment cycles to greater embrace of social networking. In this book, the objective is to prepare both the corporate and the independent developer to take advantage of this new emerging landscape. As the world of shrink-wrapped boxes of client-side software begins to wane, a new ecology of Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) is emerging to bring both developers and end users new benefits that take full ad-vantage of today’s connected world. Python developers who can reap the benefits of this new ecology will prosper and stay at the front of their professional ranks.

Who Is This Book For? This book is for people who are (or want to be) professional web application developers. In this book, you’ll see how to take advantage of the latest technology to create compelling web applications, and cre-ate them fast . All of the techniques and technologies you’ll see in this book are designed to help you get a professional website up quickly, without creating an unmaintainable pile of spaghetti code.

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We do assume that you know at least a little Python. If you’re not already on the Python bandwagon, maybe the tools and techniques in this book can convince you to hop on. Python is a very readable language and there are tons of good tutorials and references in print and on the Web to help you get up to speed.

What Is This Book’s Focus? Like our readers, the authors are all professional corporate software developers who use agile languages such as Python and Ruby with Web 2.0 techniques to deliver network-based applications to real custom-ers, both commercial and government. We know that the quickest road to understanding code and APIs is to review working code examples, but often books consist of a stream of simple didactic examples. Al-though this approach may reveal important points of a topic, it ultimately leaves you unfulfilled because the examples don’t build anything more compelling outside the context of the point the author is trying to make. This book builds an interesting and feature-complete application in each of three paradigms (Django, TurboGears, and Flash/Flex2-fronting TurboGears) as a unifying theme holding the book together and to give you points of comparison for multiple Python-based solutions to the same problem.

Leveraging the Rest of the Book: The Roadmap As mentioned back at the beginning of this introduction, this book was written by and for developers. We developers (you included) are a simple tribe. Give us some fun examples to work with and we’ll figure out everything we need for working through them. So that’s the goal for the book—to cover the important topics in Web 2.0 and show you how to achieve results using a combination of Python and modern frameworks.

Part I: Introduction to Python Frameworks In Chapter 1 , “Web 2.0, Python, and Frameworks,” you’ll have a whirlwind history lesson about applica-tion development from the desktop to the Web 2.0 era. You’ll see how the need for web frameworks evolved and how some of the early responses (think J2EE) failed for most developers. You’ll have a brief introduction to the set of tools used later in the book, including AJAX, domain-specific languages (DSLs), Python, TurboGears, Django, JavaScript, and so on. At the end of this chapter, you’ll understand how they are not just the new thing, but a fundamentally different and better thing.

In Chapter 2 , “Web 2.0 with Traditional Python,” you’ll see an example of Web 2.0 created without using any frameworks at all. That will help to reinforce the notion that you can use normal Python libraries to write perfectly good Web 2.0 applications. This chapter offers a tutorial web application that demon-strates this point. All the hallmark features of a modern Web 2.0 application, including AJAX interaction and XMLHttpRequest (XHR) handling using a combination of Python CGI scripting on the server and JavaScript on the browser, will be shown. From the example application, you’ll be able to understand that the skills you already have can produce Web 2.0 applications that are as compelling as those pro-duced by advanced frameworks.

However, after you finish Chapter 3 , “Introducing the Frameworks,” chances are good you will never want to return to writing modern RIAs the painful old-school way. You’ll be introduced to an easier way to combine Python with frameworks to write Web 2.0 applications, and get initial exposure to both frameworks covered by the book. After this chapter, you will have a much greater appreciation of why frameworks are important, why they are likely to save major time and frustration in the development cycle, and what characterizes a framework. The differences in creating an application using only the techniques explained in Chapter 2 ver-sus using the frameworks approach should be much clearer by the end of this chapter. The chapter ends with


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an engaging interview with Kevin Dangoor, creator of TurboGears, who has clarity of vision and appreciation for the Zen of Python that all Pythonistas will appreciate.

Part II : TurboGears Chapter 4 (“Introduction to TurboGears“) begins Part II, which features the in-depth exploration of TurboGears, perhaps the most complete development tool suite available to the Python developer. This chapter shows a sophisticated and complete (yet accessible) application delivered in TurboGears. The chapter also introduces the concept of HTML templates and template engines, as well as client-side AJAX scripting and data model handling on the server side.

In Chapter 5 (“User Identity and Visitor Tracking“), you learn about the crucial issues surrounding user-level security and other user-management issues and the TurboGears library support for user manage-ment. This chapter also examines how you can use the visitor tracking components of TurboGears to capture statistics about the logged-in and anonymous users that visit your site.

In Chapter 6 (“Widgets”) you explore the details of TurboGears widgets as you implement your own widget and use it throughout an example application. A widget is a key component in TurboGears that bundles HTML, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to provide all aspects of a single slice of functionality.

