q1. codes and conventions. evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge codes and conventions of real media products? Gina Rimmer

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge codes and conventions of real media products? Gina Rimmer 2. I have followed the codes and conventions of a documentary. I have framed my interviews to the left or right. The interviews have to be filmed up close or in medium close up. When filming I had to remember the rules of thirds, where the eyes are lined up with the upper horizontal line and each eye is where the upper horizontal line intersects with a vertical line.The eye - line is the opposite direction to the side they are sat. The mise - en - scene is relevant to the topic, so therefore in most of my interviews I had something to do with books behind the interviewee, it anchors the theme throughout the documentary. The graphics have to be to lines when the interviewee first appears on screen. The first line in large type telling the audience who the person is, the second line in smaller type telling and their relevance to the topic. The voice over is the narrative throughout the documentary and provides factual knowledge. The cutaways are away to avoid jump cuts, they also show what the interviewee is talking about it. The way in which you put cutaways into documentaries is by editing out the questions and in its place putting a cutaway. Music is used as a background noise, it helps when the opening titles are playing so there is sound but no one speaking. My Documentary Professional Documentary 3. Bold title that stands out. Channel logo. Eye catching photo, that is relevant to the documentary. Catchy slogan. Scheduling information. Simple colour scheme. My Print Advert Professional Print Advert I have followed the codes and conventions of a Radio Trailer. 4. I have followed the codes and conventions of a Radio Trailer. The radio trailer has to be brief, minimum 30 seconds. Background music or sound effects have to be used. Clips from the documentary/programme are used to grab the audiences attention. The voice over is in standard English, the voice over provides information about the programme and holds the narrative of the trailer. At the end of the trailer is the title of the programme, the scheduling and finally the channel. My Radio Trailer Professional Radio Trailer