
Logo: The masthead is written in the same font for every issue, however they have changed it for certain occasions such as the Halloween issue. By doing this this it makes the magazine logo recognizable and identifiable to its audience. The logo is simplistic, yet it looks clear and professional, which adds to the professionalism of the magazine overall. The reason for calling the magazine ‘Q’ originates from old fashioned vinyl decks as not only does the Q resemble the record players but the act of placing the record onto the player was called ‘Cueing’. This suggests that maybe ‘Q’ is a more traditional and old fashioned magazine. The Q is written as white bold capped letter against a bright red square background, by having white against red it really makes it stand out, catching the eyes of the audience. Additionally if the magazine was on a shelf full of other magazines the logo would make it stand out from all the others due to the contrasting colors. Red is also has connotations of wealth, dominance, royalty and class which highlights the fact that Q is a high end magazine, which also tells us as it’s a high end magazine that it will cost more than some other magazines. This also tell’s that the audience of the magazine will have to be of high class as well, as well as this red is usually associated with males more than females despite it being a unisex color, which also tells us more about the audience. Full bleed: The full bleed is a picture of the indie pop artist Lana Del Rey, the picture is a mid shot, from her waist upwards. The cover model, is slightly in front of the masthead, this is because Q’s logo is so well known and recognizable it doesn’t matter if some of it is cover by the model. The body language that she portrays accompanied by her facial expression could be seen as seductive, as she is slightly pouting and is staring right into the camera, as if she is looking directly at the audience/reader. Additionally Lana isn’t wearing much makeup, this may be to give the impression that she is pure, innocent and fragile, although she has quite dark eyes which make her look slightly haunted as she is so pale. The haunted look is also supported by the fact that she has blood dripping down the side Audience: The primary target audience for this magazine is ABC1, males aged 15-35, individualist's with a interest in the media, music and the news. The secondary audience is ABC1 females aged 15-35, individualists with interests in the media, Price and Barcode: The barcode on this magazine has been put on the bottom right hand corner, the main reason for the barcode being there is so Bauer Media Group the publishers of this magazine can see how many are being sold. The price of the magazine is fairly expensive and this is due to its target audience being ABC1, they expect a certain amount of professionalism from the magazine for their money and to do this the magazine company's have to make money. Additionally the target audience are able to afford this magazine due to the jobs they most likely have. Main Sell Lines: The main sell line featured on this magazine is ‘Lana Del Rey, So What’s So Bloody Good?’ . The fact they have written ‘Lana Del Rey’ the name of the artist shown on the full bleed links them two together, additionally if the audience see this in a shop and they don’t nessecarly read the magazine normally they might buy it as they have seen a artist they like on the front. More over they use a play on words, ‘bloody’ which is associated with the fact Lana has blood dripping from her face. This is a good way to link the two together and also engaging their audience. Other Sell Lines: Some of the other sell lines include’140 songs you must download now!’ ‘Exclusive Pro Green track’ and ‘Jay-Z and Kanye West on the throne’. All of these sell lines adhere to the house style of the magazine, which are black and and red. These sell lines give the audience a taster of what's going to be featured in the magazine. Date and Issue Number: The date and issue number are mainly used by collectors or regular buyers of Q magazine. This lets the reader know which issue it is, so they can check their collection and see if they have it already, or additionally if it’s a new one and they haven't bought it yet.

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Q(1)

Logo:The masthead is written in the same font for every issue, however they have changed it for certain occasions such as the Halloween issue. By doing this this it makes the magazine logo recognizable and identifiable to its audience. The logo is simplistic, yet it looks clear and professional, which adds to the professionalism of the magazine overall. The reason for calling the magazine ‘Q’ originates from old fashioned vinyl decks as not only does the Q resemble the record players but the act of placing the record onto the player was called ‘Cueing’. This suggests that maybe ‘Q’ is a more traditional and old fashioned magazine. The Q is written as white bold capped letter against a bright red square background, by having white against red it really makes it stand out, catching the eyes of the audience. Additionally if the magazine was on a shelf full of other magazines the logo would make it stand out from all the others due to the contrasting colors. Red is also has connotations of wealth, dominance, royalty and class which highlights the fact that Q is a high end magazine, which also tells us as it’s a high end magazine that it will cost more than some other magazines. This also tell’s that the audience of the magazine will have to be of high class as well, as well as this red is usually associated with males more than females despite it being a unisex color, which also tells us more about the audience.

Full bleed:The full bleed is a picture of the indie pop artist Lana Del Rey, the picture is a mid shot, from her waist upwards. The cover model, is slightly in front of the masthead, this is because Q’s logo is so well known and recognizable it doesn’t matter if some of it is cover by the model. The body language that she portrays accompanied by her facial expression could be seen as seductive, as she is slightly pouting and is staring right into the camera, as if she is looking directly at the audience/reader. Additionally Lana isn’t wearing much makeup, this may be to give the impression that she is pure, innocent and fragile, although she has quite dark eyes which make her look slightly haunted as she is so pale. The haunted look is also supported by the fact that she has blood dripping down the side of her face and she doesn't’t seem to be effected by this in any way. Lana has her hair curled which also supports the fact that she looks innocent as when you think of innocent you think of little girls with ringletted curly hair. Additionally the fact that she is wearing a white dress and a silver crown gives her a angelic look.

Audience: The primary target audience for this magazine is ABC1, males aged 15-35, individualist's with a interest in the media, music and the news. The secondary audience is ABC1 females aged 15-35, individualists with interests in the media, music and the news.

Price and Barcode: The barcode on this magazine has been put on the bottom right hand corner, the main reason for the barcode being there is so Bauer Media Group the publishers of this magazine can see how many are being sold. The price of the magazine is fairly expensive and this is due to its target audience being ABC1, they expect a certain amount of professionalism from the magazine for their money and to do this the magazine company's have to make money. Additionally the target audience are able to afford this magazine due to the jobs they most likely have.

Main Sell Lines: The main sell line featured on this magazine is ‘Lana Del Rey, So What’s So Bloody Good?’ . The fact they have written ‘Lana Del Rey’ the name of the artist shown on the full bleed links them two together, additionally if the audience see this in a shop and they don’t nessecarly read the magazine normally they might buy it as they have seen a artist they like on the front. More over they use a play on words, ‘bloody’ which is associated with the fact Lana has blood dripping from her face. This is a good way to link the two together and also engaging their audience.

Other Sell Lines: Some of the other sell lines include’140 songs you must download now!’ ‘Exclusive Pro Green track’ and ‘Jay-Z and Kanye West on the throne’. All of these sell lines adhere to the house style of the magazine, which are black and and red. These sell lines give the audience a taster of what's going to be featured in the magazine.

Date and Issue Number: The date and issue number are mainly used by collectors or regular buyers of Q magazine. This lets the reader know which issue it is, so they can check their collection and see if they have it already, or additionally if it’s a new one and they haven't bought it yet.