Chapter 7 (“Advanced TurboGears Topics”) covers important TurboGears functionality that hasn’t been covered in the previous chapters. This chapter is dedicated to presenting all the other things you need to know when working with TurboGears—the things that you encounter quickly after departing the famil-iar terrain of pages and single-table models.

Part III : Django Chapter 8 (“Dblog: A Blog Implemented in Django”) begins the in-depth coverage of Django by revisiting the familiar ground of Chapter 4 , except this time in Django instead of TurboGears. This chapter shows you how Django automates the production of common web development tasks so that you (the developer) can concen-trate on higher-level application issues instead of low-level handling of data. Specifically, you’ll see how Django supports MVC separation of concerns in a way that’s different than TurboGears.

Chapter 9 (“Django Views and Users”) again covers familiar ground but also points out the differences in implementation detail. In this chapter, you’ll see how to leverage Django’s generic views to make common tasks simple. You’ll also see how Django’s built-in user management functions can help you manage user permissions and identities.

Chapter 10 (“Advanced Django Topics: AJAX, RSS, and More”) shows you some of Django’s unique strengths with its roots in content management. You’ll see how to serve RSS feeds and AJAX-enabled applications, too. As a bonus, this chapter includes an interview with Adrian Holovaty, the original lead developer of Django.

Part IV : Advanced Client-Side Topics JavaScript is a necessary evil in most AJAX applications, but in Chapter 11 (“MochiKit—Pythonic JavaScripting”) you’ll see how to use the most Pythonic JavaScript toolkit to make the process less painful.

Chapter 12 (“Flash-Based Interfaces and TurboGears“) presents an exciting pairing of technologies, TurboGears and Macromedia’s Flash SDK. Although Flex is not itself open source, all modern browsers


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build in the capability to host Flash, and a large number of widget sets have been developed that do not require a developer investment in Macromedia’s integrated development environments (IDEs). Using Flash opens an additional layer of possibilities for professional developers. This chapter covers two open source strategies that enable developers to roll out Flash-based applications. The Flex2 platform is not open source, but it is free for development and deployment, and is at the core of many new applications. ActionScript is an open source wrapper class library that provides a full set of desktop-style widgets rivaling those provided in client operating systems.

What You Need to Run the Examples Don’t get out your checkbook—all of the software you need to run the examples in this book is open source or free. The specific instructions for downloading, installing, and configuring each tool are in Appendix A . As you move into a production environment, you may want to incorporate commercial software as your database or web server, but you don’t need any commercial software to run the code in this book. You can find the latest copy of the code on Wiley Publishing’s Wrox site ( ).

Conventions To help you get the most from the text and keep track of what’s happening, we’ve used a number of con-ventions throughout the book.

Code has several styles. If we’re talking about code within the text (such as helloForm ), it appears in this font .

In code examples we highlight new and important code with a gray background.

The gray highlighting is not used for code that’s less important in the present context, or has been shown before.

Note that most long blocks of code include listing numbers and titles, as shown in the following exam-ple. Most of these listings contain code that have numbered lines so that the authors can more easily refer to specific lines and listings during the discussions that generally follow the code block.

Listing 2-1: Simple XML Example

1 <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’ISO-8859-1’?>

2 <top>

3 Text within the “top” element.

4 <sub1 attrib=”anAttribute”>

5 Text within the first “sub1” element.

6 </sub1>

7 <sub1 another_attrib=”secondAttribute”>

8 Text within the second “sub1” element.

9 <subsub1>

10 Text in < brackets >

11 </subsub1>

12 </sub1>

13 <sub2/>

14 </top>


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Sometimes you see a mixture of styles. For example, if certain sections of code are changed and are being discussed, they are presented in bold as shown in the following example.

Listing 2-10: Pet O

1 ####################################################

2 # A simple class to hold a petowner’s name and

3 # a list of pets

4 ####################################################

5 class PetOwner :

6 def __init__( self, firstname, lastname, pets):

7 self.firstname = firstname

8 self.lastname = lastname

9 self.pets = pets


11 def __str__( self):

12 ret = self.firstname+” “+self.lastname+\

13 “ has %d pets named”%len(self.pets)

14 for p in self.pets:

15 ret = ret + “ “ + p


17 return ret

Here are some other styles used in the text:

❑ New terms and important words are italicized when first introduced.

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Page 29: Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears Dana Moore Raymond Budd William Wright Wiley Publishing,


Let Us Know What You Think We hope you find the material in this book as useful as we do. We believe that the power of Python for web frameworks is revolutionizing web development. We’ve tried to put together examples and expla-nations that make this clear and engaging. Please let us know if we’ve succeeded.

Dana Moore ( [email protected] )

Raymond Budd ( [email protected] )

William Wright ( [email protected] )


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