
How did you attract/address your audience? I attracted the audience by a range of things in my magazine. Such as, the language, font, contents, images, masthead, layout. I used informal language to address my audience as it is the best way to get their attention. Using slag and informal writing means they can relate to the magazine and will understand it better, I used some swearing, to make the text seem more recognizable to the audience. As my target audience is for people who are interested in music and are a bit on the edge, meaning they will obviously swear like most teenagers. The content in my magazine reflects what I found out from my audience research. The image I have used on the front cover I thought would attract the audience as he is around the same age of my target audience; he is also wearing the type of clothing my target audience would wear. The guitar also lets the audience know that it is a music magazine. The image I used on my double page spread would also attract my audience as it look quirky and different which interests people and would make them want to read the article. The images for the contents page are of concerts, which the target audience wanted when answering my questionnaires. The mast head that I have used is across the whole page which is attractive and stands out. A small part of the image goes across it but it makes it look professional. . It is big, bold and red with a stroke around it to make it standout even more. The font I used is a rock/indie themed font so it is going to attract my target audience. The colours I used throughout my magazine were the colour’s which my target audience picked. I think the colours I have used are very effective. My main colour was yellow at first however it didn’t work well and didn’t stand out as much as what I would of liked. I chnaged it to red which still stood out. As my audience wanted to a “freebie”, I added a splash which included a competition of winning free music. Which they download, I chose the downloads as it seems more realistic and that’s the most popular way people get their music. I assumed that the people would be knowledgeable in the genre of music or they would not be buying or looking at a magazine they are not interested or knowledgeable of.

Upload: samfairclough

Post on 19-Jun-2015




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How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted the audience by a range of things in my magazine. Such as, the language, font, contents, images, masthead, layout.

I used informal language to address my audience as it is the best way to get their attention. Using slag and informal writing means they can relate to the magazine and will understand it better, I used some swearing, to make the text seem more recognizable to the audience. As my target audience is for people who are interested in music and are a bit on the edge, meaning they will obviously swear like most teenagers. The content in my magazine reflects what I found out from my audience research. The image I have used on the front cover I thought would attract the audience as he is around the same age of my target audience; he is also wearing the type of clothing my target audience would wear. The guitar also lets the audience know that it is a music magazine. The image I used on my double page spread would also attract my audience as it look quirky and different which interests people and would make them want to read the article. The images for the contents page are of concerts, which the target audience wanted when answering my questionnaires.The mast head that I have used is across the whole page which is attractive and stands out. A small part of the image goes across it but it makes it look professional. . It is big, bold and red with a stroke around it to make it standout even more. The font I used is a rock/indie themed font so it is going to attract my target audience.The colours I used throughout my magazine were the colour’s which my target audience picked. I think the colours I have used are very effective. My main colour was yellow at first however it didn’t work well and didn’t stand out as much as what I would of liked. I chnaged it to red which still stood out.As my audience wanted to a “freebie”, I added a splash which included a competition of winning free music. Which they download, I chose the downloads as it seems more realistic and that’s the most popular way people get their music. I assumed that the people would be knowledgeable in the genre of music or they would not be buying or looking at a magazine they are not interested or knowledgeable of.