
In What ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media text

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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In What ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and

conventions of real media text


In our teaser trailer we had the title of our film just like 500 days of summer. 500 days of summer

title is shown throughout the teaser whereas ZOE Grace was shown at the end of the teaser.The reason for this is because, we wanted to be the last thing our audience see, so that they remember our teaser and encourage them to watch it.

500 days of summer title is shown multiple times, each time the text was in a different colour. We wanted ZOE GRACE to have the same colour theme throughout so our audience can recognise our brand identity.

Company Ident

In nowhere boy the company ident is simple and shown at the beginning of the tease with no voiceover. Zoe-Grace company ident is shown near to the end of the clip this is because, we wanted our audience to be familiar with our brand. we chose for our company ident to be quite simple due to our film being an independent style film. just as The Weinstein Company uses a simple design to introduce the company we wanted to do the same. We didn’t include any flashing images, or transitions as this would make the ident too busy, and we really wanted to stick with the simple style that worked well with our film.